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Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Dec 1929, p. 2

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! | \ THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1979 The Whitby Daily Times | Advertising, subscriptions and news will br Whitby Brancu Office, at Gazette und Chronicle,~Yelephono | SU-After Business Hours = 'Ubone 850, f} REPRESENTATIVE--JAM VEN AYER IN. GAOL ON CHARGE OF SHOOTING FARMER Magistrate Lenient With Farm Laborer Whot Shot at Wm. Guthrie Convicted a week ago of shooting vith intent to maim William Guth- ie, well known Whithy Township farmer, Paul Penezik, farm laborer, was sentenced this afternoon to one year in gaol by Magistrate J, E, Willis, The accused on the night of November 24th entered Guthrie's barn situated near the village of Audley and the Crown alleged that as he was fleeing from the place he fired twice at Guthrie, wounding him badly in both legs, The defense was hat the gun went off accidentally on both occasions, ; In passing the sentence Magistrate Willis told Penezik that he might have been given a life term for shooting to maim, His Worship could not believe that the gun was acei- dentally discharged on two occasions The fact that accused was reputed to be a good workman, had never been in trouble before, and has a wife and family in the old country, was taken into consideration in im posing the light sentence which dates from the day of his arrest, Accus- td was told that as this was his first sffense he might make application to he Parole Board for a reduction of 118 sentence Ld Louis 5S, Hyman Oshawa, ap peared for accused and made the plea lor leniency, while Crown Attorney I, A. MeGibbon represented the Urown, JUNIOR HOCKEY TEAM MADE FINE ~ SHOWING WED. fa Opening Game With Bowmanville--Two Citi- zens Make Fine Gift Whitby hockey fans were than pleased with the showing made by the local Junior Hockey team when they met the fast Bowmanville nine at the opening O.H.A, fixture of | the season Wednesday evening in Burns' Arena, The fact that the locals were defeated by the visitors by a score of 4+2 does not cut much figure here as it pointed out that they nad little or no practice previous to this game, while too, it 15 stressed that some of the players are new to the game, In the first period Dowmanville scored two in five minutes, but the locals held the visitors scoreless for the forty minutes, during which time the play was very even, with Whitby making a very creditable showing I'he final score was tied for some time, the visitors succeeding in put. ing the rubber in the net twice just sefore the game finished, and at | | | rT | received at the ES H, ORMISTON that time ghey were playing three wien defense, Bowmanville has a good: team, and they played a nice game, The teams lined up as follows; Bowmanville -- Goal, James; fense, left, Jamieson; right, Lun» ney; forwards, centre, Piper Jeft wing, Jamieson; right wing, Brown; subs, Walton, Moorecralt & Grant; | sub, goal, Adams, { Whitby=-Goal, R, Bradley, defense, | G, Scott and Doug, Maundrell; for- | wards, centre, John Hurd; left wing, B. Sturgess, right wing, "Dueck" Sleightholm ; subs, 15. Long, W, Brown and Bye; sub, goal, Law, Tt was announced Friday that Messrs, Russell Hatch and Samuel Trees, two well known citizens In terested in amateur sport, had dona ted syeaters and socks forsevery member of the Junior team, The gift needless to say, is very much appre ciated, WHITBY'S REEVE 1S: ELIGIBLE 10 SIT IN COUNCIL New Pensions Board Reg- ulation Does Not Apply to Town Like Whitby Although R J I. hey member of the Vensions Ho pointed by the City Counci year, he will be eligible 1 second term as reey \ recent artic appearing in the Municipal Worl and in district papers would 1 it appear that he and othe similar position would be disqualil but Reeve Kenny states that he hi been advised hy the Department Toronto that the regulation with re peet to Pension Hoard mbers sit ting on municipal councils applic only to cities and parated towns Whithy is not separated from th County for county purposes ns | City of Oshawa, and there! regulation, it would seem, apply her In cities the Board then the forth in the res officer Reeve the County Ce des th does where nppoimtn are made hy the Coun ippointe would, as