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Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Dec 1929, p. 4

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1929 y honing ALE V4 L + 2 ¥ op ig, ! A ! i LA i " MA . # I N + A 1 i 4 ' fra dis ak 1 # / & (Batablished 1871) o independent newipsper published every afiormecs wusop) Bundeya and ings holidays, st Ophaws Caneda Mundy Printing Company, 1 Chae M Mundy, Provident; A R yi hei LC] Fg PEE EE i ot TIONED Hah Ww ieee of dhe eee, the LU Hh Ua "ww ima Pt Onraria, PiovIml {7 Audit Buresv of Clvenlations SUBSCRIPTION RATES DOolivered by sarvier. Ibe » woek ' By mall In Canade (outside Oshawe carries delivery mite), $400 » your United States, $500 » your TORONTO OFFICE 407 Bond Building, 66 Vemperance Btroet, Telephone Adelaide 0107 HD Trevidder, voprosoniative REPRESENIATIVES IN U §, Pevors and Bony, tne, New York snd Ghlsage, a rrr ------ TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1929 a ,--_...=L or Spt ------ THE FIRNT CHRINTMAR f vy Av ond the (Bt. Luke, Chapter 4, Verses 8 1910) And there were in the same ebuntry shepherds abiding in the fields, keeping wateh aver hale, floek hy night t And 16 the angel of the Lord ene upon then and the glory of the Lerd shone avahild abou then and they were sere atrald And the ange! Jald Gnte thet, Fear poly for Hes hold, 1 bring nite vol good Hdings of grant Joy, whieh shall' he wall poops» Far unto vou is born this day, in the sity of David, a Bavieur, whieh & Chiles the Levd, And this shall be & sign unite you) ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling elathes lying In & And suddenly there wae with the ange! & mulls tude of the heavenly host pralaing Cod and saying Cilary vo Gad dw the dilighsale and, on garth neace, goodwill teward nen 4 And It ta "away from them inte one te anether, Let us now go Gyven unto Bethlehem, and see this thing whieh Is some to pass, whieh the Lord hath made known unto de And they eame with haste, and angels weye shepherds the gune sald cane PARE, Ha heaven, the found Mary and ' 4 & Joseph, and the habe lying In a mange hy py #1 this Ehild i And when they had seen it, they made Known abroad the saving whigh was told thew concerning And all they that heard {F wondered at those things Hy whieh were told them by the shepherds \ # ads hy ' wy Ne A sameane else asl A bay Ll h 4 Ay in 1 though the gifs we A plemats, The diy But Mary kept all these things, and pondered (hem her heart PEACE ON EARTH a ------ What a hain oustorn has edie down to uy when the Heavenly nly begotten Kyen long age the warld, his #iving now are material things, aver sines that day Father gave as ou gift ko Son the of give there {a a feeling which exists at Christmas that fs felt at no other time thsoughott (NE whole Fear feeling of friendliness and goad will when old and young, rich and poof arg all dol something for Christmas 1s the one time In the year gustam Christmas when men of all Christian nations reaeh nearer that and brotherhiond for whieh dis goal ef perfeet pene individuals are flateamen nations and tripling v : Jil UV Lh BURT, Rearing same extra pennies, not for himself; hue wo buy 'a Chests mas gil 0 sanieone, The beautiful lady deiving abesugh the pipnded sieges ju her shiny roalater ts 106 Busy 1 1Mk ahdut the ghod We she herseli will have an the festive day, She is wondering just what will hiring pleasure 10 the unfortunate little Kiddies in some orphanage or it maybe, that wt that Very wgnent phe ds weary from working as hard as ddvend conkl packing boxes of feed and loathing to he sent 10 the needy and poor ef hes eity, The mother Tn the Heme da plating the mest pleasant surprises for her family and ne matter how humble the hame may bey the mother 1a usually able 10 think of samething that wil make her ehildvey happy, Fillies Are always vondy 19 Belg at Christy mad, Very Olen ft is Be wha Ws the gpperfunity of Sliving over all the joys of vanished