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Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Dec 1929, p. 3

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' THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1929 4 PAGE THREE Oshawa Water Commission Passes Out of er ------------- Christmas Cheer to Gladden Hearts in Four Hundred p Employment Office of Gen- eral Motors Made Head: quarters for Senta Claus ' Today--~Resembles Mail Order House BASKETS LOADED: WITH GOOD THINGS General Mote Loans Motors Trucks and Drivers --- Boy Scouts Also Assist-- Cheer Made Possible "Through Generosity of Local Citizens Inta four hundred focal homes to- day homes which have fnced the prospect of a cheerless Yuletide be cause of poverty, Christmas ( heer 18 being distributed through the petivity of those associated with the Christe mas Cheer Fund committee, the Asociated Welfare Societies and the generous eitigens of Oshawa who by thelr warm response have given of thelr purse ot provide a happy Christ for those less fortunate them Nor must the Boy Seouts be forgotten for through a period of several strenuous weeks they have spent hour after hour in mending broken toys which will gladden the hearts of many children tomorrow morning, ) The ® distribution of Christmas Cheer is in itself a colossal task, For weeks preparations have been made and now all the baskets, including dinners, und toys are assembled in a large room in the General Motors of Canada employment building which has been kindly Joaned for this pur pose, Six large trucks with drivers have also been donated by the eoms pany for the day and: these trucks will convey the baskets of cheer to various homes throughout the munis cipality, The work of distribution started at 9.30 o'clock this morning and will finish some time this evens ing, The large rooms with tables and shelves piled high with boxes re- sembled a mail order house 'this morning, Workers, including six em, ployees of General Motors, Hoy Scouts and others were busy arrang- ing the baskets and conveying them to the trucks, Major George Hamilton, superine tendent of the local ggvernment Km. ployment Bureau and secretary of the Assoclated Welfare Societies, 1s in charge of the distribution, He was found working today in the midst of boxes that all the baskets would be delivered hy five o'clock tos night, "But we'll finish everything before tomorrow even if we are required to work until midnight" he said cheerily, Major Hamilton pointed out that many of the parcels were going to large families, The majority of these who are receiving Christmas cheer had familics of five, six and even eight children, he stated, The typi: cal baskets includes six pounds of good roast beef, a peck and a half of potatoes, a quart of milk, bread, butter, Yice, tea, syrup, buns, and other foodstuffs, If there are chil deen in the family toys are added to the basket, such as scooters, dolls, rocking horses, or teddy bears, The toys are all quite good and as Major Hamilton aptly put it "Some eo these kiddies will think that they are in heaven tomorrow,' ' Those in charge of the work of dis tribution have been greatly relieved ue to the fact that General Motors 8 looking after the delivery of the baskets, The Boy Scouts have ren- dered much valuable assistance and mas selves, a Bt ra Oshawa Homes Tomorrow WHITE CHRISTMAS SERVICE AT KNOX Entertainment Was Held Last Night by the Sunday School The HBunday BSehool of Knox Presbyterian Churols celebrated its White Gifts Service and Christmas entertainment last evening, the scholars turning out In full strength and the basement being well filled with parents and friends, The entertainment, consisting of recitations, polos, Instrumental numbers and various exevcines, wis contributed entirely by members of the school, eash clags snd group striving to excel In the rendering of the delightful musle and elocu~ tion, The White Gifts Cantats was rendered by Miss Isobel Munro's class and at Its close