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Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Dec 1929, p. 4

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1929 sr -- PAGE FOUR Be Ovhaws Bally Times THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER An vidopendont newspaper published Sundays nnd (aga) holidays ot Osbawe onsapi Conede Mundy Printing | Chee Ay Arn Provident; A R , Bee rotary, The Oshaws Dally Times is » member of the Cone dian Prose, the Canadian Dally Newspapers Av sosintion. The Ontario Provincial Dailies snd the Audit Buresw of Clrenlations SUBSCRIPTION RATES oliversd vier, 15s » week By mall in Canade P BY Suerte, Ie er) Bates, 40 ¢ vemr) oes bates 0 8 your TORONTO OFFICE ' Building, 00 Temperance Brent, Telephone " yield 0107 HD Tresldder, representative SINV B Povenr i bi hig (A and Chisago TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1929 JONTRIBUTIONS MEAN PERBONAL al INTEREST ah The committee which Is in charge ol the raising af the Welfare and Christmas Cheer hs frankly diss appointed with the response af the eitieens so far, There ls gratitude for the generosity of these whe have already made thelr donations to the fund, sines they have provided a splendid foundation on whieh to build, But the dalappointment comes fast that so far, comparatively few of the eltigens have #8 yet subscribed, In fact, alter making allows ances for eontributions from groups of employees of different kinds and for organigations, it ean be aid, quite' safely, that only shout five per cent of the homes of Oshawa are represented in the list to date, with the ether ninety-five per cent as yet unheard from, While there is no desire to depreciate the substans tial gifts whieh have been made by these whe, bee cause of thely eireumstances, are able to eentribule in & large way, there Is still abundant epportunity for the thousands who ean make smaller eantribytions, When & person makes & contribution to any aus, that contribution carries with it a personal interest in the gauss, The money given is, in & sense, ah fhe vestment, having made the Investment, the donors feel that they have a definite personal part in the mavement, and are intensely interested In Its sueeuss From that standpoint, the financial sueeess of the appeal fs not the only standard by whieh it ean be measured, 11 would be far more successiul if thew sands uf oitisons had given as they were able, sven if only in sums ranging from one to five dollark for these donations, while they would earry the fund wp to the figure whieh it is deslved to reach, a sum of about ten thousand dollars, would show a general ins terest In the welfare werk of the ety that would make for ite sompleta suoeens, For this reason, The Times once again joing with the officials of the Wels fare and Christmas Cheer Fund (n asking for & mare general support of their werk, and for the thousands of small contributions which have not as ye been fortheoming, , INTEREST IN THE HARBOR Now that the Daminion government has taken an active Interest In the development of Oshawa's har bor, there are no limits 10 the extent to whieh that development may he used for (he upbuilding of Osh» awd The chief essential, however, is that it be made the subjeet of close study and wise guidance for the next few years, All the werk to he dene cannot be gompleted in one year, ner in two of three, but a start has been made, and, it is hoped, progress will he eontinued until Oshawa has a harbor sueh as many of ity eitisens have been working for during the past few years, and auch as will be a eredit to the eity and a real asset 10 ity future Under these eironmstances, the Chamber of Come meres is aang wisely In appelnting a special come mittee 10 study the future development and utilis von of the Oshawa harber, Such a committer ean find plenty of seeps for ussiul work, for during the next few years the intereata of Oshawa will have to be closely watehed, 10 will be necessary to make Fepresentations fo the government se that the work whieh has been started will be earvied through to its Jogieal conclusion, It will be necessary to make the best use of the facilities provided for the attracting of industries to which harbor sites are essential And all of this will have ite effect on the future of the eity, With a modern and eampletely equipped hare bor, Oshawa will be in a position 10 go ahead as it has never done before, and it is gratifying thar men of vision, such as Mayer Mitehell, G, W, Melaugh: Hw, Gordon 1, Conant and Leon Framer has