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Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Dec 1929, p. 8

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Adv SE BIGHT - THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1929 hel PA EST TORONTO AND VICTORIAS UNIOR O0.H.A. GAMES FY = pr West Toronto Wins From A Young Rangers, 8-0 -- . Danforths Are Blanked by Victorias, 5-0, voronte, Dec, 24~~West Toron- juniors' showed why they are most fénred team In the OHA, nfor series, when they breezed ough 0 a one-sided victory ayer Ed, ildey's Young Rangers rathdr drab, but stiff checking test at Ravine rink last night, nning dn four quick counters In e first 'frame, three in the wec~ md and one in the third, the con erors of the Niagara Falls Cat- mots mhintained au dizzy proe at kept 'thely opponents on the defensive for the \gremtoer part of the game, and had little difenlty fp registering an 8B to 0 triumph, CC Ghoosipd ant Individual star pers "former on this West Toronto team would be a difficult assignment, Last nightyGeddes, Hearn and Do- ran werg (clevey, Lamport, Kerr and Kremsler were cleverer, while Thoms, Gracle and Ewings ocew "wlonally #howed fashes of brilllan. ey, Gragld, with four counters led ' the goal-getters, As well as show: dmg rave scoring ability, his sweep. ing poke check at mid-ice broke «up any Bguger attempts at com. bination, Bwing and Thoms alters nating, West Toronto centre lee . + players bpph worked hard and got ' Y friendly, . Ran~er goal, ATR ITDNTS REE THT Ea rT, TS a yesults, Pwo of Thoms' tricky passes blpgsomed into goals, The i first ong in the second period when the body checking was gets tihng hove the careful stage, and the checking was anything but Hearn had stopped a Ranger dqlo effort near his own defense, apd passed to the former Nowmarket performer, who was stationed' at centre foe, Thoms gulckly whipped the puck to Gra- ele, who started with him for the Hurst and Shelly, Wildey's |alow-moving defenseman, were oufekly disorganized hy the onrushing short passing attack, and left thelr citadel wide open, The quicky steady moving Thoms was always in the rirht place on T GENUINE RADIOTRONS, AY ALL DY ALLENS thats why experimenters TUBES INFVERY SOCKET ® o ' iol \ WARLE w Fruit TEA King St. E, (Upstairs) Rangers and Danforths L Lose Out in Junior Tilts this rush, apd slthough surround- ed by three of the enemy, when ahout to shoot, slipped over a nest pass to Gracie, who poored, f Young Rangers--Gonl, Goldie; defense, Hurst &nd Shelly: centre, Danni wings, Stinson and Moffat; withs, GriMth, Pearse and Hurst, West Torento-~Goal Geddes; defense, Hearn and Doran; centre, Thome; wings, Gracie and Lamp- ort; sibs, Bwings, Kressler, Kerr and Davis, Referee~~Jimmy Loftus, Danforths suffered thelr second straight defeat in O.H.A, Junior group No, 6 at the Arena Gardens last night when they were blanked Jp to 0 by Toronto Victorias, The erippled Kast Enders had a bigger margin of the play than the score indientgs, but they failed to show any scoring punch, Theg ame was witnessed by less than one hund- red fans, but it was an Interesting contest because hoth teams tried all the way, Donforthe kept im- nroving to such an extent that In the final period they continually oneried the play te Vietorias' end of the vink and kept the stalwar! defense pair of Teasdale and Stew art busy breaking up thelr attacks Only inexperience around the net and poor shooting kept them off the score sheet, The winners scored two goals in the opening frame and as many more in the mod-way session, In the final session they added anoth- er through the intercession of the referee, who decided that Stewart's "hot had crossed the goal ine fol lowing. a scramble at the Dane forth net, The goal jud~e failed to flash the light and claimed it Was not a' tally, Viotorias--Goal Webster; de fanse, Terndale and Rtewart; cen. 