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Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Dec 1929, p. 5

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GRAY INCPF ASE INLIFE-SPAN SEEN Modern Chemistry Growing Moré Useful Says Col. umbis Professor FUND I$ PROPOSED Suggestion Is Made To Life Insurance Com. panies New York, Dee, 19=Madern ehem- Istry Is growing inereasingly able to prolong life, Dr, HC, Bherman, pros fessor of chemistry at Columbia Unis versity, said vesently in an address Lis e Campy oh Dissavery mn, foe uli We yn the he: on) ng © "the 'efforts of AA nee to mprove the normal 0 another each, vered = #n hour er twa before, Bt Mn Whrelpted meeting, Irenee Du Pont, munitions i Ftd had proposed a method hy life insuranee eampanies sould i a mammoth joint fund with which to endow seience fn ts ats "A ingrente the lifespan Ponts Jian, delivered hetore the 28rd Annu Sonventian of life in 1) & presidents ould ercite the nd by setting 4 Pp on ia oles heh One per gent wnnually fu dhe ee . eompanies' trust funds, f was estimated that $20,000000 a year thus eon d be provides The munitions manufacturer, who phe Is A reetor of the Equiiahle Life Assurances Boelety, spoke of "the focens Invavement in the seale of in whieh must be apparent to all Of ue Hehiosess! eli on Werk Loss "Men da no work harder than they used to," he went on, "Physically they wark fir less, yet thelr produg tivity his been multiphed without the man on the street helng aware ol what has happened Prohibitionista have taken advantage of this wn awareness and have claimed the in provement Is one due 0 prehibition wd Claim that is quite impertinent," Du Pant explained that in his view the publie merely has huneftyd with mare eapiable production o avd less strain on the oR "ite then pointed out that sinee hath life insurance companies and poliey=holders would benefit fram prolongation of life ft was up to (he companies 10 "finance the greatedt re seareh organization the world has ever applied ta a specific problem," Incidentally, It was anneuneed the convention that for the Eh successive year all life insurance ver cords had heen broken by the pure chase of $10.800,000000 worth of now foieins, in the United States during Pid od oo wollpies are now ayer the {i mark Dr, ge in Columbia, said that his vitamin diss coveries had shown how the ehemist sould Work with the man of medi eine and the Malogist toward a longer He ih field 18 only just epening, Ei hive found ant whi ih neges gary foed for man," he sald, "N his address al NOW we must find aut what is nat, When a dueceed | in that we shall have de red sen li and have pided (he growth and evelopuuent of every in dual, JAPAN STATES REAUIRFHENTS Lays Down Principles For Conference on Naval Limitation Dee, 10 hicago, « Japanesa agates ave prepared to favey : ponement of the replacement enplial ship at the ondon armament conference In JARUA We it would lwhten the buy ie thelr national budget, ro Wakataukl, tormer premier on Lg and leader of the dele sald here an Erturday, Mile i et will be ne ehange ison " we ratio @ Mpa shins, " Wekatuil wa nd rea ¥ to brig up the we tion of replacement of Hmewaen battleships with new oraft, whieh Wal DOIRId QUE a8 NONRRsAFY AL Lh Washinton conference, We wil | mEree (0 June the bul Lyew io because auch actin would Maht the burden upen the RALORA) treasury, "Insofar as auxiliary eraft are oerned, Ruvaval, TN wot ly desives hut wil 4 wa 44] 'he I i vs he (ha ave) strength, Ww Qiner than they ig By on wative studies. have convinoed we must inaht on this ratio strength we tnalet wpon elear would not constithite 4 menace oe pawer and shows ho ied naive, REE hao Prolene Whites © Callin, phyaios and authes hy s autharis i " PAPOTS Upon \he