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Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Jan 1930, p. 5

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" was heavily traded in. SN ssn aa Br eB a ao THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1930 PAGE FIVE Stock Market Prices Markey Summary by Canadian I'ress i Toronto and New York Stock Quotations Supplied by Stoble, Korlong and Co. TORONTO STOC.. EXCHANGE Toronto, . Jan. 22 -- International Nickel proved the bright feature of a dull and listless morning session on the Ti Stock Exch to- day, After selling as high as 363 the stock fell back at noon to 36%: a net gain of one point. The issue Brazilian on a turnover of slightly under 300 shares scored a gain of 135 to 38%. Massey-Harris and Standard Steel both slight advances. Ford A" of Canada, B. A, Oil, Bell Telephone, Canada Gypsum, and im- perial Oil all remained unchanged. Service Station fell back one point i International Pete cased 3 to 4. STANDARD MINING EXCHANGE Toronto, Ont, Jan. 22--Prospects of reforms in regard to trading on the Standard Mining Exchange were discussed with intense interest in mining circles today. The market action indicated that the arrest on the president of a local brokerage concern and other overnight develop- ments were looked upon as encourag- ing signs . Advances were general throughout na the list with a good volume of trad- ing. Noranda touched 38.00 and at noon was up 40 cents at 37.90 while Dome gained 35 to 7.85, Lake Shore 'advanced 25 cents at 20.25, Sudbury Basin 30 to 4.80, Sherritt-Gordon 15 to 31.5 and Hudson Bay 15 at 3.90. Teck-Hughes, Amulet, Falcon- bridge, Calmont, Big Missouri and Abana: all showed appreciable im- provement. Home Oil at 10.00, Dalhousie at 2.40 and Pend Oreille at 4.75 from 10 to 15 cents lower at noon. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE New York, Jan, 22.--The stock market moved briskly higher to- day, under the leadership of the farm implement amusement and tobacco shares. A few of the chem- ical stocks, however, turned sharp- ly downward, but this failed to unsettle the general list, J. I. Case shot up 10 points, and International Harvester and the Advance Rumely issues gainea about 2 points each. United Cigar Store and Schulte Preferred shares rose about 3 and 5 points, and American Tobacco 23%. Bullish op- erations were pressed further in the amusement shares where gains of 1 to 2 points weré common. Several leading industrials mount- ed a point or two. U.S. Industrial Alcohol and Air Reduction each dropped about 7 points. American Commercial Al- cohol lost 4 and Commercial Sol- vents points,. Call money. renewed unchanged at 43 per cent. FOREIGN EXCHANGE New York, Jan, 22--Foreign -ex- change steady; demand rates (Great Britain in dollars, others in cents), Great Britain 4.86%; Canadian dol- lars 5/32 'per cent discount, WINNIPEG GRAIN OPENING Winnipeg, Maw, Jan. 22-=Wheat, May 1 to ¥ higher at 13534 to 135%; July 5% to 1 higher-at 13% to 1333; Oct, unchanged to 34 higher at 135 to 135%. Oats, May 4 to 34 higher at 572% to 5734; July unchanged at 5754. 3 TORONTO LIVESTOCK Receipts 1424. Trade slow, Heavy beef steers $9 to $10.25; butcher steers, good to choice, $9.50 to $10 23; butcher cows, medium $7.75 to $8; calves, good to choice, $15.50 to i Hogs, select $14 to ; good ewe lambs, $12 to CHICAGO GRAIN OPENING Chicago, 111, Jan, 22--Wheat, Mar 1.2434; May 12834; July 1.30%; ; Corn, Mar, 90%::; May 933; July 953. | Shaw. TORONTO Stock High Low Br, 'A, 0il 51 50% Braz, .. 38% 38 Can, 2nd 22% 22 Can. Brd, 19 Ask i Dis, Sgrm. 10 Bid Hr. Wal. 10% Int, Util, 25 Bid it. NkI, 37% Int, Pet, 2138 Ind, Alch, 118% Imp, Oil 267%; 206% Lob. "A" 13% Ask Mas. Hr. 41% Me.- Fr. 24 Bid Mt. Pwr, 1373 Pg. Hr, 98 Bid 79% 9% 8, Station 49 48 Standard Mines 128 128 165 179 90 700, 750 570 41 137% Abana Ajax ... Amulet Big Miss, Ch. _ Res. De. Mns. Falcon. Holl. 560 He. Oil 1020 Hy. Gold 130 Hd, Bay 1090 Kt. Fir. / 3 Lk. Sh, 2025 Nrnda. 3800 Sh. Gr, 218 Siscoe .. 50 Sd. Bs. 485 Tk. Hg. 0670 Ventures 800 Wr, Har, 185 Wainwell 121 160 168 85 £175 750 560 550 1000 : NEW YORK tow Stock High Low Close Amer, Can, 124% 12% 124 Am, Fr. Pr. 94% 91% Anaconda 70% 69% Can. Pac. 199% Chrysler .. 35% Cs. Gs. N.Y. 106% Col. Gra, ,. 17% Dupont .,. 115% Erie Rall ,, 57% Gen. ¥Fds. 48 Gen. Mot. 40% Hud. Mot. 57% Int. Tel. .. 70% Jns, Man. ,.132 Lse, Wis, ... 