i a #53 WAL EY PE ii 0 wie Bk fees atid ADrD Eolwiv THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1929 GAL HELD FOR FORGERY Belleville.~Albert Argent was are rested by the Belleville police on charges of issuing forged cheques on the Stephens-Adamson Co, one for $2039 and the other for $2095, SHORTAGE OF BREAD Picton ~Many town houscholddrs had to do without bread over the holiday, The breadmen were unéble to make their customary trips to the SSuntry owing 'to the impassable rouds, AGED RESIDENT DIES 'Campbellford ~~ Following a brief illness, Edward A Bennett, a life- long resident of this district, passed away at his home, Lot 24, Con, VY Seymour Township. Mr, Bennett was in his seventy-fourth year, ELECTIONS AT STELLA Kingston--At the nominations held at Stella, Samuel Miller, an ex- Reeve and ex-Warden, was elected Reeve by acclamation, HM, Willard, Rid, W, Taylor and W, Brown were elected to the council by ac chamation, » A GOOD CHRISTMAS Gananoque -- Gananoque enjoyed an old fashioned Christmas enhanced by all the modern facilities for mak- ing the day one of joy, gladness and good will. Merry Old Santa Claus wis magnanimous in his distribution of gifts among her citizens, JOINT INSTALLATION Ament o The joint installation ceremonies, of A Ancient St, John's Lodge No.'3, A. F. aqui ods No. 92, A. F. & A. M,; Minden Lodge No, 253, AF. & AM, and Royal Edward Lodge No, 585, AF, & A. M, was held in the Ma- sonic Temple 'on Friday evening of this week at a joint meeting of the four Lodges concerned, FEW OPPOSE BYLAW Peterboro. ~The trial that was given to daylight saving 'last year and the adhering to the school holi- day time of two and one-half months for this year "has evidently heen. satisfactory to the majority of citizens, as very little opposition is in evidence to the by-law, A.'M.; Catar-] RN ONTARIO NEWS: TO GIVE REPORTS Kingston, Annual reports by the chairmen of committees will be made at the meeting of the Kiwanis Club next Monday, the last of the year, The newly-elected officers will Le installed at the first meeting in Ja- | nuary, which will take the form of a "La jes' Night" WHITE CHRISTMAS COSTLY Peterboro ~~ Peterborough's white Christmas has cost the city approxi« mately $800 in the past four days to clear away the snow. Nearly fifty extra hands are now employed by the Board of Works in the titantic struggle to remove the snow to al low traffic easier progress, TRAVELLING DIFFICULT Bailieboro,~The recent heavy snow storms have completely block- ed car tfaffic in this vicinity and motorists on the provincial highway are finding travelling very difficult, as it is almost impossible for ears to pass, Bus service between Peter boro is very irregular, the condition of the highway causing them to be hours late, MAY ACCLAIM OLD COUNCIL Belleville, == At the nomination on Monday next at Wallbridge, Sidney Township, the prospects are that all of this years members of the coun cil will be returned by acclamation Col," Vanderwater, the Reeve, is an aspirant for the position of Warden of Hastings County for 1930 and the prospects ure bright for his eleva- tion to that position, TWO CITY RINKS ARE OPENED Belleville, = The (wo city rinks located on Holloway street have been cleared of snow preparatory to being flooded. One rink is used for hockey and the other for skating, and both every winter is largely pa tronized by the younger set in the western part of the city, ' ROBINS SEEN Belleville,~The Ontario robin has been seen Two gay redbreasts looking plump and happy borrow a meal from Fred Chapman, 259 Al bert Street one day this week. Mr. Chapman is special investigator for the CN.R, and the sighting of rol ins so early can be taekn authenti- cally Produce Prices in the Commercial Markets TORONTO HAY AND STRAW Joslery fo Hay end straw are EX oh the following prices for Sliver on track, Toronto i daa baled ton 44.40 $15.50 3 Timothy, baled, Hd A +8130 $15.00 Oct straw, per ann « 10.00 10,50 Ww Neat straw, >b ed, ton yu iees 10.00 10,50 3 Timothy loves loose, is quoted at $19 to TORONTO PRODUCE Toronto 'wholesals dealers are offering to yetall dealers at the following fon=Toen extras, In cartons, 68 to 7c; oh Wa loose, 6c; firets, loose, Sle; seponds, 3c; pullet extras, Ji. Storage eggs ~Kxtras, 46c; firsts, 4201 seconds, Yc. Belter-No. 1 creamery, prints, 4c; No, 2 , prists, dlc, unar Voy, large, ey twins, 21 1.