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Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Dec 1929, p. 16

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SIXTEEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1929 CHRISTMAS Be a Merry One ail ~~ and the New Year of 1930 be one of HAPPINESS and PROSPERITY oR X, (is EASTERN ONTARIO "NEWS ARRESTED FOR FRAUD Port; Hope--Jack Moore, of Hai- vood was arrested by Provincial Con. stable Carey on a charge of fraud in conn light delivery truck, \ LOCK DOORS I Port. Hope--Owing to the many robberies in this district of late, pro- | erty owners are advised to secure: | Jock their premises. visIiT COUNTY HOME Lindsay--The County Home for the ir was visited last evening by the icets and teachers of St. Paul's School, 1 being their 18t Christmas ?sit, ~ | ---- | ROADS STOP BUS Lindsay--The 'loronto bus lis stopped running for the time being owing to the bad roads, The bus sup- posed to come in at noon yesterday did not get in until three o'clock in the afternoon and none has left or arrived since then, PIONEER PASSES Lindsay--One of 'the old pioneer | settlers of this community, John Mc- | Donsld, passed away on Thursday, | Dec, 19th, in his 9rd year, FRANKFORD SROCEAY. WAS DESTROYED Belleville--Fire ROYED H R. Rous' grocery on Vriday morning at the village of Frankford, The Orange block in which the store is situated wis otherwise saved by the firemen, | LEFT CARS IN DRIFTS ALL NIGHT Belleville~~Not only in the immed- iate vicinity but in this city autos were yesterday afternoon and even ing stalled and in wvome cases were allowed to remain in snow drifts all night, [8 Sunds annua FEE < ~~ NO WORD OF HYDRO CUT I Belleville--=No word has been re | ceived from the Hydro Electric Pow ¢r Commission as to the probability of a cut in the rates for this city, niin | with the purchase of u!7 Our Christmas wish of a year ago has been fulfilled. The community, generally speaking, has passed through a prosperous year, May 1930 be equally kind to all, Class Bros. 67 SIMCOE ST. N. PHONE 2378 { : | 5 RBIS BINS HIN S DIIHS LIFE AND WORKS OF TOLSTO! REVIEWED Produced Real Internat- ionalism in Writings, Speaker Declares Montreal, , Dec, 23.-~Bpeaking on Leo Tolstol to members of the Bt, James' Literary Boclety, Prof. G. W, Lathan said that he did not soe how anybody could deny that the great Russian writer put his finger on much that was wrong impressions. ous, Doscended landed proprietors, Tolstol tho Russian ermy. period his first "Childhood, stories on the Cossacks, Useolessness of War Jessness of war work, "War and Peace" written, poned, and his keenness of sense He commented alsc on his remarkably retentive mem- ory, both conscious and sub-conscl~ from a family was born in 1829 and in 1861 joined During literary work, Boyhood and' Youth," was written, followed by a book of this In 1864 service in the Crimean War brought home to him the use- Dwelling on his the spoak- or suggested that it might be de- pseribed as the greatest novel ever Certainly, it was still re- SHAW SEES DANGER INMUSSOLINI PLAN Loans of "Capitalists to Weak Nations Also View- od With Alarm East Aurora, NX Dec. 23, ~George Bernard Shay predicts in an article for publicatic « in an American mag- azine that capitalists of rich mations lending money to weak nations might lead tp war, The article, sent to Judge Henry Neil here, intimated strongly that many weak nations would be unable to pay their obligations in full and that ¢reditors would "distrain" when the tinie arrive Discussing Premier Mussolini' s bor- rowing of large sums from capitalists, Shaw wrote : "Mussolini is placing his people of the next pA oe in bondage from which they will never be able to free themselves except by the taxation of big incomes #0 drastie, that he could impose it only by using the {ujl weight of the anti-Fascist proletariat against the capjtalists, The alterna. tive is revolution and repudiation, with war possibly to follow. "It was a serious step; for if you borrow at home you can pay the in- terest with one hand and take it back as income tax with the other; but you can not tax the foreigner; and if you do not pay he will distrain if he is strong enough, with support of the other creditor nations and the countenance of the League of Na- tions, What will be the end of it?" of fods and made no entries at such times, What was described as the erie sis of his life renunciation of his career at the age of 60 was not sudden but came gradually through a number of years. Henceforth he