pet ulati Kenny was unicipal Ib uneil, not alond toy mn, he name | | application | in the more | pointed out that if Kenny wa very municipalit and he has attended {f the Board where municipalit nsidered, It resent Whitby but « in the County everal session from ever county were liied from seeking a local municipnl office all other member would be in the sam Reeve Mack.can, ol is chairman of the HB terviewed hy long di Friday wight, stat tion referred to appe 1 Municipal World was new to Mr, Maclean figurtd that at the end ofthis year he was no longer a men ber of the Board, and that in Janu ary the City Council would have to make new appointment The reeve of Uxbridge re-clection, and stated that he would get in touch with the Board ay Tor onto at once in order to have his position made clear, He pointed out that it 'was on the ndation of the Department at Tor tha of the Board pusition Uxbridge, wl fan telephone | that the regula whi | wd us wring hin § Seeking recom mito Were County Council member named to comprise the county Board FAIRY FARMERS 'FORFEIT PERMIT Twenty-Five Milk Shippers Placed on Black List Quebec, Dec, 28--Twenty five dairy farmers in the Quebec district are in the black books of the municipal health department, They have been banned from shipping milk into this sity as a result of the recent inspec. tions ' conducted by health officers, Christmas Eve by E, U, Allard, chief nspeetor of the milk department, stated today, 4 In all, a total of 93 permits were sancelled, but 21 of these were res stored after the necessary changes had been made in the barns and dairies. : a The latest trip made by municipal inspectors was on the South Shore of the St. Lawrence, 41 farms in all being inspected, ; One permit was cancelled in Delle chasse where 15 farms were visited in all, while in L'Islet, three permits were cancelled out of the seven farms that were visited, 2 Three permits were likewise cans celled in Montmagny, out of 19 farms visited, sanitary conditions bes ing unsatisfactory in the dairies and stables. Mr, Allard, in commenting on the results of the ' visit, 'declared thay farmers on the South Shore showed a greater readiness to comply with the milk regulations of the city than did North Shore farmers, Out of 41 farms visited, nine permits were cans celled, four of them permanently. Between November 22 and Decems ber 16, 66 pérmits were cancelled on the North Shore, either permanently sr temporarily, while last week 18 more permits were taken away, al: though two-thirds of this number will probably be restored, "Taken as a whole, the situation really is very satisfactory, when it is considered that out of 211 farms visits ed on our present tour of inspection, which started on November 22, only 25 have been placed on the black list, It is important to point out that most of the 93 permits susnended on both sides of the river have been returned within the past fortnight, | | | leclared + Mi after a second, the, farms affected, Allard In all 635 farms ship milk to bee and most of the permit dancella tions have occurred on the north side of the St, Lawrence, where the in spection is practically completed, On the south side, judging from the comparatively few suspensions that have been recorded, it is thought that few permits will be taken away, Un Sir Henry Thornton, president of the CNR, snapped on the NS, 8. Leviathan on his vetarn from A trip to England. in connection SEES HOMES RUINED BY 'EVIL OF BRIDGE" English Vicar Pens Christ. mas Message to His Flock FAMILIES DIVIDED Breeding of Covetous Spirit Ascribed to Card Game London, Det 28 -Rev, W, L Woodhams Denham, vicar of Chor» ley Wood, Herts, has sent an extras tordinary Christmas letter to the members of his congregation, mn which he makes a vigorous attack on bridge as being responsible for the breeding of a bitter, covetous, spirit, envy, jealosuy, broken friend. wing, and divided 1amilies, I'he letter is us follows! "My dear Varishioners--It is with [w vense al pain that 1 feel called ups to point out things which are certainly detrimental wo the Christian nde, and that pam 1s intensified whon that It concerns many ard as parochial friends, i of briage drive ol excuses are made to practice ; no doubt many mnocently, just to be regardless gt tlhe ecoh willing to risk the narrow minded, 1h vis of