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Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Dec 1929, p. 11

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Caused Bos AR ia eb KI had oA ro Fe I = Ae THE CIASS oe FE LWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1929 PAGE ELBE IKE meets D SE( CTION Seller "sanains N..¢ Lego! Engineering and Surveying CONANT & ANNIS, BARRISTERS Solicitors. Notaries Public, Ete, Con. reyancin ang, general practice of Law. Offices 7% Simcoe St. South, Dshawa. Phone 4. G. D. Conant, BA LL.B.; A. F, Aopnls, B.A, FRANK 8. EBDS, BA Solicitor, Notary Public, Convey- weer. Money to loan, Third Hoor 1ew Alger Bulding, 'Ovposite Post Jffice. Phone 2996 W. E. N. STR CLATR KC. BANK of Commerce Bu'ldin, JOSEPH 5 FANCAN] BADAR rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Cone veyancer. Money to loan, Office 14! King St. East, Oshawa, Phone 445. Residence phone 837. G N, Fraser, Barristers, Conveyancers, Notaries Publle, ete. Office over Standard Bank. Entrance Simcoe St. Phone 13, J. F, Grierson, K.C., T, K. Creightcn, B.A, LN, 3 Fraser, B. A, LOUIS S. HYMAN, BARRISTER id Notary, over. Tr Store, Money to loan, 16 Simcoe Sireet north, Phone 67. + Residence 0 PARKHILL AND FIELD, BAR. risters. etc. Money to loan. Alger Bldg. Opposite Post Office. Phone 1614. A. J. Parkhill, A. C. H. Field GREER AND [IUM PHREYS, BAR' risters, Solicitors, ete. 24%; Siricoe St. N. Phone 3160. Meney to lo loan ALEX OC. HALL, B B.A. BARRIS ter, ete. Convéyaneing and general practice. 22% Hing St. East, Phone 3237. (tr) HARRIS & HARRIS, BARRIS- ters, Solicitors, ete, 41 Alger Bldg. Oshawa and Port Perry. Phones 759 Oshawa, Port Perry 24 an1 71 r 3. (Dec. 2-1 month) = DONEVAN AND SMITH, ONTAR- io Land Survevors and Civil Engin- eers, sub-divisions, town planning, municipal engineers. 365 or 411 King St, E. Phones 2532] or 2544. Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO, 67 KING ST. East, Ambulance. Residence 542 Sim. coe street north, Phone. 210J and HOW. DISNEY-COIT FUNERAL HOME 87 Celina street, Oshawa. Corner Bruce street. Ambulance. Phone A. Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, io King St. west, Oshawa, The old. esy Fire Agency in Oshawd, 30 Re nutable Fire Companies. WHEN PLACING INSURANCE consult R. N. Johrs, 80 Slmcoe porth, Your finsyrgmce 'vants ate tended to and your interests pro- tected. Transportation CARTAGE AND STORAGE, COLE- man's, 86 Bond West, Specialists fn furniture moving, storage ware- house and moving van equipment. Phone 82. CARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL sand and cinders. Local and long distans hauling. © Phone 3048 aml 2692F, Smith and Cox, 887 King St. of this nature, and collect for same. All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Etc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling a large number of small accounts For the convenience of customers who find it inconvenient .to come personally to The Times office, a telephone call will bring a messenger who will receive the advertisement "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT Work Wanted ESTAB- Park Road distance, Park Ri OSHAWA'S OLDEST Lishe! furniture movers, car age. Local and long Frank Cowle, Prop. 65 South, Phone 215, (Dec, 16-1 mo) Beauty Parlors Medica! PHYSICIAN, geon, Accoucher.. Office and reti- dence, King St. Est, cornar Victoria St. Oshawa, Phone 94 DR. HAROLD W. TFICK, PH SI cian, Surgeon. Obstetrician, Special references to atern'ty work an vd di