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Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Dec 1929, p. 8

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' ' THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1929 Ea | Fs AP AST GAME 21 | i | : i ' ! 4 ] Final and Winning Goal of Seriously ] ' 1] I -- Toronto, Dec, 81.-=Buperior Lapsed and back-checking ability gave Varsity a 2 to 1 Jisery over Kationa) Yacht Club's Sen Pleas in jun OLA, wenfor "A" contest at ithe Arena gardens last night, The {win puts the Students ahead in ithe local group, with two victories and no losses, Kpeed predominst- ed throughout, und while the game ,eould have been much improved, ithe teams provided one of the mont (interesting amateur contests seen 'at the arena this weason. Both teams» were intent upon opening the play and succeeded to such an , extent that there was not a dull moment, Daring dashes from end ¢ to ond of the lee kept the crowd "on edge, and towards the finish when the Bea Fleas sent four men on the attack In a vain attempt to {even the count, the rushes were 'desperate, A Goal a Period One goal each period was the way the scoring went, In the open- ing sosslon Mea Vleas earned thelr Lonly counter when Delahey took a puss from MoKay outside the deo- fapnco and beat LoBarr in the Btu Pdents' net with his hard drive, At this time the Students were {playing a man short, Marshall be- {mE In the penalty box, The count 'was evened in the second session twhen the Fleas were minus their {tentre player, lddle Convey, who 'was also porving time, The play an which Paul seored on Marley's {rebound was an example of wha! both teams falled to do, for the Lost part, Harley unloosed a haya jArive from outside the defence and Mueller made a fine save, Paul weed In close and batted In the ; tehound when Mueller was off bal wee, The goal was scored from I more or less of but wos well earned, i Final Goal Unusual Varsity's second goal, scored in the final session, was unusual, | Stowart shot on" Mueller and the latter came nut of the net to make he save, The puck lodged In be- {ween his legs but was still fn play {an he was out of his net, A Var iy nlayer rapped the puek loose uid Harley batted It Into tha net, 'e goal was scored with only 2 (minutes of the period gone, When Paul, Varsity defenceman, was re Hred for a short time with an ine tured leg it neomed likely that the fen "leas would tally for Paul vad heen playing a fine game dn. v snsively, letting few men past { im, However, he returned after i miputes, I'or a great deal of Tailor Suhe . 920 00 Scotland Woollen 8, Rotlsh, Mgr, 11 Blmeoe 8, ah a i ------ FGENUINE HADIOTRONS na LE A soramble, ALL DEA always procurable everywhere . dealers sell ATTEN S SOCKE Westin TUNES INBEVERY Varsity Seniors Win "Exciting Game From N.Y.C. "Sea Fleas" 2 to 1 Players Injured, But Not in the last period Nationals tried to carry the attack, but many of thelr endeavors were stemmed by the stuoborn and effeetive back-check- of the Varsity forwards, @ game was not at all withs out personal feeling for in the last session, when feeling ran high, the players were penalized two at a time for their hostilities, ' ts Go Out Several unusual things happen. od. In the final session with about five minutes to play the rink was plunged Into darkness and action had to be suspended for some time, Varsitysappeared with their crests, won Mat year in the Intercollegiate serign, on thelr sweaters, Another hold up in the game occurred near the end of the second session when LeBary, who started in the Stud- ents' net, was Injurod whon hit on the head by the puck, LeBarr mis. Judged Johnny Kane's potent drive and the Injury that resulted over the eyes needed wmeveral stitches, Doo Ames replaced h and Blows At Loeal Alleys Et MAL CENTRAL ALLEYS TET PORT SNAPSHOT S -- By Guo, Gaursniy, ports Editor