THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1929 tt] PAGE THER i | Nominations of Civic Candidates Tak . Money Bylaw and Question To Face Ratepayers At Municipal Elections Bylaw to Erect New Police Station And Question | Concerning Payment of | Aldermen Must Be ov cided by Voters r-- ELECTION HOURS ARE CHANGED City's Pirst Public Utilities Commission To Be Elect: ed---To Consist of Five Members Including Mayor A money YW "and A question will face the ratepayers of Oshawa at the munjeipal elections which take place on Monday, January 7, The bylaw deals with the guess tion of spending the sum of $456, 000 on the proposed new police stax tion, If "carried by a sufficient majority of ratejayers, work on the new station will be. commenced next year and the new police ads ministration bullding will he erect ed on the present market square The question to he submitted to the voters concerns the much diss cussed subject of paying each mem ber of the elty counell the sum of five dollars per meeting, The Munioipal Act does not veguire this matter he referred to the peo ple as it {8 quite within the power of the council to pass the measure in regular meeting, The new coun: ell of 1080 will not he hound in any way whether the peaple vote for or against this measure, Of particular interest to the eit fgens will be the election of the first publie utilities commission fn | the history of the munielpal ear | poration, The water commission which farmevyly supervised water works and sewers goes out of ex istence at the conclusion of the year and the new edmmisslon will assume management of this work and also the supervision of the municipally owned hydro-electrie system, The Mayor by virtue of his of fice, becomes a member of the coms mission whieh includes four other members,call of whom will have to be elected this year, Qualifica tions for service on the commis- sion ave similar to those whieh are required for election to other pubs lie bodies while it Ia also desir able that the members thus sleots ed have some knowledge of the work which they are undertaking, The voting hours will he ehang- ed so that there will he an extra hour in whieh ratepayers will have an opportunity to cast thelr bal lots, Whereas formevly the vot ing was from § am, to & pm, the hours on this coming election day will be from 10 am, to 7 pm, COL WALPINE SPOKE AT LINDSAY Arctic Explorer Is Honored at Luncheon in His Native Town Lindsay, Dee, 27=Describing his warty's experiences while they Were fou in the northern barrens, Col, D, H, MacAlping, president of the Dominion Explorers, LAL, and native of this town, yesterday made his first public appearance singe being ress cued from the Arnelic wastes, He spoke at a Juncheon held in the Hotel Benson, sponsored hy the may ar, the town council, Kiwanis and Rotary and 150 guests were present, Col, MacAlpine spent Christmas here with his mother, Mrs, { MacAlpine and his address to Lind: say citizens was the Mulfillmgnt of a ArOnse made some time ago that his rat public appearance would be made in his native tc town, BRAZILIAN DEPUTY SLAIN IN CHAMBER Tragedy Follows Political Discussion With Another Deputy Rio Janeiro, Deo, 27, ~Deputy Sousa Wilhe, of Pernambuco, was ago and killed by Deputy Nimoes Lopes, former minister of agricul ture, after a violent political dis- enssion in the corridors of the chamber of deputies yesterday, Deputy Filhe was one of the leaders of the administration group in the chamber, and Deputy Lopes, whe represents Rio Grande Do Bul, 1a the ohlef of the Liberal party executive committee, Witnesses sald that Lopes' son struck, Souza Filho with a cane / LITTLE THEATRE OPENS TONIGHT | Many Good Seats for Christ. mas Plays Still Available While there has been ua good des mand for seats for the three one-act Christmas plays being presented by th Oshawa Little "theutre in the Ro tary att! tonight and tomorrow ul terncon and evening, there arg