seases of wounen. Two vears' pok graduate experience, Office and resi dence 167 Simcoe St. N., (cor. Brock) phone 302 DR. GRANT HZIRRY, Surgeon, Obsgetrician, infants end children ( residence, 97 Bond East. Phone 1155 DR. B. J. HAZLEWOOD, PHYSI- cian and Surgeon, special attention given to X-ray work aud Electro- theopy. Office, Disney Block. Phone 2050. Oftice open 9 a.m, to 12 a.m. Residence 161 King Kast, Phone 2416. DR: DAVID ARCHER, M.D. CM LR CYP ang 8 Edinburah Surgeon and Obstetrician N. Phone 3020 E. Phone 3155 MD. L. R DR, McKAY, SUR PHYSICIAN diseases «of Office and Physician, Office 142 Simcoe St. residence 161 King St L. ARCHER BROWN, : C. 'P. & S. Edinburgh. Physician. Surgéon, Ri ian, special ate tention to maternity work and dis- cases of children, Office and resi dence. 185 Simcoe st. North. Phone 3107. oe DR. C. W. CARR, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, Obstetrician. Office and residence, (12 Simcoe street north. Phone 2415. Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR. F. T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, 'will Le at his office over Jury Loveli's Drug Store each Saturday, from 1 till 4 p.m. for consultation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only. Appointments nrav be made at drug store, Phune 97 BETTY LOU "PERMANENT wave,. Special $5 and $7.50 Finger wave and shampoo $1. Facial .75¢ Hair cuttiig Phone 2968 or 86 North, EXPERT MARCELLING BY Betty Ward at Betty Lou Perman. ent Wave Shoppe: Marcel and sham- poe $1. Phone 2968. ce dh WATSON'S EARBER Beauty shop. 9 Celina St. We spe- cialize in ladies' hair cutting, mar- celling, shampooing, facials. Marcel 5) cents, For appointments phone 2653, (Dee, 3-1 mo) MARCEL AND C URL SOc, EYE brow arching, 25¢. Mrs. Everette Bell, apartment 9, Edward Apartments, Quebec Street, For appointments phone 326 (Dec, 3-1 Mo.) MARCEL AND CURL 25c. MRS Clark, 147 Agnes 3t. Phone 2640J. (Dec. 11-1 mo) MADAM MAR L ATE oF P ARIS and T, Eaton, Toronto, high class beauty culture at moderate prices, Disney Building, Flat No. 1, $1 King street east, opposite Post Office, Phone 1376 (Dec, 31) 208 VA Simcoe AND Building Supplies CEMENT BLOCKS FOR SALF- To insure prompt delivery, place orders in advance of delivery date W. Borrowdale, phone 1618, Music ARTHUR LYNDE, VOCAL TEA- cher (Hambourg Conservatory, To- ronto) pupils prepared for all exams Oshawa. Wednesday, 92 Simcoe ih North, Phone 2754F (129-tf )] FRANK CONVERSE SMITH, ONE of Toronto's leading violin teachers, is in Oshawa on Thursday afternoons Studio 86 Elgin St. E. Phone 739M (Dec, 16-1 mo) Radio Service Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat DR. E F RICHARDSON OFFIC over Mitchell's Drug Store. Hous 10 to 12 am. 2 to 5. Evenings by appointment, Othce phone 2660 Residence 432) DR. A, W. HARDING, OFFICE over Dewlands, Hours 10 to 12 a.m. 2 to 5. Evenings by appoint- ment. Office phone 1499, Resld- ence 2648. Dental DR. S. J. PHILLIPS, OVER BAS: sett's. Special attzntion to X-rav work. Gas cxtracticn. Nurse in ate tendance. Phone 959. House 1312, DR. H. M COOKE, 9 SIMCOE SI north, over Mitchell's Drug Store Gas for exiraction. Phone 54 DR. L. E. HUBBELL, DEN "IST, Nitrous oxid oxygen gas forsextra.