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Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Dec 1929, p. 2

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i "THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1929 "The Whitby Daily Times Adver! subscriptions and news will be received at the Whitby Branch Office, at Jaina, sulseript e sett NOMINATIONS IN WHITBY CALLED FOR DEGEMBER 3 Wections on January 6th -Council Passes the En- abling By-law a -- Machinery to provide for the ans pual clyie nominations and elec. tions In Whitby was set up by the Town Council at its final meeting on Monday afternoon when a by- law was passed naming the dates of both events, the location of the various polling booths and the of- ficers in charge, The meeting to nominate candi- dates for the offices of Mayor, reeve, deputy-reeve, couneillor, public scnool trustees and Public Utility Commissioners will be held on Monday evening, December 30, at 7.30, and in case a poll is re- quired, elections will take place a week later, January 6th, T™e polling places, and the of- ficers in charge will be: Polling subdivision No, 1A, G, Browning's office---W, C, Wilder, deputy returning officer; William Ayers, poll clerk, Polling subdivigion No, 2-Wil. llam Maw's office~Wm, Maw, deputy feturaipg aficer; W, J, H, Richardson, poll clerk, Polling subdivision No, 8-=Coun~ ell Chamber---John W, Bateman, deputy returning officer; William Ellis, poll clerk, Polling subdivision No, 4------Tur- ner's store--J, E, Disney, deputy returning officer; I'rank Henstock, poll clerk, Polling subdivision No, 0, Community Hall, Port Whitby--J, Wilson, deputy returning officer; Robert IMindlay, poll clerk, The council will pay $5 for each polling booth, $56 to each return- ing officer and $4 to each poll clerk, Kind Words for the Mayor Just before the Council adjourped Reeve J. M, Kenny, seconded by Coun, W. J. Davidson, moved a vote of thanks to His Worship the Mayor for the efficient manner in which he had filled his office during the year, The mayor had given his best atten tion to the Town's business and had conducted the meetings in an able manner, The motion was passed un- animously, members of Council rising in their seats to voice their approval, Mayor Dudley in reply thanked the Council for the resolution, He stated that they might have left out the word efficient as he felt that he had not measured up to the standards of his predecessors in office, He had tried, however, to do his best, Mayor Dudley extended an invita. tion to his colleagues and members of the press to be his guests at din ner after the meeting, Benes trees mm-- OLD WHITBY BOY WILL RETIRE FROM RAILWAY CAREER lames F. Holden Has Been Railroading For Over Half Century James F, Holden, an old Whitby hoy and prominent United States railroad man, will terminate mora than a half century in rallroading when he leaves the Kansas City Southern, of which he Is vice president in charge of traffic, on January 1st, according to word received here, Commenting upon his resigna- tion the Kansas City Times, of Kansas, City, Mo,, states as fol lows: "It is a voluntary move Mir. Holden explained, He is not tired of railroading, even after [ifty~ two years of the lite, but is look- ing ahead at 68 years of age to journeys for which a busy career would offer no time, A Mediterranean cruise is one lure which has hastened Mr, Hold- en's decision to leave the Southern at the beftonlng of the new year, when he might have remained sev. eral years longer at the vice-presi- dent's desk. "I'm quitting active work while 1 still am able to enjoy golf, fish ing and travel," Mr, Holden sald. "l want to so to Egypt with Mrs, Holden," he sald, "Then we will go to Greece and Italy, 1 have a very pleasant picture of the Holy Land gained from reading the seriptures, and I would not care to have it disturbed, So we shall not visit there." Mr. Holden is the son of the OUGHS TEETER Apply over throat and chest 4'howsunds Now Eat La A Delightful Breakfast Food why Telephone 23=~After Business Hours--'"Phone 359. TIVE---JAMES H. ORMISTON late Mr, and Mrs, James Molden 4 y hitby, He was born in Prince [Albert but spent practically all his youth here and was educated (n the local schools, The Whitby-Lindsay branch ol the C.N.It,, nt that time the Whit by= Port Perry and Lindsay Iuil- road. was were he Legan his rail road career