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Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Dec 1929, p. 12

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A) PAGE TWELVE THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1929 BRITISH FLIERS 'KILLED IN CRASH (Continued from page 1) house tin. which Li) still sits ng. The tillers were already credited with having made the first nons stop flight from England to Kara ohi, India, They covered those 4, 180 miles last April, It was part~ 1y to establish empiré communion tions that they attempted the 6, 000-0dd mile flight to Cape Town, Bodies Left With Plane Tunis, Deo, 10»~The two Brite lsh aviators who met death in the wild mountains just south of here Tuesday night were belleved to have lost thelr way in the dark. 'N Jas i Hass and wn landing 1 the monntain side,' sumstancés are still un Word reached this olty Wednes- day afternoon that an Arab had seen the wreckage of a plane cons taining two bodies on t nlope known as Ste, Marie d'Usit, 80 miles to the southeast, The authorities Immedintely went out seanching parties, but ow: ing to the nature of the ground und the gontinued bad weather the wregkare was not found until nightfall, Tt was easily identified as that of the YVairey-Napler mono plane of the Royal Air Force, In view of the hour and the weather, the bodies could not be brought here and were left with the plane under guard of a detachment of saldiers,. [INFR SINKS RIT ALL ABOARD SAVED (Continued from page 1) Captain A, R, Francis of the rort Victoria, who was at that time 8 parently aboard the tug Celym- ne, "Fort Victoria sank at 7.80 p.m, Hverybody saved, Passengers on way to pler 05, 'New York," the meseare sald, Another radio message, ploked up by police headquarters, sald that the six members of the crew who had lingered aboard the ves, "sel were safe, apparently aboard ~4he same tug ams the aaiiain. Passengers Started k. Before the vessel sank, the boats hearing its passengers had start. od thelr tortuous journey through the haze back to land, The pllot boat Sandy Hook landed the first contingent of passengers; 144 In all, at Staten Island, Other noaw hearing the rest of the persons taken from the stricken vessel headed for plers in the North river, The Algonquin, which is a Clyde fine vessel, anchored in Ambrose ghannel with all her passengers d orew aboard, The vessel was ported damaged but was appar- ently in mo danger. Observers ashore sald the fog was so thick that the vessel probably would Rave to remain In the channel all alght, In the meantime confliot ne reports of just how the eolli- alfon occurred émme out of the fog. Hxactly what happened was aot PT a = $25 00 Seotiand Woollen #. Rotiah, MANS, aon 0. h Dy CUTICURA HEALS EGZEMA ON FACE Of a Wet Nature, Scaled Over and Red, itched Terribly, INSULATING BUILDING BOAPD » COOL (IN SUMMER WARM IN WINTER 5 ' . DISTRIBUTED BY OSHAWA LUMBEF COMPANY LIMITED OSHAWA ONT. pw The collision oceurred shortly hefore 4,80 o'elock in the afters noon, The Wart Victoria wes struck amidship on her port sldg and all messages ngreed that be- fore she sank she was listing bad- ly, The Algonquin had a large hole in her bow, but this was re- ported to be above the water line, When the const guard pllot bont Sandy Hook arrived at the Staten Island pier, doctors Iimmedipte)y went aboard to treat possible in. Juries, hut thelr services were not needed, CANADA'S DECISION SEEN AS POINTLESS Soviet Government's Organ Denounces Premier King's Recent Remarks Dec, 18.~The Moscow, ane nouncement recently made by FPre- mier Mackeusle King that he did not Intend sending a representative to. Mosgow but would request the British ambassador to look after Canadian interests in Russie, and his statement that the renewal of diplomatic relations hetween Great Britain and the United States Mov- fet Republiec would not affect Can Ada, has aroused a great deal of ire here, In a weathing editorial, the Is. vostia, the organ of the Hoviet Government, remarks that the Canadian Premier's statement has a somewhat strange character, "This eommunioation regarding the renewal of Anglo-Soviet rela- tions not affecting