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Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Dec 1929, p. 15

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1929 PAGE FIFTEEN » | THE C wiih" where TASSEELE ED meets ECTION_ - eller "99a NO Lege! JONANT & ANNI BARRISTY TY §oticiors 'Notaries Public Etc Con: A Ia And, enernl prictice of Himooe Bt Houth Oshnwa, ky 4 D, Conant HA ow LLB AP, Abii, B.A, tl TE BANNTYEPEH, Notary Public, Convey wger Money to loan, Third fom ew 2 Building Opposite Post Mf "hone ] wv Tr N iNT ATIC RC DANK | § if Compr widin or wy rister, Eolleltor, Notary Puhlie, Con: revancer, Money to loan, Office 14! King St. East, Oshaws, Phone #4 Resldene . AND Vraser, Barristers, Conveysncers Notaries Publlg, ets, Office over Standard Dank, Kutrapce Bimooe St. Phone 18, 1, I, Grierson, K.0,, rf, K, Qrelghten, BA, N, 0, Fraser, B.A, LOUIS 8 HVIAN TARRIETIR solicitor, Notary, ever Dewlanl's tore, Money to loan, 16 Simeoe street north, Phone 67, Residence ThR0DP, FARRATCE "AND FIELD TAR. risters, ete, Money to loan, Alger Bldg, Opposite Post Office, Phone 1614, AT Parkhill A C H Field REN ER AND HUMPHREYS, BAR fdsters, Solicitors, ate, 24% Sir coe it. N. Phone $160. Money to Inan ALK UX, Q, , HALL, HA HARRIF ter, eth, Conveyancing and genera) practice, 28% King 9%, East Phone #27, (tr) WARNTE & WATATE, WATRYS tars, Bolleltors, ete, 41 Alger Bldg, Orhawa and Port Perry, Phones 760 Oshawa, Port Perry Mandl lr d (Deo, 2 Medico! DR, M¢K SAY PHYSIC TAN, SUR geon, Accoucher, OMce and resis dence, King St, Erst, corner Vietorla St Oshawa, Phone U4 , HAROLD WW, TRICK, PH 781 glan, Sumgeon, Obstetrician, Special references to materndy work and di seases of wouen, Two vears' post graduate experienry, OMice and res dence 167 ¥imeoe St, N,, (cor, Brock) hone 300 DR, GRANT HERRY, PHYSICIAN Surgeon, Obsietriclan, diseases of infantn end ehildren, Office and rata 07 Hand last, Phone 1155 DRI . HAZLEWOOD, PTVal. olar od Surgeon, gpecial attention piven to Xerav work and Eleetr theapy, + Mice, Disn ¢+ Block, Phane 2080, Oifie. open 9 am bop Residence 161 King Fast, Phone 2416 UR DAVID ARCHER, M.D, CM, Il. RR GC PF and §5 Edinburgh Phvyichan, Sargeon and Obstetrician Office 142 Simcoe St, N. Phone 3020 residence 161 King St. IL Phone 3158 : ARCH HN BROWN, M.D, L, R P, 8. Edinburgh, Physician RR, Obstetrician, epecial ate tention te maternity work and. dis cases of children, Office and resi dence, 185 Simcoe dt, North, Phone 3107 ' Horrw TANK, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, Obstetrician, Qffice and residence, (12 Bimeoe street north, Phone 2415, (Oct, 9-1 mo) ad Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR 7, T, BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will Le at his office aver Jury & Lovells Drug Store each Saturday, from 1 till 4 » m., for consultation 'and treatment { digenses of ear, nose and throat + Appointments mav be made at drug store, Phone 97 ye, ose and Throat DRI F, RICHARDSON, OFFICE over Mitchell's Drug Store, Hours 10 to 12 am, & to § Lyvenlngs by appointment, Office phone 2 Residence 432], OFFIOR | As over Dowlands, Hours 10 to 13 am, 2 to 6, enings by appoints ment, Office Dhone 1409, Heslds ence 7048, «1 month) i 3 x ') S, setts, Special attention © xX: ny work, Gas extraction, Nurse in a tendance, . Phone 989. House 1312, iH north over Mitchell's bog. Store Jas fo tion, Phane 54, DR, Ll. E HUBBELL, RUN a \ ay for ex Sitrous Ofice. Royal han Bide 'hone reside Simcoe St Na hin TST Plone 193, Res, 