%¢; triplets, 33¢; stiltons, 27¢, Old, large, 2c} twins, 2 1.2¢; triplets and cuts, 3c; old ng, dic. Chickens, | No, § to 312 Ibs, Do, 3 bs ies Hens, over § Tbs, Do, 4 to § Ibs TORONTO PROVISION PRICES Toronto wholesale dealers are quoting the to the tradei~ ~Hams, medium, 28 to 3; cooked loins, to Sc; emoked rolls, fe; breakfast bacon 2 to 3c, backs, peameals ed. 3 to 40c; do,, smoked, 43 to Sd. Cured meats~Long clear bacon, 50 to 70 1bg,, 2c: 70 to 90 lbs, 22c; 90 to 110 Ibs, ao. Heavyweight rolls, 40c; lightweight rolls, Tard=run. tlerces, 6c: 'tubs, 17¢y palls, 17 1 Wd prints, 18 to 1%. Shortening="Tiers ces, to / 1.2c1 tubs, Mei, pails, WM det Ton 16 1.2: prints, 15 1.2¢, ng, 36 a ch New York shoulders, i7et pork butts, 8 1.2¢; pork hams, lo FARMERS' MARKET io following are quetations, vetall, in ef. - on the St. Lgwrence market, Toronto: "ERY 0 firgts . '" 072 Do. pullet extras .... > 0 De, stor extras "" TOS auvverine Butter, dairy per poun Do., creamery, per pound Fo Fruits and Vegetables Artichokes, 6 qt, +. Carrots, bus, ... De,, 6 at, Beets, bus, Do, 6 qt, ++ os Drussels sprouts, qt Onions, dry, 1l.9t, basket Do,, 6.qt, basket Cabbage Caulifiowe Endive, dozer Splaach, peck Mushrooms, per pound Leal. lettuce, three for Head lettuce, 2 for Potatoes, bag Cucumbers, Parsley. per bune} Cress, three for .. Celery, dos, Qranges, per dozen Salsity, two bunches Grapefruit, each .... Lemons, per dosen Uananas, per dosen , Apples, 6-gt. basket Gréen beans, 6 qt, Cranberries, qt, ... Turnips, bus, Turnips, bag Apples, bus, io. Leeks, G-qt. basket CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, Dee, 27-The break of yesterda was too much for trade, and was sufficient to attract considerable volume of shipping orders, so that the street was reasonably well cleared of consignments at the close last might, Futures did not follow the ape market, and almost from the opening were lacking in support except from shorts, The entire butter sppt market was off sharply today, All futures opened lower and ware object of limited selling throughout the | call, It waa noticeable, however, that offer ings were at no time heavy, while scattered resistance appeared on each fractional set back Open commitments: --Egge~December, 71; January refrigerator, 286; do, fresh, i ay. as, utter--December, 29; Janu ary, 337; February, 199, Three market receipt Butter--Today, 30,222; last year, 18,641, oRe--T000Y, 32,907, lant year, 26,643, Chicago apot market Butter, = Extras lic; standards, 3c; tone steady, Eggs Graded firsts, 4 to #i4c; tone steady, New York spot market --Butter---Extras, 40c; tone steady Eggs~Firsta, 4%; tone unsettled, ' EAST BUFFALO LIVE STOCK East Duffalo, Dec, 27--Receipts of hogs 1,900, holdovers, 1,500; weights below 160 Ibs, fairly active to shippers, 5 te 15¢ lower, $10.50 to $10.60; 170 to M0 Ibs, slow, mostly HARD General Motors Bone Dry and Stove Length Truck and Wagon Loads DIXON COAL CO. Tele. 262 Five Direct Lines Ww OOD VARSITY CO-ED ENTERS THE MOVIES Miss Rosalind Harrison, who # | success in Hollywood, where she short time ago took a leading part in a number of small in the Players' Guild at tho Unis as appeared versity of Toronto, has met with parts, ROYAL BANK REPORTS ITS ASSETS i. NOW OVER ONE BILLION DOLLARS | Annual Statement Reports Total Assets of $1,001,442,741, | a Gain for Year of $92,046,856--Profits of $7,145, | 137, Largest Ever Reported by Canadian Bank -- De- | posits Amount to $772,087,768, an Increase of More | Than $67,000,000 For the first time in her history, | non-interest bearing deposits amount Canada has a bank with total as-|to $180,707 298, compared with §183, sets in excess of one billion dollars, | 814937 a year ago. The annual statement which is now | Profit and Loss Account being forwarded to shareholders by| Shareholders will be particularly The Royal Bank of Canada show [interested in the showing made in| asscts as of November JOth of $1, the profit and loss account, earnings | 001,442,741, a gain of $92040,850 over for the year having amounted to $7,- | November 1928. In addition to re | 145,137, as compared with $5881.253 | porting profits of $7,145,137 that con | in the previous year, a gain of $l, | stitute a new record in the | 263,884, Increased profits are due | of Canadian banking, the t{to the larger amount of business | contains evidence of the handled during the year, as well as | trength of the band | the greater supply of funds made | Strong Liquid Position available throu the recent increase | Liquid asscts amount to $409.27 in capital, Proh for the year, 0965, an amount cqual to 46.91% of | when added to th amount carried | liabilities to the public, Cash on hand | forward from the previous year, | and in banks amounts to $157,632,111, | made the total available for distribu This 1s equivalent to 18.07 of the | tion $9,506,223. This was applied as bank's liabilities to the public I'he | follows: Dividends and bonus $4,722, principal' items among the liquid as-[ 071; transferred to officers' pension sets are! Dominion and Provincial | fund, $200,000; appropriation for Government of $90,543,145, | bunk premises, $400,000, and reserve | Canadian municipal and British, for Dominion taxes, $610,000, leaving onial and foreign public securitic a balance to be carried forward of 517,400,156, railway and other b dy, | $3.57 , as against $2.361085 at debentures and vious year, an in Call loans in Canada ar practically | unchanged as compared with a year | During the r