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Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Dec 1929, p. 6

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mere 2 LT ES, (£4 BER 28, 1929 vl THE OSHAWA DAILY TIM "OSHAWA SIMCOES WIN FIRST GAME OF SEASON FROM ORONO oe LAY NAP nr js SATURDAY, DECEM Orono Team Fades in Last Period and Simcoes Score Four to Win 7-1 Orono Provides Unexpected Opposition -- Cornish Stars in Net For Losers =] Many Oshawa Fans Make Trip to Orono (By GEO, CAMPBELL) Before a crowd of about 300 peo le, almost balf of whom were shawa fans, the Oshawa Bimcoes played their first scheduled gamo of the season with Orme Gamsby's intermediates, In Orono, and the Simcoes came home with a 7 to 1 victory to their credit, This was the first O.H.A, game to be played In the new Orono rink and marked the opening of the rink. attempt at playing In O.H.A, com: pany and the team, considering that it was thelr first start, gave a yory creditable showing. Inciden- tally it might be well to mention here, that practically all the mem bers of the Orono Intermediates are young enough to play Junfor hoe key, only three or four members being over ~ twenty years of age. Owing to the fact that the jce was fairly soft, the game was not pro- ductive of speedy hockey, and puck carrying was difficult, However, both teams used their alternates often and in this way the game was kept speeded up. Poth teams got in some nice combination, consid- ering the condition of the ice. The Simcoes were also slightly hamper- ed by the small ice gpurface, but oven at that the Orono tribe pro duced a real surprise by the oppo sition they supplied, especially In the second period when they held the Simecoes to one counter and got one for themselves In the mean. timo. til the second period to get and from then on til the of the last spasm, when they wilt- od badly, they provided plenty of thrills for the small crowd of en- thusiastic fans to yell for. The Orono goal drew more cheers from the Oshawa crowd than any of the Oshawa goals, Cornish, the Star Undoubtedly the star of the game was Cornish, the n t minder for the losers, Cornish proved to have a quick eye and he pulled tying pucks out of the alr as If he was picking apples. He wag cool st all times and although his hend- long dives at the attacker's foot were more reckless than sensible, they brought results and time and time again he saved when he was the only man left to be beaten, In the middle of the last period he was hors de combat for a few mo- ments when he threw himself in front of an attacking player, Tom- my Johnson back-handed the puck towards the net, but it hit Cornish in the face. He stayed in the game however, and continued his good work of the previous periods. It it had not been for Cornish, the score would have been at least double what it was. Nell, Dean, 'Pierson and Yoe showed plenty of promise, and with a few more games against fast company, they should be playing smart hockey, "Tommy" Johnson, on the Sim- coes' defence, proved a tower of strength and he checked cleanly and fairly at all times. His rush. ing was particularly effective, and vhile he did not score any goals nimself, he was directly respon- sible for two of the seven counters, Both the Oshawa forward lines played smart hockey with the al. ternate line showing a slight ad- vantage at combination work, but not quite as effective at back checking, The gamejp while rugged, was aot dirty, and only three penalties were meted out, all of which were for minor offences. Atkinson and Degray were the offenders on the going middle Scotland Woollen Mills || 8. ROTISH, Manager \ Dai EO RAR This was Orono's first | | ed It took the Orono team un- KELLY DoGRAY Lact night in Orono, before the Oshawa Simcoes hockey team took to the ice the players clocted their captain for tho coming season and Kelly DeGray was the popular choice, Kelly Ig ows tl remo and as ho is a gogd leader ha will, no doubt, prove an excellent selection, Good luck, Kelly. Simcoos and Yoe was the Orono man who got a rest The referee was not too strict, and he handled the game nicely. The fans enjoy- the game and everybody was satisfied. With pn few more games under thelr belts, the Orono out fit will make all the teams step. They are young, the defonce has | plenty of weight, the forwards are with the helr goal. liberal nish, 1 tricky and all are passes and in Cor tender, they have a man rank with the best goaltenders in the district, Oshawa Scores Two Play opened with Oshawa press. ing hard and after