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Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Dec 1929, p. 1

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"All the News While It Is News" | The Oshawa Daily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer A Growing Newspaper in tt Growing City VOL. 5~NO, 143 "ay Want Sunder wad ile Hors OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1929 15 Cents a Week; 3 Cents a Copy TWELVE PACES SRA AAS Ea es sss tts al News in Brief LA a de British Malls Asrive Montreal ~Five special cars of Christmas malls from Great Britain arrived in Montreal last night over Canadian National railways, Order Tank Steamer Montreal ~The McColl-Frontenae Oil company has placed orders for two tunk steamers to be built in England for service on the Buffalo Chicago, Toronto run, » v 7500 s of Mail Hilllan he orgent mail to be landed in Halifax in several years, 7,580 bags, Is due to reach this port riday or Saturday on board the Carmania, LJ LJ] School Closed Windsor ~Following the discovery of a case of scpriet fever in the Harrow public school, Dr, T, W, Veale, Fetes] health officer, hag or- dered the school closed until after the Christmas holidays, Low Firs Loss Galt~Fire Chief Keyes' annual re- port shows that the city fire loss for this year was $5803, which wmounts to 37 cents per capita, Is one of the lowest on record. . Assessor Resigns ' Guelph ~After 19 years' connection with the city tax department, George D, Hastings, Guelph's assessment commissioner, has tendered his resig nation to take effect May 1, . Dies In Station Toronto ~Collapsing while waiting for a train at the Union station last evening, W, E, Brown, aged 72, RR, 3, Tillsonburg, died before medical attention could be called. Demonstration By Workless Frankfort, Germany Thousands of unemployed last night made a de- monstration in the vicinity of the city hall while the city fathers were meets ne to discuss granting Christmas re- ) to them, u Drowned in Canal Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. Falling In- to an lce-concenled shaft at the bot- tom of the Michigan Sault canal here Edward Solmonson, 38, and former resident of Detroit, was drowned in eight feet of Jater, . * » Himself In Coll Kills Winnipeg-.A Halhimigo, young acing Japanese, a charge of attemp- hp murder of his sweetheart, com. In his jail cell, it was py rovinelal Police Imigo bed * mitted pulcid reve da with his Pipe. Presented Windsor, ~Announcement has been 0 that Mrs, Alice Moffatt of Cal- has presented a pipe organ to the Darrel 8, Moffatt Memorial United Chureh in Tilbury, The ine Atfument Is to be installed early in esters strangled himself sheet, . % Ww » Train Derailed Malharl, Ont, ~Westbound traffic on the Canadian National rallways waa delayed several hours today as a result of tho derailment of an east bound freight * west of here, The wreck occurred at 5 o'clock Monday ovening, 16 cars of grain leaving the track, * Ro % Noted Soldier Dies London, * Another distinguished Canadian soldier, a graduate of the Royal Military college, Kingston, and a veteran of two wars, died here in the person of Brig.-General R, J, I, Hayter, CB, whose death was due to 'appendicitis, General Hayter was 54 years old, . w + ha Cables Still Broken Halifax. ~A month after the earth. quake which shook Nova Scotia, caused the Burin tidal wave, and dis- rupted cable communication, 10 At- lantic eables are still out of commis- slon, A boat arriving for supplies Jsperted eight cable ships still on the ob, ) » a. * uebee M.P.P. Dies hree Rivers, Ques~J, W, Gagnon, ALP.P, for Maskinonge, died yester- day after an illness of two months, Mr. Gagnon, who was 50 years of age, was alderman of Louisville from 1921 to 1922; mayor of that town from 1922 to 1925 and Liberal mem- ber of the legislature since 1927, 1 » 4 » y M.C.R. Orders Ralls Sydnew, N.S.~The Dominion Iron and Steel Company has received from the Michigan Central, & subsi- diaryof the New York Central Rail way, a repeat order for 12,500 tons of 127«pound steel rails for use on its lings in Canada, led By Falling Tree Ste, Perpetue, Que~Norbert Bel Jo, fat er of several chil died here yesterday of injuries when a tree ha was cutting down before he could get out of its way, crushing his legs and other parts of his body, WEATHER area of low pressure cons tred this morning over Ten. nessce and exten to the Atlantin States has snow and sleet In' southern districts from Lakes oastward, Unemnty Mah pressure and extends Bde TATE "eb ¢ L4 tonight and Thursday with some light NTARIO SUFFERS FROM S LEET STORM elegraph W ires' Down and High Rescue Workers Find Bodies on Lower Levels of Mc Alester Coc! Company's Mine, But No Survivors IDENTIFICATION OF SOME IMPOSSIBLE Indications Point To Miners Yesterday Morning ---- McAlester, Okla, Deo, 18, Forty-seven bodies had been re- covered at 7 o'clock this