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Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Dec 1929, p. 8

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an. =". -------- Lh we Eh; PAGE EIGHT Fisches touk a signalling class dow | wold fap tens 1hah & Pounds ster | y Bred the favorite of he od irda I 1 I i to dhe Lbowhing alley vowin of the 1] | ing (B10) were puvehassd for w Holmes storie he Lost World | (() EMAN | YMCA, tor practice, The yop wis / | tatu) af ABT pounds (4,485) (7 found a veady huyer at 160 Ch AL fi f THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1029 Boy Scout Activities reansgmbled va poundg (88005 MW, 4 Walls shareg 1% GOA AVL disiissed, The next oT) Gahriel Wells, New York sols | in pesting to he held at the ¥. MA / | | » leutor, phlg n raed pies of | - Hi ay W Ag M eligetion if i | JH wis ALA N WA Is on Friday, Dee, 20th, Boys of the J A 110 pounds (5560) tor "A Window at 8615160 AH ld duped 0.4 i a of ry the B tit y Dra dvd Oshawa Troup do net forget the | ' in Throws", which was published | 18 BIMOOY WE, BOLT hat youndn 4100) ! / are doing contributed by the scout Tov Shap next V ; srs. Contributions te this column will be sharp, " aloo puld another record fees when | == | Whe weleomed end should be sent to the | Ath OBHAWA 'TROOV London Firm Bells Manu ha bought 6 irae letley sontsdin: | gallestor, "The tap prise of 40 wevount Which he had good veasol | | onday wight at 7.8) - In LEBY for six shillings Wells | A man was presented with wi Wh BOND WT, Wim fo think had wlrendy hoe paid f ' The 4th Oshawa Troop will mest ling the verses Phe Kirk's uesds p 8) / ' ) ) Bhaw's Times of lee not Inter than r d y ut the Kotury Hall at 7.40 All scripts of | opular | Alarm', fol {610 Danas pounds ($200) brought him Bha 1 p ' gs | asked of 1 Wo Wi Litto id morning sach week, parents are vequested ta ha press | Writers L(gO.0601, A tsb edition of Shaw's unpublished poem to VWilen Verrp hia he hoy i ht nah ts | V " | ent to ses how a Beaut Troop Is | ""Widowers' Houses" algo went toon her stags Jubilee the repl [int : oi master 1 e u er know? No, sir," "Indeed, how | ao you know that' I heard nim Y aid et fqiek, sal ind lasts Hay Wo And nfter that he had Li yeliel Ey hn the eat fee Pp the tmpudence tg send you Lo ses |!) f In war bows! Wothing frig [ J nts "Haven't I pald this necount he | BCOUYT EDITORIAL Weging, has been in the eity pecents| be present and a good time ly ox London, Deg; 16,=Hooks and] had previously pleked] up the | Po makes your youth su theif The Christmas Spirit is already wpe ly, wnd has visited the Tay Ehop on pacted, Mr, Blay of Whithy auf | anuseripte have brought veeord | original manuseript of the play ab | Phat you ave young al fiy-elght, onus, 10 starts with the examinations | several oeeisjons, " the Troop committee will 'alsa 1e | pplges at Botheby's Tately, Birla Tavis pri Whilst we ave ul ih 111) wt school and warks its way up|. He honored the Vifth "Troop ony preset, dames Bari, George Bevnwrd | Phe bulk of the correspondence One of the big surprises to eol-| if | knew, oh Well, you ses, |" sna tansy sad it theaugh the starting of the Chivistinng Friday Just, with & visit, and help ma Shaw, giv Willlum Conan Doyle | between Show and Mr, Vedvehns | leatovs was ha sum of 245 pounds | wiv, 1's Hike (hi The galler doh's y holidays, to a elinms with a full ed the Traep with a short talk and I all the world's wn stage we land H, 0, Wells helng espectully | who: produced Bhaw's plays at the | (81,8860 that went for the mani) know, | don't know, and you don't | usa Juih i stacking (ov pillow vase) tu stark demanstration of First Ald, know & lot of peaple whe ave pull | popular, Vive hooks by Bie James | Court and Bavoy theatres 85 years | seript of "Tha Adventures of the | kno AS Lhe hows says, IE you | i000 of Vile siisery or money back: ff Chirstmas Day. with, and an uneons | Mr. Malthy alsa joined in the