the children brought forward gifts of money and provisions which will be distris buted as Christmas Cheer in this oity, Forty dollavs In cash was re- ceived and an abundance of grogers fos and provisions, It was a splens did exhibition ate Christmas spirit, At the last the jolly ald whites whiskered Spirit of Christmas ap. peared in person and distributed a treat to each member of the Huns day Behool, After the entertainment was ov- or the chalrman called Miss I, Mun» ro to the platform and she was made the repiplent of a besutiful gift from her class of 'teen-age girls, Miss Margaret Roy, one of the members of the class, In a de~ Mghtful little speech assured Ming Munro of the high esteem In which she is held by her girls, The Adult Bible Class, repre. sented by Mr, Maleolm MoKenule, thersupon presented Mr, Cilehvist with a token of the love In which his class holds him, The most delightful evening In the history of Knox Sunday Behool was brousht to a close at nine pm, the children leaving for their homes in plenty of tima to be In bed at the customary hour, CLEARING SNOW The width of king street "snow pile to snow pile" has been widened this morning through the use of the city tractor, and grader It Is slow work but none the less effective, The snow which Is thus piled high on the sides ofthe street, is shovelled into a sleigh and carted away, Last year there was praetis cally no work of this nature to he undertaken by the eity, are helping In the work of distriby. tion, Major Hamilton stated, Last year Christmas cheer was provided te 270 families but this year the fund must care for 400 families There is satisfaction in the thought that everything possible is being done so that every deserving family in Oshawa will be able to spend a Merry Christmas indeed, Yesterday the Canadian Legion nd the Canadian Legion Women's Auxilliary distributed gifts and cheer to all war widows and to mothers who had lest their sons during the Great War, The Women's Welfare League is supervising the important work of providing warm clathing for needy, This work is 'being carried on separately from the Christmas Cheer Fund, iS Hp ------ Wishing the People of Oshawa a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy N ew Year The Cafeteria The Home Dairy Co. CEES AISELIDIEU III BSI SIMCOE STREET SOUTH You have not tried the Best if you have not tried the Cafeteria 2 IREE EOE ERE RREES RTD of the compassion | from | the | | everal numbers whieh were well « Jou vw LB W. H, ROSS Member of the 1020 Water Commis: | Chairman of the Water Commission | | sion who will seek slection on the | whe will probably run for Utilities Utilities Board, Commission, MEMBER OF PIONEER FAMILY PASSES AT L* | | AN, ADVANCED AGE inh tr, vhs Court | the prmaories aud th ne | | thi Ing charged with helng a Loalved thale prizes unl | vi visibl John Bartlett Died Yester.| from Col Jb Ko Rinith, officey coni- | ppoy 'Wh 1 day in His 81st [this proyed to Year | wii shown thyoughaut has heon run during the wank Tho pris follow (]] fur NSaxhy, Jarl Pork, Bergeant / Ard, 100 clgar bir Commission, a possible sandidate for the new Board, [CITY AND DISTRICT NEWS wr rma Y A -------- A TS TS 7 -- Wr fore morn Hi rant with no mening of manded in cus 6 be an Intaront UC OEN groal 1h which | CHRISTMAS MAILS hoot hdd hough tomorr winnei | tl postima i | \ The death oceurved Monday one of this district's oldest dents, In the person of John lott, Hfe-long residont of the ship of Vast Whithy The late] seare 70 hore My, Bartlett Hyed und died on his prige of farm which Is situated south of thé [(he' aornit shooting tl Kingston Road, of Oshawa Just of tha Comatery sonre ahd this The deceased Vy bis eighty Bellingham, with a fourth yea An unmarried relatives umbin The farmed his was oblalned from the lands have heen letts over sino ol k é ( Wpars | he I ail 1] q . will Hh tl { | 1} ] I fl ln despatched, and a 0 elgs | iw | } rom th al rés nd Lonst Hrown (tos Vie aoore 1 he 0 mall ree #peainl