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Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Jan 1930, p. 21

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Who's Who & What's I ing Pen | i prospec THE LOCAL SCREEN | ws IE Aes Attractions on ... ment World Hero in "The Ghost Talks," SUNDAY SCHOOL A a cermin Men Frozen 8, Inquiring Reporter On Fox Movietone Special, Is \TYAPLEGRIVE | 07 (SRS. cathin thina Sound Set Gets Intimate ELECTS OFFICERS | P22 Ma | |EEESE Ra Cast of "Why Leave Home?" Making AllSinging and | . ] Hankow, Jan, 11.--More than 100 A Huck Finn of Broadway and Hanyang. Twenty Chinese cool- | Dancing Musical of "Cradle Snatchers" Tell Why . His Debut on the Speaking Screen Gives Charles Eaton, | i a ; 4 A ies were found dead in Hankow | They Left Their H N York S J nile Chan to Pl | ae po 4 f , J ro : streets. Temperatures continue below | ey elr Fiomes 8 / ew lor tage Juve hy & ice to Iiay, tH. G. Freeman Is Superin- : jo » 4 ? % : zero, constituting the severest wca- } 1 | 4 ; ther in this area in 0 years. . ' EY : i Successfully, in Two Ways tendent, Mark Black- ! { A] 3 a Ww jut these Inquiring Reporters the adventurous and fon loving type, ! - Gi ; 7 WwW won't think up next! {is the keynote.of "Why Leave Wi di 1 . therdio with 1] "bellboys" of "Tl | ' burn, Assistant | dy y MAN DROWNED IN | © One of them got loose on the set| Home?" which will sing and dance 'hen audiences here view thepdio with the bellboys" © ie | Mh ; ; i . H UNDER CAR | during the filming of "Why Leave | for local audiences next week at the = eo ARERR A es an op BEA th i i Kh 7 ® eo + h he Fox Movietone, "Ihe Ghost Talks," | Ghost 'Ialks, which is his first mo | Munle Grove; Tan: 7o-The servi : : DITC 1 | Home?" the screen's first musical] Regent Theatre, which comes to the New Marin hen picture yehicle, is. with Charles | © Sunday at Maple Grove were lar- | EA or, a ; Ww elland, 34. hls the i t Of farce which Raymond Cannon dircc-| Based on one of the best-known Theatre Monday, it wi %e a er E rik Ras ne - y it Be hae] BCIV attended as usual. At the Sun- ho TE ; his automobile - 8 i is VC ¢|ed for Fox Movietone, and before |stage hits, "Cradle Snatchers," the of an all-dialogue Jigitre w a th a 24) TOR Wr 1 Averys. 1 oh md day School $¢ssion, it being the first greasy pavement into a rip "| anyone could stop him, interviewed| film is a tuneful and leugh filled tale ipteresting paradox. Lh 15 % nar ci il up Years fon bu footli he | Sunday of the year, several promo- i y : p feet qecp n water, 2m c we of | all the' featured players as to the of college boys, chorus girls, plea- Eaton, a youthful Dica ay 3 re a ne pe Beye ks p20 WT as '| tions ~ were made to the, different | ' ' : / 7 Durvi ¢ & oan a} a arried was | TCASONS 'Why They Left Home." | sure seeking business men and wives brother of the widely known i By ie $ am faugh hi hi Fis classes. | i Wik i / Canfield, aged Jo, an ria 1 Waiter Cattett: "To become a prize | with young ideas. 2 and Doris Eaton, who, for all his| playing. Since he age o Es his On Monday.eveninw the 2 annual] y I Gis | pinned under his car and drowne on | fighter, 1 intended to be another| The mermy complications into tional v f New| waking hours have not been his, Hit : \ / 7 | Frid o : hod 4 . 