're, McMillan; right wine, Chis holmi. left wing MeNahh: subs, "ullivan, Mitehall, Moore, Goeoder- "am (sub goal), Danforth A.C.-=flonl Timpson! Aaferne, Price and Tunling: een: tre, Hark; rirht wine, Orown; loft win®, Rinnle: snubs, Vinlette, Arm- strone, Deughney, Referee--~A, Mollenhaur, YANKEES TO PLAY 32 GAMES IN MONTH New York, ' Deo, 34,~Over a stretch from March 8 to April 18, the New York Yankees will play 82 exhibition games, including » visit to Texas and a trip through Southern association territory The exhibition season will open with the Boston Braves at Bt, Pet. ersburg and close with Brooklyn at the Yankee stadium, The wpring opposition will in. clude a wide variety of baseball teams, In addition to the Braves and Pobing, contests will be played with the Cardinals and Reds, The minor league opposition runs the scale from class B to AA, and ¢ne college team, the Univers pity of Texan, is listed, BISONS MOVE U¥ Bultalo, Deo, 234.--Btaging a brilliant last period rally, the Hi. sons toppled the lowly Niagara Falls Cataracts, 3 to 1, at the Pence Bridge arena last night and assumed undisputed possession of first place In the International COOCHECE ECCS Make Reservations at The Grand Cafe For Your Christmas Dinner 11.30 am, to 8,30 pm, * CHRISTMAS DINNER $1.50 RELISHES Fruit Cocktail, Salted Almonds, Cheese Straw Celery Heart, Red Rose Radish, Queen Olive sour Cream Chicken, Neapolitaine Consumme a L'Anglaise FISH Boiled B, C, Salmon ~~ Bearnaise Sauce ENTREES Beef Tenderloin Pique Perigeur Sauce Salpicon Fresh Mushroom en Patties ROASTS : Roast Stuffed Native Ontario Turkey Cranberry Sauce Roast Milk Fed Capon -- Sage Dressing CLUB SALAD - VEGETABLE Canada Early Pea « Fried Tomato Baked Sweet Potato Steamed or Mashed Potatoes DESERT Christmas Plum Pudding -- Maple Hard Sauce Green Apple, Cherry, or Cream Pineapple Pie Ice Cream -- Cream Cheese COFFEE Hockey league race, ARES eee Assorted Nuts MILK Telephone 3030 : = HOCKEY RESULTS Hockey games played last night resulted as follows: OHA, INTERMEDIATY Arle cous enw 0 Ingersoll ..... nnville .. 6 Waterford ... Bimeoe vie, 6 CRIBAODIR we xOwen Botind 6 Durham x80 minutes overtime, Port Dover-Cayuge Joatyoned, OMA, SENIOR 1 Riverside, ,... 2 Windsor MM, » ' UNIOR Victories .... 6 Dgnforths West Toronto 8 Yeung Nang. Brant, Lyons 10 Parle , ol Stratford .... 7 Pr Kitchener ,,.. 0 Orangeville , . INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE London oe 8 Hamilton ,,, Buffalo .,,, 8 Niagara "all T HL, MAIO COMMERCIAL CPR, . ve 8 Kodaks ' Durant Motors 2 Can, Indus, HAMILTON LEAGUN Harvesters ... 4 Wenlwaorths Westinghouse 6 Graftons ,.,, MONTREAL CITY MAA A, 8 Canadiens .. Vietoriaw ... 4 Columbus ... EXHIBITION GAMES Marlboros, 6 Niagara Falls 8 Truro 4 Moncton 2 Niagara Falls and Marlboras Tie 5.5 Niagara Falls, Deg, 84.-~Bome 600 loeAl fans were treated to a real fast exhibition of junior hoo key here last night when Toronto Marlboros and Niagara Falls plays od a 0-6 draw game. Play was fast throughout and the final re. sult was always in doubt, Both teams played cleaver combination, and clean hookey featured the pro gram, There was nothing to choose between the rival sextets and the deadlocked score well re presents the play, Gray at centre for the Dukes WAS his team's best performer and he had. no superior on the ice, This cleaver Jittle tellow had everything in his kithag that means clever hookéy, He Is a fast skater and clever stickhandler, uses excellent Judgment, and is a good backehek- er. Pringle, on defence, Is an other Duke deserving of special mention, His rushes were always dangerous, and three of them re. sulted In goals, meoring two gof them himself, The Dukes as a team presensdd no weak spots and they were well fortified In all po sitions, ame 