bridge drives are far reach they breed a bitter, covelous I, aud olen engender envy and undue nervous ex wie broken, and Wining, of cous or prizes is th ' lon | 1 real whom | reg it is the « {i "All | detend thi Midulge int sort but hie, Guest I nam ul helng y, Cieatin pre MICY fed 88 tu he bu wig be art off and prole r the love or the game Al's wutchiul they and have run et thew th rum ntion rein re | thi ont Les , hott 1 th und ought tu rious subjects, r the youn, has to be embodi v.ne and human to follow bridge player, no n, face Him with hould appear whe with tht can ose | example | ciple that ord was the to the drive { dnbin IT'S to all whe this Ioup anu | I lo give Must 4 Author's soul Comment sident of Chorle WE ¢ Cars attack 0 men who complained wives were spend playing bridge, ne thelr homes, and losing too non I'he viggr then bridge fends from the parish magazine | pmlaved for are 5 cents a hundred; bu that womes Ix cents & hun 1 by ty » hint that their mg all their time gleetin much ti d ntl he ti I 1 well ne ut pulpil wi nany pny only for [y NORE wen play all day mil bed time, Other play whand-and-wife partner pl together and know from gan the where harmful than the tea-party when latest scandal," Average stakes rule old wome low uss the London famous OUD OOD were In old valued at $1 left over charge with course, the night | customary ba art eal to bandit; could this have sately I other great city in the world? w= Star, the high ave rage heen done only Of armed on l'oronto When opportunity knocks these | day the average boy is apt to think [ that it is his engine Preston (Kan,) hb with his rallway's business, Sir Henry has, on his veturn, issued | his annual year-end review of busis {ness and trade conditions, he well-known | Was in| paintings | does not but | atternoom of a lone policeman | OU have waited YOUR A ---- S and hoped eight years for it. Now it is a certainty. In convenience and appointments it is not exceeded in all Canada. Its construction is unique. There is not a post to hinder the view of anyone. - It is a product of local enterprise made possible by local public spiritedness. YOU'LL SEE IT SOON \a Oshawa Arena Limited A ------ ------. a Ll : Bowmanville ow . REPRESENTATIVE--B, A AAAs aaa AAAARRAS OFFIGERS ELECTED FOR COMING YEAR BY MASONIC LODGE Bowmanville Order Cele brates Festival of St. | John the Evangelist The festival of St, Jehn the Evangolist was fittingly celebrated by the Jerusalem Lodge No, 81, AF, & AM, In thelr spacious lodge rooms last evening, Over 180 gat down to a sumptuous hanguet in the dining room and did full justice ta the bill of fare provided, Bro, W. L, Elliott took the east chalr for the meeting that preceds ed the banquet which was. featured by the installation of ofticers for the ensuing year, This impressive ceremony was conducted in a cap: able and diguitied manner by Rt, Worshipful Brother Fred C, Hoar, P.D.D.G.M,, assisted by Wor, Bros, M, Comstock and 1. C, Hoar, The newly installed officers are as fol lows, W. Bro, W, L, Elliott, WM; W, Bro, M, Comatoek, I,P.M,; Bro, R, E, Logan, 8W,; Rros, J, Ross Stutt, JW. RW, Bro. Fred (, Hoar, Chaplain; W. Bro. John Lyle, Treasyver; © V.W, Bro. T. News, advertising and subscriptions will be received at the Bowmanville Office of The F'imes. [elephones--Ofttice, 687, Pd federline Daily Times 3 TRL. Goin mimi To Sind, HERBERT MORTLOCK dradrdeadidreodeodrdeie dreaded deduirg Annlson, Secretary: Bro, G.. A, Kd- mondstone, 8,D,; Bro, C, II, Duds loy, J.D. RW, Bro, G, C, Honny- castle, D, of Cg Bro, Norman Allison, Organist] Dro, Q, B, Boun- sall, 8.8: Bro, I, 8, Coulter, J.8.; Bro, A, H, Bouunsell, 1.G,; Ure, L M, Plummer, Tyler, Auditors, Wor, Bros, Ii, O, Mollveen, (0, I, Kent, Finance Committes, Wat, Bros, C, A, Cawker, Gus, Rounsall, KE, H, Brown, Charitable Commits tee, Wor, Hros, F, I, Morris, A. L, Nicholls, Frank Willlams, Health Committe, V.W, Hro, 7, Annis son, Wor, Hro,, John Baker, Bro. K, J. Gibbs, Following tho serving of the banguet by Tre, A, J, Wadhams asalated by the stewards the usual lat of toasts were drank inter spersed with solos and communs Ity singing, Those taking part in the program included Thowas Olsen with his violin, Ross Strike favoring with vooal solos and an Interesting address by Bro, George Layeook of Toronto. The meeting was brought to a