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Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Dec 1929, p. 7

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THF OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, DECEM PRR A Merry Christmas * And Happiness throughout the coming year, FROM | Karn's Drug Store 5 UES ME EEE SHE ai vee h ake TERRS MEMES MES MMPS RES ES FRANCE WAS ONCE HOME OF ESKIHO Dr. H. H. Ami Conducts In- teresting Work of Explorgtion Halifax, N.8,, Dec, 23~That Frances was the pre-historic home of the Canadian Eskigo Is the belief of Dr, H, A, Ami, following exploration work in the caves and hillsides of Vordogne, France, from which he has Just returned, Dr, Ami, who makes the study ol pre-historic man and times his specinl subject, arrived here with 38 cases of specimens of fossil which wre being ipped to the Laboratory of Geology ut Bitawa, and which will be avail- able to Federal and Provincial mu. soums and to edfiayss, For five months Dr, Ami has been In France where he was directing the operations of the party operating under the auspices of the Canadian School of Pre-History, which, for eight years, has been carrying on in- vestigations Into the habits of the pre-historie man and of the fossils of animals and fauna which have been discovered in this section, Interest ing material regarding the various pe: riods of the world's evolution hive been found In South West France and the Canadian concession at Dor dogne, n four years In one hillside alone, Dr, Ami sald, over 20000 specimens had been discovered, Many of thes: showed in implements of warfare, art and pottery the same character tics sunt mark the work of the Can Season's Greetings woX£ Dewland's LJ roe St, | | | ht. ------------ adian Eskimo, Next year will show even mors startling and Interesting developments, Dr. Ami ways, The kull of a Magdalenian man discover d shows identically the same char teristics an the Eskimo skull, As weather and elimatie conditions Janged, the animals which formed ne food, and provided the clothing nd weapons of pre-historic man were forced from France, across durope, and finally into Northern snada, and many followed the tral, +he ait of the ancients as demon trated by the articles recovered by excavation Is Identical with that of he Eskimo, Traces were found this year of reat flood, which, Dr, Ami said, was robably caused by warming condi lons of the earth which opened the reat flood gates of ice and sent tor rents of water down into the val leys, destroying man and beast, This was discovered at Combe Capelli, on the Canadian concession, where im plements tooled by man were dis covered ground to pebbles by the ac tion of great waves, Fireplaces, where the shaggy citi sens of 400,000 years ago made then homes, chambers, where they carved with minute delicacy thelr desire to - ASIII CII SHB BBS Inn © DB SBI SB Season's Greetings We wish to thank our many closing. and a trons and friends for their gener- ous support during the year now We wish you all a very MERRY CHRISTMAS ry A pa- e LEN DUMONTELLY 1d<year-old Chapleau boy, Is seen here with the pelts of two foxes ho caught within a quarter mile of his home, The second fox wae being attacked by a wolf when the x approached and an éxciting few minutes, wanscribe thelr lives and thelr Ideals oi beauty, In 8 manner far surpassing the art of the ancient Egyptians, amps which they used to light thes chambers, and whizh are of the same type us that used by the Eskimos of way, were discovered, 'Wruces of the various stages of the reat periods which were history be- (ore history was made are all found n this section, the Canadian School Is vider the auspices of the Royal So city and in conjunction with the deuux Arts de France, 'I'he French authorities have been most courteous and helpful to the Canadians, Mr Aml sald, and all specimens recovered are sent to the Meoux Arts, What working articles which ure duplicates, Many splendid specimens were ound this year and these will go to itawn for classification and along with 50,000 or 60,000 already in the Laboratory at Ottawa, will be avail ble for Canadian Universities, The niversity of British Columbia, the University of Toronto, MeGill, the University of Alberta, Dalhousie Une wersity will recelve eollections, Dr, Ami spent eight years in Nova Scotian, where he pald particular at. tention to the rock formations and 0 the fossils of the Maritime Pros vances and was one of those who dis govered the nature of the Nova Sco tan slate which is closely welded to. ther with granite, He made exten ive studies in the mining section, taining rare and valuable speci mens, sometimes at the risk oF hin life, In all he has spent