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Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Jan 1930, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT rR J : pit THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1930 KEDRON CHRONICLES | Miss Nora Werry, recently visited | Earle, recently visited with the form- THORNTON'S | CORNERS | nis to entertain them later in the cv-| LIFE IN BERMUDA used; the overlapping coral slabs]twice a year and cach house must : her brother, Mr. S. E. Werry, Solinaler's = sister, Mrs. T. Shortridge, ening at her home in Oshawa. VIVID AND UNUSUAL are bedded in and held together by | have a suitable [rates catch ia : § strong cement mortar, The roof is|storage tank which also comes under Kedron, Jan, 22~While in' Osh-| church Friday evening. We are sorry to hear of the death horatow's Corners, Jan, 22--The| Mrs. Marks, Toronto, is staying | er then coated with cement followed by| the law, and must be kept clean, awa on Friday afternoon, Arthur! Kedron was weli represented at|of Mr. Thos. Scott, Columbus, a {Sympathy of the community is ex-{ with her niece, Mrs. Robert Sulley, | layers of lime wash, the result being {There are no factories on the island 3 g wil ) J : ie led 40 Mr. and Mrs, Robert Sul bd ; ines | a 'water tigl llute the air witli smoke, and Haivey met with an accident when{the Township Sunday School Con-|former respected resident of this tended 40 Mr, and Mrs. Robert Sul-§ (40 pag just returned from the hos- Toronto, Jan. 2l--Adele Haines [a 'water tight roof. : _jto pollute the air wi pi ke, + ¢ 4 car skidded and hit the rear wheel] vention held in Whitby United | community. We extend our sym ly. in the loss of their infant sot, pital, All wish Mrs. Sully-a specdy Austin, writing in a well-known The lack of fresh water is one of (10 motors, We saw muc rink that of the buggy, throwing him out onj Church on Thursday aiternoon and|pathy to the bereaved family. whose. death occurred in the Osh- recovery: "7 | weekly paper of a visit to Bermuda, | the Bermudian's greatest problems. | did not fall from the skies. the ground and injuring his side. The evening, thirteen from here attend-i{ Ar and Mrs. Clarcuce. erry, awa Hospital Jat Friday, | ee ' says: id | Although the islands cover approxi- a. = Toki horse broke frec and came back to|ing. Ralph Davis and Miss Beatrice | Wyn, and Robert, recently visited Miss Irene Luke is visiting in To-| Recent guests at the home of Mr,| It matters not whether one be rich | mately 20 square miles there is not} Child, to father over ooking pros- Five Points. Mountjoy were the appointed dele | with, Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Ross Tomo: the guest of her aunt, Mrs. fang Mrs. Edgar Pascoe included Mr. | or poor, black or white, one's dwell-|a drop of fresh water -suye that|pectus of setioot; *3 can't A that 'Miss May Harvey who was with| gates and' will give their report at| Col '{ McDermaid. and Mrs. John Pascoe, M cs. | 1 t be built of coral limestone | which comes from the sky. Fancy|school, Daddy; It says: "For tie # umbus, : Shtek Bes .., tand Mrs. John Pascoe, Mr. and Mus, | ing must be bu ral limestone | which comes ir y b , dy ; Fae her brother escaped injury, except a|the Sunday School session next Sun-| "ar. 204 Mrs. Wallace Scott, Enis Mrs, G. H. Robinson visited with{ Fred White and family. Mr. and|cut from hillside quarries, in blocks | drinking rain water, : | daughters of" gentlemen only,' and severe shaking up. Mr. Marvey was] day afternoon. " field: t Tue fay. Wi n Nz, and friends in Courtice recently. Mrs. Wilfred Pascoe and family and [two feet long, six inches high and| We had visions of swallowing tad-}we've got Mummie. taken to the Oshawa Hospital, but] Miss Beatrice Mountjoy ~ spent Mrs. A ay Wah, Mr. ang JAI will be sorry to hear that Mrs. vir "and Mrs, W. L. | Pierson and|from 61012 inches from front to back, | poles with each drink, for our earliest en Nas able to return: home Saturday | Tuesday with her aunt, Mrs. W. J. vi AT ) > Be a 3 Richard Bennett is ill. Her many family, according to the desired thickness of | recollection of rain water was one of | "Oh doctor, 1 feel so discouraged afternoon. We hope he will 'soon | Mountjoy, Columbus. ] ih and Mrs. Clarence Werry and driends hope to sce her out aguia . 3 : the wall. Seldom do the houses have! an old watertight barrel standing | --whooping-cough, measles, mumps, zecover irom his injurics. Mrs. Ross Lee is spending a few family visited her father, Mr. James | soon, g ok | Mrs. Sam Preston's grandfather, | cellars below the ground level; us-|near a leaky cave trough, breeding | croup, onc after the other, and now Mrs. Norman Leach, Taunton,, days with her grandmother, Mrs, J. Scott, Columbus, on Monday. 1 Glad to say Mrs, Bradshaw Is| Mr. W. Hicks, spent Sunday in Har- | ually only a few inches of soil have | mosquitoes and bacte but cat my child is ill again." gisited Mrs, J. Mountjoy on Monday, | Trull, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Ww. Hepburn atten I- much improved in health. : { mony, the guest of his son. to be removed to expose the rock. {ing water. Our fears were quickly] "Why, the boy's a genius!" Mr. and Mrs H. T, Cole quietly Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Pascoe nad ed the funeral of the late Mr. Alex | The Young People are holding a Miss J. Cook, Oshawa, was a guest| For the roof a special close grained |allayed when we learned that under "A genius?" I y A 3 y wr | Cook at the } e heir brother. | sk at Nhitbe rin! i : ' : Es p ' Pad vii tn : selebrated the twenty-fifth anniver-| Lorraine visited on Wednesday with |$00k at the home of their brother, | skating 'party at = Whitby rink on |of Miss Ruby Preston over the week | coral js selected, und cut into' level- | rigidly enforced laws each home| "Infinite capacity for taking pains sary of their wedding on Saturday | their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Lverett Mr. G. Hepburn. | Friday evening. Mrs. Stanley Den- 1 {ed slates like shingles, No nails are [must have the roof whitewash 2d | you know." ; | last. Mackie, Brooklin. Misses Greta and Elva Pereman, Miss Wilma Werry underwent an ELI A S . . Columbus, visited their aunt, Mrs, | operation for appendicitis in Oshaiva CINDER The Suspect 3 By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb Johh Mountjoy, Gencral Hospital