"All the News While It Is News" Oshawa Baily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer A Growing Newspaper in 8 Growing City VOL, 5-NO, 146 Pod, ORT Os FINN OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1929 18 Cents » Week; 3 Cents a Copy TWELVE PAGES News in Brief (By Canadien Press) qa ff ld Ten Injured Nigpgara Valls, Ont="Ten per- sons were injured, one perhaps fats ally, yesterday In Niagara Valls, N.Y. when a high-speed IIL K, ear Sammed another, stalled ahend on the tracks, ' . # Canadiars In Trouble London, ~'Three Canadians ap- pearsd fn Bow Btreet pollge court today to answer a charge of ate tempting to stenl £44, They gave thelr names as Mario Copolini, 80, Jagk Corman, 848, and Morris Mane, 21, oll of Montreal, . Credentials Nocelved Mosgow ~Hir Hsmond Ovey, new British ambassador to Boviet Russia, today presented his ore~ dentinly to the Moviet government, IK, Mokolnikoyv, Nussian ambasens dor to Great Hritain presented his oredentinls in London yesterday, . Wloors buikea Train ,, . ft, Catharines =A herd of steers being unloaded at Vineland stam. pedéd yesterday and charged a Canadian National Rallway logos motive, 'The steers lost and 16 of thelr bodies were scattered along the tracks, 4 Died in Breet Car Toronto, ~~Neturning home to the Natlonal elub on a Bay street oar lant night, 1, O, Taylor epllaps- od and died at about 14 o'clock, Mr. Taylor was a man of 70 years of age, and on Nov, 00 he had a pelgure on Himoos Mreot, A § Killed in Fall Toronto Hurtling 60 the frosen ground when working yesterday on the new Holloway, Mills building at 110 Yonge street, Andy Antonlo, 60 Augusta Ave, suffered Injuries to whieh he suds cumbed three hours later in Bt, Michael's howpital, Ld / fost to To Contest Decision Washington The right assume« od bY tha elty of Chicago to take water from Lake Michigan, a pari of the Bt, Lawrence watershed, and dump it Inte the Misslasipp! system may be contested by the Inke states which protest the Chl cago diversion, LJ LJ Heavy Kxpendituros Blreh QUILL Presenting his an nual report to Hearboro township council, Engineer WN, M, Baird aes counts for a total expenditure of $708,000 during the year, Ap proximately six miles of lateral powers and 20 miles of graded roads were constructed, » - w German Mnance Hoad Heslgna Berlin ~Finance Minister Hil» terding, who has heen under fire for some weeks in connection with the government's financial reforms and proposed loans, resigned today and his resignation was aoceptea immediately by President Von Hine denburg, + * - Vessel Aground Mobile, Ala==IFragmenta of mes: sages exchanged in whipping oie oles regarding the steamer Vena tor, which was reported aground five miles weat of Puerto, Mexieo, indieated to radio operators at the United Htates coast guard base here that the craft was in no ims mediate danger, HEADS COMMISSION tal survey of the province of Baskatchewan, according to an Announcement Nankatchewan ministey of public health, WEATHER Pressure is low off the Lab. vadlor const and high ever pe and local snowfall in Ontario and and vain tn the while in the west has been fale and cold, 1 Lower Lake Res T0 ASSIST BU rrr. Cabinet Has Discussed Pos. sible New Legislation, and Committee Will Be Ap- pointed at Coming House Session BOARD 1S ASKED TO BE MORE LIBERAL General Sir Arthur Currie Says Announcement Ac- ceptable Christmas Mess age to People of Canada Ottawa, Deo, §1-~Amendmenis to the pensions aot, with the object of giving more liberal treatment to ex-pervioe men, will be Introduced at the coming session of parlia- ment, Just what will be the na ture of the amendments, Frime Minister Maokengle King declined to say last night, He stated, how over, that the government believed that provisions of the act should be interpreted in a broad and lb- eral way by the pensions boaed, The government felt that the board of pension commissioners should regard Itself rather as Virustee of the rights and bene fits which Canada Intended for ex. service men and thelr dependents," and not so much as trustee of the publie funds, Mr, King sald that the govern ment propossd to follow