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Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Dec 1929, p. 6

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PAGE STIX THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1929 (HL. MOGULS CHANGE RULE - SHIRES LOSES HIS SECOND BOUT aa Governors Change Rule Arthur "The Great" Shires | "0.H.A. Bull etin | 'Hec Kilrea « Puck-Carrier Must Be PORT SNAPSHOT Is Defeated In Second | smmmncl Still Leads ¢ i Hirst Man Over Blue Line TINS Bout of Fistic Career" "Jigs, i ™™ | worst, trait, ost Brantford at Stratford Jan) 16aK us #Hing Lo thely No Change Made in Forward LONDON WIS FROM Baseball vs, . Rughy Proves "ENGLISH cup SERIE, 1 Hemphill, Waterinn I In tennelons fashion Iast Pass Rule--~Amendment NIAGARA FALLS, 53 Busy Night ' Poor Boxing Bout---Shires THIRD-ROUND GAMES Or milton h Kiehaner Bw] ven MA diy the of ' The Bowmanville vinls wus used by four Oshawa teams last night, -- asidont | Becomes Effective Satur. London, Dee, 1Teelandion des |. The Textiles, the Juniors, the Seniors and the Bimeoes, In between, Still Wants to Fight Hack London, Dee, 16,~/Phe dvaw foy Wanar Amediate Reviag 1 the i I a "day fented the Niagara Valls Cataracts the fast Bowmanville intermediate team held sway, It might be well Wilson the third round of the Knghsh | Brads Varkes ty a 4 a Varig phnenoe tn either Canadian or A AR the ay vtRAtionR) tas say right now that the Bowmanville intermediates look better than Joohall Adinsation 7 4 SIP Tinior ark " I in division hi Eure A Ae 4 me ere law 4 L pr ITI on to he played on dan, was p 4 y f ie pnmes played un Le bchicugo, Dee, « 17~Greater speed night, ever and the Oshawa Bimeoes ure going 10 have their hands full trying Chicago 17, hie mighty | made AA hy Bihiue ih hy vor alisha London WW, Wan Wek nin Hf y pi a mid Ho higher scoring, which have chars London enjoyed a three goal] to eliminate their neighbours, Charles PA (the Great) Bhires, | lows; Hiverside Hien points continue to separate Lhe Wi . f J irda at Wind three leaders of the Canadian divis terized hocke 8 Aon promise | lead at the end of the first period, J has fallen, Beonthop, or Rothevha v, " ih pin Ii db 4 The: Mthorps I " por-Walkerviil, Fach "Pla (on, Her, Kilvan, 16 winger of » y Retion | hut Charlie Held's battling Cat 3 The great man was reduced to a] Notting) ¥ f : 4 ! 3 unlors 16 Kren "n 8 " Hingham Voves, Hines, Windsni / J She board i woverors g the Ne aracts fought havd to tie the score The:City juntos held another snappy workout last night and about first-glass first baseman last night Chariton Athleties v, Queen's W, I, Cloag of London. instead | 18 O1awa club, Prank (King) Bay RY alt pa i thy ln the third period, bul in the last hieg fell p if 'd i" Hersi wh Wn Knocked ta the resin twice in the | Park Rangers, of Charlie Hilaler London Li will LAL Ofthwa Antanes star and Yarove A Bh AH ® five minutes of play the locals oe Heen fellows were in unitorm, Ld QUE FIOFSEMEN, " . LIGOTKE) first round, Bhires was decisively de Uhewtevileld v, Middleshvongh, | veferss tonight's = Whardsts '% as ale Blawurt, of Maroons bath ¥ 1 1] forbid " produced the necessary scoring Walt, Matt and Harold, are having plenty of trouble picking the de feated in hs fivesround Hight with Wrexham vo West Bromwloh | Chatham sonlor 8 gan y 4 of tha sertlon leading i» Jmendutens ide 8 ah v a i puneh to gain the verdict, , sired material and the fine) decision has not yet been reached, Bome George (the Bupergreat) "Frafton, | Albion, Clubs are respon hie for tl