on Tuesday even in and attended the play given mn Eldad Brooklin, 'Misses Helen Lewis and Normal ing. We wish her a speedy recovery. EY tAaspell, Zion, were week end guests| Mr. J. G. Washington and daugh- Uigrin _-- i af Mrs. Ross Lee. Mr. and Mrs. | ter, Mrs. Glen Thompson, Brandon, 7 7 7 { hy 3 b 2 ' Lee entertained a few young people | Manitoba, have been visiting for a Saturday cvening in their honor. few days with Mr, and Mrs. TI. WW. Miss Lena Hoskin visited her aunt, | Lee. Mrs. J. Routley, Brooklin on Tucs-| Mr. "and Mrs, Harvey Pascoe and day. Lorraine spent Friday in Toronto. Messrs C. F. Werry, J. H. Pas-| Mrs. A.D. VanDyke and son, ge, W. L. Mountjoy, G. L. Scott, | nox = Allan' Lavis and S. Conlin attended : : a banquetyin the Genosha © Hotel, As LL, Oshawa on Friday evening as guests HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID bY | of the Chamber of Commerce, Osh- | EXPERT MECHANICS i awa. | Olq floors finished like new. | ati pe cams czas: | DEON windows, combination | i j decors. General contractors. { . . B. W. HAYNES, Children's Goloshes Kesidence 180 r 2 All sizes. 161 King St. W. Phone 481 Se | Ln 7) [4 SE ie / DOMINION CLOTHING CO SS AN r 68 KING ST. W. Ise. fhione 2141 We Deliver PHO ME 22 WH For Your Drug Needs SARGON THOMPSON'S | 1:1 inc TOMMY We are sole authorized agents for 10 Simcoe St. S. -- We Deliver Sargon in' OSHAWA [ FELIX MENDELSSONN AS FOND OF FELIX MENDELSSOKN, KARN'S DRUG STORE vm y = A, } } YY | PAINTING, go We, 2 I ay YX, Ness Woon Ores. Spon is Ji f IF IT HAD NOT BEEM FOR THE OLDFASHION{ | --u- £2 lh : Fb ng . T OHDER HY FAYNYS CAUSE SHE WOULD | ED PREJUDICE AGAINST PROFESSIONAL 4 | DS Jom : LAER Te PARENTS THOUGHT IT | HAVE T0 YEAR A CAREERS FOR HOMEM FAMITY MENDES: jl / sf) % : A VIOULD BE UNMAIDENLY § DERBY wis . i / 0 Pl SOHN MIGHT HAVE BECOME ONE OF THE §f A FOR HER YO HAVE A gf ON HER SAXOPHONE Diamonds * 18 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH ORLDS GREAT COMPOSERS, TOMMY. 3 EY ) y ; ur! 3 | MUSICAL CAREER ? I GUESS. FAMNY MENDELSSOHN ) Bassett's | oii al ada bag FROM A SKET®N BY HER .\ WUSBANO, WILHELM HENSCL | ipl On Oshawa': Mam Corner " | pl i Ly ---- 1 ward | 4, L : wl ddd : 4 i 4 --==t{ Yep &s R/4 | 2, | . W.A. HARE 5.45 a. Da So we Suadas). | i ; id R NY MENDELSSOHN HAS BUT UTE MORE Pd oF = 4 g al 8 Bond Street East 28 wa Daly. oC g. Ili ; Ad | THAN A CHILD WHEN SHE BEGAN TO (REATE ids . MTRITILE BY LITTLE THE WORLD HAS LEARNED Hundreds of peoplo wear || &Sou bai. J fH: BEAUTIFUL MUSIC. HER PARENTS THOUGHT IT WOULD | r, OF MAHY OF FANNY MENDELSSORNS MUSI- with otmost comfort 05 am paren Eo 1A i Hi BE UNMAIDENLY TO ADOPT A MUSICAL CAREER BUT LE (4 (OMPOSTIONS SUCH AS, FAIRER AND 2.04 pm. Daily (Except Sunday). a | GAVE HER THE SAME THOROUGH MUSICAL EDUCATION & J FAIRER "FORSAKEN, SLEEPLESS AND THE Hare's Faanltless Lenses 8.03 p.m. Daily (Except Sunday), 1.10 mun, Dagy (Except Satusday). y AY / ' 12.05 a.m. Daily AN i * THAT HER BROTHER FELIX RECEIVED. / 4 " 4g Syndicate, Ie. Grout Britain rghts resérved CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS a : --: COAL COAL | Effective Jem, 2, 1929 (Standard Time) "hone 193 1 Zatound | oar. | Yard ep Bloor "treet K. "x nt excent Sunday. oi A FINE DAY | HAVE AHEAD OF BY GOLLY | JUS HAD A -- [WHAT A LONG NIGHT! WHATS | . xf Orders Promptly Delivered : Daily, simp: Sunder, i} ME TOMORROW: IVE GOTTA DREAM THAT | WUZ THERE THIS? SEVEN THIRTY? 