A an and kids . this Rle MOT A oer ol ity iy J deel "tr bo 4 a nd sent fog the doctor a Ss te the th Derlenity ob ve 1 aly Kidney, whereupon she eandvd ; instant attendance of the curate of the Ratlah i which she lived, She | that she was wet in the Wa danger, hut still she yeiters her pequest that the curite he w wined instantly, Ab lst hee wishes were somplind with, and when ho derived o she inal el on reeeivi W hi alone, da doen "a he wpted the room the okt lady sat wp 0 be and whi wstepionsty, hough | WA ted to stop Je | Wide Wh Wy 10 see you, ee | hear you wonders for lease N and win t Hots FY | man's prise, a ee shaving Sin The photographs hove how ¢ hr Wing Amanolinhk of Afghanistan und his queen, who, If they fore sake Moslem faith and embrace Homan Cuthollelsm, ns persistent reporis Indlente, will have bums od thely Inst bridge and will never he abla 0 retuen to thew nitive Ind, Queen Bovryn, who Ib was urged her husband to the attempts ol Innovation of western Ideas In MISS BONDFIELD'S INACTION I S"ORED Lady Houston Critlclnes Handling of Strike In Hull Pee, 0A plguant ean tvoversy has arisen between two ul England's west prominent woingn Lady Houston, widow of the shi awner from whom she inherited ii HIOLO00, and Miss Margaret Hand hele Minister of Libor, the woman Cahines Minis Wi The eantroversy 1s aver the dismis | sal of DIY tpamway workers In Hull | hy the Laherite City sounell ther for having continued Working during the general strike of 1930 Miss Handield has tabion (he pos flow that she I wnable 10 litervene | in the eouneil's deciston, Lady Hous: | all declapes that Mes Handheld "pretends 1a he a frfond of the labor ing elasses," but adds that her atl mde towards the Hull eave is 10 womanly, Meanwhile Lady Houston In paying the wages of all the aligns wh men until wver the New Your The dismissal of the tramway men was due to the fat that for the (i (hme singe the general strike therg i a Labarite majority tn the Hull Cli Connell The men had hoon pursuing thelr simployment under an agreenient inetuded In the stetke settlement tha Hele ahors shoukl wet he viet {ged y KEDRON BRIIFS Kedvan, Ree, 17=Mr, and Mesh finer Oatle and family and Mr, an hy Roy Cuneliffe, Oshawa, were resent visltorg with Mr, and Mis Norman Gimblett, « Miss Queenie Paul, Taranto, spent the week end with Miss Mildred Cale Me, and Mes, 1% OW, Hedi enter taned a number of their friends on Pueaday evening, Progressive Loat Heir Was played, Mis, Roan Lea win ning the Tadies' rise a lovely Ching op andl siber, Noss Lee, the gentle Landon, Conlin, Nr, e¢ Conlin foand Mes, NB and Miss Margue Monday in Toronto, Miss Ruth Cole spent the week end with Miss Jean Tennyaon, Toronto, | Pr, and Mrs, MoCullach, Orono, Mr, and Mes, WL Paine, Cal Atbus, + spent Heiday at the home o Harvey Pascoe, tases Lena Hoskin and Alige Kmvih " t Saturday in Toronto poand Mes, J, FO Anderson, Osh awa, Mr and Mes, J Routley, of Hroaklin, weve ren Jute of Mi a rm W Hoskin, and Hy Harvey Crossinan we In Hindu on Tuesday attend ng the funeral of & cousin of Mis TORRINAR Mw and Mes, FW, Lee, My, and Mra, Rows Lee, Ne. and Mes, Harvey Crossman attended a hanguet of thy milk wr Ty held In Oshawa on Saturday las yore mre COUNTER ATTACK Driver of Ol Oar (after voad side halt): You don't notioe that knoek tn the englie 5a mush now, [1 yout Friend: Ney how did yan fix Iv? Driven! Oh, 1 Just loosened one of the mudguards, ARND (OB, "Come, COME, WY Wal, You've ooking around here a lonw he without buying, What do YOU want Yauess 1 want another tloaw walker," replied the old gentle wan, "mo the new awaert TITRE TR POWER CANADA ONY IN n Maa Yaris New Hiv avicky and Nova Seoths, commissions wider the Goverment hve heen formed 10 develop or paichase pews or