Hrutne "are prominspt Spponent t ip ThA Art ih oa Gordon Brydson, handon ¥ new so good, showed wp well last night Chicago professional teethall player, Wemingham v, Bolton Wanders | players and will | 1 . Wo logdors of the American ) right winger, scored three goals, EIR Y) NIVTVY hefore the largest erowd that ever] ers, 8 Ruble ded. in im, Norman Gatnor, 16ff wing puck, Under the yule which has gov: | while Johnny Sorvell and Mddie | and the members of last year's squad will have to step to hold their Jmmed the White City WEN, Covinthinns wv, Millwall, Hp hie a i aver halnn tound ; pails, and Cooney Wels £ried the play this season, and which | Redden shared the other : two, positions The Breas onealt hough Halting # bi pp RR TA inelliihle ' play for the elu with | ja i { OWInar's partners on Big Jor mors Aston and | #ppoek" Lowrey was Lhe scoring ¥ courageous, uphill battle against his Avsennl v, Chelsen, Hohlnriy a "ned la Jig ) Vu oattacking ne, 18 in a tie er 8CO 0 Ere Was No) mee for the visitors with two goals, heavi eaten sa conyin / h BT gl 8 payer hol M0 wettian with' Frankie estriction as to who should cross the | while MoLeod netted the edd couns . Henlors Hedi Lian hehien bo oo Y has San Hom No SY fire lity ne for the Junlor werips | Hou nd HN Bank, weoring ne first, The rule, before revision, | ter I'he City seniors had their second practice last night and the fargotten about going through with & | chester City ' nis the aka rile " f aw York Hangers, Bhemivted players wt go down to the -------------------- Bowmanville fans got an eyeful, When this teams steps out on th hattle with Lewis (Haek) Wilson, Whettield Wednesday v, Barnlvy, | will In ih Yi i ol H H A J fares ! roAhird memher nf a (1 i { Gave | | fending cage and wait for team. tion of weight and speed, Bon Chicago Cub eentre-helder, Fratton, Devhy County v, Wistol City, Hotel tomorrow 4d t py ; gi ; a #orarh In ha en 6 10 ta he a great combing ates to bri ie pucks down, similar A R 7b fee there is going | a near Deakeion rgonaut ug y of the players who were going good last night were Conlin, Black, 1 former Notre Dame stir centre, had Walsall v, Bweansesn Town, following memhors of the Rafe thin) Toren ' ret ath nron a "basket hanger" in basketball, 0 a ashe ang k nd Ed, Levequ i weight advantage af 40 pounds Oy Fulham v, Camupryon oi Bournes Board and atl {ahi { | Io § ih whiinp nh | Ii) Hi He most pan p 8 3) fd OW A ene ot a 8 No change was made in the rule | eam I resente Rowden, Coulter and Bteyvenson, Clarence Elliot er the loguaeious blond Texas youth, | month and Boscombe TOME Wem ed | ( \ also looked § I, Th 2K dd 17% 1.4 for Hove v, Grimshy | vie 0h Pr) totul swelling ta for the evening and the o goming In al to Brighton and tend y {hin wae foa Lamh, Jvc ning orward passing itself, in» were the net minder {eating the governors wished to tame With Gold Rings remainder of the players showed flashes of goad form hut they do not hire Town | Arrtam on ' § O00 Wiackhurn Rovers v, Northamp: | Amherst hu p | hi And fg Faquivg Liotawh Hin the game down only a little, The Hef | [ ghange was sald to have heen spon Toronto. I . " - " seem to have hit their stride yet i [ ort i ' wid of Hare [| th w. A H fmm entra, h en In duran red by Leo Dandurand, president aronto, Dee, 17 We practic ' ' pirengied gustoniers wha pild in ex \Virara | nderhii Wl i ive Trotila ! Bo y if pr \ leess of 715,000, Shires and his giant Aston Villa wv, Heading, Hellevill Collih W NON df Hin jad. ai hyo 'on. | B11Y all the players of the Argon i p