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Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Dec 1929, p. 1

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"All the News While Its News" The Oshawa Daily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer A Growing Newspaper in a Growing City VOL. 5--NO. 144 Every Holidays OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1929 15 Cents a Week; 3 Cents a Copy SIXTEEN PAGES News in Brief (By Canadiens Press) ! dis- Charge Di..nissed Paris ~A magistrate yesterday missed complaints that Rosika Dolly, actress, had obtained $280,000 in prasls under false pretenses from arisian jewelers. Bentapced or Forgery Torgrto--~Harry I. Roars Durant ) , Was scntenced to three years in smuuth penitentiary vooterday when he pleaded guilty to two char- ges of forgery, before Judge Widdi- held, ol ¥ = Jail for JDlasphemy Jerusalem, --~Anyone uttering ward or a sound calculated to out- rage religious feeling or beliefs of an- er'is liable to one year in prison under the terms of a blasphemy or- dinance just made public here, Revolt in Mexico F' Paso, Texas.~<Jose Vasconcelos, defeated Mexican presidential candi- date, declared here a revolution al- ready is under way in Mexico with the object of installing him as chief executive of the republic, Hope Abandoned Vancouver, wn. gafety of four loggers wrecked in nn open gas boat Thursday near Port Alice hay been abandoned, following a fut. fle search of the vicinity, Nd - » Has Fow Pensioners Kitel.iner.~Waterloo, the largest municipality under the jurisdiction of Waterloo county, has the smallest percentage of old age Pensioners, the county council revealed today. The town has only 13 of the 195 pension- ers in the area. for the reported Huge Plant Planned St. Thomas.~Definite announce- ment of a $3,000,000 coking plant for Port Stanley has been made by S. B Severson, general manager of the Dominion Natural Gas Company of Buffalo, Lg . Jee Does Damage Quebec. --Extra high tides in the St. Lawrence river last night piled ice 30 feet deep in the streets of Montmorency village near here, and in receding carried away three wa- terside sheds, ' " Tornado Injures Nine Alexandria, La~A windstorm of tarnadic proportions struck the Eld- redge community between Glenmore and Oakdale yesterday, defhiolishing theee nesidences and injurin ng. 4 persons, three of tt m serous ly. yi Bastar Costly ! Linde Twenty dollars each was the price a Haliburton county man pad for catching three beaver ut ol Seaton in Dysats township, The fine of and costs was imposed by io G. A. Jordan when the ageused was brought into police court, ine LJ] LJ . Killed by Saw ' Huntsville.-- Andrew Calder- wood, Huntsville, was fatally hurt etday by pleces of a flylng w, He was helping cut cord | when the gasoline motored laces, suddenly crashed inte i Ee Sudbury eR, Treaty i «Sudbury. enry, coroner 0 Yi Shudbur de ed his verdict at the of the inquest into the a four workers, killed fast - morning while le attempting to their escape re- Levack mine of the Interna- Nickel Company. - \ iomal : War Ly to. --Rauteal hinese eiti- , Windsor, or, i Si conference or rd of Sarbie tion in ~Toromtr ta ort sop he Se Mle TRI TR Five Drowned 08, Calif. y, | troduced singly to the Jo pi bon By db with the epls- lta of red and P st Oshawa, Oni Darien Sohawa Do ARRESTS MADE BY OSHAWA POLICE Three Boys Are Held On Housebreaking Charges Storm Creates Widespread Chaos All Over Ontario KILLED IN CRASH WESTERN ONTARIO CITIES SUFFER MOST AS RESULT OF UNUSUAL SNOWSTORM Reports From Many Centres Show Traffic Tied Up and Wire Communication Interrupted by Snow and Ice MAIN LINE TRAINS BEHIND SCHEDULE Storm, However, Is Being Welcomed by Thousands of Unemployed Who Are Glad of Few Days' Work Before Christmas (By Canadian Press Leased Wire Toronto, Dec, 19.0ld King Winter today completed the task he started Tuesday night. The merry monarch unloaded his bag of tricks over Western Ontario and part of the United States, and shook out snow and hall which has caused plenty of damage. Pil ing telegraph wires an Inch thick with an fey coating, winter has just about demoralized. communi- cation between Canada and the United States; effectively prevent. od very much news from reaching Canadian centres; caused gountless minor accidents; blocked roads and streets; and