292\V, Evenings by At Van Tr 11 1) an TRE 13 3 0) I Vi I hutine TF DR, DAVIES Th 1) King St, E Special at tention to mas extraction and X.rav work. Nurse in attendance, Phones 134) and A Architects adi C STENHOUSE = GENERAL Fe doy work, Second floor, Roval Bank Duilding, Phone 14% 3} NSO AY greinte aries Simcoe St, Er a WANE VW WILTON, ¥9 RIWOOR hE Bor allin Teles for wm " Not 26:1 ma) FOOTER rENOURATIY AND | bouk keeping, Moderate prices, Phone $13J, (Nov, 31-1 wo.) ome Ce cals ENGLISH HOVE Wane FORK pion, stenk ana Nlduey ries, hot or enld. brawn, cases and PAREBes, elo, ato. Fraak Drakes, 21 Maple street, Dioke 23725, Bldg, hens 780 ost, ITU) 301 Times Offic Engineering and Surveying DONEVAN AND BMTTH, ONTAR 0 Land Survevors and Civil niin. cers, - sub divislor nn nlan union hn. af All Kn on (UKE BURTAL TO, 5 RINGET {URE VURTAL Relies go] $ of toe street north, Phones und A LOTT VONERAL HOM fi eling sirhet, Oshawa, Corner street, Ambulance, Phonn HAR Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSU ANGE, L le Brice 1082 ------ 19 King St, west wa, ol ost Vire Awency Tn Oshavra, 0 Rr nutehle Fire Companies, WHEN PLACING INBURANCE consult R, N, Johve, 60 Bimecoe north, Your Ipsurapce wapts at tended to and your interests pro- feted, Transportation CARTAGH AND BTORAGH, COLD: man's, 86 Bond West, Specialists in furniture moving, storage ware house and moving van equipment, Phono 83. _~ OARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL Local and tony sand and cinders, Phone An tan: haulin wool, smith And Cox, 887 King wt, OSHAWA'S OLDEST lished furniture movers, car age, Local and long distance Frank Cowle, Prop. 65 Park RA South, Phone %1b (Deg, 16-1 me) "Beauty "Parlors BETTY LOL PE RMALENT wave, welal $5 and $7.50. Finger wave al shampoo $1, Facial bi Hair eutth g 25¢, Plone 908 or 86 Simeone North EXPERT MARCELLING BY Betty Ward at Betty Lou Perman ent Wave Shoppe: Marcel and sham poo $1. Phone 2968 WATSONS BARBER Beauty Shop, ¥ Celina Si, eialige In ladies' hair eutting celling, shampooing, facials Marcel 5) cents, For appointments phone 2664 (Deo, 1:1 mo) MARCEL AND CURL 80c, LYR hrow arching Mrs, Lverette Hell, apartment Y, Apartments, Quebes Street, appointments phone 326610 (Deg 3-1 Ma) MARCEL ANT OUR 260, MNS, Clark, 147 Agnes 3t, Phone 2640), (Deo, 11:1 mo) Building Supplies CEVENT BLOCKS FOR SARS To insure prompt delivery, place orders In advance of delivery date W, Borrowdale, phone 161% Music ARTHUR LYNDE VOUAL TEA cher (Hambourg Conservatory, To ronte) pupils prepared for all exams Oshawa, NE 2 Simeoe Si North. Phone 2 FRANK CONVERSE SVTTH, ONE of Toronto's leading vielin teachers, is in Oshawa on Thursday afternoons Studio 86 Elgin St, ) RA ¢ 739M «1 mo) Radio ae ADT HPA THE ON ALL MOD: els at un reasonable price hy an ex pert Padio-Triclan, All work guar anteed, Battery charging The, Bat teries for sale, Geo, RHurroughs & son, Phone J83-=11, Graduate Nas tonal Nadia Institute { Deo, 2:1 mao) ORTAWI ADIO FERVIOE AC cossoviea for sale, repairs on eleos trio and battery sets, tubes and hatteries tested, batteries ree oharged, rental supplied, $1, Phone 1040J, Charles Wales, 146 Elgin Kast, (Deo, 6:1 mo) Painting and Decorating R GUTSOLE, TTRST CLASS I'A foihangen, | painting and erainion rlges work ranteed Pine Xo, hy No w or Ral, A AG. TURNER, PAT Paperhanger, Ounly first class work guaranteed ; yours experience Prices reasonable, Phone 3 \V 18:1 mo) Money to Loan --- '| CITY AND FARM LOANS, PRO: gress loans arranged, Parkhill & Field, Barristers, ate, Alger Bldg, Phone 1614, Second Hand §ROOND HAND DEALER, FOW nlture bauabt and sold, 158 Bloor ft. Kast, Phone 1017M, (un . Repairing R ESTAB. Park Road AND We spe mar: : Edward For 5 H shops fixed {8 MN Menka's earner Sims one and Willlam west, Expert skate shavpening and sheeshine, (Nov, 21:1 ma.) Watch Repairing A [i atchraker, repalr shop wi wise bh King Street West, Your pats ronage 1a solicited Caulking WAVE ALL CREVIOBS AROUND your windows and doors filled with plastie cement and shut out the cold deals, saves fuel, the cost is SE EA ok wo , 1 mon pedi "AGOOD INVESTHRNY $3000 CAN BE INVESTED IN AN old established and reliable manu. facturing concern that will pay the investor seven per oent, inter For full particulars apply Hox (1130) of this nature, and collect for same, All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Ete, STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling a large number of hy. 4 For the convenience of customers whe find it ingonvenient to come personally 'to The Times' office, a telephone call will bring 8 messenger who will recelye "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT | neeounts the advertisement 7 ls Real Estate for Sale 100 ACRE FARM FOR SALE OR exchange on pasture land or Oshawa property $7,000, easy terms, § per cent, interest, Norman Gimblett, Osh. awa, BR, No, 2 (143 Work Wanted i UPHOLSTF RING, wale ESTHER fields made to order.' Wa save you money, Estimates free, G, A, Cons stable, 74 Mechanic street, Phone 1503], (3611) BATTE RIS CHAR, BD, CALLED for and delivered, 75 cents, If ven tal supplied $1, Riatte ried renaiyed Stan Blideon, 20 LW St Phone 16§6W, Dea, 18 1 mo) BATTERIES UNAROKD AND Di livered The, reutal 26g, and the endire electiten system of ear re palred. 404 Oshawa Hivd, Phone Bilew (Deg, 18:1 mo) eae - Nursing PRACTICAL NURSE, MATER nity, Invalid or general nursing, For imformation phone 130 (Noy, & £7. 1 mo) PRAOTIOAT, "NU RoR gaged, maternity, luvalld or general nursing, Dogtor's references, For information phone 748M, (De Hemstitching NINE CENTS PER YARD, PLEAT od Skirts, one dollar, alterations, oto, All kinds of beautiful fanpoy work on sale, Mrs. Dell, 8614 Sim soe South, Phone 1056 (Deo, "F urniture Repairing VU URNITURE RE UPHOLETERED and repaired, No job too small or too large, George A, Lemee, Phone 1430M, <1 mo 1 8- | mo) (Dag, A 1 mo) Tailoring PAUL le VI © VERLAN AND, BEST AND niost artistie clothes maker in' Osh awa for men who eare, Prices fair and reasonable, 1214 Simeoe Street south, Phone 1583, (Nov, 29-1 ma.) Contracting a Articles For Sale RED TTARD AND SOFT WOOT slubs, $4.50 Ler load, Also bong dry Ha wood, Waterous Meck Limited ane 248 (Apr, BA L~--HETNTZMAN ade, pianos, new and used m.] Also radios, hon: wodels; torus A tnped. Apply ©, Trull, Phones (111 i WETOARRY "A VOLE TIN op OCM skates and boots, Your old paler taken In exchange, Open evenings, 18 Richmond street sagt hane 2174 (140g) BLIGHTLY URED RRATEE "AND bouts complete outfits trom $4 up, algo a lwrge assortment of slalghs from BOoc up, Open evenings, 14 Richmond 8, Kast, Phone 2774, (140g) THRINTN AR HERS nm eity, dhe and Bros, Marl (1431) FORO One Utah hi (144s ) | TRS oxehanie FOR SALI delivered anywhere S0c, Phone Kssery FOR SALE=ONE § fg, nearly new, fil Radio, loud ¥ one 1940M GENUINE BATOATNE IN" lass planes taken in radios, Will sell on eas Meagher, Radio Sales North __Vhane J71 WN ARAPHONOTA AND far sala cheap, Apply 408 Celina Bireet BIO BALE ~NEW regular § at 6 all felt with