var) fn vehenrsnl, -- Lif, Bavvig that thivty years ogo were | ago, also went to the New York | speckled Band', gonevally eonwlds| pays it again we shall all know" 151070 Prd : fortable feeling round the belt to fis [100s gies, and made himself wt RRA A ------------ E---- wh it with, ine, [] : J ERY - We must not forget, however, that] Everybody was pleased to see bin, | ELLA CINDERS-~Paging Mr, Neptune's Son By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb while we ore permitted ta enjoy | and appreciated his visit to the full: ' Cliristmag, there ave those whe are | #8 estent, ; v wo rs - " I rr 2) depending on others (a supply them We hope that if there pee any athe - a . Writ 1 1 y iH 4 / id Vi) with the whergwithall to make 16 a|er Beouts from afar in the eity, they by EVEN THE CASTING Yi) / { I wae A wes "Mavry Christina," will make thembelves known, J DIRECTORIES ARENT AMY k y A mem IN PASTURE WITH Lael year in the past four or five i 2 MORE HELP IM THE CARE | IVE 7 THE PACE OF A BAMT, THE Kehre, 1 has heen tho privilege or the PORT WHITBY TROOP g GLANCED AF A THOUSAND wor COUMAME GF A DEVIL 1 AND providing for the needys REEL Te bs with a great deal of pleasure 7 . A PAGER, AND GET A THOUSAND A Hua? 6 RNOUGH To rues we have. not heen able to | that we report that the Port 'Whitby ri, ; y. { BLANK, ETARES Fo / f AWAD LIFES TWO GREATES! give mueh materially, but we have | £1000 18 starting up agin, A a dr' Co ed dtd MY THEABLE | [ / i GANTT IONE == LOVE AND been ble ta give our time and ofs | The new Beoutmaster, whose nama --_ ! WATE! DUT WHERE CAN torts, and it is hoped that in se das we hive unfortunately forgatten, is 4 ' i A Sa 1 dv y a 4 LIND Wim J] Hig wa have heen able ta add to the Wir La Reoutmasier , Hom 4 a ny A hm j .¥ "| Brooklin, | . hrisiiaen Joa Tani exception, He 1s working at the hospital, and Duties will cane and every Baout ih devoting his only free night 10 should he ready to assist the Trap, ; ba Let us all da our jabs this yeas Fram. aus investigations we find with that vigour and nleasure that | Hat he has already won his way into haradtarizes tra Sor x gl WE the hearts of the boys, and we wish 4 . hid 10 CONVEY aur wppres [ation to him for SCOUT NOTES his work ind to congratulate him on Mr, Maltby, a Rover Beout from|™3 Far Success We hear that there are sixteen | rule, Me, ¥, Irwin of Tavauto will | Welly for KO pounds (8400), He "Oh, Wien, was IL kind of fale, | | liga A Cr---- boys attending meeting whieh take Y E pile in the Community Hall on our yes and Phursday nights - We would like to see the Whitby " } Copprighn, 19s, Our Service! geout News published every week in peiion Howwopel Benie 0 aur ealumn sod W. A, Hare 8 Bond St, East "Ther ure bound te he thin f ' 6 ¢ hou a hb "TR You Can't Read Toda Interest to Beauts in the surrounding FELLING TOMMY y distriets which will happen In White h and all veu have te do Is (a , a] weer Ee -- . ---- RATER volith the eve vou ied to hava. send i thar tn My y Me (nis re Haod a - -_ -- THEEIRST CHARITY BTAMP THE FIRST DANISH RED CRONE BTAMPS BOLD DURING THE WORLD WAR TO RAISE FUNDS 10 veud the smallest print, Lately your Jdunoy o I'he Times and he will dea CHRISTMAS SEALS WERE NOT THE FIRST US RANI TARY COMMISSNIH M67 CHRISTMAS BEAL "= LIGHTEN He BUPFERINGS OF WAR is o " LJ iY po [hati rata Jo noth futher, from | Ht uve moa sumors tht CHARITY STAMPS TOMMY, THL FIRST of hasy, If you will dvop in here | All Baints' Chur h Troop are lke CHARITY STAMP WAS 5010 BY THE UMITED some day we will show you how alto find permanent quarters tn the modern eye services deals with such waement of the ehurel | SIATES SANITARY COMMISSION Al A chugs, Je do not know how near Hh FAIR IN BOSTON | 1662, wand (Ta he continued next Tuesday) AL . IW othis is a fas of Phe | § Ww remind you that next Hat | -- RR : urday Is the last dav that gifts will A ! | I | + he reeeived at the Toy Bhup ) rn - : x gd 1) gia 3 dnd