three minutes of play Burr took a pacs from Kl Hott and beat Cornish cold, The Orono team pepped up considerable and Yoe nnd Watson gave John ston and Walton some work to do. After about six minutes of heavy going both teams changed thelr forward lines, Play « vod back apd forth and Orono's front goemod to ho intproved over the regular front line Cornish mad: a beautiful save of De Gray's shot and then the regular front lines came on again, The Orono firing line showed flashes of smart com- bination. Brinning tricked Yoe In front of the net and Cornish didn't the shot until Jt was In the The alternates came on again Orono threat soo net, and play spéeded up ened several times with tw man rushes but tho Simcoe defence were too strong. The period ended with the Orono team breaking up a three man Oshawa attack Score, Osh- awa 2; Orono 0 Orono Works Better The second period opened up with the Orono team making a three man attack on the Oshawa eitadel, Orono showed an improve ment and more speed over the first period, The nlternates came on and play speeded up again, At. kingson beat the defence but missed the goal by inches, 0 was purely aceldental., How the boys velled, Yoe followed almost immediately but the yells were not §0 numerous. Orono uncorked some snappy combination and Gar. rison' was given work to do, a faco off Lycett batted the rub- ber past Garrison for Orono's first counter which was well oarned, Play Speeds Up The Simcoes stepped on the gas then and Cornish was showered with shots most of which he saved but on a close in play the puck came out and Bronning scored on a long shot, Oshawa began to dom- inate the play and only the good work of Cornish prevented an ava- a HOSDITALITY Vv TA Whether you are in town for a long or short visit, you will find the hospitality of the new Royal York as delightful as the rates are moderate, Over one thousand rooms, each with a bath... five restaurants with meals to slit every purse . , . Rex, Battle's dinner orchestra and Fred Culley's dance orch- estra . , . free recitals on the great Casavant Organ every Sunday evening. Excellent sample room dcecommodation, AURWAY CONNRCTION UNION #TATION YORK °C bos j bune \ | | [ | Kelly De Gray | pulled the first penalty but the trip | | tus, | who will | | Hanlays, | | | O.H.A. Bulletin 0O.H.A. games scheduled for to- night, and referees appointed, are as follows: 3 Junior Series Toronto C.C, at Parkdale (Ar- ena, 7.30), Norman Albert, Toron- to. U. ot T. at Marlboros (Arena, § p.m,), Ernie Parkes, Toronto. Blue Birds at Tech Alumni (at Wipdsor); local referee, Intermedinto Series Cayuga at Dunnville, Smith, Port Colborne. Games scheduled to be played in the O.H.A, next week and ref- orees appointed for Monday are as follows: MONDAY, DEC, 30 Senfor "B'" Series Kitchener at Port Colborne, (George Pennie, Niagara Falle, Hamilton at Stratford, Hemphill, Waterloo. Galt at Preston, George Karges, Kitehoner, Intermediate Series Fenelon Falls at Lindsay, W. E. Jackson, Peterboro. Orono at Bowmanville, J. den, Port Hope. Bradford at Markham, Gus Ryd- Toronto, Hrampton at nett, Toronto, Klora at Hespeler (at Preston), Duck Bowman, Preston, | Dunnville at Simcoe, Earl Balk~ | will, Brantford. Caledonia at Cayuga, Stan Ver- ner, Brantford, Port Dover at Burrows, Dunnville, Alvinston at Glencoe, Slater, London, Alliston at Clarke, Barrie, Gravenhurst Norman Cook, Durham at ders, Durham, Junior Series Havelock at Lakefield, local ref- eree, Oghawa at Port Hope, Jim Lof- Toronto, Brampton at Orangeville, McCarthy, Toronto Oakville at Georgetown, lenhauer, Toronto, Port Colborne at Deans, Oakville, Hamilton at Niagara Falls, Frank Smith, Port Colborne. Ingersoll at Woodstock, Legg, London, Brantford Lyons at Brantford Ernie Doyle, Paris, Mitchell at Clinton, local referee, | Preston at Galt, Leo Quinn, Wat. | Frank Jack Row- Acton, Jack Ben- Waterford, L. Charlie Creemore, Bus at Bracebridge, Orillia, Markdale, R., Saune » Mace A. Mel- | Grimsby, Dr | Ww. H. | | erloo, Guelph at Palmerston, W, Eas son, Stratford, Stayner at Collingwood, Clar- |ence Wood, Stayner, | Lycett | Wintor | Watson | Nell | Plerson | | ionaires Fade | In Last Period Windsor, Dee, 28.