-- PAGE TWELVE . THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1930 PLAN MINERS' RESCUE POSTS: New Legislation Will Pro- vide For Maintaining Several Stations Toronto, Jan, 7.--Legislation providing for the erection of Pro- vincial rescué stations at Timmins, Kirkland Lake and Sudbury--three of Ontario's most important min- ing centres--will be brought down at the forthcoming session of the Legislature. The initial cost of each station will be approximately $10,000, it was learned yesterday from D, G. Sinclair, Chief Inspector of Mines, at Queen's Park. These rescue stations are the direct outgrowth of the Hollinger fire disaster in 1928, and were pro- posed in legislation at the 1929 ses- sion of the House, but were laid over until this year for action. In the meantime, however, construc- tion of the station at Timmins. on money advanced by the Workmen's Compensation Board, has been under way, and will be completed in a short time. The purpose of the station is to Cold Feet! 7 Here's a nice warm bed- fellow on a cold night -- a Viking Hot Water Bottle. Just snuggle up to a Viking Bottle and you can go right off to sleep --no restless hours of chilly wakefulness, The Viking Hot Water Bottle is made of pure rubber moulded in one piece and therefore cannot leak. Guar- anteed fora whole year. Regular Value $1.75. All this month. $1.19 i Sold only at THE REXALL STORE Jury & Lovell King E. Simcoe S. Phone 28 { Mushrooms, Phone 68 | Eran each ... = Ie ireen beans, 6 qt. train rescue teams at the various mines. Each station will be equip ped with 12 sets of breathing ap- paratus, 12 all-service gas masks, 1 H.H. inbalator, 3 monoxide detec- tors, and a full complement of selt- s with y apparatus. There will be an official in charge of each, both night and day. Training will be so arranged that in the event of a mine dis- aster it will be possible to summon the rescue crews {rom statons, PRODUCE PRICES - ON THE MARKETS all three TORONTO HAY AND STRAW Wholesale dealers in hay and straw arc quoting to shippers the following prices on carloads delivered on track Toronto: No, 2 timothy, baled, ton..... $14.50 No, 3 timothy, ton .. . 1350 $4.00 Wheat straw, baled, 9.50 10.00 Oat straw, baled, ton . 9.50 10.50 No. 1 timothy, loose, is quoted at $2 per ton, pi TORONTO PRODUCE Toronto wholesale dealers are offering produce to retail dealers at: the following prices: Eggs--Fresh extras, in cartons, 72c; fresh extras, loose, 70c; firsts, olose, 65c; seconds, dc; pullet extras, Uc. Storage eggs--Firsts 2c; seconds, 4c. Butter--No. 1 creamery, creamery, prints, dlc, Cheesc--New, large, Ae; twins, 21 1.2¢c; triplets, 22: stiltons, 27c. Old, large, 2c: twins, 29 1.2¢; triplets and cuts, stiltons, 3lc. Poultry-- Chickens, prints, 43¢; No. 2 Dressed 1s, over 5 lbs. . Do. 4 to 5 lbs. . Broilers x Ducklings Turkeys Geese FARMERS' MARKET The following are quotations, retail, in ef. fect on the St. Lawrence market, Toronto: Produce-- Eggs, extras, Do., firsts Do., pullet exgras Do., storage extras . Do., do.. firsts Butter, dairy per pound . Do.. ereamery, per pound Fruits and Vegetables-- Artichokes, 6 qt A 0x0 per dozen . , ( bv ons E80ES 3 Pars ddd Brussels sprouts, Onions, dry, 11- -at. Do., 6-qt. basket Cabbage .. Cauliflower Endive, dozen Rpt i et npg = ta Spinach, peck . ger pound . Leaf lettuce, three for . Head lettuce 2 for ... Potatoes, Cucumbers, Parsley, Cress, three for Celery, doz. .. Oranges, per doz Salsify, two bunches rape o 33 tri th3 11] o S I Lemons, per dozen Bananas, per dozen , Avples, 6-gt. basket es Li ooo oo oco- aN Go J A= -ranberries, qt. yrnips, bus. lurnips, bag | Apples, bus. leeks, 6-qt. basket .. « Snr SamGE0000n0a0~EoasE0EE800 ING cso IN CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, Jan. 6.--Substantial gains were rceorded on spot egg market this morning. A petter sentiment noticeable on Saturday | was carried over the week end and was gi | ven further impetus by a prospective cold | wave which bids fair to raech the Chicas | district tomorrow, The current month's fu | ture quotations were Sharply higher sad fis | for the same reaso | The spot butter ariel remained stead; and unchanged today, while futures, hough ibgher at opening, were generally Company HALLIDAY oe 311 Halliday Bldg., HAMILTON lower at the close, This weakening of | current and deferred deliveries seemed to be a result of small profit taking sales, to gether with a desire to even up somewhat. | in anticipation of the 26 cities' report. Open commitments--Jan. ref, eggs, 2 |Jan. fresh eggs, 52; Feb. eggs, 40; Jan, Semet DIXON C TELEPHONE 262 COKE! WE ARE SOLE AGENTS also POCAHONTAS - CANNEL And All Bituminous Coal FIVE DIRECT LINES Solvay OAL CO. {the repeat business it has enjoyed. NN {ION. PETER HEENAN, Minist ---------------------------------- BACKED BY THE WHOLE DOMINION Address Je; old | 37 JOHN STACEY Above are shown the five men who, as a result of the municipal elections, will form the first pub- THE MEMBERS OF OSHAWA"S FIRST PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION WILLIAM H. ROSS mission by virtue »>f his office as mayor, This new body will take over the control of the electric, gas and water systems cf the city, GORDON D, CONANT MAYOR T. B., MITCHELL the fourth elected member, was for Osh-,D. Conant, are all former mayors of Oshawa, and have given long chairman of the water commission years of service to the citizens of | in 1929, Mayor Mitchell is a the community, William HH. Rose, ! member of the public utilities eom- FRANK L. NASON lic utilities ccmmission awa, John Stacey, who headed the poll, Frank L, Mason, and Gordon butter, 22%; Feb. butter, 264; March butter, 16. Chicago spot market--DButter, standards, Jc; tone steady. firsts, 44 to 45¢; tone firm I'wo market receipts--Duiter today, 1€,. 953; last year, 18,6%. Eggs today, 16,339; last year, 14,338. New York spot / ; tone easy, 1.2; tone steady. extras, 3%: Eggs, graded market--Butter, extras, Eggs, firsts, 45 3-4 to 46 EAST BUFFALO STOCK Buffalo, Jan. 6,~Receipts of hogs, holdovess, 100; active to all interests, 6 to 50c' below Saturday's erratic market 20c over Friday's market, Bulk, 120 to 240° Ibs. $10,605 few $40.65; 250 to 270 1bs., $10.35 to $10.50; packing sows, $8.25 to $8.75; sparingly, $9. Cattle, 1,750; steer quali very | fairly active, strong fo 2 higher; good | yearlings, medium and short feds, fo 0 to $13; common steers and heifers, ; fat cows, $7,75 to $2; cut. 25 to $6.50. vealers mostly steady, $17 | East | 8.100; | and 10 te plain, C Alves, 1 lambs active, 10 tc Sheep, 8,600; $14 to $id er, good to choice, and strong weights, $ ing wethers, $1150 to $12. TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dealers on the Toronto Board of Trade are making the following quotations for car lots--Manitoba wheat: os 1 north 3.4; No. and Bay pot ts) feed, 6X; "No. American corn--No. 2 yellow, $1.01; No. 3 yellow, %c; No. 4 yellow, 9c; (United Sta- tes funds), all rail delivered Toronto feright Millfeed. delivered Montreal freight, bags included n, per ton, $35.25; shorty, per on, $3 mddilings, $44.2 0 grain--W heat, $1 0 barley, 70c; r if. Goderi Manitoba cats--No, 1 62, cif. A previously low opinion of the administration of is not improved by that a Windy City judge has decided that a saxaphone is a musical in- strum Peterboro Examiner. news of the fact n't 59 hat as it is { 25 | i | Cl icago is | ave found or ed. The police ':12 stores t sell hin Catharines S andard. | LOCAL FIRM GETS { VALUABLE AGENCY | Karn's Drug g Store Secures | Mae and" Kenneth Lamb of Bow-|Mr. and Mrs, Fred Smith, Ncw |very man\ille, visited their brother, Mr.| Year's. ted Lorn& Lamb. talph ; justice in Chicago [* Exclusive 5 Year Franchise | for Sargon, the New For- mula Which Has Recent. ly Been Introduced in Canada Local citizens who have heard of the results which have been ac- | complished by Sargon, will be-in- terested in the announcement that | this' new and scientific formula | can now be obtained in this eity. | Sargon was introduced in the United States in April 1928. Since | that time it has become a nation- ally-known, nationally-advertised | product. Not in recent years, per- haps, has any other medicine of {ts kind attained such widespread | popularity, and were it not for the actual facts and figures given out by some of the léading drug firms | of America, the success attained | by this product would be hard to | believe. Sargon is now being introduced | in Canada, and a uvew, modernly | equipped plant has been establish- | ed in Ontario to take care of the rapidly growing demand through- out the Dominion. 1 In awarding the local agency, the manufacturers of Sargon are carrying out their established pol- icy of confining the sale to onc thoroughly responsible. and cen- trally located drug firm in each | city, and wherever introduced the | Sargon store will be found to be ono of the leading and most re- presentative. Such firms are al-| ways anxious and willing to co- | operate with the manufacturers of | meritorious products, especially in- ternationally known products oi] proven merit. Sargon was recently Introduced | | in Toronto, Hamilton, London and | | other cities in Ontario, and judg- | | ing from the large initial sales and | it now seents a foregone conclusion that the success attained by Sar. gon in the United States will be duplicated in Canada. In the leading cities of the Unit- ed States some of the most prom- inent men of the country have been among thn hundreds