heen ap: pointed to sideration, 30 that the benefits to be derived fram the provision of a harbor here way not be Tost, THE PROVINCIAL FINANCES Premier Ferguson may consider himaelf favored in What his provineial treasurer hay heen able © produce a Anancial statement for the fast fiscal year in which there 1a a surplus of over $2.500000, Comparing it with the financial statements for the fast ten years, it 1s emiently satiafavtory from that standpaing singe in these ten years there have been wore de: felts than aneptuaes, and people do like 10 know that thelr books are showing a balance on the right side, There hak a was 10 bo expected, been some eritis elem of the fagt that the provincial expeiditures have inorcased by early BLODMON0 aver the previous year, While it wight be said that the provincial govern. ment it waking ne effart to coanembss, but is rain ng an everdnereasing amount of woney in onder tv pay the bills bow mowed, That mene of course, Bos to De taken from the pockets of the people from the give the whele question thelr fullest eons ol the provines, snd ne ons Is ever grestly plesssd ky having to psy higher taxes, It must be remembered, however, that Omtarie is moving forward, and that there sre, every year, fresh demands on the provincial tressury, The people are sonmvtantly asking for improvements in the facilities which have to be pald for out of provinelal funds, wand mrs constantly wsking for measures of rosin! ree form which add greatly ta the expenditures of the provinee, Demands for more and hstier highways, for extensions of the educations! system, and for the development of Northern Ontario are insistent, and the government must of necessity take the attitude that if the people desire thess added services they must he prepared to pay for them, That is & fairly sound principle to follow In & prevines whers the will of the peopls Is suprame, and I, as & result of seseding to the public demand, the provincial ex penses have increased, the peoples themselvs, and not the government are largely to blame, On the whole, therefore, little fault ean bs found with the finance! statement, save In 'thet it shows the extent to which the Ananeing of provincial ar fairs has becomes dependent on the lquer traffis, Ones again, this trafa has poured over $8,000,000 inte the provincial treasury, an enormous sum to he des rived from a trafic) which brings so mush hardship and distress inte the homes of the people, But hers wlan, the people have spoken, have expressed thew desire to have the present system continued, so the minority must bow te the will of the majority snd must, while the present system ls in force, be sontent to have the provinelal treasurer some out on the right side with what might well be termed & "liquor surplus" KEEP THEM AT HOME No one In Canada seems to be greatly anclied over the proposs! made by the United States pesretary of labor, James J, Davis, that a quota be put inte effest aiaingt Canadians wishing to enter his country, In fast, such a step would be very weleome to many seple In Canada, who would ses in It & step, taken y the United Bates, towards keeping Canndians in thelr own sountry, It hos for years been one of the disappointing things In Canada that so many of the young people of this natlen should, on reaghing the age of mans hood and womanhood, and sompleting thelr eduas thon, foave Canada snd make thelr homes aeross the border, Canada ean ill afford to lose these Young people, and with the future of this eountry wesured an a land of great development, it should be possible for them to make Just as mueh of their lives In thelr OWN country as in any other, For that reason, those who believe In bullding up # nation with our own sons and daughters, Instead of tigwing them to go and Alling up thelr places by Inducing foreign Immigrants to come here, will be delighted If the proposal of Mr, Davis ls put inte affect and Is enforead, Tt will, If it does nothing else, have & salutary economle effect in Canada In that less of or nativesborn population would find Its way across the border to help in the bullding up of pres perity in the United States, but would rather remain in this country to have a share in its great and glovl oun future A REAL AMATEUR At the 1938 Olymuole Games, Perey Williams showed his heels 10 athletes from all over the world in the events In which he eompeted, In other words, he set the pace for them, Now he Is again leading the way In showing the world a new type of amateur athlete, Invited to make a trip to New Zealand