--~Toronto Mil llonafres lashed out madly at| Windsor Bulldogs from their lows | ly berth in the International Hoe- key League here tonight, and al- though forced to take another drubbing, gave the 1928-20 cham- plons au uncomfortable timo until the third period, After leading through the first period and part of the second the Milllonalres wilt- od benenth the devastating attacks of the Bulldogs and went down 6 to 2, The Bulldogs produced fou: goals In the third period drive after Arbour had tied the game at 2-2 late in the middle stanza, Mill lanche of goals, Orono never quit trying and the period ended with the puck behind the net. Orono 1; Simeoos 3. Third Period After only a minute of play Red Walton shot the puck from centre feo, He missed the net but he fol- lowed in and took the disc around the net and batted it in for the fourth tally, Soon after play was On | resumed Burr received a.stiff body and was forced to retire, After a few minutes of play Johnson made a nice rush and shot, Cornish had trouble in clearing the shot and De Gray banged the puck in, Perry and De Gray followed with a nice rush and Perry with no one near him, missed the net, Oshawa's su- perior speed and weight were be- ginning to produce results. Orono made some nice rushes but the Simcoe's defence was too solid, Johnson broke away and passed to Atkinson at the goal mouth, Corn- ish saved as Tommy Johnson tried to backhand the puck into the net, the puck hitting Cornish, who was lying on the ice, in the face and Cornish was out, He stayed in the game, however, Johnson was get- ting In some smart work on de- fence and he proved effective with his rushes down the lice. Burr brought the puck around the Orono net and scored the'sixth goal, Kelly De Gray and Atkinson combined for another soon after Kelly doing the georing, This closed the scor- ing. The game ended with Corn. Ish stopping shots from every dis rection. Simooes 7; Orono 1, The Teams Position Goal L. Defence R, Defenco Centro lL. Wing R, Wing Alternates Oronc Cornls! Yoe Doan West Simcoes Garrison Johnson Walton Brinning H. Elljott Bury Perry De Gray Atkinson Fletcher Broslin 4 Jack Rowden, Port Referee Hope, Cheer up! If you are outswapped this Christmas maybe you ean got ever next Christ Sault Daily Star, Long skirts. are coming back, but ver The girls ure i y \ Siow | fight to the last stitch | ture formed with the neck, ' The holder of the Canadian high Jump title, Miss Constance Colston, of the Canadian Ladles' A.C., who, has been invited to compete ngainst the best at Madison Square Gar den, New York, on Feb, 8, Miss Colston will accompany the Canue | | dinn girls' all-star relay team to New York, where the relay girls will run against :n picked United States team, Following the New York games, the five Canadian girls will go to Philadelphia for the games there on Feb, 12, PORT SNAPSHOT By Geo, Caumrplr, Sports Editor Orono Intermediates The made liates creditable show coes and in the that with a | I'he their twelve | if they had wuld have intern a second peri and ttle n teams step feature or four of layers ar better for Orono series. They ¢ the * * Oron entered first entry Oshawi ability ht agains wat the the best will be making t! that only thre th can is have been the upihg step over twenty, might first i their team in junior teams in the local gr * * Oshawa Simcoes Although the ice was not of as strong as they will meet, the Oshawa last night in their fir he very much in evidence and the and experience course, Bowma that fact ability the J led ¢ best and the n was not opposit r good showin lean rk od mixture of (0) wa year, regarding Oshawa Collegiate Teams to Practice Monday The hoc) a4 practice on City intend to try the Mot ( Oshawa collegiate Monday morning fre All for either of the Stadiu rin} t adium rink I out fagium on "9 A No 5 Ho oe i 0 skating at pr Licre and there will be no hockey will be resume v * ersons who Mond Skating at Motor C 1 the | as soon as "Jack Frost teams, junios will hold Motor local collegiate and teams asked te bright and carly.-1 and juvenile m 9.00 a.m, till noon, at the attend the collegiate are be at morning, permits, » ity Rink Today im rink vy » Motor City Stad today for any team, Skating activities returns, * " A Hockey Game on Roller Skates What will no doubt entertaining games ever the Winter Monday For four twenty minute periods battle the Aces skates, Trying to roller skate proy hockey Gardens on Cork Town and mn to be the Jubilee one of the most interesting and played in Oshawa will be staged at oft at 9.00 pan. Whirlwinds are going to the will be one direction all night, The face 8 game played on roller the time is hard enough, but when they try to play a hockey game on roller skates, Oh My! lpyghs. minute, As for I'he boys in the game will get the jar and the fans will get the the referee, his services will be cheap at a dollar a Don't miss, this if you enjoy laughing! Davies Hurt in Fall From Ring No Decision Toronto, Dec, 28.