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 8 EE ------------------ CHRISTMAS TREE AND CONCERT HELD Thornton's Corners Children Enjoy Annual Event Friday Evening Thornton's Corners, Deo, 81,~ The annual Christmas tree and cons cert of the school children was held on Friday evening in the Buns day School room, when the childs ren under the able direction of thelr teachers, Miss Taylor and Miss Holliday, gave a splendid pro« gram of reoftations, songs and dialogues, The school room was packed In spite of the heavy roads and unfavorable weather, Roy Lick, superintendent of the Sunday Hohool, was chalrman, During the evening a sliver cols lection was taken, The centre of attraction was a large Chglstman tree laden with presents, At the close of the program Santa Claus arrived to the great jdy of the children and helped unload the tree, The program included the PORT SNAPSHOT By Guo, Camrsriy, Sports Editor Oshawa Benlors Defeat Whithy The Oshawa seniors played un exhibition game with the Whithy intermedintes last night In Whitby, and the seniors came on the long end of an eight to two score, "Doc"Rowden was the "hesd man" for the seniors, scoring six out of the elght goals, Ty Little and "Carly" Lane grabbed off the other two, Rowden and Houck were the Lest men on the lce, Black, Conlin and gonltenders Leveque . and El lott, also looked good, 'The Whithy team and the seniors Loth shows ed lack of finish but with a few whre practices under thelr hells, they will be playing real hockey, LJ * Ld LJ Listow:), DAA. BULLETIN Roy Elmer Vritz, lust season with | heen a resi dent or Loronty mince the middle of Muy, wos granted a certificate play with Toronto Canoe Club Juniors n the Big Four group by the OH, A, subscommittee at wu meeting held in the Star hullding yesterday after noon, In the absence of Hutler of hindiay cupled J, Ww but who has of AA, Davidson, b YW, Toronto, Past President A, E, Copeland, Lore onto; Treasurer Sheriff Whithy, and Secretar Yoronto, were the ot the executive present, Other app | tions for certificates were dealt us follows ho. ( + i Paxton, , A Hewity, members of Heir with |] President the chair was ocr Governor while TWINLCI'TY JUNIORHK WIN Kitchener, Doo, %4,~The Kit chener-Watarloo Junloy OLA. team opened the season Impress Ively here last night by defeating the Galt Terriers 0 to 4 at the au In the first, two In the second and four in the third period while Galt Indi the in the third, Aw the score enton the winners were much better club, CNR. TO ADD 44 MORE LOCOMOTIVES Montreal, Doe, 24,++The new locomotives ordered htt past few days do not thirty within of the Oanadian Notion) Hallways tallied one in the weeond and two! repres | sont the totul additions which ore | to be made to the motive power | mean? Convicts] had gone by, fit Judge, -re believed the police man ud dtarlum, The winners scored o | VEE RE RE Ihe "Type-slingers" held anoth shown by everybody, to have plenty of ability, M, Mo fnew comery, # wv The Oshawa Simeoes held a snd the boys were all out in thelr same as last year, but the arrange black with large white numbers front, on which Is the words Osl the erest to the bottom of the sw white bars, The stockings have Oshawa Simcoes open thelr leag Orme Gansby's entry from Orono The Simeoes have worked hard a up, The players who will likely be lott 'and "Red" Walton on defen "Bud" Brenning, "Kelly" De Gra Ing to the fact that there are othe not yet got thelr certificates, this » » We take this opportunity Very Merry Christmas, Monai ch A.C. Road Races Toronto, Dec Athletic club's third annual Christ Oakwood and Vaughan morning, have attracted classy fields, Most of the city's best run ners and several outsiders are list od, Among thelr number are Har old Webster, Hamilton Olympic olub, provincial and Canadian five mile ehamplon, who