-4 sions. Office." Roval Bank Blde Phone 948, residence, 1378M DR. 1. y BROCK, DENTIST, 16 Simcoe N. over Dewland's Phone 1957. Res. 292W. Evenings bv apnointment, DR Ww. H. GIFFORD. Regent Theatre Blda. Residence 609. DR. LaNG OFFICE Phone 1780 MAID DR. DAVIES. Dentists, 37 Kind St E. Special at- tention to gas extraction and X.rav work. Nurse in attendance. Phones 143 and Sha Architects' LE STERHOUSE -- GENERAL architectural work. Second floor, 'Roya! Bank Building. Phone 1496. Res. pnone th THOMSON ANE JOHNSON, A5- Simcoe St. S sociate architects. RADIO RUPAIRS ON ALL MOD- els at a reasonable price by an ex- pert Radio-Trician, All work guar- anteed. Battery charg.ag Tbe. Bat. teries for sale. Geo. Burroughs & Son. Phone 382-11. Gradhate Na- tional Radi, Institute, (Dec. 2-1 mo) SERVICE, AC: repairs on elec- OSHAWA RADIO cessories for sale, trie and battery sets, tubes and batteries tested, batteries -- re- charged rental supplied. $1. Phone 1046J, Charles Wales, 146 Elgin East, (Dec, 6-1 mo) Painting and Decorating R. GUTSOLE, FIRST CLASS PA pefhanger, painting and graining Prices right, work aranteed 340 Pine Ave. plioue 3065w or wre, (72t1) A. G. TURNER, PAINTER AND Papernanger, Only flrst class work guaranteed: 20 years "experience Prices reasonable. Phone 2460W (Dec. 16-1 mo) .-- Money to Loan CITY AND FARM LOANS, PRO- aress loans arranged, Pa rkhill & Ficld. Barristers, etc. Alger Blda. Phone 1614, Caulking HAVE ALL CREVICES AROUND your windows and doors filled with plastic cement and shut out the cold draft, saves fuel, the cost is small, Free estimates. J. Hl. Law- son, R.R, No. 8, Oshawa. Phone 7282 Dec. 4-1 mo) Lost and Found Over Felt Bros. TT TOR Public Stenographer MARIE M, HILTON, N74 SIMCOE street north. Phone 1600. Speglal 'mail ats. and eifcular rater for matiidg Hep aus no) LLL BEAR a Home Cooked Meals ENGLISH HOME MADE PORK ples, steak and kidney. ples. hot or cold brawn, cakes and pastries, ete, ete. Frank Drakes, 21 Maple street, Phone 4 8 2372 (77LL LOST---ON DECEMBER 24TH A gum of money, Finder will be 1ib- erally rewarded if returned to Box $70 Times office, (149¢) RAYED OR STOLEN ON Christmas Day, black and brown teres rier dog, tag No. 246. Anyone know- ing his whereabouts please notify 733 Rowena St, phone 929W and save further trouble, _._-- _ __ (150h) LOST-WATCH CHAIN WITH medal, initials medal, M. Ok¢, Return to 87 Connaught = sfreet (131a) on RE-UPHOLSTERING, CHESTER: fields made to order, We save you money, Estimates free. G. A. Con- stable, 74 Mechanic street, Phone 1593). (501) JATTERIES CHARGED, CALLED for and delivered, 75 cents. If ren. Ital supplied $1. Fatteries repaired Stan Blidgon, 20 Mi'l St. Phone 18856W Dec, 13-1 mo) DATTERIES CAARGED AND DE- livered 76c, rental 25Kc, and the entire electrice) system of car re paired. 204 Oshawa Blvd. Phoue 3112W, (Dec, 12-1 mo) Coo Hemstitching NINE CENTS PER YARD, PLEAT, ed Skirts, oae dollar, alterations, ete. All kinds of teautifui fancy work on sale. Mrs, Dell, £61 Sim: soe South, hone 1656 (Dec. Furniture Repairing FURNITURE RE UPHOLSTERED and repaired, No job too small or too large. George A. Lemee, Phone 1456M, >, 16- =] mo) (Dec. a Tailoring L VERLAND, BEST AND clothes maker in Osh awa for men who care, Prices far and reasonable, 12%; south, Phone 1583W HILLS PAUL most artistic (Nov, 29-1 ri Contracting CONTR! ACTING - - CON plastering, = electric or a { Phone 139 for estimates (13tf) NCR Storm Windows STORM WINDOWS ¢ CUT TF UEL bills one quarter Make cold houses warm and comfortable, Phone 2830w | and we will measure your free and quote low prices on Ready Glazed Storm Windows, fitted and applied if desired. (Dee. 2-1 mo.) | 4-1 mo) | : 1 Simcoe Street | ) | windows ! Articles For Sale MIXED HARD AND S0FT WOOL slabs, $3.50 per load. Also bone dry