when he entered upon its service at the age of 16, His father was man Ing director of the line and was responsible iu having it - extended from Port Perry, its original terminus te Manilla Jot, and to Lindsay, With head office and round house lo- onted here the .allrond played an important part mn. adding to the prosperity ana growth of the com» munity while it also advanced the development , of the Kawartha OLD WHITBY BOY . WILL RETIRE FROM RAILWAY CAREER Lakes district, Lumber and grain were hauled in large quantities to the local harbor where It was shipped by boats to points east and west or ports on the American shore, Many Whithy citizens were Interested in the project and were in fact shareholders while further financial backing was provided by a group of Montreal capitalists. A branch would undoubtedly have been extended to Midland, import. ant Georgian Bay port but for the Jealousy of certain townships In the north rection of the county whose representatives defeated In County Council a motion to vote money to assist in the undertaking, Mr, Holden then formulated plans to extend the railroad further north but these werg dropped upon his death In 1881, Shortly after his father's death, James I, Holdep left Whithy and fn 1886 went to St, Loulg where he became a clerk for the Frisco, In 1891 became auditor for the Choctaw Coal and Rallway Co, which was later re-arganized into the Choctaw, Oklahoma & Gulf Railroad, He became vice-president of the new line in 1800 and when the Oklahoma & Gulf was pure e¢hased in 1902 by the Rock Island, ha went to Chicago as freight traf- fle manager, Returning to Oklahoma in 1806, Mr, Holden helped to build the Midland Valley railroad from the Arkansas coal flelds to Arkansas City, Kas, and was its viee-presi- dent and general manager, He Joined the Kansas City Southeru ag vice-president in 1910, Thirty-eight years of Mr, Hold. en's rallrond career have been spent as an executive, a record held by few men, He will continue td reside In Kansas Oity, Mr, Holden is a brother of Mrs Albert W, Jackson, Centre street, Mrs, Frances Anuils,, Taunton, and R. A. Holden, of Oshawa, PENNY BANK MAY BE ESTABLISHED IN LOCAL SCHOOLS Dundas Street Home and School Club Makes Move-- Fine Address on Tuesday The Dundas Street Home and School Club on Tuesday evening, had the pleasure of listening to » very fine address from Mr, Little. proud, Inspector of Penny Banks in Ontario, Mr, Littleproud"s ad- dress was a concise and compres hensible explanation gf the Penny Bank system with tWe advantages which were adherent to it, A Service Organization Mr, Littleproud stated that the penny bank system was purely un service organization funetionig to teach thrift to the boys and girls of our country, The directors of the system are all prominent men who give thelr services ab- solutely free of charge, The cus. tody of the money placed in the banks is a sacred trust, No money i# Invested In stock, mortgages or personal loans, Only on the a&p- proval of the Minister of Finavce at Ottawa may the money be In. vested in bonds vouched for by the Federal or Provinclah Governs ments, The fundamental idea of Penny Bank is to teach the pupil in the public gchool the valug of money and to eucourage him to save, Practical pusiness methoas are learned sines the pupil learns to deposit and withdraw his money, through the medium of a pass hook with whieh he fs provided For as Mr, Littleproud stated one learps to do things by doing them, The qld idea of w school wad that the | IN THE CHURCHES OF WHITBY Specigl Christmas services will be held in all Whitby churches next Sunday, as special messages by the ministers and musie by the choirs will be festures, The churches' nos tices for the week are as follows: All Saints' Church w= Christmas Bunday=lHoly, Communion 8 wm, Morning yrayer 11 am, Sunday Behool 3° pan, Shortened cvening prayers und earols at 7 pm, Holy Communion following. The Christman Duy services aves Holy Communion 7 am, 8 aan, abd 1030, with short address at 10.30 service, St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Rey, John Lindsay pastor, Sunday, Dee, 22nd, 11 am, Special Christmas service, 2,30 pm, Hebbath Sehool and Bible Study, 7 pan, Special Christmas song service, A learty weleone ex» tended to all, The United Church~Minister Rev, A, L, Richards, B,D, Sunday, Dee, 22nd, Special Christmas services, 