No Meeting Monday Night There will be no meeting of the Oshawa City and Industrial Ath« letle: Asosciation. on Monday night, The executive of the O.CLAA, are holding o specinl meeting but the regular meeting of the repre~ sentatives will not be held on Monday night, The next meeting will be announced in this column, LJ LJ " Ad Oshawa Seniors Last night the Oshawa City seniors held another real snappy works out down at Taylor's rink in Bowmanville, "The Rubber Town hockey fans ure out watching all these practices und they sure got an eyeful lust night, Speed! and more speed, seems to be the slogan of the seniors, Kincald, a new comer, Gilfillan and Jackson showed up well last night, » » Oshawa Juniors The juniors were out again last night and they too ure showing plenty of speed and pep, There werg about sixteen players out last night and the "Four Horsemen" put the boys through their paces in smart style, The first game is only a little better than & week away, and the management are just about ready to announce thelr cholee, * w v " Red Aces Hold Meeting The Red Ace Juvenile hockey team held a lively meeting last night und about fifteen prospective players were cut, theré, signing the boys up. Manager Glvens was He also hinted at a few exhibition games in neighbouring towns, The certificates were given out and a practice was culled for this afternoon at the Motor City Stadium, from 4.00 to 5.00, » ' ' * * i Keeping in Trim ' Harry Boyd, the popular local days by shovelling off the Motor handles on Thursday by his strenuc to keep clean, The rink on MY! The Cantral Alleys team were gure vight up on thelr ears last | night, Thelr erack five pln team, a»nponed of Purdy, Vasey, Mason, Kunkel and Donahue, stepped in. to the Motor City Alleys team and took three games away from them for a total of four points, Maglkle, Morris, Rowden, DNradey and Swarts wera the howlers for the north end alleys, The Motor City hoys oame the closest to winning | in the second game when they on ly lost out by elght pins, The to- tals for the three games were, Mo- tor Clty, 4,082 and Central Alleys 3,881, It is lkely that Jack Purdy will take his gang up to the Motor City Alleys In the near future Walle Miller is stil! high for the weekly prize with his record seora for the Central Alleys. The wseore is 407, 1 doubt if even the Motor Clty bowlers could better that mark on the Central Migys, This score is of course high for the month as well as for the week, LE I J Mrs, Luke is high for the weekly prize with a nice game of 230, These seem to bo new names to the column, Come agaln and "May long- wh «hw Oshawa Railway Apparently the white collar men do net work as hard during the day and consequently' they have more energy to bowl, The office are lead. ing this league with 16 points, The linemen are tied with the Tralnmen with ten Joints and the Shedmen f have only four points, 8 Dive Boys Lea Standin Including games Mvled Dee, Trin, eam BW OL Ph Hustlers ...v00vs 12 anderers WHhoopees «vvusis Driftwood +, Moonshing vue e Runners civiviy Creepers cvvvasne Sandscratchers .. Maroons .. ' Rinky Dink We Ld 1 1 1 2 J 5 0 0 7 7 8 3 2 8 4 7 5 § § J Et ts th tt is sn th i WNT IIe Business Men's Team 'anada Dread |, ervice Cleaners, Bankers yii.004, Bat Tele, No, 1 HIRES Avs nes on Bell Tele, No, 2 Kiwanis «ov viis Ont, Motor Sales The prize winners for December 18 were: Meads, Canada Bread, Wil liams, Bells, und Mullen of the Bank. ors, Bm D EDN PUREE os a lr cg rma a thousand guestrooms, each a bath---moderate rates. , five urants to suit every taste and purse... Rex Battle's dinner orches ++ Pree Sunde recitals egret Convent Opes. - Excellent sa room ---- As a guest of the new Royal York will apprecial or wi ry Culley's dance orchestra ------ a ---- 0 ot 5 Soh a 'Barker, M, Oke, and one hundred and forty feet long, the rate Harry in going it Ten