still enty of good seats left for thos eltigens who wish to attend these pes formances, the booking office for re sorved seats, In the stare of the A gade, Limited, 15 open today, and will he open again tamorrow, to make re servations, and tieliets will alsa he an sale at the door fer bath of ti CVE pertoriiances, A particularly larg pected ut the matines tomorrow atternoon ut autre with he admitted each, and the price for* be 43 cents, This is the ren's performance to be given by the Little "Lheatre, and since the plays are of a lype very appropriate for | ghildeen, the hall should ies" { capaehty, Owing to th price | there will be BOALE d for the afternoon performance, CLOTHING WANTED FOR YOUNG BABIES Women's Welfare League Makes an Appeal for Contributions of all kinds tor babies up age 18 urgently re Women's Welfare has undertaken the elothes for needy I'he needs © | well taken | far ok ih homes crowd pertorinunnee 230, when at A cents children will first ehild 8 oN ha low na FORE Clathin to two years of quired by the League, which task of providing familes in the elty, adults are being fairl of, but the demands for ¢hildren in needy is far greater than the League ha been able to supply, An appeal is therefore, made to any eitigens wl have such artigles that heer outgrown hy their ehildren end them at once ta the Welfare hadauarters in The Times hutldin In most homes where there are ehil dren, there a supply outgrown or articles could used the great need which exists, and the Lean officials would be reatinl | contributions of this nature HAMPTON Cire ny | have to Leapn usually Qast-all ta supply 1] Ver I'he monthly Wo MS, afterncon, De | Hampton, Deg, 40 | meeting of Hampton held on Wednesday I8th, at the home of Mrs, Jas, Jeb son, The president, Mk (Rev) Ji R [ Nick, was in eharge, Devotional pact was taken by MT Ji Colwell, 1h PLOgram was in charge of Mrs, Lew | a Allin, the subject being "Overseas News=From the Rising of the Sun Until the Going Down Appropgiace music was sung, 'The story of *the birth of Christ was given by Mes Hick, The following ladies respond ed when called oni Foro Trinidad Mrs, Trenouth; Japan, Mrs, E, H Cole; North China, Mrs, Clatworthy | West Central Africa, Mrs, Arthur Al lin, After the program the officer were elected for the ensuing year! President, Mrs, (Rev) J, K, Hick) Ist vice president, Mrs, Geo, Barron recording sec'y, Mrs, WAV, Hong corresponding secretary, Mrs, J Cal will; treasurer, Mrs , UC, Stephens; stewardship, Mrs, Theo Salter and Mes, Jas, Curtis; supply see'y, Mr R. Avery; strangers, Mrs, kr, WW, Cole supt, Missionary Monthly, Mvs Silas Williams; Associate Helper Mrs, Clatworthy: Supt, Mission Hand, Miss Lulu Reynolas; assistant, Mrs, Jebson; press see'y, Mrs, A, 'y ters; planists, Mrs, XE, H, Cole, and Mrs, CW, dough January meetipg will be the parsonage on the third of the month, The Hampton North Cemetery Board met recently with all members present, Routine business was dong anl the year's work reviewed, Satis factory progress on further improve ments to the grounds was shown hy ground committee's report, Finances, while improved over past year, were not up 10 ebjective, owing to the fact that many have not yet paid their amounts for annual carve, nor sub scribed 10 the general fmprovement fund started in 1927, Gratitude was expressed to those who sent in vol untary their annual grave cave fees, It was decided to send reminders to lot holders wha have overlooked the above two funds, All lots are now sold on a plan of permanent upkecy, with liberal offering to all present lot owners to place their lot on same plan, Miss Isabel Campbell left on Sat urday to spend her Christinas vaca- tion at her hame at Eluvale, Waa 8 held at Tuesday | | and when the latter drew a Knife faneg shot him to protect his son, ihe died an the way to a hos | pital, Lopes was arvested, Heckler: Ww hy do you hear that | allly monocle?" Speaker: "Because