56% Mex. Sbrd, 17% Mt, Ward 44 Phil, Pet, 32 * Pb. Sr. NJ. 84% Radio ..... Simmons .. Sin, O11 ... St, O11 NJ. Utd. Alr, .. % U.S. Steel 171% Woolworth 68% Yel: Truck "137% 13 Air Red, ..125 118 Rd. Kth, Or. 28 27 Money rate 43% per cent, 121 27% '"Yessah!" pridefully said Bro- ther Lunk. "Dis am de swell solid gold plated watch dat I got f'um a mail awdah sto' for fou' dollahs." "Do it keep time, sah?" asked Brother Quizz. ® "Do it? Dar isn't two clock in in dis town, sah, dat kin keep up with dis fine watch when its righ Oats, Mar, 4614; May 473}; July 4634 at itself." ; by = Eanaed JHIS JS LIFE INSURANCE DAY --JANUARY 22nd S\ 4 --t 4 Ena -L ' Millions People Have Laid the Foundation for Success on this Sound Investment the quest for financial independence millions of J people turn with confidence to Life Insurance . the one investment which can provide an income for old age, a reserve fund for emergencies and a paid-up estate for loved ones. 7 So important is this form of investment that today has been set aside as Life Insurance Day. It is a day when, in fairness to yourself and family, you should discuss with your wife your future financial status. Ask Y ourself These Questions If your earnings were cut off entirely what income would be available from your present savings? Do you realize that $10, of Life Insur- ance represents ~ yield of only about $500 a year? Would you ask your wife and children to live +e on that amount? What investment other than Life Insurance offers such a sense of security . . . or is so helpful when your financial need is the greatest? Life Insurance is Thrift Life Insurance encourages systematic savings . . . it is a sure means of thrift. Year after year your premiums increase the cash value of your insurance while you live. Its value is unquestioned when you die. Call in a Life Insurance Representative today . . . Let him plan an insurance program that will cate for your ; future obligations and lay the foundation for, your success and happiness. AR The Love That if "ne £ x Weeks. never run a special on Courtesy. sale in this store. enquiry, every purchase, every complaint, is the lever that raises every customer tran- saction above the dull level of plain busi- ness. and puts it in the category, of Every Day Is Courtesy Some days are Dollar Days. + Bome* weeks are Thrift Some months are 'Sale: Months, | It is given away with pleasant experiences. And so on Thurs., Fri. & Sat. This Week When We Stage Our Great Jan. 98c Sale no matter how crowded the store, or no matter that scores of lines of desirable merchandise will be sold at fractional pri ces, you will get the same courteous treatment that you are accustomed to get every day In the year. (SEE WINDOWS) It is never on But we every It SKS COMMISSION CURB BUCKETING (Continued from Page 1) discount and exchange paid to bank- ers. A good part of this would. be made up of discount and exchange, leaving a very small part for interest on bank loans. "This bears out the charge of bucketing, for the house had no need to" go to the bank for loans, except m occasion for small amounts, In- terest collected from clients repre- sents over 2,000 per cent of total dis- bursements to bankers for discount, exchange and interest." Mr. Sinclair demanded speed and immediate action above all things, concentrated on methods employed by brokers, the general system in vogue, rather than actual ' trandsac- tions or past peccadilloes. Says System Important "The important thing to the people is the system used jn the brokers' offices," he declared, "not the sol- vency or insolvency of cértain firms. We have information that certain houses ar betting against their cus- tomers, . taking , theic .ordegs to buy, writing them on the euff, and then buying when the price has gone down, "Surely the attorney-gencral must know that this is going on and which houses are guilty, . He tells the press that he is ready to take action if complaints are lodged 'by disgrauntled investors and that he does not know of any instances of bucketing, but he will not say that bucketing is not going on. "He must know that this sort of thing is going on,. for he certainly gave himself wide, enough powers to investigate : and scrutinize brokers' affairs under the securities frauds prevention act, "He must have a sketchy idea, at least, even if only from looking into rumors or following up demands for action in such responsible publica- tions as the Financial Post." Many of the fears of 'the public had apparently heen allayed: by the very name. of the: securities frauds' prevention act, Mr. Sinclair remark- ed, Yet the brokers had carried on with their "nefarious practises" while the attorney-general failed to exer- cise the powers he proudly, asked for when he introduced the act. "] can see him standing in the legislature boasting of the. benefits which have been derived from the act," enyisaged the Liberal leader sardonically. *"That may be so, but say that much greater benefits would have come from the legislation if a vigorous and energetic attorney-gen= eral had held office instead of the present incumbent, Hon. W. H. Price. He has ample information as to the brokers' activities im Ontario, but he does 'nothing. Some of the brokers do not want investigating, and Mr, Price is inactive," Price Must Wake Up "It is ti..e for the attorney-general to wake up and not display himself as unsympathetic in this regard, If he will not act, it is up to Premier Ferguson to see that he gets an at- torney-general who will act under