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Oshawa Daily Times, 10 Jan 1930, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT AONELY WINTER om i o BABBITEE » and onc ut the telegraph office; 1 (SRIF TEAR TREN Se Rue aa THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JANUARY '10, 1930 NORTHERN PORT TO PASS BUT ONE MORE Settlement of Churchill May Be Opened to the Public, Early Next Spring Winnipeg, Man, Jan. * 10--(By Gillis Purcell, Canadian Press Staff Writer)--Churchill is 'in the chill midst of its last lone winter. Except for sothe 30 men -- and a Single wo- Mian ~-- every resident at the "Gov- (ernment oyned Ba, port has moved out to the south. 'Thy last scheduled Muskeg Limited puffed down to The Pas in early Dezember and now the ndait is' "mushed in" twice a month by dog team from Gillam at Mile 7. + "lceslocked, the 250-year-old harbor is deserted uniil next spring. A skeleton force at. Churel ined by the Hudson 4 way, which completed the first ing of steel to the harbor 511 m north cast of The Pas last Marcel and by the department oi Railway 5 and Can il vy con- structic | Le} sever mo i i net T { main radio post, | the | ad ) lectric Sanded and Finish ed Complete . J. TRICK CO. LTD. 25 Albert Street Phone 230, 23 FURNITURE REPAIRED Refinished or made to order J. B. BEECROI'T Whitby, Phone Whitby 12, Cshawa 324 W.A. HARE OPTOMETRIST 8 Bond Street East Hundreds of people wear with utmost comfort Hare's Faultless Lenses Boys' Aviation Caps, solid leather. 98¢ Special ...... DOMINION CLOTHING (OU, 68 KING ST. W. thone 2141 We Deliver | iY must {gardens are non-existent on the bar- | may run i en musk | getables | good; but they | sides, projecting { storms have little cffect on the ip- | river runs the Hudson Bay | reaching almost to the tip of a nar- Hudson's Bay Company trading post continues its work; and Rev, H. A. Gibson and his dvife reside at the Anglican Mission, 3 Otherwise the' settlement dt the mouth of the Churchill river, where 1500 men toiled 'this summer, is aban- doned to the chill winds lashing down from the sea. In all' probability, however, the Bay port of the west will never know another so lifeless stretchebe- tween autumn and | spring. It 1s certain that the opening of the set- tlement to the public; 'planned for next spring, wall mark the beginning of a record of at least, partially per- mament residence at 'Churchill, Un- dounbtedly, ingress to the end of the Hudson Bay Railway steel will be closely scanned by the Dominion government; but a new town will be- gin tot ake form when the way 1s opened to prospective. The fact that harbor construction work is not expected to reach com- pletion until sometime in 1931 "will not prevent a hurried surge of new citizens to Churchill, As yet, under government ruling, three banking establishments alone have marked the arrival of commerce; numerous applications, however, for permission to sct up establishments which might flourish on the trade of hun- dreds of residents busy at the har- bor. have been received, Divers considerations, no doubt, | have influenced the government in the decision to supervise closely the! settlemient's early civic deveolpment, | Housing accommodation at present! is sufficient only for those busied at| railway and harbor work; and, un-| der cxisting conditions, water supply | problems yield to but | solution. When Chord | "ill assumes the status of a town, it | is expected that these difficulties will | . have been solved. ! Moreover, new citizens of Church- | remember that i ren land about the bay harbor. Fish | lenty in the river; foxes | and other game may roam the froz-| stretches; but staple ve-| . st be imported into Churchill. Radlshes, lettuce and po- tatoes agtually werc grown at the port last su 1er, and they looked hau imbibed no taste | from the barren so \ flower-lover| planted hardy pansies and the stems pushed two and one half inches above | ground: but there they stopped, with! out a bloom, | As a harbor, nevertheless, Church- AG lill has not been slighted by nature. | | Before it empties into the Bay,| Churchill river swells in the shape] of an oval bottle with its neck to the sea -- a ready-made port. Be-| i headland and an island" shelter the opening so that] ner -harbor, e ed as it is by rocky cliffs which risc in some cases | to a height 70 {cet i Along one side of Churchill | Railway, the ; point projecting out