weak eye ~ Heckler: "Then woar a glass har 1 have why don't you | Slemon, Mrs, Ernest Robinson, Calgary, visiting her sister, Mrs, Chas, Johns Congratulations to Miss Ruby Clat warthy an swoeessinily passing her R N, examinations ™ee graduating trom Bowmanville hospital staff, Miss Sadie Virtue, Toronte, Frank Virtue, Grimsby, Mrs Howmanville, spent with their fathey mined My (Dr) hist | Viv hed \ | mas Day we, whe is shill ¢ | ont of | | Het situation I Virtue Id | on | prostrate condition | { provider? LEGION PLANNING MONSTER REUNION OF EX-SERVICE MEN GENEROSITY OF FRIEND OF VETERANS MAKES IT POSSIBLE Census to be Taken of All War Veterans in the City and District laps for & grout reunion and BOOIAL evening or nll ex-servige men In the eity and distrlet were discussed at some length at last night's meeting of tha Oshawa Hraneh of the Canadian Legion, which Is sponsoring this event, The woelnl evening Is helng made possible by the genvrosity of a los oul friend of the Legion, and while the date has not yet heen fixed, it will he held as early as possible in the New Year, In the Rotary Hall, and 1 18 expected to Le one of Lhe outstanding social events for eo) pervice men ever held in the eity A special committee, composed ol Comrades I, Cassidy, RH, Armitage, W., W. Lundy, R. Gibble, J, W, Nimpson and Bell was appointed to co-operate with the 1080 executive and the executive which Is elected for 1080 In the «completion of wu somplete cansus nll ex-gervice men in the elty and Tmmediata vicinity Me cooperation of all | faotories and employers of labor In { the efty will he sought having | this Het eomplled It ol in was Intimated th meeting the election the year 1000 will be the ehier business, and plans will be carried | to ensure a large attendance | members on that oveeaston, Let from prominent on men in the efty, asking toy OEBAYY Torma hecome of the Legion, taken as an Indication of interest whieh is being developad | in the work of the organisation in | the elt | Gay, ehalrman committee, made report on the work ing that the major portion of the Poppy 'Fund ralsed in November had already been expended In tuk Ing care of the families of ex-ael viee men In distress, It was point ed out that In eannd It had heen possible to Induce the federal | department of and tional health and the Ontario Can teen Fund take oare of families, thus relleving the 10 some extent | i al Lhe next of afMeers for arg EL] the net to members | wera read, and were the keen | the ye. | interim | so far, show Harry of an many pensions na to lo¢ all loon) sutlering from « spending 7 Vi lather, | | AM vigation at hom tra tue, Oshawa, al visited ently Mr, Cha at Hobe Miss Hdith Pase Miss Lvelyn Vink rec N rede few nti visited her eou ling, recent Hasting AvHeOn a pent alll in | Miss Edy taff Helleville da Cryderm pending " n nur 8 A ew at Ving home, Mr, and Mrs, Chas, ly, Org pent latler'y parents, Tohns Mr, J, tor's care having stroke, His se he heen We Christmas with My, and Mrs, Us vn nu, ff the J: | Wilcox la under the doc suffered a mn Harry, at whose hon accustomed te getting his meals, became alarmed at his not coming in for tea, and went to his home where he spends the greater | part of his time when not employed the roads, and found him in condition on the Hoar, in supposed that he heen ove with al mas, very noticeable on entering Through Dr, Slemon's medical atten: | tion and Mrs, Niddery's practical nursing we glad to report hi improving Mr, and Mrs, John Willams, of Oshawa, spent Christmas at the home of the former's Mra, Alvin Peters Mr, and My and family, Mr, and Mrs, A, BB, Cry derman, Mr, and Mrs, W Wilbur, Mr, FF. Corden, Mr, and Mrs, Wi Ruse, Mrs, Edna Ruse, spent Christ mas at the home Mr, Bruce Fog guson, Ay Winnie slight | | has al al Ih | had which seemed the house, | cone co are slater, Lewis Cryderman ol Miss spent Frank Crytlerman, Christmas at home, Mr, A, Eo Allin, SILY, Was among