morning from the Old Town Coal Company mine In North McAlester, where yesterday 62 miners were trapped by an explosion in one of the lows or leves, Bix of these bodies were uniden~ titted, The bodies of the 47 men were in two McAlester morgues, Twenty-six identified and two un identified were in one undertaking parlor and fifteen identified and tour unidentified were in another, The bodies of two men were re- covered just before daylight from the seventh west entry of the mine by rescue workers who had tolled censelessly since 10 o'clock yester- day morning. Tho two bodies were bruised and burned to such an ex- tent that identitieation was diffi Quit, ag | ' Wiles two bodies, those of Henry Skagen, a negro, and Walter Mur- dock, white, showed that the ter- rifle blast which snuffed out the lives of three score men almost in- stantly, apparently centred -aboup the seventh west entry, The bodies of Manuel Luna and BE, L. Mata were recovered during the night, They were Mexicans and arrived here recently from Texas, They went to work in the mina for the first time yesterday morning, Hopelessness Nets In McAlester, Okla, Deo 18,«With renlizat! that death must have taken most of the 62 miners im- (Continued on page 2) I ------------ ------ Italy Approves Submarine Ban Paris, Dee, 18Italy will join the United States and Great Britain in their stand aguinst submarines, the Rome correspondent of the semi-ofii. clal Temps reported last night, That country will officially inform France of her position, an action expected to make certain the failure of France and Italy te come to an agreement on naval matters before the opening of the fivespower naval parley at London, In the careful language Rome cors respondents use to report Premier Mussolini's decisions, Le Temps' cor- re pondent says: "The Italian gov. ernment has studied submarines une der their economic, technical and pos litical aspects and has decided to ae. cept the British thesis for their abo. lition," BUICK, MARQUETTE PRICES ARE RAISED Detroit; Dee, 18=Increase in prices of Buick and Marquette automobiles, ranging from $25 to $75, hsa been announced by IL, T, Strong, presis dent of the Buick Motor Co, In most cases the new prices are a re- turn to about the 193 price level, although on some models the new wrices are still somewhat below the 929 list, It ix stated that the in« creases are necessary to conform with the increased cost of production of the 1930 line, Viscount Byng Has Setback London, Deo, 18, -~Viscount Byng, former Governor-General of Aanada, who hag been suffering from a jung aliment, suffered a setback yesterday, but showed im. provement this morning, ft wax learned from physicians attending the commissioner of Metropolitan Pollee, EXPLOSION IN OKLAHOMA MINE INSTANTLY SNUFFED OUT LIVES OF 62 MINERS Being Killed Aflmost In- | stantly in Terrific Blast Forty Seven Bodies Recovered F rom Wrecked Mine Storm Was Big Handicap to News Service Owing to wire trouble, caused by the effect of the sleet storm of last night and early today on telegraph wires, today's issue of The Times is being published under great dif fleultion It was after ten o'clock hefore the special leased wire run ning Into the ofMieco of The Times wan cleared for traffic, und even af tor that hour there wers Intermit tent breaks owing to wire trouble Under the circumstances, which were entirely beyond human econ trol, the wire service of the news of the world Is somewhat below ity normal capacity, although every ef fort was made by The Canadian Press and by The Times to keep the news flowing over the wires In as large a volume as possible Liberals Are Not Satisfied British Governmental Crises Arises Over The Coal Bill London, Dec, 18.-~Meetings of both the Liberal shadow cabinet and the Liberal parliamentary pars ty were held today to discuss what the Dally News culls 'the sudden erlnle over the coal bIIL" In Lib oral elrcles, the government re ples to the questions of Sir Hers bert Bamuel, ohlef Liheral organs Iser, during the discussion of the measure in the House of Commons last night, are regarded an inade~ quate und it Is highly probable that further quostions will be sub. mitted when the hill Is further cons sidered tomorrow, The division on the coal mines bill is soheduled for 11 o'clock to morrow night, PLANS TO PURCHASE HOME OF ACTRESS (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, Dee, 18=Miss Edith Craig, Dame Ellen Terry's daughter, has received a cheque for $1,000 from Mr, J. Pierpont Morgan, for Ellen Terry Memorial Fund, The promoters of the fund hope to purchase Dame Ils len Terry's old farm at Small Hythe, Kent, as a national memorial to her, Fifteen thousand pounds is required for the purehase of the property and the subsequent endowment, and be- fore Mr, Morgan's gilt subseriptions to the fund only totalled about $10, 000, ; Will Search for Eielson in the Arctic Canadian take part