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Oshawa Daily Times, 23 Dec 1929, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1929 PAGE FIVE 'Women's Interests in the Home --- and the Community SOCIAL and PERSONAL | Mrs, Bd, Varrow Is spending Christmas with her parents in Belleville, Mr, and Mrs, Bmith, of Peters borough, are spending the holiday with Mr, and Mrs, H, M, Smith, of Oshawa, Miss Dorothy Luke, of Winnipek, Is spending the Christmas holiday with her parents Mr, and Mrs, 0, H, Luke, Athol street, Albert Glass, of Toronto Univers sity, is spending the holiday with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, W, A, (Haws, Masson street, Lloyd Daniels, of Queen's Unis versity, is spending the Christmas vacation with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Walter Daniels, Athol Bt, Mr, Thomas Barlow, of ¥lint, Mich, is spending the Christmas vacation at his home in Oshawa, and with Mr, and Mrs, W, H, Creenly, Mary street, Merlyn ¥, Corrin, son of My, and Mrs, 1, M, Corrin, Blens street, is home from the Sehool in ¥Yint, Mich, Christmas vacation, for the Miss Yvonne Haglewood, of this oity, attended the reception given by Mr, and Mrs, Boris Hamhours, for the Hart House Quartetie, in thelr home in Toronto, op Nature day, On ¥riday evening the Hhelter ohildren were entertained by the 0.0117, girls of Bimoos Ht, Church, The group was in charge of Miss A, Havston, The ehildren thoy oughly enjoyed the Christmas tree and games, Gifts presented by Manta Claus ended a very ap y evening for the youngsters, transportation kindly oy by ! SCOTTS EMULSION FV I IVES ol QVER CO YEARS A wide Selection of Ohristmas Gifts Await you at FASHION SHOPPE #4 Simroe Kt, Bowth General Motors' the Kinsmen was very much appre- elated, Mrs, J, M, Hamilton; of Toronto, is In town spending Christmas and New Year's with her won and his wite, Mr, and Mrs, George Hamil ton, Molmughlin Blvd, Mrs, George Yoster, of Helle: ville, spent the week-end with friends in town and is going on to Columbus today where she and her hushand will spend Christmas with Mr, and Mp, Perriman, WEDDINGS | OLINEe=MOORKEHOUNN At the North Bimeoe United Church parsonage, Greta Breet, at 8 o'clock Baturday afternoon, Dec, 21, Kisle Moorehouse was united in marriage to Harold Cline, Both ure of Oshawa, The bride and groom were attended by Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Furey, sister and brother-in-law of the bride, Mr, and Mrs, Cline will reside in Osh. Awa, SHIP SWALLOWED UP BY RAGING SEA Spectators on Cornish Coast Witness Tragedy of Storm London==Ciroups of men and wom en standing on the headland at Land's End recently saw a tragedy of the terrific gale when the steamer Fran ges Duecan (2.384 tons) turned turtle in the raging seas with a feared loss of 16 lives, After the vessel floated keelsupwards when it had passed the Longships Lighthouse, they saw herole resoue work earried out hy the steamer Allee Marie, which fought its way through the storm to the scene and saved five of the crew A mraphie description of the trag edy was given by Albert Trenerry, who was standing by the Land's End Hotel, Overwhelmed He sald; "It was about a quarter to twelve, There was a tremendous rolled over und sea running, and the steamer was a "nn rp -- % HME RE SIEVE EES ne NOTICE The Grand Cafe WILL SERVE A | | SpecialDinner CHRISTMAS aPAY Make Reservations Now - $1.50 ON BUNDAY (Tomorrow) Pe Le 1H] APECIAL TURKEY DINNER bs sii - 75¢ : : : | The Spanish Room welcomes you with gifts from every corner of the glo from far off China and India--Gi uaint gifts from the Old World--Gifts from the New--Gifta from the Motherland--Gifts from our own Cana- dian manufacturers, Neww=Novel--Useful- Practical--Bizarre -- Distinctive, Gifts all moderately priced, Use the salons from the main store, Note :~--Store Open Evenings FELT BROS. Oshawa's Leading Jewelers 12 Simcoe St. South Established 1886 Phone 188 abreast the hotel and about two miles from the shore, "She was Just inside the