and to ww distiibite oh FOL CRTRY greatest develpp went in this Redd has been im Ontario Ha spen | Hadamal, [0 raligion | first Meitlaly | OF the | Wimaimation of 5 PEEL be Hy doe Rh a owe Cominigon RYTON He Of SHAWA Alphan'stan, Ie sald to have made up her mind to forsike the Mae bammedan falth snd beams» athalle somvert, Amanulinh him self might follow snl, The exe King, In Wis program of vellglows and elvie peform In Wis country that vost hime We ovown, Intends od to evente complete fresdom of warship for all and datheone Mohaminedanivm as 8 state vel won, JUDAISM DEFINED BY' RABBI "FNOER Life of Edmond Fleg Diss cussed Before Junior Hadassah Manivap!, Dap, 10 Judignm sald Hahbht Bender, speaking be fara the members of tha Juniny vaoantly, Vis not a rao w nationally or eulture Tawinh people, hut Bn wm all thess things rabbi was disoussing thi bank nf Kdmond Weg "Why | am a Jew. pointing out that the au thor wag not only expressing him sell when he wrote i, hut also thousands of others wha have had similar supevionees Io was horn th on hpma the word of tod wis noevey tianed but Hved Hi forth tuto the worla suliolont spiritual buekprauna and when faved w the Brent i) ihigm ha tnrned awiy and fired with Chrtstinnity, hoenuse of the haanty } I'ten af the heh ae he not vhepe man wad pant without meant und poe the splendor and wtrensth of the Ol Tenia ment, When tha Dreyfus ease Arole, Files returned to Judalam Poonneg of tha sufferings of hiv race, Aud when he attended th sopand Blontss Oangpess, ho firmly atinghed himaell to 1, bheonuss he had found something tanglkie which he could helldve tn, same thing An wld an the dowlah exile YA Jew WAY not Practice hie rel lon, sald Rabbi Bande, "hat Wh ALLE hae his lanpnase and his Jew leh Hterature snd bis Jewish eon neetiond Thare fn always some Wing that hinds him ta Jewry, Mins Marvy Liefer gave a report fn current events and the dent, Mya Burnham, ntraduoed the Bpeakey Mpg, Brawn thanked Mm, on behall of the mem hers THRILLING STORY OF RESCUE TOLD Survivors of Wreck of Float ing Dry Dock Describe Experiences Germany, Dee 19.0: T ly sievivars of the wreek of an 11,000 ton floating deydock, whieh was be ni towed from Hamburg 19 Rotter dim on Sunday, oday 'oh & thetliing sory of heir cacaps Ihe dey deck wis caught by the fury of the wales that have wwept over northwestern Europe during the Ant Wook aid hroke (0 twa ear te Ie of Terasohelling, Twa members ol AW crew perished The survivors said that the haw sere of the tues towing the deydook hrake during the stormy, and the daek dyifted helplessly in the tremendous aay, Iowan finally sefaed hy twa mown iments waves and fed abave a tongh that the seamen eatinated at HU feet wide, The dock 1telt, which wah HU Toot Tong and weighed 11,000 TORE Was sapped in twa Wh hax hy the strain The wasters of the gs manoeuy Fl with great sREL and vourage, yes ened some of the evew assembled in he stern part of the broken deck Tha men wore sn exhagsted fam th hattoring. of the wave that they dropped uncon ions when kanked the i's dooks, pan of the dock plunged hte (he way IE Ras we of them were deswiy eid, and the others, who ripped the Hen with their teeth (hn 4 desperaty strndsle for safety, Were Hpally pall ol on haart ihe le ite (vo retained "revelier Nn" ha YOM Mgt ho ale You Rien, Hashand : "1 didn', bt 1 wet searesh of who seemed 0 Anew wed" Fl Hamburg, pong 0 flun, | reals | OW maleh | The men the fon | aad BARRIERS HOLA AS FLOOD WATERS RISE Thames River Reaches Within Few Inches of Street Level Landon, Dee, Lh livowds of un wang walehors along he hanks of the Thames from Huemmersmith to the heart of the ety whltehad (ha vivey vive nt high tide surly 10 any, to whhin a few Inehes of Whe plreel level, ang they recede, IL