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Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Dec 1929, p. 6

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L THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1929 Vomen's Interests in the Home --- and the Community ["SOCIAL and PERSONAL 4 ; fro Gham vs ho Bn Joh ou ann 1 overs) weoks' llinews, Mr, and 4 Mos. ©. 8. 0, 8, Morn were in Mins Marjo rié " wont the wegk-ond ane Poronto, Miss Laura inp visited "Sorento friends recen ' Dr, Slemon and won, Keith, vi the former's father, J, J, Vir tue, for un few days recently, A nil he | of Dueens Vnlvanle i with oll yr Rhee W i ams, William , und Mrs, William Gillispl of M nto is visiting Mr, wy Mrs, W, ig dub gin $t, over Sun day Mr, Jaek leary, xn ol t, K., is home Henry, King from MeGii University | for the winter vacation, Miss Anna Willlamhon of Osh- awa 18 spending the week-end and Christmas with y parents at Honya, Ont, : Mr. and Mrs, J, 1, Connor of Oshawa are leaving today for Thornbury, Ont, where htey will spend Christmas, Mhuries Hutchison of Queens Unis ¥ ralty Is In {own spending the ristmas yheation with his parents, Sr and Mrs, W, H. Nutchison of +» Quebee Street, Mr, and Mrs, John. Hurper, 70 Nausau Bt, will be at home to thelr friends and relatives on Tuesday afternoon, December 24 from # to* 8 o'clock, on the oeca slon of thelr fiftieth wedding an nivarsary, and Mrs, The students attending the Toronto Normal Schools and who are spend. Ing the vaeation and Christmas with thelr parents in the elty are Misses Constance Colpus, Flora MeRaberts, Iyah Fox, Hazel Sweet Ruth Mutton, Douglas Conant, who Is attend. ing Trinity College School Woods stock Is In town spending the Ohristmas vacation with his pars ents, Mr, and Mrs, GG, D, Conant, Himeoe Ht, B, and A wide Selection of Christmas Gifts Await you at FASHION SHOPPE 84 dimcos St, Routh «Mr, and Mrs, Joseph White, 04 Charles street, will velebrate their olden wedding anniversary on heistmas Day and will be at home to thelr friends in the afternoon, J. | WOMENS MEETINGS WT, ANDREW'S LADIE® AID | #t, Andrew's Ladies' Ald met on Thursday afternoon with the presi dent Mrs, Livingston convening of the meeting, The scripture lesson was road by Mrs, Clark, The total of all moneys turned In by the re- spective groups amounted to $700 and the total amount made during the year by the Ladies' Ald was $1000, Mrs, ¥*, McLaughlin wade the presentation of a life mems bership in the Women's Missionary Boclety te Mrs, Livingston, Mrs, Lander and Mrs, Lethbridge were appointed to audit the hooks, It was decided to give to the church management the sum of $700 as a donation from the Ladies' Ald, The meeting closed in the usual manner to meot again in January, RECIPES MTUFFED DELERY Cream butter with one-fourth fas much anchovy paste and add ap oqual amount of strained cheese, Fill the celery stalks with the mixture and dip half the number in paprika and the rest In minced parsley, dipEn ove Small tart apples, & ralslns for each apple, 14 teaspoon salt, 4 quarts of colder, 8 cups honey, 8 lemons, rind, 2 teaspoons cinna- mon, 2 teaspoons nutmeg, 1 tea spoon ginger, 1 teaspoon allspies, Core apples, pt In each two rals- ink, sprinkle with u few graing of salt And make until soft, Bim mer one quart elder, honey, sploes and grated ind of lemons fo twenty minutes, Add the rest of the elder with apples and heat thoroughly, Ntrain and serve Of course, these are prosperous times, else how in the world could almost everybody have a few thous sand dollars to lose bucking Wall Bireot?-- Leesburg (Fla,) Commer ola), | Russian and China can easily sets tle the trouble wbout the railroad in Manchuria, Let the Russians run the trains one way, and let the Chinese run them backwards, Judge, a I ., A UNCHALLENGED FOR QUALITY! Smiles"n Chuckles CANDIES UNEQUALLED IN VALUE! ese OF ALL CANDIES SMILES'N CHUCKLES Are the most relichle, and most Gally packaged for Christmas With Reasonable Wrapper without extra charge 60¢c RARN'S DRUG STORE Next Post Office most appreciated onjoyed, LB. Oshawa Your AE ov express your sentiments? How truly it has been sald that "the gilt which pleases most is that Which S4f would isto Rave . tis pation for the i of their gifts consider this w thelr selections , , . . Th | FELT (rei GRUEN)Y \ \ \ \ \ ks Who have { the CHRISTMAS TREE AT KING ST. 5.3. Concert for S. 8. Children King Mt, Sunday School held thely annual Christmas concert in the church last evening, Mr, 8, Gummow, superintendent of the Sunday School noted