Canada," the Investin states, "is rather out of place, inasmuch as the Hoviet Gove ornment has not addressed nor in- tend addressing, any request for resumption of diplomatic relations with Canada, This being the case, Canada's decision not to send a re- prosentative to Moseow is rather pointless," ' The Tsvestia further points out that the Promier's statement that he still wishes to promote Hoviet- Canadian trade does not bear out notual facts, "The whole world knows that the Hoviet Trade Reps resoptdtiven were compelled to leave Canada not because they were, or ever could be, caught spreading 'destructive' propagan~ da, but because the Canadian Gove ernment was not in a position to resist the demands made by Cham: berlain, and therefore, had to fol low the example get by the Cons servative Cabinet in Great Bris tain," In an interview glven the writ: or, an official of the Foreign OMee Reore, stated that It was not at all likely that the Soviet Government would send Trade Delegation to Montreal in the near future, He pointed out that Canada's growing Industries neaded the U.8.8.R, more than the USHER, needed Canada The very high United Sates tariff, and the already glutted British markets, did not offer great oppors tunities for Canadian products, whereas supplying even a fraction of the Soviet Unlon's annual ime forts of farm machinery would eep the Canadian Industries hums ming, Documents that will shakeup In government circles have heen recently found in lb rary of tha Academy of Belence In Leningrad, These documents, which were taken out of the are ohlves when they were handed over to the Soviet Government in 1924, and concealed within the walls of the library for the past five yearn, are part of Count Briks endorf's correspondence with the late Taar and his family over a period of years prior to the revo. lution, Count Birkendorf was at one time head of the Tear's "Ochrans ka," hetter known as the "Black Hundred" who hunted down revo lutionarfes and organized po. groms in Russia, Among the paps ers recently found there is a list of names of the people formerly on the payroll of the Ochranka, This lat contains the names of many people once prominent in the old Soolal Revolutionary and Cadet Parties, and, rumor has it, names of people now holding high posi tions in the government, For not notifying the Soviet Gov. ernment of the existence of these documents, Professor ©, F, Olden burg, the Director of the Academy and Professor C, KE, Plotonoff, the Director of the library, have heen Mamissed from' thelr posts, The Pravda, the organ of the Cow munist Party, and 'the Comsomols Ski Pravda, the orean of the Youn Communists, are ecalline for a com: nlete olensout of this "Noah's Ark of the old order," as they eall the Academy, and demand that the culprits be tried for politioal 'eannon, oreate a When smoke and flame followed hard upon the heels of a series of explosions in the Pathe and Manhattan studios, 180ed St, New York Oity, nine persons lost thelr lves and sixtebn wero injured, Four of the dead were young wos men from Brondway musical shows making Christmas money by "'dous bling at the studio, The photos graphs herve shows (1) One of the young Indies who were teking part TY in a cabavet scena at time of fire and oscaped only in scant, clothing in which they stood, (8) General view of the bh he, 41d (#8) nnother young woman ho escaped Copyright, 1080, Pacific and Ate lantie Fhooy, Ine, ANNUAL MEETING MYRTLE W.M.5. Mrs. R. J, Merriam Re- elected President, Mrs, R, Thompson Is Vice-Pres, Myrtle, Dee, 17,The Women's Missionary Boelety held its annual meeting on Thursday afternoon of last week and although the wes ther was unplehsant, there way a good attendance The president, Ms, 1, Merriam, presided, and the following officer for the coming year were elected by ballot: President, Mrs, Mere am} vicespresident, Mr Thompson; secratury, Mes, 1D, Lou yi treasurer, Mrs, (he Pllkay temperance secretary, Ms, 1, Hua ring; delegates to convention in Whitby-~Mesdames Graham and Loury Raports were glven from the different officers of the year's work, and the soclety was shown to he tn a fine condition A voo al solo wos sung