179 | WHAT . Davy except Sunday. | if GO WITH MAGGIBTO A Lawn | | HAD BETTER STAN AWAKE . . : 5 | wa, : CERTAINLY DARK AT THIS COLLD BE " aacept Saturday. | || PARTY: I'M WEAK FROM J06 | DON'T WANT TO HAVE) HOUR OF THE MORNIN» i | A |] TinNKIN ABOUT 1 WELL FLL THAT DREAM AGIA \ / TER? re -- | oly. GIT TO BED AN) ) : 3 3 i an | - | FERGIT IT BY We have several desirable 4 : /75 1) SLEEPINY \ houses for vent. 5 ¥ except Sundays : 5 { n> gh CUTLER & PRESTON . Sands ; Ald A}. a? I] lieal Estate Insurance $03 am, Lally. Swett Sundar / joey S 'Telephone 572-223 7 p.m. Daily. 1 t+ if /\ Night calls. 510-1360 id vm Sumiay gules 3 toa f 64 King St. West { 1 itv. exceut Susday. ! N" | I 4 \ WEEK DAY SCHEDULE (Effective on and alter Sent. 2, 10) Ld Arrive Hespila 10.50 a.m 1245 pm Som | oF BU Feature Service, Inc. Creat Brotain rights reserved FOR SALE: General purpose 20 a. 5 "3 a. ¥ . farm 75 acres; creck, bush, or 0am "930 am 9438 DOLLY DIMPLES AND BOBBY BOUNCE i 'chard, good buildings, close to. || 055: 2 40 p.1: . i hE ad _ i Highway and Oshawa. Price is East TT d " a : 3 . right, Might consider exchange || Dont CRY 'on clear property. f ) p / PRINCESS, DISNEY REALTY EXCHANGE || ne bt 8 ' op Ya Rs NE ; LL Phone 1350 il 3 : 1% rt res y RL (Ps I ~) ALL COME | Rea te : LR a p, 7 4 NN OUT RIGHT DIAMONDS | «=~ BURNS JEWELRY ea, STORE 11.00 p.m. 110 King & Priuce Sts, wise Tonital Snags SUNDAY ASD HOLIDAY SCHEDULE | save Leave Wael re Arrive * 9.00 a.m. Pihavs yi A nm fee Machinery Repairing | 11:5 G53 } a 1 43 po | ) N A IN THE Gi #4 : ichinery Repairing i om | GARDEN, DUT SHE ONLY SAW THE | [SO THE QUEEN GENT THE PRINCE AWAY | NOTHING [00 SMALL. , W¥om SHEPHERDESS TAKING LOVING CARE] | TO TRAVEL AND SENT THE SHEPHEROESS| lig) 5 (iv ABOUT THE GIANT, AND || SO THE PRINCE A | OF THE FLOWERS =, RE Y AND. OUR PETS BACK TO THE HOW THE - SHEPHERDESS WAS A, FORTH TO KILL THE MORRID J : WEE COTTAGE REALLY, TRULY PRINCESS OLD GIANT - i Adanac Machine Shop | wil TILLIE THE TOILER--And Her Way's The Right One By Russ Westover {1 King St. W. Phone 1214 | [234m A G 10.00 pan th ys REPAIRIN White Fibabrent [ WELL, TILLIE .\WE'RE GETTING || WE HAVE TO HAVE SPEED NOW WHY START "THAT wHEN || OKAY, TILLIE, HAVE Your WATCHES A NEW TYPEWRITER : 2 ' Spacian For AD Oscasions 2 AND DESK| | AND. EFFICIENCY ABOVE Al: GET EVERYTHING GONE 7 : \ DON'T WANT] SPECIALTY .{ Fo 3S it your watch is not giving Bowmanville Phos ap) -~ WU : 2 al BIxip Hil 7) Tilia satisfaction. we a Japa tusave Wailing Reps 16 Prince St~ | ard li WHADD YA me : LISYEN'AM t | |[/77Y an) My OWN WAY. and wake Posy | | MEAN wt ih (5S A PARTNER WN | [7 7 WHAT'S RIGHT EAN, WE? 177 fii DESK AND TYPE bro x HIS FIRM OR , ; Phas pb J iii ih : ER IVE AND 7 ! ; : NOT" yh dn | ve - » moan Hip : & £ 7 -- Pete Wh E S28! PPP BP awa Railroads, 10 King St. W. Phone 189 ' ae Fell Bros. | ARES 1 he LEADING JEWELER | * "oon lly 7 Phone 8215 12 Simcoe St. South §

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