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Oshawa Daily Times, 29 Jan 1930, p. 9

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THF OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1930 PASE NINE ERHODES SCHOLARS ARE ANKOUNGED | - Eight Young Canadian Stu- dents Have Been Chosen to Enter Oxford Mont. eul, Que--~As' the result of x ns held throughout Canada . eighp Rhodes Scholars have been ap- poi 10; 80 into. residence at Ox~ ford University next October. There was. no, appointment made in British : Ce the, selection committee «ther deciding not to make any aw- 4 ard this" year, but this will allow a *" double appointment to be made next "year, p pricing. of cour e, two candi- dates bs & atly high standing of- fer themselves. The applicants for the scholarship * this yedr have been rather more nu- merous than has been. belore, and the men chosen by the various 'pro- vincial committees, in. whose hands the entire and often arduous ork of selectiofi, rests, appear very pro- mising both on their personal" show- ing and on their university work, it is announced. This group of scholars will be the first to. go up to Oxford under the new ruling' that makes it possible for Rhodes scholars in' their third year to carry on their work at a univer- complished linguist and proposes to study law at Oxford. Mr. Bilodeau has displayed his powers to advant- age in ceonbmics. and finance, and ooks forward (to developing them still further abroad. In both New Brunswick and Nova Scotia the scholars elected this are students of science, and bot them cucionsly enough in the field Of chemistry, D, B. Fraser of New Brunswick will probably go on into Medicine, 'while Mr. Forrest Mus- grave of Nova Scotia has already been doing advanced work in Toron- to "University. HEAVY ROADS IN fieult in The Vicinity Hampton, Jas: 25---The weather and roads have been very displeas- ing to travellers'the last few days, being very heavy for traffic. There wes a good attendance at the young people's léague meeting on Friday night. Mary Peters' fourth viee-president. occupied the chair. After the opening evorcises end business part of the meeting conducted by the President, N. on.the Dominion Livestock Ex-ypx gh, change this morning was slow with | Nynda, all bids lower on all HAMPTON DISTRICT T ravell'ys Fi~d Going Dif- Stock Market i Prices Mark~. Summary by Canadian Press Toronto and New York "tock Quotations Supplied by Stoble, vtlesy ane Co. NTO ESTOCK "ay. Gold 118 TORO! ay ou Hd, Bay 1200 Toronto, Jan. 29.--The market | gt, pir. 7 2325 4025 kinds of gh, Gr. 298 butcher beef. Siscoe .. 46 Calves were steady at $16.00 to|sq, Bes, 475 $16.60 for choice. Tk. Hg. 600 Hogs were unsettled, with prices | ventures 275 of $13.26 f.0.b., for bacons OF | wy Har. 185 182 $14.50 off car. Wainwell 915 91, Lamb receipts were too small to So make a market. NEW YORK ---- : Amer, Can. 129% CHICAGO GRAIN OPENING | 40" fr "pus 931; Chicago, Jan. 29--Wheat, March | 4, 0. 04a 5% 1.20%; May 1.24%; July 1.26%: | pay g Ohio 115% Corn, March, 86%; May 90%: | cap pac, 198% July 935. Oots, March 45; May, Chrysler .. 36% 45%; July 44%. 5 Cs. Gs. N.Y. 109% WINNIPEG GRAIN OPENING | C0). Cra. 82% Dupont ... 119% Winnipeg, Jan. 29.--Wheat: |p Wp 0" "pag May, 1% to 5 lower at 120% 'toa, may 5oi4 130; July % to 1% lowerat 1313 | oo" yo 41% to 131%: Oct., 135 to % lower at Hud, Mot. 5714 180 to 130%. Oats: May, % to1% lower at 55% to 55; July 12 lower at 55%. Int, Tele, 66% Jns, Man, 136 Lse. Wis. 58 Mex. Sbrd. 201% TORONTO % |H. H. BALL APPOINTED | ANNUAL MEETING [DECLARES LIFE NOT OF ZION CHURCH! WHOLLY MATERIAL Reports of the 'the Year's Work Scientists Wro Shake Man's Will Be Presented Belief ir God Forget Tuesday 1 Night Logic Zion, Jan. Hh <b A community mect- Sas ing will be held im the 'church on Tuesday evening when all citizens Scientific investigators, such as Eddington and Jeans, who have been nd haking man's belief in God and im- are y orts of the|® ; i he ste' invited to ear report es mortality through their writings, have work: A food i rani is being pre- stepped outside the bounds of sound ro. AE prog y - logic, Dr. C. W, Hendel, chairman of ) the department of