RE BER Tse. ie i Sr FACE EICH] a THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1929 FW '0.H.A. REFEREES MEET AT TORONTO TO DISCUSS THE RULES O.H.A. Rules Are Fully Explained to Referees At The Annual Meeting Larger Attendance at Ref: eree's Meeting Than Ever Before ~~ Much of Bell Ringing to be Eliminated Ea Toronto, December 10 A more uniform interpretation of the OHA, rules by the officials should result from the wsnnual meeting for referees held at the Prinee George hotel yesterday af ternoon, And much of the bell ringing prevalent in some games will be eliminated if the referees adhere to thelr decision not to stop lay when a player is tripped un- ess 0 penalty 18 to be imposed, here was considerable discuss glon over this point, and it was brought to the notice of those pres. ant that the spectators often be come confused when the refere. vings his bell after a player falls over fn opponent's stick and then faces the puck without ruling any« body off Hodyschecking Wile There seemed to he some, doubt in the minds of a large number of the referees, coaches an team managers at the conclave as to how the hody-checking rule should be interpreted, Of course, hody- chetking ontslde the defensive area i not permitted, and it was des cided that inside the defending tonm's 64-foot line ouly the puck: carrier ean he body-checked, The team-mate or team-mates rushing with the puck-carrier ean ba check: od or skated out of the play, but they cannot be body-chegked until they come Into possession of the yuek, ! gti another misunderstanding was cleared up when the meeung was informed that this season the rule referring to tho alternate goals tender had been changed, Not any more may A manager remove his net guardidn from the game and place # forward on the fee In his stead in an effort to pull a losing gmo out of the fire, : lendid Mooting The meeting was perhaps the best aver held since this gathering of veferees ut the beginning of the OH, A, was inaugurated some years wgo. 'The attendance was larger than ever before, and would have heen even larger had the weather and motoring conditions been more agreeuhle, However, almost every prt of the OFLA, territory was ropresented, Past-President A, 18, Copeland of Toronto occupled the ehaly in the absence of President Dick Nutler, and Hecratary W. A, Hewitt reviews od (he playing code, As Mr, Hews fit pointed out at the beginning, the referes ls the oMelal represen tnative of the OFLA, and completes ly in charge of the game which he Is went to handle, OMA, referees have full contrel of players on and off the lee, goal umpires, timekeapers and the offi ala] connected with the competing olubs, and the OMA, backs the ereferes to the limit in all legit mate elreumatances, Players and club officials who ahusa the referee, goal umpires and timekeepars vocally or personally must he reported to the assoglas tion, The OH. A, does not propose 10 stand for rowdytsm, either from the players, those who are connect. od with the clubs, or spectators, and will be severely punished, There is no offside for the des fending team inside the G0-foot de fence area, hint on all face-offs the players must be on thelr own side of the puck, All offside plays must be started and finished hy the defending team inside the defence aren, and also when the putk is A net a-- NEW MARTIN NOW PLAYING 'MARY NOLAN IN THE SHANGHAI LADY BY REQUEST THR Skeleton Dance "ASK DAD" A Farclal Comedy SWALTZING AROUND" A Dancing Interlude With Rythm and Grace ® Cod TOE papa knee NOW: Clara Bow - IN "THE SATURDAY NIGHT KID" ADDED UNITS! Gus Edward's Revue "THE TOY SHOP" Attended Meeting O.H.A. | Referees The meeting for OMA, vefcre cen hold yosterdny was attended the fol Wing: Harold Farlow, oronto; Lou ¥, Marsh, Toronto; Dad Favea |, Grimshy; W, B, 141. He. Toronto: Jara Albert, Tos 0) Howard Teasdale, Toronto; John Mitchell, Hamilton; Mac Me. Carthy, Toronto; Mente Wortley, Toronto; Btuart Ve, uson, Toronto Fred orrell, Toronto; Vrank Knight, Toronto; Ross aul, Tos rontoy Thomas (aye, Toronto; J, Ly Gain, Toronto; Noy Cheetham, Toronte; Rogers Etasion Toronto Dr. Deans, kville; Bob Arm. strong Toronto Vie Draper, To ronto; Percy Lesueur, Toronto) Normun Cooke, Orilling Max Rees sor, Markham; James MeCluskey, Toronto; John Gallagher, Toronto} William Lymn, Toronto; Kd, Wild. ey, Torontor M, J, Rodden, To. ronto; Jimmy Loftus, Toronto Tracy Shaw, Toronto; Willlam J, Walshe, Toronto; A, Mollenhaner, Toronto; Charlie Tulbot, Prestoni I'rank Allen, Toronto; D, Pollock, Toronto; Leo Quinn, Waterloo; H. Graham Poacock, Torgnto; 0, Konnaloy, Petertoro; W, Epworth, Nowmarket; Winle Doyle, Paris; A, It. Oliver; Galt: EK, Balkwill, Brant. ford; James Ol'vey, vonto) Fred Georne, Galt; W, NW, Sod Toe rontol