in the search for and Borland, two airmen lost the Siberian coast during relief of those MURDER VICTIMS BURIED IN STORM} ERS NOW Mother and Seven Sons Are Laid to Rest in One Janeiro, Larre-Norges Leon Challe probably will compote another Montevideo, ville, Spain guet plane Monday found too difs tiounlt, Tadeo Hamilton Service Stations Robbed $20 CANADIAN PILOTS AND ENGINEERS DEFINITELY here show who will Melson oft photographs nlrmen Grave (By Canadian Prags Leased Wire) Three Rivers, Que, " blinding snowstorm today (By Canadian Press Leased Wire of Dee, 18=In a the bodies Andrew Day and her seven boys, who were hacked to death with an axe by the husband and father, while they slept on Monday morning, were lald together hr a religious service at church, The funeral took place at an early hour and the eight caskets were carried to the church and cemetery in two héarses curate of St ed the remains at the church and Rey Herve Trudel, parish Patrick Parish, conducted the funer al service, ond St grave after Philippe Rev, ( I, Bourgeols Philippe chureh receive priest of St Doo, Major Lieut 18 and poroplana flight to Uruguay, from Se. whieh their own Bre. Hamilton, Deo, 18,==Thieves last night visited three nervice stations in the western section of the cofty, About Ntraton Dunburn and Malin streets, an army revolver was stolen from the Red Indian station at kimer wtroots Waeontdale was rifled of a quantity of toggw, taken from the premises al wan and Kelly Locke and Her and a station In Nova Scotia Government Will Adopt Old Age Pensions Plan Halifax, Dec, 18~The intention of |be introduced at the next session of the Nova Scotia government to es {the assembly tablish old age pensions and mothers' allowances and to appoint a board to bring into effect the minimum wage for women, was announced by Premier N. Rhodes ut a public meeting held in the interest of Hon, Dy, G H, Murphy's candidacy in the Halifax county by-election of January 21, The premier intimated that measures providing for such legislation would The premier sald that with increas ing activity and expansion throughs out the province with the prospect of increasing tourist business, the res venue from government control and increased monies thru a readjustment of government grants und subsidies, he was confident that the government in the near future would be in a pos sition to. put into effect an old age pension system, Melted Grease Thrown on Fire Caused Chatham Blaze Chatham, Deo, 17.--Acdording the flames, Instead of water, the to Fire Chief Pritchard, the fire pi contained melted grease, and which raged the new Garner hotel and created damage estimated at halt a million dollars, was caused by a pall of melted grease being thrown on to a blazing moter, Pritohard sald the information came from Frank Dubugquem, moms her of the hotel staff, The bear ing of a suction fan stalled, be came overheated, and atarted to hlaze, ho sald, The Chinese chef pleked up what he thought Wus « pail of water and threw it on to destroy the block the celling, The Chatham voted a grant of $200 to the bene fit fund of Windaor firemen an a tangible expression of appreclation of a brigade's help in the fire and the valuable help of the men, department shire of eredit for confining hotel fire to the one block, n & second flames which were to had leaped to olty council has 0 to Chatham to To the Windsor fa glven a generous the leeshound trading ships, (1) Capt, H, A, Oaks, who organized the party and who will accompany It us far ax Valrbanks, Alaska, (8) Bill Hughes, provincial alr foree ANXIOUS FOR OVER AFRICA No News Heard Today From British Pilots on Long Flight (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, Dee, 18.-~Hours passe od today without word from. the two Royal Alr Force officers who yostorday at 11 am, began an uate tempt to make a non-stop flight to Cape Town, South Africa, about 8,000 miles, The two men If all went well, ghould have been In the most has. ardous lap of thelr journey and there way some feeling something may have happened to them since they had promised to communicate through thelr radio every few hours, THelr radio may have gone bad, however, The alr ministry sald this morning It had received no mes page from the two, Squadron Leader I, C, Jones and Flight Lieut, A, H, Jenkins, since yester- day afternoon, when they reported the plane 00 miles northwest of Sardinia, The aly ministry at one o'clock this afternoon was still without news of the plane, THEFT LEADS T0 THREE ARRESTS Important Captures © Are Made by Police at Hamilton (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Hamilton, Dee, 18The disappears ance of a suit of elothes from the rooms of Lloyd Griffith, 37 Grant ave, led to a chain of arrests by A lice yesterday and today, Fred V, Pasel, charged with the theft ot the clothes, was taken into custody by Motorevele Oflicer Gaylard, He was viding in a car with an American lis cense in which was another young man and a girl, Police are holding the male passengers, Danigl B, Holl and, charging that he is a deserter from the Royal Canadian Horse Ars tillery at Kingston, The 'girl, Mary Uhibideau, aged 19, of Yarmouth, N, 5. 