H odre, Beds complete with Bi 8al Ahving N00; dressers, wash stands Buffets, ohitfonters, dining chairs rockers, extention t(ahlos centre tables, hall racks, ohlld's orihe voi! range, 17 Prince street (144h, DUTY 48 $0.00, yours atelue, T+H) FOL hea speaker, on John alneot (1431) HECORDS alter 6 to tern u2 MATTRIESES TWO NEW HEAVY volt BB Batteries oost for tive, 00 Buekingham "Help Wanted--F emale WANTED CAPABLE WOMAN for general housework, Apply' 687 Blmooe Bt, South, Phone 4251, (Hilo) EXTRATENURED WATD for general housework, Must be used to ehildren, Apply 140 Allee at, (14§i0) WANTRD- CONTRACT NG = CONCRETE plaster ing, electria or slierat hone 134 for Storm Windoo: STORM V WINDOWS cut TUL bills one quarter Make cold houses warm and comfortable, Phone 2830w and we will measure your windows free and quote law Juices on Ready Glaged Storm Windows, fitted and fhblied if desired, (Deg, 2-1 mo) Auctioneer ------------ py PHONE 71 W. 1H SULLY auctioneer, Jlincoe - We can sell your odd pieces NN furniture and other files at our vards, 4! King 8 shawa Ontario Notice $8 REWARD FOR INFORMATION I6ading to the recovery of a black eat taken from New Martin Theatre last Bunday night at band coneert, { 144b) WANTED TO UY TON CARAN= Hleetrig radio. must be a bargain, Al ply Hox 846 Times, % _(14dn) Far Sale or Rent FON WENT OR BALN----RMALL dwelling near G, M, ( Kleotrie lights, Lot 80 x 110, $15 month, Apply 198 Roxborough Ave (1440) Uh 8 W, CLARK, AUCTIONEER, 520 Bimcoe 8t, 85, Phone 2503MN, (Deo, 14-1 mo) Motor 5 VORD SEDAN, OARH OR terms, Phone 1030VF, (140) Room and Board IN HINGEE ROOM, BO Apply 8% (ibbs street, 0 desired, (1420 ) "For Sale or Exchange GOOD COUNTRY STORT, BRICK dwelling, gas pump, over fifteen thou: sand yearly turnover, Consider Qshe awa property, Horton & French, Times Hldg, (1420) Jets and Lave Stock PUREERED RNOTIEHT WEO00- hounds, yeur old, running nicely, will make wonderful Fox dogs, 8 Buokingham avenue, Oshawa, a dL Rooks hi RORERIREAWR OTRQUTATING library, You will enjoy reading the tWlost Flottog at minimum cost Phoue 1478, 37 adhe North -- sii} Na th © Lost and F He JARD 9 ne. tween Loblaw's and Kria Street, Valued for contents, not money, Finder Kindly phone 1530W (1430) For Rent THREE UNFURNISTIED ROOMS 431 Leslie St, heat, water and hg, Apply 20 King St, WW, phone hy i) J TO RENT=UARAGH ON A Lo borpe Street West, $1.50 per month, $8 for six months, M4 Royal 5t, phone 183 (14 h) SIN ROOM HOUSE WITT ALL sonvenignees, partly furnished, Apply My, Lynch, 217 Albert St, or |, \ hickie 410 Sime St osouth, (14d) FOR RENT--8 ONFURNTRHED rooms or bearders, Rute $4 per week for bhaard, Conveunlenpes, Phone 18877, (1440) FONT ROOM BR TOR"WOURE TO vent with all convenlonoes and garage, 23 per month, Apply 8445 Bt Julien street, Phone 333J, (1440) TWOTOR THREE WARN ROOWR in new home semi-furpished op unfurnished, Mght, heat and water neluded, Rent vensonahle, Call hae tween 10 or 12 am, op attey five pom, 834 Ritson road norvht, » . (14d) T™WO LARGE TT OONFORTANLY fapdished rooms for: Hght houses NH wy 4 RiShe 11 1K, Ba possession, Wt, 140) ) HA TARGE FRONT ROOMS with econveniemees for housekeeps Ing, unfurnished oxvept slove Very contral, 8d Centre Immediate a0 Richmond { at (1430) (1440) |i, | (strive with the storm One hlggk from Mots For Rent YOUR AND piv wouMElD MOD yuri suites, lucludiog sieetris relrig wiition, stove, laundry, sonven) wuoes, sie} GORLINUOLN hot walel supplied, Apply Bupt, 'phone 8871, or The Trusts and Guarsates Uo, iAd,, manager