a THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1929 PAGE - INENPLOYED RIOT IN GERMAN CTE i Occur at Four -- Many Are Injured Berlin, Dec, 23~A restless winter hequghout Germany seemed probable iter clashes In four cities and towns vetween unemployed and police re- letly. nemployment throughout Ger- nny already Is 20 per cent greater han it was a year ago, with 2,200,000 wit of work and at least 600,000 re- welving no government dole, None mn receive a Sole for more than six nonths, the rélief is, imited to from b to 32 marks ($1.50 to $8) a week feapite rising living costs, aces where disorders were re. sorted were Frankfurt-on-Main, Ah- an, Luedenscheld and Friedland, In Frankfurt three policemen and at lenst 41 demonstrators were injured snd 21 persons arrested In rioting throughout Tuesday night and early Wednesday, On Monday forty were arrested In tesser skirmishes at Frankfurt, and en It became known that the city aldermen would debate a Communist motion for an extra Christmas dole 1,200 jobless marched to the city hall to demonstrate in favor of the plan, ever, the Communist leaders lost control of the crowd, which rapidly grew to 6,000 or more, Angry shouts were raised, All the police of Frankfurt, including mounted squads, sirbuided the city hall and then used truncheons to drive the crowds into narrow streets in section of the town. stones greeted them, al pl t n [ighten them of, ighten fhe the windows of a food shop, but fled without plunder- | store when police arrived with pistols, Forbidden All open alr mbetin in Prankfuet ere forbidden as a re sult of the disorders, At Ahlen, Jollee clgared the city council galleries nite Jhench bomb anf fire crackers had heen explo! during a debate on Christmas doles Several persons were Injured u Friedland, where a fracas betwecn police and unemployed occurfed In the market nce after a tumult In the town hall, At TLuendenscheid stone-throwineg Communists were driven back by police truncheons after 100 demonstrators vainly tried to force entry into the town hall, Berlin authorities planned to take precautions against disorders In cons nection with a Communist demons stration on behalf of unemployed scheduled for Thursday, The ministry of Labor ascribes the Increased unemployment to the in- ability of German Industry to absorb 400,000 youths who every year attain working age, but the economic de- pression attributable to the payment howers of tloters cor- » of of reparations Is also held a consid. erable factor, MORES MEEVEE DS MERE MOEN D Season's Greetings Marconi Radio Shop 5 Celina Street A. N. SHARP, a AM CIN IDM IIM ABI © --, SETI NONE NONE NEO Eee) CHRISTMAS GREETINGS AND BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR. Lycett's Real Estate 25 King Street East Phone 295 DE rE ra Ta LYS A (5 HEMEUENE S MENDON 5 HODES MOEMDES HE Yuletide Wishes We thank our many customers + for their generous support during the year and wish them all a Merry Christmas w-- AA Happy New Year W. H. A. Patte Simcoe Street, N, SEMMSCIIMIME IRB OIIIM SE IIIN BRO RIRR SII RR SIRI SPIN KING EAST Greetings It is the privilege and pleasure of the officials and staff of the Savarin to extend at this time to all present and prospective customers our heartiest Christmas Greetings, THN EE -- a PARRA Traymore N° OPP, P, O, 6 ancient fed Into the ne group and parades i = Ces! Nam BreuNeanes MENS WEAR hs Sa ------------------ INI NIII IIS ppp) WE WISH YOU | A Merry Christmas TA AAND (A Bright and Prosperous OSsHAW A 3 Sw YC i lL U.S Toronto, Deo, 24.-~Again the munieipal hustings resound with the Battle of the Town Planning The last elvie elections wore fought largely on this Issue, Throughaut the year the advooates of the Advisory City Planning Commission's recommendations fop the improvement of the central business section have heen en trenching themselves with sundry reVislons and provinelal legislation On the present occasion the ques tion is being put up to the quali! od electors of the city in the form of a Dy-Law authorizing deber tures of $10,000,000 to finance the mdertaking, The voting will take nlaco New Year's Day-~which Tor onto traditionally celebrates by electing its Mayor and Clty Coun ell and ballotting on big elvie questions, The objective of the City Plan ning scheme is, speaking broadly, the extension or ereation