the legislation granted. "If we have such an investigation; , such as I have suggested, the shady brokers will be cleaned up and busi~ ness will be run on a proper basis, It is his privilege to speak to the attor- hey-general and urge action. before it is too late to ask him to start ac- tion to investigate all ramifications of the brokerage business. "TI do - mot ask' for the head of Colonel: Price upon a charger, as it were, I do ask Colonel Price to occupy the position of attorney-gen- eral in a manner befitting that "high office, entrusted as it is-with control of the administration of justice in this great provinge. t . "Let him not wait for the comple- tion of teh audit being made o Standard Mining Exchange affairs and those of its members, which in« cidentally was not started until last month although the Toronto Stock exchange completed "its audit' last summer. Yet him. take action now and look into the whole business as it is at present: \ ; "If the. interests of the large sec- tion of the audit being made of ing stocks are not protected, théy have and | have the right to demand either a royal commission to investi~ gate the situation or a new attorney. general to carry out to the full the provisions 'of his' own 'legislation. A { ed 'in the markets and in the broker- i age houses, and what is stil happen- This much vaunted act should not be a' matter of mere window dressing | for the Ferguson government to take credit for passing. "It is all very well for the attorney general and The Mail and Empire to accuse me of waiting until after the horse was stolen to ask a royal com- mission. 1 insist that I not only said something during the last session of the legislature but also during the recent election campaign about the dangers of the situation. "l proposed a. number of amend- ments to Mr. Price's act when it was brought down in the house, but I was merely laughed at, | suggested and still suggest, that audits should be in- dependent, not made by the exchan- ges' own auditors ; should be made at random as well as at stated periods; and should apply also to numerous brokers who operate without belong-! ing to any stock exchange. : "I Told You S¢" "I predicted then what has happen- ing because the government has not either legislated or acted as strin gently as I recomended in my speech ir the house. "If they had taken my advice, the attorney-general would not be in the plight he now finds himself in. Pub- lic opinion is forcing the attorncy- general from his moorings" Chief among numerous reasons which Mr. Sinclair gave for demand- ing investigation by royal commission were the facts that the act was per- missive and not compulsory; that the attorney-genéral declined to use his wide powers despite what he knew; and that the public could not be pro- tected with audits by. the brokers themselves or by any cther "clean-up from within" The mining industry was one of the mast important in the province, he added, and its welfare was being men- | aced 'by unscrupulous brokers who | made immense profits by betting against their clients, Mother--He seems an casygoing person. Daughter--Well, he isn't. + He was dreadfully hard to get rid of. JOHN CECIL HOYLE" Pioneer Protestant missiofary in Spain, who passed away atshis home, Toronto, at the age of 86. HIS WEAK POINT" All Berlin is laughing at #%® in- cident whieh recently. befell: #Pro- fessor Einstein, the world's fore- most mathematician. . ws Travelling in a tram-car one day he concluded that the conductor had given him the wrolig change. Following a long argument, »the conductor = was able. to jcenwince Einstein that he was wrong. .and that he had been given the, gorrect change. © Of The professép started to '@pblo- glize, whereupon: the: conduster-- who was unaware of identity af his famous passenger----ciut higa short by remarking pityingly: "Never mind, sir. That's all right, I can see arithmetie is not your strong point."'--Publie Opinion. Wife (reading newspaper) ---It [says here*that a girl' Shrgle-hand- ed, landed a fish at Lopg Jslagnd weighing 145 pounds. i Hubby--What's his name, nt -- Here i Relief ~ for that Cough | DANGER lurks in coughs, Before ¢ develops into a deep- yours Ack like. A seated, serious chest 'condition take Buckley's Mixture, a. sure, quick remedy. "Buckley's" is a strong, vigorous, penetrative mixture that goes right to the seat of the cough, loosens and brings up the phlegm, relieves in- flammation, stops the cough. Nothing else like Buckley's. Mixture. It looks, tastes dif- ferent. And it acts like af flash. A single sip proves it« i, Every druggist sells " i ley's." * Two sizes: 7 gs doses); 40c (16 doses). « Hea alii a RSA PY PY YY VY VY VV PV PV VV VV YP PV YY YP PVP VYYYYVYYYY BUGKLEY'S Aciy Like a Flash - A SINGLE Sif % service through Canada enables you to view the majestic scenery of the Rockies enroute. M. R. Johnston. C.P.A-C.IR. 11 King St, E, Oshawa

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