body wood, Waterous Meek Limited Phoue 1238 (Apr, 2611) FOR £SALE----HEINTZMAN COU. Ltd, planos, new and used pianos, also radios, latest wodels; terws arranged. Apply C. Trull, Phone 1658J, (111-tf) FOR SALI FROM §3 Chickens $1; feathers oO cents per pound 1653r14 . " (151¢) WE yu! 1 LINE or CCM skates and boots, Your old palr taken In exchange, Open evenings, 12 Richmond street*east Phone 2774. (1484) SLIGHTLY USED SKATES AND boots complete cutfits from $2 up, also a large assortment of slelghs from B0¢ up, Open evenings, 12 Richmond St, East, Phone 2774 ( 148d) GEES! also goose Phone CARRY A For Rent FOUR AND | VIVE ROOUNED MOD ern suites, including electric relrig eration, stove, laundry, conven) ences, etc.; continuous hot water {supplied. Apply Supt. 'phone ¥671 ur The Trusts and Guarantee Co 1 Ltd.,, manager for owner, l'oronto (2710) TWO FURNISHED llght, heat and Phone 799W. (161e) TO RENT rooms, bathroom, | gas, 20 Maple St, TO RENT--NEW b house, Park road north floors, Low rent, Phone Hagdwood 20 r 2. (161b) FIVE ROOM BRICK hardwood floors, newly decorated, possession, Phone (1504) { TO RENT conveniences, | qlectrie fixtures, | Also garage, Immediate | Apply 41 Elgin St, East, | 1686J, TO RE NT-- MODERN rooms and bath apartment, electric stove, refrigeration and hot water heating Apply 161 King East, Apartment 2 (1484) Auctioneer 716). Wa 1. PHONE 1. SULLEY. auctioneer, 346 Simcoe Si. 8. We can sell your odd pieces of furniture and other articles at our vards, 41 Kine St W Oshawa Ontario. 8. WwW. CLARK. AUCTIONE 5) R, 520 Simcoe St. Phone 2693M. (Dec, 14-1 mo) 8. Nursing PRACTICAL NURSE, MATER- nity, Invalid or general nursing. For information phone 1298. (Nov, 27-1 mo) PRACTICAL NURSE DISEN- gaged, maternity, invalid or general nursing, Doctor's references, For information phone 742M. (Dec, 6-1 HUNGARIAN WOMEN "Expr ERI enced wants general housework, five day or week, Apply evening 7 o'clock, 238 Dearborne Ave, (160¢) mo Salesmen Wanted GOOD LOCAL SALUSMEN WANT- od to sell the new Connor Thermo Electric Washer and Silver Radio. Good commission proposition, Ap- ply 12 Bond street east, ( 150¢) SS Wanted to Rent WANTED -- ¢ UNFURNISHED rooms, Reasonable, 2 children. Phone 477TW, (150b) Wanted WANTED SEC 'OND HAND ) PIANO state. fully condition, style, make and price. Apply W. R, Westlake, Ennis- killen, O Ontario, 4 (150b) Books 4 ROBERTSHAW'S CIRCULATING brary. You will enjoy reading the latest IMletion at" minfroum cost "hone 1472, 87 Clmeoe St. North JT-F-8 tr) - oe Help W ted GIRL, WANTED POR MOTHER'S help. Apply 6306 Mary street, Phone 1282M. (160¢) WOMAN ~ WANTED, EXPERI enced in catering and supervising Phone 2214, (100b) TWO ROOMS FI ANISHED. | Every convénience for light house keeping, Light and heat, Phone 1473J. (140e) REN AT 107 Ir Nove 1928J. (149¢) 0 RENT, CEN- steam heat, hot newly dec podsesaion, Phone 1400, (140¢) ROOMED All conveni- Phone (1600) ROOM, + BRIC i, also garage $25, per month, Apply 345 St, Julien St, phone 853]. (150¢) For RENT--0 ROOMBD BRICK house, garage, large garden, 2 minutes walk to street car, All conveniences, On Westmoreland Ave, Possession at once, Apply 363 Pine Ave., or phone 1727J, (149¢) FOR RENT--FURNISHED BED- room, suitable for two, Very cen tral, Phne 23290W, (160¢) TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS, ground floor, Rent reasonable, Phone 320W, (1600) FOR RENT --- FURNISHED AP- artment for light housekeeping, Con- véniences near Motors, Phone 2297, 105 Colborne Fast, (151¢) SIX