west Union in wis won hy aunt Kear he ling British Col lHved and of whieh | man, than decensed land, part by his grandfather Crown In 1840 Thes held hy Bart that time On | these lands south of the Kingston Road the first large tannery of this distriet was situated All traces of this tannery have lons | 8ince disap panred his tannery {was one of the chief places of in ared dustry this distriet for a period | gaily if fifty years Kven though One of the forefathers be [late John Bartlett lened "ar elaration of Independence \ eal anes the Jonathan tained an patent for part of his land The late Mp, Partlett dted denly on Monday afternoon stricken while walking on slreet The decensed her of Blmoeoe Chnreh, and he oral In polities two slaters, Alles melia, and three nephew The on Thuraday Burlal Parka made In the HARMONY CONGERT | WAS GOOD SUCCESS | School Children Provide Fine! Program at Enter. tainment no nearer Guild Says Bible Necessary Part of Editor's Equipment outd not he il publle, th Dac, | (41 part of Journal Hible Gulld sal f hi ent publie the vesu tionnaire that had | 00 editorial writ nto York fH Necessu word plough od hy Now unde felt unnamed equipment he centl making in Ok! the thom nue Ie opposite hy helleve tin th ha wi revival of ordinary hoth from a spirl and that of language bath urape it there Ia Hible of i newspaper winong the hig new politionl seandal 1h the | Ie lin Was | ol dny orime uphon slandpoint Lhe | dons tor, In « menting Lie Onl write | with ud | flavor when | thought LHe | of the mem Inid the Methodist | ferences Lb. | In survived hy | Maud and Pers | nieces and ane | n funeral will be held | afternoon from Luk Interment will be Unlon | FORBONEK editors on the event Wien » oriptures, the 1 editors were the deceased ould or Hartlott tar of Gulld \ hellel was eoncurred in hy editor, who wrote hog iting hi | Californ who the ah id that maedern Crown famitin enounh i" nol the Hihle to thal aditorial ih frequent u career of news A Tow outstanding soripture themes editor ked fre mom anily wid dure to guat Hilous nnd have pha When | onl I there was | Bible than formerly hlume but they ju Le on readers sueh re nll Wie fi a vhilted and | dom, Wak a ret ne puleh Wie a life-long . Cemeter = Harmony, Dee, 23+The Christmas | treo and concert held "thursday night in the auditorium of the il pi {ed a great The anditoriu was erowded and was prettily dee [ated with streamers, green bough and Christmas hells, ich SUCCES, A splendid program was given r---- pid ne the school children, Hach room gave Goddard, wha has won tho vace of the children were could hardly he plainly DOH they themselves red out i small nt nd Surg aut on § plendid, Froneh=Canadian dog devhy eohames | plang hopes to meet Loansrd Nep heard | pada, Alaskan musher, tn the 260. enjoyed er, mile nowsstop marathon helag members of the Sunday School | staged at The Pas next Marvel, St, three act play which was A great deal af pradse | wie to the teachers, Miss Dunn, Mis A Ullamson and Mr, Thnmins, who | pent a great deal of time and much park preparing the progran Santa Claus arrived in wn dive the presents tram the waded Christmas tree, The Trall Rangers and Tuxis Hoy will not hisve any meeting® until after New Year's Day, The 'trail Rangers arg giving a Christmas dinner to uf family and helping with the Chris mas Cheer work, Phe Christmas Chee the Sunday School and Home and Schoo! Clube have n busy getting toad and clothing together and ther will be a number of families receive | wxes for Christmas, No doubt they | vill have a much better and applet | Emil wt, Goddvad, ovhy. sham | BOI his dogs, The black one in aby, his aged, but still famous (MANN) made of everyone each ta helj hig, well workers ol hee hristmas than they expected Sunday was White Gili | w CGT, "Chums" had a manger | ade for the parcels, ht fill H overflowing besides a considerable Wont of money \ good attendance was present and njayed the Christmas story told hy | Me, Millard, A number of