for Christmas, Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Babe Pauline, Mrs, M, Mr, Umbleby, Leskard, spent Christ mas at the home of Mrs, ttrtrude Virtne, Mrs, L, Robbins and the babe remained ur a short visit, Mr, and Mrs, Will Clarke, spent Christinas at the home af the former's father, Mr, John Calvky, My, C, HH, Burrows, Oshawa, spent Christmas with his sister, Mrs, M, Goodman Mr, and falo, were and Mrs, R, Avery, Me, and Mrs, HWW Wilcox family enjoyed Chelstings home of A, I, Rillett Mr, and Myps, Fred Tamblyn, Qrone spent Christmas with relatives, Me and Mrs, Jas, Curtis entertain Me, and Mis Barron and Austin to ted Christmas Da Cryderman and l'oronto Univer ne Toronto the home 3 | Robbing and Robbing and { Oshawa, | Mrs, Milton Avery Chrigimas guests uf of My and the at od Lien ¢ son your new son-in-law a good} ¢ | er Koep pay for my evs ahout 1 "He ean Just daughter in gloves erything else." "Then he decelved his clroumstances "Neo, T remembey fo hand YOU 88 to} he merely ask d hey the | numbey | dot | rane, | Young, | men would | heations, { Joy the evening, | 18¢, | with Mys, Ohristmag sermon, two Chrlstas Stevens and Mra, Ory Jeffrey took the solos in sunday speak about the wrigin Mary, AR | fashioned | Hes outters with the merry jingle hella Fire Cheif Elliot Is Honored by Colleagues; Many Gifts to Firemen Fire Chief Eliott was the recipient of uw surprise gift wl the Nand ol fire department an Christmas Day, when on entering his office he wis gonfronted with a beautiful shaking stand, & token of the ess teen In whieh he 1s neld by his eols luakues, Chief Jot shes to thik departmont through the NIess thelr generous wile nnd wish the membors continued pros pprlty In the camming year, The de riont wlso wishes 10 seknow ledge the gifts ul elgavs, clyarettes and fruit from the following, Cigirs from General Motors, Oshawa Dally Imes, Charlie Kalen, I, Ferguson Mr, and Mrs, Leb Hmith, soholield Woollen Mills, Universal Matos Sales and J, BN, Kyle far clguvs and fruity the for ES rE -------- Preparations 191 the annual ball ta be held next Tuesday evening in the Winter Gardens and the Arm ories wre fast nearing eompietion wand the firemen are WonRduns tht the ball thig year will be the best and most largely attended wince Its meeption, The men wre busy In thelr spare time making the decor ations whieh will be very elaborate and the event ly ex Ma 10 be the elimax of the soelal season in Osh AWH, Nearly four hundred tickets have been sold making «, total of elght hundred people who wre plan ning to attend the function, To sult thuse who cave for square dancing and these who prefer round dancing the two halls have been wreanged and the best orchestras hvinllable will be on hand to oply the musk Inspection Dep't of G.M.C. Makes Fine Contribution To Fund For Those In Need Those members of the Inspection Group of General Motors, (Inspeo tion, Halvage and Hoad Test Ho paly Departments), who have econ tinued In wlendy employment through the past few months, have made a very generous subseription to the Welfare Fund, The follow Ing sixty odd men realivipg that a thelr co-workers hay ne lalrtunuete from the view of constant work as themeelves, have sub amount RON. 80, Jo mall, ¥, Palmer, Palmer, I, |, Caldwell, I, Coeh 1, Ldlloy I Tapson, W WwW, U, Corben, J, Heffe RH, Lord, HA Jex, T, Brown, TT, Dalgleish J, KR, Hanning, 0 Dewheryy | MoMullen,, 71, Grif fithe, 7, Carn, J, MeMinn, J, Red man, NB, Harpe: ( 'rueker, W Wallace, 1, Rapson, W, Jackson HR, Welr, W, Johnston Irvine, H nD W Parsons Robinson, W, Htuart, A, Legge, O Murry, (, Jones, J. Ularke, | P Howe, UG, Grah King i, Bell, H am, MoKay WwW, Parvindér, § ol hoon point of they have poribed an G4, Hight H " Havenport M MoLaughlin, In, MoConnell, W, Malle, C, Hall J, Harriott, G Whiley, ( MeKeown, ¥, Moody, J, Bdwards, N, U, Millman, | M Havdaoker, A, Houthwell, W, Pal mer, OU, Crowley, J, Moffatt, A Wall, M, MeOlenaghan, 