the paid-up capi #&o, while those abroad sho | n-| tal 10 ank was increased by crease of over $22.000,000, | 5 000.000 to 8£35.000,000. At the same derstood that this increase ac premiun \ v stock per. counted for by certain special addition to re posits of a more or lk nmpora ) { l, ar now stands cq nature, 35,000,000 From the business viewpe e AR pri al ints extent to which the bank h { \ care of the increased com quirements of its cust matter of gpecial interest cial loans in Canada now to 055,352, as compared with 472, an increase for the year of mor than $71,000,000 Deposits bearing interest have tinued to show substantial gains and | now stand at $501,380,470, an incre of $67,728,562 during the year, while! | ------------ . pe ---- | { | discuss various subjects before | FR N F conferences, and I am delighted at his acceptance," Washington Counts France Out ecuritics stocks $15468,621.1 the end of the | WAY TO AGREEMENT! 'visi, we "eee, lght of the French note, President Hoover and his delegates to the (Continued from page 1) | London naval conference are suggest an "agroement of mutual lecounting France out, for all prac guarantee and non-aggression be | tien] purposes, believing she has tween the Mediterranean naval pow so firmly assumed a position powers." This plain speaking from [against binding hersell to any Paris will presumably result, judg-|agreement reached at London that | ing by opinions expressed yester-|(here is no avenue of retreat even | day, In the French delegates learn«|if she could be induced to change ing unmistakably before the con-|her attitude, ference opens that British public | opinion will not support any agreement in which the Britis fleot is bound to intervene in French-Itallan quarrel, After reading the French mem orandum Prime Minister MacDon ald despatched an invitation to Premier Tardieu to meet him vately in London before the ference opens, and Tardieu accept-| od. | Break MacDonald Ynvites Tardieu Although MacDonald would say | little on the telephone from Lossie- | mouth, Scotland, where he Is spending the holidays, it Is believ- ed in London that MacDonald feels the urgent necessity for attempt ing to reconcile the British and I'rench views, Asked over the telephone about his message to Turdion, he said: South because of a tie-up of the lo. It is: true. that I hava sent. a |. interlocking switch plant of the message to Premier. Tardieu sug. Boston and Maine Railroad here late gesting that we should meet and last night, which lasted nearly an - hour an d a half. | | Not only were several through 68, | trains on the Portland division from Cattle, 175: steady; medium steers and | S¢ John, N.B, delayed sufficiently heifers, $11.25; cutter cows, $4 to $6.25, A WI vd . ; Calves, 130; vealers active, S0c to $1 [10 cause. many passengers to lose higher; good to choice, $19; common and | thier 'New York and other connec- mum, be fo dross Jower: | HONS, but all local traffic both to and others steady, good to choice, $18 814.05: [from Boston was ut a standstill, medium and strong weights, $11.75 31 Train service was only esume fat ewes, $5.75 to $6.50, | resumed when special railroad crews were TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS rushed to the yards to man the hand Grain dealers on the Toronto board of [ Switches, Railroad employes said fade are making the. fotlowhig quotations that water, which had evidently $1,455: No. 2 do. $1434: No. a fthered in the interlocking mechan. | , 4, 81,80: No, S$, $1.28: No, 6, ism. had frozen at night, Bie (od Goderich and Bay poets), ER ; QUALITY Manitoba oats=No. 1 feed, tdci Neo do, 6dl4e, cil American corn---No, 2 yellow, 81,0044: No Phone 3060 MALLETT'S DELAY ON HONDAY in Switch Causes | Wide Disturbance to Travel Swampscott, Mass, Dec. 28--(AP) Holiday sojourners from the Canad. fan provinces of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia missed Boston connec tions for trains to the West and 25c lower, $10.23; packing sows, $815 to $8.08 5 i yellow 9M4c; No, 4 vellow, 84e (United States funds), all rail delivered Toronto freight, Milltead, delivered Mantreal freight, bags included---Bran, per ton, $35.25; shorts, per ton, $37.25; middlings. $44.2 SLontario grain Wheat, 81.20 to $I only, 1. to Sle; baviey, Mo; rye, $1; buckwheat 0 » 8c, The Oshawa Daily Times Your Own Home Newspaper RINGS you the daily picture of life in your own communi- ty, telling what its people, its organizations and institu- tions are doing. OVERS every phase of the life of the city of Oshawa and the district in a complete and comprehensive way. EEPS you informed, over its Canadian Press Leased Wire of all the important events of the wide world. NTERTAINS you with its special features for men, women and children, cover- ing the field of sport, women's activities: and. children's in- terests. The Oshawa Daily Times Covers Oshawa and Vicinity Like A Blanket dvertising in this Newspaper Brings Results