givls old | how Christinas was spent in differom | Countaias, | The correspondent wishes to take | this opportunity to wish all the read t's column a Merry Christ Happy and Prosperous Sunday and Was shows, holy father for 830 minutes, There wis an exchange of prosents, This Prince Humbert and the Peineessos | photograph shows the Ttabian royal Marvin and Glovanna ta the pope, | childvon at prayer in St, Peter's They were In audience with the | during the visi, The photograph hove seene of vecent resplendent visi of ers ol mas and a New Year, May Enter Contest for Utilities' Commission TI mayor and member of the Water | for the past Hive yoars, 15 seen with | F, L, MABON Planeer in the Hydvo:Elscirie fight | here, wha Is being urged ta Fun | far the Utilities Commission, BRISK HOLIDAY | TRADE REPORTED AT LOCAL STORES Merchants Prepared To Handle Final Rush | Today being 6, aid the lay with th hulle of the done nl th remalng Ww day be witnesses the | wis There are d far memhers of friends who live matter al human ta ery to he forgotten un and then there 1s make up for lost { Has ran | ut i shappir W the oh ( | family hand it fants n { til the last bustle nUrry an time {sha tores ha plendid seasonal 1 have ter 1a the iriet uf navel its have been offered istomers swith the result that | i need ta left the eity ta heen showing window displays made speeial holiday trade heautiful nl have bright interior des for rations of lored Nights § the and the gay strung which were streets were added | the citizens ir Christmas buy OT in tl business ton wtraetion high ff Oshawa tad ing at hom The stares alone | Aled the Christma | ing but also many | W are being sh fd 8 while in Instances | Hghted Cheistma placed In frant of the Indu the have spun pri vil not exemnph in desorat al h in the brightly bec eal win me have CHRISTMAS TREE HELD AT COURTICE [Young People Have Annual Entertainment on Thursday trees n | Courti 1 )¢ L-=Mr, and Mrs Howard Courtiee, OtHawa, ar pond the Christmas holidays with his parents, Mr, and Mi WwW, kK A | ui | Lig evening th Christias aunday Alaintan 1 huesd held a the Key YOUNg tree and ghoal Waa In charge, Program sansisting ol hy the young peoply Wore presented, a reading hy Mi Florence Courtice, "When the Minister Comes to Ten," a reading, the Cohen's Wedding hy Miss Heth Gay, Voeal soles hy Mrs | Staint and Mes, W, R, Courtice, | plano duettes by Misses Hazel Run dle and Sadie Muir, and musia hy the Leauue QOrehestra Afterwards | { Santa Claus appeared with his wite land distributed the presents on the [ tree, Santa Claus was Mr, Ales Sam {aon and Master Harald Osborne ag ted the part ot Santa's wife and | opused lots of laughter hy her fond { of kissing the bavs, They bath acted their parts well, Afterwards bags of candy and oranges were passed to all present and a jolly time spent, Mi home pea pro Foo | ple | Hram | My wd two a wood dialogues nicely ness Lyla Osborne, , Toronto i tor the holidays Mrs, Hugh Fustmunons ter Harry, Detvolt, are father and mother, My 5, Brooks Saturday Clrele met in and Mas visiting her and Mpeg, 8 atternoon the Mission the home of Mrs, A To Award Filter Fo Rundle, and Miss Annie Hal, when the were 'elected for | the coming and a good Christ | mas program presented, Miss Aura! Osborne, presided mn the opening wi | the meetin Miss Aunie Holt gave | the Bible lesson which was a Chyist- | MAS mes novery teresting way, telling story of what Chis Has mean I'he President Miss Hazel Rundle arrived and took charge of the meeting Roading were given hy Miss Velma Gay and Migs Layla Oshorn Mrs, WW, }\ Court a Christinas song and Miss Sadie Muir and Mes, Walter Suider gave musie with plang and taeeardian, Miss Holt passed bags of foandy to tha guests and afterwards Mes, Rundle served Christmas cake, | cookies, and tea, and a jolly social hour was 2njoaved, Mrs, Rundle and Miss Holt were most entertaining ailieers VERY Wie \ the Any OFVICE RTATFR GMC, GIVE #616 TO CHEER VUND The staffs of the general