as chairmen, The programme commenced at seven thirty o'clock with the sing Ing of a hymn, and a prayer led by Mr, Gummow, the chalfman's remarks, The Tirst Ing Tree" by weveral of the prime ary children, Five litle heginners sang 'Rock-A-Bye' and other he- Einners sang a Christmas ocerol, The exereise "The Very Best Year of AI" by the primary children Was very delighftul, Other num- bers were "The Newsles" by neve eral Junior boys, "When The Star Bhone" by Juntor girls; a plano #0lo by Kenneth Hann; exercise "A Different Christmey" by two boys and two girls; "A Fireside Hour" members of Mis Jackson's class; """Ntar Rays Drill" hy a number of girls; solo, Mr, Parkin. son, "Camp Fire Beene', Tuxis Boys; Pantomine by twelve senior girls In which Miss Dorothy Young takes the leading part and Miss Marion Gummow plays the organ; Christmas Dialogue "he Tools Question, hy "Count On Me" Class, and the Christmas Story in Plotures by the members of the C.G.LT, Class, During the evening the pastor Rev, C, HK, Cragg, gave i short address, The whole church was beautiful ly decorated for the ocemsion but what attracted the children's gaze most of all was the big brilliant Christmas tree, At the conelusion of the programme who should mi rive but Banta Claus himself, to distribute the bags of candies, nuts and fruit to the children, This Jolly visitor was mores than warm ly welcomed by the little children Church of All Nations, Scene of Happy Time Last Evening The Church of All Nations, 64 Albany street, was the scone of i happy Christmas party last evens Ing, The programme was provided by the ohildren of the Bunday Hehool, of which Mr, J, H, R, Luke Is the superintefdent, A ehorus by the whole schoo! began the evening, They sang 'Silent Night", Following the prayer led by Mr, Luke were the ohalrman's res marks by Rev, R, A, Whattam who aoted In that eapacity, The re- mainder of the programme was by the ehlldren, A chorus "Tha Little Vhrist Child" by beginners, "List Qut Merry Carol", by Miss Har ourt's class, a recitation by Peter aliavohuk, ohorus "A Hong In Ale" by Missa M, Luke's olass, Christmas Nells" a chorus by the laslon Band, a mandolin solo by wil Long, recitation "A Snow lake" by Rose Drapak, 'We Three Kinga', a chorus by Miss Luke's class, a recitation by Peter Muakarchuk, a recitation by'J, Dra pak and two choruses hy Miss Cookburn's class and the Mission Band, With great excitement gifts to each girl and boy were distributed from the huge Christmas tree, These gifts were donated by the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Church and by the Runday Schools of the different United Churches throughs out the elty, The tree was put up and decorated by boys of North Oshawa, The parents and friends of the ohildren canstituted the audience, and It 1s certain they enjoyed the whole evening as much as the ohlldren, EE ---------------------- SAYS DEVICE REVIVES DEAD Claims of a hear specialist of Syds ney, Australia, that he has perfected 4 portable device which restores the dead to life is attracting the attens tion of selentists of Europe, The gen- oral opinion is that the claimant will have to further prove his statements by demonstrations, fhe invention is said to have a special needle, operats od from an ordinary wall plug, which is plunged into the heart of the dead person,' therehy restoring animation, The inventor declares that he brought life to a stillborn baby, which a parently had*heen dead for nearly Is minutes, and that it is now living, He says that to revive adults the ops eration must be Jetinrmed within or 12 minutes after death, i ---- Of all-the epitapha that could he written for W, Maclean, fa- | ther of the old Toronto World, he BROS. The Leading Jewellers 10 AINOOR ST 8. ay a PHO'R 188 would prefer, we think, just this: "He was a real nowspaperman,"s Hamilton Spectator, Annual Christmas Tree and then followed | obfidren's number was !"The Oreste CHRISTMAS TREE AT ALBANY ST. CHURGH 4 Landy Victor considered one of the most ful women in the British peerage, In addition to holding the title Yhostsdromsed woman In Europe," Lady Warrender, who Is a doughs TIE York. (4} arid w--New SMART TUOKJIN A Hecked tweed In Spanish red toneg all the smart young things Are wearing, It Just pretends a tuek-ln for the bodice In eggshell shade crepe wilk In stitched to hip band of clroulny flaring skirt, It 1a such a comfort Able, neat, practical fashion, It In becoming more and more popu lar every day, The sealloped double Jabot trill tapering to point at walstline, minimizes the