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Oshawa Daily Times, 10 Jan 1930, p. 10

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1930 HUBERT MILLIONS | om RTS -- |CONFERENCEOF SFA Salada Orange Pekoe nas T0 HELP ANGI | SE IT QA. A AY fove. Clarke . ahs Coolidge, Smith and Rosen- cil | | Many. Topics of Interest on A " Port Hope--Clarke P. Freeman, De Sugstei~-Tust when the Works ve t of 3 'ort Dover arrived in Port Hope partment had the municipal wal inish Task : ; / 0) ; week to dssume the manager- | rinks all in good working order d ; Agenda For Dis- dal position at the Royal Bank of |along came the Weather Man and Distribution 'Canada. : spoiled everything and as a result ' hd the 'many patrons of the outdoor | ne. York, Jan, 7.~(C.P.)--Calyin 4 ii Montreal. : Jan 9~Under the plans cussion > ) f _ GANERASKA FLOODED rinks are forced to walt for a|coglidge, Alfred E. Smith and Julius : which: have been made for the con- © Port Hope--Feed by a steady |freeze-up. Just as soon as the wea- |p conwald yesterday made public a ; ferenge of sea fishery officers of the (rainfall, the Gancraska river be- | ther is favorable the rinks will be |j,5¢ oy 33 religions, charitable and| | Marine. 'Provinces . in Halifax on So ones Suet wight ag early put in good shape again, educational ghauitutions, they Have January 9 and 10, eight papers on PA hh 0) e 8 e =, RTL ¥ selected to share the millions left for ; i : i i 'by res Tom garden 'siderably lower. No danger of a PIONEER DIES dit ste. anter t wil ob | iy Bshery topics be prescritnd by Fresh § the od flood is entertained. a Pe Hops-Pawsen Kennedys the late Conrad Hubert, inventor of wg ' will be short addresses by represen- CL 2ge 3: ho OE od away quietly | 1hC. electric flashlight. : : 4 1 ; ; tatives of the Fishermen's Federation Regarding Canadian newsprint, TO MANAGE HATCHERY id » Pass y Quietly | Work among the negroes. will re- - of Nova Scotia and other organiza- he says this would enter Britain + Pleton--Mr. and Mrs. Walter last night at his home in Peter-| .ive support totalling -approximately 5 hh 1 tions interested in the fisheries and 4 free of duty, thus enabling Cana- Hicks left early in the week for |boro. Th leate Mr, Kennedy Was | three-quarters of a million dollars, ; bi ~ | the fishing industry. Opportunity for dian mills to supply Britain with "Fort Frances where Mr. Hicks will [ born in the Counyt of Cavan, Ire-|;ne Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts will : Lk open discussion will be given after a very large quantity of newsprint . 'become manager of the Fish Hat-|land, and came to Canada when |g. half a million dollars each; and 7 i ; pen address and paper. which she now imports from ' for- chery there. The departure of Mr. | 2 years of age, settling in the toWn-| various schools and colleges,. not in- ; ; An address by Dr. M. M. Coady IR eign countries, and Mrs. Hicks from the county is "Ship of Otonabee with his Parents |ciuding negro institutions, will re- i 4 on fishermen's associations, taeir or- RE Lord Rothermere would impose regretted by many friends, on July 4. 1841. For many Years {ceive approximately $700,000. ) 4 anization, aims; etc, will also be a 1 1 a duty of not less than 10 per cent. wise Mr. Kennedy took a prominent| gn. million three hundred thous-| | b. 3ims, etc, Declares There is No Cleav- 8 RAY part in public affairs : : y eature of the two-day program. Dr. . on foreign newsprint and there WEAK OF PRAYER i and dollars will go to hospitals and 7 Coady, an authority on problems of age Between His and Bea- | would be corresponding duties on Lindsay--1In spite of the weather DAIRYMEN NOT PEssIMISTS | eiare. projects of Lower Manhat. fishing and farming communities, is ' all kinds of imported paper. 