offies and maintensnse grape of Gey eral Matars have responded hand somely ta the appeal for funds for Christmas: Cheer and Welfare Waorls Yesterday afternoon chegue was handed to the Treasurer, W, Jovee fur S440 vepresentin contributions of these (wo stalls, In addition there was previous! welknowledged contribution wi $76 from staff of the planning und production department, the total $816, A number dividual eontributions sent to the Treasurer have als acknowledged, W it making ef direat Gun DRAW WAS MADE LAST NIGHT FOR THE HOPE CHEST NUMBERS OF WINNING TICKETS ARE ANNOUNCED Women's Welfare League Made Close to $1,200 by Fine Effort } Martin af the Women's ihe the NEW game the elimax effort of the f Oshawa Last night, at Theatre, "Hape Chest" Wellare League ning tickets being drawn Tor handsome filrst prige and tl f ather prizes being given in a eam pRlEN to raise funds for the splendid work whieh 1s hy the league in providing elothing and sities for needy families As a result of the draw men have valsed a sun of close ta $1,200, but, «wing te the holders of the lueky tickets helng wn known, it bb not possible dn publish I'he however iVen, a0 Winners win th heing carried on other in th th neee en Ww numbers that the priges their names heen | thelr ha ean elaim Far st a manth now, the 1a dies of the Wamnen's Welfare Leagus have been husy along with thelr other work, selling tiekets for the draw for AlN th beautiful "Hope Chest and other nrizes, Mayor Mitchell drew the tickets from the box on the stage of the New Martin theatre last night hey were announced and the num hers are as follows First, No, 1758 mr Second, Na, 2424, i Phird, Na, 8071 ' Fourth, Na, 1044 Fifth, No, 178! I'he peaple holding these numbers have not yet been located, hut if they will hand in their earresponding tigkets to Me Charles Nehofield, J88 Simeae St, North, the prizes will he awarded, Mrs, Schofield may be gommunieated with by ph ning num her 344 The deaw has proved a Hreat sue oes, the sum of $195.00 being reall god fram the sale af tiekets I'he hope chest, whieh Is the first prise is a beautiful walnut ehest sontain ing bedding, towels, hlankets and other avtigles of the highest guality The other prizes which are of aul quality are also of great value, They are a library table, bridge lamp, sweater and an ash stand, These were all donated ta the society, so that the money made is elear profit Ihis mony = will he used hy the Welfare League in the great work it is doing in connection with relief for the poor and needy of the oy, I'he league wishes ta thank the Mayor for his services at the Theatre last evening, the guests, Sunday services were fing In the morning our Pastor Rey, 1, HL Staln ton, preached an excellent sermon on "Rethroning the King," Special mu sie hy the ehoir, anthem, "Nazareth" and a Cheistinas solo, "The King Cometh" was sung hy Mrs, W, R Courtice, In the afterngen at the Sunday Sehool session the attends ance was large. Miss Aura Oshorne's olass had charge of the apening sos sion with Miss Aura presiding, Miss Flintoff vead the Bible leson and a chorus was splendidly sung hiv the olass with Miss Hlsie Oke singing alo parts, Mis Florenoe Courties gave a reading on "Loving and Giy ing," In the evening our Pastor preached en "The Wide Men and the aar, Deaths BARTLETT At vest in Oshawa, and Monday, Deo, 28, 1828, John Bartlett, aged 84 years, Funeral fram Luke Huvial Op, Parlors, 7 King street east on Thursday, Deo, 364, 1828, Service 2 pom, Interment Union Camatery, (1480) - a Toronto, Monday Sand, ARAN, Harah widow of the lxte LOTT--Died In night, Deo, Annle Lott, Lovi Laott, Funeral servieg will ha held in St, George's Church, Oshawa, on Thuraday afternoon, December 34, 1009, at 2.80, Juterment Union Qametery, (1488) xistence Dec. 31 Commission's Final Act Is a Contract For Plant Extension Fender Accepted For Supply of New Pump to Bring Filter Plant Up To Res quirements of Fire Unders writers | ROARD SPENT 26 YEARS OF SER VICE Had