Canadiens of Montreal, and Con Oshawa Bimeoes fi fought themselves nto a stat Headford City Houthampton Ham Green f nlaver, has fakdn of the boys wha had not been going oe Smythe of the Toronto Maple | ®t football team will be available p ' i als y 4 p for next year's Interprovinelal sens I'he Simeaes looked better last night than they | 0 im {exhaustion while the spectator Wary vi. Huddersfield Town Hobeayaaon Tobiason a of in tha American Managers Tom Shaughnessy of the for campatgn and that "Buek' Mi One thing that was noticed, however, w tl greamed in the exeltement of the Leods Unltd wv, Crystal Palaes Brantiord-- Har Balkwill / 3 Wien wih AR min nneven hatte Ldverpoal v, Cardiff City ley Vanne re than Bddie Bnure ' ¢ h h : Kenna will again conch the Double Simeon en practisi ( f [ \ et started fier lack Hawks, and Frank Bimeoes have been practising for 1g time they hiv y Lil Bea Takes a: Cont Wackponl v, Bloekport, BaWhan vil leeW. A Buns. Atel , NR as the fact that although ole . P ) 5 | Blue squad and Hugh Jenney look ! I ederickson of the Pittsburg Pirates y to play a system hut it Is still, "¢ man for himself nd hocks N Bhires a trim Portsmouth vv, Preston Novih | lan Qamphell clared the rule change would make | #fter the managerial end, were vl tha . s the fight started Bad | {0 necessary for them fo revise their ¢ that scar ' WF enag athlete flew into draftan hie | End, Tavanto---1Lou B, Marsh, Dall A. Man Was Determined will not win hockey gam 8 LERIMW @ethods of attack, Bowmanville team displaved mor mbination wor nuht a [a bantam roaster, Arter a furious ex Clapton Ovient v, Belstol Hovers, | Lowry, M, & Rodden Robin lax The amendment will become effec: | ntam sonsten ANGE Irious 66 | aaneieier Saito ve Nwindon: | ton: Janeen iden, Rotary Fu | To End His Own Life tive Saturday, Barnsley v, Headford ven, Wally Hern, John Gallngher Twi minor leageus, the Canadians American and the Pacific coast cirs euit, were affiliated with the National organization, and will be subje to draft, items of Interest which were gath éred at a complimentary dinner tendered the players at the One practice than the "Hatehway Arm cond produ | tarie Club last night b * With two exceptions, Chuck' ; ninst the tip of Shire's ehin, Down Noweastln United v, York Krnest Collett, H., H, Lockhart Agnew and Bruce Hutchison, out Arthur Got His W went, but jumped 1a his feet a Dancastey Tlovers v, Boke CHE: Saupe Porguson fad Chatfield, a Prune Loud Wity flde wings, the players were ll Arthur "The Great" Shires hit off more than he Minin, without taking a conn, He pro Rhofrleld United vi bloester | Pred Morrell, Hohert Armstrong, | A Hurry nee, ho parars Wore B lic eck an Gear Traliau. 1ovmer Chi : alt wha y : eded (0 walk reht back into the | CMY Hussell Henley, Hert Hedges | I, wii found hanging tendance of members of the Ar ted Tralt ( i wall ; fire with the courage of & cub panth Watford ov Plymouth v, Wall! Molleanhaver, W, H gtoddart, D Aoorway In hile home last gonaut Foothall Oluh executive and oh riion toa much. weight and | ord shat Bl, " el hires threw a fe punches Uiy VF, Pallock, Krnle Wartley, Norma ami eortiin of neath many former officials of the team Uarligle United v, Everton Aha, Mao MoCarthy, Hare Wil pitting a ropa ahi hls: noel father rally « his own, that mad | hl eg Bg ' i f | a vivht fool and then alibl, He still wants to uu san lithe head and then | | I 1) I" upene Hp with The O,R#,U, was represented by | { Medham Athlete ve Wolverhamie | gon Robert Hawitson, Hoss Tavios i IN President John