1) wn, Morning worship conducted by the minister, Story sermon for boys and Kirls, with pet lal Christus mu» sic, 2 pan, Sabbath Schoal, 3 pan, Afternoon worship at Ahuends, 7 p m,, The Christmas Pageant, "The Star Leads On" Song service of Christmas carols from 045, Note; The Sunday School Xmas supper and entertainment 1s Friday of this week at 0 pon Whitby Baptist Church=l F, Best, pastor, Sunday, 10 am, Bible school, Mr, 8, L, Wilhelm, supt, 11 wo, "Exchanging Gifts," 2.30 pm, Men's Club, 700 pm, "The Christmag carol, The pastor sepvices, Monday, PU, Monday, Fhursday meeting nus on all 8 pan, senior BY. PL , 8 pany, Prayer and praise (Dee, 20th), Christ tree, Visitors always wele Port Whithy=Rector, D, B, Lungrord, 4th Sunday in nt, Di 22nd, services at 11 a.m and 7 pm, Conclude course of on the 2nd Coming of vunday School and Adult and Young Clusses Sa med >t John INK sermon Our Lord, 3 carol practic People's Bible Day Holy Ci at 8 am, and 11 pecial music and sermon ut the latter sery Christmas tree and |entert Friday, Dec at 7.30 pan, Int Sunday Hall nUINIon an ee nent on School it was instituted to teach the three R's but the present idea to teach the children and r.ake citizens of them, Practise of thrift ls the only method by whieh thrifty eitl gens can be produced since it Is well known that the present gen CHRISTMAS CHEER FUND CONCERT Concert by the will be glven Hall on Friday evening of week, It is sponsored by Whitby Citizens' Band and Is for the purpose of ralsing money for the Whitby Christmas Cheer Fund, This very worthy object merits a packed house and a very generous sliver collection, The programme appears in full on page six of this paper, The chairman will be Mr. Albert W, Jackson, and he will give a brief address explaining the needs of the Cheer Yund, The concert starts at alight o'clock and will be one worth while, Every citizen should plan to attend It loenl Town this the best in the A talent ll i an The municipal elections are ap. proaching, As George Keil might say "It won't be long now Russell J, Underwood, a former member of the Council ang well known contractor, will not be a mayoralty candidate this year, Nor is it likely that he will seek a sout on the Council Board, Albert W, Jackson, who Is a candidate for reeve, is one of the old guard of municipal servants, With the election approaching the old desire to be 'up and at it" for his fellow citivens has been quickened anew within him and his friends predict that Le will stage a come back, "Your vote and influence for mayor' Is sald to be Ted Bowman's slogan these days, Incidentally, "Ted" rises to remark that it takes a big man to fill this job, and he answers that description Ted's supporters claim that he will make a strong bid for the chief magistrate's chair, His Worship Mayor Dudley fis aguin a candidate for the mayors alty, He feels that he would like to serve the people for a second term, He has many strong sup. porters and will make a good run in the mayoralty race. His Wor. ship has been in the municipal game locally for a number of years, as has also hig brother, Samuel, a former Whitby resident, at Colborne, The following (is from the pen of the Four Corners poet, and It lan't Ted Bowman: Come on, come on, Ohief Gunson, Arrest me if you please; I'll pay my fine to the magistrate 'But the town will my fees. The poet undoubtedly has refer. ence to the bylaw passed by the Council on Monday, The ratepayers should remember that they have three important bylaws to vote on at the municipal elections, They will be found fv this fssue and they are worthy of perusal. One is tq grant a fixed assessment of $600 for ten years to the Citizens' Dalry, Limited, which will shortly open its face tory on Ash Street, and the other two are to provide tor the issuing of Debentures for work on Ash and Dundas streets and the new Watson Street bridge. : | IN WHITBY MUNICIPAL Ih | John Larkin, a member of the Board of Education for several years, has resigned to entep the fleld for the Town Councll, Larkin has been a good school trustee and would make a valuable | additdon to the Councll, He has lived in Whitby for many years, Watch ex-reeve Fred Rowe, of Whitby Township, step up for the Counell, Everybody will that with his wide experience munieipal affairs he would be a valuable asset to the Council, Reeve J, M, Kenny is again in | the field. He Is seeking a 