Hard Going at First, But Made Surpluses In Last Eight Years =~ Sues ceeded by Public Utilities Commission A 0, the Cghe ion vesterday af» its lust plege af # sontrael capacity of logs] water } Hi mu | wr | tern n | of busine | tor | th alter Camm weten eine lon tg th | plist at the | Works station [ The Water ( vith the Awa tra ie ih i oexten fli REIONn passes out vear 1089, heing | th Publie Uillities Heh i handles not | f | ierworks, but also the and ¢ plants recently pura } New Pump Bought Hing | Chine 11 | At were tenders law- fit he used filters 10 well whieh it the eity mains, The t tender was that of the Ture | bine Equipment Ca, of Peterbora at | $1,625, and this tender was accepted hy the Other tenders wer Binari Machine Ca, af Har aml Babeoek & Wil af $4,195, The pump will Trav of 3,000 imperial gallons per minute, and will he paws ered 10 horsepower gnotar, Tt will pump of RO gallons ner capacity, and will' bring the station wp ta the we quirements of the report recently whmitted hy the Canadian Fire Uns derwriters' Assoelation It was reported | the elty glneer that had east th gang ab Oshawa $10,000 less three months than the pres VIGUS quarter aud also in the same Inst year his was largely ith Water rates effected recently, and alse ta the fae that eonsiderably less water was ulead last quarter than the normal eons sumption I'his was largely due ta a smaller consumption by seme of the | Industries in the whieh are pars I arly heavy users, th eansidered for & new plant, tn ugh the I Hi gaterday, | pump for nlter Hn the ele n ter th ' Vali qd int Is pu | mission Furnes $1 804 dt it capaet Hon wt by a replace a minut PUNE elim cite the Watley m last in quarter dug 1 decrease In Cily Water | Surplus For Year |. The engineer reported that the Water Commission would finish the Year with a surplus, The Commission had a $2000 surplus to start the year 199 and during the first six months had added $17,000 ta it, In the last six months, the Commission would break about even, however, Out of this amount $5000 had heen paid to the eity towards the redues the tax rate, and twe pleses af equipment had been purchased for cash, the large gasoline driven ausils ry pump at about $21,000 and the filter plant pump just being installed, at $1,025, Hy paving for these units in eash, the ety was saved a large wnount of interest payments on des hentures the elty's debenture debt was not inereased, This left a net surplus at the end of the yoly af $3,000 to $35,000 Tin eommenting on the passing ops of afies of the Water Commission, Lily Engineer Smith sald that iv was st 25 years ago that the eammissisn was formed to handle the then new waterworks system, For the firse several years the Hoard was not able to eledr expenses, and was forced to report deficits which were met out of the sate, In the last glght years however the Waterworks have pid surpluses, so that the de Po ton af y and goad af the previous years have heen mara than wiped out City Engineer Smith renavked furs ther that the assets of the Waters Works were nearly $2,000,000 as 00ms pared with the eumbined value of tho eleatrioal and gas plants ofMess than #750,000 Fhe waterworks Ww therefore, the west important wii with whieh the new Publis Usil Commdssion would have to deal, sald a Rf | FEE EE RR a | EERE §f Coming Events 8 Cents per word each ns | sorton, Minimam charge \ for each insertion, Bde, FREEEBIES SQUARE AND ROUND DAN Alhart, Hiveet Hall tolght, 24, Boh Wood's Blue Privas tor hest dress lmite Chpistmas, 280, (14 he Rat \ A 0 SUNSHINE LODGH HOPR © to he drawn Feiday evening at Progressive Kuohva In t fellows' Hall (1480) Card of Thanks A, JW, Holdsworth w Hike fo thank Dy, R, MoMul the nurses of the Oshawa H 3 Lend a Hand Olah, Mizpah Kastorn Har No, 13, Toranta White Shiine No, 4, Robekah Lodge No, #, King 8, Ladies® Af Miss Jaokson's Class King #4, A All friends for thelr Kindness to we during my recent illness san

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