philosophy at Mc- riunc to 1% Bahos. Ja ad the bay Fortune 1+ Gill, University, declared in an ad- . : p t » deep snow near Herb Flintoff's resi- dress Monday aft noon at the Ya lL. dence Monday afternoon >A. Forum on "The Scientific Jut- "Mr. and Mrs, 1 W. McMaster cnn look and Relgiious Assumptions," in tertained a few neig Bore on Mon- which he questioned the recent inter- | retations of life by noted physicists. | day and Tuésday evenings to tea. pre ) Her Cameron's name was omitted | Positive insight into religion mu: th in the last Zion news as having at- come irom other Sourses Ja 1 tended the furieral of his sister-in- science," Dr, Hendel stated, adding law, Mrs, Jas. Cameron. that scientific interpretations of life LW nl has been confined to| must always be imadequate since the house for several days with a | Science was concerned with things | severe cold; e material, while life could not be logic- | ally defined as a material result. | Philosopher's Part [ Hendel, who. is professor ¢ {| I NT philosophy at McGill, showed first] AS KING'S PRI ER [ov the philosopher played an im , portant role in man's quest for truth Toronto, Jan. _ 29 Herbert H. Ball, or i ality. The philosopher's role in former M.LLA., for the Alteration SALE at THE FAIR All our Stock reduced to less than cost Come in and examine our high class Ladies' Wear 7 Simcoe Street S. Toronto rid-| jife, he said, was to question such iu- | | terpretations of life as had been given | recently by noted physicists, He then | sity 'other than Oxford, provided they | Horn, Miss Lula Reynolds gave an | Stock High Low Close |Mt. Ward 45 make application to do so, and, also [interesting talk on "The League | Br. A. Oil 48%} 48 48 that the proper authorities at Oxford | of Nations." Raymond Burns also |Braz, .. 40% 29% 40% | Radio ..... . Ontarjo Provincial Cabinet last night. | explained that recent physical int r-lused b deem it best under the circumstances | gave a reading on the topie under | Can. 2nd 221; 22 22 Simmons .. f ~ ° In announcing the appointment Pre- pretations as made by Eddi an, | physical things. in view of the work already done. |dise on. A quartette, consisting | Can. Brd. 18 Bid 8in. Oil ede 40 ; 4 mier G, H, Ferguson said Mr. Ball| Jeans and others, did not stand the | instance, was not It is also worth n g that the|of Mr. and Mrs. Will Wilbur, Miss | Cockshutt 22 bb 22 St. Oil N.J. : would take over his new duties im-| {est of logic as applied by the philos scholarship is 'attracting more stud-|M. Horn and W. Horn sang |Cty. Dry. 52% 5215 | Utd. Air. .. & 47% | mediately. : 4 . 1d mathemati 5 "Just When I Need Him Most," | Dis. Sgrm. 10% 10% U.S. Steel 181 or 150% ---- msec The I | acogfivan d'by N. Horn, who also | Gypsum 23% 28% 2314 | Woolworth ~ 687% i% 68% Huge Icebergs Seen that the clectron: was. not. subject: to \itual world from the voluntary retired ympanied W. R., Horn's vocal | Hy, Wal. 10% 8 103; | Yel. Truck 17% % 17% New York.--Fiye huge icebergs! ihe law of cause and effect wit 1e Syisieal Personality after a year's absence from active solo, which was much appreciated. | ym, Brd, 33% 3" 33 Alr Red. ..120 ] 118% {and a little north of Newfoundland | atom. Scientific writers in interpret- Const lering personality i The Mizpah benediction wag repeat- | int, Util, 34% Bid Rd. Kth. Or. 30% 30% and large lee fields a little north ine this discovery had stated that the reasonable that man should be i ed, a'ter which a contest was en- | [pt, Nkl, 38% Liq. Car. 58% 58% | of the usual route of trans-Atlan- | finding might be applied generally in| lieve ) d immortality, PI ad A 1 he neeting. Siamiss- Int. Pet. 213% Money rate 4 per cent, tic liners were sighted by Capt. L.