the usual oourse with respect to the proposed amendments, fler thay were in troduced tute the House of Come mons, they would go to a commits tap reprasentative of all parties in parltament, There they would he threshed out hefore finally being enacted Into the law, The prime minister told news- paperment last evening that for the past day or so the cabinet had heen going over the legislative pro. gram for the session, with partious lar reference to the needs of ex- servios men, With reference to orftiolsm which had been voleed respecting the treatment of the res turned soldiers, Mr, King sald that it should be borne In mind that the board of pension commissions orn was A creation of parliament, not of the government, The gov ernment had absolutely no eontrol over the penalons board, There was no doubt in the mind of anyone but that the board of enslon commisaloners wan doling ta duty, said the prime minister, The question arose, however, as to whether the aot wan being ad ministered In a way which would attain ite real ohjeot, He felt that Tt wan the wind that caused the trouble yesterday, While snow fell, too, It was not nearly as heavy am in the other days, But the wind loked up the loose spow and plied t in huge drifts, It closed roads that had heen opened, broke wires that had bean repaired, snapped telephone poles that had so far res slated the blast, It wan a 40-mile male that re newed the progressive storm In the Stratford area and undid the digging out that the distriot had been attempting, Provinelal highway engineers with a foree of 800 men had clear od 800 miles of hixhway by last plight but in places the roads were again drifting, It wan hoped that the provinelal highway system would again be open to motor traf fla by tonight; hut at midnight the wind was still blowing, Milk Shortages Neplous Hamilton feared that it would be completely isolated from the rural distriota » morning, Many of the alderoads In Wentworth are already impassable even for horses and slelghs, Only halt the normal that oity, Windsor lu already ex- periencing what local dairies say 1s probably the most acute shortage of milk in history, Ruppliea are being rationed and families with small ohildren only are getting their full supply, At Welland, where hundveds of (Continued on page 7) r------------ No Criticism From Stranded Fliers wenam-------- Winnipeg, Dee, 21=The Winnis foe Evening Tribune says the fol owing message wan received from J, IN Vance, NAME, pilot, who with Relan Dlasdale was left behind at Raker lake when the MaeAlpine party was brought back to elvilisas ton two weeks ago, "No ground, for eritielsm of Col MacAlpine of + the NAME who have done thelr best for ws" milk supply is expected te reach [°F PREMIER KING ANNOUNCES PENSION ACT AMENDMENTS RNT-OUT MEN STEAMER SENDS OUT $0.5. CALL Message Received by Radio Stations at Florida Points (By Canadian Press Losssd Wire Palm Beach, Fla, Dec, 841.» The Radio Marine Corporation station here today received an WM ON, eall from the steamer Nanta Ana, of the Grace Hteamship Line of New York, The message was timed at 8.856 a.m, and stated that the Mantas Ana was in trouble 100 miles southwest of the Isle of Pines, A later message received by the radio station stated that the steamer Toloa of the United Fruit Company Lines was standing by the Manta Ana, wr Stock Firm s Reducing Promises Veterans Better Treatment 24th BIRTHDAY PRINCE GRORGE Youngest son of the King and Queon, who recelved on Decems her 90, congratulations from his many friends wpon his 87th birthday, which marks an ene couraging improvement in his health, Ho recently had been suffering from an indisposition, Christmas at Nandringham London, The King and Queen accompanied by Princess Elisabeth, returned to Bandringham today for the Christmas holidays Their Christmas Bonuses Toronto, Dee, 21-=Despite the mar ket depression at present, the recent debacle on the exchanges and the somewhat shrunken treasuries of some firms, many Toronto financial houses are distributing Christmas honuses to thelr employes, It was 18arned yesterday, Practionlly all houses are making pesenty considerably