GARAGE TO Brock street east, APARTMENT TO tral, four rooms, water, electric stove, orated. Immediate I'urnished if desired. YRENT -- SIX near Motors, rent reasonable, FOR house, ences, 1283M, HOUSE, EIGHT all conveniences, ROOM HOUSE TO RENT on Whiting. Avenue, Apply 33 Whit- ing Avenue, (151¢) Second Hand Dealer SECOND HAND DBALER. FUR. niture bought and eold. 156 Bloor St. Mast, Phone 1617M, (te) Auction Sale TAKE NOTICE THAT P, FAR- row is indebted to W. Gurnsey for $96.16 for parts supplied for and labour performed on a certain Model "M"™ 1426 Star Sedan, hearing Motor Number WB6-802074, Car Number T350438 and such car will be sold by public auction sub- ject to a reserve bid at 168 King street west 'in the City of Oshawa by 'A, (, Lycett, Auctioneer, at the hour of two o'clock in the aftor- noon of Saturday the 4th of Jan- uary A.D, 1930, (1501) Pets and Live Stock Vivry D TO 4 Island Red Pullets, cheap. 419 King street west, Watch Repairing I, A. VON. GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchinaker, repair shop at 44% King Street West, Your pat. ronage is solicited DE Apply (149¢c) Situations Vacant EARN $6 TO $10 PER DAY, AM- bitious, reliable men wanted at once, Part time pay while training for Aviation Mechanics, Garage Work, Driving, Battery, Electric, Acetelyne Welding, House Wiring, Industrial Electricity, Machinist, Bricklaying, Plastering, Drafting, Barbering and Hairdressing, Act quick, get your ap- plication in nows Write or call for in« formation, Dothinion Trade Schools, ka, Eastern Headquarters, 163 King St. W,, Tonle Employment service a to coa (131- 134. 137-140-143-146-152) Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of Agnes Maretin Farwell, deceased, All persons having claims against the Estate of Agnes Maretta Far- well, late of the Town of Oshawa in the County of Ontario, who died on or about the 6th day of March, 1886, are hereby notified that they are required to send by prepaid post or deliver to the undersigned on or before the 21st day of Janu- ary, 1930, their full names, ad dresses, and descriptions, and ruil particulars of thelr claims and the nature of their securities (if any) therefor, in writing verified by statutory declaration; and that af- ter the last mentioned date the Administratrix of the sald Esta will distribute the assets amongst the persons entitled thereto, hav- ing regard only to the claims of which she has then notice, and will not be llahle for the assets or any part thereof so distributed to any person of whose claim she las not | notice at the time of the distribu- tion, \ Dated at the Cit) 13th day of December, of Toronto this E 1029 "ROOMED | THREE | ARMSTRONG & 20 Bay Street, Toronto, Solicitors for the Administra- trix, Saretta Elizabeth natal Hinckson. | 'SINCL AIR, | | | 148-10 b' Notice to Creditors MATTER OF THE ES FRED BRAMHALL, DE Notice is hereby given having any claims against Fred Bramball, I, who died on or about th venth da AD, "| the city « awa, I he | Ontar required | | st pre-paid, or to deliver | to the undersigned solicitors for die Bramhall, the Administratrix of f Fred Bramhall, deceased, names and addresses and | l of their claims and that after the Jlst day of De- |cember, A.D, 1929, the Admin istratrix will proceed to distribyte the assets of the said deceased amohg the {persons entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice, Dated at Oshawa, Ontario, this 13th day of December, A.D, 1920, CONANT & ANNIS, Barristers, Oshawa, Ont, Solicitors for the