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Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Dec 1929, p. 13

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, THIRTEEN Srst-------------- PAGE a -------- 1929 AUSTRALIAN TARIFF IS CAUSING ALARM ~ British Chambers of Com merce Protest to Lord Pasefield ASK, FOR ACTION London, Dec, 19. The warm In Bri al industry var the Australiun for, Ihereases Is further reflegted in ter sent by Bir Wali Rane ont % . $oc lation of British ja Commerce, to Lord eerotary of § Dol i n wa for Alby In he li fh, Ceo, he ha that all Ghose id gin e letter drcore tween at i hed In trade hi wy and Australia are "Sn sly alarmed by the effect of She increases "n Britlsh industries export t he association Dellayes the Ine erensed will bot ous eet employ: ment In Great Britaln apart from J It result on Australia herself, un nd or stands many of the trades wilt mest prevented from exporting, The letter udder "If the recent In creases are allowed to pass without WA nEainst them on your part we believe there will be firther drastic inereases 1n tarlffs soon when other sections. of British hve | will be seriously affected, We have liad many protests from Chambers of Commaeree throushent the country against the action of the Australlan Government, In the interest of British industry and trade and In order to prevent further unemployment in this country | ap peal 10 you to take Immediate steps to protest to the Australian Geverns ment. against these drastle tariff changes Home people can't hear a cloek in thelr rooms at night,="They pres fer the silent watches of the night, Montreal Hiar, when Canadian Tussin, Goorge Aloxundor then a» Jomtant hoy In hungervid {don Mussina, crept to the Unnndian onoumpment, for protees ton, Cuyl Murvey took him undey his wing amd brought him back to Canndu, where he ls now assistant agont at Longlord, Ont, any St -__ ,LL On the left is Carl WH, Harvey, wintion agent nl. Washago, Ont, and (right), George Alexander Harvey, somewhile Nusslan peas ant who recently took oul his natura ny papers, adopting the name of the station master, who is hiv benefactor amd protector, During the 4 fovees weve In aw. -------------------- TE ------------ [ people are allowed to do what seems to them to be the most reasonable RECODIFICATION |$ SUGGESTED FOR |::2 ENGLISH WEDDINGS Church Assembly For Abolition of Require ore seems ta be an Ides samen hom that so long as they arg nel ubout to Som Diganmy they can be niarrled when and where they please," The proposal was defeated, The driihishop of Canterbury, Dr, Lang, sald "1 think there Is a need for the recodifiention of the marriage Moves laws of this country" I'he benefices (patronage) monsure, which has been beforg the ussembly for some years, was sgnln refefred "ments Now Often | ous to the patronage committee, Mr Jackson ef the Guildford dio Dodged LH RA "I think It Is only Fight for us laymen to protest against the measure London. ~At its vecent sseuplon the once again put off, It Ie ou ehureh assembly approved uw measure whieh Is designed to enable marriages | nensure of the first mement, | wpe 0 be seletnnized In nny ehureh whieh { pose It Is, nt the moment, impossible 8 the usual plac ol worship for eth | {0 go forward, but | do not think we er of the person he married | shou neeept this adjournment with The dean of Meh ter moved that | ut # word of protest." the measure should be dn ended te provide that the publication of bans | in the parish ef residence olf thane In tending to marry should be suffic funt | to authorize the solemnigation of the | ented, On belng Lrought before the marriage ny any ehurel in the eoun Judge he was asked by the Court try, provided that due netles was (what he was there for glven, He sald Pat«"Yeour Honor, | was "Many elergy find that they have for being Intexleatud to allow subterfuges with regard ta] Judge="Where did you buy 1" residence und this mensure will not Pat=="Your Honor, | did not buy do away with those subterfuges t A Beotehman gave It to me" "They will continue until lay] Judge | belng SANDY MAC Pat was arrested for being Intex! prrested "Phivty days for perfury," re (bristnas mornin What a joy to find a Wat A small f new have a Merry Christmas with a EE ckage, but what a big thrill it brings to young and old , , , . who wouldn't aterman's! And who wouldn't be glad lifetime reminder of your thoughtfulness! j