4, Jack pon, OG, Thompson, MH, Clough, ¥ Burrows, O Kelly MH, Mack, MH Pennell J, Holmes, J, ldson, | Lodge, IT, Wotten, J, Orehard, J Mathews, U, Unane, J, Callaghan | Rk, Fairlie, Pollard, Me Dougall This was the only eontribution to the Welfare Fund announced by tha treasurer toda) Donations however, are still urgently re quired, and should he sent to 1 W. Joyce, manager of the Domin fon Bank, or to the office of The Oshawa Dally Times, Following Is ha present ing of the fund Already acknowledged #8,07 Inspection department General Motors of Can ada, Limited stand SERRE 208.50 Total to date {CITY AND DISTRICT NEWS FE -------- HONK AND CUTTER ALTO Travel by motor ear Ia still an impossibility on many of the coun distriet, With roads the roads In the Iving try Anow deep on the has hooome vehlole ability motor. ears gril outlay reliable with lis where to and more horse mueh transportation navigate drifia purely for to come [| LIGHTS PROVED ATTRACTIVE I'he strings of brightly eolorad Hghts which were used to decorate the streets of the business section during the Christman shopping popson will presently be removed hey may be used now for any other eeonslon Including elvig cele Many visitors to the ely commented upon thelr appoarance and regarded them as an added at traction to the elty's' business dis | triel, | ENNISKILLEN BRIEFS Knulakillen, Dec 264-0n pl day evening the ohlldpen of the gohool and Sunday Sohool mave a fine concert of choruses, of special merit, alsa drills, dialogues, solos and recitations; all being well gly en, Under the leadership of Miss Dalton and Miss MoGill, also Miss M, Orehard and Miss Kiva Ovehard Rev, J, M, Whyte made a good chalrman also leading fn the sing ing hen Manta appeared on the soene to the amusement of the boys and girls, presenting each with a gift from the Sunday Sehool Proceeds $21.00, On New Year's night the young people of Balem will present thelr play "Star Bright Come and en admission 300 and Miss Myrtle Bradley is staying Gertrude Virtue, Hamp- ton My, Charlie Stainton, Port Hope visited hia parents. Mp, and Mrg, W, Stainton, for a few days Miss M, Dalton is visiting hep pavents at Hast Templeton, Que, | for the Christmas holliday Ny, Howard Pye attended the funeral of the late Mr, Wm, Quick, Howmanville, en Monday, Sunday evening service was very helpful, when our pastor, Rev, J, M, Whyte, delivered a good The eholr sang numbers, My, NH, Next will Kv sunday the anthems, Jo M, Whyte Rev, arybody weloome on morning the members of the Adult Rible Class presented thelr teachs with a large teacher's RNible as A token of hia faithfulness Mr, Clarke Dorland, M.D, Des is apending the hollday with his parents, My, and Mrs: John Darland, Christmas Day style of travelling in was Ideal, olds different bob-sleighs and Mt PANS | '| WORK fam | MILD WEATHER | Mild weather | And as A result the snow has heen | fast disappearing, The roads In | partieular have become "mushy | under pressure of traffic and walk ing has been rendered unpleasant prevalled PROGRESSING ' Work on Oshawa's fine hew | arena Is progressing night and day [A moet of the work to be oom pleted Ia In the interior, the ear | penters, electricians, plumbers, painters and others ara ablg | work inside at night through use of eleotrle NEhts as well during the day time, the an ROYS REMANDED I'he three bova who were arrest last Friday and who are said to confessed to participation In of the thefts and hold ups past Yew weeks appeared he Magistrate Willis in police this morning No evidenet as taken and they were remanded custody for eight days, ed have several the count W nN COLUMBUS BRIEFS Columbus, Deg John A, How den, son of A, J, and Mra, Howden won the Kiwanis Club Speeial Pris given at Oshawa fair for boys win ning the highest number of points on the Kiwanls competition taking the gourse at Guelph | exhibits and is OAC mn and Mra, George Foster of Belleville is spending