tled up traffic In all directions, Now, the ruler is sitting back on his throne and smiling. He hay es. tablished supremacy over man. On the rallways, engineers, part- Iy blinded by the flying snow, have heen unable to maintain their sche- dules, Engines have slipped as the flying drivers tried to take hold. Delays are general. Chicago and Detroit flyers were nearly an hour late last night, while the train from Stratford was 456 min- utes behind time, The alr mall service hag .been grounded, since flying is too dan- morous until the storm subsides. In Toronto, street cars were tied up for some time last night, and there were many delays today. Workegs were late in arriving at their employment, but had a good excuse. Accidents due to slippery pavements were quite common, but fortunately these were not of serious proportions, Welcomed by Unemployed One thing certain, the storm will be welcomed by the unemployed. Thousands of men who faced pros- pects of a dinnerless Christmas are now busily employed by the cor porations of various municipalities (Continued on Page | 16) Pope Creates New Cardinals Ceremony Pere formed Today in the Vatican City - Vatican City, Dec. 18.--Pope Pius today imposed the red hat on glx newly created cardinals, thus inducting them into the sacred col- lege of the church. ~The Pontiff was assisted In the ony,. which was held prinel- "in the consistorial hall, by al Gasparri, Papal Secretary te. The cardinals were in- ontitf, who gown, the pectoral cross, the 4 1a, and red berretta, or skull eap. one new cardinals Jah the Pa- of Lisbon, Monsignor Ema- Gononles Cerejeira: Arche Lavitrano, of Palermo, Si- sl Bnarit, of Genoe, Mdo Roy i Tol and Verdier, iE ag Ta Mn pe at Berlin, -------------------- TD 15_Geors hr Sh hot nd t carly tol x and then A Jor which both had hohe $ a suicid coats J. G, GREENSHIFLDS DIES IN MONTREAL Prominent Investment Brok- er Succumbs to Lengthy Nines (By Canadian Press Leased Wire Montreal, Dec. 19,--John Gor- don Greenshields, 47, a partner in the firm of Greenshlelds and Com- pany, investment brokers, died yes- terday at the home of his father In Danville, Que., after a long ill- ness, He was a son of James Nal- smith and Elizabeth Glass Green- shields and was educated at Bish- op's College, Lennoxville, Que, and McGill University, Montreal, For six years after graduation, he practiced his profession as en- gineer, entering the Investment business in 1910. He is survived by his brother, Charles, his father and one sister, Mrs. Isabel G, Mac- Kay, and was prominent in club and fraternal circles, TO OPEN CONFERENCE HIS MAJESTY KING GEORGE Has consented to preside over the ening session of the Five-Power Naval Conference at London, Eng- ROBBERY SUSPECTS HELD IN HAMILTON Hamilton, Dec, 19.-Police last night arrested three men suspect. ed of robbing jewelry stores in Thorold and Ingersoll recently, The quartet are also suspected of the numerous robheries of gasoline sta- tions and thefty of motor cars per- petrated in this district during the last few weeks, British Fliers Killed By Crash King Will Open Nava! Parleys His Majesty Consents To| Preside Over Fateful Proceedings London, Dec. 19.~Prime Minister MacDonald announced in the House of Commons toda that King George has consented to preside over the opening meeting of the five-power naval conference January 21, and to deliver the opening address, His Majesty's participation in the opening deremonices of the conference will be the occasion of his first pub- lic speech in mere than a year, On October 10, 1928, more than a month before his serious illness, he delivered an address at the opening of the new bridge across the river Tyne at Newcastle, It was his last previous speech, He attended the ar- mistice ceremonies at the cenotaph a month later, and the news of his illness was announced Nov, 22, NOTED CANADIAN SOLDIER FOUND DEAD Ottawa, Dec, 19.-Lieut.-Col, A T. B. Gillmore, D.8,C., former of- ficer commanding the 4th division- al Canadian Ammunition Column, in France, and president of the Minto Skating Club here, was found dead in bed this morning. heart failure was given as the cause of death, HELD FOR MURDER of Toronto, Stewart, it is went. or shopping with friend on the afternoon the murder of roe | motive for the erime believed to have been robbery. » k= in N. Africa (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, Dec. 19.