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Oshawa Daily Times, 13 Jan 1930, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE OSHAWA DAILY "TIMES, MONDAY JANUARY 13, 1930 ~ BRITAIN DISTRUSTS WHEAT POOL MOVE Fear High Prices To Con- sumer From Dealings With Ca Canada London, Jan. 13. Ti he invitation €x- tended by Rint Hon. J. Hh Thomas) to 'representatives of the Canadian a Jlieat pool to send a. delegation to "England to discuss a: Goyernment purchasing scheme has elicited the comment in wheat circles here that the ultimate effect of any such oper- i ation must be an inc reasetl price to "the consumer, otherwise the wheat ¢ pool would not be interested in in- terfering with the law of supply and demand, Critics a sent. that nobody can fore hatvest: for any onc season with any degree of accuracy and that, as 2 , price-fixing basis, sich estimates are LAID A Electric Sanded and Finish- i ed Complete Hg 1sc put forward the argu- cast 1 J. TRICK CO., LTD. Albert St eck Little two-and-a-half year old Del- phis Morin of Sudbury, whose life was saved when he was rushed at 90 miles an hour to the Toronto Western hospital on a special train. All tracks were cleared for the jour- ney which was made in two-and-a- half hours less than the usual run. Diamonds H Bassett's *On Oshawa's Mam Corner REPAIRED to order FURNITURE Refinished or'made J. B. BEECROFT Whitby, Phone Whitby 12, Oshawa 324 OPTOMETRIST 8 Bond Street East Hundreds of people wear with utmost comfort Hare's Faultless Lenscs Boys" Aviation Caps, solid leather. 08¢c Special SF DOMINION CLOTHING COU 68 KING ST. W. I hoge 2141 We Deliver COAL COAL a | necessarily artificial because in r ytar world prices will be be- e pre ed contract price level, | The "British « consumer will not benefit unless some concurrent form of pro- | teetio is introduced, Millers Fear Results American and Canadian miller 3 will 1a po late their purchas ed and ctition wi ould s above the 'price this proposed board wou Id | purchasmn negotiations + because of with which s faced. There of distrust wisdom is as well a certain d of the bran surround 1 ccor called it, while bathing Halifa firm of art Bate vised "the lists fron cast hrapncl were ! EASIER LOANS FOR | FARMERS, PLANNED Arthur Sauve, Former Op- position Leader, to Sponsor Motion Quebec, Jan. 13.--Easier loans for uebec's farmers is the aim of a mo- tion standing on the order-paper io the name of Arthur Sauve, M.L. for Two Mountains and former Toa er of the Provincia] Opposition, call- ing on the Provincial Government to effect adjustment in the working of the Canadian rural credit lows The motion reads: . "That," whereas there is a Regessity for reforms in ord to improve agris culture and the situation of the farm- ers in the Pyovince: "Considering the admitfed import- ance of a system of loans or of rural credits which might efficaciously help cértain farmers to make urgent im- provements to their farms or acquire farnt lands, purchase manure, ctc.; "Considefing that the regulations of the Commission appointed in virtue of tite Canadian rural credit law do not adeqiiately meet the requirements of the farmers and of agriculture in the Province "This oe invites the Govern- ment (a) to arrange with the Pro- vincial council, appointed according to the stipulations of the said Canadian rural credit Jaw, and in virtue of leg- 3 islation adopted by this. legislature, as well' as with the competent