Christmas witk Mr, and Mra, 1, Pereman Miss Mary Dyer, Miss Elsie Dyer from Oshawa, Mr, Win Grant, spending Christmas with My Mr, Win, Dyer, Miss Ethel Holman from 1 is visiting her aunt, Mrs, Joe Holman over Christmas, Me, and Mrs, PP, Purves, Me and Mrs, A, Gregory are spending a few days in Faronto, Mr, and Mrs, A, Murison and Ste wart and Ross, spent Christmas in Paronto with relatives, There is good skating on the Co { bus rink, € and enjoy a | night of fan, Mr, Ross A, Murison from St |" Phomas was home for Christmas with Mr, A, Murison, Mp, and Mrs, H, 1, Pascoe held a family gathering on Christmas day, Mr, and Mrs, W, Sutherland and Neil and Erie, from Oshawa, Mr. and Mes, Gy Brent and son, Bill, from Raglan spent Christmas at Nr and Mra, Thos, Look, Mr, and Mes, Wilson Tom, spent Christmas at Mi son, at Pickering, Mr, and Mrs, Levi Ellens hold a family Rathering on Christmas day CANADA TO REDEEM LOAN OF $20,000,000 Ottawa, Dee, 2=Canada " i an and | \ and son, Steven will payable on eb, 1, In his first public utterance in his new role as minister of finance, Hon, Charles Dunning made this announcement in a brief speech last night over the radio, The growth of the revenue of the domin on In the past 60 years was phasized by Mr Dunning, on $8,084.00 | today Toronto | deem in cash a loan of $20,000,000 | JURY TO INQUIRE INTO DEATH OF DUNBARTON NAN Leonard McGlashan Died in Local Hospital Follow. ing Motor Crash An Inguest 1g halng held tonight into the death of Teonard MoGlashe an, Dunbarton man, who died at the General Hospital hers two weeks ago last Munday following Injuries which he received In a motor aceldent on the Kingston highway near West Hill, The In quest 18 taking place in the elty hall, MaoGlashan, who 18 the owner of a transport company in Dunbar ton, had been motoring east on the highway when his ear collided with a tealler belonging ton the Overnight Transport Co, of Mont veal, and which had been left park ad on the south side of the Ligh Way The truok und trafler had previously figured in an neeldent with a tax! belonging to the Mallett Taxt Co, of this eity, and driven by Louis Clarke, The tax! whieh WHA conveying NCCE CE 1] Toronto, Is alleged to wide swiped the tralle) the ny ft was passing It The Inouest was to hay held last Thursday night, but {adjourned until this evening OBITUARY Ea ~~ MARY ANN POW! LJ, The death ocenrred | Mary Ann Hub bods Powell, 120 Br deceaned was In | Ihe | Mi Howell alter a lengthy Il be held on Hat JOO pn pnd the Rey, | | of the f well was a n United Chureh two have trovk of heen | wan of lien: | [ it f { \ wil wk St Y of jamin Ihe VeRr her h | funeral 1 oe died at I'he turday th Crue I'he ale 1" im Hines V eniher om realdend [ will be in char | late My I the King Si 6.540 | JOHN C 10 deuth ceurs Oshawa Charl t, fr Waoning BAYLESS | erday | Goneral Hayle the | J Stree | hy nlso I'he Lul Hosptial of 131 Chureh of \ mn I" i ple \M his wife and bab four brother funeral will tak Burin! Parlour nevis Rotts pint the pa daughter and or place fy LF 1] vill be eon Jarrett, In the | and the serviee the R ( be tomorrow ducted hy terment \ made Lemetery MRS, ANNIE LOTT held yeste Nichol I'he elht Ih | the lat f the ol She died at the funeral Mra late Levi as In he Was Anni Lot Ww m I arent funeral | Fair, Tore Ih the Anglican | dePeneler made in 1} I'he dee sinter, My hrather, Hi | her nie service being h charg Union ( hed Ny ney Mi wi an Interme emetey in h ria, 1.( Chicago For survived wn, Viet Nichols M. Fair, in no | do MRS, EL IZABETH INGRAM | Th leath occurred early: thi { Morning Mra, Elisabeth Harriet Martin of the late Noble In gram, aged eighty vears, Death! was caused hy pneumonia The late Mrs lived at the h Mra, 1. Welsh Ie deceased | daughter, Mes, | song, Willlam of of Bowmanville deceased her three years ago The late Mra, Ingram was a mem of St. Andrew's United Chureh, | funeral will be held on Satur afternoon at 4.00 pan, from the Rev, IY 1 Maxwell will be in charge of the service, Interment will he n at the Mausolenm and later at Venelon Malls, ol widow Twi alway Saughte St | hy and we nd Harry husband pre Ingram has ol her King urvived Welsh, Tore Her me 2 hey Ihe day home FIFT FE COUNTRIES SIGN CONVENT ION | Agreement Enables U, S.