Hig Red Cardinal ' Chuck Mason Fred Kunkle Chuek Vasey vio Seott Hubbel |, Art Donohue Hob Ross I, Cardinal Milt Morris W. Miller " Turkey Roll OF Monday und "Luesday of next week will be, roll off days at the Central Alleys, The stronger sex will have to roll three games for a high total The Ladies will roll for a chicken euch day, For the Indies, it will be the high total for two games, Come carly and don't push LJ " W. E, Phillips League W. E. Phillips held a goose roll on December 19th, The league was divided into 8 groups of five players each, 'T'wo geese were allotted to cach group, The manager of the Central Bowling Alleys donated a turkey which went to the highest bowler of the evening, The goons Three game which would have gone to the high est bowler if he had not won the turkey was allotted as a prize to one of those taking third place in each group, The final recipient being de cided by drawlig, The prize winners were as follows: Turkey=J. Brady, total \ First Prizes: L. Dedual, Scrase, A J: Adams, H, Bickle, Spiers, I, Stitt, , Reid, Second Prizes: S, Howe, 1, Done ham, Cs Dlake, C, Spencett, W, Judd, L. W. Cutrell, S. Ball, T. Leveque, Eligible for single goose: C, H Bailey, Ferguson, W. Clough, R Boneham, H, L, Tosland, I: Tosland, Miss 1, Stacey, A.B, Fisher, The fucky mar in the draw was A L. Tosland, This is a real league and on Thurs day night they celled themselves, MOTOR CITY ALLEYS No doubt the fact that she was bowling for a special prize must have spurred Mrs, Pirie on to a special effort, Anyway Mra, Pirle mauled the maples for ten frames and when she had finished she had a 268 total This is high 0 far, . Ll Mrs, Schoenan, another new name to this Kolum, is high for the Ladies weekly prize with 21, A PARTS AND SERVICE LEAGUE The Parts and Service League, one of the noisest leagues in the eity, held a Jala night on Thursday night and believe me they sure made a racket, They made more noise than u Boiler Factory and the last innin rally of the Athisties combined, And did they bowl! The Pin Boys threat. ened to go on strike after it was all over and the only way Wullie could pacify them was by giving them each a hottie of Sloan's | nk ent, t © league supplied plenty of real pod prizes and the bowlers worked wrd to get them, WV, E, Gillott, the "Head Man," was the best bowler in the league, Apparently he has been saving hig good games in order to win his Christmas Dinner, He made no mistake about it as he rolled a single of 272 and u total of 710 for three games, IH, R, Brown got second prize turkey with a score of 770. This included his handicap which was 168 ping, Timmy Toppings tied with H, R, Brown but in the roll off Tim weakened so he got a ae, Walt Kilburn rolled a total of 634 without any handicap and won him- self a goose," Herb Fair won the chicken with a score of 287 for a single game without handicap, | Hiscock took the other chicken with game, including handicap, H, fr. D, Trotter (he must have left his luck at home) and others also howled, The winners have each promised to tell the poor Bowlers Just what their prizes tasted ne, ¥ 8 Tnstead of giving fow! as prizes for the Christmas Day Roll, Wallie haa decided to give Tive Dollar Gold Pieces to the winners, The ladies will be given their prize for a high wus efforts, is a hundred und twenty-five feet wide soccer player, Is keeping fit these City rink, He broke He has quite a surface two shovel and This takes plenty of energy and at will take plenty of shovels total for two games, The men will have to roll three consecutive games You are udvised to come early and avold the rush The ten high men for the month are getting higher and highor day Cast your eyes over the real competition, The low man has a total of 811 for three games, 'I'he follow ing are the scores up-to-date Kd Higging (, Rowden H, Ross N Turner «+.» A, Roots \, Dobson