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Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Dec 1929, p. 10

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FAGE TEN THE OSHAWA PAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, PECEMBER 21, 1929 | ( . ! installed Bow radios through , ntfended the tuneral of the late Mr, |r Yo Ranting and breathing heavily, ul RONO BREEDERS | Cumsby, ngent, "IPR SPECT LADIES' Nelph, who 'died at the Lome of lig bd the boy was pushing a Hands art, | WW " A. HARE ! { Mew, W, J, Bult veeently visited dunghter, Mrs, Gsorge MeCHntock on 74 wiously much too heavy for him | OOM KINI Dee, 8, ufter un few days of 1inews | i | with her dougliter and gonindow, : a steep hill, A kindly passer-by | | Dr, and Mrs, Demurny, Detroit, Mich with pneumonis, | it hiv shoulder to the wheel and 8 Bond Street East | JA { | Wisp Miss MeCulloeh Lins 'been ws gues George Bmith had to be removed 101 Iped him, When they got to the Hundreds of people wear | @ A X - \ A op of the 'hill hie turned to the with utmost comfort with. Dr, und Mrs, MeCulloeh {he the sanatorium Un London, where he | | (1 4 punt week, | / - cupects 1o be confined for some timo, 18 BIMCOK HT, SOUTH {Lo | Hare's Vaultless Lenses 1] 2 John Hudson, Orono, und Miss Mrs. G. McClintock is El. Tho Infant son of Mr, und Mrs lm y Am ol | call it an pita to Hh a chi! J ed ' {like you a. job like this 1yedid rsa al i 2 ¥ Veurl HTL wera united In marvinge f di 1 maryving Tom Moore Iu periotsly 11, The doe | 0 nday. evening ab the homolog 'tell your employer it was tuo] on Thursday Tunt uh the Mune, Osh ected President of tp holds out Httle Tops of Wik re-| o M i ly y ho b Wi ! uwn, the Mev, C, 1, Orage performing | covery, G Karl al und i Arthur | cAavy for Jou | Sar 1 PLAN 1 a Martin Crees Fi a lio oor a 7 vouple Societ "did" war the Tet Fhreo of District's Fineat ; . i | Be Yung voupi i y Miss Nello Molthy hag, rocoverol | Chimbley und ehfldren from Ardutl, 1 di va¢ the repl ---------------- --. { ' 4 f f o ' , y d what d ¢ say!" Animals Bring Good ' 4 Kdmund Millson, a Yletme resi Prospect, 136e, 19,1 ho Ladies' Ald Hl it Mloud Stith und 18 ubl Sud fin Yisiing thai piurents, Mi a vl a dh ai- y dre a ure i WILLIAMS' 1 |. pq IW | dent of Clarke seetfon, passed away | held 4 meeting on Tuesdny evening kh i Re BURL eid ic find some foul to give s f1 } rices ( : | on Enturday, Interment twdng pies | in the Prospect Mehool to decide whe Tay, und Mra, Cagement of 1s Miss Della Martin vised Mr and Hine song il 1 ) 1 x Wap IW [ot Ovono cemetery, Degensedy who | ther they would carey on thely afd | bvldse visited Mr, and Mrs, Frank | Mye, Oliver Graham tn Brookiin on f 11 wa JL 3 EP eyvice " i v had been uh Invalid for the past 90 | nuother your ov not, After much de | Martin on Wednosday, Tuewday, { ¢ | PHONY 1420 rong, Die 10, Messin, 1, W ' Fi ot ; yours, was the lust surviving mem | hating IL was deelded to earry on the Wii, Parvott of Chalk Jake spent d " -- OW id vy ge the party,! Corner Bond and Prince Btreety Camblyn und sans ghippsd one | £4 £4 Pad her of the wall known family of (he | good work, Mig, G, MeClntoek wip | Pridey afternoon with Mew, Goo, Whi, 18 your daughter this p Phil pte dinning young Hotsielng & lute Henry und Mri, Mille ofl, Ha 18 | eleated president, Himith of wetting married 2" "Awlul! You said 1 could eut to Mr, Montgomery, of Quabee, who) hf survived by his widow, | Quite uw. number from this digtriel Migs Melba Giay and Wm, Owen "Constantd,," much as | liked, and 1 couldn't" whoo purchored two of Joh Brown's hh * 3 | { ri ; ¢ best 1hlatein cova ut uw good prigs, Tho Gunca given By tue Orolo Ls : ELLA CINDERS--Suggestions Welcomed By Bill