'second term, "J, M."" has been a very able representative of the town at the County CGounell Doard, He was chairman of the County Property Committee thls year, Mr, Kenny has been in the municipal arenn for many years in Whithy ang is a man with wide experience, ---- Rumors are still afloat that ¥, N, Burns, the well known Hrock street merchant, and ex-mayor of the town, will be a candidate for reave, Mr, Burns would bring good talent to the Council next year, as he hay many years of loeal munis cipal experience, If he runs it means a hiree-cornered fight for the reeveship, VETERANS' CHRISTMAS TREE The Christmas Tree for Veter. ans' children will be held fn the Town Hall on Monday next, De- cember 28rd, at 7 p.m, when San. ta Claus himself will be present in person, Tha list of children to receive presents is already quite a large one but the Committee in charge feel that there ls still quite A number of parents who have not yet sent In the names and ages of thelr ghildren to the Secretary, Mr. KE, M, Lomax, It ix the alm of the Committee to include the names of all veterans' children, and this qoes not by any means mean only, the children of those who belong to a veterana' ovganls gation, As the )lst must close this (Thursday) evenlng It 8 hoped that parents will gee that the names of the youngsters whe should attend this party are In the Secretary's hands by that time The Leglon meets tonight In the Veterans' Club Reoms (over H's Drug Store) when the fina arrangements for this tree and also Mr, | admit | in| Ab | I'he Da Army----=Chrisgtmas netras. on Monday 0 ' Aso the Admission 15¢, Salvition and 2rd Dante ( den ut 7 visit alus | CHARGED WITH 1 bg | | Chief Guunson has lald charges of theft against Percy Eillott, aud [Elvin Ogden, Oshawa, and of res | |eelving stolen goods against Tho {mins Ogden, Oshawa, A charge | has also heen laid against John | Guraky of the theft of a gun and | boots from Jacob Uryeck, of Whit. Lhy, All four men wil lappear bes Magistrate Willis on Monday afternoon, INJURED IN AUTO ACCIDENT While coming from work and walking on the highway about 6.30 Wednesday ovening, John {Green street, Whitby, was struck | by a motor car driven by John W Vickery, Burns street, Whithy, sustained severe Injurles, He was taken by Chief Gunson to the office of Dr, 4, I, Macdougall | was found that he had outs on his | tore { while the muscles on his left leg were also Injured, After medion! attention he was taken home, Viekery was travelling east just west of Whitby, when he met an- other car coming west, Hoth me torists dimmed thelr lights but aps | pavently Mr, Vickery did not see | Mr. Brown until he had struck him CHRISTMAS AT ONTARIO HOSPITAL \n elaborate progranine for the observance has heen | preared of pital, Ou Thursday evening, December 19 the Choir and the Young People's | Society of the United Church will present the Christmas pageant "Fol lowing the Star," The presentation [ will take plage in the hospital hall | Sunday morning, December 22nd, | religious services with special Chriss tnas message and music will be held, The preparations Christmas Day are most complete, At 9.00 an, there will the distribution of girs and visiting by officers to all departments of the lospital, At 120 noon a special Christmas dinner will be sere ved, the menu including roast turkey, cranberry sauce, roast potatoes, green peas, plum pudding with lemon sauce, olives, sweet pickles, cheese, tea, ete, At 215 there will be a fine entertain. ment in Je hall, with the following program: Duncan R, Cowan in jolly songs: Fred Alexander with his cons certinas 3 Will Cambridge, magician Elma Angus, mm national and fancy dresses; Margaret Clemens, pianist and accompanist, At 5 pm, there will be a special Christmas: supper, with jellied fruit salad, ice eream, in- [dividual + Christmas =cakes, assorted pandies, mixed nuts, oranges, apples and tea on the menu, At 7.30 there will be a dange for the patiemts and stafl, The various buildings at the hospi tal will be decorated tor the Yuletide season, and the many pleasing feu: tures make it certain that every pers son at the large institution will be made happy The programme for the season has been prepared by the superintendent, Dr. G, H. Stevenson, for SUDRURY SLEEPER ON YPHE NATIONAL Travellers between Toronto and Sudbury may enjoy a very coms | fortable nlght trip between these | two. eltles