said | Administratrix \ddie Bramhall, (140-146-152) | ase 14, 21 and 28 | { Mrs, IN THI I'ATE O} CEASED, that per of all ons demands deceased I 19 at ( ounty of end by po | | | i | | [ { {the estate heir p srticulars in writing said Dee, Notice of Registration of Bylaw is hereby given that a by- law, No. 1989, was passed by the Council of the Corporation of the City of Oshawa on teh 16th day of December, 1929, providing for the is- sue of debentures to the amount of $325,000.00, for the purpose of cone structing and equipping an addition to the Oshawa Collegiate - Institute tor Technical School purposes, and that such by-law was registered in the registry office ut Whitby, Couns ty of Ontario, on the 23rd day of December, 1929. Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be made within three months after the first publica- tion of this notice and cannot be made thereafter, Dated the 28th day 1929, F. E. HARE, Clerk. a (151-156-162) Real Estate for Sale SALE--COTTAGE, 5 ROOM, 216 Park Rd. south, (151b) TOR SALE--10 ACRES OF LAND, frame house, barn, hen house, frult trees, on highway near Whitby. $700 down payment, Balance ocasy terms, Apply to J. E. Disney Whit by. (M-8) Notice of December, FOR $300 down. One difficulty about the Russo- Chinese situation is that it's hard for men to understand each other whon they can't even pronounce each othre's names.--San Diego Union, Perhaps it's because we have u kind face, but the sort of bridge partner we usually draw is one who sayg, "Well, I thought you wouldn't mind taking a. chance," ~~Ndw York Evening Post, What puzzles us Is how people who have no children of their own know so much about children. What does a man who never has walked know about walking? Port Arthur News-Chronicle, darly bird gets nothing but up exercises on the radio. The sotiing- Life. Three conseculive tions for thy first (three cents a word), Minimum charge fur three insertions, U0 certs, Dox number 10¢ additional Professional Cards, $2.60 per month for 20 words or less; 11 cents a word per month Rates for Classified Ads. First Insertion=-135 cents per word, tive word, two for Miplmum charge 30c, Lach subsequent conseci- insertion each word, TIMES CLASSIVIED ADS COST LITTLK; COMPLISH MUCH TELEPHONE Ask for Classified Ad Department or lo per fnser- price of \nsertions Business additional AC a5 Ashburn, a Happy Mr, nt Dang sp Mrs Miss Florence nding their and ago son a and Christmas Roberts, Kirkpatrick, Balfour, the on are with Balfour, The held morn for t found shape suing Mr tion Mr hold; W mont Mr ann at ing he d ye to Th year Bar his Clif A\VIing at Mole Miss Ruth Stuttaford of the Clare continuation Ken Stuttaford, of spending | father Mi Univ othy ronte LL] ersity, Mille ) Jol Farm A preac Sunday listening Ad- | pression that he had a promising It was expected that late of Gladstone, hay unexpectedly tur Gr toba, but At S100 | ol folle foe Crot tera all Ww. and famil = | and Mr, Frank and Toronto, spent the holiday home here, Mr, and N. Luke, Mr, Mrs, Wi son, awa, W. cess, lobert | Grant, ston, president, pres. Miss Henry Doble, and Daisy Fisher were also appoint. ed along with these to purchase ma- gramme clusion of whic ta Claus arrived and merrily unloads pretty tree was generously remembered on, ed the Ethel Mr, home here Mr, Mr, Barbara Kingston, are holidays with their Miller, ASHBURN Dec nd Mr ual the ar be € N 8 ton hom ford with their Jol of mn student hed al Stewart, wou he w me Se a Ary Church which Mrs, wing splen to