reduced in size ahd In percentage of yearly salary, while a few hard-hit operators are giving out no Bonuses at all, Hut the general feeling seems to be that in view of recent and present conditions everybody Is lucky to be able to give or to get anything at all, One house Mustrated the current trend pretty well when It announced & percent pie-of-salary bonus and then reduced salaries all round, Exceptions to the rule are the banks, The Canadian Dank of Com merce has already sent out a cheques, and last night the Imperial Bank of Canada announced a staff bonus averaging 5 per cont of yearly salary was fein sent out to employees on authority of the direc tors, Several other banks are ex pected to follow suit, © -------- United States Planning Big Railroad Mergers Washington, Deo, 41.--A plan for merging practically all of the steam rallroads of the United Hinton Into nineteen glant operat Ing units wan laid down by the In. terstate Commercs Commission to day In compliance with a eongres- sional mandate, Five eastern trunk lines would be formed, headed by the Pennayl- vania, Baltimore Ohio, Wabash. Neaboard, New York Central and Chesapeake-Ohlo, The Boston and Maine and the New Haven form the key system in New England, In the south there would he 8 systems headed hy the Atlantle Coast Line, the Houthern Railway and the Illinois Central, Other key systems under the plan were an follows: the Great Northern-Nnorthern Pacifin, the Chioago, Milwaukee, Ht, Paul and Padifle, the Chleago, Wurlington and Quiney, the Unfon Pacific, the Nouthern Pacific and the Chioago, Rook Island and Paotfie, and Oh. earo and Northwestern, The commission Indieated that the Canadian National and Cana dian Pacitie inex on thin side of the border would be left an at present constituted Ex-President of France Dies mr------ Emile Loubet Passes Away at Age of 91 Years (Ry Canadian Press Lossed Wire Montelimar, France, Dee, 21,Of. ficial France today mourned Emile Loubet, former president, who died a R35 pom, last night at the age of He spent most of hin latter days slitting at a stove in the village store here, smoking a pipe and discussing current events in a detached manner with peasants hereabout, His boy. hood ambition was to become a farm He died, not because of any apes clal disease, but because, as his phy siclan sald, "his Hight was just extin guished by old age" Me was conseis ous to the last through he x of ag: ony preceding his demise, n the seven years of ha presidenc from 1899 to 1906, he coped with 4 fierce outcroppings of racial and re. liglous feeling as the Dreyfus affair, expulsion of the religlous congregas tiong, the Grande Chartereuse mur derous strikes, and rupture with the Vatican, Three of One Family Are Fire Victime Eikhorn, Wis, Deo, 21.Three members of the Carey household werd hurned to death last night while three miles away, other mem. bers of the family joined in sing ing carols at a school house Christ. MAN party, HASTINGS VOTES FOR HYDRO POWER Retepayers Pass Bylaw in Favor of Public Own. ership Paterbore', Deo, 21,.The rate. payers of Hastings yeaterday ens doreed the proposal to purchase eleotrio power from the Hydro Kleotrie Power Commission, and with It was a by-law anthorising the Council to borrow $26,000 for the purchase from Charles Fowlda of hin loeal franchise and distribu. tion aystem, The vote war more than five to one for the by-law, 137 voting for it and 22 opposing, An agreement will he entered into with Mr, Fowlds for the ae quirement of hin rights and power linea for $5,000, and a new trans mission line will be bullt te Nor wood at an estimated oost of $21,000, No Money To Pay Teachers ------ Chicago, Dee, 2l-=Yestorday was pay day tor 13000 Chicago public school teachers, but there was no pay. President H, Wallace Caldwell, of the school board, was still trying to negotiate a loan of $3,508 457 with which to meet the salary rolls, Pay cheques have been made out, and are ready for distribution, It was said SLMASER I {x needed for regular teachers and about $180,000 mare for substitutes, As insignificant as the groom at a wedding ONTARIO NOW RECOVERING FROM STORM