Fed- eral authorities, so as 10 secure a rate of intepest of not more than four and a half"per cent: (b) to raise the amount of the loan to 65 per cent of the value of the mortgaged property; (¢) to assume the costs provided for by law: for the inspection, examination of titles, of deeds, registration; (d) to reimburse itself, in case the Fed- cral authorities refuse, two per cent of the interest to the - borrowing farmers." "Your Honor," said 'the witness, "you may take my statement as be- ing absolutely correct, 1 have been wedded to truth singe, childliood." "Quite possible," Hi the judge, "but what the court*Wants to know States had 'favor ment of Commerce : J 995 as compared with imports is how long have you been a widow-| 53 U.S. FOREIGN TRADE SHOWS SHARP DROP Down Over $102,000.000 In November, But Balance Still F avorable Washington, Jan, 15--The United a balance of trade in its for November of $103,729,762 with exports reported to the Depart- totalling $442.281,- of $338,- 2.833. For month . of the « rresponding ss year exports {fc stalled $544,912 and imports $320,505,183. Exvlrts to Canada were 08,002,170, in November, 1929, as compared with $77,229438, the corresponding mont of 1928, M'[ihenny she gasped, zed down upon him with scorn, you are a donkey? Macalister M'Ilhenny recoiled un bl hie was alniost sitting on the floor. A don] * he murmured helpless ly, as if he failed to comprehend, "A donkey? Do my ears deceive m She laughed with strident harsh ness. "Well," she responded, "I don't | know whether they do or not, but | | can tell vou right here. that they don't deceive me one particle." A Christmas wind-up runs must be as good as toy that a New Zated 18 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe St. 8, -- We Deliver ih | A i Ye regolution that still stands Stratford Beacon-Herald, ELLA CINDERS--The Same Pattern DIRECTING 'A TALKING PICTURE. |S MAKING MY MIND PLAY By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb We're THE CONNOR, Ns! ! Sones, ' DANCES You'Re HIRED! BUT ALWAYS KEEP TOGETHER! BECAUSE & 1 SEE You COMING FROM OPPOSITE DIRECTIONS TLomamk I'm SEEING THINGS! TELLING TOMMY ABOUT 100 YEARS AGO AN EMPLOYEE OF THE U.S.PATENT OFFICE RESIGNED, SAYING THAT SINCE INVENTIONS HAD ALL BEEN MADE HE THOUGHT IT WISE 10 GET ANOTHER JOB BEFORE THE OFFICE CLOSED. PRACTICALL Ny OF YORK TOR AN EXA £5 APPLICATIONS FO IH AT AH AVERAGE OF 0 THE BEGINNING OF THE RAILROADS - ty -- JFIRST SUCCESSFUL J AMERICAN Lhjoviever THE U.S, PATENT OFFICE STILL FINDS PLENTY 141 MINING CORPS OF ALMOST 400 R PATENTS COME FLOODING ic /ER 200 A DAY. GASOLINE 46 ONC SAVE LABOR A QUTSIDE WHICH ENGLAND IS FIRST, MOST ALL CREAT LABOR SAVING DEVICES ARE HIS. 1 1 YiSH INVENT A L 1 B ORED SO HARD TO S HAS THE US.IHVENTOR OF THE TEXTILE INDUSTRY, IN HAS SAVING MACHINE HUM! 1 SPosE YOU WANT OE THAT Will AH (QLD LABOR i BRINGING UP FATHER | "hone 103 W. J. SARGANT| Yard--a9 Bloor treet K. Orders Uromptly Delivered a a TIME TABLES k PERRI RS C. P, R, TIME TABLE Effective Sept. 29, 1929, (Standard Time) Going West a.m. Daity ly (Lxcept Tb o Dany (Except Ry { YOU GO RIGHT DOWN AND | CANCEL MY RESERVATION ON THAT BOAT: I'LL NOT TRAVEL ON THE SAME BOAT WITH THAT WOMAN - DHE L)- NOT GET A CHANCE TO SNUB ME AGAIN LIKE DHE DIO AT MRS: GEEGAL'S DINNER | WELL: OF ALL BRINGS a | COUNTESD GOOFLEBIFF 1D A | PASSENGER ON) THE DAME || 40 BOAT WITH ME- | AM. SHES READIN IT OHEDS JUST AS GOOD AS