| | Goods to Move More Freely in Europe Parig, De will move 0 wi Ameriean avods | more freely across the | borders of Kuvopean stales after July 1, 1880, au the diveet result of the signing of » ecnvention abo) Ishing export and import vestrie tone bewteen 138 countries the American Embassy announced Sat urday, The new convention, whieh has! nothing to do with tariffs, but which removes scores of petty ob staclea to free commerolal inter oourae, was algned by the United Htates, France, Great Beitain, Ger Many, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Hungary, Japan, Luxemburg, Nop way, Holland, Portugal, Switzem land, and Jugo Slavia Falling to obtain the agreement of Poland and Csecho slovakia, the protocol was altered to permit any nation to cancel ftw slgnatuve within six weeks, and to allow any | other nation to autor the pact dup Ing that period The various states vapresented | in the agreement lave erected | trade barriers, in years past, in the form of quotas which shut out & | eertaln peroentage of raw mater fale, Under the new system, there will be freer importation of yaw materials and semb-manufacturod | products { es Place pus her daughter | aneoe saturday, | WOMAN | Phone 2214, | TWO Next Monday Aspirants For Various Municipal Honors Must Be Duly Nominated NEW CANDIDATE ARTHUR WESTLAKE | A vesident of Oshawa for slghtesn years who may he a candidate for alderman In the south-east ward, ARTHUR WESTLAKE "| MAY CONTEST THE SOUTH-WEST WARD | | Resident of City Eighteen) Years--His First Venture Into Municipal Affairs Westland OS Oxon | y candidate for Outh weal 1 th lewed b Westlake sidering but could m ment at tl Mr. We for the ell kn 1] imes When inter toda Ar he Was €on ward I'} morning telephone | that the munieipal arena definit nt um dmitie entering ike n pi tlak Pik win AUNOUN ide in tl and TTY has 1 { eighteen veal in the south-west empl dh ( Ratlway nig) the and | I Pytl vear | muni \ this nt hi 0 mel! will be his initial ventuy cipal affairs 1 he had ha father him oni isl Ruin on bel LE THT him mm ta hear Ruy | had finished, "Haven't elee to add this time For moment little Run sled hen an idea came And please," h daddy have m mt ne " ou somethin looked to A went on ehildren treat th any Ie v how to ht 3 got | thelr : | on Dee Grierson, George MH Orhawa Warren Col, GRINRSON Al 26th, Robert son of the late Grierson Funeral residence at 2.00 o'clock ors, from hia late 28th Instant omit flows (100) (private) on Saturday, Please on Friday, Klisabeth of the $8nd In Oshawa Deceber 27th, 1820, Harriet Martin widow late Noble Ingram; in hop yoar Puneral INGRAM venidence of Welah, from the Mrs, Joseph King street east, on Saturs day, Deo, 28th, Service at 4,00 pn, m Interment Union Mausoleum, Oshawa (160a) ane Thuraday, Ann of Mv | Oshawa, 1920 Mary beloved wife Powell in POW RLL-~1n Dee, 24th, Hubbard, Hen jamin year, Mfuneval from hor 86th | the family reald | 120 Nroeok street oast, >i December 28th, Serviea pm Interment Union | (1600) I | at (UL) Cemetery, In Memoriam [™ | am | eelved fron | until 4 | mayor | t Hon | nelude IY aq | ( ) \s | lng South-West Names of Candidates For Mayor, Public Utilities Commission and Board of Education to be Submit. ted by 11 AM, LIST OF NOMINEES STILL UNCERTAIN Aldermanic Nominations To Be Held From 12 AM, to 1 P.M, Must Submit Tax Certificates the new and five Education next, De 11 o'elogk Hine tions publie utilities members of the nln 10th the, for niwyor, comimassion, Hoard of on Monday frol fen to ell hall on Simess minations for aldermon will place fn the five wards through« thi { from 12 noon unt! 