to compete there, he has refused the invitation, simply heonuse his employer could not spare him away from his work long enough for the trip This Is something unusual for an amateur world ehamplon, It has been customary for sueh athletes to trouble very little about thelr gmployment when there was the prospect of a trip to some other coun try with a nies allowance for expenses, One has only 10 think of the athletes wha have, In resent years, come to the United States from European countries, as amateurs, for extended vislts, during whieh they had suMslent allowance for expenses to make it worth while for them te do so, And one ean also recall United States amateur athletes who have made quite a decent Nving out of expenses, But this young Canadian, Williams, Is of & dif forent stamp, With him, although he is a world champlon, his Job comes first, and his participation in athieties is merely his hobby, merely a sport which he enjoys, but which he places in Its proper prospec tive in his J's plan, This goss to show that his head has not been turned by the praises showered upon him since his victories at Amsterdam, and that he In a true amateur, one who takes part in sports for the sake of the game, and net because of any indiveet rewards which he may earn because of his prowess, EDITORIAL NOTES There 1s net likely this year, 10 be mueh talk about the old-fashioned winters we used to have, Aman who is being tried for murder in New York insists that he is not insane, That should be enough 10 convinee any United States Jury that he iy, t, Judging from very Brittania may still rule the waves, the recent storms, she in now ruling them straight, With municipal elections only three weeks away, it Is thme there was some real activity ameng the prospective candidates, + A Leulaville woman listened to a radio set for 108 hours without going to sleep, Same radio programa wo have heard would put anyone 10 sleep in the same number of seeonds, hat ssa an anny] Ramsay MaoDonal's government fs running inte difteultien, hutao long as the opposition parties are afrald of another general election, the government will remain in power, TT Bvery cont contributed to the Weltare and Christe was Cheer Fund goes to help needy families and buy Christmas cheer for the ehlidren of Oshawa, Surely that 1s & oavse that should awaken & mere genereus veapense than hae yet heen made In seeking fur wominees for the first publie utilities commission of Oshawa, the name of Frank Lo Mason should not be overlooked, His keen and intelligent Interest in hydroceleatrie problems, and hig close study of the subdeet, fit hiw splendidly for a position on that commission, That Body of Pours By Jomas W Barton, M.D, VALUE OF ADRENAVIN You read from time to time of Individunis whose heart has sop: ped heating tor some minutes whe ave heen brought baek to Hite hy the Injection of ndrenalin, the Jules secreted In the tiny adrennl Hands whieh ave sltusied one on of each kidney, Adranalin hos the power lo make tissues contract, and thus the heart muscle begins contracting ¥hen the adrenalin is Injected ins to if, With this (des in mind research men have heen Injecting adranalin into the tsues and find thet It makes the spleen contract, In~ sontracting, the spleen peut into the blend a large number of ved sorpuscles (about Wenty peroant,) within a period of twanty minutes, which disappeared ten minutes Inter," In oases where the splesn Wis pormanentig enlarged (hin Increase fia not toh place when the adrens alin was 1f)eoted, In onsen also where the splesn had heen removed heckige It Wis diseased, thers was no Inerenss when adrenalin was injected, In onsen where the spleen wis temporarily enlnrged an in malaria and woute infections, the adrens alin contracted the spleen und It pent out the Ineressed number of rd enrpuneles, 9 how ean this be of help to yout Well If the spleen In enlarged and there Is the Aieion THU] whether It should he removd or not thin Hitle test will be of great value in coming to a dAsolslon, If the spleen contracts and the red gorpuseles Inereass under the ae tion of adrenklin the operation should not he undergona, but the treatment of a medical nature un dertakon, It 1a this quality of making tis pues contract that makes sdrenalin a valuable sid In hay fever or other eatarrhal conditions shout the nose, Now you would live or sxist it you did not possess some of these ductless glands, hut when you wes how, through sceldent or otherwise you were (0 108s a cons siderable quantity of blood, that these glands would