Carn Ba ri Boek, und a big sen, evidently lifts ed by the submerged rock, overwhel med and swallowed her up "There was nothing to be seen of her for some little time; then she gradually came up again, and 1 saw that she was over on her beam ends, "There she remained tor what 1 thought wae about half an hour, when she rolled right over and sank "I did not seen wny men in her There was no time to launch any boats, Her end was swift and sud den, Until the fatal sea struck her she appeared to be all vight, It either smashed her hatehway in, or it so rolled her aver on her side that her oargo shifted and she was unable to right herself," RAILWAY ACROSS AFRICA 1S BUILT London~"The frst transeontinen tal Afrien vallway from West to Bast is In plight of gompletion, The Katanga Rallway, which pro vides a link with Belra on the east const, 1s to be extended from 'Tshil ongo to meet the Hengueln Rallway, which runs for over 000 miles from Lobito Bay In Angola Lobito Bay will serve as an outlet for the great coppgy Nelds of Katan ga and Northern Rhodesia, AL pre pent copper from Katanga Is export ed from Belry, The harbor at Lobito Bay is one of the finest In Alries It is pro tected by a natural sand spit, and af fords anchorage for the biggest ves pels The Bengueln Rallway wreas of fertile country, facility for development capital Is British, and it structed hy a British firm Laps vast with every All the Wis con ering ow Yorks '| Sits 4N0ETR FRENCH OHIO You'll appear in the helght of fashion In this elrarming Jacquard silk orepe frook tu rloh plum col fas Mark This Is a vecent pavtvalt of Prine | Laly, dose of Belgium and hey (yol Haneo, Crown Prince Humbert of thinl DOSTRONPUENT OF SEAGRAVE BINILET Many of P.incipal Were Unable to Attend Function Guests MeANTAVE pohool atte LL] I Interest In very « tendent Ban Joyed The in ou Unday school, wh ne ing te m We ind te Mes, Hardly pleasing which was « othe pol Mins Banquet that w to have heen held on Friday ey Ing last was postponed on woe the He My, Washington of Fenel Falls and we al other nhle to tend We expeot the | quet will be held In the ne The henvy ie pnowfalln have up the mot trail The servi OR Bundny Rev, Mi Chris ly good atte A Pleasing Mis ohard Wa nie in health The wo with our ¢ and the supply of wood for the yea was out and ready for the Mp, | colt was home woeak-epd Mr, A, Mark and My, WJ onary it hein | A {1141 ont 14) In many pla United Chur Hurge of mn the evening waa In « pre Phere wos a fal id the oholr Green, whe ehed on in ndanes ant Mol'ariane, Mra, A Mr, J, Mark and Mp, G vl to report lmpre after thelr recent tines ( hees held in connection wreh were well attended m or Hion ne vin furnaos for th W WM vurda ouring, It 18 a smartly simple ype with bodice ghowing slight wllarouni The akirt Is eolvoular, shaped as to keep the hips smooth and slender avith a fluttering fulness at hem, The pleated yuffling is faltering, youthful detail used to trim neck line, edge of sleeves with buttons at wrists, and edge of hem Style No, 181 oan he copled ex (otly for It 1s designed In slees 146, | 18, 30 years, 24, #8, 40 and 42 in hes bust, It 1s splendid oholoe in GARLON reps, now so popular Ulsduy ocoastons, RNlack orepe satin with reverss of the crepe used for the ruffling & dignitied for matron, Rottle green falle silk orepe, Iahlta-purple tliat silk orepe, blaok heer velvet with tiny white pin tote with oantan orepe ruffles, mids ght blue wool orepe, yellowshelge nd brown colouring in feather velght tweed with matohing brown hada falle silk orepe ruffles and abaoon brown oanton ovepe de IEhttul suggestions, Pattern price 20 cents In stamps w oooln (ooin Is preferred), Wrap in cavefully, We suggest that when you send Ww pattern, you enclose 10 oents dditional for a copy of our new shion Magaaine, He bhlaok toy blousing helted at raised walstiine, | onto ¢ Harding Weel phort was heidge wore In 1% ] Mr, and Mi J | ronta one day this My, and Mra, W Fronto last week Quite a number attended the | nual Port Perry Fate