de Gruehy Harry Lott Goes to Millionaires vrafvan retreat, Tust before the round | ton Wanderers Iaok Porter, ene Dopp, W } Harry Lott, well n local | i | tra { | rafton shoved Bhires inte lv, W, 4, Walshe, W, Graham, 4 i ont iki halle Neutra eid f » 3 Frank Hulllvan, Charles Delahey, | h of Pirie dy tuh water which SCHOOLS REPORTED (MILLIONAIRES GET | ron ies ot toe ames, ve es ia Tt he dt di | New Re or ds | ih Fink RE a lk Lh | winches wh In Billiards)", } ht "nn nd sent 1 erashing the referee started daw and one ehild Oshnwi nek Hond, sam Lowi i vd bh An UL health for some the bell unded A, HH, Kineald _------ } | COI the count was hinished Hag Instion ean 1 he mind [} | EAL Protestant Board Explains CALLED PALLIATIVE 0 the number whieh mn f | | WHE 10 such an uproar Detroit, Dee, 17 Hulph Green reached If abnormal ynemploymen foothat neither the hah leaf af New York defeated Frank ai h Hifes hh hostel Ra | # ne ton gly 0's y h Yalvi \ eliove the moan Cause of Steady Decrease font hy | wan Garey, [at of New York defeated Fran A § Ha BE FRI YO | J A dh h dR ALL nhigrsk £0 to 0 In last night's ! 1 in Attendance Smith, Marrisen, and Harry | iy A PALA aL LLL HN $ badiab ALI AL ier i lot of confus game of the world's ehamplonahip Wiley 1s youl While staring w {! | red y pirita of the all Lott, Former Oshawa | { { We af the unemploye auld wo ! | were i ete ther | poeket billiard tournament. and in dlanking radiator SL 1 W | f of Huy " HE Bled) epi eH FA ' 0 Bpectutoy daotng It hroke two world's record 5 Montreal, Dee, 17-=The steady falls Boy, Go to Millionaires N \ And the remainin ! Hi | ad abl pened, Bhire tiraenleal bent the defending ing off in enrolment of pupils was y " normal ir amount of empl ! A er from u spl ghamplan In two Innings and commented upon at the meeting of From Niagara Falls JAR J ment Fhe vemuinder In varylng (Hp, Hoth appeared to be (remendous: | yada sn unfinished van of 184 | the Protestant Board of School Com de N i re near the verge of un Wi ! MPSS ave wii atal his was the second time during gy -- 9 Y " \ - S employnblin Fils situatio ! RL i the present tournament that twe a I | > | 4 4 ii X 1] 0 ~ missioners for the City of Montreal w" . i i A Tavontd, Dee, 17.--In an effort | Tremendous Problem Chal | sother with the tndustvial autlos Hath Short on Condition new warld's vecord have hesn at their monthly meeting Friday to bald Peg TL HEN le Mi afternoon, The report en enrolment | 10 BULA Up the 1OnRITes and re- | a . Ww {HH i eg 100 A : LA | IVY WERE a Cun iphetaly sahausted | aurabMehed 17 vo owingla same ¥ for November owed a deerease of | YIve a fighting spirit In the club, | lenges Labor Minister to HA IA fae Macas Labo wii Hrd vannd. began thi (reanion t's fount tonight Look the (| RM ) nt fi fee th |i in the centre of the ving, ; Hu , J <A J) ( saveral trades have been made, | J other Gavernm 0in Ole | i mb 1 from the figures for the porres which invalve the switehing of s¢ Find Remedy win almost insoluble prabiem Nay { walling fur th wither ta thn recokd TUR BWA from Pb nding month last year, and a de ; | RN HA pink | dolph of Chleage, wha van 111 rease of 358 from the figures for| ®" p RyeIr did Proapaety of several = A on pa Nov Aad # Letaton fushed put and had | ast weak. By winning tn twa In the corresponding month five years NO" 1en the Millionaires take 1 PAR nnnt-thin prablant Fun ' Rani HOM # | nings the New Yorker also snatoh men Vn prohles i Birr ig puehes to the head, 't hey 1 | ed another laure! fram RHudalph " \ Hadiola "46" London ey hd 8 lee i ( y ako, This state of affairs was ex the eo again tonight to play Wind ment cantinues ta iuorense. aM \ : sor Hulldogs in an Tuternational sate A TRIO Al A Linvey { ¥ THT Iuriously at the bell wha hrake all previous. records hy lained, it was stated, by the fact ally owing to seasonal oan | fixture, they will present a ehangs y " RRL] ! " It 18 undeniable tha 161 with Mi saNEIng ima tl ) | lation of ' g Wa merit Men | ' eo winning | 0 ; PF hat while the English population o od line-up and these are good prose | ME the Opposition evitios pl omebiing : fat dsmantail ant | tha i Laie unt TRE 8 » } Greater Montreal wis Jupdly ihe pects that the olub will shaw tap | OF OPROFLURIY dor maintaining of whan aver one-(ittleth af om { the round - . "0 . = Teating, 6 TST Sute wis ned y le more fight and aggressiveness. The sloady barra art ; Ri, Hon | whole population ds normally ou v the time the fourth round start Radiotrons $8678 Exira lace in otre Lame IWWACE, | saw p made last week | * H, Thomas' alleged fallure tol or wark rafton. was so tired that hi \ =} 4 "4 | West \ 1 otl t altarations h the A Dal erdun, estmount, and other | welped the team although they copa with the situation Fh ally Canearning the autloak the : 4 red to weldh a ton each I \ furs and that the city of Montreal | ware ™ na enough to score a win Horald doolars IAs vidlewlous | pally Express oomment Huifis land orch ot Tis er Thu 2 ton, pad \ Pe. MA R I self was not growing residentially, | gud it fs hoped that the further | for the Tories and Liberals to vail | ployment figures are the writing | 1 {oothall player, Was tak . I AR The report on government night switehing has worked a better res | #4 MP Thomas because he has not] gy the wall, net enly for the Gay | thine 10 ket Ma wind with: Shir " | i ( [19 tadiola | pehoals contained the announcement | usr. found a solution of the wnemploy: | apnment, but for (he nation to | walking arboud | ith with Shir ; that two ditional classes had heen Prospects are bright that the | Ment proble " nite A he ths In office | Mare than aiilian Men and BORE |reootitin of ihe oar' HH was a | [BI b opened in Falrmount school and four | Milllonalves will get Yip Faster for six months---vidieulous for the | jy a quarter millon women and I fu) ' { A. i" \ is Shir ang J . i |] 75 Ese In Mount Royal school, making al tro lew . dors. 8 Tories hacause in a8 MARY YOars 48 { 40.000 boys and girls are at this | FW Hires! second pi Ren! Concernin Naval | Radiotrons 886,73 Extra tal of 13 cl in the lat hoaol fram HN York Rangers, Afain t Labor | ni t \ . | fessional ring engagement, Shires, de fotal of 1) classes In the latter school, | uniting the great pale of backfield: 18 LAhH HaYeriment Ha BON | mament an the register These | spite his de ) | Dn account of a falling off in attend | ers that carried Halmy Beach to HRA " Sled they did next 10 { yumbers mave fram week ta week [W\ ison : th sll wantesto gh Armament Limitation Loudspeaker 108--827,50 nee in the classes at Gilson School, | a Canadian championship, Red | "Othingi ridiculous far the Liber | gud fram month to month, They redid a . hidn't toto fi h il t was necessary to close one class | Moore, Foster's former partner, is als because thely only scheme i | have risen by 200.000 since th bin nt a ih 1 "nh Being Drafted Ruring the month with the locals, Lloyd Cross and fuel) i how lderised var jon OF Government eae Inte power, hut how meh the guy weighs, 40 pound ha 0 : that proposed hy ¢. Bnewden in 1 N THY # ' ; HHT Freddy Elliott ave the two