will honors in the six-mile event, He will find stiff opposition In Wit MoCluskey, Bob Michell and Joc Drown, Monarch runners; mans and Martin, of Galt; Russel Thompson, of Hamilton, and Allis ter Dicks, Gladstones The two-mile genlor event als promises to be an Interesting af falr, with Art Keay, of the Toron to Pollee A.C, provinejal one-mile champion, pitted against BIT Dah! Fred Phipps and Hob Cook, of the Monarchs; Jack Hpencer, of the Hamilton Olymples, who are am ong the favorites Juniors Go Three Miles The junior race of three finda Wallace Hatton and Parkes, of the Monarchs, lined uy against John Coulsen, of Wood stock; Jack Baville and Thoernbor ough, of Gladstones; Torrison, Falrbank, and Wm, Cowan, of Sil varthornes, and many other speedy Junior runners . chorus "Silent Night, Holy Night", by tha senior room; the pantomime "A Meousage of the Snowflakes: a story by Miss Harel DeGuerre of Oshawa: recitations by Greta | Lick, Dorothy Kerman, Helen | raw, Jack LeRoy, Nilly Drew, Helen Kerman, Frank Mopg and Margaret Plerson; the didlogues "Where Is My Cake',; "Bamboé's Party," . "The Day After Christ. mas," "Uncle Hiram's Cold," | "Santa's Little Brother; and "A Good Little Girl"; plano solos by Pearl Scott and Marian Jackson; duets by Isabel Plerson and Mar lan Lewington, and hy Missba De- (luerre and Luke; song "The Toy Man's Shop", and a solo by Don. ald Allman, RIVERSIDES COME TO FRONT Windsor, Dec, "24.-~Coming from behind after the Mio Maca had retained a one-goal lead untll five minutes of the third period had been played, Riverside last night ran_out winners, 2-1, In a sentor OFLA, contest, Rainville, originally slated to play for the Mio Macs, mcored both gals for Riveraides, New Martin Theatre The "Broadway Hoofer" A Vivid Comedy Drama of the Gay White Way Added Attractions Fox News Collegians Monday, Tuesday, Wedsneday WITH BRITAIN OUT TREASURY IS OPEN European Observer Reports on Arms of Cairo Nation. alist Agitation London, Dee, 34=~An sidelight on the continental view ol the British government's Egyptia policy is contained in a statement by Fernand Neuroy, director of newspaper La Nation Helge, wh says: "Residents of Cairo and Alexandria | writing to me, declare that the hots heads of the WAXD, the Egyptian Nationalist party, will never be con tent as long as the British are on the banks of the Nile, Their ambition is to hold the reins bof government so that they can hans dle state affairs and arrange the bal got to suit their own cupidity, When this is satisfied they will continue a reign of oppression and persecution "Phe end of the adventure is not difficult to foresee, because England, even under the MacDonald govern ment, can never retreat and efface herself enough for these agitators, "We shall again expérience upriss ings, agitation, assassingtions and rg pressions, as in 1921 and 1922, Egypt will emerge from a nightmare less free and less happy, IU England completely evacuates Lgypt, some power will unbesitatingly instal its self, Possibly newspapers do not mould public opinion but they keep public = opinion - from becoming mouldy ~Hrandon Hun, | Tailor-made {| Suits " Scotland Woollen Mills Te ws Times Hold Practice lust night and a great deal of Improvement over the last workout was Several new players werg out and they proved Oshawa Simecoes Play Friday are snappy and like the team, they should make a good showing, The "Pete" Garrison, Fletcher In the nets crowd of supporters will follow the team out to Orono on Friday night Tomorrow 24, ~=Monarch mas day road races, to be held at tomorrow try for Yeu miles Harry interesting er pragtice at the Bowmanville rink rrig and 8, and RK, Bonellam were the 4 night In Bowmany ile The colours are the The sweaters arg last new uniforms, ement 1s different, on the back, a white crest on the yawn Simeoes, From