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Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Dec 1929, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1929 PAGE FIVE Christmas Services In the Oshawa Churches '+++ And suddenly there was with the angels a multitude of the Heavenly Host praising God od saying, Eri to God in the ¢ highest, on earth peace, goed wil toward men." vixen 184 ry " m won a) / x! 4A {4 AA) WY bandit dia do do hte VT RE SH i Street United nt] p) THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT d Centre St, | VRC Band Ee " I am hy Christmas Spirit! --- : United Church ! I enter the home of poverty, REY, CHAK, B, RAGA, M.A, BD i | enusing pale-faced children to : righ ' ah $ NEY, WwW, 1 FLETCHER, oven the v ayds wide In pleased Residence Phone 818 Church Phone 18511 y Mey MLA i p Wind prt the miser's elutehed i, Special Christmas Music' Sunday, December 2 | ] hand te reins aud thus paint 2 v 11 am, == "Emmanuel" rlabi spot id's oul, in the : JN, -- | p rom n / [ ' [08 4m; 3 Class Service 2,30--Bunday Schocl, TH Bled OL std tn rata J CHRISTMAS 700 pn, Coming ||| Batt mh Ne : Home for Christmas" [|| en soop with dreams woven of 1 Christmas Music at Both || I cause sages fast to slimb dark stairways with filled bas: Servi J \ Mon. 8 pm. = Young || nit thesis of to iJ 11a.m. WHITE GIFT SERVICE People's: I cause the rodigal to pause INRLoy / I] a moment en his wild, wasteful Pes] iE MUSIC 11 a.m, == "Gifts to the King" Ta the Juniors = Difference Between A.D, and B.C, CAROL ~ Luther's Cradle Song, Junior Choly TRIO « We Three Kings of Onlent Are, By John WN; Hopkins CAROL ~~ Dear Little Stranger. wena, anlor on 2.30 p.m; == Sunday School and Bible Classen, pecial White Gift Service, way, atid send to anxious love py Anthem == 'Christian Awake, Salute the Happy Morn" wee Maunders some dittle token that veleases LE mami ss ---------------- O ] away the hard lines of sorrew, bw, Mrs. W. A, Hare » shawa | I enter dark prison cells; ve. Yi Pentecostal [|] tinting sarred manhood of 1 i i 97 Pp. Mm, "THE LOST WORD" painting forward to good days . Holiness Church [57% van. coltly 'ute the: all Henry Van Dyke's Nasterpiéce by The Minister white homes of pain, and lips ' | 1 MUSIC Mr, 1, Lege In Charge [| that Ars too weak to speak just { hile R tremble in silent, eloquent gra A Solo and Chorus = '0 Holy Night" . . --- Adam 7 pm, = "Mary, the Mother of Jesus." ANTHEM -- And the Glory of the Lord, From "The Messiah" By GV Handel MALE QUINTETTE ~ A Christmas Lulabye, By Charles H, Gabriel | | Messrs ¥rank Herring, J, Hare, C, Staples, i F, Walters, and Herbert C, Treneer, Bil Celinn Btreet 10 a.m Munduy Hehool titude 4 11 am Morning Wor In » thousand ways | eave Mrs, Leo Gray and Cholr hip, the weary word te look up : Baritone Solo == "Behold | Bring You Good Tidings" w= Robinson 7 pm Evening Woi Inte the fags of God and, for 7 ship a little moment, forget the i! Mr, Geo, Pleming 1 Monday, §& pas, Christ things that are small and Viclincello Solo = Intermeszo . -- Mascaqui mas Tres, [1 wretched, \ TRG Mr. J. A. Taylor Poieuiny==8 pm Prayer I am the Christmas Bpivit) NEEM | Ledies' Quartette « "Underneath the Christmas Starlight we Wilson prvive, -- ) { A "Wednesday fs pm, | The Lyric Quartette Peupla's Meeting, | Naar uate Uc eas DESIRE. | CHRISTMAS CAROL SERVICE AT 6.45 P.M, Ntudy | ' , | Come and enjoy these bright If my Hitle brood 1s healthy, Herviges With Us, And ou {Ml needs are