HW, B, Loskhart, Toronto; T. A, McClure, Toronto) Harry Grundenhorror, New Hambnrg) Tony Murphy, Hamilton; J, J, Par. ker, Port Dover; MW, (, Hastings, Dunnville; W, A, Taylor, Toronto; Angus Duncan, Coeorgetown; RB, M, Nandercock, Pivisy J, WH, Knill, "aving Johnny Guelnh, Past President A, KW, Copeland of the OMA, oocup'ed the chalr, while Yocretary W, A, Hewitt reviewed the rules, Vite Member P, J, Mul. aneen of the O.H.", also was pres. ont, kicked by a player on the defend. Ing team it must be recovered be fore it han crossed the blue line, It was decided that a player could not kok the puck across the blue line and then go and play ft, Any kicking must start and end in the 60«foot area, Another important point {mpres- ned upon the arbiters was that for any off-slde committed by the de fence and which originates in the no offside area the puck was to be faced off at the blue line, While an offside pass may originate as far Lak an the goal Ine there in no oft-side until it had erossed the bing ns d e O.H.A, does not propose to allow stalling or PARRING the puch by teams forced to play short-hand. od owing to penalties, The refer 068 Were Instructed to make the teams play hockey, and that when they attempted to waste time to Atop play and face the puck on the offending team's goal line ten feet to side of the nets, Where and How to Face Puc When an attacking player makes a foul or an off-side near the op- Josing team's net the puck is to be aced off hall way between the net and the side of the rink, and 18 foot away from the goal line, If the offence is made by the defend. ors In front of the net the puck Will be faced off ten feet directly In front of the net, This rule ap- plies when goalkeepers fall on the puek When facing off the left side of the players must be toward thelr apponents' net, and they must keep the blades of thelr stloks on the lea until tho referee drops the puck, Clubs having coaches ,must ply to the O.H.A, for permits for those tutors, A professional ath. late may be allowed to act as conch and alt 'on the bench if he fs not receiving any remuneration for his sorvioes, and he Is not actively con. nected with any professional club The referees. were Instructed to Adhere olosely to the O.H.A, rule which allows a player to skate a team-mate onside, and not to oall hack the play when a player ix a few feet In front of the man mak- Ing the pass, but does not touch the puck before he fa skated on. side, Tut loafing off-side is not to be tolerated, and a referee is to use his own judgment as to when a man is deliberately making off-side plays, If a player rélated in making off-aide plays he must be penalised, A point ratsed wan whether it is offside when the player carrying the puck fs blocked by the defence, but passes the rubber ahead of him and one of his team-mates who ia behind him when he is blocked akates ahead and takes the puek, This was olearly shown to he onm- wide. If the player recovering the puck lu ahead of the player blook- ed, then it Is an obvious off-aide, hut not otherwise, Start Games on Advertised Time The referees were told to be at the rinks on time and Insist that the games start at the advertised time. Teams which do not reap Peal' upon the ice promptly after the 10-minute reat hotween periods must be penalised, A player substituting for a goal keeper who fa penalt haa all the privileges and protection: extended to & goalkeeper, Players who knook the atick out of Skponeute hanan when they are not in' posression of the puck are to be penalised, and a player who 28H iberately boosts an oppengent's stiok to the far end of the rink after he has dropped it on the ifoce will alse be penalised, Referoes were Instructed to see that only those who have a right in the penalty box are allowed there, Bach and every player must algn his name upon the referee's report, Penalty timaekeepers must also Keep a list of the goals scored 'QPORT SNAPSHOT By Guo. Camrvus, Sports Bditer Curlers Hold Meeting The Oshawa Curling Club held os successful organization meeting Tuesday night at thelr club rooms on Bond street, More than a hundred curlers were present at thls meeting and the feature of the meeting was the fact that there were about thirty-five new members out, most of whom were young fellows just starting out at the game, It Is ex pected that curling activities will be commenced on or about Thurs: day of this week, A Match Committee has been draw up to arrange the schedules for the year, The first important tournament will be held on Christmas Day when the Oshawa curlers will' try for the F, L, Mason Trophy, » w w Skating at Motor City Stadium Tonight Art and Fred have been working hard down at thelr recreation grounds and they now have thelr rink ready for the season, There Is skating