-Two distin. guished pilots of the Roeyal Alr Force met death In an attempt to fly without stop from Cranwell air- drome In Lincolnshire to Cape Town and thereby establish a new distance record. Lord Thomson, alr minister, late last night announced that the plane which natives earlier in the day had reported crashed last night in the Zaghouan' region of Tunls, in Northern Africa, was the Fairey monoplane . of the British pilots and that both had been killed. He had no further details but it ap- peared that they had strock the mountainside soon after nightfall, The men were Squadron Leader A. G. Jones-Willlams, a native of Vernon, B.C., and Flight Lieuten- ant A, H, Jenkins, They left Cran- well, Lincolnshire, early Tuesday morning and kept the air ministry informed by radio of thelr pr ress until they were about 50 miles northwest of the Mediterran- oan Island of Sardinia that after- noon, More than 350 hours of silence followed and anxiety for their wel. fare rapidly mounted here. After Lord Thomson Informed newspap- ermen of the fatal ending of the flight he carried the news to the (Continued on page 12) Bringing Home Lightkeepers Canadian Tug Waiting For Favorable Weather Conditions (By' Canadian Press Leased Wire Port Arthur, Dec, 19.~The tug James Whalen which left a few days ago to bring in the Mghtkeep- ers from the up r end of Lake Superior is in shelter at Edward Island, waiting for a claance to make a dash to Passage Island for the staff there, Passage Island fis a United States light at the north east end of Isle oyale, but the "eeper and ass! 'tate are annual. ly brought tuto Port Arthur by the Canadlan tugs under arrangements with the United States bureau of statistics, HERRING FISHING SEASON NEAR END (By Canadian Press Leased Wire Port Arthur, Deo,, 19,.~Freesing up of Thunder Bay is bringing to a conclusion the herring fishing season which tommences when the weather gets around the freezing noint and the fish "egin to run in the bay in countless thousands, The catch this vear, practically all hipped out. will run around four L sn hundred (ons valued at $50, DISAGREE WITH VIEWS OF HEENAN ALBERTA OFFICIALS DISAPPOINTED WITH DECISION Claim Unemployment Situa- tion Is Very Serious in Western Canada (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Edmonton, sec, 19.-~Emphatic disagreement with the vié% of Hon, Peter "Teenan, Dominion Min- ister of Labor, that a conference on unemployment wt the present time {8 unnecessary, have been ex- pressed here hy !¢ and provin- clal officials, Km 'oy ' may be at a high peak In the east but certainly is not in Alberta, reports Indicate. "I wry extremely to learn of Mr. Heenan's views on disappointed the question of unemployment and an unemployment conference," Mavor Douglas sald "Heo may be right I his opinion that unemployment in the east is not so prevalent as in former years, but he certalrly Is not cor- rect when he app'les thig view to western cities, "Edmonton day with applications for eivie officials are at thelr wits' exds to kn'w what t do for the rest, We simply cannot cope with the flood of applicants, but we are (Continued on Page 3) Tax Increases In Australia (By Canadian Presse Leased Wire) Melbourne, Australia, Dec, 19. John Hogan, premier and treasurer of the state of Victoria, introduced the budget in the state assembly yesterday, annou-ciug a proposed increase in the income tax of an other three cents on each $56; of another six cents in $56 on prop- erty; of another six cents in $0 on company tax; and of another two cents in §5 on the stamp duty The entertainments tax would be one cent for every 2 cents of ar mittance on costing 650 besleg 2d work, 1d tickets cents or more, he said, OPTIMISTIC FOR NAVAL PARLEYS Washington Now Studying Japanese Views on Disarmament a (By Canadian Press Loased Wire (By Ken Clark, Canadian Press Staff Correspondent) Washington, Dec. 19.--~With the departure of the Japanese delega- tion to the London disarmament conference, Washington sottled back to appraise the preliminary conversations between the repre: sentatives of Japan and the Unit. ed States and to re-arrange the problems which will be confronted, in the new light thrown upon the Japanese position, The double-barrelled phrase "optimistically hopeful' is used by Secretary of State Henry Lewis Stimson, head of the United States delegation and Reljiro Wakatsuk!, chief of the Japanese, In describ. ing thelr post conference sensa- tions, CHICAGO SCHOOL OFFICIAL WINS LONG LEGAL FIGHT (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Chicago, Dec, 19.