rn ------ Many Communities, How- ever, Are Still Suffering From Effects (By Canadian Press Leased Wire Toronto, Dee, #1.The unpre oedented December storm which hit Ontario during the last three days, onusing millions of dollars damage, 18 moving eastward to the Atlantic seaboard, Western On tario 1s slowly recuperating, al though all wire nervices are still out to & minumum, and Eastern Ontario 1s beginning to feel the effects of the heavy precipitation, In most Western Ontario oen tres the heavy snowfall is still causing considerable ineonveni ence, though thousands of men Are at work clearing the highways and side roads, Windsor In suffering fn milk famine In consequence of snowsbound highways, and Wel land and Marnia are also badly hit, 18 foot drifts of snow and lack of communioations seriously imped ing progress of any kind Toronto is beginning to recover from the effects of an overdoses of snow, and It is expected that hy to night most services will he normal, Kast of the city the people are hav. ing some diMoulty in digging tham. solves out; Kingeton last night felt the effects of the storm, which was driving eastward to Montreal Kltuntion Worse Toronto, Dee 21, Ontario's worst December storm entered its fourth day yesterday with the sit uation growing still more serious and with steadily falling tempera ture After the sleet, the rain, the snow, the bliseard, came the wind, (Continued on Page 2) Congress Takes Its Vacation Sittings Were Adjourned Today; Will Resume on January 6 (By Canadian Presa Lonsed Wire Washington, Dee, dl. =Well advan cod with its programme in the frst three weeks of the regular session, congress turned today to the Christ mas recess and two woeks of rest, Only a handful of members re. mained on duty today to go through the formalities of quitting for the re cent. It in the first real vacation for the senate, which is still in the throes of the tariff debate it began last Sep tember, and no hope of getting a quorum in that chamber was enters tained by leaders; swung into the Yuletide spirit, investigations, hear ings and meetings of all kinds were abandoned until the end of the re. cos on January 6 A Stare Was Enough To Frighten Wolf (By Canadian Press Lossed Wire London, Ont, Dee. 20~=Despite an inclination in police circles to treat his complaint humorously, George H, Upton, of 59 Bruce street, insists a block from his home, he encounters ed a timber wolf, Upton, who lived for years in Northern Ontario, insists that he knows a wolf {rom a police dog, and that he was not wrong, Hav- ing no weapon he soared the wolf out of countenance and the stranger fled, he relates, ---------- The gir! going away to colloge or boarding school needs a trousseau just ax much ax the bride, But fath. or's expenses don't end with her de. parture, as they do at the wedding. Boston Herald, ST T---- Newsprint Price to be Unchanged (Ry Canadian Press Leased Wire New York, Dee, 21,«=~The In. ternational Paper Sales Com: pany today sent telegrams to all members of the United States Newspaper Publishers Assovia: tion announcing that its present price of newsprint would be continued for the first ix months of 1930, HEALTH IS POOR LORD BYNG Who Ix holding his own in a battle against congestion of the lungs, but whose condition Is causing anxlety, Released From Asylum Loon Angeles, Callf ima Rub onoe prominent on the stage and motion pleture soreen, has heen released from the state In sane asylum at Patton, Calif, to whieh she war committed last June as a narocotio addiet WELFARE FUND NEEDS GENEROUS AID ONLY THREE MORE DAYS T0 MAKE CONTRIBUTIONS IN AID OF CLTY'S NEEDY FAMILIES WIDDLE WEST S AGAIN SHIVERING Temperatures Around Zero Prevent Snow Clearance in Chicago Chicago, Dec, 41.