for owner, Yoreute, (W741) TU MUNT=FIVI Kg, wonveniences, hardwood floors, electric fixtures, newly degorated, Also garage, lmmeriate possession, Apply 81 Klgin Bt, Kost, Phone 16864, has (1440) TWO HOUME™ VURNIBHED, Every convenieyce for light house keeping, Light spd het, Phons 14784, (1440) TO REN MODEAN™ "THRIY rooms and bath apartment, eleciris stove, vefvigeration and hot water heating, Apply 161 King Kast, Apartment 2, (1444) Rp i i a Notice of Application for Divorce NOTIOW 18 hereby given thet Constance Mary Wright of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, in the Provinie of On tario, Married Woman, will apply to. the Parliament of Capeda at the next session Lhepsof, for & Bill of Divorce from her hushand, Luglus Elmer Wright, of the City of Oshawa, aforesaid, carpenter, on the grounds of adultery, DATED at the City of Oshawa, In the Provinge of Ontario, this Pwoenty-lifth day of November, A, ),, 1080 JOERPH P, MANGAN, Barrister, &u,, Oshawn, Ont, golieltoy for Petitioner, FUE 1BB- 144-040-150) EE DISASTERS OF PAST RECALLED BY TIDAL WAVE! Tragle Details Told of Dis | aster of Town In Newfoundland (By C, EA, JeWery, Canadian Press Carvespondent) I John's, NAd, Dee, 19-+Through generations of wresting # living fron the ses, and knowing instinetively how to deal with lis varying moods, the hshermen of the South Coast of Newloundland Rave bees wlinast danger, They and derive the pleasure from their victories as the Thembiess of a team from their's on the football field, When they lo out as not frequently happens, they take their defeat stoleally und reckon the lives whieh the sea takes as th tall Which same time or another must inevitably be pald as the price of the harvest trom its depths Honw from the ocean in thelr hums Ie dwellings, they have geme to be heve even though the billows roll in within a row feet of their deors, thal satoty In their's wnquestionably Ashore the game was ever they were no longer looking for trouble On Monday, November 18th, they hid fought a storm all day, As darks ness caine on they made for the shelter of their coves, Their boas had been made snug and thelr gear stowed away when the solid earth trembled and their houses were shaks en to their foundations, Never had suvh a thing happened before, There Was uneasiness everywhere, ang while they were still asking each other what could have been the cause, another shook, more vielent than the first, intensified the alarm Darkness only added to the terver of this unknown thing, Some said an earthquake, others believed that the end of the world had come, The tele: graph office, their one connecting link with the outside world, conld ebiain no reply to enguiries, apart + from nearby settlements, Wall of Water Then came a message from Si Lawrence="My God! the sea is coms ing in" = Burin, the chief settlement on the coast, had just received it when a wall of water was seen hears ing dewn upon the town, Coming with the speed of an EADION, it gained in height as the funnelsshaped arn of the bay compressed the ons rush, There was no the to warn people whose homes were in the andwash, The turmell of water caught them, lifting some of them bodily and crushing others inte a mass of splinters, Rush to Rescue Confounded tor a moment hy the tnvasion of the land hy the ocean, the fishermen with the greatest selfs possession rushed to the veseus, In the roar of waters and the grash of tiveaking timber crles for ald eame from all directions, and in the gloom it was dificult 10 tell where