Millian I \ (n substance remain ominously wi |, than © do, HT knoeked him out Rome, Dee, 18=1he Halian answer A Chicago profesor urges that | aives who have heen traded, Smith, | 1084." altered, Bach post-war year finds | all children past the age of five be | Morrison and Lott, coming from Cpitlos potnt out that the weeks | 4 million to a iitton And a quarter |) hat eredy Wouli Let? He was 1 ll BW " Nee With regard yo Atitinpia a told the truth about Hanta Claus, Niagara Falls to fill their places, ly sensonal increase tn the number | would-be workers out 'af a Jah OR | v Wa 10 Wels had 100 Wiueh, dt] vas An aEreement on tation : | but it is our guess that most of | while the locals have alse secured | Ff the unemployed tanoves the fact | doles ut ane end of the seale dng | N00 4 HERES fitch Hi gluing to tefl (aval driationts ad Re them would rather know who kill- | the pights ta Madden who took a Wy manager when I see hing, and if | Sve-power meeting in London 18 new that the total 1s loss than It was | superannuation at the other No hl) 1 \ ed Rothatein,--New York Evening | prominent part in Canpro proceeds | # Year ago thing hat wretohed palilatives |e HOW 1Tesh I'l punch him in the | being prepared at the Foreign Min ngs last season and 1s now a hold dein atl Rght, Get Wilion for [Iatey ad will be presented soon by Appalling Figures these What {8 needed is construe | out, The magnitude and stubbornness | five concentration by all the pow Count Mangoni tg the Qual D'Orsay Smith, Morrison and Lott will be | ©F Mv, Thomas' task tu revealed in | aps on a Hale program of publi with' the Milllonaives tonight at nempin alton was Jubilant over his vic Fhe success of the negotiations was a -- -- -- rs believed to depend to a eonsitlerahls Ravina vink against the Border six Licking Shires was easier than [extent on the political relations be and as the former knows how to | 000 unemployed and only (wiee [wetting kicked around a football fiekl [tween the two countries, Giornale Jack Wa ers' stop Happy Kmms, the leading sinee has this figure fallen below ILL had been dn better shape, the P'halia Saturday observed that it was | sniper of the Hulldogs, he should the million mark---for two weeks ) reat man would have been stretehed [unfortunate that for mare than a " J on the canvas, dead 1a the world, hes | year, all efforts 10 conclude a treaty An all Talking Sensational he useful in his first game for his | In Aprll, 1886, and four weeks in May: and June, 188% The figure ore the secand pound was over" WW Lrtendship with France 10 salve Melos] ama new bosses, Other players ave als } 4 WITH . H, KIRKWOOD, [ll| se bvelng considered which will has never heen below one million A Patsy Pollok, Canadian welters auch vexatious questions as the Fran MARY BRIAN fd] greatly add to the total of 46, who | 0 1028 and ] now 1Luog. noo { | We ht outpointed Angela. Pelisst of [eo-Italian frontiers in Afvica and the Star ave elther worn the Milllanaires My, Thomas' white paper out ) + Ouluth, in the final Hve-reundes status of the Hallan population of and an all Star Cast Honing sehemes to veduce unem aly Sehwman, Chicago fyweight, | Tanis had tailed heeause of some in oolovs this year or tried for posi A pha a eons, A \ Wh h tions on the team, ployment w entail an expendi NA won a decision over Irish Mivkey Gill, fetdent which oecurred just then 8 an a \ Retired Naval Officer Had n five rounds newspaper sald that these incidents CADDED ATTRACTIONS -- i ture of $245,000,000 and the Min Lloyd Hamilton Inter estimates that