width through the bodice, The scalloped treatment fs repeated in turn-ovei collar and cuffs of the eggshell orepe, The jacket ig In the favorite hip length, Hiyle No, 631) Is doalgned in alaen 16, 18, 20 years, 10, 48, 40 and 43 inches hust and requires 4M yards of 30-inch material with 1% yards of 80-Inoh contrast Ing for the J8-<Inoh gine, Knitked woolen in belge and Wool crepe shows excellent taste, Black suede broadoloth is quite the newest whim of Paris for street with bhdice of eggahell crepe satin, Black wheer bodice of horisenta) sheat metal oloth tones i stunning bridge or tea, Pattern price 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin in prefered), Wrap coln carefully, 'We suggest that When you send for pattern, you enclone 10 cents additional for A Copy "of our new Fashion Magasine, with the siripes in In oapuoine for luncheon, velvet PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON fe ™ Saws DER is Pattern Ls Nia Mavniraniaes GENIE sind below) winnie Slee LLURTTITTITRTTTTI INIT 11 | TLL TLTELE LN ALARA ENLY arene Nama Address ine eh BRE LLL LET TT TERT RNARN ARERR Pryvines Peles, | ATA ERAR AIA RNIN AN AY canta each, Send stamps or ap ooln earehullyy Warvender, who Is beau | MLE, and Lady Beatrice of end, ( the dinner | hrown tones with bhodlee of beige | R, H.. Rawson, is the | wife of the eighth baronet of Loch. Union member of parliament, nnd un distinguished veteran of the world wav, tor of the late Col, If The Home's Corner Por Anything of Interest to the {| Homemaker and the House | keeper WHIMME-WHAMME HippMyhoppe to an antique shoppe, a rickety chalr, table with | | 8) wi LY toppe And a sofa upholstered with hair wobbly carred A green glass dish and a frowsy mop pe, And a bureau afflicted with squeak; And cart them home (pnly one you droppe) And go again every week, I'he bureau will totter unless proppe It up with a stick or two} green glass dish you will want 10 swappe For a brown glass dish or a blue, you Ihe 1 husband will threaten to send lor a coppe fy we lug home any more junk; ™ you hippityhoppe to an antigue shoppe And buy him a battered trunks i) i { brute nay threaten ® razor stroppe | one men Hut, well you know, "hg far from kind), if you ever stop pe, What treasures the rest will find, So feed him well on w thin, burnt Choppe Or a how! of cold ragout, While you hippityhoppe tique shappe As the other women da, «HH R, H In the Evening Telegram CHIINTMAN TABLE All houswives like an attractive table and at Christmas time mord (han ever but at this busy season many haven'f the time to plan any- thing out of the ordinary, Here I a suggestion which "will be easy to earry out and will make a most attractive table, It in more Interesting it two dine tinet decorations can be planned, Flowers or & Christmas plant, flankpd' by tall red or green oAn- dles and at each plate a Christmas oracker in always attraotive for table, but for the tea table when the excitement has somewhat died down, the little people are gotting tired and the new toys have for the time belug lost some of thelr interest, then un different table with some small surprise for each person ia just the thing, Tor this table, buy one of the litle - Artificial Christmas trees, which can afterwards be put away for tha following year, Buy some to an ans very trifling gift for each member | of the family and many extras you expect, wrap them in white paper tied with ved rihbor or string, leavihg a long end to be Inld to the place of the person who in to receive it; heap these In the centre of the table, cover with white cheesecloth or wadding and aprinkle with artifielal snow, on top of this place the little trees on whioh a few tiny drnamenta have been hung, The dWner table gan« dles may be used again, in makes a most attractive table and alo revives the lagging interest, After tea it ia rather fun to gather round the fire, and beginning with the eldest who, perhaps, will be grandfather or grandmother, have each one tell a story of a Christe mas they 'remember, A may - a em ee------e Cleveland purchases of $200,000 worth of tickets in Cambridgeshire Sweepstakes Lottery in Quebeg may be given duplicate tickets, and stubs entered in lottery, despite police sei pure here of all stubs, Canadian, ots ficlals of lottery announce, + [PUBLIC SCHOOLS HAVE CONCERTS The Usual Christmas Trees And Programmes Were Held Yesterday In the Public Schools We have been hearing about all the concerts and Christmas trees In the different Sunday Schools, but nothing as yet about: the Public Schools, That is, of