-Willlam Me- Andrew, former superintendent of schools, ousted following Mayor Willlam Hale Thompson's last election campaign in which Thomp- son and his advisers charged Me- Andrew with permitting British propaganda in text-books used here, yesterday won his long fight for vindication, Judge Hugo Pam ruled that he "had not been guilty of acts of insubordination" as charged by the school hoard when it ousted him in March, 1928, As the result of the decision, Mo- Andrew is in a position to sue the city for approximately $6,000 back pay, but through counsel announce od he would take no such action, "seeking merely vindication thorugh the hearing." POLICE CLAIM BOYS HAVE ADMITTED GUILT FOR SOME OF RECENT BURGLARIES G. JONES-WILLIAMS Royal Air | A, Squadron Leader of the Force, who, with Flght-Licut, N. H. Jenkins, lost his Hfo when thelr aerpolane crashed in Tunis, N. Afvica, while on a nonstop flight from England to Cape Town, yours Lum and home a plo Lindsay.~--J. B. Reid, for n foreman for the Ruthibun ber Company of Gananoque, Lindsay, dropped dead at his here this morning He was neer lumberman {full ¢lalm of $817, disallowed RAILWAY WINS IN ACCIDENT ACTION Awarded Damages As Re- sult of Crash With Truck at Crossing (By Canadian Press Leased Wire St Catharines, Dec, 19.--The usual order was reversed In a case tried before Mr, Justice Garrow in non-jury supreme court, The Capa- dian National Electric Railways brought sult aginst the owner of a truck for crashing into one of its cars on a level crossing near Port Weller a year ago, The judge found in favor of raflway for its with costs, Wil- the owner of the truck, who was sued by the rallway, put fn a counterclaim for $1,600 for damages to his truck and the judge it. Evidence showed that there was a clear sight for hundreds of feet along the rallway track and that the truck driver should have waited for the ap+ proaching electric car instead of trying to cross the track ahead of Ham Pay, Ocean Liner All Aboard (By Canadian' Pros Press. Leased Wire New York, N.Y., Dec, 19 Ramy med by another vessel at the fos blanketed entrance to New York harbor, an ocean liner hound for | Bermuda sank last night, but not before all of the passengers and | crew had been taken off without | loss of life With 280 passengers aboard, the Furness-Bermuda liner Fort Vic toria, was feeling her way out to | sea in a blinding haze when she | was struck a powerful blow by | the liner Algonquin, bound for Gal- | veston, by way of Miami, with 186 passengers, The crash occurred near Ambrose lightship., Instantly the distress call of the sea---the 8.0.8.~was sounded and ships scurried to ald the Fort Victoria, A series of radio messages then told how the passengers were quickly taken from the Fort Vie- toria and placed aboard pilot and tug boats. Into these boats, too, crew except the captain and six went all of the members of the men, who decided to stand by thelr ship as long as possible, For several hours conflicting re- ports of the Fort Victoria's condi tion came out of he fog by radio. All reports agreed that she was listing rather badly, Then, shortly before 9 p.m,, the coast guard radlo station here in tercepted a radio message from (c ontinued on page 12) Winnipeg Has Store Robbed Another Crime Added to Rapidly Growing List of Robberies (By Canadian J Preas Lesand Wire Winnipeg, Dec. 19.-DPolice to- day had another holdup, added '0 the fast growing list' « ° house and store robberies here, Two neatly dressed gunmen walked into a Willlam Avenue candy store last night, forced tho proprietor and a woman customer to "stick em up" and calmly took $30 from the cash register, Both were young aud well man- Reed, the proprietor told the pos ce. GERMAN UNEMPLOYED CAUSE MUCH TROUBLE Frankflort-on-Main, Germany, Deo, 19.