was tho Dest test of the Lay vlers und vamp®is thrown up hy workers In preparation for wht Wii A porina ta he i disnstrois flood, vesting from veeapl Jatin r------------ And Wnununlly high tides sweeping In from the North Bes, Patvolmen fram seotland Yurd, howavey, expect the Brest (est 10 come In the early hours of tomoy row and Wednesday Whon the Hides vanch thelp erent, Warking #4 hours a day, lah avers hind sonstrueted un new von orete harrier long the Chelses sm hinkment, whieh) slways has boon one of the danghy spots, sind other wootlons of the shops ne had heen relnforaed with sandhanks DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, DEC EMBER 19, 1929 TT wtovin have left & teal) of desols Hon, The mining vallyey of Boulh | Wilew where thousands are still | unemployed, huve hesome villeys Luff despily, Vieods struck (the Whonnde valley tour mes In Lhe pant threes weeks, Luring moun tiln shrews Into torrents that swept tnta tiny homes already sit faring from poverty and privation Wamen and ehildren in this dis triet fled in tervor to the upper rooms, wheres theve were any, tak Ing with thom what clothes wnd fond they could tay thelr hands on, bi some eases families have heen imprisoned on uppsy floors for Iwao ar three Wyn, thelr food AWOpL way, Heores low everything Whey had, Ing the bovough of Monmouth 100 homeless people ara helng fed und given wecommodstion hy the withovities, "Most the people, shys uN, AdameWilliwme, Mayor of Monmouth, "had to he removed fram the flooded wrens In howls whieh Leak them from upper win dows, In ease of ngs, Infivmity wna wlokneps, this was un pertlons undertaking both for the Yaseners wid the vaseusd, as it had to he oftwotad partly fn darkness, Amidqul toppaniial rains and holserous winds That painting which won second Prive while hanglog on 1s side might have taken fest ples If hung upside down, Chilengo yen The vesading Hoodwaters of the | Ing Post, SAC PRN TRAC JE PRA JAC A PC JN A SON ST A A SO Ae Sania Soy [ yon bie A Groceries - Cracker -Candlies - Fiuily pba JO pi Loblaws + Lowest possible p Highes Qualily l.cisu rely Shopping .owesl Price 5 | the Golden Sultanas AUBTHALIAN World's Hast Cluster Ralsina Panoy Malaga Large package Clunater Ralsina Fava Faney Malaga Large pashage a ¥ HE ie PACE FIVE CUTTER READY FOR DASH INTO ARCTIC Will Carry Canadian Fliers Who Will Search for Elelson Wash, Des, 1HThe conmiguBrd cutlery Chelan will he pressed Into we view to curry un velisf expsditing north to Lipid for Pilat Carl Ben Wislson and WW" meahanie, Vari Borland, missing HOMO hove in the vieinity of North Cape, Biheria snes Novem hey 0, The vessel was made vesdy for the trip novih and awake only the wrrival of threa args Valveld wanes and wu squad of six Cana dian Miers In command of Cup in HW, A, Oaks, of Winnipeg The planes will ha ovated, lash ad on desk snd taken to Bewerd, Alnslin, on the Chelan, then ship ped to Fairbanks hy rall ang we pembled, They will he flown slither direct to Teller, Alaskn, the huss of vesous operations, or fist Lo Nome, then to Teller, The planes probly will leave for Hewurd within two ar three days Mijor Howard €; Deckard, | duction manager for the Healtln, Unitan Bliles [ire op al" | Toe fl (lj! L On off ol lg 2 Lbs, 2% Pg 400 Pg 90 MINCEMEAT Libby's Finest Quality, ovo00 Libs 190 Libby's Royal Jar, Mrs, Hamilton's Cholee Quality Lb, 160 disease ss rave ndar Sle 0.1 . rm CHRISTMAS CAKE rinest Qualily recipe, covered with a Yoltalout Paste, This ts an exceptionally low price for cake of this high quality AODBLAW'S ny, {sy po wy EN a a CERN Raked in our owen Pure Food Kitohen Made from a very fine Old English It contains the very choles ost of Imported Rrulta, Valencia High uy and Imend Imonds, Selooted ol Park Mutter, New