2nd bad walking last night a good- "i md tan, New York. A half million dot- ; the Maritime Province man who has verbrook's Schemes Now tha' the proprietors of the ly number ventured out to the sec- | Kingston--The directors of tho|jars is given to two organizations for ; been engaged by the Fisheries Branch two newspapers with the largest ond service of the Week of Prayer Daityinen's Association of Eastern mental hygiene. Jewish institutions ; 4 to assist the hishermen of thethree| London, Jan. 10.----Ld¥%d | daily circulations in the British held in St. Paul's Church. Rev. J. | Ontario, speaking 3 e mom DE | receive $625,000, : ; J bit i . provinces in carrying out organiza-| Rothermere has declared himself | Empire--the Daily Mail and the J. David delivered an interesting [Session of the annual convention On| Among the interesting donations is : ; 4 tion. plans on the side of tariff reform and |Daily Express-- amounting to a And helpful address on the subject Wednesday, and deseribing condi one of indefinite amount to the Warm : Ca gis The conference' will be under the|says there is no cleavage between [total of 8,500,000 copies "a day, of "Bible Study." Hons a I rom I | Springs, Georgia, foundation in which #4 OL eh A chairmanship of J. J. Cowie, Direc-| his scheme and Lord Beaver-| without counting the circulations : S 'S 3 sent, all spoke of tho last year as Governos Fraukfiu D: Roosevelt of : 2 ' ; tor of Fisheries Promotion and In-| brook's, He states they are com-|of the evening newspapers they FIRE DESTROYS HOME al, e i New York, is interested because of vo " pin 3 A spection, Supervisor D. H. Suther-| plementary and supplementary to |own, are devoted to the principle . Port Hope--The house and barn | a very difficult one for the dairying | penefits it has yielded to sufferers i GN : ; I land, of District No. 2, Nova Scotia, | each other § of tariff in favor of the Empire as owned by Harry Osterhout. Ninth Indust owing to the diy Weather from infantile paralysis. Another is IT i Gans 1 ; ' will 'read the first paper of the con-} "My aim," asserts the noted |a whole, politicians are wondering LConcession of Murray, was destroy- ang H 2 low JHices Which prevail- |, gift, also of indefinite amount, to " -_ g ference and in it he will deal with| newspaper publisher, "is to cheap | what the Conservative leaders will ed by fire of an unknown origin |ed fo Ir produce, the Clarke School for the Deaf, at MLLE. JEANNE PROVOST ; the subject "How Fishery Officers|en food and prot:ct the worker |do to trim party sails to catch this early Tuesday. Mr, Osterhout was None of them appeared to be at| Northampton, Mass, where Mrs. should be Utilized for Educational] rzainst low-wage « stition . favoring wind able to save all his stock, but Jost all pessimistic about the future. Coolidge was a teacher at the time| Well-known Paris actress, with | fluently, greatly pieased Mussolini | and Demonstration Work." Inspector | == * sr a is machinery and crop. The loss Sy Ls of her marriage. by' an address she gave to the 3. d'Entreme farm - wil be heavy. WILL BUILD PARK IN In every instance the gift is ac- chow presented to her by the duce Society of Roman Women, when LE a armoBth oh ------ | PITTSBURG TOWNSHIP) companied by what Governor Smith during her recent visit to Rome. | she strongly condemned the im- "Carrying Out Provisions of the Fish VITAL STATISTICS IN | Picton--It is the intention of R. | described as "an urgent request" that | Mlle, Provost, who speaks Italian desty of the present day fashion. | Inspection Act, from a late Fishery ||! LINDSAY 0. BW euany: Jose beagtiful sum the beneficiary raise an equal or Overseer's Point of View." More ef- « Lindsay--In December there | Mer NOMOC Was recently CESLrOVEC |greater sum immediately to go tothe --_----.. - - . fective prevention of illegal fishing |} by fire just. as it 'was nearing