viii IIIT ' EF. Kunkel conan eoasesseiiss Pog Mackie W. Hendrie , M, Swarts every Gus Hq Hid Kyl N71 Bl K22 wiv Nid ' Bll 4 w * Mixed Major League Well the mixed major league held the Christmas Turkey Roll on Wed nesday evening and there sure wer some real scores turned in Turner and Rosie Reese carried off first prive which was a pair of tw keys, Matt Sutton and Mabel Ellott won a pair of geese for second place Johnny Brady and Annie Keese pair of chickens for third, Ed Hig kins and Florie Cox a pair of chick ens for fourth and W, Bentley and F. Bentley took fifth place also get ting a pair of chickens Winner may get their prizes on Monday evening at 8 o'clock at the alleys, "vo 0 Echoes From the Mixed League Stan Turner stepped into the lime light with three nice games of 261, 330, 291 for a total of B82, Mai Ed Higg single anc his chicken, ing crashed In with a 300 a total of 732 for to get Ld LR J Alf Roots hit three fine games of 238, 261, 23 for 730, ¥ % ¥ Matt Sutton with singles of 251 and 282 and a total of 716, making his second consecutive 700 score in the league, LC W. Bentley came back strong after his disastrous score the week before rolling 710, singles of 286 and 233, W, Branch, a newcomer, broke in Yih a bang, 3, 212 and three for Gord Creamer rolled three consis- tent games of i», 2, M42 for 6%, J. Brady dropped a few from last week only gett ne, 43. * W, Norrls came back strong with 181, 185, 214 for 585, instead of her 106 the previous week, "More power," A. Reise hit 193 213 and 578 for three, LIN BE \ M, Elliott kicked in with a 547 total, Single, 233. vo E, Pipher hit a nice 542, LE BE) Leah Holmes, her that never says 2 ord, rolled S18 Singles of 196, LE Walt had his Scoteh socks on but yet he missed the four pin, The casiest pin on the alley, he savy Onion, Y * ON A Nha Socks _ The idea now is that if you wear Scotch Socks, you will never miss the Tour Pin, I suppose the more. "strik- ing" the colours the more Strikes you get. If you wear a sock with a hole in it you are ture to blow, » 'Nuff said. A wealthy man declares there are many better things in the world than money, But it takes money to buy them, y ---------- A very small and important bon, carrying a parcel, knocked loudly at the door of a suburban villa, When the lady) of the house appeared, ho exclaimed: "I'm Morgan's," "Oh, are youl" said the lady, looking down at the dibinutive figure, "then who's minding the shopt" Stan Bass Defeats Morgan But Purses Held New York, Dee, 21,~Chairman James A, Varley of the New York fitate Athletic commission last night ordered the purses of both fighters withheld by adison fquare garden after Denny Bass of Philadelphia knocked out Tod Morgan of Seattle in two rounds to become the junior lghtweigh. of the world, Farley said that a rigid Investi- gation of the mate would be con ducted by the commission and in the meantime the purses of both fighters would be retdined by the tight elub, He indicated his belief that the match had not been fought on its merits, He summon~ od both Morgan and Bass to ap pear before the commission Tues day with thelr managers, As a general rule unless there Is sus. plelon of a "fake" fight the com- mission withholds purses of fight~ ors dnly when a foul ogeurs, Be fore the match Bass ruled a fave orite as high as 6 to 1 to win the crown, Two sweeping right hand punch- on, the first thrown almost in full retreat ended the four-year reign of Tod Margan as junior light weight champion, Fighting back through a first round bombhard- weak, the "little fish' from Phila- delphia knocked Morgan out in 061 seconds of the second round of a bout that was to go 106 rounds. Niagara Falls Defeats London Niagara Falls, Ont, Dee, 21, | Niagara Falls broke thelr prolng- {od "Jinx" here last night, beating | London 2 to 1 for thelr first vie {tory In thirteen starts in the In. terpntionn! Hockey