fn the Torvonte-Sudbury | sleoping oar, operating dally ou | "The National" Nortgbound the | departure hour from Torento Une | lou Station fs 9.00 p.m, and south. | bound from CNR, station at Sud: bury, 10,60 p.m, Use this conven! ent service on all your visits to Sudbury, Tlokets and veservations cheerfully arranged by Canadian Natlonu! Agents First | 7 pan, Junior BY, | Christmas 27th, | | greatly missed as they Brown, | and | where 1 | noge, and the left side of his face, | Mr | the | Lhristmas season at the Ontario Hoss | PENNY BANK MAY BE ESTABI ISHED IN LOCAL SCHOOLS eration are no more than thelr ancestors, 414 Bchools Have Ji Mr, Littleprend stated that the first bank was started in 1006 at Toronto in which eity it soon ens Joyed a large meusure of suUGeess, Soon other parts of the provinee were included, until at present there are somes 414 schools in which the system is used, Incidental to the establishment of a unit in Whitby Mr, Littleproud stated that a local chartered bank will be asked to. co-operate in the clerical work, A small initial ine vestment will be required to pay for stationery, It wag learned that the total amount deposited in the Penny Banks of Ontario was more than one million and a quarter dollars, Approach School Board The | hi and School Clup des cided to approach the Board of Kdugation, with a view to estabs Hshing a unit of the Penny Banks in Whitby, a# soon after the new year ag possible, Mrs, I, A, Hutehigon, of the club 'ntroduced Mr proud, provident | President Little FORMER CITIZENS HONORED The following extract from the Sudbury Star will he read with futerest by many Whithy and dls. trict people to vvhora Dr, and Mra, Roger are well known! 'The Bible cians, of Bt, Paul's Un" d4 Chureh, Garson, presented | thelr teacher, Lr. Roger, with a | fountain pen before the close of | the service on gunday morning | The gift was a token of thelr re | gard for him as teacher and § [ friend, W, H, Death, superinten: [ dent of the Sunday schoel veoleced | the appreciution of the members of the chureh for the work that Dr, and Mrs, loger ) ave done dur. | mg thelr resident in town, Dr, | Roger has been "singularly sue eessful In bullding up a class of young people and has taken a | great interest their spiritual | | welfare, Mrs, Doger, who has acted | us organist at the church for n | n mber of eurs, was also extend ed the gratitude tue cOngregn- tion for her sorviee + the ehureh Both Dr, ana Mrs, Hoger who a { leaving Garson tly will have filled very real place the life of Lhe | ehureh and community | | Dr. and Mrs, Roger are now n | Whithy and wre #pruding the Christmas holidays and | Mrs W. A, Hollida) in ha with Mr | | Warm Praise For Chief Gunson Chief of Police Herbert Gunson Is highly thought of Crown officials who have | oveasions to do business at | the Court House, The Chief has Just received a letter from Crown Attorney J. A, MeGibs bon, which speaks for itself; "Now that the Fall Assizes have been completed, after a most strenuous ten days, 1 desire on behaif of Mr, Wile Hams and myself to convey to you our thanks and apprecins tion for the splendid services which you have vendered to us from the bhoglnning of all these criminal cases, It Is only hy cooperation and team work that the best of results can be obtained and this has certain. ly been manifested In these anslges, I again want to thank you, as Crown Attorney, for the splendid assistance which you have always rendered," Mr, Williams referred to in this letter Is the noted coun. sol, W, Hl, Wiliams, KO, of Pembroke, who was the specs ial Crown prosecutor at the Anslzes, | hy HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS The following are the results of | examinations held at Whithy high school during the past week: Form Ve=Ueometry: J, Bascom 9; R, Halliday 93: M, Westney 91; A Drapér 86; H, Quinn 84; 1. Bentley 65: DD, Maundrell 63; (, Robertson YJ Form IV=French Authors: B, QJ lum 92; M, McArthur 92; J, Bascom 85: HB, Chapman 80; 11, Levine 80; J, Buntley 80; K, Lomax 80; DD, Maun: drell 77: C, Robertson 73; K, Thomps son 721 8S, Lawler 72; J, MacConnell 711 1, Brawley 677 C, Webster 66; M, Oshorne 62; 1, Luke 59; H, Mer» riam 58; F, Newman 55; C, Worfalk 49; G, Scott 46; M, Ruddy #4; G, Elms 40; J, Giroux 39; J, Parker, abs, Forms. IV and Vi=Eung, Composis thon: 1, Odlum 73; K, Thompson 73; T, Parker 6Y; J, MacConnell 