18 being held for the Royal Cana dian Mounted Police by whom she fs wanted as a waterial witness in con. nection with the robbery of the Metes gham post office, Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Curry, of 134 Erie street cast, Windsor, have sent inquiries locally in connection with their son, Leonard Curry, whow, they understand, is In Oshawa, He has not been heard trom in three years, and his parents are anxious a bout him, Anyone knowing anything about this man is requested to coms municate with his parents, or with Mavor T. B, Mitchell or the editor of The Timey, PICKED mechanic, (8) Pat Reld, NAME, OMeer In charge of operations, (4) Gifford Swartman, provinelal alr force pilot, and (5) Sam McCaulay, meoechanle, provincial alr force, TELEPHONE GIRL STUCK TO POST Slid Down Bannister to Safe- ty After Fire Cut Off Escape Brockville, Dec, 18 Escape al most cut oft by fire and smoke, Miss Irena Gray, Toledo telephone operator, saved her life by siding down the bannlister, Men wera waiting at the doorway of the burn. ing bullding to seize her, Miss Gray stuck to her post at the 'switchboard, located In C, A, Wood's store, attempting to sum- mon help to fight the flames, The entire lower floor was ablaze when she mada her escape, The store was completely de. stroyed and for a time the village wan threatened, With teleplione communication out off, couriers wore sent to Smith's Falls and Brockville to summon ald, The fire chief of Brockville arrived to direct operations, No equipment was sent Cabinet Decides Murderers to Die Ottawa, Deo, 18,The law will take {ts course In the case of Nor man and Lawrence Menard of Montreal, sentenced to hang on 'riday for the murder of John Karl Durham, The oadinet, having reviewed the case, has deolded that there will be no Interference with tho sentence of the court, \ by Forty Below Is Record on The Prairies Winipeg, Dee, 18~Winter's cold reached its peak on the prairies tos day, Temperatures in Saskatchewan and Manitoba cracked in the urea be tween thirty and forty degrees be low zero, and not a flake of snow tell in the still air of the West to temp er the intensity of thelrigid spell, Moose Jaw, in Central Saskatche wan, found its themometers tested to the 40-below mark and assumed the position of Canada's chilliest city, Re- gina was but one degree warmer and Albert, in the northern part recorded a low mark Prince of the provinee, of J8-bhelow SLAYER SOUGHT Chicago, Ills~The hunt for Fred Burke,widely-sought as a bank rob ber and slaper, focussed on Chicago following an announcement by Fats rick Roone, e¢hief Investigator for the state's attorney's office, that Burke had been seen in a hotel in Chicago's loop district today Three Killed By One Slayer Prominent Citizens of West Virginia Town Shot in Homes Romney, W.Va, Dee, 18.~Threa men were killed early today by a man who visited each of them at thelr homes here and shot them down with a shotgun, Among the victims were a justice of the peace and the county Jatlor, Walter Crabtree, 80, was held for the slayings, He was alleged to have had in his possession a list of five names {necluding those of the three men slain and the sheriff, County authorities sald he appar« ently had written out a 'death lst" of Intended victimes, H, C, Inskeep, 60, the justice of the peace, was called to the door of his home and killed instantly a charge from a shotgun, Ben K, Miller, 66, deputy assessor and Jatlor, was next called to his door and shot, The charge hlew off the top of his head, The third victim was Asa Wolford, 28, The killer fired at him through the window of his home, Ottawa, Dee, 18Hon, W, R, Mo- therwell, minister of agriculture, was moved from his residence to the els vie hospital this morning suffering from pleurisy, Mr, Motherwell is in such excellent physical condition oths orwise that his physicians do not ane ticloate any serious developments, King 'George Attends Dinner At Palace Home of Prince of Wales (By Thomas T. Champion, Canas dian Press Staff Writer) London, Dee, 18.