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Oshawa Daily Times, 23 Dec 1929, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE, OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1929 Mr, Zukor, "Lyery single pletuwie | Hollywood all the pictures they need, | comic operas, and then we can dol tures ever made, nceording to your | Veancly X, Bushman emed like | do anythin he Ww : ---- -- PICTURE A N that Is produced reveals an improves | And there 18 no doubt of gourse that | those dramas where (he situations opinion?" ! J stock actors alongside 1 lant film Then slo CHIN HARDWOOD FLOORS ] ment over the one produced fust bes | Holly wood heeuyse of elimatle and [eculd not be put ove¥ in the silent "I'he Birth of a Nation, The Ten "Who wad the greatest ( 11k ! Just us goo f LAID | 1] 1) fore, other conditions will always be the [films because of the subtle lines, They | Commandments, and The Covered| or?" we is bo ith it, like ' "ol Klectvie Sunded and Vioishs | "I'he history of the talkie will be best place to mike pletyres vill be mueh more «effective in the |W aon," Your 'own. Canadign 1 1 {ord Yo ow Ie '0. de Br | od Complete ' J the history of the gramophone, 'The "What will become of the silent ner tallies, Tuke the plays of Barrie fo "Who was the greatest actor over was &. elover netres y p t wha dan do "To ; Hands di W. 7. TRICK CO. LAD. . first ciramaphons was 4 squeaky, (tors who do not wale good In the [instance They depend on their beau | the perfod of silent filine oung vet, Old to the se perhaps, | # ( p, and alter one less 25 Albert treet iW scratchy. uffulr, compared to the als talkics ty of dialogue for their effect, The Groatest Astor bat sua is only. M4, aud # woman sete lms dl { 2 Uhone 280, 281 | five. and: sincg 1 IE most perfect present day roduct," "N very many have proved une|talkie will be able to do them justi " ( f it t. Vib le ¢ 0 Joe . Adolph Zukor, Famous "Will the talkies hurt 3 leglthe foucedsful, Most of the good once first tik Min [think Wally Reid, although | #4 Vh pos; vp " joo for the on the screen, Players Head Comments mate stage!" have talen well in the talkies, Take Her | | cl Nor romantls netor, nobod ov " ol et a double : 4 Roome Yor Good Plays a man like Emil Jannings, who can ow i ous the old clussics=wiil | touched Valentine, Old favourites 11k ' ; ce admal i the velused a. double and did On Industry "No, because there will wiways befnot speale English well enough for | 40 be uble to revamp them fo ta satay hut of contre vedi dre ive] cleve nan," Radios "Repaired r-- {room for good plays, They can and pictures in English, Hy will produce RINIEH 4 MSLEE A8i0f hil J : Ido succeed right now," exclusively in German, "Same but not many, We can take | My choice is John Barrymore Jat Cottoneplekers to Btage Novel | All Makes ARE IMPROVING "Will the silent screen go?" "Will you be able to get new styl those like Broken Blossoms, and an f | =] Id Fymore can i nythin in bel Contest Hond-1ne We've won-| » | "Yes, because TR antique by cons of plot fever attempied in the silent] of the Limehouse stories, and gly iid ns ] fy oie Mainly wh cr ) | | : ( doved who It Win that f joer ] | The (Ontario Motor Sules Movies will Soon Be Pro. parison with the appeal of the talkie, films! y them digloguel, But we shall also Le Checked without |.i11 Of un different | pe, George Bu o various hooks of the month AMITED People do not want to see setion in New Fields able to use un whole world of plays! 