05; K, Lomax 63; H, Levine 621 C, "Webster 61; A, MeArthur 60; ¥, Newman §9; M, Osborne 59; C, Worfolk 58: 1, Brawley 563 H, Neal 5; P, Price SM, Puekerin 54; B Chapman 83; I. Luke 49, Form H-=German: R, Aylesworth, 90: I, Levine 98; G, Levine 98; Rh, Lawler 94: M, Smith 93; D, Rice 83; M, MacConnell 69; O, Bandel 60; M Mantell 47; M, Mowat 40; K, Wood 19 Forty 1l==Latin: * R, Aylesworth 100; Maude Smith 93; G, Levine 93; M, Heard 88; M, McConnell 81; K Wood 77: K, Cooke 721 A. Scott 71; M, Niddery 69; M, Mowat 68; 1. Rea 00; M, Roberts 65; DD; Rice 63; PP, Levine 65; D, Smith 61; P. Neal $0. H, Blm §: W, Ruddy 3; Marjory Smith 88; NM, Barton §; I. Davey 8&3: MM. Holthy §3¢ BF Rrooks 82: J. MeOuoy 48; 8, Correll 47: N, Clemence 407 I, Every 46: R, Gale 42: ID. Butler 417 A. Downey {17 B, Dalby 40: B, Price 25; I, Tohnson 191 J, Wilscn and ¥, Anders son, abs. Form CA Physiography: "A, Threadgoll 93; E. Threadgold 91: M Smith 88: M, Park 83; K. Reaves 81; I, Slelghtholny 29: J, Neskel 79: NM Heard 79: M. Little 76: RB, Birkett [Tn China but not untif the | low | the 00: 1, Birkett 05; 8. Wilson 63; K Ms Robinsen 025 i, Burt 59; M, O'Conner 50; L, Smith §0; 1, Gordon 47, D, Richards 50; Ly Calderone 34; I, Southwell 29, Agriculture class (hrst year), phys slographys €, Cassady 70; J. Patter son 01. G, Willson 00; J, Harkness 001 be MeQuay 505 W, Venemore Ad WwW. Salisbury 32; J, Barron, 30 Auriculture classes Arithmtic L MeQuay 97; B, Balisbury vd; W, Fenemore Yl J, Barron 85; Gy Will» son BS: H, Webster 80; L, kabtady 0d; 1, Holthy 613 J, Harkness 51 J, Paterson 51 Jy Grant 44, ------ KINDERGARTEN CHRISTMAS CLOSING EXERCISES The closing Christmas Exercises of the Kindergarten Department of king Public 'Sehool were held on Wedness day afternoon, when the children, unis der the able direction of thelr teach. er, Miss Tremeer, rendered a splendid programme of recitations, songs, drills dialogues, ete, Many of the parents and friends of the children were on hand, Mr, R, A, Hutchison, Public School Inspector, presided, and dur: ing the afternoon congratulated the teacher on her splendid work, and also the little folks for the manner in which they played their respective parts in the programme, 'The school room was gally decorated, and twu lure Christmas trees, laden with gifts from Santa Claus, helped to bring joy to the children, The programme wis us follows "Merry Christinas Greeting," Schools Recitation, Kalph MacCarl; Chairman's address, Mr, Hutehison chorus, "Jolly Old Santa Claus," Kine dergurten Primary Class recitation, "A Christmas Telephone," Joan Orn istony regitation, "Mamma's " Doris McKinley: "Wishes," Kindergarten Class duet, "My Chris tmas Rolly," Betty and Peggy Dews land; "A suggestion," by three little wirls, Ethel Foster, Evelyn Muir and Kdith * Farroni recitation, Dorothy Richards; recitation, Nora Camphell Dance of the Brownie Kind lergn Primary Class] recitation, June recitation, "A Christmas Dil Wilma James; "Christma children motion ng, is Falls Balmer ten Allan emma," hy the Christmas tian, Deroth Hrprise J Snow " recita nla nia indergarten Prin al 15 Is ( ry om the Class | chorus in | § ng Christmas tre God Ive King GAVE ADDRESS ON PRINTING At the United Church last Monday night, Mr, G, M, Goodfellow nddres ed the Yount People on the "R uf Printing." As early as the century & printed book had appeared 15th « printing don om th ntury was there any from movable type and the first hook to printed was the Rible I'he conrse of the art of printing from thi forward was traced hy Mr, Goodie! iHustrations being given hy t wd colour printing I Progress ma vas pointed out that the first print ing press of the London Times coul produce 1000 copies of four pages an he time pes ) Mike clear de In recent vears it hour, whereas the Toronto Star could now print 180000 of 50 pages in the same time, 'Lhe den of the chureh to printing was stressed, especiglly ii its missionary labour, Mp, Cand fel low claimed that the art as such was # Diving gift coming we it did just at the time of the Reformation, when it became su necessary to spread the evangel by means of the printed page, Both a complete mastery and ene thusiasm for his subject was revealed by the speaker, und 8 very hearty vote of thanks was tendered him by the Seoclety, SCHOOLS CLOSE FRIDAY Whitby schools will close on Fri day for the Christmas and New Years holidays, They