73 thin conventional vencer o uy af hit in th a bic -netropol have | Meeting of the Sunday School was i 8 ih ih ¢ | Friday foreno {John L. Sullivan. The sports writers | which they are thrown furnish abun- York City life, is a plain A Hulls afte it dr t . £3 ISuopois tion | held in the hall, - Our Pastor, 'Rev. | wil . ; ; ee mmr agreed that as a fighter was a good | dant uproarious situations, and 2 by -Q ode xX © ction, | 1 Ju hig i ' : 3 berry Finn, 1925 model. And it IS Iuecs Lf Ml A Oo ot mt phot [HLL Stainton, presided at thst I j ha 4 | UNEARTHLY NOISES CREATE |dancer--so I went on the stage and | group of catchy melodies by the no- his true boyishness whieh BRCOun}s You EE % ove his P 4 | mee rand spoke for a few minutes { (i A A] 20% i AH ' M D FOR "THE GHOST | stayed there ted song writing team of Conrad, for what is said to be an outstand- 5 hi ng ston enjoys Ley + on the wonderful worl the Sunday 4 G 4 00! TALKS" Sue Carol: "For a vacation in Los| Mitchell and Gottler is Woven ing success in portraying the role of yeatuie 2, Ge plies 4 THecause."/ School was doing, and the great task : : i : | . Angelés. 1 took a screen test 'for a| through the story. a correspondence school detective in i piping 6 Bh and responsibility of the teachers. 1 : A in Melancholy winds, weird, sepul- called to t studio, and | ers "The Ghost Talks when not actually before, the sound " . [ 1 | "ie i «| Mclancholy Ww ) 4 Je tahgst LA aE UR 5 : ap +r | Reports were given from 'the Sec- | ; I Wi : 5 i chral voices: mysterious tootsteps 1 n: x us ait . When this speaking fin was in| famere Movie are so genial] and Treasurer of the different Wy A ? 7 eo aud dil ick S Posh a , with| . The new Lord Privy Seal, Mr. J. : ato! s| like 2 ig fami Baa TS ! i 7 | the barking ot a dog and sterical | NIC : : b ni) i roduction, Eaton came on the sets|like a big family Yon droiny NNT: Our Suns : y | the g g : 2 . 4 : o belH. Thomas, told a good story ith 'the same lack of guile which| However, he has not found motion | "53 classes, showing our Su : 5 screat ymooners | t to bie Thomas, g oh : ol d th mov = its of th picture work itself much different | 4% School to be in a spelndid condi | ' | are ds which help to estabilsh y opent r cowboy d against himself at a luncheon he characteriz 2 movements 1¢ r t ! o ; ! 5 rb gE > her x ho a On iad as with the | from the stage--except for camera | i 1 a) 1 s | A % 4 54 a "creepy" atmosphere in the baunt- (a J 1 14 {attended at the Mansion House. att i bi Rn aed des and the Drei Mor ie cction of ofifcers anc t ! | % oa » { ¢d house sequence of "The Ghost ; role seven years later, lovable boy of fiction, the popularit | aneles ap 1 the precision 'before the) yp, "1 0% place which rest a z > uC | "Palks." a Fox : Movietone vecial intended to be- Soon after his appointment he Fi Raton » articulate scre mike. . 5 ; alks, g RE ry 4 BRT 4 . ant ro a Raton, on She @iticulale scree | "I miss the privileges of 'ad lib-| follow br ; 4 fii | coming to the New Martin Theatre| come ic star, but I had to cat! drove up to the Treasury in a taxi- 1as become inevitable. 1 ei ss the ! a rerintendent : . | 4 be ; | ; v ; a bank clerk] 2 thing abort the situation is that bing," he confessed. "Also, I have|, Duy pin HS Mr 1} " i | Monday. : ) Mack. the] until ; / : s a bank clerk| pnd on arriving he got up to Charles isn't affected because of the learned to hold my own in a scenc at Fl . he ih | Stepin Fetchit asd Baby Mack, he ral 7 By i like hich prospect 7 | --which seems to be a trick | : iid y Wl ; dusky bridegroom and Deide; hold Dixie Hl like « es id Fou an angles sell as acti allow, Assistant MF. dred] : he spotlight in the particularly co t al they fed me One of the attendants there, sa sf eighteen. 