practically every night, The skating starts at 7.00 pam, sharp und you are advised to bring sharp skates us the lee Is hard and fast, The Motor City Stadium Is just behind the new arena, » " Ad LJ Real Turkey Trot The Rally Times Bowling League held a Turkey Roll Tues, night and the eXtitement was high, Tommy Mackay thinks tha® it was the most successful Turkey Roll ever held, | almost agree with him but not quite, Just the same everybody got thelr money's worth and wu good time was had by all, . # LJ " Times Hold Hockey Practice The Daily Times held their first hockey practice Tues, night at Bow. manville and about a dozen players were out, Most of them were putting In their first appearance on skates for this year and dazzling speed and brilliant hockey was conspicuous by its absence, A reat many of the players signed were not able to get away that night but they have promised to be out to the next tussle and then the manager will see Just what he has got for the season, N LJ " + Senior Lacrosse Team Entertained The General Motors Semor Lacrosse team, champions of Canada were royally entertained at the Balmoral Hotel, Bowmanville, on Tues- day night, Tim Garton was the host. On the trip to Brampton last summer, Tim promised the boys a chicken dinmer if they won, They did, and on Tuesday night Tim fulfilled his part of the agreement, \ » » LJ King Street Teams Practice Joe Childerhouse had his stalwarts out last night on the Bowman- ville lee for thelr first practice of the season, Any doubts as to ma- terial were settled last night, There were about fifty players out in- cluding Juniors and Juveniles, Owing to the fact that there were so many out the choosing of players was an impossibility, Another prac tice will be arranged for the near future, The next practice will be for only one group, either Juniors or Juveniles but not both, All play- ors Interested are asked to be on the look out for the announcement of the next practice, bho» City Juniors The Oshawa Juniors held another practice last night and the fol lowing were out: Authors, Bradd, Black, Burr, Clary, Drinkle, Gunn, Holsworth, Hurst, Jackson, Little, Lortie, Martin, Morrison, Peterson, Reeves, Robinson, Rowden, Solmes, A. Thomson and J, Thomson, The boys were going good last night and they will seon be ready for their first game, » * * . Oshawa Seniors The Oshawa Seniors will hold Bowmanville and all players who are going to tum are asked to be on time, v rd Oshawa another practice tor * » Simcoes The Oshawa Simcoes held a snappy workout last night down In the HoslefV town, Garrison and Fletcher were the goaltenders and they both turned in smart performances, T, Elliott, Walton, Johnson, Burr, Atkinson, Brenning, De Gray, Perry, Little and D, Conlin, were out with all they had and most of the time was spent on developing tearm work, Now that they have got right down to the real thing, the Simeoes should make rapid progress, * Nd . LJ Red Aces! There will be a meeting of the Red Aces (Juveniles) at the YM, CA, tomorrow night at 7.30 gum, The following who were out to the last meeting along with 'any others who are trying out for the team are asked to bo present, Higging, Armour, Magill, Stevens, Hunt and Kitchen, Wilson, Guiltinan, Marks Brothers, Manager Givens will be present at this meeting and the certificatgs will be given out to the prospective players, » 3 ' Notice to Oshawa Laundry Intermediates There will be a meeting of all players intending to turn out with the Oshawa Lanudry intermediates at the Oshawa Laundry tomorrow night at 800 pam, sharp, sent at this meeting as important \d » All persons interested are asked to be pre business is to be discussed, . 0» Get This! i. Tomorrow we will be able to give some information that will be of great Interest to all persons who are in any way interested in the new Oshawa Arena, Watch for it! : a and by whom, and these facts must be reported to the OHA, by the referees, Referees are oxpoted to penalize any player who hooks an opponent acroas the body or under the arms, A player who 1s checking a player from behind is to be permitted to hook the puck-carrier's stick or to bear down on it with his own, hut he will do so at his own peril, If the stiok slips up under the man's arma or alides up into his face he In to be sent to the penalty box, Among the points that came up was the question of what happens if, In the case of a tle game, both teams agree not to yi the full overtime period as laid down in the rules, The rules state that if omy team refuses to play the extra pe riod necessary the game to be de. olared a loss for that team, It was nted out that in the event of oth teams refusing to play extra time, each team will have a defeat soored againet it, An understanding was also