Diamonds! . . - " SCOUT NOTICES . a AB A SR Rat setts STH TROOP: hh, AJoon wil od Ra FIRST CHARITY STAMP WAS SOLD YO RAISE 4 ADVANCED BY EIMAR MOELBELL A POSTAL CLERK IN fe { A IASNMEN fof { ; : YOU GOING TO X FIGHTING TB WITH ; \ i LICK ALL THOSE YI CHRISTMAS SEALS CHRISTMAS SEALS R EVERY LICK COUNTS! TOMMY 9 fs | | \ JH | A [7 1oEY FOR SICK AD HOUNDED SOLDIERS I DEMMARIC, HIS IDEA OF A CHRISTMAS STAMP THAT wet on Feiday next i 1] On Oshawa's Mam Corner He YMCA , A ------ RR Boys are asked 8 present, Run \ : ! : rai VRP NE -------- obey a --. \\ i | We CVI HAR 11 WA FOLLOWED BY OTH FEOPLE COULD PUT ON PACKAGES AD LETTERS, THE PRO 1 _ lan the gym | STAMPS AT SIMILAR FAIRS IM SEVERAL CITIES FIT 70 GO TOWARDS BUILDING A CHILDRENS TUBERCU | ie fa, Fa Jul Vos | Friis gh rg or hot sg ved SINCE THAT TIME STAMPS HAVE BEEN SOLD IN 1 LOSIS HOSPITAL YOM THE APPROYAL OF THE DANISH Anke Cruse, Sol nie Api' | rr mr-- MANY COUNTRIES FOR AR RELIEF WORK GOVERMENT IN 1904 AMD THE CHILDREN GOT THER WOSPIAL neehl" Cramen, Te " j HE CHRISTMAS STAMP OR SEAL JAR FIRS E iv an . ; lb xX : i CHRISTMAS STAMP OR STAL IDEA WAS FIRST AON BEY By ry eg ep i wnt, Fase Pawder (oe hI pe | TIME TABLES i - o---- - Eh : -- Er -------- | Pd BRINGING UP FATHER €, BR, TIME TABLE SE Effective Bept, 8, 1008, v -- , oy ---- y : - pe ie es "WL as ---- WHAT ARE aL) oll ! i EBN'T WE A | | Fy " CCN 8 SWEET FORGETS JURY AND LOVELL, LTB, EXCLUSIVE AGENTS ™ -- (Standard Time) HONE Going West {| DOWELL CIR % wa g book) | , E a a --_-- TA ; - , WILLIAMS 14 fan Dal Ap Ah Eunday) AY THAT wiva ta OM \&N'T 3 | WONDERFLIL E- 5 E i q " 3 Mi NOTS W W (oY | SiNaER _\ a di { od o REMEMBER ' \ J | ) +i {Exesit Bunda) DOO™ Fam * p HE A on Wa = w i Le . Taxi Service |: TV | ULAR 1 | [nasi = lwo it - {| CROONER A { PHONE 1490 Going East ' SINGER | GORGEOUS [oo | #0 | | ih \ It ¢ VOICE rE ------ AAS po Badly (EScept Bunday g'l' b Pt hn . " has i Patty (havens Batuiser) : =F Fo - gs AL CULTURE | ma Corner Bond and Prince Btveots I aot Halle | Hacer Sundavh oa 3 a RR CANABIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effective Sept, 30, 1008 (Standard Time) Eastbound PHONE 22 [jij 2a Re whe For Your Drug Needs CLE Sacer Rader, ¥y ARON! Bunday 10 Simoes BE, 8, == We Deliver PS f Daily, eaesut Sunday, a, Wil aly Suited ky ily, sacept Batuiday ati WUD! alu y Hall = rp. > =~ to a er 0 1A) Fontan Briss, ti, == (ne ally, sacept Bundy, ; \ : i ANN IB Cipnat Baim mEhis peserved {1 " aly A -- Daly, eaeept Sunday, " Ji saveit Buaday, W.A. HARE i DOLLY DIMPLES AND BOBBY BOUNCE ~By Grace G. Drayton OMOMETHIAY A [rel] Junge: Lal] Vy SaCebt Sunday, HH --____.~, » - --_ 8 Bond Street East - k GOT THE MUNDRED YARDS OF (INENY| | [| seers -- " tne combors hs Us Tine ih WELL, L NEVER! WHERE || AND THE TINBET DOGGIE * NOW BLEAGE, One Musr Be Rosy | Hare's Faniticas Lenses WEEK DAY SCHEDULE PLEASE, TLEABRY AND PLUMP AND ¢ 4 X FULk OF DIMPLES Ee OAL A y . 3 2 ate DIAMONDS BURNS JEWELRY STORE King '% Prince Sits, en 2 pe Re=T Sorts gam nme. 30 Ea f i} 2 ¥ & 5 Wg, -- , ~ pr nc vii of Natu f » on Na ES a we om "Hew CAN WE? WHEN THE BAD FAIR PL. al a : ) A 8 21 FSI RR AND SHE 5 THE Sur DOMINION ULOTHING LO fe ANGRRT ©1050 King Frain Bins Ih, Bi IA HAN To Sa : a. \ ' Cured PENED "THE v ) -- » . 'a tes on KING HT, W. h NS sa @ (Ne TTT PTE ETL LY NAT UNTIL, You BRING ME "THE CLTERT \N THE WORLE, SAD Botkiy ANG hone Bid) We Deli \ bie nest Dow] [NOW GAN We HAVE DOLLY F oAD ) WTTLE GIRL IN THE WORD Sam The fairy | COMFY BADLY = 3 » = -- 55 By Russ Westover FAR. WHIPPLE [TRH AE TF Wa | & -- aad THAT || RROLEVED Takn YOUD THINK BF SOMETHING A 3 SDE y a DRESS Vi ott WEHT Do SoME | nF Ares an ho LAL JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLORS JW. Warall, Oph. D, : Eyesight Speelatist woth Rt oat hi ei ARAN . A GARE hin » PRR . We vanewe Walling Peiace Mw { a El LR rg Favs onda, ba, Gat Bias 1 teieewd

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