who have come forward to tell what Sargon has done for them, and many thou- sands have used it with the most gratifying results. Human nature is the same the world over, ana when suffering men and womeyu find a wedicine that helps them, they want 'to tell their friends about it, and in this way Sargon fs rapidly becoming known through- out the entire American Continent. The exclusive agency for Sar- gon 'and Sargon Soft Mass Pills for this city and section has been awarded to Karn's Drug Store. In anticipation of the extraordinary demand, this well known firm has just received a large shipment of this celebrated medicine, (Adv,) | her husband also the disappearance of Star, her daughter was well gi- ven by Mrs. F, Honey, Star Bright, the eldest daughter who leit home actress was taken by Miss G. Cann. Sunshine Bright, a young- er daughter, and very devoted to her mother, was given by Mrs. L. Savery. Denton, a colleg irl, was Mrs. L. Richards, Melinda, who got mi ixed up in her love of rom- ance & out right in the i ak by Miss Iva Gilbank pl a good mor- al throughout also entertaining. Rev. Whyte made a capable chair- the Haydon orchestra good music between acts. braved the elements was for an evening well The Salem Young People gave their popular play 'Star Bright" on Year's night. The evening was damp but it did not dampen Miss Gladys Page is 'much impro- ved in health since her recent op- eration at Oshawa. She is staying] New Enniskillen, Jan, 1.--Mr. and Mrs, | With her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. | very Wi. Ashton and family visited their Levi Brunt, the spirits of those who took part, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Brown, at| Mr. Wm, Pointon, Toronto, visit-|as cach part was well given un- Lindsay, over the Chrismas holiday.|ed at Mr. Thos, McGill's on New |der the direction of Mrs. A, Welch. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spry of Ro-| Year's Day. Lemuel Bright, a vile worm of the chester, are spending a few days sith] Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Trewin, Ilay- dust, was father of Star and Sun- her mother, Mrs. Wm, Oke, don, Mrs. S. Mav and Miss Maud] shine Bright, was taken by Kyle Mr. and Mrs. Alymer Beech and| Ashton, Toronto, Mr. Ira Trevail, of| Squair. Wm. W. Snith, a private family, spent Monday with the lat-| Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. I. C, | detective, wa acted by Sam But- ter's sister, Mrs. A. Larmer, at|Ashton, recently. tery. Walter Wm, Smythe, a college Blackstock. Miss © Luella Stevens, Oshawa,]student who coaxed Sunshine to Mr, and Mrs. J. D. Brown were|spent the holiday at her parents, Mi ve | ¢. was taken by Bob Cale, Sunday guests of Mrs. H. Werry and] and Mrs. H. Stevens. cscott or Arthur Pulver was ably Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. W. Smith and fam- [taken by Leslie Coombes, Jake] Miss Mrs. Cecil Wilson,sNestleton, ily, Oshawa, visited their parents, oover he was slow and re, alsofy. M. humorous who at last cap man, also Melinda was acted 1 provided Werry. Parson Williams w x All who Charlie things up at the last was taken by] ell repaid ENNISKILLEN BRIEFS to be an Bird Ms. W. Goodman and son Port Hope, and Mr. Misses Winnie and Gertie Oke FIVE NOW MISSING IN ARCTIC WASTES Pat Reid, Canadian, Still Among Lost Eielson Searchers Fairbanks, Alaska, Jan. 7.-- One of three big cabin planes in the search for the missing airmen, Carl Ben Eielson and Earl Borland. still was fost in the northarn wastes last night. The plane car- ried the Canadian pilot, Pat Reid and William Hughes and Jim Hut- chinson, mechanics. Another plane in the search was wrecked several days ago and the third was storm-bound at Nulato, between Fafirbanks and Nome. The disappearance of Pilot Reid and his companions made five mer now lost in the frozen North. "Don't be afraid of this world changes; the danger is that it won' change edough . Parkes Cadman. CRBC ZRIDNEY] , PILLS Jou i AE 84 ac HE, £ BES AY IL R interest of the C.G.LT. and Mrs. /.| Lawrerfee Savery. Honor Brigh it, the) spent in the the entertainment. ton, visited at Mr, and invalid was kept down bylwho provided spent the holiday with their parents, , : Stainton's, New Year's Day | w Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Oke. IT'S YOURS Grand Official OPENING shawa Arena NC THURSDAY, January 9th 1930 AT 8 | - O'CLOCK P.M. A Company of Through the Courtesy of PROFESSOR LUSSI Who will accompany them. [ Sea Fleas } we VG = FIGURE SKATERS From the Toronto Skating Club Will appear on the ice demonstrating Figure Skating and Dancing EXHIBITION HOCKEY! National Yacht Club Senior 0.H.A. \ OSHAWA SENIORS O.H.A. Tickets Go on Sale at Mike's Place Wednesday Morn. {Tomorrow} 9 a.m.