com ; ; : will be the subject of two papers, Wwere 12 births, 15 deaths and nine ] same purpose. ; / letion, to creat deer and buf- The re " nO itteas 3 , p e an The report of the three committee : oa 6 one by Inspector J. E. Leblanc, of arriages in Lindsay. This brings ) : 192 falo park near his dwelling in Pit-| en explains that this is done so ; v span y 0 he total births, in Jo Jol tsburg Township, near Kingston. | that the $6,000,000 or more left by i 1 ; i 4 Wesimeriand SoumYs N.B, who wil The park will be similar to that | Hubert will actually turn perhaps as {ing y 4 ns consicer i egal listing in sea or HCA 3 waters, and the other by Inspector |} glages to 92. The average PET |, wri Ducks Island, where there 515 i ; # = i 3 8 Is ' much as $15,000,000 into the channels 5 ia 7 + . . onth for 1929 was 15.9 births, are many wild animals, though on | os poi i $ bi i 8. 7 ; C C Hollis, of Cumberland county, 3 1.8 deaths and 7.7 marriages. a smaller scale. The park will. be Rose seald's Views & ys i 5 AA N.S., who will take up the same a J ; ik - : : problem as it is found in non-tidal| : ey ai fenced, and will become an attrac- The views of Rosenwald on the ; % | : 4 COAL PILE BU RNS FOR OVER tion on the Toronto-Montreal high | methods of philanthropy are clearly ; * pr Zs waters, rey f A MONTH ray lari 3 ii Other papers to be read will in- |} way. reflected in the report. Gifts are for clude the following: "How Dr. Pieton.--On December 3rd. tho mrs a specific project involving capital Knigh Pl 1 Hyatt and Hart mill on Lake Street ama As Ban nl ; ; 1 1 (night's Plan for Inspecting and idly restroyed by fire and e that MOTOR MARKERS NOT YET expenditure for extension to equip- » 4 i Be ( 5a Grading Lobster Cr should i RECEIVED HERE ment and facilities and in no instance - _ . . be Applied" by Supervisor S. T. » fiime 2 large pile. of Soul Zot, on Gre. Picton--Motor markers for the|lis a contribution made to an endow- Gallant, of Prince fdward Island; | ed to burn, it is still. being con- | Year 1930 have not yet been receiv- | ment fund, Rosenwald is strongly op- The photographs here show | few hours before they were to be | "The Advisability of Giving to Each g 8 posed, in his philanthropic work, to transferred to Kingston penitenti- | Lobster Cannery a Permanent Lic- |}! - a i ed in town. The first three hun- sumed. At night the blue flames | © : 4 : three convicted hold-up men who | o _ {dred of the mew motor licenses | continuing endowments. | ary. (1) John D. Bradt. (2) Wm. | ense Number and of Stamping Such ind piped Hh ie el plates were distributed in Toronto Mr. Coolidge, Smith and Rosen- | overpowered a turnkey and escaped | prade, and (3) James Smith, all Number poi All Cans for et " by D yh on Thursday last, Np other place | wald have devoted a vast amount of | from the jail at St. Catharines, a | have been rec ptured. Inspector E. D. Fraser, of Pictou Bp and disown, has yet received the plates al-|time and cffort to the work of de- ONE: wppaseh Prior ili though some cities recelved their termining he disposition gt the Hu- a wort: stable undertone and closed with fais Fishery Statistics," by Supervisor A. || TWENTY -20- DELIVERY VEHICLES BELLEVILLE CAR STOLEN application forms and s3pplies bert estate. 