close with the singing of Auld Lang 'Syne, Second Bowling League Schedule Under Wa The wecond wsehedule of the Goodyent Bowling League is now wall ander way at Martyn's Alleys and the Porters boobles of the is showing a marked difference to that of the first, The Orphans { Who finished secong from the last In the first schedule are now on top and appear to be there to stay having won ten out of their twelve games to date, The office who held first place right through the first weries are now iu third place and the PoPrters boobles of the first are now in fiith place, This schedulo [8 now a' out halt through und. will he completed In a few weeks, The standlugs at present fre: Team Orphans Pyramids Offloe Callander Room Porters Hose Dept, \ Holts ROR 3 1 \ Kngincers ,, § § 1 FEW CAN PROPHESY ELECTION RESULTS IN BOWMANVILLE Contest h Expected Al though Several Councillors Are Retiring played Won Lost Points ET ¢ | 10 2 1 nS tb) \ | v1 hd 1 | | 10 8 | NES 8 ve 8 1 Little has been heard around the town of who i# and who Is not to run for' counell, the nominations for whieh uve being held on Mon. day night, The latest news that The Times was able to glean this morning was that it is likely that Councillor Edger will drop out, claiming that he has not the time at his disposal to attend to the work as he would like, Councillor James has already stated his intention of not running owing to the pressure of business and. Councillor Corbett, who also announced that he would not seek | po-elootion has evidently not final ly decided an it Is rumored in the town that he will enter the fight for Deputy Reeve, Deputy Reeve Carruthers 1s sald to be running for Reeve, Reeve Thickson, als though having not staled that he will leave the council, ia considers ed to be thinking of dropping out, There has as yet not heen the slightest rumor of any one coms Ing 'against Milton J, Elliott, for the mayor's chalr, and It ia prac: tially certain that he will receive an acclamation, The Times was speaking yesterday to Ex-Mayor Thomas Holgate, who stated that he would not contest the mayoral fty, He had done five years, he sald, and was not thinking of res turning to the council in any caps nelty, So until Monday night who's who In the munfoipal fight will not be known hut one thing Ia sure that thera fs to he a contest and the election will be held on Jan. uary 6th, -- TURKEYS GONE BUT MEMORIES LINGERING ON Uncompanionable Bird 'in Life, Brings Goodwill in Death Considerably fewer turkeys 'are strutting across the farmyards today Ahan there wera this time last week, As Shakespeare sald, "Nothing in their lives became them like the leavs ing of it" Not that Shakespeare Knew anything about turkeys, or ever, in the whole coursa of his life, wrote anything about Christmas Lhe turkey in life is an uncon panionable fellow in the farmyard But he does bring people togethe after hin death and old friendship, are renewed and old enmities dee strayed over his bones, Reunion iy the note that characterizes the table oil which the turkey is placed, The day after Christmas men back to earth, but with & bet: ter heart, And though there i that feeling of fullness after meals,' of which the advertisements s eak so disparagingly, there i the quiet gor. dial feeling that the t died in vain, Urkey, Barnet bring: » LI In the cold lght of day an chillier light of the nomin he § Casy to seo that there is noth ng really superior about the turkey as an article of diet, Dut like every- thing else it owes its reputation and ity efficacy to the spirit that one brings to it: He that we away the wealth of the alos iid ring wealth to the ndies, and © that wants the best out of either A turkey or a neighbor must ring the, best of himaelt to them, 'veryone does that at a dinner and it is surious ae will not do that alawys, If they would all sit down ta every meal With the same feeling of peace and good-will that characterizes the con pany round the Christmas table, even stewed steak would appear ambrosial and water would be nectar, All this Christmas feelin ing ta do with turkey, It 1s only the outeomio of the feeling with which the turkey is attacked, And if ane vere to attack peassoup in the samo SPITE 3t would taste as sweet, has noth Thousands Now Eat hey A Dob Breakion Fond

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