League race, It was a fast and well-played game, | probably the best exhibition on lo- l'on! lee this semson, It was also | witnessed by the season's smallest {erowd, only some 1560 fans brave. {Ing the flerce snowstorm to be ow | hand, The locals; strengthened by | Gross and Elliott, recently secured | from Toronto Millionaires, pre- | wonted a real clever front line last { night, They fought hard at all | Himes and had a small margin on | the night's play, George Herring. ton, who scored both goals for the was probably the best per | tormer, for the winners, He play- | od In a new role, relieving at cen- lye lee, and the shift worked won ders | | | logule, 'Tigers Defeat Millionaires 6-1 21 Hamilton Toronto half an | Toronto, Dee, | Tigers got into | hour late for thelr International Loague game with . Millionaires tonight, but before the game end- ed the locals were sorry the Tigers uppeared, Once again the poor | litle rioh boys were defeated, this | time by 6 to 1, About one hundred | fans attended, The game wii flashes of good hagkey on both siden. but was by no means 4 thriller, At times it was even tire some to watch, Toronto--Goal, Fisher; defense, Donnelly, Berlet; centre, Fields; wings, Lever, Proudlock; subs, Achteener, Moore, Morrisgy, Lott, MeCalmon, Smith, Hamilton-~Goal, Faught; de fense, Fournier, Hoffinger; centre, Morris; wings, Lauder, Markle; subs, Halliday, Duncan, addon, Maloney, Hamel, Deay. Referee-Jorry Goodman, featured by How sad it is so soon to lose I'hose sweet pre-nuptial thrills Behind us are the love-like coos, Ahead of us the bills! ~Judge ITY SENIORS WIN FROM "SEA FLEAS" IN O.H.A. Bulletin Hockey games scheduled to be played in the OHA, next week and referees for Monday night arc as follows i MONDAY, DEC, 23 Senior B Series Riverside at Windsor Micmacs-~ Hinsperger, Windsor, Intermediate Series Dunnville at Waterfords-Earl Balk- will, Brantford, Caledonia dt Simecoe~Stan Verner, Brantford, . Port Dover at Cayuga~L, H, Bur- rows, Dunnville, Paris at Ingersoll=W,' H, London, Listowel at Walkerton-W, Kasson, Stratford, Owen Sound at Durham, Mur~ phy, Mount, Forest Legg, unior Series i Bolton at Orangeville--H, Teas- dale, Brampton, Paris at Brantford JH.C~Harr King, Woodstock, . Preston at Stratford~Jack Hemp hill, Waterloo, . Galt at Kitchener--Sandy Little, Guelph, , Danforths at Vigtorias--Ermie Col- lett, Toronto, Young Rangers at West Toronto Jim Loftus, Toronto, TUESDAY, DEC, 24 Open date, WEDNESDAY, DEC, 28 Open date, THURSDAY, DEC, 28 Intermediate Series Bowmanville at Port Hope Forest at Petrolea, Watford at Strathroy Junior Series Lukefield at Peter' St Bowmanville at Whitby, Hagersville at Dunnville, Simcoe at Cayuga Kitchener at Preston Collingwood at Meaford ' John's, FRIDAY, DEC, 27 Senior "B" Series Port. Colborne at Brantford, Kitchener at Hamilton, Stratford at Galt, Riverside at Woodstock, London East at Chatham, Intermediate Series Oshawa at Orono, Waterford at Caledonia Simcoe at Port Dover I'avistoek at Welles! Glencoe at Blenhelm, Penetang at Gravenhurst, Coldwater at Elmvale Durham at Owen § Junior Series West Toronto at Victorias, Dantorths at Young Rangers, Fenelon Falls at Lindsay, Port Hope at Peterboro,! { Newmarket at Barrie, | Brampton at Bolton, Milton at Acton, London at Paris, Woodstock at Ingersoll, St. Mary's at Exeter, Strgtiord at New Hambourg, sound, | . ! SATURDAY, DEC, 24 | Junior Series Toronto Canoe Club at C.