ON BOARD NOW * WHAT A VACATION I'M GOIN'TO HAVE WHILE SHES STLOYINY - SINGIN IN EUROPE - - ---- ARTHAS WILL SETTLE MATTERS \ wr | IN FER ME- MAGGIE WILL SURE GO ON | THIS BOAT TO ELROPE WHEN SHE | READD THAT COUNTESS | GOOFLEBIFF I'S BOOKED TO SAIL ON 'T- I'LL LEAVE THID PARE WHERE SHE KIN) SEE 17 | R Sunday). We have several desirable houses for rent. ® t Susd.y) CUTLER & PRESTON Real Estate insurance Telephone 572-221 Night calls 51015060 64 King St, West Wanted in exchange eight room house, central, all conv-niences, in exchange for six room brick, all modern conveniences and garage. Apply DISNEY REAL ESTATE , Phone 1550 Opposite Post Office DIAMONDS BURNS JEWELRY STORE King & Prince Sts. Machinery Répairing NOTHING X00 LAKUK NOTHING I00 SMA!L bi Adanac Machine Shop: 5 161 King St. W. Phone 1214 x © OUR SPECIALTY If your watch is not gifing snd make | we can repair J} an ake it tell the correct | ">. J. BROWN : THE JEWELER _ Otficial Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Osh awa Railroads 10 King St. W. Phone iso. ers pl Ste Felt Bros. The LEADING JEWELER [stab'ished 18% 12 Simeoe St. South 1. Daily . Daily' (Except Sunday). Gong East Daily. 200% > lo "Daily (Except Sunday). 8.03 p.m, Daily (Except Sunday). 11.10 p.m. Daily (Except Saturday). 1508 am. Daily, CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effective Sept. 27, 1929 (Standard Time) Eastbound 8.23 a.m, Daily, except Sunday. 8.58 a.m, Sunday ouly. 10.00 o.m. Daily. 1.17 p.m, Daily except Sunday. 2.32 pam. Daily, except Sunday. 6.47 p.m. Daily, except Sunday, 9.42 p.m. Daily, 11.9 p.m. Daily, except Saturday, 12.07 a.m. Dail 25 p.m. Daily. 'Westbound .m, Daily, wm, Daily, \ any Daily, except Sunday, 4, Lm. Daily, .m, Daily, except Sunday, LM, Baily, except Sundaye m. x : Sin ay . i PoppupeEEeN EDULE (Effective on and after § Sept, 29, 199) Leave oA Arrive Whitby 103 vu. . 12.30 pm, ime {ae He £.30 a.m, 16.49 oom: 1L55 p.m, Arrive Arrive Bowmanville 6.50 a.m, 2.50 a.m, 8.50 a.m, 10.50 a.m. 12.43 p.m. 4.35 pan. 646 pm T- IN © te, Xing ed Syndicate, Inn, Gesat Britatu rights rederves. (Bei: Bol SOMEONE CRYING -- AND COMFY He ERR TG _MARRY el AND "THERE WAS A LOVELY PRINCESS WHO SAID SHE RAN AWAY FROM THE CASTLE DECAUSE A BG GIANT 'wane { -- THE GIANT 15 A COMING To FeTeH \" ond ToHIGhT = HER = dnd [We wit ios RP. Gi: pi o i | Yeu IN OUR - Eg HUMBLE CoTTAG € Yj c------ 3 ) o So Dolly SAD, Come LivE wWiTH us 2 AND WE wWikk Discus E€ Je Suspec THe You - SHIANT WANT Hospita am 12.25 pu m, 11,00 p.m Arrive likind Bowinanvilke ox am 0 pan, 50 p.m. ye nm, Fime wmarkey Whitby Hospitak a) Busses For AD Occasions Reasonable Rates and Careful Drivers i, A CARTON Proprietor Bowmanville Phone 412 or M6 28 . Dunaws Wailing Roam, 10 Prince St sa | TILLIE THE TOILER--She Doesn't Practice What She Preaches 1 DID Me. MUNSON RING up FROM "THE HES TALKING TO TILLIE - BETTER BUST IN ON HIM BERRY You' Loe 2h Grem Peitain rights roverved IN THERE VM woud || MSS KLINKER AND \ WANT "TO CONGRATULATE YOU ON THE STAND SOLNVE__TA OR "THE SHORT DRESS hy / VM MR. MUNSONe| {ITS A PTY You | |cANT CHANGE bis dime 2m AND Bur THE Pre Trier Tr Nov ART PRINCESS INHER, COARSE CLOTHES al LooRED rey | | By Russ Westove: "AND MITES JONES ) ( HERE IS TO BT | COMPLIMENTED 2 HER ABILITY To WEAR THE LONGI, COME THATS VERN TO My DESK SWEET OR ou - MISS FONE OVER WHEN You dE THROL GH i Ni wih bY

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