was occupied primarily with rell- glous and ethical questions. Dreaded Professor Latham touched, too, on his dread of death amounting to an obsession and his conflict be- tween Intelligence and instinct. In his works was a great deal of cheerfulness and cherm and not Heres SHOR IO OOK oy ht es 4 i 5 OUR SINCERE GOOD WISHES ARE EXTENDED TO YOU AT THIS FESTIVE TIME, AND WE TRUST THE ENSUING YEAR WILL BE MOST PROSPEROUS, rhe ixon Coal with modern life Neither could that atmosphere of gloom gener- LAR BJ Coleman's | | 1 CAR BURNED IN SIDNEY Belleville--A car, the property of Mr, John McCullough, Sidney Town 4 | ship," was on Thursday partially de- 4 |atroyed by fire. The vehicle back- «| fired whilst being driven through a mow drift with the result that the greater portion of the body was burn- ed, The mishap occurred on the 3rd concession road of the township, it be denied, ho continued, that he produced a real Interpationalism and that in various ways he indi- cated the direction in which the race would have to travel, Summing up the chiel qualities in his fiction, the speaker alluded to hig extraordinary vividnoss and realism, his way of letting himself garded as the standard or criter- fon by which to Judge war novels, He married In 1862 a girl of 17 who was half his age. The speak- er dealt at some length with the life of these two and afterwards answering questions which follow« ed the address suggested that in her diary the wife may have stress ally felt to be characteristic of Russian literature, James R. Thomson was in the chair, ? A vote of thanks was proposed by N. Hodgins and seconded by Norman Knight, An encouraging report covering the last: half of the year was pre- Company into the story, his tendency to use [od differences between them and incidents which had actually Shap: treated as normal their happy per- ™ rary' BL Sozdon A. Wakler, hop. ok showed that the society has a membership of 247 and bas a bal- ance in hand of $934. FOUNDRY TAKES INVENTORY Brockville--The James Smart plant of Canada Foundries & Forgings, Limited, closed to-day for thé cus- | jomary two weeks' inventory, D, R Fowler, manager of the plant, stated thas it would reopen on January 6 with a full staff, Cartage 85 BOND STREET WEST 313 Albert Street Oshawa, Ontario THE ONE COLOR RUG There is a richness and quiet dig- nity about the one color rug. Some people object to it because its shad- 3 | ings, as the pile is pressed one way lor the other, makes every foot print | show on it, But others like that very | fcature, since it is as natural as the | footprints on the lawn or the wind swept field of grain, with its varia- tions of shadings. The one-color rug, which has a | figure of the self color, is chosen by some fastidious ones, since it does not | show footprints, burns, or stains, as a | plain one does OSHAWA SHRPAIRRRI RRR IPERG Tres en Lad add aul T4033 3 55800 Wishing everyone @ i ht kt te th ta ON THE MARKET | Brockville--Although road cond! | tion were decidedly adverse, there was a commendable attendance of farmers at the market this morning, RINK FOR LANSDOWNE Brockyille~-Lansdowne is to have u | community fink on the fair grounds | this season as the result of the activ. ity of & committee of citizens com- osed of Dr, Mackie, Dr, Lochead, esars, Colles, F. McConnell and Stanley Hafije, sg the compliments of the Season, ee ee Be te te Se Alderman Peter Macdonald Fishermen and grass widows arc | 3 . il pA MALLETT'S Preece wna en eros ceed [een Smee YN Rave beste ee ee ee eK eh re ede IX | Two truck drivers were snarled up lin the traffic of a busy street. One of them, losing his temper, cried out : | "Why don't you look where you're | going, you blankety, blank, pie-eyed | dumb ell?" "You're nice looking, | too," replied the other, sweetly, The Carew Lumber Company Limited SIRES HEE May This Christmas Be A Happy One and The New Year Bring The Realization of EXTEND CHRISTMAS GREETINGS AND BEST OF GOOD WISHES FOR 1930 May We Extend Sincere Christmas Greetings and Our Best Wishes for a Prosperous New Year PEEKS REDS Oshawa Laundry and Dry Cleaning Company 7 EVERYTHING FOR THE # v BUILDER ye» | Your Greatest Ambition 1 Hydro-Electric Power Commission Jv wih Ontario | 26 KING'ST. WES? © * ' PHONE 233 ROR DELIVERY -- SERVICE UNEQUALLED PHONE 12and I'117 74 ATHOL ST. W, PRI OSHAWA If it is 'done with heat, you can do it better with Gas, 456 CENTRE ST. | PHONE 2520 RIM ORIN GNI BRIN GIR A HMHBEN OH CHMPR ERIN ORRIN SNS : | : | [ RR ees Shee dn

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