into the It is at the base of this point, of the river that the government is constructing "its harbor warks, Six miles in fength, the harbor at Churchill varies in width according to the tide, Its low-tide breadth runs from one mile to two;.at high tide, the haven iscaboui three miles across at 'its broadest. Low-watcr width of/ the harbor entrance is al- most one-third of a mile, of which 750 feet has been sounded to a depth of 60 feet or more. According to the report of Frederick Palmer, British engineer retained by the Dominion government in 1927 to ad- vise regarding the suitabilily of Nelson and Churchill as harbors, the harbor capacity can be easily increas- ed by a little dredging to accommo- dage as many and as large vessels as ever will be likely to plan ¢n- trance to the port. In the west, Churchill is locked on as a new port, but in reality its his- tory goes hack itito the distant past of early Canadians, Munk, the Dan- ish explorer, is believed to 'have win- tered at Churchill in 1619, more than three centuries ago, Trading ves- sels of the Hudson's Bay Company sailed into the Bay more than 250 years ago, and utilized Churchill 24 a haven soon after their carly voy- ages. Even Tort Prince bf Wales, a mass of ruins across the river from the modern tangle. of incipient dock construction, is not "old" as the his- tory of Churchill goes. It was al- most two centuries ago, during the years from 1733 to 1744, that the Hudson's Bay Company built the huge stone fort at the mouth of the Churchill river. But. 25 years before the completion of Fort Prince of Wales, the Company had constructed Fort Churchill. Erection of the orig- inal stronghold came after the Treaty | Diamonds ! Bassett's On Oshawa's Mam Corner of Utrecht in 1713 established Bri- tain's claim to the Bay country, but fears of the French raids had per- sisted long aft.. the incursions of d'Iberville, late in the 17th century, temporarily robbed the Hudson's Bay Company of almost all its posts, Even if Churchill rises to promi- nence as a Canadian port for west- ern trade, it cannot lose its place of historic' significance" in = Canadian annals. © Even when ithportsé rush in through the Bay to the mouth of the " Churchill river; even when prairie wheat surges along the Hudson Bay line and outward to. Britain and Eu rope during the harbors ice-free pe- riod, the gaunt ruins of Fort Prince of Wales and of the old harbor bat- tery at the tip of the peint ac the river will remain among Dominion's history-making sites. the In. a Scottish village, a farm laborer, named Bill Brown, lost his wife. Whilst on her death bed she, implored him never to marry again after she was gone. Fur- thermore, should he do =o, she would scratch through the ground and come back to punish him, The threat apparently had due effect upon Bill; for spwe monthg the widower refused many tempting offers. After a time the villagers got to whispering about Bill being seen with a certain lass, Met one day by a relative of his first wife, | he was asked if thtre was any truth in the rumors about the vifuge, to which he replieq in the affirm- ative: | "Are ye | Mary's | tive. Nae fear o' that. I took good » to hae her berrit face down- wards, so the mair she seratches, | the farther she'll gang doon." gee PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 19 Simcoe St. S. -- We Deliver no' afriad of poor | threat?" queried the rela- Smith: "Do yo uknow my broth- er is so absent-minded that one day thinking his bieycle was outside, he went to get on but fell off be- cause it wasn't there, Jones: "That's nothing! Why. my cousin, one night in bed, tualy struck a match to se eif he had blown the candle out." H The world is what you make fit, The «ky is grey or blue, Just as your soul may paint it; It isn't the world--it's you, ELLA CINDERS--Acting the Part gue, Gurr, [5 WHY wot? LIFE \S JUST By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb BI ------------ NOU ON THE PAYROLL, SUT YOU SEEM TO HAVE ALL THE. THE. PARTY OF A TRAMP! x aii ft Reg. U. S. Par. OF ; Copyrig y Metropolitan Newspaper Service t | TELLING TOMMY DIDI EVER TELL YOU ABOUT THE LITTLE ANIMAL THAT OFTEN COMMITS SUICIDE, TOMMY © IT 15 THE SCANDINAVIAN LEMMING, A SMALL RODENT BELONG- IHG TO THE MOUSE FAMILY. LIKE LEMMINGS, AT INTERVALS OF FROM 5 7020 YEARS APPEAR iff ENORMOUS DROVES IN THE CULTIVATED REGIONS OF NORWAY AND SHEDLH, AMD YORK GREAT HAVOC Off