course, due to the fact thet they all took place yes terday In the Public Behools on ae cont of It being the last day of school, for 1929, Fie programmes In all the schools were so very full that it bs not possible to publish each item, but one may be assured, they were all of very high standard, At King Street School the whole school assembled yesterday afternoon for the concert which consisted of twenty=five numbers, choruses, regis tations, dislogues and songs, Mr Cannon was present and spoke to the children, ~The different classes however, had thel? Christmas treed in thelr own rooms where each child ex changed a gift with another, The individual classes of Alpert St, School had thelr concerts snd treessin the alternoon, South Simeoe School us- sembled In the main corridor of the building for a very fine concert, which boasted thirty-five numbers ineludin # Ulrainian Band, class songs --. two dances by Alberta Judd, In the morning 'the classes each had a Christmas tree when every hoy and girl recolved wu gift, At Cedardale School several of the classes combin ed for thelr programmes and trees Centre Street School pupils chose to have some of thelr classes visit other classes In the school and exchange numbers The programme at this school this year Is the best they have ever had at Christmas time Jean Hendrie and Doris Mountensy re ceived all sorts of applause for thelr dainty dancing, Kach class had a tree yesterday mu ning and the pu Rife exchanged wifts, The classes at orth Shmeo treet each had n Separate concert, with a tree in edeh room, Ritson Road School held their entertainments In the mornlng--a concert and tree In every room MORE CHICKENS STOLEN, HAMPTON Storm Renders Roads Im. pass: ble for Cars, Pupils Have Holiday \ Hampton, Deo, 10. ~Howard Cole Wan unfortunate recantly in losing A nymber of chickens, This in the #eoond time within a few weeks that chicken thieves have visited that neighborhood, The weather the last few days has been very stormy, A very heavy lee storm prevailed most of Whdnesday night, making the roads very heavy for trae, Home villagers who were foroed to take the Journey on foot from: Bowmanville found walking very tiving, High wsehool students were foroed to omit mohool on Thursday on ao count of bad roads, which were im: passable for oars, Mrs, ¥, G, Kerslake has returned from visiting Toronto relatives, Pastor Blok preached to a falrly large congregation on Munday evens Ing on the subject, "Jesus the Light of the World, The music hy the Oholr was also splendid, considering the absence of several members, Frank Hastings? 0.A.C, Guelph, ap rived home on Wednesday night and he will spend his Christmas vacation here, Mrs, T. Pascoe has been confined to her bed with the grip, Mr, and Mre, Henly and family, Oshawa, visited the latter's sister, Mra, Frank Rogers, on Sunday, AE. Alin, Toronto University, fpent Sunday at the home of A, 0, Cryderman, Master Garth Pervett {a under the dootor's oare, Miss Doreen also has been out of sohool og account of 11 neas, Principal Groat was unable to be on duty at school on Friday through Hiness, The Hampton W, CO, T, U, met at the home of Murs, Geo, Darron on Tueadny, Deo, '10, Mra, Peters, pre sldent, wan able to be present and occupy the ohalr after a few weeks of illness, Mrs, Halter had oharge of the devotional toplo, and Milas Margatet Pascoe, the program, It wan decided to take up the temper ance educational campaign and that prigen be given the successful cans didate by the loeal W.C'T\U, League meeting on Friday evening waa in charge of Ruth Johns, missionary superintendent, Meeting opened hy singing & hymn after which the Qord's prayer was repeated in unl pon, Devotional part was taken by N, Harn, Leason was read by Fon ence Burns, Tople, "Our Work with the Indians In Canada," was taken by Mra, Howard Cowling, Rev, J, R, Riok took oharge of the election of ofeers, which followed, The fol lowing were elected for the coming year: Hon, president, Rev, J, R, Niok; president, Miss Norah Horn; viee:preaident, Isobel Campbell; Ind vicepreaident, Mra. Harold Salter; Srd vice-president, Wilfred Green: away: 4th vieepreaident, Mary Pet. ora; meoretary, Lilllan Jebson; trea. aurer, Rupe hu Bura, peru Tae King & STORE Sta, \ J MoLaughlin, POPULAR TEACHER RESIGNS POSITION Presentation Made to Miss Helen Keddie, Upon Ree tirement From Duties as Teacher Sr enmrn---- Yesterday completed over twenty years of loyal service as one of the teaching staff of Oshawa Pub« lle Behools when Miss Helen Ked« die took final leave of