on Thurada | The price of fowl was not as good as expected, geese heing very low HT) | prioe, Me, and Mes, N, Eagleson visited | relatives at Pleasant Point on Bun day in i ini who ave marriage PDRODS CAUSE 5 nnd Mes, ( ha PY A Uh | ahaibiibbe 9 to 12 1b. Mi heen 10 weeks, and dunghter Brunt, in Oshaw doing vir Mi, uesday, Mig, Mi Charlie Min diy Bowmany thely par 8] My, A | Ing with som Mr, ai and Mra ley'n end with rontn Mi terinined Lorne bauhy girl Hunday wlso In tl Lette hy rel Milton now for the orde | ehildren preparing next manth, | Thursday, iW presen rd for the fami: | y have HU pymp y ul friend | Lady | prietor) leap are en LIAS in| wephews and | } to Chri dinnes the ng toh LIne tree | RYRIAYR At that Mrs, Wis 0 in ios her daughter, and und Bernlea Milton Tamblyn, visited nt and Moore Hoy Beolt gouple of days on business Mrs, Wm, Prvsemey left Loy Tovento a few days ngo where she will eon sult, a specialist, boo the main feature of this special gath which Is an annual aftaly, Tovonto tov & in Mrs, health for Enniskillen, Dee, that Gladys Page, Floyd Vag My ul y well Langmald In Ms M Misses Winnie and wpent Mi Ile, ante Murshall, Mr, a I Mra Ldayi Mi Miss Revie Mell spent the Minn Mis tn Wednesday Congratulations 1n Mimpson on the Thera was an pohool In the 0 evel Mis, | Mi wn anthem by the eholy Orehard presided at the organ, Christmas trees and concerts are pohool on roof t had HETAKRD THR (phon "Ive | Installed and it's working fine arehestra In Cineinnat! is play fant oun wlow It down this season of the year it is fitting we should take stock of ourselves and eall the roll of friendship won and A Christmas when esnech ehild reeslived | ENNISKILLEN BRIEFS Wy daughter and grand Mrs and and Mrs, D, Burgmaster made a business trip to Buftalo on Wed Hoy Mehl] Ww, J visited My Qronn, LJ Gertie Hunday and Mrs, Oslinwa, nd Mrs, Elmer Ww | Hradley, and Mrs Jaw Lenore Benthan, Harvey MeGHll en ton few friends, on Mr arrival of good attendance Ung when Rey, J Bible MoH, Tohn iny Mlemon he day The Lye each Bave one HPARK Ing musie 3 Just In there ANY way Horry Lo say of My, Levi wrated on for mastolds pital and glad she is visliing with in viel Disk Bradley and My HBrooklin, Brad weak Tn and Mra nl morning and M Whyte eontinues to deal with diffe ent characters of the A (Un Miss Mu and Hlainton was well given, also Mins Marion stave pro Treemer has weveral Miainton, and Bun Oke, with Wenloey had my radio hut OLD CLIPPER SHIP BRINGS POOR PRICE AS AN ANTIQUE Benjamin F. Packard Aground in Manhasset Bay, Sold for $1,000 New Yark, N.Y. Dee, §i,"Thu 2.000400 medinm clipper ship Ben Jamin I, Packard, which Hes aground in elght feel of sand al Lhe entrance (0 Manhassel, Bay, Long Island, brought a meagre $1,000 wi the American Avi-Anderson Galleries, where the vighis do the venerable relies of the lute salling ship era were transferred fram one antique holise to another with as much Aignity as marks the auction of an old masts painting The sale came al the helght of an evening devoted to the dispersal of the Max Williams eollegtion of marl time paintings and ship models, sey eral of which hrought higher prices than the Packard, which was pur ohased hy Vieyderman & Kaufman, antique dealers of New York and Hostan My, Viayderman, the relic rather unexpectedly first hid, had made no plans for tion of the ship LL owill oost him at least §8, get her off the sand where she les with her masts and spars intact, hut walls sudly depleted, pecording to one shipping man who attended the sale There wera several hid ders Interested In tha velle, hut none the wi tn hey who git on his siald after the sale that he | Alsposl- | ART TRS. Will the gentlemen who assisted MR, JAMES WATSON after his accident on November 23, 1920, at Dunbarton, or any other witnesses press ent at or after the accident, please communicate with HARRIS & HARRIS, 41 Alger Building, OSHAWA, Phone 789, pesmed eager io heller the Initial $1,000 Wid, A large and fashilonable audience wilehed the proceedings, alded