5 "dosing, "Rub on roft and Al Jolsm ( ) 1 ¢ ATKADSOY Chinzol le 00 Simcoe St, & [y 000 duced in Foreign Lan terrupted by substitles, "They would} "Absolute! It opens up « new | written during the last half centur Who Is the great Yi ant w Bs, one sooner hear the words spoken rather [field for us that we have never Leen [and pive them to many people for th g da mnen tor " : Another day wa never thought guages, He Says Ithan read them, As a matter of fact, fable to toleh before, We sliall he [first time, - "Clara Boy fic e eleverest, | wo'd ive to wee, but have, in th | iain fg done In sutomobliles,--4 " in the silent films, they spoke thulable to do musics! comedy, especial! "What are the greatest silent pl An immensely clever womi : ¢ can recent days w hen nil the on back | Lossburg (Fin,) Commercial ! Montreal, Dee, 24, -="The talkies | words, only thy theutre-goer did not | ( ¢ | g fal, ao Hara louNAT, heat shen! killing your own markets ELLA CINDERS... Fame Is Waiting By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb 'Clarn Bow Is the best present day eiress," by producing the tallcle--will they be ihe centre of the talkie industry [8 success Iw foreign countries?' : of the future will still be Hollywood," | "We will not kill our markets, In Ie W ' We, / [he foregoing are three statements | Hollywood we expect to be able to ( iy 4 TILED! h oy VY Or couran, 1 uttered recently by Adolph Zuke | produce pletures in French, German, ; y MET \S 7, 4 ) 7 oD RA nr ih or. fiend of the Famous Players, who | Spanish, Italian and perhaps other Poy TO BR THE GIRL, TO DIRECT A / THE PART MOEELF, BUT / / To ENOUGH PEOPLE is stopping at the Ritz Carlton, Mr, | languages, How. this will be dene Is LEAL ey TAKING Prcvemut 1 1 ; } De po A : 7 J) ol = ua ie Zuko It hen roneny on he Cath Botha: Lr 4 8 method whieh | PICTORR) We OUGHT To TMPLY WAVE TO FIND ONLY BE WALLY Donel Tre 7 THE. REY ) yo WY ee Ty Wo ol Ve ott | NMA RB APEIRE NA] In ARE 1] Coe mE Ree PL, AER aoe ous: Pavers, and also sald 0 be own- | foreign actors In the languages mens od by \ [ Nothandon, former head | tioned bugy all the time, One com- 3 PARTLY ln pany wlone could not afford tg keep gompas of French actors, for in stante, because there would not be | gnatgh play produced in English to ~~, he translated into French, But if all the companies were together on this hey could keep one company goin, a the time ike 4 stock company, Por Instance, they could do un play or A Studie one week in Freneh, or, for B Studio the next week, and 18 SIMCOK ST, SOLTH : They would be kept steadi! sO on aa A a Vemous Plavers in Cali I'l | here AY, i" Hi "| emplo ved, Draw Best Actors | Ww. A. HARE "And we will gradually draw tl SALT . ------------, | OPTOMETIIINY best actors