PP We Ee ai) ¥ w CON What is Waterman's Number 77 If we all wrote the same hand, there would be no difficulty in choosing a pen to fit, But we don't, All handwriting differs superficially; although, fundamentally, there are but 7 different styles, varying only gccording te the manner 5% RRA) NH GIVE A NUMBER 7 WATERMAN'S in which the pen is held in the hand. Thus Waterman's Number 7 means the standardizing of 7 different pen points to fiit 7 different fundamental styles of handwriting and distinguishing each atyle by a different colour band to facilitate choice, In'a word, Waterman's dealers are equipped with a Number 7 tray, consisting of 7 pens, with 7 different points at seven dollars, The Lucky One receiving your Christmas offering may visit the nearest Waterman dealer und exchange the nib for one best suited to their style of handwriting, A | No. EE $thoe woo frame Ne. 662) =Complere $7.50, xd As strated Ne, 116 Without frame Ne, 6102 Watermans | Sad at Marn's D: uy Next Post Office COMBINATION WRITING or marble baw, hy doled. Sune Waterman's Combination Writing Set 1a an extremely popular Christmas to Beautiful stamless vipplevubber Tountain Pen and Pencil, $0.00, Other styles $7.00, $3.90. Ladies' 50, $5.90 and $4.50 Sido Sago Service and selection at 3,500 Canadian Merchants AUTOMOBILE WF OPPOSED T0 BAN: Resirictions on on Pitiding Re- garded Dublowsly By Association Heads ------ FEAR FOR BUSINESS More Space Offered a So. lution For Congested Streets -- ------ Moire. 1 Bes, N10=Officiuls of | oo ns Ko lone In the elty tor du " dul ol» of pnd even ops pored. a0 the eye plan, us unnounced fo restrict the downtown and uptow) areus In redpdet to parking Accord Ing to un Ki nouncanang made recent ly ut the City Hall the ares bound: oil the vgrth by Sherbrooke, on 1h sant by St Denls, on the south Notre an and on the west bi Guy street, will be a "no parking wren, with the exception of th squares located In the district, , Kirby, general manager of the Montreal Motorists League, atut ed that In hls eplnlen, and at first glance, the proposal appeared to be toa drastle May Hugg Husiness "The league has not hud {ime to go Inte the matter," he pald, nppears ta mo that it will hire busi news ln this ares und be o great hard ship to motorists who have to use the financial distriet, There 1s also the question of the many people who use cides for shopping In the larger stores" Similnr views wero expressed Goorge MeNamee, searetiury of th Royal Automobile Club, who sald that all motorists were naturally pre red to admit that the streets had pace built for the convenlenca of ull the eltieens and that they were pre pared to sufler luconvenlenca us mo toristy of the Ineonvenlones would lead ta Improvement ol condition for all, "Personally, however," he «on tinued, "I think that the aulekest Wy to kil a distelet ls to ban parkin in it, ¥he area that ls to be buoned hy Be ---------- {ft so useful and convenient , . . ws eg ~N, @rmans ie Bi If a different kind of pen nib ! desived after Christmas, the one you bought will be cheer: fully Sache for the style Aig at Sold S$:or at Rexall Stores Jury &. Levell, Ltd. King St, E. & Simeoe St, S. "hut | the in the ew arrangement iy aren where thers | | on of busines bulldings hve Now these more oF less Inaegessible and busine ro will bg foreed into other wren eity, und with a consequent los | revenue, "I'he solution af the parking pro Wem 1s, In my epiulon, the pro of purkdng places belore the us dreety for that pirpose 1s pr " | ited, elled to tube curs, vew bulldings ied ed should provide dor publie parking places, for which the ori wanld wludly should be provided by the ety, but not till then, should street parks ing be forbidden, rom Information that we it has not heen clearly proved {het the prohibition of parking In certain cupled of wither cities provid bene fie)! In wny cuve, Mon I a | treat hug Is © wi problems Yo solve grvi 0 nd they cannot slwa Th Ava h " i initution of the ethers ul git the border)" he udded ih "ry Inrgest vol id wher } been wregted fo ¢ bulldings will bed thie § wl he a --_ i SERVOEAT 16H a Buildings should Le vein parking und) Courtice, De, 10 Phi muryine Sunduy were fully well attended Ti the morning & lwrge number of git wile brought ung laid op the altar to he sony to Aho poor children The servies gn Sunday evening I Coudell's Mall, West Cousticd, + well attended, wll the chiles