youth" when he takes the ehildren out 10 det the Christmas roe and brings it howe to decorate, Rays and girls, however, are the happiest ef all the folks at this season, "With visiods of sugar planw" danelng in their heads they ave tueked away to sleep Ahe night before, hut @iithe fivst peep of doy hed are up and anxiously Afading open crinkly pawkages of tissue paper hearing the eards "Tu Sonny fram Santa," Repeiving these longed for gifts would net seem hall so. wonder had no these sama have and | girl played some part iy helping ta make "the day a Brighter and siamier (he for someone tess: fariunate, Pothaps they Sved (heir pennion to buy @ present for another little hoy or mir! wham they Kyew would not have a very werry Christings or they may even have taken a basket of fruit or some flowers to an old lady and gentleman whe had ne one to think of ther en Christina, The Kinds of gis gry og nmsious 20 mentian They range front the simplest artisles 10 ihwse of great price, But what ia the inspiration of this giy tg? Dasdtoet loved War net the wits of Hig whose Mrthday we celebrate an Chifstnas given out of love for all people on earth? Love makes this warld a happler- place ta live inand ba one kind thowghis of loved ens at Christmas we make it the happiest day A #5, Aba he piri of Christmas 1% wiving and the inspiration of giving is ove moat CHRINTM AS PRIA Gp / Tamorvow Is Christmas day, Tt iv without & sha dow of i doubt the brightest day dn all whic year, 1s hlerved by mins peaply and brgs, more happiness than any other ecenslon, Por weeks its soning his heen heentp antisipated as it has charm for oid and young wil, "The Netle ehitd, who has Just leirned ba lwp cup Dis fink few words, is sensible of its joys, [6 he has heen brought Inte & Christian home he has henrd of the little babs whe was bern in # manger on that eventful aight se many years ago, The old man, wha with faltering footsteps (6 nearing the end of 1ifte's jorney, 18 moved to think of huppler days thst have gone before as the good cheer of Christmas time brings warmth and semfort 10 his aged body, "The message of Christmas is one of salvation and immortality and although denth may he close at hand he feels that his soul will net perish. The spiritual message of Christmas Ia Interpreted in a phystes! way, Tt Is a Yime for vejoleing, of rels lowship snd making merry, Those whe have been absent In distant places flack home to the familar firebide and gather onee more with parents, brothers, slotgrs and relatives, Children who have heen keyed up with interest aver the coming of Barta Clady find thst thelr childish hopes hve © been veulised and break forth into delighted. glen when they dissover the gifts which th folly HY whee he Wrdanged wo carefully under the Christmas tree, Then thers is the traditional Christmas dinner with its amplitude of yoad things, fowl, dresslog, cranberry sauce, pli pudding, fruit ake, nuts, oranges and candy, Moth ere who through the weeks previous have plamied and tolled in preparation feel compensation Yor thels efforts In a ehild's happy smile or the sutisfaetion bf hiving thelr loved ones about them Hf only for ene hirief day, Nor daey tha Chrlstmas spirit eonfing itself 10 the home alode, 1 spreads through the business world and. permeates the husy Nie of the shop, office ad fuotory,. Bleangers are surprised to find themselves wishing eneh other & "Merry Christmas I'he Joy of many is helghtened because they have not for gotten to assist In providing ehoer for those less for inate than themselves, and in humbler homes, wher Heim poverty threatens, there 1s thanksgiving that th heart of 'mankind has not grown eold Many years have volled by slnee that firsr Chlst mad and sinee the angels sang "Glory to God in the Highest, aid on earth peace, good will toward men," Me wha was born In a manger at Bethlehem went about dong good but beesuss Hie message wis new to the world, enemies rose against Him