hy Mi Roy Thompsen and # reading on the work was given hy Mre, D, (1, Ross Refreshments were served and a vote of thanks given to the hostess for the ure of her home Never before in the history of the elevator at the C.F. R, has thers been such a large amount of bua, ness transacted as that of the past few Jnonthy Every day farmers are ween hauling to and from it Binee the hydro has hean Installed and the modern grinders and clean ors put in, the manager, Charlie Pilkey had to have extra help to serve the publi his is a valuable asset tn the community ng I draws big business need to go elsewhere David Broome ia Mount Zion this wee) heen ongaged as fore ers' farm The Hible Class and officers of tho held thelr regular social « at the home of the vipes president H, Lane, on ¥riday night when a good attendance wan presont Mu slo, games {8 were en has moving hore he man on Ho nore that to ha and teacher sunday sel vening and conte Joyed during the early part of the | evening, when the usus! busine was tranencied and It war decided to hold & supper and concert In the ehureh basement on the evening of December 20th, to which the whale nalghharhood would he invited The ladies then served refresh ments The next meeting will ne held at the parsonnve Mr, Cooper, of Toronto, the week-end with friends The heavy stowfall the part of the week seemed to dis pel all fear of a groen Christmas, Vietor Hudgens and Miss Dery! Willing, of Toronto, vis'ted the for mer's mother, sunday, Andrew Lawrence ' of Oshawa, spent the week-end with his parents, Mrs, Dave (I, Ross attended the funeral of her slaterin-law, Mya, L, N, Ross, of Toronto, last week Miss Pear! Vance spent the week end with Toronto friends Word was received here on Man day that Alex Calder, who has been seriously {11 for the past two weeks, ls improving and the doctor Kives greater hopos of his recov ory, Mr, Baker, who has been living on the Lowery farm, south of the village, moved to Oshawa last week, My, and Mrs, Luther Lick, of Da vidson, Bask, whe are on thelr way by mator to Callfornia, are visit Ing Mrs, Lick's mother, Mrs, Wm, Hoar, ' Mes, W, Pacher visited friends In Toronto last Friday, hore Ray | spent anrtier | Mus, H, Hudgens, on | The photograph here © shows uburn prison, N.Y, where, ln one of the worst jail viets in the state of New York's history, elght cons viets and one warder lost thale lives, The uprising was only guolls J, Mickle, of Toronto, called on friends hbre on Sunday Mr, and Mrs, Charlie Plikey mos tored to Toronto 'en Monday, Bohool elopes on Friday of this week for the Christmas vacation, The ehlldren have heen practising forthe Chvistmas tree, which is hes Ing held In the ehurch hasement on Friday night of this week, POPE PIUS WRITING WOMEN TRAINED FOR USEFUL ART Every Woman Should Be | Trained in Some Useful Art by Which She Can Sup- port Herself NEW YEAR'S LETTER Encyelicel Will R fer Peace With Italian Throne to 1 { \ ul no Li andent would | ( Year's Day ing of the Lat lishing peace hetween and the Quirinal he encyelieal, ity thanks | iid in the celebration Mus New 1, will give WHC tion Pontifi ide | of th sueerdotal jubilee and will e» motives prolonging the "Holy Year" the juli another six { low more of the for celebrating |i nihs fatthiul to gain indulgence The corr ident said the engyel eal would not he controversial hut would be a "document of bepevol ence, and heartfelt thanksgiving he Pontiff has spent part of tl | week correcting proofs of the eneys | Heal, He has va | each day in pi er and meditation aft | fashion pf St, Tgnatiug of | | and ha | granted n FISHERMEN IN MARITIMES TO aed omee SBE ORGANIED Halifax D A owonderiok thing Provinoes, and have neh to da ow { Hu ture pre {IE we ean {that great mass of peo | working together aid De, MM [ Condy, of Bt, Franeis Nuvier Udy {aity, ta whom the, Federal Gover ment las entrusted the work af oi funleing the hi the pr vince hy tl Dr, Ci A fisherman It will b ¢ Marth { la with per fhe ple nermen ol Ae, hia i Cap atndies of Lin When the d groups ilready organ | Hreton Island shorough organization ol mpleted, 1 meeting of dele and the | Halil the federat Condy will eall a ies trom