1 iY organize st Juke. PRODUCE PRICES gains on the January and February deliver- | L. Barry, of District No. 2 New Si -- F: ice re | from the Department severa ays | Since that time they have met twice TY: 1 ( . Kingston--The local police have | fro he Dep: y | .. commie Jon. rik #3: Brunswick; and "Should Fishery]! OUR SERVICE IS UNBEATABLE peen notified of the theft of a tour-| ago. The licenses will doubtless | cach month in the offices of the] ToT eer Tomipnents- EERE hs 'Off Give M Ti Outsid ) BRB er TR me, " % . : , 87; :Nov., 7; 'B -- icers Give More Time to Outside fag car from Belleville on Mon-|be ready for distribution in the Bankers Trust Company on Wall ON THE MARKETS a os Feb., 78; March 30: Nov er | Work and Less to Office Work?" by Stree Sc 1 1 i g " . . : Street. Sometimes their meetings Chicago spot market~Butter, extras, 33; | Supervisor J. F. Calder, of District gay night. The auto, the property | near fture. ; une I J pf Frank Shane. had been parked a -------------------- ave lasted oughou u ay. standards, 3c; tone steady. Eggs, graded, oi " i Ta front. of. the skating rink and | : Strange as it may scem these threc| TORONTO PRODUCE firsts, 44 to 45c; tone steady to firm, No, 1, New Brunswick. } when Mr: Shac came out of the It is sometime sa pity that the | public men, whose pictures are fame Toronto Wholesale dealers ar offering | New York gpot market Butter, extras, 24 i pink the car was missing, Tire car | Man Who talks like a book cannot | liar everywhere, have constantly { PECUSE to: retail dealers at the following ros fo tone, Eggs, firsts, 4512 10 dec; Two men met in & churchyard | ° was equipped swith side curtaing be shut up like one. : come and gone through the crowded | Eggs--Fresh extras," in cartons, 72; fresh ------anl one lovely morning in May. "What |] and a valuable fur robe wa sin the | Four golfers were resting at the | financial district of New York with- | extras, loose, 70c; tirats, olose, tic; seconds, a delightful day for making every- | back seat © | ninth green, which was behind a [out being recognized. pi pulle esiies, We. Storage eggs--Fusts| Now, Johnny* what do you think | thing spring up," remarked the op- | Teleph 262 Fi Di t Li i mound, when a battered ball came | They cxamined carefully 300 appli- | Butter~No. 1 creamery, prints, 43; No. 2{& land flowing with milk and |timist. "Hush," growled the |§| elepnone we virec ines ro === | over the rise an drolled into a san- | cations for donations. A total of |creamery, prints, dic. honey would be like?" other, "I've four wives interred = , y re - it 1016 pe aU S rCOIve Cheese--New, large, 2ic; twins, 21 1.2; "It eky! % dy trap. The player was not it imore than 1600 requests received, |, (S80, CW JOS So Ol, arse, Bes Sticky! this churchyard." I ee | | So they picked up his ball and Came from Russia for I Ry 0. | YorAll ERS view. many of which, on preliminary ex-|iwins, 2 1.2; triplets and cuts, 3oc PIS "Let's make him think he did it | amination by assistants, proved to stiltons. Sle, Tah in one." sai done of the golfers. |bc from private persons or the like. put in the hole. Hubert, whose real name in Rus-| De. Presently a weary player walked | sia was Kiba Horowitz, came to this Ro. HT : . | over the mound and looked about |zountry at the age of 22, after failing Hens, over 5 Ibs. . 3. | for his ball. The four men rose at |in business in Kussia, and then was Do, 4 to 5 Ibs. 31. 3 him, shouting, *'Did you hit that | penniless. Until he was 40, his career Jiviiers aur -4 . ball? Bravo! You-ve done it in one, | had no definite trend. He was suc-| puri 8® - 3 ' 1 "mm 4 8 5 a ANT - old man. Look! It's in the hole! cessively a cigar dealer, restaurant | Geese i. $ i The player looked bewildered. owner, boarding house keeper, farm- | '"'Here's how it rolled," they said, | er, milk dealer and jeweler. In 1898 tracing a course across the green. |he patented the electric flashlight G TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS ¢ i, "A perfect shot! The right angle |and his millions were amassed after |p ai", S900, 0% he loliowmr quotations and the right strength! Brave!" |he had passed on the age of forty.