in all la NEuAR( s to Holly vod after awhile, because there will 8 Bond Street East Ih oily ; Thus the best {be more for them here Hundreds of people wear Latent in all Tanguages will by. cen with utmost comfort [tered in Hollywood, and when a play TELLING TOMMY Mare's Vaultless Lenses Ilis produced in English, it will be re-written for other actors in other P---------------- A ---- RRR lunguages and dene over again, We AAS -------- [mi ke Chevalier In French as well as pe i ! 4 y w ; HARDWOOD VLOOIN LAID BY | English right now. and he goes ws DADDY, TH CH MAS. | FRAMKINCENE . WHAT ARE YOU [| ALL HE WANTS 15 A LOT © EXPERT MECHANICH | well in Triseo in Trench as In Eng. STORY SAYS THE WISE MEH RAND MYRRH ART " n GOING 1 MORE TIME FOR GOLF 50 lish . 4 Old floors finished lke . now, | yy hall be able to produce In BROUGHT GIFTS OF FRAMK-1 FRAGRANT GUMS al \ y y ( J oly 4 worm windows, combination | b Wil be able 1 > 4 4 ; ; DADDY FOR {GOING TO TELL HIM | INCENSE AMD MYRRH YIHATRUSED IM INCENSE} i FP tgp ' , : CHRISTMAS, @ HE NEEDNT WASTE TIME Joors, General contractors, Bb, W. HAYNES, ae } f ! Y | Y 3] v . wv A AE YA € \ Residence 180 r 4 4 DOL THAT MEAN |. Af Ty TAKING ME 70 SCHOOL , 161 King St, W, Phone 481 ' "Ads 2 - wy go ; AR -- A ---- bh . MR, TIME TABLE COAL COAL Bina ire) 102, "he ' wh b West, -- { \ X / : w.J ARGANT Bm. pal hort Mig y : THE TREE, A MILKY JUICE TXUDES AMD SLOWLY HARDENS IN oe 5.40 won Deliv (Except Bundoy) h [Irene IS A GUM-RESIN TEAR: SHAPED DROPS OF YELLOWISH HUE , THESE ARE GATHIR 4.4 pon Dally, Yard---#0 oor "treet K, nw. Dally' (Exeapt Sunde) )s . 4 ir b Orders Promptly Delivered Fob pe DA in Ran J : OBTAINED FROM CERTAIN SPECI £0 AY OLIBAHUM, OR THE TRUE FRAMKINCENSE | oan Dl Chace deniar YY \ OF TREES OF THE GENUS BOSHLLLIA RRH 15 A FRAGRANT GUMLIKE SUBSTAMCE WHICH OOZES nae | (1) 0 BAN (EO SRLS, / A\ ; THESE TREES ARE FOUND I FAST YS» FROM A SPECIES OF SHRUB FOUND IM ARABIA AND EAST AFRICA, -- 1308 sine Dally | ' MEAL / | Ll -- / ATRICA AMD ARABIA, AN IHCISION © [719 USED IM MEDICINES, INCENSE AMD PERFUMERY, Wo have several desirable ! houses for rent, CANADEAN NATIONAL StlLWAYA HAVING BEEN MADE IM THE BARN OF CUTLER & PRESTON (Standard Time) Heal Kstale Insurance i i Rasthound | Telephone 07 Dee 3W03 4) lth iis o een Sulidays | Night calls 810-1800 | 21g Mote Fletinr "ou | 1 0 LAY won, Ladd ¢ nday, 04 King St, West I sadn Pe na fv susapt Bud BRINGING UP FATHER : w a By Geo, McManw wd 2 Ae ih nt Seiulay, | SUT A PLUMBER: | | Lah pone Ua WERR'S, A LEAK Neva N -------------------- [ THEY DON'T KNOW Y . Westbound WW YOU 499 won, Dally IN "™E CELLAR { AND GET ONE 1B YOU HAVE TO Ho wom Daily, | M------ -- \ WAIT ALL AFTERNOON! 