make (he spleen supply you Immediately with & twenty per cent, Inoreins, you mist seknowledge that Nature in the friendly tores behind you Bits of Humor Hew Nice tencher inquired after you "Daddy today," Heally "Nou, he sald he would lke to know whit sort of & feel my father wie, Toking No Chanees Judge "The Jury having woquitted you of the charge of bigamy, you are free to leave the aourt and go home, Privonert "Thank you, my lord, but 1 want to be on the sale side whieh home?" ------ NOT NECESSARY A London registrar was astonished when a hride saked his permission to smoke a cigarette during the mar vinge eeremony, And well he might bei few modern brides would have asked permission Punch, ARSURD Honpecked Husband (miserably) I wish they'd let me pilot one of those racing seaplanes, His wife=Dont he absurd! You'd ill yourself! Henpecked Hushands=1 know, IT CHANGED Fussy Lady (whoa has heen a long time In selevting her purchase) 1 Hui 1 don't think is fs lamb, It looks to me like mutton, Exasporatod Rutehes 1 Tt wan lamb when { first showed {4 ta you, mas dam ONE FAULT Youthful Auther=IHave you real my new hook! \ Friend=Yes, \ Authors=What dil you think of it! Friend ~Well to he honest with vou, 1 think the covers are too fa apart a ------ DATE UNCERTAIN "When are Joan and Ed to be mar vied "Never," I'm afraid® "Why, haw's that?" "Well, she won't marry him until he pave hin debra, and he can't pay hin debts until ahe mareies hy Ya W-Re, ALsL:LIR Mrs, Flathuah i "Where have you been tl thiv fate hour! Mp, Flathusht "To the feature, ax I told vou hefare 1 went ' Mes, Flatbush: "But you equidi't be at & leoture an fate aa this Mr. Flatbush: "Oh, yes, 1 could You see, the leoturer atuttered Aik i 'aa Peter's Afrmation= Then sid Je: iE unto the twelve, \Will ye alan go away? Then Simon Peter answered hy, Lark to whom shall ave go! hou hast the wards of eternal lite, And we believe and are sure that thou art tha fra the Son of the hving God - A oR 60, rayer! "Toaus Then Irend Divipe, Quer Saviour and our King, Phy hand fram every snare and oe Shall great deliverance bring" Another Comment on the Police Ban on Reporters A salumn of alleged humor, pubs iwhed in the Chatham Dally News, under the name of "Heurul" sons tang the tollowing remarks yegard ing the han placed on newspaper reporters being allowed to Inwpest the polies VIOUHEE | ww "We have nothin somplain, Amolitel nothing, In sotar an The Creat Homes Journal and Chief Low's "erowd" Is sone verned, We gouldn"t want better sovoperation, In fast, policemen wre somewhat like reporters, "They won't mEres to that, hecause they gay there's not » mors troublesome, olt-of-tha-ordinary hunch of med dlesome persons on earth than re porters, but both classes of Fidivids uslyg wre the Joker kind, and make other people's business thelr own, "That Is, not for personal in quisitiveness but because of the pith that the publle places upon Mh of which to one both types of humanity, TOL aourse, this has little to do with why 'the hen ¢rossed the voud, hut we reporters sre sensi tive when it comes Lo sotivities con earning ourselves, directly or ine dirnotly, aapdriety are a olanish buneh, avon though they 'seoop' sash ov or ul every turn for the sake of many Creat Vamily Journals with whieh they singularly are connect od, Bo when Chief Bo and Ke, of Hueh and Bueh a olty, states that this paper and that paper can't have any mora polices court news, vaporiars naturally met their heads toxether, ns do thelr editors, and wEres thal 'something's wrong somewhore,' "That's what happened In Osh awa and Orillia iM eonurse, re porters are never supposed to make mistakes-=oh, no, They ought to he run out of town when a mistake is made, yes, yen, Nute onsider, yo, how manw mistakes are made avery day In family elreles, Kven stock brokers and Investors mane mistakes now and then, Mo when # Toronto paper published s story or two about & erime wave in Osh Awa, the 'genial ohief, s Mr, Friend hy name, acting on orders, closed up the police blotier, shut his doors forever (1) to reporters and sil 6d to himself at his day's husiness, And what's funny about the busi nen, bd that the police commission turned thelr thumbs up and ssid, Yon, Yeu, "And #0, ke the orime wave itwell, the news swept through the country of Chisf ¥riend's kind act in giving the reporters less work, fut if you &now a reporter at all, aven in the teeniest, weeniest way i, won't matter much anyhow, an we would venture Lo say that pw hidps citisens of those great com. munities might, 1 say