met rm ---- DUET -- Hear the Christmas Bells, Hy Charles NH, Gabriel Mig, BW, Farrow and Mrs, Osorge Foster SOLO «= A Dream of Bethlehem, Mrs, O, D, Friend CAROL -- While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night, Uy George ¥, Handel The cron : LADIES' QUARTETTE -- Joy To the World Aveanged from G, ¥, Handel Mrs, MePherson, Mrs, O, D, Friend, Mrs, Crosler, and Misa Bn, Falls ANTHEM ~~ Hark What Means Those Holy Voices, By Bir Arthur Sullivan THE CHOIR 0 RE AE AE 0 AE {RE AE RE MD Hy Paul Rodney Nimeoo Nt, United Church will seek this day to carry the spirit of [ Thouah I never may be wealth Christmas indo all its service The White Gift Service will be in charge of the twill ¢ no regret | } Nunday School, it is a charming story of 2 "White Gift Christmas' in whiel | I am not a man that teh 4 , h at i" " that wealth can bring the keynote io unselfish sorvice for others - | I G RACE no golden righes ! The evening service promises to be one of unusual interest, Carol singing, my heart to sing! Christmas musio by the choir under the leadership of J. H. Renwick, The tory of "The Lost Ward" concluded with a fire-side service will testify to the 6.45 pm, = Song Service, : "| glad' tearsstenrs which wash id , Soprano Solo == "The New Born King" . . we L'Espolr » Lutheran Church MARONIO RUITLDING Nunday, December 39 0.80 am, Bunday Nohool 10,80 a.m, Maerning. Ww on 0 "igh i hat Sagi A fact that Simeoe St, ia a church with a Christmas spirit, [ ERNEST H, HARSTON, It ean never make you sunny | Whe Our hearts with 1] tlw IA cas Tver Bisc. i throbbi hip, Of a art that's angulshetossed { Le [OF A he Kulsh Friendship Fireside Service After Evening Service | E Andrew's Presbyterian Church J 7% 1c AE ph Of The | Te ETT ree SIMCOE ST. UNITED CHURCH United Church ol Canada f= T------ = 4 Th mony hi turns "The House of Friendship" Rev. E. Harston, LL.B., Minister ur to be of little worth Rev. F. J. Maxwell, bev, Miss P, Fletcher, Assistant | ' . | Wie JO 20 00 Jette worth is : CHRISTMAS SERVICES | First Baptist | or. the dearest things on qarh .* | === p--_ a EAT LS TR Te Ah, i « Church: |i... im... ~~ |CHRISTADELPHIAN [= em wy ||| Pentecostal "THE. NEW BORN KING" ; ney, a -- ALL i tm hi 0 to folky Wi Tove me== | ANCIENT THRONE OF DAVID" iia HOLY TRINITY CHURCH | Assembly IL am mighty richly blest) Kingship the theme of popular Yuletide 18 Aberdeen Mtreet Y never y If WOH of Want is Hymns yet sadly misunderstood, Read Micsh Corner Court and Dario Sts, | RO TARY CLUB BLDG., loo ] BIB 0 Rew, 200 105 Jen, 0 4, 1, b 2 dune "i" Centre Sty 3 pm, x i | | Sunday School and Bible Class | Al am Ei hreshal bal | ever BM, 0 Bae, 200 B27) Luke 1 3, 33) Ase REV 8 C JARRETT | R | T. Ball h a" ' le content, with nothing more! 10M, 20) Matt, 28, 3, v wh Sn . ev. | a The Beautiful White Giles Service = A very fine | The Whe Men 4 we a AI re e,RLPT 30 imombeat 8 i." Sundas December 38 Service has been arranged interspersed with Story, 5 -- | 3 10 4m. ~=Sunday' Schioel Recital Lantern Illustration, and Special Singing | a pom n ' am =--munday Sehed 8 a.m. -- Holy Communion, Choir and Children. | S School Ci | B | il a.m~=Mornin [ors fh is' Born this Day A Saviour Who is undyy oa a vary aptist | [1 tom. = Mating and Serion. | dil M g Wor T pm, Christ i Loed, : ll "A Crowded World" * MY INDEPENDENT | 3 pm. -- Sunday School, P,P enBvaning Servige Monday, B.Y.P.U, GOSPEL CENTRE 3 q Good Singing J Rika} Shut: Wea If 7 p.m, -- Evensong and Sermon, The Meaty aor ue Prayer Meeting with 3 Gey (North Side) Christ Church | nui kag BYPY. | | BB! Rev. Albert Hughes | | Christmas Day Services 1} cramer ------ (ANOLIVAN) | Christian Science WELCOME TO ALL x Cor, Hillcroft and Mary Sta. Firet Churoh of Christ, Solentist, 1 BE "Will preach at both services [||]! 