1 \ | ---------------- $47 pn Wh {ath eatept Sunday, | \ | ---------------- » ED. ---- ---- r= ' II Witting. © Ges - - --pe - - e-- ui . --_---- 2 bm. (OU GO LUWN AND | | DUGAN ™ PLUMBER? | [[NO! G2 TO THE ELITE | Alla i i | YE ' | THERE WON'T BE A WHAT | yWPPOSE WE ANT Ni II PUVWUMBING COMPANY WHERE ) RWei™ | A LITTU -- --rr MAN IN ELITE OR | 0 oN COULD L ey CHE | [FOR THREE LUMBING | "oly | {INE [Neat --m-- weld SWEETER? ne Bally, sacept Sundar | i] +a s g pd Rim y J ---------- 8 ' | h] y Dally, except Sunday, i - v I~ 2.02 «Daily, except Sunder / | " » + Dally p (W) L / \ 19 bine Sunday only, £37 mm, Dally, eacept Sunda 8.43 pom, Dally, excent Sunday, Whithy, Oshawa, Bowmanville FOR SALE: When wo say bars BUS LINE gain wo don't mean maybe, U WEEK DAY BUNEDULE room heick house. $4800 for (Effective an and alter April u" his) R000, Nicely located, All cons (Day 1] hevine Filme vonlences, oto, | hasve Loave WE Arrive DISNEY REAL WSTATE Sawmanvile Oshawa Why Hospital hone 1500 y Sulit o Som =r id om RRA. A Ahi PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S | [iii ti [iE wun nd a 10 Simcoe St, 8, == We Deliver 1A re Aviva if HE on, BN HE DARLING y n v 8 ¥ fT ln 64 pm TC PWow ater NIELS Artesia bi a THERE = HI$ HOUSE 1D | FINISHED i ) : ) ' 4 a i li HI He i Ji ours . it jo 3 . ot i ( NEVER MIND, LUMBER [RE : A Nps [i Se HT | ------ 1) Pa al 3 : Plaayy ay F. L. BEECROFT || : yn TAL Mi af yA / EAN us} | Np RM: | | | | Whithy Launber and Wood | { Yard "hong Oshawa - 324 Whithy RL im futility \ "( Nn J RN, Wg. | Whitty Mou 3)" i SUNDAY AMD 1 EDULE N D HOLIDAY SCHELL Pre aN An Yon : he \ LY h i v ba A A " : "e 0 3 v ER Fo N I Marans Wis Adie BN' : Jy i A : ' Hit ; i ; -- 2 ) ~~ \\e 7 obi iI {1 n hy pve: . ain, ' 04 em WE on \ el I$ AR pian | § Lo oh, Face Powder (or sac type kine 1.30 a, \ \ LEN hn. 108 pos N I : Wh i Mp ' y . \ RE ~ i \ pr Sea JURY AND LOVELL, LTD, "|| & \ : ww Mgrp gpm ao Loman tii ii ~ aed : i os . Hi EXCLUSIVE AGENTS RR a er iat SH mmr renner | [BUT THE NEXT MORNING WHEN "Thpy Tire "Ng SH mag : Eas ; | wnnmenmeenet | JAND THEY TOK HM HOME AND MADE Toe MIM Hig _BREAKRAST We was | [ob Smet ee A ---- Dwidy, BoBBY AND COMEY BOUND A MIM A LITTLE HOUSIT AND A PEN IN LYING DoWN 60 SICK TMRY THoudMT| | THEY DID Al THEY CoD FOR Hi, | cute NEY PNG hd BACK YARD ME WOLLD DIE BUT HE GOT SICKER AND SICKER. h 1 A 1, Y X - = th CSE GEE - DIAMONDS | (Ft: [ff Si Eee (DEE Zan ao seed, BURNS SRWELRY ie \ TILLIE THE TOILER---Just Like Santa Claus \ By Russ Westover Aude rine 1,00 pan Lf am un gy 12.00 p y " -------- ym -- a . RA ------------------------------ -- -- King & Prince Sts, Ni tind Fn : WE. v. Tile QS i YO LIke THA J HER OM , MAC I'M so GLAD You SURE ~ MR. WHIPPLE BEY ME ot SURE THEW 5 To wee May OFFICE \N SHOWED UR RIGHT AT THIS | A $10 «BOX OF CANDY THAT Sou . HEAD OF THis Fikm [B | 9 JERS pm = MERE A ry | GBT peel | (WOULDN'T COME AROUND TO A He md +N Tm od Be ER I Re en RR ¥ Second Finney oyna -- on N BEE ME ONTIL AFTER XMAS Sivan - Boys' All Wool Wind: || maser wuuse ty Em 1 pm] R 00 =| [warren Sis vou: ON Go " |. HP Val 1: JE SLL breakers. All §1 05 {| Zz sizes SUMINION CLOTHING CO, oN KING ST, W, ' hone R14} Wo Deliver OUR SPECIALTY 50 it Jour wate ie not giving zo wo 1 1) ction we oan repair J AAA SRC tad make {t tell tho correct time . 4 Machinery Repairing D. J. BROWN AUTHING LOU LAKUL - ML JEWRLER " NOTHING JOO SMALL a Re Le A Acanac Machine Shop awa Railroads 1 King dt WW, Vhoue 1314 10 King St. W. Thane 180 m------E------

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