-The King and Queen dined with the Prince of Wales at St, James Palace last evening, The function, comprised, among guests at least half a dosen peers and poerosses, During tho last couple of months the King haw attended the theatre protty frequently, but this is the fivet time wince his illness that King George has dined away from Buckingham Palace, Although the King Is normally ono of the busiest men In the coun try it fs Interesting to note that his very position as soverign als most entirely absolves him from fultilling official evening engage- ments, His Majesty never attends public dinners and the state visita to the opara have cessed now that ceremonial visita of European royalties are practically a thing of the past, King George's evening engagements throughout the year, therefore, are confined to the four courts customarily held at London during the season, Thelp Majesties will probably leave London to spend Christmas at Sandringham on Saturday, Teasing Angers Boy Who Kills Brother and Sister (By Canadian Press Leased Wire Kingston, N.Y,, Deo, 18,+In a gullen rage because three of his younger brothers and alaters were teasing him, Lawrence Wilbur, 16+ year-old mountain boy, ploked up his father's rifle and with one shot killed hin sister Lulu, aged @, and his brother Danlel, aged 8, The third child, Dalsy, aged 6, ran ups stalrg and hid under a bed, Tho tragedy oceurred in Sight Hollow, a tiny isolated community back of Willow, a hamlet nestling in the Catskills in Ulster County, There are five other children, hut Lawrence and the three youngest were home alone, The father was away at work, the mother in a hos. pital in Kingston, where she was operated on last week for removal of a tumor, \ After the shooting Lawrence went to the home of a relative and reported two of the children were dead, Then, going further along the road, he met his father coming home from work, "Hurry home pop," ho sald, "two of the kids are dead," The relatives summoned police, who made thelr way aver little used roads to the Wilbur home, Lawrence tried at first to put the blame for the shooting on his fa ther, but, under further aunestion. ing, confessed Ho didn't know the gun was loaded, ho said, ways Dangerous COMMUNICATION BETWEEN CANADIAN AND U.S. POINTS IS SERIOUSLY HAMPERED Wires Carrying News to Cane adian Newspapers Out of Commission As Result of Visitation of Sleet and Ice GROWING LIST OF MINOR ACCIDENTS Highways and City Streets Coated With Layer of Ice, and Driving Rendered Hazardous (By Canadian Press Lensed Wire) Toronto, Dee, 18~Disrupting teles graphic communication to Canada and United States points and slowing up traffic in all directions, the worst sleet storm of the winter cast an ley hand over wires and roads last night and early today, New York<lLoropto wires, whith carries the news to Canadian news papers were out of commission early today, after havin irked under great difficulties last night, Reports of more wire troubles were adding to the difficulties of newspapers staffs, as they sought to fill up their cols wmng in time for early additions, Meanwhile, other points were res porting wires down through the heas vy burden of sleet which covered them, From Ontario elties and towns came a growing report of minor ace cidents caused by automobiles skids ding, Last night particularly, motors ists encountered trouble, as winds shields of their cars becams costed with a heavy layer of ice, Along highs ways and gity streets, cars were parks ed as drivers scraped the lee from the windshields, Street cars also encounts ered trouble from the same source, Harrassed wire chiefs in the Cane adian National and Canadian Pacifie Telegraph Company operating rooms were faced with a heavy task as they sought to effect communication with many Ontario points, At ten o'clock, the wires to Woodstock, Hamilton, Galt, St, Thomas and other Wester: Ontario points were reported out © commission and several other places had not been reached, Snow in Quebec Montreal, Dec, 18.~The sleat storm which severely disarranged communication facilities to - tarlo today reached Quebes Prove ince in the form of a heavy snow (Continued on page 2) Seeking Work For Veterans Department of Pensions Makes Generous Offer to Employers Ottawa, Deo, 18,~The departs ment of Penslons and National Health would like to postpone aa long as possible the establishing of soldiers' homes in Canada, B, NH, Seammell, secretary of the departs ment sald in addressing an Ottawa Service Club yesterday, Instead of such homes the department was doing everything possible to find suitable employment for all veters ans who oonld possibly do work of any kind, and wad looking after the remainder of its established ine stitutions, My, Scammell stated that very often in its efforts to establish veterans in business and industry the department did not meet with the full and hearty co-operation of employers, The department was willing to pay tho firat few months® wages of any men, if employers would give them a chance to fit into thelr organisation, U.S. Launches Big Submarine Portsmouth, NH,, Deo, 18.= The cruiser type fleet submarine V+8, the largest submarine ever built for the United 'States navy, was launched here yesterday, "The oraft in 871 feet long, with a sur face displacement of 2,740 tons and a submerged displacement of 3,960 tons, The oraft is the fifth of nine submarines authorized congress in the 1916 hullding pros gram,

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