1 willl era angles, as well as acti ' ¥ ra - the spothg 3 J h ae Ts ne t is He is all of eighteen, it he) wi Charles Eaton has the distinction |; oY; Treasurer, Mr. L. Snow . : i i mic action having to do with the 1 n w Qrlea chicken | pawever, forestalled him, remark- never grow up -- not in real lite, He| es ti 5 he St of one of the | den; Librarian, Miss Ethel Axford; Dora Lee, New. York model and (she will wed Douglas Erwin, an | on Both are exceptional troup- | g 0 -- $0 1 left and went on the in. as he did so, *All right, my snatched hungrily at the time be-| Of headmmg the cas fone of the; Acer, Librarains, Mr, Noble Metcalf | actress, whom a romance of cight | English tea grower. - The future |, vith the innate sense of humor lord." ' nln. tween scenes to play behind first all-talking feature length pi Mr. R vens; Pianist. Miss | months ago is leading © half-way | groom met Dora while on a busi- Pr bh bl "Kichard Keene mammoth stages at Fox Films stu- | a . v open the door. | ies. Sich Fe X Poms wil rel use ect ckin; Asst, Pianist, Mrs, _.| around the world to India, where | ness trip to New York. e, is vou? tion to Atlanti it awe kel "Unfortunately for my newly- he story is a farce comedy, Opi Siowden; Adult Bible Class Teaches p . 7ight heah Isc went to ot eabaret and ask r aj dcquired ig "concluded. the ; y ertaining - t it -- then hit| Lord Privy Seal, "the taxzi-driver 3 audeville 1c : knew me, and gave the show away 8 F === | site him is Helen Twelvetrees, an-| 2 3 i! . ite hh | Mr. C. S#ywden; Busy. Workers = | to cabve myself some ghose n job ent vehicle lias now been titled "Hone f "Come Out of the Kitchen," Broad- cir ected by We Ruggles, ludes cts Gallagher Ir Making es dation picture debu | Awakes, Mr. A. Laird; Intermediate | 1} | Signed for laughing purposes only, as a r Saturday January 11 § XT. mele h Mr. Howard Foley; Interme-| §! p A D | Lew Seiler directed the production | writer. Got mg fine until sok | He ain't no lord, He's Jimmy i ! Girls, Mrs F. Swallow; Junior | §i : with the youthful New York stage|a role with Stuart Walker 1 Thomas." MENT | Mrs. Stuart Morton and A GENERAL REVIEW OF SCREEN ACTIVITIES Foxe, Carmel playing in a Sa \ncisco Lancaster, Newton«{ tt vo : ; # ire he tall has "The Agony Colupm," Ear] Derr Bigger's story of newspaper life, will A bers tthe rod Py AR tas rn : = Stitdior in 1930 t so z man's $75 Worth of Miss Carrie Power, town visited| SHdio in 1930. jo Irennal, former acting : | the 1d ean wrok could be re-| FOR SERVICE | ------ : ral iron if pit Ricardo ( z, is smashing records in all key centres where it is being . a a pn pm =z Dk . = cent years, involving $2,295,000,- | mor i pain ) i six years ago changed $78 of EB ut He took these to a leading Ger- | su¢ them for the money and has other New York favorite, who also is Leacher, Miss Susie Laird; = Wide | The picture is all-talking and the stage vi " Ilka $ Tobea n 2 | by exclaiming, 'Lord, be hanged! 8.30 pm | Intermediate uu..s, Edna Swallow : . | favorites, Charles Eaton 2 len | ers foun liked the f DANCING & ENTERTAIN. UNI UE FIN N IAL ; ate Soy, Hild) , FLICKERS FROM FILMDOM AND GOSSIP OF THE screen | |) | Twelvetrees, in the leading roles.) better than the typewrier, | APE Sine wif 4d 5 Others ir 1 1 can ary. § rie vas | | son obourg, visited h - | >a RB li " r 11 with Doris Eato wired me erc DISPUTE IN COURTS y and Mrs. Truman Power, 1 rn y ett. | ds Ives a o Incy and 1 took the 1ext no "The Ghost Talks" is from a story | train," : Sad : Ne, KARN | ~~ { by Max Marcin and Edward Han 11d 0 other mem= | | + : vill ( er sister, Mrs, Ivison] +: T i r di | | epudiate En lish- Vi J alls | ne ofthe s itaphone picty o be produced a he \Varnet mond. The dialogue was avritten by X | Banks R P g Mi i be one ofthe first Vitaphone pictures to be produced at the Warner | Thompson and Frederick H.