-The middle wont today pulled its neck deep in- slde upturned coat collars and olamped on earmuffs, The tem perature was skating around gero Kyven with the promised sun- shine, the weather forecasters saw little chance of moderate mercurs lon for the week-end, and the like Ithood of the heavy snowfall's dis appearing for several days was re mote, Transportation lines for the most part had gotten back on re gular schedules except for overs land bus companies which still re- ported country trunk highways clogged with drifts in many places, Communication, however, was vir« tually normal once more, The City of Chicago was contin ulng to do all It could to clear the snow, but except In business dine triots and long boulevards the re moval was being left to warmer temperatures, when they arrive, Ethyl-Chloride Blamed For Death of War Veteran Brantigrd, Det Heo"We recoms mend that ethyl chloride be not used read the verdict of nguiring last night into the death of Charles Lynch, war veteran, at Brantford hospital on Dee, 15, Hig death, they found occurred while he was under the anaesthetic Evidence showed that it had been desired to operate on him to puncture In similar canes," the coroner's Jury a quinsy abscess in his throat, as it was found he would die during the night If it were not done, Ethyl chloride had been administered, the patient had had a spasm, hiz pulse falled and within five minutes he was dead, Ethyl! chlor ide had been given because {t was guick-geting, Coroner Dr, RK, L. Hutton, In his address to the jury, advised the jurors to leave ne Rhertion of the general wpe of ethyl eloride to the professional experts, In the face of this, the Jury recommended against the use of ethyl chloride in similar (quinsy) cases, Milk Famine dt Border Result of Snow Storm Windsor, Dee, 21 Today the Norder Cltles are faced with an ao tual milk famine, house deliveries thin morning were practioally abandoned, as not A drop of milk reached the Norder Oltlen. from the usual delivery sources throughout wertarn On- tarlo, owing to the blooked condi tion of the roads, ™ various large border dairies satabllshments reported only a few pints of milk on hand--and thel officials could not say when more might be expected What MHttle and house-to there was, was being delivered in gmall quantities to homes where there were slok people and bables, Highways throughout Eanox County and Southwestern Ontario remained blooked with high snows drifts, . preventing trucks from bringing in milk from producing centres to border dairies which they supply, Strong winds piled ip drifte faster than they could be aloared away, It was reported ap- proximately 50 trucks loaded with milk for Dorder Cities dairies were stalled hotween Windsor and Maid. stone, FRENCH GOV'T. 1§ UPHELD IN SENATE Large Majority Given In Division Over Locarno Policy The senate tonight voted confidence in the government of Premier Andre Tardien, after foreign minister Aristide Priand and former President Alexander Millers and had enlivened the proceedings of that generally stald body with an ex- change of courteous oratory, The vote was 251 against 2, with 50 sena- tors abstaining, When M, Millerand expressed doubts of the efficacy of the Locarno goliey of Briand, and challenged the 'oung plan for reparations, he was met With the retort by the foreign minister that "France will go to The Hague with the firm hope to have the Young plan adopted. ------------ Paris, Dee, 21 ---- France Seeks Security First Paris, Dee, 31,.-The motto of France at the London five-powpr naval conference will be 'arbitra. tion, security, and open disarma ment," Georges Leygues, minister of marine, told parliament yester day, He cald that the French delegas tion would go to London in Janus ary resolved to insure for France defensive means adequate to ita ses ourity, This statement brought atrong applaueg from all parties, "Women's styles travel In oy oles, Fashion note. Buyoyeley, of course. Virginlan-Pllot, Japan's Gov't Makes Protest Soviet Government Offers Compensation for Kill ing of Japanese Woman Tokyo, Deo, 21.