the different federations Tin-a Maritime conference I'hen a | Maritime group will 'he organized ta I handle the big problems of the hun and contral the of fisher long the deeds of small group destinies of the thousand men wha ply their trade shores of the three pravinee De, Coady sail! his work avas Hght ned hy the eagerness of the fisher men for organization, They seemed to understand, he said, that they could not g@® anywhere until they got together antl co-operated in solving general problems THE TRUE TEST (applying for a Job in the Mother says 1 sing beauti Girl chorus) Tully, Manager dation from the Reing me a recommen neighbors and I'll Regina Leader, od after National Guardsmen wore called in, Five of the vingleaders died in the final assauwlt and bid for Hbherty. All convicts who took part in tho mating, oven in a miner degree, are belng charged with first degree murder, lain the | untry, | | (By Canudian Press Leased Wire) Windsor, Ont, Deo, 15, YHveny young woman should be tralned In some useful art by whieh tho can support herself," declared ev, A, K, Runnells, paster of Cen tral United Church, during a ser man delivered to a congregation {on "Women In Business,' Dr, Run | nells dealt with the fact that for tunes could he swept away (n an Instant; there was no material | fireumstances that might: net be hanped tomarrow, but that there were some things; an education, for oxample, that eculd not he taken away fram a boy or givl, Y'Qualify yourself toe do something well" | "I for one do net belleve that | marriage Is the only haope only opportunity, ar only | destiny for any daughler of Eve, the pester sald, "1 do say, how ever, that marriage Is God's holiest ordinance, Although the ideal state kt soclety 1s not mentioned It does not ghut out other careers,' Dealing with the eriticlsm shme- | times offered that whmen made | | work a makeshift, a temporary ex | pedient, and therefore did not show { the same thoreoughnes, as men, he tated that it would be unreashin- | | able to expect the same self sur [ wonder to husiness as eould he found among the men, who made bi thely life work, However, he | continued, there was no work that | | was worth doing that was not worth delng well; and (he woman who was not thorough In the | wlonce of stenography, would not | be thorough In demestlo splence, If she were Indifferent In business, | she would he liable to be slovenly in the home | HONE, SCHOO. CLUB: REGULAR MEETING N, Oshawa, Dee, 18--James | | Blokes, the man mentioned in the | { mocount of Mr, Richard Glover's | funeval at Roland, Man, recent ly, has since passed away It will remembered that Mr, Stokes | family resided here at ene und wecompanied the Glover when they moved ta the west about thirty-fdur years ago My, Stokes and Mr, Glover were Higsloug felends and uelghbord, The MH, & #5, Club held the Des | comber meeting 'on Thursday even: | Ing President Mrs, Phillips pres siding It "was decided to draw the tickets for the quilt at the Christmas concert on Friday even. Ing, December 20, Money was set uslde for prises for the pupils for each olass, Priges, alan to ba pres sonted at Cheistmas tree, Other important husiness was transacted, The meeting elosad with the Na- tional Anthem, Mri, White was appointed to attend to the program for January, Mrs, W, Hlight visiting relatives, Mrs, Bruce Glover and her moth. er, Mrs, A, Walker, went to Tor onto Thursday, MY, and Mrs, J Alexander and Miss Esther Dennis ang Will Alex- ander and Franels, visited relatives at Buniskillen, Sunday The H, #8 Christmas tree fa on Dee, 28rd and a'l are welcome, Come and see Santa Clans, ° Mrs, Hykes 1s with her mother in the States, Mr, and Mrs, Hardwick and Herble, have returaed from a vis it to Mv, and Mrs, FlintoR at ton, My, Thos, Heasllp has returned from a vilt and business telp to Caluary, Mr, Hert Taylor visited his ais. tor, Mrs, A, Ly Phillips ana will sail for England Friday 18, dood Luek Hert, ! Miss Lilllam Philllps and NM» Drake spent Shia with the fom mer's parents, Mn and Ms, A, L Phillips, Me and Mrs, Gea, Soott enter talued thelr friends ang nelghbars to a dance at thelr new heme on Friday evening, IN \ % he