assists ance was most, urgently needed, Heedless of danger men leaped on houses as they were receding from the shord, and smashed in doors and windows, and as the dwellings were again Mang shorewards hy successive waves, they seieed the apportunity to fling women and. children to others waiting to receive them, Tt was due tv the freakish action of the sen whieh dn some cases ears vied bulldings to sea and back again three tues, that many lives were saved, Ong hselnid of ten neaplp eseane® after their home was for the abind thue Mine against the shove, Then it went down inte the mash stron, One wan's path was hlooked Seen fearing Ronse as he was rosddae to the vesetie of hig family, Unable tn nraeeed he sav his home oan tintne wife and fannie herpne te sea Wn the al the receding waters Hn We tu any sense ol nn orest For a mile he tore through the dark Rates for Classified Ads, First Insertion=--1 th sents ver word, | Minimum charge 806, Each subsequent eonseei tive insertion 1o per word, Three oonsssitive fuser: tons for thy price ol we first \nsertions (three cents & word), Minimam eharge for three insertions, 60 cevts, Box number 10s additional Professionst' or Dusiners Cards, $9.60 por month | for 1] words or less; 10) | cents a word pey wouth for Additional word, TIMES CLASSIVIED Abn CONY LITT E, COMPLINH MUCH TELEPHONE ob Ask for Ul led Ad Depa ach Ale ER 10 5 x lS AR 58 F He found a had been swal ness seeking u host, poit, but his homie wwed up, Houses Bwept Away In one tie hamiet ot seventeen doles, hive remain, Ihe plies where the others stood sre ng elean us though they never had buen w eupled Fhe waterfrant in most uf the stricken ures, tormerly glutterod up with stores, fish fakes, wharves, and bouts 1s 4s i was when the Urea tor hrst made bare gnd foresaken but for the siricken and bewildered fishermen standing Nstlessly, seeking in the Aotsam that ls strewn over th surface ol the Bone truce wi those ) sddenly snatehed away, or hending now and then to dra Cuve - TPO the water ome useless plece or wreek wpe that he reg wd part of his home wniged gs once form Ad is litle wonder that ome find diginclingtion wnonl thess stricken | nine to start work sabi, They are stunned, thelr womentolk and ehil dren wre gone, their lives' work troyed, without fuel, without Heh without feud, witheut the where all to ply thelr trade owithout he what 18 left wo fehl ure thelr spi it That will pass, Iwaver, Given the menig to renew thely work again they will ple thelr ANAIIAL the 'elements, Ocean Hed Changed It has heen diseovered th dispster that in certain places where vessels could formerly lie at anchor there 18 not sulcient water to tant thew, An examination of the shore ndigates # height of not less than ene hun dred Teel, ug buildings situated at that elevation above the erdinury level ul the sea were destroyed Une shen stocked with goods was lited by the tidal wave off its canerete Youndation and deposited lo 8 meadow twa hun dred yards away from its site, and nothing nt was disturbed ha telephone oes weap ied by the irl operator who sent 4 Ie Warning Hurin Hes at anchor in the middle of the harbor, Bhe had barely time to make her escape when It was swept AWAY, A search through Newfoundland history discloses that onee before a similar catastrophe visited this coast In the year hefore the Ameriean Civil War, a tidal wave twenty feet high swept In and teok a toll of three hundred lives TAGGART'S DEATH RECALLS STORES Former Aberdeen Lord Pro vost Told 1,000 Storiep Yearly