and He was erueified, But humanity 1s moving though slowly and with muell weaving, men are hi ghaning to put Anote and mors Into the teadhings of Christ, the Fhe object of pea and goed will is advancing among men and natidns alse, With Christmas comes the full vealisation af the truth of the prephesy of Bimeon, the old man of the temple, * Holding the ehild Jesus "In Ws "arms he praised God and sald, "For mine eyes have seen thy "Which thea hast prepared Lofors the Taee of all people | "A lght to lghten th thy forward, and practice salvation, Lienitile people Tevael a THE WATER COMMISSION PANNEN As the year 1929 digg, 16 takes with ft inte histe the Oshawa Wats hidy within] men has, for 35 years, administered the wa ter serviees of (hin ely well, and they are giving wa hy the administer Commigslon his ol mareh of being suceeded Publis Utilities whieh net only the the gas plants reoently purehased by the elt When I A elvie waterworks system heres the Bubject of hot contraversy, not sa wueh aver the tablahment of the plant, but aver the oles 10 he pdepted, For many years "the commision formed Yo manage the system faced hard going It was almost Impossible after year, the board had to re met out of the general tax rate For the last olght years, however WOKS syaiem haw heen on a paying basis the men. naw on the Water on that bedy dor wast @ this perled, and to th foes a great deal of the ervedit far the wise handih of this usility so that the net only shown a profit, but has been able hack to the @lty, in various ways, enough 16 offs! the delete of all the previous youn The Jeoal avarerworks « avaiem has Known an & model of efolent manngement, and wth munieipalities, still faced with an annual waterwork defiett, Teele with envy on Oshawi's standing, 'Noy only have the loeal revenues been more than sufi lent 10 pay operating and capital charges, but val reductions have been possible to time throughout the elght years, Added to this, the Co mission has heen able to buy equipment out of sw pluses, thus saving the large enirg expense of paying intereat on debentures, Fer instdnee, during ah vear 1980 whe Commision nk heel able to make ou subshanti redaation, in ovitgs, and te purchase 1 PUMMBRE unite one gesting ahous $22000, and on contig appresimatety L600, Aout of surpluses, thy city not having da add wn (NFA se 1s debenture debi 10 prayide thes, HEERSTARY exlensiops to the wakes services nN \ oN A ward. of pemmendation sees alin due to Gin Enginess Wo Cofimith, enghioar tor the Commission during whose rn ol Gli 4 hey ON a healthy stan of affairs hag hoon shown hy the Gagmission An was potintad our at the lash ineddiag of the Wy tor Commission, last night, the waterworks assets ay valued at nearly Ywo millon dollars, Although the eleotrioal and gas plants are important, the assets w presented hy them total! less than §F50000 11 wand seem reasonable, therelore, that some of the present members of the Water Commission shonld he placed in office hy the electors on the Publio Utilities' Com mission, to gaint in caveying on the administration of the larger group of uiilities, of whieh the wales works will forma a wader part 1a the Progress, Commission, will waterworks, but also eleadirionl and eatibli Was the wis decided, 23 yearn age heme Various pi Hi ends meet, and yea port 19 mak v defiell, ta be foen! wiles hy COmmission have served operation of the system has 19 Mw Llane hevame LARS LU ATT Re ER, EDITORIAL NOTES Kuowing when to speak and when 10 keep quiet 18% rare gift that few people seem 10 possess mm -- rm There ave so many ealumityhowlers in Candda at now that strength Bs given to the mamoer that a federal campatagn is nat far Wit ---------- The Foremto candidates who wig oftering ime diate work for the unawploved are going to have hard time ving wp 10 their preselection promises, | "Other Editor's Comments BAVER AIR TRAVEL ("Fhe Wambler" in the Dally Mirror) Linpartant vestlta;, § Veurn, hve (ol Jawad Arinly, reeently wade on thn continent, to discover the enuses of wit ner dipatern fhe results, it 1s cliimed, will eventually make alreraf| the salest means of ravelllpg, Borns and wimospherie distirhaless ure, am told, very much ta eraft In the si, what jocks and shoals are io ships on the water, buy, white the urea shirts do not mlier, Br or weie ther ehirts are never two diye like, Nevertheless they wre sontinyeusly heli made with great ueewvaey, In Cigrmiuny the experiment has heen tried with some art of keeping the Ingest weather weerafh navigiutor by vislaw, Heng ahle to weather soniilons and to select the smagethest "witer" Is a step towards making Journeys by. slrship, for exe eimple, vary a means of ele y dodge wdverse ssgrtr UMP BUM (HLrnt UMp. Iu Rerun) shawn sends wut word hist i new plank bb to open thers about the mid the uf January, As iorule we are willing and ready ta reloles with every place thal warty a new factory ar enlarges un onlpting eng Hall makes good news Hut in this case we ean't exactly relates very mueh, for we read "thi fem will manufacture wutomabile bumpers" OF caurss ta have bumpers on them Ie that even Insurante uke IF girn wre so equipped they Insure them Hut there 1a something unpleasia about that blunt statement, "the Arm will manufacture automobile bump org" Perhaps wo are a trifle over sensi Uljeet, hut the message con us the Impression that hung 1] bumping, and It 1s this huniping Iden that we have hoon ching | eacnpe during the How hen th Christmas season | ahroad in the It Ip negessury for vist Wi fi CONPRIes Jer ve on Veys lo wre fo nes Iniud DANGERS OF DAILY LIFE (Fram the New York Times) hose who ack courage foi enterprise ta fears for thelr phystenl sufety, should fake heart from the vesord Pittsburg CONPan If they hesitat Mixth Avenue ol treet, or put ait trom thelr Best airplane vid il reports of seeidonta happen to people In the peace ful pursuit of a humdrum routine hould make the avenue Comparison oF the eompany was in mplling a Hat of the un xpected hazards which een to go far out of thely find vietim For Nfteen kept a record of them One man kieked a thief out of Wi ind Broke Another harhed wire He , Hue ol a in BUIRNLE hetore evo Fhirty «he day 10 vill TT rth | whieh fem fe In An oMcal forested In wt wana! and une way | years he the hones In his own chink aid Pursues hop feo through # while the was painfully hung th Av case ol ardently embraced by & fiend that rib wis fractured Another unlueky dividual put tn ow elatm for juries sustained viding In a troll whingman had thrown a shovelful of hot asphalt inte the cur And Inte the claimant's lap alking auietly to a lohh of a htiding might sidered ety ante You wel placid IL the " horse and trad un talkers chased o fonve, fowl escaped, the up hen thes Wits UNE WHE Was 8 while Car Aw he in far im pert WIA nees i report Can f° hall ol the | Bits of Humor GOOD EXAMPLE ods estimated that a cow jaws 41000 thes 8 day \n HE aay a word te hurt anyone What & evmmendable aves | hey | Ho | either pinple | ON (Petrol Free Prem) Prue Wilson that prohibition "in the greatest moral sug ges of any adventure of the ape [We never supposed that general eon [ditions were an bad as that | CONDITIONA BAD | Clarenes COAXING A FIRE Husband 1 You aveuse we af rect leks extravignnes, When did 1 eve make & vseloss purehass Witer What about, that fire ex taguishor yom Ix AY a Nour a We've never tired (1 ened | MUSEUM ITEM | "Wha ds Mabel ao angey Ff The pap | gave a full acount of her wed | \ ea ding Yes Mi well Nebel but they put tn that | Rinek field Was married a the Known eallegtar af antiques,' | spadier (Zarieh) 1 | | THE RIGHT INSCRIPTION A fiotorist touring Wales was Ariel and sometimes amused by th finsepiptions in Welsh which he saw in vations parts of the eouptry One morning hoa hotel when th dttendant was showing hm toh bath, the vishtor paused beforg the in seription wi the nat | Mam Hah" he masddy "Ui fihar's Welsh tar 'Weleame' NB ale" sald the attendant, "the bith mat happens 10 he wpside down,' Public Opinion | ACCOMMOBA LING, BUT Fo WW hie was having his diwingsvoon Fane Ws hathroom repapereds The men arrived 10 do the work just as he was leaving for the oii Make @ good job ef i" sald \Whit het tk When he returned home that ew ning he found that the work had {heen done very well indeed, But the wet had made Just one small astake Phew had put the dinfngeromn pa fper in the bavhroony, white the dine IE Toa Wan tastenitly adored in fa design of green Wing and purple water hlies | MUHA are vou going © do ahowt 0 demanded \Whittle, after ho had sat a few other things, 1 odunng, sin" replied the warkman soratehing hin head, "IN willingly we the bath for veh, hat that's {| lumber Jo Vancouver Stal hirt before the and the aly | friend In the Just laid the villa Ww, D, TYLY, PUB oy my ADA (OKLANOMA) KEWH, 1] hat the orontive instinel, or the Inward urge to Juiid, § the wronged human impulse, The Ahi huilde Jus toys and wanig all 18 friandn to woe it, The business Wan 8 kind to show the home, the Wusinens, the 1st of eustomers he has made by his own efforts, The mother's greatest pride is fn her offspring, the think to which she has glven Wie Haelf, Kvery novmal person wants 10 leave hohind, when he passe oon, some monument b whieh future genorstions will Judge him, A great bullting "giant business, » new oll Held, un Improved farm ov ranch, love In the heavis of those with whom he comes Ins fo eontaet, Bhnkiosponrs wis wrong when ho sald (hat, only evil Niven after ws, The good thst. men do conatitute the only worth while monument, Toa bulldo=that 1s the great thek of ull of us Hulld houwes, build furme, bulld businesses, hulld ehays wetter, bulld human yoy, The urge to bulld 1s what makes wdvertislng no niiruetive A Ken grution weo I required a Hietime for & man to bulld a great busi TLE With the assistance of HeWapapey pavertiving, one oan now hulld a husluess to the seme dimensions within an year nr even fn osharier time here 1s no long any resson tov uw meditorious belng wu from Advertining tha ai to Hroatoy bullding ny produet the start rect Fouls not LLL TL in power ™wn HTORN HAN A AND IN HAN MUCH IN FOI THE MAN WHO VIRION OF WERVICH WILLING TO BPEND MONKEY TO LET THE WORLD KNOW WHAT KIND OF BEN. VICK HK CAN RENDER, HH CAN BUILD THULY AND QUICKLY, won ---- SS Bits of Verse SANTA CLAUS think he AlL in th lent Adross the roots, And when 1) \ I hike to Heten for tl OF hl I lke t tly cones mht weross the rid Is white dark, sound reindeer feel of him HERAT mike weel I hl hink of With | ht H { But dearer | han # hid his wondrons pac hen his pleasant task Irives contented back, far, il vhit AOGINA om i I oahining iy y=inemori Wand m ALIX THORN CHRISTMAS me the "refs earth white | Chranalated fy I'h ) in dark I'he Fhe Christ 1s hoo Qler Him so) chimes ring merrill Ih \ ving No curtailing warmly draped around Preserve the ehitld from cold Pot hanging from the beams are spy Ihe plders hold | webs fe tumbles on the clean fresh hil of love Hi Wari abs raw; Fhe dear heist | While ox and at | Their hromh » , fom ap 1 From which the snow [| All robed 1) | "ood newa' t . manger give We ening kite vhove the reof, doth hang white the angel ehol Hepherd GLEAM altar ate) NE nthe CATCHING { Reni I knelt And eanght the glean Which lke a spear of Hght Pleveed through the heart of Jeans, As in pletured glory He there can f With sheep and ehildren | Groups od adoring! an angel « | Rosidy anoangel on the alatex | knelt, And tonehed the hem, OF that white roby, While upon a salve Silvered from the mewn \ sleeping bah Lay erated a deoam stops Nestde an angel on the altar steps I Knelt, Within the shadow of His wing And wept far that sweet habe, Vhonmh angels held Mim up, And God in all Fis glory came With Holy Gerald fo bid this habe 10 sa Ray LEWIS » ie. Abu i FN have told you & sore of tines, fy ld wet to say