Lal a ---- FR A SE a TY © SS a) ehiidg Arpiane Manufacturing Co poration, has arrived in Seattle Lo overses shipment of fauipmont and will aceompany the plana | fires for dalluve to comply with ised hy the Avietion Corporation of Now York, un holding company whieh eontrols Vlelson's firm hh Aluskn GO-PERATE TO END, ALL-NIGHT PARKING Quebec Residents Fall in With New Police Regulation Quehee, Dae, 18 "Tha motor ing pubis avd giving us every co operation tn eomplylug with the new regilations which forbid sll night parking on olly streeis" nowspapermen wera fnformed hy dopuly Chilet of Volles Higaoneits aver the wegl-end, In dlseussing the recentlyenforeed vile "Wa wre hinving mueh more eo aperation than wa expected, and #0 far only a small number of finwe for fallure to comply with tha regulations hinve heen Imposed Private sultomoblle owners, seem Falrs| to reallge the necessity of prevent IN IN NIN IRN IN IN INE I I £, Fard Daten Vroah Now Pack Natural Figa Finsst Quality For Conbing 'Stoneless Dates RAN VAN, Table Figs TURKIAH = Finest Quality ARARRRRRRRARIARR IRAN ARREARS Givei it Fair PI prod rife Jakiata, tha du 1 Tory 0 g My y B fair pM i there Is samy doubt In yon an to the worth of these tablets wpuare pel ( has ilonston, try them and (ruth Bont asthe your comfort ion, rr (snd bow" "gio Fe Vinson & Ca of AAAS, Zuto0 ing all-night parking, both for the gity's and thelr own eonvenlenes, "Nelveders ward required Lhe most atiention, as snow Is removed hy the city. up to midnight in that loenlity Consequently, & args number of ears parked on the preets there would hinder, the pow removes in thelr work," pwdded the deplty-chief, BEVORE 1T'8 TOO LATE $ ou runing 1" Wil going tie thy Itare fatliey I hve Juss seen in the pape hii fie baer aul ta help him" break off the en Why sire Inelaw that he Yom hr} it 1a Fiemme! Lb, 200 2 Lbs, 280" 2 Pkgs, 380 Lh, 330 PEAR RARRRRIANY EXTRA SPECIAL VALUE Imported Christmas ¥ STOCKINGS As buying will be brisk at the Loblaw prices, we urge wot to leave the buyingof your stockings til the last day, wn. 39° DIES STORE HOURS For Convenience of Our Customers STORES REMAIN OPEN Wednesday Aliernoon, Dee, 18th and on Tuesday and Friday Evenings, Dee, PMN tn Bh, Christman Package CHO Marshmallows CAMPFIRE Boand Healy Dabivions, 114 Jelly Beans Assorted Cubara= Lib Ban REN ANNK COLATES © ih. Tin S40 Box 190 Chocolate Buds ........ 11h box 33e Licorice dllsorts PARSETEN por tod = Han, Bon Dox 140 Candy Holiday Mixture, 1b, box 140 Crystal Creams, 00000 Fruit Slices BARBER TUN bape tod = 10a, Bs Fruit Dre Avvortod Time Frwis Flavae td Bon Butterscoteh Promenade Syke han, Way Gum Dro Asertedel ih, Peanuts Frosh Roastod-Sen Bon, AAA #4 GROCETERIAS ONTARIO IN AR AARAAAARA AY ARARRARARAAAANAARIAL Ih box 1% Nox 200 Rox 19¢ Nox 130 Bag 170 Dox 18 Box 130 AAA AAANANY Alpine Clab The Peer of Pale Dey GINGER ALE mettie J {)° IN CARTONS 14 dog. = G00 dox ox. = $1.20 Plus 30 Deposit an Bach Bottle PR ann oh Sp Spring" CRW OLD ENGLISH STYLE Christ \ PUDDING ti.1 37° WE SELL FOR LESS Brasil Nuts A Wa Mived Ni- Plawond Badded, 104 IIL ues Mi vod us Walnuts, Almonds, Filberts and BrastheNe 2.00 NAVEL This deliclona health frait shauld be used Washed Now Sook, oon A Su rn oo de, Filherta and BrasileNa 10 AREAS Lh 270 Lh Jo Lh Mo 1h 2lo ORANGES AARARAAAN AY abundantly in every home, eapeclally so when ou oan get such atine : which prev able prices uality at the reasons | at LOBLAW'S, We suggest that it will pay you to buy the larger alooa, whi oh are more plentiful and therefore proportionately cheaper, - CLUR HOUSE CLUL vv n Maron Jae LUNCH QUEEN Nomar CL Pmente No, § SAAR AAAA EARN OLIVES Jar 43¢ Lh. 10¢ : \ Lb, 14e GROCETERIA: IN ONTARIO

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