--An unfor- tunate accident in the sixth round prevented a definite dacision being arrived at in tho semi-final of the world's flyweight champlonshlp tournament at the Coliseum last night, Willle Davies was tho vic. | | | edge of the ring and he rolled on to the press table, where he was caught and pushed back into his own corner. As Davies commenced to go Rocco reached out in an Ine effectual attempt to catch him, and it may be that this movement was construed by those farther back as an added punch or rush, That such was not the case was very ovident to those in the press box and, probably," to those in the ringside section behind fit, Attempts to revive Davies failed. He was stretched out on the floor tim of the accident, He and Steve | of the ring and given medical at- Rocco, former Canadian champion, | tention by were providing a brillant display of boxing, when the Toronot boy rushed and Davies went through the ropes, striking his head with such force that he was not only unable to continue, but was "out" for some time afterward. Many In the crowd were inclined to blame Rocco for the incident, but to those close enough to obtain a clear view of what happened, it was most decidedly apparent that no ono was to blame, It was just one of those regrettable ocvourr- ences liable to crop up during any sports contest, and it ia a distinct injustice to attempt to attach any blame to the local Italian, How It Ended Rocco. was leading at the the bout terminated, Davies was on the defensive with his back to the ropes, fouy to six feet out from them, Rocco attacked with one of his characteristic rushes, leading with his right to the body, Davies smothered the punch and held Rocco's right glove, going back- ward off balance as he did so. Attempting to jerk his hand free, Rocco swung Davies around and the latter went hurtling through the ropes. His head, al the junc hit the time | { products pay Dr, Jim Barton, the Commission's official physician, Finally the police ambulance was sent for and he wus taken to St. Michael's Hospital, where Dr. M, M. Crawford, the other Commis- sion physician attntded him. Dr, Crawford stated early thfs morne ing that Davies's condition was en- tirely satisfactory, but that he was keeping him in the hospital until near noon as a precautionary measure, After a consultation with the Judges and Thomas Murphy, On- tario Athletic Commission Chalr- man, Lou E, Marsh, the referee, instructed announcer Frank Brady to state that the bout was "no con- test." Technically, unable to continue, Rocco have hoen declared winner, but, in view of the accidental aspect pt the affair, it was eminently fairer to glve no decision, Certainly, Rocco is not the boy to want a decision that way and the an- nouncement appeared catisfactory to all \ Henry Ford has added twenty-mil- lion dollars to the annual factory payroll. The people who buy Ford ite=Port Arthur News- Chronicle, back into regular action again, | Five as Davies was | could | | Strikes, Spares, and Blows At Local Alleys The Malleable Iron held a tur- key tussle and the following walk ed off with the bacon, beg your pardon, with the turkey and other fowl, The first prize went to Pank- hurst, Salmon grabbed off second prize. W. J. Goodchild got third money. Spires got fourth place, A. Radway got fifth and Barrell took sixth place, Others also bowled, * % ¥ Walt, Branch, the Tamiable pix- footer, fs high man for the week with 344, Walt, has been hitting 'em lately and now he is in line to win a prize for the highweekly. * » LJ Christmas Day Roll The prize winners on Tuesday were J, Davidson for the men, with a total of 815 for three ames. Percy Hooper was right on his trial with 813. The ladies' winner wae Miss Walton, with a score of 402 for two games, * » * Christmas Day oll The Men's winner was W, May~ nor with a score of 812, Miss F. Purdie was high for the ladies with 267. * HW The ladles' high weekly score is held by Miss Walton with 247. " . » Next Monday and Tuesday will be Special Prize Days at the Cent- ral Alleys, Jack is going to give special prizes for the high throe total for men, the high double for women, and for high single, in both men and women, Come on out and give it a go. » * ¥ Starting on January 6, with the Duco Boys, all the leagues will get CR | Ten High The following is" the standing | up-to-date of the Ten High Men for the Month of December is as tol- | lows Art "Red Ww, Donahue Cardinal Branch P, Harper Chuek Mason W. Fisher F. Kunkle Chuck Vasey Scott Hubbel Nip Tucker The Ten High roll be off will | held on Friday night, January 3. . 