( U, of T, at Marlboros , Riverside Blue Birds at Windgor { Tech Alumni Parkdale ---- BILL CARRIGAN STEPS DOWN AS PILOT OF RED SOX Boston, Dec, 20.Bill Carrigan, whe piloted the Boston Red Nox to two world championships, today resigned that baseball berth for the second time in 18 years, He wid President Bob Quinn, who visited him at his home in Vowis- ton, Me,, that he had to quit base. ball or neglect his own affairs, When Quinn retarned to Noston tonight he sald he was not ready to announce Carvigan's successor, who will probably be '"Helnle" Wagner, "Wild Blil's tirst leuten. ant for many years, Windsor Wins Thrilling Game Windsor, Dee, 41,Vive thouss and five hundred fans who braved a viclous west wind and snowdrifts that partly blocked almost every avenue of approach to the local arena were amply rewarded hers last night, tor Windsor Bulldogs triumphed over thelr old foemen, Detroit Olympics 3 to J, and by #0 doing crested a four-cornered tie for leadership in the Internn- tonal Hockey lengue, There have been spectacular puck-chasing duels on local ice and thrilling encounters galore, but none to eclipse the bitter contest tonight that had a frenzied crowd on Its feet almost from start to finish, Mike Neville, Wndsor's fron man star centre, put the Bulle dogs out In front In the first period, scoring on a pretty pass from Emms, and the Olymples never caught up, HAMILTON BRS, WIN Hamilton, Dee, 21,~-Hamilton's OHA, wenlor representatives scored thelr third consecutive vie tory here tonight when they de foated Btratford 8 to 2 In a game that was not decided until the last minute of play, when Bill Louch, scorer of all thes Hamil ton goals, drove one pust Gingras to decide the contest GALT BUFFERS FIRNT LOSS | ---- | Guelph, Dec, 21,~Galt suffered | Its first loss of the season in the | Canadian Professional League when thedy absorbed a sound frouncing at the hands of the locals here tonight, The final score was 6-1, and the winning team coms pletely outplayed the hitherto un uefeated group leaders by an even dieates, The visitors did not maten the locals In any department of | the game, and wero never in the contention, larger margin than the score in| HOCKEY RESULTS gd H A Senior "A" Berles Uni, of Toronto 2 Nationals Senior "B' Series Hamilton .,.....3 Stratford London East , 3x Windsor River , 30 minutes' overtime, Junior Series 5 Woodsteek ,,,,.2 3 Paris International League Windsor ,,......3 Detrolt ,,veeees: Niagara Falls ,,.2 London ..eeeees Hamilton .,,.,.6 Toronto ,,. Canadian Pro, League 6 Galt GAMES TODAY Intermediate Series McMaster at University of Toros to (U, of T, Arena, 830 pm.) NH Lo Chicago at Boston, Americans at Montreal, Canadiens st Ottawa, Pittsburg at Toronto (Arena 8.30), A London Ingersoll ener Guelph Canadian Pro, League Brantford at Kitchener, American Association Ox St, Louls vive ik x-=10 minutes' overtime, Minneapolis 3 St, Paul Prince Edward County League Wellington ,,,,.1 Milford Kiwanis Club ,,.4 Pleton C1, .....1 Tulsa Hagen and von Elm Tie With Cards of 69 Pasadena, Cal,, Dee, 21,-Wal ter Hagen, Detroit professional and British open champion yesterday tied with George von Elm, Detroit, Amerioa's wecond ranking amateur, for the lead in the opening day's 18-hole round of the $4,000 Pasa- dena open golf tournament, Hagen and von Elm turned in cards of 69, two under par, ---- Pompous Person (having eollided with small man)-1 wish you'd look where I'm going, slr, CHRISTMAS CLEAN-UP SALE MONDAY Who Did You Forget? Come Early CLEVE FOX HARDWARE PHONE 25 OSHAWA, Most Heat REGISTERED Anthracite Coke Pocahontas 52 King St. E, Phones: 871.831.687W Conger Lehigh Coal for the Money CONGER'S high fuels are each for low ash, long burn. ing and high heating efficiency. Co. Ltd. Sul RIUKE - NOTICE! 25 Ritson Road North Oshawa Arena Limited Clubs and other organizations desiring use of the Facilities of the New Arena are requested to communicate with the management at once. Some bookings have already been made and a consider- able number of applications have been received from out- side the city. Preference will be given to local enterprises but immediate action is necessary as allotments cannot be held unless definitely arranged in advance. Telephone 2820 ; »

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