Id ag cling eiety R, E. office and 27 Prosperous New La l of moth I'rustee school when reports wert everything ) ve fessrs is spending én Mole his vaca mn ot Mi Moul spending the I iron Id him h e and we hope to hear him later, father, school ser d all who had the and all Yeu Richardson with Mr Jumbus, Saskatoon | of Chic- | holiday Mrs, To on Ww. Jay [WY y 0 sei 4 | James | | meeting Ww | len | | er, on Thursda given wa ry satisiactor) school board for the en George West, | | Norman Anderson and Fred Steph-| | | A | 1 his va Claremont Windsor i Mr, Gee | ol taff Toronto, tion with uttaford ller, of Queen's and Miss Dore ton College, T¢ Christmas sarents, Mr, "Blairgownie and "ure their | and Coleg here on Knox ns privilege wer ol the nu Rev, R Mam services detained the | { | «| ad | | of Fibs Women's Mi was held Her rs ensuing year: 1 hers; Mrs, Juff, treasurer, Mi secrelary, The officials of Mrs, R vice Herl E. 1 Marie West, | for B. Mrs, spent by all, Raglan, Dearborn, Columbus, mas at the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Wilson, Mr, and Mrs, Bright, Yi, § Mrs. they mak d RAGLAN Dee, 27=Mr, and Mrs, 1 ent Frank Brown, at Mrs, Luke, Billy, Mr, and Mrs, spen and tree Misses ng « articles as the socicties may sce to make during the year, ent reports that were given showed that all branches of the work were in a very progressive condition and hoped for greater ments for the New Year, Mrs, Rev. Mitchell's keenly felt as she was a very active worker and it will be hard to find one to fill her place as efficiently, Miss Mildred O'Boyle, of Toronto, has been visiting her parents, Mr, Fred O'Boyle, Although the night was not a very pleasant one the Christmas tree in connection with the Sunday School was well attended and a good time The children and those who patiently trained them are to be complimented upon the splendid pros yrovided at 1 our Mrs, Christmas with M M. imer and son, Ross, spent Christmas with Mr, Fred Pierson over the holiday, Go t latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs, Cook, Columbus, Mg, and Mrs, John Ormiston, Osh- Mrs, Enfield, Mr, and Mrs, ton, and Mf spent Christmas with Mr, Avery, The Sunday Seohol Christnias Thos was The proceeds er $20 Mur, and Mrs, Ray were pres, Wm, and Mrs, Christmas at Burns' | at the home | recently, the elected for Mrs. A Mrs Innis J. S, John- the Guild ar Ashton; treasurer Mrs Mole Guild of on President, Mrs ie {eron; secretary, Hazel VCC | other fit The differ uilts and accomplish- departure was | Christinas concert held | Hampt Pascoe; Teacher, Mr, R, sock ; asst, teacher, My ens; Lookout Committee, v Yellov lees, Mrs, R, J, MeKessock, Mrs, W, Taylor, Mr, HH, Hardy, Mr, H Tink, Flower committe Mr, W. Taylor, Mr, A, L. Pa Mr, R MeKessock, Mr, | Stevens committee, Mrs Yellowlees, Mrs, Will Laker, W, T, Taylor Mr. H, A Foronto with his parents, MceKes« C1, Dlev~ Mr. N. C, J, by spent Christmas with her Mr, and Mrs, Geo, Stacey, Mr, and Mrs, Andy lilkie Christmas in Toronto, A number of cases of mumps have been reported in this vicinity, Miss Jean Pollock spending he holidays at her hone Norval ® tion y Mr, and Carl daughter, spent with Mr Geo, Prospect A number 1k spent iy I 8 score, G, Jane Mrs, at Pe | ich Mi Audrey, and Mrs, Avery aud Christmas McClintock, spent Christmas Pascee in attended the ut Mt, ( from here ur- t The greaeist ument, against a man having two wives ig it would leave him wo pl to hang his clothes Tom Bimg for Koy Fei tures night, I'hompson, Violet, all