Conselmen and Charlie Plumb Memorial Mivk management In the po eh town intl, here, Peiday evening wae NHATTERED LIGHT RECORD splendid sucess, over ong hundred | Captain. Dleudonne Coste, fumons a-- rm r------ ------ m Ia TH oR . a uitending, Lm hh fler, who yocontly wot = 7) IN a ° | I oe -- 0, Beott und My, nod Mys, Jue | mn now record for long-distance, ! ' 7 ni HE WAS NICE Ly wn A h ' he Jk Vai tele he pid Mrs, Margaret Cooper | nontop flying, and who has ww } alg : ih 7) my, T° LONG AGO AND NOW 1 | ; 7) ------ na an 1) WHEN L WAS TRYING MANE. TO FIND A ord for distance flight over a cr, IM MY PICTURE! / i ) Al To BREAK. \NTY PICTURES) LEADING LADY TO "neacured clososelrenited courne, ' ALA : 1 ve WHOEVER, WOULD HAVE PLAY OF iM Ee \ ( POSITE Him visited frignds In the elly recently, ; " y 4 ! Y¢ BECAME POPULAR {| A HO WHERE i now shattered the existing recs Miss Nina Itaidby, WN, has re turned from Oshawa and 1 holiday Ing with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Hobert Rainey, Jobin 1, Armstrong vejurned Tus ' waslk from uo two months' business JURY & LOVELL'S poh on Lu western Candi. OIFTICAL PARLONN | John N, Powers on his arrival at Cochrane, where he necompunied his 4 Ww. Worrall, Oph. D. deughter, Mra, (hE, Rainey, early in Lyesight Bpecintisg November, van, by advice of wn phy Phgne BRIH plein, taken to Lady Minto Hospital a In that town with pot very good | | Prospects, but later reports to Mrs, | | Rodney ave that his condition In now | [ mueh more favorable | COAL COAL [ Mewar, Verte Wilson, WV, M, Kutt, | R TRA TT OE Far OF 1 Copyright, Im: I, Whyte and Ernest Patterson have vy Muvopoiion Noviepaper Berviee Phone 1 | a ---------- -- -- a-- W. J. SARGANT | | TELLING TOMMY (UY Riv Wor rool poe = ar Ea ea a ALL SL Orders Vromptly Delivered A TIME TABLES : EE . La. MARA i | : A ) ; wie :ft-2 fo - y SANIA CLAUS PPPOE a wird WELL TOMMY , WHE WE 100K UP TH { he A 929 YELL SOMENOYY I™M A (( PR, TIME TABL! { LO SANTA CLAUS . : / WD, \ ) ov SPOR \ FAMILY TREE OF OLD SANTA CLAUS vil s / : ki SPORT 110081 INTERESTED IN HAT SATA PUTS . . J " Radios Repaired Unegies Bowe, 1 L135, NTO TRI, Tet Tere Li ai P a Wen! HAVE'TO TRAVEL BACK 10 THE SIXT) 1 a \ v ON OUR CHRISTMAS TREE THAN i NAD wo, Dany (Exeept ne The Ontario Motor Siles 1 Eh SAMITED Gown Bast amy all DO Blimeve st, hone WU 2.00 pom. Duily (Bion! Sunday) doin, Daily (Exeeit Sunda . HAO pw, Dily (Raeept Satur i Lu) A OF MYRA IM LUCIA Mh Tp -------- Wao hove sovern)l desirable A ibid dg CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS CUTLER & PRESTON i a Ra . Hout Eston thsyrnmy ; wal Easthound & FY OF THE CHILDREN YIHO HANG UP Fetephone HT deel | HP Wy A \ af ME € ; « NIhE entin 51 0m 1300 BE 4 vii / THEIR STOCKINGS ON CHRISTMAS EVE AND ) /f OF \ SHO OF King St, West ad ly meer § iy : » A MARCH OFF 10 BED TO DREAM OF FAIRYLANDS RUTATVG Or Gren BITS EA ----E---------- 17 ht. Frise: ee SUB | FILLED ¥TH PRAMCIMG REMDEER K10v (EY ACERS | CC Ly usavL 3 VOI SALE WI bi a -- ! THAI THEIR HELL FEO Fen0.0L0 ERAS e=-JHHAI Tg DATES FROM Th jin ig | WON Wo Kay ih | | ! RAN FA p ' il J Fru L (Et ' waln wo don't me Arh, & Westbound oy . " WIN ( AMTA CLAUS, 19 THE MODERN REPRE Wid lf A voum brick house 14800 Yo , aiid Y a: Him 0041 Siena, Synod poy A ne "lo A As ALL Maken arity Bally 'thaceut Suny | DECEMBER, 326 AD,.T0 THE LITTLE TOWN Ki 2d i : ; ad ! NA . Wy 1 AM IN HIS FAMILY TREE | . | | voutences, vty, DISNEY (LIAL BNTAT i wae ue | BRINGING UP FATHER ik Monday wo | FROn0, Nicely located, AN cons | hous 1850 | THAT'S ALL I'M GOOD NOW = | JUST ; WELL, SHE MADE | r ee wil.L YOU I Au RIGHT, BUT f : v i : : ---- { i i PHONE Whithy, Dahan Bowmanville | iN | GIVE ME THE WHY DON'T YOU : US LINE | " 2% WEEK DAY SUMEDULA | HY \" 3 MONEY FOR TWO [GO TO TH MOVIES? "(Efective an and athe April 18 11) {LI * QRATS TO THE || p---- © For Your Drug Needs | (Daviignt Naving Fie) i] OPRRA ? i FOR TICKETS TO we West J J AURA ; aw Td P| > THOMPSON'S [ois Sit, Vii, ai, | . 