thirty years studying the {ossil- of Nova Scotia and geology in Nova Scotia, There is, Dr. Ami stated, a move ment In Canada, at the present time to begin an extensive study of pre. historie man In Canada and else where, The Enslishman who says Am- erieans have no imagination should read the newspaper story of the fire In Washington which wan "onuned by a clgarette lighter,' --- Macon Telegraph, hey choose they retain und return (AGE OF INDIAN RUINS DISCOVERED BY SCIENTISTS Date of Erection of Build ings Fixed by Growth Rings of Trees A Aa TIA Washington, D.C, Dee, 23~0Out of the silence of the prehistoric past the National Geographic Society has at length drawn the answer to the most baling riddle in the pre-Columbian history of the United States ~~ the dates at which scores of Tmportant Indian ruing of the southwest were built, Just as human fingerptints unerr- ingly have yielded up criminals to the law, so have the annual growth rings of tree trunks given up to sei- ence the eanlendar records of 1,200 ears of history beginning with AD, 00, An exhaustive study of the trunks of living trees, compared with the re- cord of sun-spots and: other, natural phenomena led sclentific expeditions of the soclety to establish a definite relation between the two, It was then possible to compare the annual growth rings of the timbers of the southwestern Pueblos to living ones which were growing at the same time and fix the dates at which the pres historic buildings were erected, MEXICO ADOPTS NEW PENAL CODE Mexico City, Dec, 23.~The new Federal penal code, abolishing the Jury system, and providing other radical reforms, became effective yostorday In the Federal district and the territories, The code was drawn up and pro: mulzated under wpecial powers nranted by Congress to Provision President Portes Gil, Because tho nomy in such matters, the code does not apply to them unless they choose to substitute it' for the ex- isting laws. The code stipulates that there shall be no punishment for the slaying of a mate caught In an act involving the, slayer's honor, or for the slaying of the other party to the met, so long as the slayer has not before taken a life for similar reason, It allows a fath- or to slay a davehter apprehend od tn an set of dishonor, and her wodneer alwo, The person who steals once to appease his hunger or that of those depending upon him ix free from nunigshment under the new ends The denth pennity, exeent in oanee of rebellion and certain politica' erimes, la abolished, ee... i RETAPAPY ppp tn te THE STAFF OF The Bell Telephone Co. constitution gives the states auto | BER 24, 1920 / POOLS EOSIN IPOD 1D IROaEs Rees PAGE I8 io $ A MERRY CHRISTMAS 1: IS my earnest wish that this Christmas may be the happiest and gladest day of the whole year, That every heart shall be light, and that no home in Oshawa shall want for any of the joys which go to make a perfect Christmas, For the New Year, may a new era of prosperity and happiness be the lot of every person within our bounds, T. B MITCHELL MAYOR, | : ; : ¢ SIMBMOII Ea # Ty PLY RT EY ry " NS NY Tx Lo ) A EO RS ES LE SR SS Saray # To wigh pou all the jops of Ghristmag- tide and happiness in the New Pears EATON CROCETERIA OPERATED BY #T. EATON Cw Preapron) " HAFPY NEW YEAR of Canada - LAMBLE'S SIMCOE STREET, SOUTH IN OSHAWA, NOW NUM. BERING 110 WORKERS, EX. TEND TO THEIR MANY PA. TRONS = TO YOUsweeeswee and YOURS! Ry A a. - |MW|WEEVNV ty ct so , B PRONE Lie mG : & | oe oo : & : oe : oa Ln ~~ -- SE. 5 EHREE HS HEED HEHE MRED HERES RES TED ERD BEST WISHES For A Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year | ta af pd ~ George C. Allch:n LIMITED i 15 CHURCH STREET PHONE. 1438 I ik 1 23S Bun BU OBB IMI SBD RMS, Ci RRS Heartiest Christmas Greetings and Best Wishes for The New Year Fh ATTY O everybody in this good old town of ours we extend our best wishes for a Merry, Christmas and a Happy New Year, More than that -- we want to say just a word in appreciation' of the confidence, encourage- ment and gobd will of our friends and custems ers. When we think of their cordial friendli« ness, their generous co-operation and the pleas surable human relationship that has been the result, we cannot help but feel that this old world is getting better all the time, Again -- our most sincere greetings, ; 4 Their ambition is that throughout 1930 they may be able to maintain the city's service at a standard in all respects, befitting the most progressive come munity in the province, r WETTER Ce SRA ATR H. M. BLACK, Manager JOHNSTON'S wee FORT ODVEV IIIT DOERIDT I ICRI 0 HEOUEUENE HENNE © HEE HERE 5 NE LL TILSICOCVOCITCLICIODTOD ee ee ie i ig Cp

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