this would give ttre Charli Retalaff, Duluth, Minn, | were never provoked hy aly | TEPPFI IN 10 SEN 180,000 men employment for one Brilliant Career Im heavvwelght seared a quick knoek The newspaper pointed mn partieu PRAGRITY v VALLEY t year, The press generally 1s high portant Posts [oul aver Iyvaek Costello of Chicage, [lr ta a recent anti=lalian demon 44 d Ad Iy ovitioal of these schemes, though 1 4 preliminary ho : . i in imimary hout ation at Nebhendea in which a group Fox News The ™Mmes says: "Mr, Thomas has London: Do 1hSir Honiv Bid ony Mandell, Roekford, HL, wel Jol Freneh naval seamen were alley Anatole Friedland A ¥ no tHuslons as to the difficulties wardine J AUREL Adwiral. of h terweight, outpointed Phil Ross, Chis fed to have taken part, It was ohavg . confronting the endeavour to make | WN! ! } 8 WW A Woago, in four vounds, and Joe Hos led that they gathered tn front of the in A Fleet I, died his vesid a twa Johs where there is only one eel, retired, died at is residency vak of Chi A \ loeisla lal Ca \ 1 sk 1 "d TINKLING TUNES ' at Having Island. Hampshir at 248 [YON ! MCARD WO & decision aver ian Lonsuiate and shouted "down ' to oreata a million mare jobs. in A MEATS, 4 Commy O'Dowd, Codar Rapids, Towa, [with Wissoling, down with Fase HERE in welcome news for e lover of Mon, Tues, and Wed, Ditighle ] Yayeue to North Sditdon, to aloven million existing [4 % Aurtay i i N Jehhe pil Ban tatnwohht. in another Hung ro i he fact that ~ reprisal py an fine radio, Canadian Genera Eleetrie py y » tl { \} IL LLB ah War (4) ') ole Wi De ¢ abs," adding though the life of a a dor, Smiling Springer, Linoaln, Neb, [taken, despite the indignation caused , P | be pi ted government eolvoumstanced as the the navy, which he entered LA HOY featherweight, pounded out a {olbs throughout Maly, w Va ald ta shew a RHeQ roulue. L 1a) Heresy 3 : CP He was made a captain in 1898 and During Tri Lahor Ministry may he of uneey { round decision aver Joahnny Andrews | the Talian readiness to go to an ¢ & vip tatu tenure, My, Thomas spurns a (admiral of the fleet in 1919 Awong 4 Eon i uh gh ail CR 44 and 46, | finest of Christmas gifts, of Chicago treme Hint ta reach an agreement kts bd whally false poliey contained in the [the Bnpertants posts which he held Tm -------- . y 1h \ Friedvichshalen, Gepmany, Dee, 17 assnmption that the emergensy | were those of naval attache 1897.99, with France that Wan sonttibute 1 See these new Ndiolad in oun showroumn «When the divigible "Grail Zeppelin® | gan he tided aver hy lavish expens | contrallgr of the navy, 1905.08; eon a the sucess of the Naval Conference ' takes off for the North Pole next| qituve. He may not know Bu to fmander of the oth cruiser squadion STRANDED STEAMER in_Lengdon You will he capi Hated hy thelr heatiitul Spring, she will he equipped with af do, At all events he knows what | Mediterranean, 1908-107 in eammand HAS DISAPPRARED/ , "he, Italian delesation ta the Lon Selle ud rich walnut finish, You will he special Je apparatus for 'transmits | nat ta do, His avowed alms ave [of the RN. War College, 191113; Lr don onions Was completed Fri wad by their wellirounded tonal ting pictures hy wireless, 'Even while | vight----a vevival of our ordinary [ohief of the war staff, 1912-14; First a hy re feliston of Admiral Les and balanced reproduction of both the miant airships is spepding aver | trade, Nothing else oan succeed." [Nea Lord of the Admiralty, 1915:16; (By Canadian Press Losssd Wire ig rial Met of the naval high and low notes, the limitless white wastes of the Ares The Liberal press 1s autspokey president of the R, N, College, Green Sault #te, Marie, Deo, 17.