|for car lots: Manitoba wheat--No. 1 north The weary player pulled out a On his death he left one fourth of am, $143 1-4; No, 2 do, S100 rh Neo. J, & tattered score card. his estate, worth perhaps $10,000,000} 7" 98, Ly LC derich Soy Hy 1d & "Good," said he, "that makes it |in the aggregate, to relatives and di- ' 0 1 feed, 63 1-26; +.0 30 for this hole!" rected: that "three, prominent men" 2, - . rts determine the distribution of the re-| American com--No. 2 yellow, $1.02 1.2; J o" A : No.ad yellow, 9 1.2; No. 1 yellow, 97 1.2; mainder among "educational, relig- | (United States funds), all rail delivered To ious and charitable institutions. rento ireight. -~ Millfeed, delivered Motreal freight, bags included--Bran, per ton, $35.25; shorts, per + at ton, $37.25; middlings, $44.25, 8 H End of argument--*And_ throw | io SUa® SERIES Mobs 16 $1.25; oats, | IF ; Wonderful entertainments on the air your hat into the river and don't |s3 ss ssc; barley, 70c; rve, %0 to § x. : 3 . . {let go of it." ; Fe Dy: Tei hs W ta 5X4 Buck aT i every night -- free for the taking if Wee Jock wore his father's clo- ------ f : I 4 Na i : \ | t. Read SOE Ci thes, which his mother cut down FARMERS MARKET { : A you have a good Radio Se! NN how easy we are making it for you for him as best she could. As he of 's ER The following are quotations, retail, fe a was putting on a waistcoat he be- [fect on the St. righ opel Af Pi og ble. gan to grumble Eqs on Monday to own one. "What's the matter?" asked his | Ek. extras, per dozen . father. Do., pullet extras . 6 | gi | "Why," sald wee Jock, 'this Lo. Storage extras oe 0 i fl . " ! ! pocket ain't got no bottom to it." Po PA LL gia BI tie 03 | AL | 1 ATWA | ROUT SRN "That's not a pocket," sald his | De, creamery, per Fruits and Veget Console Model father; 'that's a buttonhole." Formerly priced $249 INSULATING BUILDING BOAFD --en ag hl Do., 6 201.5 » > COO R | Lord Mcaduff, the young son of WARM IN WINTER b N SUMME Prince and Princess Arthur of | Do. 6 at ... New Screen-Grid Tubes, new Power, Needle-point Selectivity, Electro-Dy= Connaught, had just learned the at. tice" basic : namic Speaker, Tonal Perfection. Ra- dio's greatest value. ™ words of the National Anthem, | 6-t. / and he told his nurse that he want- . T bus. .. I ps ; ; WES ON $ FEED o% bu ¢ j : | g EAST BUFFALO LIVE STOCK Comple. Sends One Home ed to see "our noble King." One day when the King was Buffalo, 9,~Hogs--Receipts, 1,- : . 3 : . 3 ey any fairly rally J with ubes Baiance in Small Sums After walking in the grounds at Bagshot ome, 4 15¢ higher; bulk 120 to 230 nds, $10.75; pigs und light lights quoted up to $10.75; mixed offerings, and weights up to 250 lbs, DISTRIBUTED BY | with the Duke of Connaught, Lord Tittuce $i to $10.60; packing sows, $3.25 to OSHAWA LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED { Macduff was told by his Durse, A Well Balanced Ration, Properly Blended ' IR itteResipts; 75ipnctive,' steady; god COCCCOCCo~O~D co EESRRENBICNSISIVBVETLRBLSLERRBLRS Ba . 'is my Uncle George." coo oo cow t8s uy ess Creme "Look, there is the King, with OSHAWA, ONT. , grandfather." lieifers, $12.25; all cufter cows, to $ Lialves Receipts, 100; vealers unchanged, "Oh, no," said' little Lord Mac- PER oy Sheep--Receipts, 800; lambs weak, 25c low T ll | er; good to choice, $14 to $14.25; some held ® ON higher; medium and strong weights, $12.25 duff, "that is not the King, That 10 $13.25, CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, Jan, 9.--A weaker spott egg sit uationy esterday afternoon reverted into a st market today at unchanged levels. Tri g wids quiet, however, and the ap- i parently better feeling was due almost en. tirely to blizzard conditions over this dis. trict, For same reason futures opened up RS face. ST otendy To woh came Jos : of s mn Phone 203 54 Church St. market almost My pi To py Spot 'butter trading was quiet today and offerings un- an steady. The current and deferred future dleiveries also exhibited

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