po Ith and onee strength nine London, Dee, 19=8ir James Tag: mart, a former Lard Provost of Abers deen, who was a famous story teller, notably against hy dwn townsmen, di ed at his home fn Aberdeen recents "h was sald of hol that he tald 1,000 stories a Job6 and four years ago some of them were printed fn hook form, He rivalled Lord Aberdeen as a story teller, and they held more than, one stay telling contest, Hera are some of the was fond of welling: When the war broke out the King took the pledge and, as Lord Provost | of Aberdeen, did Tikewise, I never thought the war would last so long, An Aberdonfan went away "fot a month's holiday, taking with him a dark green shirt and a pound note, He thunged neithe r of them, A traveller at Buston Station was booking a third sinile tO Inverness and was {nfarmed Change at Abers doen. "Na, ni" sald the traveller, "PI take my thange NOW in Aberdeen hefore Two farmers were discussing the weather, One of them said, "Man, this weather {s awfy' good, It will bring everything oot of the grup" "God forbid said hs wnelghbor, "1 have threo there" Onae, when afldvessing 4 meeting, Sie James 'Tomar had a slight cold, ar, ak it ts know I the Seottish dia leet, a "hoast" Wir James convalied his audience Wh 'the remark, "If ) had only the Rod Hea hepe the cure would: be complete, for ak everyone hig it sapped Phareah's hoast,' Siv Totnes started lilo as a stones outten He wan ereated KRE, in 1918, stories he I've been rb -------- Colly=Can you suggest something that will remove superfivons hate? Drugist Yes, try matrimony \ that the tidal wave attalnel | | hus not seen him LAY FOR MONTH) ON BED OF PAIN Saved His "Brother Being Run Over At Wanstead Flats BRACED IN IRONS Is Favorite of Doctors and Nurses in Bow Hos- pital London ==An elevan-year-o0ld boy Is one of the loneliest creatures in Lone don, He has suffered torres for thre onths for his brivery In saving the fife of his twe-yeur-old brother, He hiss. been brased in frens apd hak latin on w pillowless bed, longng {01 i cheery word fron seme Kind friend, but hig courage has passed unnoticed and unpraised He is little Charlie Hunt, lar, blue-eyed and pale, but » ne any great hero Fenrs coursed down the thi child when | visited hin in the St, Andrew's Hespital, Bow writes un correspondent, 1 took a Hithe present for ( Wortie, and as | pressed it bite his hand with a kind word fludne and Joy poured siltering eyus Love Btarved "Pliere, there," sald the mother!) Irish sister of the ward, "ftoars have yelashes, hut he has re i 10 before, although suffer tern I'he sight of a friend | uch tor his lovessturved Hitle heart and used ns she Is to lies tragedies, she turned her head awn A sinlle chased Charlie's tears bina lew seconds, und, loeking at the sister, he suid, "Please take If for mother und Frankie," Wrankle 1s my little brother, he told me "We went with mother and futher to the fale at Wanstead Flats Sugnst Bank Holiday Frankie saw a Irlend and ran Into the road Just ut that moment | saw & moter eyele ee Ho would have been of Pop modest checks of lonely ters of from his stood on his « {UT LT foo Wily on ning, Fn ove I'he litle hero stopped mered "Goon," happened then" [ did uot Wim hurt" kh "and that was all" Hunt would not say another word about his set of bravery, hut the true story ds that he dashed into the middle of the road, selged his hrather by the eoatand Aung him on the pavement to safety, Charlle was pleked up unconscious and his leg and arm were broken, He was taken to