-The needy and unem- ployed of I'tanktort cnused the city a night of terror last night by vioting and looting and fighting with the police in tho streets while the city fathers wore debating over the budget for Christmas relief, The council, faced with the vio. lent disorders in 'the streets outs side, finally granted about a wmll- lon marks (about $240,000) to the unemployed. The meeting was frequently interrupted by rawdi- noss in tho galleries, |All of Newfoundland Fleet Sunk But Were Saved Missing Ship Returns Home Has Now Been Account. ed For St. John's, Nfid,, Dec, 19.~The ar- rival of the schooner Lloyd Jack at Great Burin was reported this mors ning. All. of the ten schooners that left here for Bonavista ports on No- vember 29 have now been accounted for, Six were abandoned and the crews rescued with the loss of one lite, one returned safely to port, an- other was towed in, and the three- masted Neptune, with nineteen pers sons aboard, reported all well on board several days ago 720 miles from Newfoundland. All were well on Lloyd Jack, the crew suffering only from fatigue. Captain Eldon Bishop said the ves- sel was driven 250 miles to sea by the hurricane that scattered the fleet soon after it sailed, STEAMER ARRIVES TWO DAYS OVERDUE (By Canadian Press Leased Wire Halifax, N.8,, Dec. 19.--The lin. or Thuringia arrived here yester- day from Hamburg and Cobh two days late with two windows smash- od and doors battered in. on the promenade deck, after weathering storms in the English Channel and | rin Sea. One seaman wo was hurt, Saw Mill Destroyer Destroyed Quebec,~~A saw mill at Murray Bay, the property of Athanase Tre- mblay and valued at $12,000, was destroyed by fire yesterday accord ing to advices recelved here, UNDER CRITICISM HON, PETER HEENAN Minister of Labor, ia being severely criticized for his refusal N call a conference to deal with the sont unemployment situation. pre- | © One of Three Lads Caught ix the Act of Entering = House on Gladstone Ave Last Night IMITATION PISTOL FIRED AT OFFICER American Detective Stories With Hair-Raising Ac~ count of Holdups, Be« lieved to be Cause of Boys' Actions With the arrest of three boys, all of high school age, the police claim to have solved two recent drug store messenger holdups and six cases of housebreaking, The boys are sald to have admitted the holdups and thefts. One of the trlo, aged sixteen, was caught in the act of entering a house at 92 Gladstone Ave, last night by Detective Sergeant Nore mon McGee and 1', C, Frank Faw« bert shortly after nino o'clock, The two officers were patrolling the western section of the city where many of the cases of housebreak- Ing have been occurring, They observed a lad walking ahead of them, Suddenly he disappeared and the police discovered by his footsteps that he had gone tows ards the residence of Wm, Pen- wright, 92 Gladstone Ave, Sus pecting 'that he was attempting to enter the home the constables followed him and. P, C. Fawbert went around to the rear of the building while Detective Sergeant McGee. approached the front door, Fired At Officer Suddenly the youngster appears ed and commanded Detective Mc- Gee to hold up his hands while he pointed a revolver at him, The officer grappled with him and the lad fired the gun close to his ear, P. C. Fawbert hearing the shot raced around to the front of the house with loaded revolver. The boy however made no further resistance and the constables then discovered that the weapon he had used was nothing more than an imitation pistol loaded with blank cartridges, (Continued on page 10) British Gov't May Be Upheld Absence of Conservatives May Offset Liberal Opposition London, Dec. 19. With only 2 dissenting votes, the Liberal party last night decided the government's replies to queries in connection with the coal mines bill were wun- satisfactory, unless they received full assurance before the dinner adjournment tonight, it was an- nounced. This would mean the defeat of the government, if the Conservatives could gain a full at- tendance of their 260 members. As there has been a marked falling off in the Conservative attendan lately, however, it is questionab whether the government can be d feated even if the Liberals Conservatives join forges. Ane t government still has time to the Liberal demands in some J sure, The questions referred to put by Sir Herbert Samuel, on alf of the Liberal party, to government when the bill troduced' on Tuesday. the governm t for. 00! bitration of $he national mark ting only OIPOTATY, amalgamations | at the real values od valu g

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