5» MOTOR CITY ALLEYS Alf. Roots pulled down Wullie's Dollar gold plece on Christ- mas Day with a high total of 835 | for three consecutive games, Ladies' for the Via Norris annexed the prize with a score of 4756 Ladies' High double score, ww id LJ Mixed Major League Stan Turner and his partner, Annie Reece, won the turkeys in the Mixed Major League Fowl Roll, Matt Sutton and Mabel El- liott got the goese, Ed. Higgins and Florrie Cox got the chickens. J Brady and Rosle Leece got chickens for fourth prize and W. Bentley and Erline Bentley got chickens for fifth place, " - * Ladies' Major J. McDonald got the high single with 276. KE. Bentley got first prize for high double with 441, K. Wells was second with 423. V. Bark, a good softball pitcher. got the mystery prize with the low score of 69. Maybe If they put a batter at the other end of tho al- ley, Viv, would do better, id » - G. M. C. Body Dept. Foremen had their Challenge Game on Fri- day night and they sure had a smart session, % » LJ Duco Boys . The Paint Slingers hold their Prise Roll on Saturday afternoon. The following were the prize win- ners: Handicaps are included in these scores, H. Marshall, 754, G. Riggs, 788; G. Freeman 684, C. Lee 665 and GET THIS, W, Harm- er, the President of the league got the Booby, let's call it Consolation, when he rolled 422, However, Bill does pretty well considering and he is far from being the last in the League Standing, and that's what counts, . a Mary Pirie nevor was headed for her chicken, Neither was Mrs, Schoenau, Incidentally, the latter was referred to in the last chapter as a new comer to the column. Wullle informs mo that Mrs, Schoe- nau has been in the Ladies' Major League for six seasons, Well we all make mistakes and I extend my apologies, Nevertheless, that was tho first time that I had seen Mrs. Schoenau's name among the win- ners, Let's hope that it will be there more often, » . » The managers of hoth the Cent~ ral and Motor City Alleys and Head Pin, take this opportunity of wishing you one and all a Pros perous New Year, .And may you bow! better than ever before, Adios, Smith: "How was the scenery on your trip?" Jones: "Well, the toothpaste ad. verts were rather better done than the tobacco, but there was more furs niture polish than anything else." "How do you like the show, Gabe!" a village loafer who had dropped in at a rehearsal for a home talent per- formance was asked, "Well," was the reply, "if I wasn't sittin' down, I'd feel like I was wast- tin' time." West Toronto Defeats Victorias and Danforths Lose to Young Rangers | | | HOOLEY SMITH Star of the Montreal Maroons, and a member of the 1024 Olympic champions, who was In- Jured in the game against Chic. ngo Black Hawks at Montreal. He is in Royal Victoria hospital with concussion of the brain, GRIFFITHS DEFEATS JOHNNY RISKO| New York, Dec, Ambrose Griffiths, the rough and | tough young heavywcight from Sioux City, Iowa, punched out a clean-cut victory last night over Johnny Risko, the Cleveland shock absorber, in ten slashing rounds In Madison Square Garden | Gerald Ambrose met and beat | the veteran at hig own rough and | tumble, longshoroman's style of boxing. He took nine of the ten | rounds without the slightest ques- | tion. Although he failed to score anything like a knockdown, Grif- fiths had the bout well in hand | from the start, frequently stag-| gering Risko with savage rights to the jaw and gained the unani- mous decision of the judges and Referee Jack Denning, | | | NIAGARA FALLS LOSE Niagara Falls, Dec, 28.-- Detroit Olympics won a 2-1 cerdict over Niagara Falls in an International League game hefore 1,000 fans here last night, The game was fast and closely contested through- out, with the result in doubt until the last gong. "Frock" Lowrey of the losers was the outstanding performer The former Plttshurger was very aggressive making some pretty | openings for himself and his team- mates, Farrell. in goal for the Cat- aracts, turned in a clever perform- ance, especially in the final period, HAMILTON SRS. WIN Hamilton, Dec. 28.--Hamilton's O.H.A. senior squad scored their fourth consecutive victory when they defeated Kitchener here last night 4 to 1, the score being a poor I! indication of the play, as it was only sensational net work that kept Hamilton from doubling their count, PARIS AMAZED AT LITVINOEE'S ACTION Refusal to Accept Rumanian Note Stuns French Diplomats Paris, Dec. 28.~(U.P.)