in visualiging the subject. hy a large photograph of the Packard in full pall, which was plaged before them on the vostrum, I austioneer, A, N, Bade, called for 34,600 ag a saris ar, but was toreed to aocept the les ser pum, The Packard had, In fact, to lakes second places to a large hone model of HM 8, Caledonia, & 184-5un frie gate, formerly shown at the Kens singlton Museum, for which a private buyer pald 82.500 The Benjamin 1, Packard, hullt in 1668 at the shipyard of Goss, Baws yar & Packard, al. Bath, Me, was the last of the wooden ships launched al that yard, Judge: "This officer states that he found you two flghting in the middla of the street," Defendant "The misled you, When were trying in other" had we anh offieey he arrived separile Expert Watch Repairnig URNS JEWELRY STORE King & Prince Bis, | Wheer Chiffon Full Vashioned | HOBIKKY [ Al ATKINS HOSIERY & LINGERIE SHOP | Near Cor, King & Bimeoe Ki, | mdf to All We grow old to grow better, and on this 40th occasion en which we have wished the people of Ontario a Happy Christmas rosperous New Year, we renew our i fair and honest oyalty to thelr cause, held during the year 1920, We wish you Happiness and Bueoess nd we hope that in our capacity of buyers and sellers of highest quality foods we may contribute our part toward ita ae complishment, and Pledge 0 Selected Young Government Graded TURKEYS Arnold's Markets ave one of the largest buyers of poultry in the Province of Ontario, turkeys to the Ontario housewife, When buying your turkey at Arnold's you can rest assured that they, are all freshly dressed and at the lowest price consistent with quality, Lots to choose from, and welghta that will sult large or small families, Average Ib. 36¢ 7 to 10 1b. Average For more than forty years we have heen supplying Xmas dealings and 1b. 36-38¢ Mr, M, Millar spent the week-end at Utfon with friends The Hitle son of Mr, and Mrs, Al vin Mark we are glad to report | fmproving nicely sinee his operation Mu, and Mes, |, Harrison and son Gordan, and Mrs, BR, SH Long, of Myrtld, weve visiting the latter's daughter, Mra, R, Soott, on Sunday My, W, MoPherson of Tovonto, is visiting at the home of My, and Mrs John Mark, My, and Mes, H, Shapet, nied by Mr, and Mea, Jos Apent Haturday afternoon Perry and Oahawa Mu, and Mes, J, HL Brown and My Will Brown of Toronto visited vel tives on Sunday, My, Tamblyn of Oshawa called on hin slater, Mrs, N, Ragleson on Mon day, { Mra, J. Rogers left on Sunday to shend the winter in Toronto with her daughter, Mya, J. Hroawn | My, and Mra, Gordon Holetahuy was visiting the latter's paventa a Pe SS EC eee re es pr NOOO PA Bhunk, in ort Ce EC -- Choice Young GEESE 29: Sonya one day last week MILD CURED Smoked Ham FRESH Sausage Meat Round Steak Sirloin Steak I wit wr Ham n 32. Ib. 2 RATTRAN gi COUPON 1} Patt Sukie, Rh ib wolosed find lease A pallor Wain Below CLLLLTTTLLTTTTRRTEN (YT 1 COLTTTETTTTEN) My LLL) s\ BRS Wa [TTL LALIT LTN Send stamps ™ ili, | POURING, {and family, My, and Mpg, Ope hunk datnghter, Mervele, af Port Porry visiting relatives on 8 y My, and Mea, J, Feink, an wor | nl | | Walle Navel Oranges BERDLESS LL slaw Thom thoty Moon Frink of Napanea and Mrs of Wisconsin, were guests of Mi, and Mpg, OW last week My, John Short veceived the sa news of the death of hia sister, Mi Colling of Oshawa, Mya, Calling h been In poor health for some tin Past Wo are sorry to veporé M John confined to hi hey through fHness at his hone not Helly Wrapped Assorted Cranberries \ 49. a Fresh Roasting Chickens Last Minute Suggestions Standard Quality Peas gv, Black Salada Te Choice Hallowi Dates Mixed Hard Candies French Creams Layer Figs Homemade Mincemeat Arlequin Walnuts Victory Plain Olives (§ Crown) 2 Time 250 1 2.09 2 Ibs 25¢ ih 17e Ih, 23¢ Ib, 230 2 Ibs, 25¢ Ih, 39¢ 2002, Jar lo (Broken) Canada Dry (Ginger Ale) Xmas Pig, § Boltles=Cantenta Only 75 Xmas Puddings 11b, 43 ah. CAECEVANENENENSNY drrold's AN Canadian Markets EE ---- ie

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