her pupils of Mary Btrest Behool, Previous to Miss Keddie's teaching ast Mary Biraet she taught in the old Centre Btreet Mohool and graduated from the primary class to the entrance class, At the request of Mr, Tice who was supervisor of Publis Behooly In this city some twelve yours ago Miss Keddie accepted the position of Principal of Mary Wtrest Mchool and charge of the primary department thers, HBinoe that time she has rendered most sfticlent and untiring service in the Interests of the boys 'and Kirls whom she had under her guidance, In 1048 she found it nessssary to resign her position and yesterday this came Into effect, The Christmas concert at Mary Btreet Mchool was doubly import ant because of the dus] purposs It served yesterday, Danides the usual programme and exchange of gifts, the pupils and ex-puplls, some of whom are attending the Collegiate, | took the advantage of the wchool assembly to present Misy Keddie with & gift expressive of thelr love and appreciation for her services The address was read by one of her own glass, Wilma Chapman, and Billy Hastings made the pres entation of a heautiful suede bag containing a sum of money In gold, Miss Keddie was taken com pletely hy surpribe but in a few words spoke her thanks to the pupil On two other occasions Miss Keddie has been honored by differ ent organisations In connection with the teachers of the city, Wed. nesday, December 11 Mrs, Frank Colhorne Bt, enter tained at an afternoon tea when Miss Keddie was the guest of hon. or and presented with the gift of a beautifully leather bound volume of poems by Rupert Brook, by the teaching winaff of Mary Street Behool, Friday of that same week A committees appointed by the principals of the other publle achools of the oity onlled on Miss fCoddle and made her the reciplent of A charming necklace, PLAN MILLENARY FOR FAIR Barnstaple, England, Is inning ft, celebrate next year the mil lenary of its great fair, Outlines of the cele bration were made at the recent an nusl event, which was conducted much us it had been done for 99 year: Acting on the suggestion of Bir Ba sil Peto, MV, for that division, the opening of un improvement of thi witerwiy anpronch to Bamstaple, 16 he completed next year, may take the place of wn pageant, Oldworld cers monial marked the Inaugural of the fair this year, Visitors were regaled with spiced ale prepared from & re clipe handed down from successive horough heedies, The drink was ser ved In silver puneh howls, which forn part of the horough's priceless col lection of plate, The exhibits inelud ed nearly 3,000 sheep, TOWN CRIVERS IN PHIL IPPINKER Employment of town riers in the smaller harrios of the Philip pines has been authorized hy the axacutive bureau, The eriers will be used to Inform the people ahout laws concerning whieh they would otherwise bo Ignorant, due to poor methods of communieation, TY RP lll, A wide range of choice No matter what you "family wash" problem may be, you will find the solution te it in one of our five different kinds of family wash service, These vary, of course, in according to the stage of completion to which the wash is taken, In other words, we offer you Just as much assist ance in your washing as you require, and charge accordingly, It is a splen. did idea and has proven very popular with To. ronto housewives, Phone to-day and let us explain, or stop any one of our courteous drivers, A price 404 BIMCOE NT, SOUTH Phone 788 | 5 UEUEURE SMES MEO MOE HE NOTICE The Grand Cafe WILL SERVE A [SpecialDiner CHRISTMAS DAY Make Reservations Now -- Price $1.50 ON NUNDAY (Tomorrow) 9 SPECIAL TURKEY DINNER RISEN ORIEN CBRN CIN - 75¢c SPECIAL BASKETS Ready Packed For Christmas Gifts In Two Values at $3:°° and $499 Baskets contain goods at our regular prices, plus 100 for the basket, making a total as above CONTENTS $3.00 Basket Canned Peaches Raspberry Jam Navel Oranges Fancy Alviss Cream © Mixed Nuts Jabila Ral Reline Mixed re make own oven, will be inal 5 Or you may up Christman Gift Basket with contents amoun- ting to $3.00 or ed at the nom: charge of 100 each, $4.00 Basket Queene 'Anne av Sn ave Mixed Nuts Cream Oheose Fancy Apples Table Raising Sweet Plekles ry Jam Christnas Cako your Naakets furnish» Service Clubs, Chunghes, Institutions, Lodges, ete, Will find the above a convenient way of taking pare of their Christman Gifts, Stores will close Monday, Decombor M8, at 6 pam. and remain open Christmas Kve, uatil 11 pw, LOBLAW BUI BONIS IRIS RDN MINN] GROCETERIAS CO,, ' LIMITED

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