might, pin move faith In reporters than they will in the pollee foros, and get members of the editorial oraft to help them solve thely, difficulties, It has been done, you know, A TRAGEDY In 1 Act "The door slammed shut, Outside there stood Rajosiens, bent In pensive mood) hey wondered why, They sould not py Among the chief's own brood ehosen "I'he hook was closed; No longer they Could eal] and ak him every day, If drunks there he, Or look Lo sea Who had lost the narrow way, "Yo sorihes and printers Henrken Ye! If we oan't get a pollo copy) We'll add a line About the time, When we, the freemen, were nol free," C--O PPS 7 eo WAITE - THAT you should always buy from home morehants, Thelr goods are guarantesd Thely prices are reasonable Thely services is prompt To'ay you can find offer Ings of fresh, now merchandise featured In the advertising col WINE Of YOUr Newspaper, Kyvary tem Is of quality and as sured dependability; Batiafaction Is baek of adverts od goods The firms that asl] them have to sntlefy thelr customers Huying advertised goods will change frowns Into broad, hips py smlleos, hooause ADVRNTIN. HD GOODE GIVE BATINFALU. TION! NHOPPERN WHO HAVE MONEY ANK THE ONKs WHO HEAD THE ADN CARE. FULLY AND THEN NHOY oH al THE DENT BUYS ATL, "Bits of Virse WINTER IN BUILDING Winter In bullding ow On the sunset side of my hilly he trumpeting North wind, blow hy hlow, Hammers each door and sill} And the oold nights freess It hard and fast While the nti, hlasiug stars Winter is bullding Wis house of old) te doors and windows glow Whon the sunset fires dies tn god' K'er the black nights blacker row) Min storms come rioting from the Kant Past the dead marsh wastes he. OW, Winter ts bhullding nt by day) Al well, "tin Mttle I eare! IN my Shug house across the way In cheer, and plenty, to apare, Its vooms ave filed with love, , , and sound Of ohildren's Inughter, | | there Eye Care ------------ NC5 TK ena HYDPRROMIA Part (2) The normal aye should have a olear Image of an object at or hes yond 20 feat without any stpain to the eyen, In the Hyperople eye aversexertion of the ollfary musgle In order 10 obtain clear and proper vision 16 constant and may be the ORUEe Of oroma eyes, palin i the ever, headaches, blurred '"ision, drowniness, siyes and reflex nervy: oul dborders Vislon may be equa) to or better than normal and yet the above disoomiorts may exist Hyporopla 1s givided nto many olasies 2ome of Which are more tn evidence than others and may be avercame hy the person's own exe ortion, There are, however, wore serious conditions when a person's POWER TO avarcome the trouble are not suftetont, One aye may ba dit ferent 19 the other and all the his house of shine rs work Is taken up by the best eye, Consequently one eye Is neglected and Its vislon gradually lost, Or perhaps the eys will turn and the person will have wu noticeable wauint (orossed eyes), Crossed eyss do not depend w one upon the visual defect there Ia generally an overstimulation to the olllary muscle which ls accom. panied by other troubles and a proper knowledee of the necessary muscle powers and thelr nerve Ine nervation Is essentinl If they will he' successfully treated For those who have not given the matter study the conditions wider whieh the eyes must do thelr work are so litle understood and many peanle are robbing them. salves and thelr ohildren of a life of greater comfort through nes glect 17 8. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire System KING STREET EAST, OSHAWA Phones 143 and 144 Health of Nkin and Maly follown dally wse of Cuticura Soap sad Olntment. Teach your be that the care he gives to his skin and halr In youth, Is the basis of a clear com. plexion and healthy hale In later life, Bosp 396, Olniment 29¢, and 306, Taloum 3% Bold everywhere, Bample each free, Addri Canadian Depot / &: TF Walt Company, IAA; Montreal, En Gifts Moderately priced gifts are to be Felt Bros. CHRISTMAS found in abundance in Upstairs GIFT ROOM trance through Main Store | All b w iin YO d foal IVC U7 And | won't be fretting and stew- ing at the last minute to just get in under the wire with gifts for every« one to be remembered." Let's make it a real happy Christ- mas this year for everyone, includ ing the salespeople, delivery men, mail and express workers who ues- ually are so jaded and exhausted through the thoughtlessness and dilatoriness of last-minute shop- pers that Christmas is a dread ra- ther than a delight. ONLY @ SHOPPING DAYS LEFT The Oshawa Daily Times

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