--The Japanese ambassador at Moscow today calls od to the attention of the Soviet government that a Japanese wos man had been killed and a South Manchurian Railway official woun- dod in the recent bombardment of Manohule, Western Manchuria, The Soviet government indioat- od ita willingness to make compen= sation If it was proved the Rus slan forcen were responsible, The Soviet government notitied the Japanese embasay in Moscow of their disapproval of the visit or the international train to Western Manchuria. Representatives of the British, French, United States and Japanese Consulates are aboard, Meanwhile the train remains at Poloto, where it was held up early this week by Chinese officers who refused to let it enter turther the area of fighting, GOLD CARGO GOES FROM U.S. TO FRANCE New York, Deo, 21.Five ship- ments of gold, aggregating $10, 280,000, left this country last night on the Olymple, consigned to France. They raise the am- ount sent to that country since Oe- toher to more than $84,000,000, Detpite the heavy exporta of gold, however, the franco showed Inoreass od strength yesterday, moving up beyond the 'gold shipping point to $0304} for cable tranafors, Fund Today Stands at $6. 300, But Much More Will be Needed to Provide Necessities of Life For People in Distress TODAY'S DONATIONS WERE OVER $400 About Four Hundred Fam. ilies to Be Provided With Christmas Cheer, and Scores of These Are in Desperate Need of Imes mediate Help This week end, the lust before Christmas, Is again seeing a tremen« dous demand on the resources of tha Welfare and Christmas Cheer Fund, Families in desperate straits becausa of lack of food and fuel, and with« out any of the comforts and pleas sures of the festive season, have been appealing for the bare necessities of life, for just sufficient to keep thels children fed and warm, and the wels fare workers have a tremendous tasie on thelr hands in meeting this great need, Next week, about four hunds ved Oshawa families will have to be provided with Christmas dinners and Christmas cheer on that day of days, Dee, 25, for that is the number als ready on the list of the Christmas Cheer Fund, For this great task, the Welfare and Christmas Cheer Fund Is being raised, Today, over four hundred dol« lars in new contributions came In, making the total to date almost ex actly $6,300. This may seem a lot of money, but it ls nothing like suffi« clent for the needs of the situation, Welfare workers estimate that at least $10,000 will be necessary to copa with "the situation which faces them, and now, with Christmas only a few days awhy, they make this last appeal to all who have not yet contributed, to, send In their donations, be they large or small, at once, No further time should be lost. The need In pressing and the time for help is now, Make your Christmas offerings to tha Welfare and Christmas Cheer Fund a definite part of your Christmas giv ing by sending in your contribution, either to the treasurer of the Fund, T. W, Joyce, manager of the Dome inlon Bank, or to the office of The Oshawa Daily Times, Following is the list of contribue tions reported up to noon today: Amount already ack nowledged $5.88! Kinsmen's Club .... Staff, Bell Telephone Collegiate and Voca- tional Institute ... A Friend .iviiiiins General Motors, Bowl ery' Prize Money..... Standards' Department H, P, Schell | Ladies' Bible Centro street church, North Simeoe School, A, L. Bouckley vais A. Friend » Oshawa Master Plumbs OF vyyive W. Gordon A. E, O'Neil G, S. White i Mr, and Mra, Hallit,, Clara M. Gordon ....\. Albert St, Home Club Warden Brown Plumb. ing Co, J. G. Langmaid syivi A. Friend (iviiniienie EERE RRL E] Bian miming 22833 283 Total to date ..ovo0ve $6300, Eaton's Grocertia, groceries, $10,003 A Ayre, Hampton, bread tickets, A WIN C. G. A. DEGREE ' In the report or the General Ace countants Association recently issued in Montreal, two Oshawa men's na- mes appear as having passed theie final examinations. They will in tus ture be entitled to use the letters G. C. A, for Certified General Ace countant after their names, They are Joseph Gutman and W. R, McKens re, Maybe Mr, MoNab oan im the "nab"" to the Prohibition ers~Tampa Tribune, Parliament Will Open in F ebruary Ottawa, Dec. 21-While premis Mackenzie King declined Bat pi ¢ to give the date when parliament will meet, he said postively. that it will | be after January JI, He did this, he said, so that people would know definitely that the opening would not take place in January, ft is ane ticipated that Thursday, Februa 0 will be selected for the opening pA part offs