8 a.m. Choral Eucharist, | 'North Simcoe Stil Rev, KR. I Patterson, MA, 04 Colborne Hireet Kast A " 44 © STE] 11 a.mo--'Now the Birth of | . Aaoumbeut, U8 Masson w|i Sunday, December 22 } WR 81 Jesus Was This Wise," | 11 am, -- Matins and Sermons. United Church | 11 am. ~Mornihg Prayer | SURIRCT KNOX : RY 7 pm = "The World's [|| If mov. A MaNsELL IRWIN i il "18 THE UNIVERSE Presbyterian Church i 4 §| Greatest Gift." {lll Music appropriate to the Sacred Season will be set |||] Vay BD ohuor. ol J hone 2.30 pm. ~ Sunday | INCLUDING MAN : | She © ok | Snecial 30 Greta Bt Sehool, : # wt Nurth and oi Awe Special Christmas Music, | 1 rela St, EVOLVED BY. ATOMIC a ov . A, dads 8 Sunday School at 3 p.m. i b Jig Shes and sanliclen alo a An: "Chivistmas and ix Sigs "Sate CH of ! FORCE? Rev. Duncan Munroe b DERE | Monday, 7.30 pm [II] ym a A JL: juneane will ha thea ! #4 Brock St, W, : J . 1b : : Ill _themayat 3 Isalal {| Morning Service at 11 am, Phone 8654 \ KI - Cheistava Gomeery All Communicants are asked to make Nee inkadi p id ny om Day Serviems [| Wednesday Meeting, 8 p.m. a Prayer Meeting, Wed, 8 their Communion at the 8 o'clock Ser- LEI quer "speciat Oh 8 am~Holy Commun: Including testimonies of Heallog a 1 vice,, and children be brought by the par- : i a Sunday School Sessions a |j| through Ohristian Sofence, i Re > as h Wl ] | lon, You Are cordially Tvited to ents at the 11 o'clock Service. JIE» naa on 10,30 amo==Holy Com: |}! attend the serviges and to make ---------------- ) uA fk A munion and Sermon, (H] use of the " rl Thus Christmas Day will be Properly Observed Subj. =~ "Even Unto [{|Free Public Reading Room Christman: Services i us y \ im Oe fli bs edt lon | | oven dei [The Salvation Army | | nic Special Nude by the {i HE od wad mas Story" A Simeoe and Oak Streets ~ . 1) a \ aera | Tuend hubedays and Waturdae 3 pmo~Sunday School Ensign Dixon and Mrs, A. Dixon in Charge A pa ol, George 8 rom § 0 § Ba, and Bible Class. 11 am.~HOLINESS SERVICE \ " ANGLICAN 7 p.m,+--Memorial Service of the Late Capt. Hubert | Unity Truth Centre ||} : Cor. Bagot and Centre Sta wiond * || WELON PARLORS, King St. WW, CHURCH rfl CANON ©. I. dePENGIER, be ne ee -- MA 7 pa w= "The Babe of | ethlehem's Triple f Monday, 8 pm, { 10 am, == Sunday Sohal : in Canad; i Sunday School Entertainment and Christmas 11° ame=Moralng "Ser Over gteade) 39 Athol Street West i Crown," [ALBERT ST. UNITED CHU ew Bo hk es, 10 SIMOOE ST, N, | REV, R, A WHATTAM, TAM, Minieine. ! ha Rt | Sunday, 'December. 23 | Nely Comm union==§ am. R | \ : J 11 am ==Monping Prayer Sunday School HEVaH, O MOORE, A Abnual Christmas Services, Spe Christmas Music and \ \ : 2 p.m ~Sunday School, | Rev, Moore will preach at beth Serviees, fr ; 11 am, == "No Room in the Inn" ; . BN a) : . . 3 pm, = Preaching Ser- { Centre Ste 2.80 pm. 2.30 Lan. w= Sunday School and Eirra Bible Class, | \ i We vige, { WRAY ? ==" Popular Song Service of Christmas Sarge. : \ : Hew, I, L Casement, Pastor | a ea "R "Poace and wil J : ' ; \ 2. . | i Daptismae 2nd Sunday sdeh Everyone Warmly Welcomed | y ) . { Cordial Welconte | month, : LIE

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