--French- reared on politeness, expressed am- azement Thursday at the refusal of Maxim Litvinoff, acting Soviet For- cign Commissar, to accept a Ruman- ian note presented by French Am- bassador Herbette at Moscow. Although Moscow newspapers eri- ticized Herbette for attempting to leave the note on Litvinotf's desk after the Soviet official refused it, a spokesman for the French Foreign Office, said there is no question of recalling Herbette, Diplomatically speaking, the spoke man said, France was not offended by Litvinoff's refusal, since Herbet- te only acted as a transmitting ag- ent for the Rumanian note, which called attention to Russia's obliga- tions under the Kellogg anti-war pact. Herbette previously had presented a similar note from the United States, and Litvinoff had accepted it, The Quai d'Orsay feels *the So- viet Commissar overstepped the bounds of courtesy in refusing to meet half-way France's act of cours tesy with respect to Rumania, Some astonishment was expressed that France should have agreed to act a8 Rumania's intermediary, since Rumania and Russia have long been on rather unpleasant terms. The semi-official Temps said: "The men of Moscow are of such a sort that one should not expect any courtesy on their part, The mis- take is to expect to maintain official relations with a revolutionary couns try which affects a clumsy sovereign. ity in its international obligations, which violates deliberately through hatred of the established world or. der the most elementary covenants regulating the relations between civs ilized people." "Dad, what part of speech is 'wo- man?" "Woman isn't a part of son; she's all of it." speec bh, led 28.---~Gerald b Victorias Forced West To« ronto to Play Overtime and Young Rangers Were Extended to Win 4-3 Toronto, Dec, 28, and Young Rangers pated in their Toronto won as antici- cheduled group No, 0 junior O.H.A, games at the Arena Gardens last night, but not in the casy manner expected, both being extended to gain the victories, West Foronto was forced into the second overtime 'period before getting a 5 to 3 verdict over Victorias, while the Raugcers were pressed to beat out Dantorths in regulation time 4 to 3, More than four hours of hocke y was provided by the twin attractions the fingers on the Arena clock reach mg tor the midnight hour before the closing gor | West % was soundec Danforths Stronger Danforths, much hele their regular ers on the nie play whicl Rangers, the lose ou m their u § ¢ of making the breaks and vanjage of on the play-off po Toronto in the was much bette Victoria playing aggre I an improve toppled y were in fr ect three times « when two' long shots their Rangers the taking full to gain a he ition behind We tandir The gam: than West ' both ckey 1nssing, cage, played sual t mo of chances old the $ Lilt, he Pp « their ge onto v, and ing in dee ettin ort of Like year, | ra gaining a edition seer they displayed than on their gers' front la | graduall system, the ne be repeating Key much better in thei forths tried out y HOCKEY RESULTS Hockey games played last night resulted as follows: O.H.A. Senior Port Colborne 2 Hamilton .... 4 Galt bi id Brantford ... Kitchener . . Stratford Woodstock ... 2 Riverside Chatham 2 London East . O.H.A, Intermediate Durham Owen Sound .0 xGlencoe Blenheim .... 1 Burlington Grimsby .... 2 Osh. Simcoes i | 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 Orono - Waterford . Wellesley overtime, Junior Victorias Danforths Woodstock TPenelon Falls Paris Newmarket Caledonia - Tavistock X 10 minutes O.H.A. xW. Toronto 4 Y. Rangers .. 4 Ingersoll 2 Lindsay 4 xLondon ..... § xBarrle 1 Brampton fi Stratford X= Ros Pom 12 30 minutes 30 minutes overtime, 20 minutes overtime, International League Windsor 6 Toronto . 3 Detroit #2 Niagara Falls 1 Twin City Junior Red Men 3 Silverwoods . St, Mary's 1 Granites .... Pacific Coast League zPortland . 3 Victoria z-Played Thursday. Toronto Bankers' League Nova Scotia . 3 Dominion Montreal # Royal Imperial 2 Commerce North Bay Intermediate Trappers 4 Rangers ...... North Bay Junior St. Mary's .... 3 T™. and O. Nova Scotia New Glasgow g Halifax Wolf, Bala Tourney Walker's Pt. § Bala Port Carling 3 Mactler .... Port Carling 0 Walker's Pt, American Association Paul .. 0 Kansas City . Exhibition Games Gananoque ... 3 Brockville | Soo Grey, ... 3 Upper Canada 3 overtime, 1 | 0 0 4 sidamins + 8 1 0 0 St, WILLIAMS® Taxi Service PHONE 1428 Corner Bond and Prince Streets | GENUINE RADIOTRONS AY ALL DEALERS Westinghouse TUBES IN EVERY SOCKET

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