being oc Mr, pity the fees Then, hive, iw Invariably COURTICE CHURCH ww Votlgy preached uw fing y serinon In hls uw ney I grant will Yi mgs and Lirue home aver and Tani yh ithe north of | Irive . ram ig thine on o'elosk slenl Oshawi, Whe Welsh eholr a Mi hur Vinen day ulternoon lagt wekk Missionary Bociely miki { Mrs, John Vound, Th charge of Mre, Mit Ihe officer vil Jn thy W AL the Young Veople's meeting this in the Imrsday evening w Christus pros | mueting in sive with music, veads | Vascod's group dialogines, also uw Christiane | elected dor th COMING Yur und wu shore Chl (pas i WEIL Whe press ub York Weadresihionis ;weri efyed J Mi Vasco I ind thou Mi Clinrle Stevenson | the cuther was very severe and tf have been living a) ronds in bad condition there wel oirtice for someting Vabout twenty ladies present Mry moved tu Providence und we Vound und Mi Miury wet ost wish them sucess in their new ligma, | thought iul for their guns Fhe Mission Cirele will meet it Baturday alternoon the CGI, met home of Mi A, V, Rundle and in one of the homes in Courtice wn Holt youd Christmas pro- | dressed a number of dolls te be do sntieipited and u pleasant [nated in the White Gift service Saturday afternoon at 240 | Bunday morning Hal interesting 1s Heke « ourtice, Iovate the week end, Konnld | Mr, and Ll If Australie puts that proposed Ligh tax on tallies fnte affect talk won't he wo ehsup after all Ld] Cntharines Mandard, several from here attended the mi in King street church evening aid heard bOPVIEE Sunday f ff i f AA WER + th RA STARL ISHED RE -- | [Turkeys 10:18 LH AVERAGE The es thathelp) Xmas (J wy i A eH A A AL | Christmas Poultry Tons and Tons of Freshly Killed Birds »38 Geese Also a Complete Stock of Quality Chickens, Ducks and Fowl / bi fir / yy 0 © NA an Bedi LH AVERAG v Ib, 27. % A Brn mo so nt oh AL A TI A i J PO A 0 J ME, OP OF RJ OA YO J J RE J AR A SAT A A, MEATS YOUR A & P MARKETS OFFER YOU QUALITY MEATS AT LOW PRICES ( AREFULLY SELECTED A & I BEEY ROASTS SHOULDER PRIME RIB First 4 Ribs RUMP "0h" BLADE SHORT RIB EXOKLLENT YOUNG ROANTING PORK SHOULDERS [| BUTT ROAST NO "Wikia FANCY NU GAR © URED SMOKED AMS ..! MALY FRESHLY CHOPPED SUET FRESH MADE MINCEMEAT FISH FANCY SILVERBRIONHT SALMON ov The Wlor WHITEFISH Node I COD .... ar SAF ncs: FANCY BLUEPOINT OYSTERS OUR OWN RLENDED INDIA NECTAR 37 | TEA nA" ou 49: AUY NOW AT THIS EXTREMELY LOW PRICK ib. 20e ib. 2% Ib, 27¢ Ib, 22¢ 1b, 28¢ b. 18e ib. 24 b. Ze ib. 18 2 be. 25¢ O12 LEAN OR WHOLE NAM . 18e Ib, 18¢ Ib, 18c CREAT LTE) Glass Jar : Campbell's 'we Bo | Qe FANCY SANTA CLARA VALLEY MEATY PRUNES uw: 2m 25 FRESH OUT YOUNG ROASTING ---- HAMS "whole tam 23 FINEST QUALITY LATE HOWELL ! CRANBERRIES®.25- NEW SHIPMENT JUICY good Sine i ORANGES "oon 53 CRISP AND TENDER Celery Heartssunen 19. TE TR Te WIL IG. WG, TOG TO 2 TO WO SO OG. OG Wo. TOG We WO 06% Wi MA Ws. SF WP IG WF 0 05 MA WF. "WF Mi WES ME ME WL TTT TI aw mE mE a FET TRE RET WET TE a a NT \ PEEIPOIIPIIIIIIIIPEIIIII ILI EPL IIIIRIIIY EXTRA WEEK-END SPECIALS FANCY PANTEURIZED CUREAMERY Butter 2m. 85 FRESH OREAMERY BUTTER... ® 1bx Me FINE GRANULATED 10 me. 54 Sverirank Brand a SEE a a a ve SUGAR MADE IN ONTARIO'S FINENT OREAMERIES { Cheese" 23° 1 31. a aa = aa 3 Tooevee heese uw. 23 w. 31 HOLIDAY SUGGESTIONS BRAZIL NUTS vane as 10088 MIXED NUTS .... th. 23¢ WALNUT MEATS BROKEN heanaa 1Be HG RAISINS "A adas Canes wenn 10.1600 RAISINS "ALA RR vesnssas 10s We FRUIT CAKES Baked in Our Own Ovens and in» Very Attractive Lithographed Tin--Chuek Full of Fruit pw 2b. Cake $1.29 CURRANTS AUSTRALIAN verine 2 Ibs 27 MARSHMALLOWS. 'camerme | 12.0u Tin 8de PEEL NE Hy b. 88¢ ALMO x ASRS 3 Ib, 87e XMAS CRACKERS al "Dos. 49 TANGY Dos. 0) TABLE FIGS AEE Ih. 28 COOKING FIGS "io TRNA + ye sie 1b. 10e CITRON PEEL ,,. *™ halt] DVT | STUFFED OLIVES \ Wh LIL LH) ROTC LIRR AR 2 Bunches 17 15-1b. Peck 3 §e' 3 tor 210 10 Ibs. 250 3 10 Ibe. 150 § one bs 30° QUEEN OLIVES .. heees 30°80 XMAS CHOCOLATES GONDOLA JR. Ib. Box 4Pe TWO-POUND BOX 894 Ww THREE-POUND B 99 PLUM PUDDING ... "BRSW™ ... 3b. Tin 88e DATES ig 1 TORE Ar I 5 hy. 180 ihe CHERRIES ..... Man \ GINGER ALE Canada Dry sant due Gorrie 75 O'Keetfe's Dry kia 3 Bottles 28 CALIFORNIA. GROWN b CARROTS NO | GRADER ONTARIO POTATOES TRXAS AERDLRASR GRAPEFRUIT NO. 1 GRADE NATIVE GROWN ONIONS ONTARIO YRLLOW TURNIPS Tae GnwAy ATLANTIC & Pace TrA Co. LIMITED OF CANADA

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