will resopen on Jan wary Oth, On Uriday Christinas pros grammes will be held in most of fli school rooms, some of which have been specially decorated for the Yule tide season, Wednesday alternoon the closing coneert of the Kindergir- ten Department was held, The yro- gramme appears ¢lsewhere in this is sue ------------ THORNTON'S CORNERS NEWS Thornton's Corners, Dee, 18, The annual Christmas tres and concert given hy the Sunday Bchool will be held on Vriday evening, December 20Lh in the Bunday Behool voom, All are welcome A good programme 4 being prepares ed, Banta Claus Is expected to are Yive in time to help unload the tree, Bllyer golleetion Thornton's Corners Funday Sehool ana The Ladies' Ald each contributed $26.00 to the Oshawa Christmas Cheer Vund, Many from here sattendeg the Milk Producers' Banquet on Sats urdoy at the King street United Chureh, Professor Bleekley, of the 0A wai the chief speaker Prank Hogg gave several readings which were much appreciated, Hoy Lick 1s President of the Associa tion and was chairman at the ban quet Mrs, Albert Robinson is 111 with the grippe, Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery Mrs, Hiram Drew and her moths er, Mrs, Kemp, have also been on the siek list They are muth im proved however Mrs, Npenecer, of Ashburn, has bean a guest for a few days of her daughter, Mrs, Norman Gilbert and Mr, Gilbert Mrs, Le Roy, of Toronto, Is ing u short vigit to her son Le Roy and family Dv, Forsythe has hought back his old place south of the Corners and intends returning in the spring to it Harvey Beott was in Toronto for several days last week Mr, and Mrs, Baker, fleld, were quests of Mr, and Mrs W, A, Beott on Thursday last Harold Pasooe Is expected home this week from the OAC, for the Christmas vacation mak Frank of Baint _--_.--_" anki LOON CAPTURED BY RAGLAN MAN Unusual Find Mad« by Carl Avery on Sat. urday . Haglan, Dee, 18--Misses KNKis and Greta Brawn left ou Baturday for Manitoba where they intend spending some time with thely brothers and slster, My, Carl Avery captured a loon north of the village on Baturday, our loons were aptured fu Tors onto on Vriday, their wings helpg froswen by sleet, Tt is thought that it wag 0 member of a flock pags ing over My, Irwin Ormiston spent Tues. day in Toronto The Ladies' Ald held a suceeps- ful supper in the hall on Weduss- day evening Mr, and Mrs, John Kellington and sop NHounald have moved to Oshawa for the winter months Misses M, una L, Miller spent the week-end at thelr homes here Mrs, DD, Thompson, Jean and Lloyd Thompson and Miss lia Wile gon, spent Haturday In Toronto Mr, and Mrs, D, Lyle and Orval atiended a funergl inp Claremont on Monday afternoon Mr, and Mrs, N, Lloyd spent a day went! Mr, Arthur Ormiston, Toronto, pent the week-end at his home, ONE FISHING BOAT STILL UNREPORTED it, John's, Nfld, Dec, 10,~=With the report Baturday that the threes masted schooner Neptune, carrying 10 persons, was "all-right" about 780 miles southeast of here, nine of the ten Bonavista vessels that ware peattered by a hurricane after leaving Bt, John's 15 days ugo, had heen accounted for, leaving only the Lloyd Jack still unreported, I'he liner Cedric reported the Naps tune and relayed her request for a tug Pix veppels of the Bonavista fleet were abandoned with the loss of one man, The Duteh steamer Hof« plein reached the crews of the (ieorge K,, and the Catherine 8B, the liner Baltie pleked up the erew of the Northern Light, the steamer Hepublie took off the crew of the Gander Deal, the erew of the Mer ry Widow were saved by the steams er Heothie and the liner Nova Boos tin resoued the crew of the Jean Blackwood, The Effie May Petite wis towed in Ly the steamer Far North and the Watersprite returns» and fer Hughson in the elty ed safely to port, 7: EE. Muir 2M: M, Sleep 60 | "Tucker 08: L. Conlin 67; L. Powe! And | won't be fretting and stew ing at the last minute under the wire with gifts for every: one to be remembered Let's make it a real happy Christe maa this year for everyone, includ. ing the salespeople, delivery men, mail and express workers who uas- ually are so jaded and exhausted through the thoughtlessness and dilatoriness of last-minute shop- pers that Christmas is a dread ra- ther than a delight, ONLY 4 SHOPPING DAYS LEFT op -- © The Oshawa Daily Times to just get in "w M

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