1 o'el that sami Ih cleations if be hald the follows mg Monday, Tanuam when the ters of Oshawa go to the polly (0 un public utilities eom misalon, four members of the Beard of Education and thelr ward repre entatl [ the eity eounell Al Clty Hall lerk IV, |} Hare RI the minds of nominations for cembi n mn rth o'elogk duy oct BO IAYU! Cit pre thal utilities « f the Hoard 10 e'eloe) wishes 10 the, pubs mayer, pub fon and members dueation. open at in the eity hall, ot north, and may be ve i then on until 11 o'clock hon he will deelare them elosed, An later the nominations for als en will be in the varies is word at 1 o'clock pm, All will be given 0 Tuesday, Deas for the poais have been noms n I mm ol | sharp ir received and will eloge candidates o'clock pm, comber Ito qualif hich they the Council Mitchell, last year, onl For Maver 1, B eted to oMee ookin who wad definite in the in another i ehalr Although ft 1s Imp anitely until all en wilble to tell de tidates have had will be aldermanie contests in to qualify It probable that veral, if not all the elty's ive wards Aldermen who are seeking elec All. SG Larne, Ward; AN, AS east Ward: AN North-West Ward Harman, North-West Ward; refs, North-West Ward; Ald, F, Perry, South-West Ward: Ald, EB, Cedardale; Ald Robert Mos mald, Cedarda! I'hose who have nouneeament ar | there lL 1] re NorthsEa Nort! Pp A, Ald, Ald, ae Donald Mo | { laekson, made no definite Ald, Dan %. Ward: AM bh. SouthWest Ward; AN Disney, South: Kast Ward, A Hart, South«East Ward and» Win, Boddy, South«West Ward; 3 H fackson, South-Wesn nr Preston, \ Geo Ald Ald Ward Places where nominations will he received for the various wards and! returning officers are as fois Ward No, 1, Centre Street Public iC Young, Returning Ofloer Sehool, South-East Ward, Ward Noi 2, Als bert Street Publio Scheel, C0 lows South-West Ward, that thein include a they have Stenhouse Ward, Ward No, 3, City Hall, EE, Hare, Returning OMeer, Ward, Ward No, 4, Mary Street Sehool, RK, Hartley, Returning Officer Codardale Public School, Thos, Staps pleton, Returning Offleer, qualification papers must certificate to show that North«\\ est Simeoe Street North, Fs North: East M, Cedardale Ward, Ward No, & Candidates are warned paid up all taxes, Daetor talking in his sleep to eure him of i" speak in the day ne, v my hushand won't stop What shall 1 do "Try letting hing Tnsurance Agents "Good gracious, My Finkelstein, this is your thin, accident within a month * Nw Fin. kelstein: "Yeth aln't I lneky A certain Dishop walking down A CiLY street ane day came across A Josermonger awearing moat lusts "ald the Rishop: "My good man, | Wherever did you learn to use such: BENTLEY «In loving memory of our dear husband and father, Rrneat Rentley, died Dee, 27th, | 1821, Byer remembered wile and son, 4 (180a) | | AREER | TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR RENT ROOMED WRIOK | house, EAMAN®, 'latge marden, 3 | minutes walk to street oav, All conveniences, On Westmoreland Ave, Possession at once, Apply 3343 Ping Ave, of phone 172%, (1490) WANTED, RATER enced In catering and supervising (1a0h) UNFURNIRHED 2 oehildren (1500) AR [Y WANTRL = 8 rooms, Reasonable Phana 41TW i FORT RENT FURNTRHRD OR | room, suitable for two, Very cons | tral, Phne 2320W (1800) UNFURNISHED" ROOMS flaoy vent reasonable 120 LIA around Phone ) | ) dreadful language?" Said the costermonger: "Lewd love you wir, you can't learn it} PH Coming Events & Centa per word each ins sortion, Minimum charge for each insertion, Bo, RE SE RR RRY 3 RROWN, PALMIST, G1 91 Louisa street, (150h) NEW YEAR WHIST DRIVE SONS of Kngland, Manday, § o'alook, Anather change for a goose, (1808) LITTLE THEATRE OHRISTMAS plays, tonlght and tomorrow night in Rotary Hall, Seats now being vessrved at The Arcade, Limited, Phone 1060, Single ads missions, $1.00, Matinee Satur day afternoon at 2.80, Tlokews adults 30, cents, ohildren 8% cents (180 MADAME Phone 263 20,