the hottem of enter there arg alternating black and uniforms sure practice white stripes, These 1e on Friday night when they meet , The game will be played In Orono, nd have secured a very strong lines seen in uniform for the Simeoes are} "Tommy" Johnson, "Theo" Els ¢; and "Reg" Atkinson, y, 'Hank"" Perry Ow vr players out for the team who have list Is lable to be changed, A good Burr, "Les" for forwards, A ¥ of wishing the sporting public a FIFTEEN COUNTRIES SIGN CONVENTION Agreement Enchles U. 8. Goods to Move More Freely in Europe (By Canadian Press Leased Wire ' Paris, Doe, 24. ««American goods «| will move more freely across the s | borders of Rurapean stales after July 1, 1880, ao the direct result of the signing of eccnvention abhole y | lshing export and import restric tions bewtean 15 countries, the y | American Embassy announced Sats urday, | The new convention, which has «| nothing to do with tariffs, but which removes scores of petty obs to free commercial Inter pourse, was signed Ly the United States, France, Great Hritaln, Gere many, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Hungary, Japan, Luxemburg, Nor . | way, Holland, Portusal, Hwlitzer | land, and Jupro Slavia Italy was expected to sign the axreement Haturday, and Rumania, Sweden and Finland probably will adhere to the covent this week, Falling to obtain the agreement of Poland and Creche Hlovakia, the y | wtuelon Certificates Granted Port Hope-~Stunley Crosseit Carl Ceell Wood, Newmarket-Clifford Robert Hannan, Fergus=Wilired McDonald, Port Dovers=Fred Brown, provids he obtain release from Stratford, | t tort Colborne=Orvie Salonen, but must obtain transfer from Thunder | 1 Bay Amateur Hoekey Aosoclation, ( St, Mary'se=ldward Henry 'Tedball, | 1 Napanee~Heverley Elton Brant, | ¢ Joseph Ernest Dorie, Wilbert Loft, William Gordon Green Paris=Ralph Leslle Woods George Allison cannot play for Sens | | forth unless he obtains his release from the Goderich club, Information having been supplied by the OHA, by the Ontario Depart ment of Highways, Stratford office, that Monkton Is closer by highway und Pipher and | ( in t 1 to Milverton it was ruled that Char les Merryfield muspplay with Mil | 4 " 0 verton, Cortificates Reofused Seaforth--Gordon Muir, Acton=Robert Miller, Permits to Coach Granted Joo Christie, Owen Sound, Johnny Jones, Fergus Intermediate group No, 14 has been split, with Gravenhurst, Bracebridge and Coldwater in™Section A und Elm vile, Port MeNichol and Penetang hn Section B, Nels. Stewart Lies Kiirea Montreal, Dee, 24. «Alter a long wid Stubeurn uuel, Lg eon Stews | Art, scoring noe of tau Montieal Ma rouns, ana lenuing goul-geiter of the enure INAUONRE hockey League, ha iced his way ino a tig or tae points leadersiup oi the Canadian Section with sec, Kiron, leit wing | of the Ottawa. Senators, who hu | aed the lend trom the ouiset, Witn 17 guals to his credit, the greatest number scored by any one payer in the league, and 4 assists, Stewart has accumulated £1 points, the same nun ber as held by Kien 14 "only and 7 assist, The race for scoring leadership in the Canadian Section, as reveaied by the statistics sued last night trom he of President Frank Cald er, Is quite as close as the champion ship rage itself in that division, One point behind the tied leaders comes | Aurel Johat, left wing of the Cana diens, His toursgoal scoring feat in | a single game last week gave Jolla un even dogen markeis, along with §! assists, for a point tol of XN, highly meritorious performance con sidering that the diminutive star | who has | ohiee | i ) protocol was nltercd Lg permit any pation to oancel {ts slgnature within six weeks, and to allow any other nation to enter the pact dur | Ing that period, The various sintes \ In the agreement have | trade barriers, in years past, form of quotas which shut