of.grent arterial thoroughfares to take care of trae probloms and generally improve the eity, "Publle opinion in Toronto, while well advanced along many lines of clvie Improves ment, has lagged behind as res pards street improvement in the business district," declares the re port of the Planning Commission "What the plan means to Toronto" is set forth hy the loeal Heard of Trade an follows: "The proposea development will give Toronto ade uate trafMo arteries entering the downtown area from all directions, Spacious and dignified metropolis tan thoroughfares with noble structures will replace the present narrow streets and thelr many dif apldated bulldings, 'Tourists and husineas visitors will he attracted by thelr grandeur rather than re polled, an at present, by the mean appearance of 'tha heart of Torons to! To this new elty will come more Industries, more business, BE ae lA ---- Toronto Hustings With Town Planning Battle Si Rk, Resound more general activity--and conmse- quently Increased prosperity to Its eltizens," Extension of University Avenue south towards the Union Station Is the first wsallent feature of the plan, This broad tree-lined thor ughfare topped by the Ontarie provineial legislature bulldings, has long been an object of study by the elty planners, Its west slde at present is the centre of unusual bullding activity on behalf of pris vate companies; Ita east Is border od. by such public bulldings as the Toronto General Hospital, Osgoode Hall--sent of Ontario's highest courts=-and the historic Toronto Armouries, University Avenus, Toronto's Whitehall and Champ de. Mars all In one, for the past half century has terminated on the south rather Ingloriously at Queen street, The proposal 8 to extend the Avenue to Richmond Street, a block further south, where In the contre of a olrcular plaga (Vimy Circle) thera will be reserved w alte for a War Memoria), Thence the thoroughfare would rup---as Queen's Park Avenue~«through to I"'ront Street, coming out near the Union Station, The plan for the extension of University Avenue as now submits ted to the glectors, Is difforent from that which drew most of the argument at the last municipal olectionts, And thereby hangs the tule of "the orooked lane," Upper mont as an (ssue in that eampoign was an alternative, plan presented hy the Advisory Council, provid- Ing for extension of the Avenue diagonally and then wouth, flank Ing the new bullding of a Toronto newspaper, This was not adopted hy the City Counell, but another Important proposal Included in the present plan appears to be equally objectionable to the opponents of the scheme, That Is the oreation IIRRRES INNES IEEE IEEE 1 '$ Alger Bldg. Merry Christmas AND Happy New Year Excelsior Lite Assurance Co. H. A. MacDONALD, Local Mgr. King St. E. A A i TR AG of a now street-Cambral Avenue about midway between Bay and York streets and centering on the new Union Station, This wtreet would open south from Queen Ht, but would have to run around two recently erected office structures and skirt the newspaper building referred to, Thus the argument of "the crooked lane" Is resumed on A new basis, In addition to the Avenue Extension and the opens Ing of Cambral Avenue, the City Planning report now submitted to the ratepayers provides for many othew Improvements, Widening of York street (Toronto's original Ghetto), Queen Street, Elm Street and other well-known downtown thoroughfares is proposed, Opens ing of new diagonal motor boule- vards east and west from the cons gontod area Is also projected, The conception of the plan as an war memorial ls continued In the sug rostion of such names as Passchen. daole Road, Bt, Jullen Place and Arras Road for various prominent fontures of the scheme, Two Toronto dally newspapers Advocate full speed ghead with the city planning proposals on the around of urgent necessity, fleet. Ing opportunity and elvie pride, Two other sare opposed, charging that sectional Interests are hehind the project and exprossing the op Infon 1t will cost the ratepayers 205,000,000 rather than $18,000, 000 The present Clty Counell, which is presenting the hylaw to the ratepayers, Is eriticized by the opponents of the scheme for appros nrinting $5,000 for propaganda Counell at a special meeting enll ed by Mayor Sam MoHride, answ ored this eritiolsm hy Instructing