reached governing the time of pe. vioda at gameu where the timekeups ers are not provided with step watches, Some of the referees In the st have ruled to play 28 minutes straight tine, tha only time off being for delays due to Ine uries or other unforeseen causes, t was decided that all rinks be notitied to provide stop watches for the timekeepers, but in the event that this {sv not done, referees should an e with timekeepers to play a straight 25 or 27 minutes, Delay For Goalkeeper Another point not exactly coves ered by the rules is in regard to the length of time a game oan be delayed while substituting a goal weaper, In the past games have Leen held up while the sub goaler donned his skates and the pads of the goalkeeper who started the rame it was decided to permit a delay of 10 minutes only under such conditions, The question of allowing a goalkeeper to come back on the fee again after retiring from Injuries or any other cause also was discussed, Some of the refer eos have ruled in the past that no further changes oan he made un til the expiration of the period but the rules state that an injured goalkeoper he allowed back again any time play {a stopped before the expiration of the period In which he han been forced to retive, Goalkeepers must be protected from charming, No player hasa nv right in the net with the goal keeper, A goalkeeper who comes outside to check an attacking for ward has no more rights than auy other player, The referees were or a goalkeeper caught the puok and held it for even a second, He mus get rid of it instantly, No longe will amart goalkeepers ba alowed to cateh the puck, feint a paws te one corner and then skate acror the nety and toss it {nto the othe corner, When goalkeepers hold the puck, the puek is to be faces off in front of the goal mouth and 10 feet out, | dered to stop the play any time | od yesterdny wore us follows: Hamilton ..,., 6 Niagara Valls 2 Stratford , Hamilton London ,..... # Woodstock , . Parl ,. Philadelphia , , Providence wht, Lous ,... 4 «Minneapolis , Duluth Bt, Louls .,.., 2 Kodaks ,,.... 0 Bell Telephone 12 Ca, Industries Victoria ,,..., Can, Natlonals 2 Block Yards, , Goodyears ,, ,., Ham, Victorias 2 Brant, Lyons . urs OLuwy a player SYRBL OL Bh Duiliny 8 Lu ue ing when LUey MKuswl oF AFOUL OL LU LUE LU BWP B® Buus A UNI UY Di) OF lid, vw WO BIN KDOUs WHen De 8 Wu resson "ule viock a shot, UOC AGL ONUB BEML, The puck must wh Inside ana urawn nets, in or deteuteu In Ju any mMAnuer by LUO deen ing slo Is i oul for Lhe GLLACBINE Bou, B00 LOML JHUIGOY KOouls soured when a puck repounas oft the netting or end of the build ing and Is detiected In by the goals | keeper's back, Sam front of a pawnshcp mean Adam="Two t getting It back | aa ---- i s i HOCKEY RESULTS Tigers - 5 Cataracts - 0 The scores of hockey games play International League Hamilton Aronn, Dee, 19.The lowly Niagara Valls Cataracts drop- ped back another step In the In. ternational Hockey leagues race here last night when Hamilton Tigers defeated them by a score of 6 to 4, The locals tallled fouy goals in the first two periods, mak. ing victory nu comparative certain ty, but they eontintied thelr at- tacking In the final and added another counter hefore the Falls broke throueh with a palr to avert & shutout, The victory moved the locals Into sixth place. ahead of the Toronto Millionaires, After two fairly tame periods, the game llvened up considerable in the final, and many penalties rosulted, with Lauder. and Tank- oski drawing majors for engaging in a serap, Hamilton held a margin, ft heing quite large in all but the final few minutes when the visit ors' desperate #" mpts ' bore 'n were rewarded to a certain extent, The locals were rather lucky on two of thelr counters, Melsod heining In one that was credited to Hoftinger in the middie frame, The Falls' centres player was trying to elear In front of his own net snd bhetted the vuek cleanly past Varrell, In addition, the Iatte: 'urriod a long shot 1+ 4 then drop ped it Into hig own twine, but the other three ' Hamilton counters were well earned and Varrell was hard put to stave off the attacks that poured fu on him persistently Faurht Not Pressed Siromely Paurht, In the Hamilton net, wan not asked tc eénrtond with any ronslderable ® unt of sharp shooting, most of the Falls' efforts hen sreatle, Hamilton played much Dhetlsy | hockey with Mp ar Morris n the fee to demonstrate how It ---- should be done, art1 thes latter anenad un many smart nave, walt ng at times until h's wines worse nesd In vantegs nolnis and then nassing to them for dangerous hots or srores OMA, Benloy B, vo 8 Brantford ,.. wwis 8 Twin City ..., OHA, Junloy Intermediate OHA, vee 8 Western Ont, U, CUanadisn-American Longue 6 New Haven ,, vo B Bpringtield American