spent , James spending her nts in Bethel, "Thursday Mr, Johnathan® Gordon, Olive and Howard, Christmas with Mr, and Mr Barker, Prospects Miss Grace White holidays with her par Mr, Ivan and Miss Luella Mo Oshawa, spent Christmas with thelr parents, Mr, and Mrs, Geo, Moore, Mr, Arthur Ormiston," Toronto, spent Christmas with dit parents, Mr, and Mrs, 1, F, Offuiston, Mr, and Mrs, John Maye, Sot Marjorie, and Norman, spent Christ mas with Mrs. Maye's father Claremont, Mr, and Mrs, Alex Ormiston Jean spent Christmas in Brooklin, Mr, and Mrs, J. Ormiston, win | and Osgoode, all spent Christmas it Brooklin, Mr, and Mrs, J. Evans and family with her parents spent Christmas Miss Rose Brent, Myrtle, spent Christmas with Mr, and Mrs, N, Hughson, Mr, Gordon Thompson, Toronto, i pending a few days at hig hone her I'he young enjoying lumbus mel on p : ! Cast-off auto tires are now used In the making of shoes, If some use coulg also be found for un nocessary honking much would b forgiven,-- Brautford Expositor, Ie aii Gnd? | | Blancos 8 Wy ar ut an Boys' Aviation Caps, solid leather, 98¢ Special ..i..iu DOMINION CLOTHING CO, 68 KING ST. WwW, ple of th ' thone 2141 We Deliver splendid pec VICI are SOM skating ( rin} SOLINA Mr. and + Mr at her father' rt Perry, for Christ , Iee, Veam Willian visited ( Mi iA omeir EYESIGHT SPECIALIST . Author of The Eyes in Modern Liles Optometry Feature Service Your Eyes and Health Eye Care and Eye Strale Disney Block pa (516~~Pheno-1510 rn -------- A and Mrs, Will D ogarth ted at Moy Mi family, Jaker i +2 Mrs, J Ruse, and I'hos and | | Visi for Christmas, Mr, and Mrs nt th M i" Lr and tar ill hn Baker im Bowman Bragg, M.P.P Will R Hampton DD, Hogarth ent Christmas at J Christmas WwW, J. Mi and Hampton gp ['hos, Baker, kdith Pa Mr H. ( ang Mr A. J. Reynolds spent | days at Mrs. A, L, Pascoe, vodly number were to when the Christ 15 lesson was studied, Miss Lena aylor, Mrs, Everett Cryderman, Mr, Alan Balson and Mr, Harold Shuttlé= | worth sang a Christmas quartette, and at the church Miss Lena Ta 1 wg a splendid solo, During the session the 188 elected alficers: Mr, W [ vice pres, Smales: Se Nr. A. il Mr, and and Mr family, Mr, use, A -- Mrs, J and Hampton, Finks Visit ed at Mr a few out Sunday Don't Lose Your Car, Let Me Finance You! G. R. Holden MOTOR LOANS AND DIS. COUNTS LID, Felt Block Room 6 Phone 8V90 service School their Taylor, Treas, ¢ Why Burn More Than Neccesary ? You Are Saving it by Buying Fuel at the Fellowing Prices Terms = Net Cash Per Ton BUCKWHEAT § 9.75 PEA 12.00 NUT .. 15.00 EGG .ciivvirnvine - 1500 STOVE ......«ueeee 18.80 OTTO COKE .... 12,80 No, 1 Body Hardwood, dry Hardwood Factory Cuttings, dry Hardwood Slabs, dry «oii Genuine Scranton Anthracite HONEST WEIGHT $4.00 per 34 Cord $4.00 per Load $3.78 per load PRICE -- QUALITY ~-- QUANTITY = SERVICE the con- old friend San- that each child spent Christ- Bright, Miss Bright and Mr, Myrtle, iss Hazel Grose, at their W, Mr, and J. Lat. Toronto, and Mrs, Luke, all of visited at his Brent and the Thos, rdon w: Ormiston, James Ormis~ Hall, Brooklin, and Mrs. concert and a decided suc amounted to ov« ~ W.J. TRICK COMPANY LIMITED 25 Albert Street Phone 230, 231 Most Heat for the Money CONGER'S high grade fuels are each selected for low ash, long burn« ing and high heating efficiency. REGISTERED Anthracite Coke Pocahontas Conger Lehigh Coal Co. Ltd. 52 King St. E J. H, R, LUKE Phones: 871.931.687W Oshawa Manager. Way, Oshawy,

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