0 al Wal \ Te orm) 3 ! | w- / / 1 oud | : ' d HA ~ d ) « : 3 : ---- . AROUND HERE WHAT'S THE TO GIVE WP A MISTAKE = IT'S OR MATTER ? FIETEEN DOLLARS SEASON TICKETS 4 TO DALGHTER 10. Blmeoo Kt, 8, == We Doliver | ha ba i ati . YE X | 10.50 am § tne. - pn / ATE 1A om LUMBER || 'fi ib on ll F, I. BRECROBT [li iin usm Qin seem) Whithy Lumber and Wood ] . we om Yard Phone "Oshawa dds | "0 Bh HAL on Whithy 13 gy . Arrive Arrive Heapita " Oshawa Ugwiianville flew Rew Xam { \ Whew | oor 1 w M -- Y iis 3 , " " He A dD 1020, 10 Penture Bervioe, Ine, Great Britain fights reserved Bo 0) 4 Wom - RT SR LT EE a 43% [DOLLY DIMPLES AND BOBBY BOUNCE Sal pw nm nm | v Bu LAL RTNI™Y 1300 0 Ha ame HIS pm HW nn Line waked * wen through ii " | Whiths Homie SUNDAY AMD HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Using Went Avil Anadis Famous Powder leave _ . Lasve Liphve Arrive eaten" party a | Bowmanville shave Whithy Hoapitn nih bata \ ta UND MN Fan ---- I py tin 0 wiles, | Noam di LI them Wham Applying v NE A SLE TEC FR ST 'Ameah" Cromea, SNA Tonle, Astring toa 13 ign R13 om i oat, Fase Paves tor ened type 0 shin, JURY AND LOVELL,'LTD, | 1a ui Alam 4% pm y EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Laidom Kibim A ow | | ! L ELE fam FR RET WH am WX nm Wd om HL pm 3 a-- : Cony ast " PRA ie ave Leave rive Arrive -- AAR iy Fanpital Whitby Oshewe Bowmanville : a IMA em Vida Nam (HA em (ER UN NIT BE LT LG pwm Lam DIAMONDS is iE i them S®pm SNpm BURNS JEWELRY thker d¥om (Lom 40 pe opm LN pow STORE Hem HHA by Nam 10 am | { . Rk} binie ithen AFF ThTOURN Busser King & Prince Sia, Whiths Howpiay . ------y re WAS THE IR GURPRIGE WHEN TREY . " how RN . | - TURNED "THE CORNER. 'BUT To Grn A . adi momen] I'L was ha Joy Ni va To os So They ALL RAN AW AY - FAR pm . p; ms andy gt y = 4 ' EE BAD Ry RNED ™M 2ALT = THE BAD FAIRY LOVELY COACH WITH FING HoRrsEs Coming] |THE Coop OPENED AND. DOLLY CAM Ni 8 THE CABTLE OF 1 . - INTO A FROG WHEN Wi STOLL HER AND TLY NEVER, NEVER WiLL STEAL TOWARDS "THEM = RUNNING TOWARDS | THEM CHERRIES GMEE 19 AGAIN Wpevial Musas For Aj ad Heasonabh Rates ane Drivers LL A GARITON Toten Hewimanvilte Phone 17 & WW RR Bor AT oe Wid] vot ve cizes _ hich $1 95 REP IRING | TILLIE THE TOILER * Ae pe Tp 7 By Russ Westover DOMINION | CLOTHING 1G WATCHES on KING NT. W OUIt APECIALTY | FRC RIRELAT ' hb TRORGEY t hope Wid) Wo bela (t your watoh is not giving || "NOTICE THIS DEBATE (DEA OF MING WHO Ly (1 WHR f eed Nd AN [you com RE \S PLEASURE HE! H} aR |! ) -- S ry | | patiefaotion we oan pepalr NEAT WREK HB GOING TO BY A GREAY 18 GOING AT, SA US IMESY y= bia g Aint ADVERTISING SCHEME , MRS, - Aas time VILLE Sonus FARNRS = MISS CLANKER , Our Bl © vay t D, J. BROWN AND SALLY NRW BT ENOG, ~ mi Sl FOR THE PHO! F THE JEWELER KLINKER wiki] | 1B A SHopt { ¢ RADIQ Otlotnl Wateh Inspector for | DERATE ove. | | DRESS * CRANK ANER TISING! Canadian Nationa! and Osh h GME WOLLDN'TY awa Rellvdads | THE BR ADV ON \ALIRAIR A LONG 10 King 8¢, WW, Phoue 180 DRESS On STHE © LONG | [LA Ber y DRESS IN | BUS INESS and make it tell the correct ae a -------- AF WANTING : 3 ~ nSunaNce | Machinery Repairing » . ob any Wad Neal Estate wi woney we | NOTHIAG THO LANGE SNR AT VE, Other LMR fame bowser allow we te | NOTHING U0 SMALL SALLY LINKER LAL LC SL R_LUKE Afanac Mach'ne Shop AFFIRMATIVE, HE wing Sh WL doen dR i Yue Tones Vepent Theatre --- So RP Vione ML =

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