Association Kansan Clty , | 1 Bt, Vaul ,, 4 Minneapolls , Kansas Clty Major Commercial Durant T.H.L, Pacific Const. Longue # Portland ,,.,, T, snd Y, Mercantile 1 Willys-Overl'd Kxhibition ePlayed Tuesday, >» It was also emphasized that play~ LUE Lig Kusinwupsl Ul LUAILE Win pldue i Lue hou Owl In Kv wy, GINLUGE Fol LHe Boule Lo When 1s a goal not a goal was CIORY Oy LUS Lue across Lhe mouth of Lhe Aly KOR! Kiuked or shoveu "What do the three balls In on igainst you Bobby Armstrong of Toronto re- places Charlie Murcar of Dundalk us referee for the Owen Nound at Markdale intermediate game pohed uied for tonight, m-------------- Iteforees appoluted for games to be played on Vriday are as follows; HBenlor A Beries , Varsity at Nationals~=lrnle Parkes, Toronto, Henior 1} Berles, Kitchener at Fort Colborne oorge Vennle, Ningura Valls, Preston at Galte=Jack Hemp hill, Waterloo, iverside at London Xast--Roy weynolds, Chatham, Btratford at Hamilton---Harold I"arlow, Toronto, Junjor Beries, London at Woodstock---Dad Far- rell, Grimsby, Kxetor at Bt, Mary's=W, Eas son, Htratford, Staforth at Mitchell Looal referee, Paris at Ingersoll==Charlie Sla- ter, London, Brantford H.0, at Brantford J. HCA, R, Oliver, Cult, Molly Mollenhawer has been np- pointed referee for the McMaster Varsity II, Intermediate game at UJ, of T, arena Baturday afternoon nt 2.80, Referees kindly confirm appoint. ments, GEORGE SISLER RETIRES AS PLAYER Boston, Dee, 10,-~CUeorge Risler, for years one of baseball's leading first baseman, will retire from the netive Mat this year and confine his notivities to conching and an oo casfonal pineh-hitting assignment, Bill MeKechnle, new manager of the Hoston Braves, announced, Johnny Noone, a newcomer, will he given the first base assignment If he can manage it, Hamilton Srs. Win Game 6-4 Kitchener, Dec, 10,-~In a free. seoring game that was fairly closes ly contested, the Hamilton Tiger OHA, senior team won Its second straight gamo by defeating the Kitehener-Wauterloo Oreen Bhiris 6 to 4 at the Auditorivm here last night, The Hamiltonians had al the better of the early part of the argument, but the Green Shirts were strong fn the last period, and all but pulled the game from thes fire, only good goalkesping and some hard luck plus lack of judg ment when they had a three-man advantage preventing them from rotting on even terms with the Black and Yellow, Allan Sherk came out of retires ment and was on the locals' de fence, which was stronger than when Port Colborne heat them, but the Tigers coasted around fit for two quick goals hefore the de fence was net, As the game pros wressed IL was much hetter, but Ruppel was not steady in goal, The Green Shirts missed a great chance In the third period when they had a three-man advantage for a minute, They 4id not tally, an they falled to pass the punk In the last four minutes the losers with a great offensive had the Ti- goers on the run and did everything but meore, "Twlee the rubber ap peared to he just on the line, Molson, the good right-winger of the Intermediate champions, had hin foot badly eut mid-way through the game and he will he out for about two weuks, At first it was feared that an artery had been severed, "or the losers, Molson, Ronnen« herg and Noth played well, while for the winners, Hayhoe, Louch and MeGowan wore good, The Hamilton elub checked Thard throurhout, The erowd only num» hered 200, the weather helng very had All things come to the other fellow If vou sit down and walt I. oh et i | \ Order Now! db Jor delivery on Christmas Morning A Majestic Radio will make this a Never-to-be-forgotten Christmas / HERE is no gift so much a gift for all the family as a Majestic Radio. Mother and father, grandmother and grandfather, the children, friends and guests--Majestic pours forth enjoyment for all, TONE is all important in a radio set--and Majestic has IT! You can all on Majestic for full volume from distant stations , . , for when powerful local stations are "on the air." Its ri COLORFUL TONE will be evident under every reception condition... brilliant, real ., . free from all A.C. hum, distortion, background noise. And---its easy to own a Majestic, easy to make sure your family will have this perfect gift for Christmas, Come in today and choose Pou Majestic. Make a small payment and we will hold it for you--for elivery on December 24th, or sooner if you prefer. The balance may be paid in cash or a little each week or month. Listen in 'round the family Christmas tree to those wonderful holiday programs. Onder yowr Majestic now! ELECTRIC RADIO MIGHTY MONARCH OF THE AIR A deposit of 8 and 83 per week will assure delivery of a Radio on. Christmas Evi, The balance can bo spread over 3 } 10 months, GEO, C. ALLCHIN LTD. 18 CHURCH ST, OSHAWA LESS TURES