Roland C, Harris, commissioner of works, to address meetings of the voters In explanation of the pro- posals, Mayor MeRride rode to vietory for a second term last year after an virorous campalgn in favor of the then nebulous eity Improve. mont plans, He Is asking for a third term to start the project to fruition, He 8 now belng oppos- University a DONALD MacGREGOR Of Blenheim, Ont,, who has been awarded the Rutson memorial prize for baritones and basses by the Royal Academy of Music In London, ¥ng, od by Controller Bert Wemp and Controller A, 10, Hacker, who are not in favor of the bylaw, Since the entire municipal electorate has the vote for Mayor whereas only "qualified ratepayers' ballot on the bylaw, it does not necessarily follow the adoption of the Clty Planning Proposals by the rates payers would be accompanied hy the re-election of Mayor McBride, OPES MES RES ES i ll Season's Compliments Hes We hope that a kindly Providence will grant you a Merry Christmas this year and many more in | the future, | | | URORS | G. ROBERTSHAW BOOKS AND STATIONERY | 37 Simcoe Street N. . Phone 1472 il wr wes y Feed Fadia MEMES MUO S HOES ES UE : On the other hand His Worship may got a third term while the planning polley he so enthusing. tieally supports Is rejected at the polls, INVESTHENT WAVE CATCHES JAPANESE South Sea Ventures Claim- ing Huge Sums From Savings | Tokyo, Japan, Dee, 28, he present-day version of the Houth Hen bubble is now being blown in Japan and those who are blowing e¢lafm that the bubble Is never golug to burst, In Japan the Investment style trond seems to have set in definite ly toward the East Indies and Mal- nyn, for every week brings news of two or three more ventures in that direction, The reason for this is not far to week, Investments here are rare and the prospects for an immediate Industrial re-awak- oning slim The good companies Lhinve filled thelr financial needs in the booming debenture markets of the past two years, The poor ones tempt only the gambling money lender, Hut there still ix a good den! of money to invest and those with surpluses do not llke to place it in the bond and debenture markets under present conditions on account of the Mfting of the gold embargo shortly, Therefore, surplus funds are finding thelr way Into new enter. prises and at present the "South Hens," as the Japanese call them poem to have first call, There are two reasons for this movement, one being that the, Japanese in. vestors belleve they are stepping into this field when the rubber slump has touched the bottom, and the other being that companies which have been operating for sovgral yours In the South Seas with Japanese capital are showing handsome returns, Another factor Is the Mitsubishi Company, #séo- ond largest financial house In the Japanese empire, which in proceed. ing with projects on a vast scale In Sumatra, Rubber and vegetable oils will be the chief crops, BE EY FRRRESCESIRORES HES ERE REE DIET REED UNECE SHES | Greetings From Your Insurance Agents 3 HEROES OREO REED HEE SHEE HEED HEED HEE ERED EY 5 HUES HERE O HERE HERE ee" PRINCE STREET COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON TO ALL Oshawa Real Estate Sales Company J. C. YOUNG FIFARLIEESHEIIIGET ) & SIIB LIIIR LIS INS & i AT THIS FESTIVE SEASON WE EXTEND | TO OUR MANY CUSTOMERS = | OUR HEARTIEST | WISHES for a BRIGHT and MERRY CHRISTMAS HA. a] A HAPPY and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Jury & Lovell DRUGGISTS King St. E. - Phone 28 | UII III IIB CMMI THREES OED ERS IEE SEU) | -_ " Season's Greetings To You and Yours Tt Ts our sincere hope that all eur patrons and fellow townsmen enjoy a very Merry Christmas, ' S. A. Gates 22 Simcoe Street North Phone 306 ARMING IRIN OIMBN CS ININS OSHAWA @ on 0 HHENEE D HERE © HERE D HEED LR HEMENENE OD HEREUENE © HEHEHE O HEMEL 19 KING WEST Wishing Everyone a Merry Christmas and A Prosperous New Year Davis & Son INSURANCE AGENTS PHONE 92 8 SIMMS IIMS IIR SINISE 5 URED HEE 5 IED NRE HK 0 HRNEUENE O HEMENENE O NENENEEE O RENRE tn" 814 King W, BEST WISHES for a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year * Prudential Insurance Co. # Oshawa PIRES RE DIRS Enh LL Jit} SEERTEETRY HN ppl he ( hratma {rectins Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year Tes Ross, Ames and Gartshore 135 KING ST. W. PHONE 1160