| ti rently pushed him ou that THE DRUGGIST r brother, Mr. Chester Power, cn tis ? Gimine of t the f on : r during the filming of 1 t ther intcrruptior German Marks Tiffany's "The Lost Zeppelin," with Conway Tearle, Virginia Valli and cture, , not the flaming variety, but| oyuone 378 NEXT THE POST OFFI London--One of the most extra- | are 1 § sl ort course which shown, ac ng to reports received at the office of Oscar R. Hanson, | ordinary financial disputes of re- | i ; held in Bowma this) general sales n { 000, is to come before the King's | Bench Division of the High Court. | An Englishman living in Ger-|bh many during the period of inflat lish money and bought with it-15,- | 000,000,000 marks and the banks | . ey Snmi Jobyna Howland, Lillian Roth, Zasu 000,000,000 paper marks, ref to pay. He now intends te . man bank, asking them to make | appointed counsel, 4 ----" . i . we . Oshawa Winter him out a draft payable in marks The draft appears to have been Re orig a 1 ! ohcns 3. 18 back one hundr | per cent + Col cotland William Jam Gardens on an English bank in London. | payable in marks and on demand, 1 \ ames These demand notes are valid for | Of course the Bank might try to | Started production of th postop n the hectic lives of "The C Featuring ..icent Browme a period of six years, { solve the problem by paying the | hens and Kellys" recently. Those most concerned are George Sidney, Lady Blue Singer The Englishman waited for six | plaintiff the necessary number of | RATE Murray, Vera Gordo rice, Lloyd Whitlook, William v : : { years all but one day. He then | extinet paper marks if these could | Colvin and E. J. Ratcliffe. Muse by teorge = Norris, presented his draft at the bank in | he found in sufficient number, but 5 i itary aL late of Palm Beach Pavilion, i London. : { the plaintiff would probably not be , Sally Star and Johnny Arthur, two stars recentry signe by Columbia Winnipeg, and his Happy | . During the intervening years the | content with this! P have been selected for the leading roles in "For the Lo%e O : | ily £ 45; 3 Ac | old German paper currency had | "He might argue that according il," a picturization of the famous cover design serial of Liberty Maga- Gane ues a | been repudiated and the gold mark | to the draft the payment would zine. The casting of the two roles was exceptionally difficult, due to | -- xe | of 20 to the £ established, | have to be made in the currency | the fact that the two characters have become so firmly established in | The Englishman claims his 9,- | of the time, * the public mind as a result of Leslic Thrasher, creator of the characters. || \ : : Ww d d In which everybody has a voice in the making of "WHY Ny dl - % i i § LEA \ E wo. 1§} Thrilled, Chilled and a rip-roaring farce 'com- edy, the first talkie of its Filled withLaughter with this comedy Concerning a correspondence school detective who takes a post-graduate course in the School of Experience, among spooks and crooks. Then there's a girl, too! This Movietone all dancing and sing- | . : ; ing feature is more Sensational » f A - | wi j ising shar its |. = . stago rent; -- Add : he husbande are ouster" Sit 'i " e i ; "horus 3 Lnsbands, | | ed HELEN TWEIVETREES ni u ey go looking a i for lege hoys maki game nn helt ives ervey bod wry | Attractions | CHARLES EATON Wiese TS HEARD gt, STEN avy. {| That Will Be . CARMEL MYERS Appreciated EARLE FOXE A The picture will prove : (oer i pT Regular TET IN 02) Regent ||} TI is "Don't Miss It!" 5 F Prices! : : SORE TY REE nore

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