=The HY 4, I May oe a Both Radiola "44% \ WEY ha ¢ LN { \ \ ol ola An on ve auch ONDAY & TUESDAY tig, newspaper readers will he able to| The Manchester Guardian save: [wioh, 1916:197 first and prineipal nav: | lake steamer Ohlone, wreoked ' ' follow the flight in pletures as well] "Closer Inspection does not wake lal aidesde oamp ta the King, 1917: | some weeks ago on the west end important features as twosdione tuning and n | as words, Mr, Thomas' vabbits any Wgger 119 Ho retired in 1934, of Miehipooaten, has disappeared, Congressman would like to go "The Sophomore The apparatus is also intended ta] than they were, They were small] Sir Henry served on many import AOI to membera of he OreW | home or A Yost, for the wood nN volume control, in tocalslistance swite oe receive weather charts, thus obviat-| when he produced them and will fant technical commissions in connec | oF the wovernment ght tender | their country and for $234,000 RFE wer, illuminated and An all Talking Pleture ne the necessity of the navigating of | remain small ROW Wa Know wore [tion with the equipment and design | Murray Stewart, The satlavs, who | mileage tees he Now Yorker, ! dial readings, Rail inte Radiata ¢ ia oh LE tull of love and laughter ws' laboriously drawing them wit! | about them" of warships and was the first in Engs | aevived th the oity last night, said wer-- electradlynamie londspeaker, Lot uw Pha with Kddie Quillan, Nals the ald of weather information 1 The Llayd-Geargian Daily Chron [and to put to praetieal use the Hert it 1s probable the Chicago has slip \ wise givl leaks well ta hey sirate these Radiolas today, Y ly O'Nell, Joanette Loft ceived hy wireless, jolt uiga St a awash W heh h gn waves 10 wireless telography in| ned off the vooks an which she van | hatt before she fishes for camp RAL a nits I A K_talarahle and asks neland's ships, His honors ineluded | REround into desper water and | ments -=COhicago Dally News, Har ats in | As an optimist we don 8 hetlove Premier MacDonald has Anything Grand Offiger of the Legion af Hone | 840K 10 the hattam of Lake Supe -- . "SKY BOY" if] that atocke ad ak MA i $. AY a his sleeve While the Cadburian ory Grand Cross of Spanish Order of rior he major portion of her fhe reason our dreams do ned N ¢ | © A \ down--New York Evening Jour Dally News offers this oritiolsm Naval Merit, the Grand Cross of the | o8rge had heen Tmaved, ome true 18 that we just Keep on I are 0 0) \ Qe! zy THE REVELLERS ]| nal, St te timated hitnper of mad Baile of Russia a ae | dreaming Albany News MTS ' we-------- at 1A ol 0 hil SCE ON etty 1 M1 don't Whi the Smiths 4 " Ning Setes W. hat ever hethine ut the Hel Sohal tue Fafa uhempioy mont ta Le . can he 50 well off as hey were" A | AAS wive A New sang-hit Qahawa Wh th: Bo nan vie roen ¥ | harian ary that Washington, \ ort A AY that {Toronto may or way net ha tel Derek: "Why nat? six montha,™ says a ovitle, Iv wa . ---- | Cy meant Washinglon, Dry Clty? does not promise even ta taueh erant. Mare Fubar, itis toler "The last time 1 was there two peas | ually deserves it, too ==Pasaing CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO, Limited Mail and Empire, ple had to play one plano" show, ; siatlation of the decade slnee 10EL | fmprovement that will inevease na when there was a totgl of 2.680 | tlonal efficiency, New Yorker, that figure, By no strotoh of the able. Toronta

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