hospital, where he has lain ever BiNEY Hi nay gee hi and stan "Wht wnt whispered Chiariie ing for the day when he i brother again, for he sinea the moment he Charlie's mother and father ¢all to see hintnow and then, but Httle Frankie 1s too young to he allowed within the portals of the hos pital Charlle was making roast chicken when hospital Yh ds the flgst time 1 have tasted this," he smilingly declared "We generally got a pen'north of "taters fur dinner, ather {a very. poor" Charlie is loved hy all the doctors and nurses In the hospital, and every In 1 saved his life a dinner from I went te the visitor hears of his fame, whieh Is to] he brought to the notice of the mayor of Voplar, PROMPTLY SETTLED "Now, Athert," sald the teacher "TE you had four applesrand your li te alster asked Yor hat. of them, hoy many would vou have left" "Four,™ vesponded Albert, without a moment's hesitation =ort William limes: Journal INTERESTED (Loulsville Courlers Journal) "What 1s vour book about I" "Marco Polo" "And hoy Moos that differ from the tatlar game! From HARBOR BOARD MEN INTERVIEW CARDIN Both Halifax and Sein John Commissioners in Ottaws Ottawa eg, «+ A Lagvernmen logn 10' the Baint John Markee Com mission will probably ba eomtiained ir the estimates brought down at th fortheoming session of Parliament sald W, LL, Beully, chairman of th Harbor Commissioners' Board, 10] lowing wn gonfarthey on Friday even ing with Hon, ¥, J, A Cardin, Min ister ol vy and Visherley Although hy could not speak di finitely, Mr, Seully sald he was Ligh ly pleased with the result of his in terview with the minister and he lel gonhdent that Lils requests would re ceive favorable consideration In 1927 the Bat John Board re guested g loan of $11,000,000 from the Dominion Government, of whieh £5 000000 wis granted This sum ha heen employed in improvements the ocean terminal and a further am desired to complete the worl Halifax Plans Otawa, Jue I= Veter Juel the Halldax Board o Harbor Conimnl has left Of tnws following aud Interview with Hon, VV, J. A, Cardin Murine and Visherle of Turther lmprovem lantie terminal Beyond ount Is ghwirman of Minister on the subjee nts tu the At nlerencs id satisipetory not dis rlose the of the new improvements desired or what getlon may be expeeted on the requests Tul before the minister inte In nee belng made to the the ed Taek nature stating My nreeise did HIE VEEN wre no hitb EYESIGHT SPECI AST he Eves yg Optometry Fontuy dey tte Your Eves snd Health Eve Care and Eve Strain Disney Block 3 [816 Fhone-~1 004 a---- ----------- Do You Need Money? Don't Lose Your Car, Let Me Finance You! MOTOR LOANN AND DIN COUNTS LTD, Felt Block Hoom 6 hone BVO DISNRY-COTT AMBULANCE 87 Celina Be, Mone 4080 dad Cal A dle "only, duets, jou, most Getting Your Money's Worth Nationally advertised producia of every sort are the standard by which other products of a like nature are judged, You can tell whether you are gets ting your money's worth in a moter vacuum coffee, breakfast cereal, ete, by the information you gain from the adver tlsing pages of national periodicals, The very same applies to Lumber and' Building Materials, and we han. nationally If you look into the homes about ) you, you find that the hapa, th ho te whe sound. and equiping vertised jploducts, Oshawa Lumber COMPANY, LIMITED 28 Ritson Road North TELEPHONE 2821.2820 cleaner, a blend of advertised pro- Ww healths, | pleftasive milies, are wisely in building. | homes, with ad

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