and time | family Is at Broeklin Your Rexall Drug "Store The Shop of Variety Is the logical place to do your first and last-minute shopping, for merchan- dise of a vast variety is displayed rig'st before your eyes, and courteous salespeople await your commands, Come in and look around---you are not compelled to buy, though you will be greatly tempted to do so for you can save time, trouble and money by shopping at the Rexall Stores, RECENTLY ARRIVED Dalcrosse Toiletries Gifts of distinction from an English maker of fine soaps and perfumes, Some. thing different, and very moderately priced, RN EXTRA SPECIAL! Two Pound Glass Barrel of Rainbow Bath Salts A barrel-shaped' Crystal container filled with perfumed bath salts of brilliant cols ours arranged in rainbow fashion A very beautiful gift, Regular Sale Price $1.00, Bath Soaps, Box of 3 Cakes ... $1.28 EXTHA 4© & MPKCIAL Bath Salts ,.., 78¢, $1.80, $2.80, $4.50 PICK AT THE REXALL HTORES ONLY Bath Cubes ,» 40¢ and 7Be ; WR Guest Soaps, 3 adours B0¢, 6 odours §1 Your Gil or Boy Combined Sets ............ $1.00 to $2.50 Would Like 4 HAWKEYE Crystal Shaving Bowl CAMERA Takes plotuves 84 hy Wii, Very easy to operate, Thurs, Fri, & Mat, Only ,., 98¢c KODAKH E800 Up Sportsman Shaving Bowl ,....... oes Odors of Kose d'Antan, Golden Morn, Bunch o' Violets, Lavender Bouquet, Blue Lagoon and Garden of Kama, Choose Your Desk Set or Pen & Pencil Set at the Rexall Store Over Five Hundred Pens and Pencils and a magni ent array of Desk Sets make your tack easy at the Rexall Store Wahl & Eversharp Pon and Pencil nots from BOBO to BLT.50 | | Sheaffer Sets Base of polished PARKER'S | Waterman's | Blas Site Hh fal ¥ Fr, pi wr with Inefel Whior Fen, #1 ond BR.TH « WT.50 Pencil 81,00 « Bi 00 | ten nnd Pencil sets | in Tregsure Chest Clases rom Pen and pencil sots for Ladies' or men in Luxe Gin Boxes from | $6.50 | $3 75 to 2H de Pen and Pencil H1050 up Pen and Pennell & | | olf Pencil $15.00 $510.50 | ,. DBI HITS, §8.50 UP HIAH0 & 10,50 LADIEN' DECOLLETTE GILLETTE . RAZOR Gold Vinish Gillette Razor | Ivory & Pearltone Sets Ivory Hrash, Mirpop Nets In UAER 44 BN 50 Peapltone A-plece Bets in MIRS0 and BIK00 Hyush Comb and Met in Batinslined Cutex Manicure Sets In Holiday Wrapping Tria' Size iii i fe Small Set ......coiiin00, 800 , $1.00 aes $1.50 wi 33,00 tn ao For Mother or Sister or the | For Dad or Brother or the Best Girl | Boy Friend Shari Dusting Powder |, , $3.80 Neue Riabligite Singlets eal Atomizers ........ $3,00 to $7.80 || Cigarette Lighters $1,580, $2.50 $8 Perfume Atvminers } hi ' Raszov B'ade Stroppers ..,, $1.78 & $6.80 Compacts ..., 49¢ to $12.00 5.00 Playing Cards ......... 78¢ and $1.00 Yardley Sets .. vn 880 to $18, Briar Pipes 49¢, $1.00, $2.00 & $6.00 Gift Stationery Boxes, | §0¢ to $4.50 Mennen's Gift Sets wun S383 Three Flowers 'Toilet Sets $1,850 to $31 Comb, and Hatin Lined and one biade in Satin Heed vase, A money 98 saving price X C Similar Oillette Rdzor for Men \ LET Others at $5.00 and $0.00 Cie Aibey Mivpoy UH e f Minute Set | Travelling Set Boudoir Set | | [| Yardley's Shaving Sets $1,00 to $4.50 A GIFT THAT WILL PLEASE! Announcing Our Greatest Sale of Christmas Merchan- dise -- From Now Until Christmag re Sessa Containing Four Full Size Beauty Requisites French Narcissus Perfume + $2.00 bottle Supersmooth Face Powder 1.00box * IN AN Cleansing Cream 75 iar ATTRACTIVE Tissue and Astringent Cream + 75 jar GIFT BOX \ your Christmas money to its utmost capacity we have planned this sale for months in advances Here is an item particul suitable for gifts «at a moh much lower than you would Por icularty OUR SUPPLY 18 LIMITED Limit 2 to a Customen, = COME EARLY! Mall Orders Pilteck--Add 350 for Postage and Packing BUY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS AT THRE REXALL DRUG ATORRS JURY & LOVELL KING Re=P'HONR 28 NIMOOE SNe-=PHONE 68 To help you stretch v= Ou Chustmas Sit To Pou + Every pirehaser of this 88 Combination Set during this special sale only, will vecatve » heautitul Christcnns GU vam our store in appreciation of your valued patronage We Sugeest vou same savly. ame aa OER J TNR NT

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