out al gortain percentage of raw mater | ale, Under the new system, there | will freer importation of raw materials and semi-manufactured produot represented be EMPIRE CRUSADERS SHOWING PROGRESS Number of Prominent Lib. erals Enlist In Beaver. brook Forces J | | London, Deg, Lord Beavers | brook gave a fresh display of his | pgurage and tenacity in pushing his | Finpire crusade plan by engaging in | u debate with Sir Herbert Samuel | [within the confines of the National | | Libera! Club An interesting feature of the world's | 'Crusadb" news is the announcement hy a number of Liberals, some candi dates and other former candidates for Parliament, that the favor Em pire economic unity, | "Tord Rothermere in a signed ar f tiele has declared his belief that high tariff protection of British manufac: tured goods is one of three basle needs in the struggle to regain pross perity which is a somewhat unuas ually definite stand by « prominent | man on this side, | Sir James Parr, the retifing New Zealand High Commissioner and a notable reeruit to the Empire cru sade movement, in a speech at a fare: well luncheon declared hig intention of returning to Britain to place his time and energy at the disposal of the cause of Ewe Frea Trade. Sir Thomas Clement, a great Scots tish dairyman, gives unqualified sup: | port to Lord Heaverbrook's idea and feven claims that the policy is not only possible, hut is inevitable, As v lifedong + Liberal he insists that there is nathing incompatible with Liberal theories in the proposals put MN erected | in the | njured shoulder and hag recently been playing with the shoulder heavy Jy taped and shackled, Frank (King) Clancy, durable defense star the Ottawa club, is only a point behind Jollat, | | | missed a couple of games due to iy | 0 Boucher Loads U.S, Section Frankie Boucher, centre-ice player | of the New York Rangers, played a prominent part in the fight that car | ried his team back to second place in | the American Section, With 9 goals | and 15 assists he has amassed MN points and leads by a single point ov er Ralph (Cooney) Welland, the mid wet centresice star of the champion | Boston Bruins, who has had 11 goals | ind 12 ansists, PE NL A RN RT during oftfelally, ordered from motive passenger und arrapgoments ure being com frofght of the National Mystem will stand at 44, ¢ /] 5.) ¥ | SHB OBISPO PIII VID RSMMC HMM SS L vail EA Li A NR 1080, It wax learned hers In addition to | he twelve mountain type engines | WILL the Montreal Loco | sy Works, three exten large | THIS CHITETMAS 812A logsomotives of another | AND TUNRB IN O ype wre o' be ordered in Canada WEALTH AND PRONPERITY DURING MAY YOU HRADIATE GOOD DD HAVPPINI vletad to construe In the Point Kt 'harles and Winnipeg Hliops of the 140, 'allway, ton switeh locomotives nud me Mikado type englng, | With the elghteen new Santa I"e ype logomotives ordered for | porvice, the total of nev ocomotives for the Canadian Hnew Rex Harper N Simcoe Mt howe 1080 Prison Chaplain=Why are you her waln, Tom Conviet Chaplain hy you | HS BPP IIe REO HIE ELS EL DIR Ee Because of my belief, Nonsense! What do Season's Greetings » We extend to everyone our best wishes for A Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Roy Willmott 11 CELINA STREET PHONE 2462 (Goodyear Supply Depot) -- oh wo w m » uy dh nS | ae II BS bry THR 1) | = SS SS SIS SIS W EXTENDING Best Wishes for a Merry Christmas * and a very Happy New Year a - AST EIB | 'KROCH BROS. Simcoe Street South Phone 740 | Re eR DEI VEE OR r forward by Lord Beaverbrook, REGENT Wednesday ----- Thursday -- Friday x) RALLE BATTS DAVIN, # Moarcaente CHURCHILE \ J . WILL ROGERS Talking {}/) and Singing | You'll agree that Wall Rogers performance is an arhistio tmump of natural acting th thas ball of the boulevards,

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