FARMS AHD GARDENS UMDETERRED BY OTSTACLES THESE ARMIES SHIM RIVERS AND L fl WELLISH'Y IT IL THE LAST THING HEY EVER DO? AKES UNTIL THEY REA HE LEMMING INHABITS THE FELLS OF © THE CENTRAL MOUNTAIN CHAIN OF SCAN: DIMAVIA. IT 1S ABOUT 5 INCHES LONG THE SEA, IN ANIMALS PLUNGE TO THEIR DEATH. TO WHICH THE LITTLE HO SATISFACTORY EXPLANATION OF THESE MIGRATIONS HAS EVER BEEN FOUND, _-- med of rugged rock ridged by the | | years, that the townsite no = doubt | will be located; and it is on this side COAL COAL ||prsootrrrisssisottorirssy! hated', | dni TREN [ihe fis '% TIME TABLES RINGING UP FATHER W. J. SARGANT| : I L GING Up Yard--8u Bloor "treet KB, [| | edit piedeiodni imide Orders ['romptly Delivered § | C. P. R. TIME TABLE EO Svandart, Time) rest Britain righ Inc. . PIt4- yndirs By Geo. McManus Tl CAN'T GO ~ er -- | TO WORRY ABOUT || | | FiFl HAS A corp STLDY MUSIC TLL BE GOOD FOR BPOO- HOO! iy FLL HAVE YOOLR 1 WOULDN'T DARE | A HER AN A BIG appr =--=er} hi Eo] | NCRKETHEOR 1] LET eR AVEL. | | sPLIEF FOR | ) : uD omar | | Borers nA FEW {| || While Sg nL THE TOWN) - | {, OAS pressed » 3 g rnin ) [~ OL HAVE NOTHIN ee [ FOR LOODNESS SAKE || | \ 15 MAGGIE SINGIN || WELL mM GLAD MAGGIE HAS MADE [i AVE A LOD HER MIND TO GO TO EUROPE TO BE / ! . Daily (Except . Daily. . Daily (Except 1. Daily. mn. Daily' (Except Eas . Sunéey) We have several desirable houses for rent. CUTLER & PRESTON Ileal Estate Insurance Telephone 572-22: Night ealls 510-1560 64 King St, West Sunday). t 10.05 a.m. Daily 4 2.04 p.m, Daily (Except Sunday). 8.03 p.m. Daily (Except Sunday). 1110 p.m, Datly (Except Saturday). 12.05 a.m.' Daily, CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effective Sept. 27, 1929 (Standard Time) Eastbound .m, Daily, except Sunday. Ln. Sunday caly. Ty." bo fn - \uy. = ily. 1.17 nny Daily except Sunde. 2.32 p.m, Daily, except Sunday. 0.47 p.m. Daily, except Sunduy, 9.42 p.m. Daily, 11.39 p.m. Daily, except Saturday, 2.07 . Daily. Y fille | mw 12.25 pa. Daily. Westbound , eacept Sunday, a.m, Daily, a.m. Daily, except Sunday, p.m, Daily, except Sundav. eight room house, central, all conveniences, in exchange for six room brick, all modern conveniences and garage. Apply .. DISNEY REAL ESTATE Phone 1550 Opposite Post Office | DOLLY DIMPLES AND BOBBY BOUNCE Sunday, Sunday. A { IVE GoT IT, Cony. | BURNS JEWELRY : STORE King & Prince Sts. g REN. S538 v i BE SAGE pppEPRY a Sepwndinass -- Es FESR E33 RR al ; fo fed Busy 1 yi vires sree bo ms tes vu | fg ARE ALMOST THERE SAID BoBBY, | [AND WHEN THEY REACHED THE Dolly, BoBBY AND COMFY HAC | | Ivop cAN SEE THE TREE Tops SPOT, THERE WAS A HANKY TED | A MARD TIME CLIMBING HEDGES sine ol To EVERY TREE - AND THizy ' ny ViTH THE HEAVY SPADE- OVER YONDER HILL= { COULD NOT FIND "THE 'SPoTH., HY HE; TAoraiion Fn Dolly AND BoBBY BEAN To CRY- BuT COMFY RAN AROUND SNIFFING AND SNIEEING -- Machinery Repairing 4 NUTHIAG TU LARGE NOTHING U0 SMALL Acanac Machine Shop {461 Wing St. W. bone 1214 i © cee---------------- dade ESE ve S153 30) Ld pot of ER >a BRB: REPAIRING WATCHES OUR SPECIALTY if your watch is not giving eatistactfon we can repalt and mak it tell the correct time D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspestor for Oanzdian National and Osh 4 awn Railroads 10 King St. W. Phone 189 By Russ Westover OH My YES, AND \'M SO THRILLED YY THE way, SALLY - 1S THIS Your FIRST LOVE AFFAIR] TILLIE THE TOILER--Somebody's Gonna Get The Air + YOUR RADIO FAN, MR. MUNSOM PHONED WHILE YOU WERE OU TO LUNCH, SALLY -HE SAID To GTELL YOU WE'D BE HERE ToMoreou) | OH, 1 TS GOING To BE TO WONDERFUL Fore ERREREREREE San BUT. "THIS LAST CASE 1S A RADIC ROMANCE ~ T'S SO DIFFERENT MANE OFTEN | \NONDERED | | LIKED THEM BOTH, BUT WHEN WE MET THEY SEEMED To LOS INTEREST ALL OF I WHAT HAPPENED THEN, SAY Jy pi gar. NO= [NE HAD TWO BEFORE . ONE OVER "THE PHONE: , 04D ONE! BY QORRESPOMDENE IN BOTH CASES y BEVERY THIN WAS Alte fin UNTIL. | 11.00 pum [ime ma: Whiily Hospital, SUNDAY AFD HOLIDAY. SCHEDULE est Leave * 9.00 ann *11.30 a.m, 1,45 pan. 3.45 p.m. | 5.45 pm, 7.45 pan, 10,00 ome Swave Hespital 10.00 a.m, Putils - © "11.00 pan. fime marked Whitby Hospital : Special Busses For AD Occasions Reasonable Retes and Careful Drives I, A GARION Bowmanville Phone 412 ar 98 coer we, Welling Roam, 10 Prince St 2 x y -- Fell Bros. + 7he LEADING JEWELER i "atab'ished 1886 | 12 Simeoe St. South |

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