Mohave went! sehoohnaster, "Now [yon will stay (in and Write the correct expression one hundred tines" tes sehool the bay set 10 work w© From! hin lines, When he had tine fahod he left them on the master's desk with & litle note: "Dear ate" own, 1 have wrote 1 have gone a hundeed times, and now 1 have went" The Velee af the Shapherd ghoop hear wmv volee, and I knew theny, and they' follow wet Awd | ive unto thew eternal Bite: and they shall never perish, 'neither shall any Wan pluek them out of my hand, «= fohm 10:28 = Prayov shepherd 1s } 5 hat Tesla wy thas Hie vod Any sont resis The Officers and Staff of the entral Canada Loan and Sualringn Company Wish You a Wery Merry Christmas and 8 Prosperous New Year MANAGER, OBHAWA BRANCH Christmas 1929 ei -------------------------------------------------------- a --_-- - " a The Mystery of Christmas (From the London Spectator) Ml | to get restless od and stepped off, "Thank "I'm not travelling fine tomorrow, an sure that 1 could IY the infinlte God never lay ora Hed In a human Mother's arms, with A manger or got and stable for home, no wondering shepherds were sums noned hy the Angel Most and no Wise Men were led by a star to wor ship in that humble spot, then whe will explain to us how that strange story stamped ttaelf on the conscious ness of the world? What magie did it possess that ever singe that night long wire & countless procession, fron all nations and kindred and peoples and tongues, has followe! in the foots steps of shepherds and sage 10 Wons der and to worship at their side? And the present no less than the past brings itr witness, for on this Christ mas, a on all shinfng Chritmas days iretehing right across the ages, (0 avery quarter of our Nttle elondsghin earth will kneel a multitude fanum merable fn adoring love before the Infinite Mystery, To cars attuned the volees of the wreat host of living and of dead, (n triumphant aeclaing are ax the sound of many waters drowning tn thelr hunder the battled questionines of the groping human wind, "So minke me to possess this Mystery that I may not desire to wns derstand," sald Coventry Palmore, PENS RE ES We extend to all our pats rons and friends our Nest Wishes for a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS wo ald = BRIGHT AND HAPPY NEW YEAR E, F. CAWKER 46 Rimoon Breet North Phone 1800 AMS INNRRCRRRS the ute and If we made hig prayer our own, perohance we should more easily, find Fhe bug pulled In to the eurb, and the ald tady \ to the conductor that it start until she had elimbed the stairs, "Are you gll right, ma'am! ho mn quired, when she had reached the top. No," war the reply Impatiently the conductor waited stairs," pate to Huht, warded (1 with » request should net scorn at the chie hm, "is belng "Walt a that kep' "is 'ead GOWN again min I'm comin " room you so much," Inside the passengers were beginning The old lady descends she. sald, today, | hut | the ught Demight 1°, for a ride if ite ( wanted 10 Jake manage those A "Have vou anything to say before the sentence Is passed!" inquired the Judie of a convicted burglar, "Tha only thing I'm Kleking about," replied the burglar glaring with gpen witness Identified by a man under the alathes the 'ole time I was Inthe agaipn lind» --. a. -- rs EE asaans Why Burn More Money | Than Neccesary 74 You Are Saving it by Buying Fuel at the Following Prices Terma «= Net Cash Per oe BUCKWHEAT § 0.98 PEA one 13.00 NUT LILA LY 15.00 BGG... ind 15.00 STOVE .. 0 1880 OTTO COKE ..., 13.850 Neo, 1 Body Hardwood, dry Hardwood Factory Cuttings, dry Hardwood Slabs, dry ARARRARARAAR ARAN 28 Albert Street Sone Rorione 80 oF ee Te SF, EVERSON, Local Manager 2 Private Wire System 17 KING STREET EAST. OSHAWA A Phones 143 and 144 * Genuine Scranton. Anthracite | $4.00 per 14 Cord' $4.00 por Load - | $3.78 per load PRICE «= QUALITY « QUANTITY «- SERVICE W. J. TRICK COMPANY LIMITED: - Phone 230, 231

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