|live, demonstrating that man, as "tl ¢ cis v confining. themselves to . TAKES MINERAL SALTS "God Fave t King." | ind. Alch. 10% Ask { F. Peronard, of the Scandinavian |clectron, within the atom, was not ings physi al « hy onf et a ma-| Reh mbey got fae young | my, Ofl 26% ADD TO TRAVELLING [liner Helllg Olay, he said on his} ubject to any law higher than those | terial fsa boi an LIFTS 1000 POUNDS > ta"ing the short course | np, "A" 14 rrival fomr Copenhasen and Oslo. | made imsel "Th . they claimed, | not satisfy hi nagi n throug hii manville. Ms. Hr. 43 SCHOOL EQUIPMENT, Whe Jatter man's conceptic of God VO if he wa neet | Kerslake is convales- [Me Frt. 243 -~ ! Freed of Charge 1 yori ty. | vith succes 16 since having injur- | Mt Pwr, 76 (By Canadien Press Leased Wire) Calgary 5. W, Gilfoy, president Cause and Effect [2 nd reality, the speak t y strength has increased i li of Jo lile skating on the | gnaw, 30% 303% 303% | Toronto, Jan. 29.--Another travel. | of 8. W. Gilioy and company, ndel did not question the | ligic ns exper + was still a n lift 1,000 Ibs. since tak The appointee in Saskatchewan | pon ently, thus being unable |g station 49% 49% 49% ing school car will be added to the | 'reed -of a charge of obtaining ofl liscovery of s sts at the that mna co to satisfy him-|1 faring full of pep ar was Orvald Arthur Gratias of | to resume her studies in" Toronto Standard Mines four now used to carry educational |shares worth $4,500 from the Cal-| electro n was not gui ded yy laws in}self that there was a God and that | nc H 'Becker, katchewan University, He has spe-| J. Johns was in Saginaw. | g\pang 119 116 118 facilities to children in isolated parts|~ary Stock exchamge by false pre- atom, but he "showed that logic immortality was something more than | r* 30 years doctors Giajizeq in: science and mathematics, | Michizan, for a couplo t days re- Ajax .. 242 210 236 of Nerthern Ontario, the denartment | tenses. respected the assumption from this|the essence of dreams. | scribed Vinol because it co ort a Natioral Re a XW Amulet 180 175 180 of education announced last night, -- bservation that all life was not sub-| Prof, Lessus R. Thom son, a m n- | ports nt mineral elements o last year, and is 1 rking for a| W. W. Horn P.M, attended On- | ni, Migs, 80 80 80 The car, which is be'ng constricted | Students and Police Clash ct to the law of cause and effect, ber of the Y. M. A. F Com- | ciuni and' cod liver peptone. M.Se. Mr. Postmasters Association | op,' Res, 735 706 736 'n the Winniper shops of the ( ana- | drid. t dent demonstrators | nd that mon w-s a free agent, in-|mittee, occupied ery FIRST bottle bri ngs dian Nation: al Railways, will be i 1a hed with civic cuards In three | ¥ ing of 1 A Jo was appointec " 4h ; : Sma i REN PR IN Pb, Sr. N.J. king's printer at a meeting of the scientists in 3 York Yankees yesterday anuouncs But personality, for| ed the outright release of Mik a mate thin 1g | Gazella, former utility infielde s 11d n° t be explained by ph y i-| to the Hollywood club of the Pac i | sciences, Personality, spe aker| fic Coast League, speaker cited the iscovery fA bo Lele d to the mental spir- | Cazelta recently was reinstaied and ¢ | opher. been made 2 diserimination mc nad e mittees as betw Sodonts of science and of arts on the ground of their academic interests. In Alberta the scholarship was w by H.W. Mor Morrison of Alberta. has distinguishes dies in Engl forward to co | I | | | | | the physical 1eans | can it [he { catiske d himsc n athletics. He] convertion ot Varisrite Hotel, Tor- | ps, Mns. 800 800 800 dependent of God. |: 1 BIG appetite, Nervi yr means to continue his work in| onto, vee t. Falcon, 560 520 525 |in oneration on the Northern Rnil-|-cnarate parts of the elty at about| Fach science was permitted its own] G AZELLA GOES TO HOLLY- |ou people are surprised how QUICK science at Oa 33 Ry i . oo aye Smpleved 2 "oll. .. BGO 550 550 way line between Sioux Lookout and Two students were re-|method of interpretation, and this] : ; woop Ni | Vino gives no "% Hsand pep! Tae; im foc British, Columbia, | 1% 1 Le bo Bho He, O41 1100 1073 1075 the Manitoba boundary, d of interpretation could bel New York, Jan, 28.--The New |dclicious. Jury & Lovell, Ltd, Drugs. is interested in Mathme ? despite so much cold mere probably "continue this work at C th | ford A fair conrre~ation greeted the | Messrs C. H. Little and L. M. Gel- | pastor, Rev. J. R. Bisk on Sup- ber will represent Ontario, the first, | day evening, Miss Eleanor Sykes, besides a valuable "member of the! a youn pupil of FF Sutton, Bow- 1929 Toronto foothall team, } ch- | Manville, sang "Heaven is My ieved real distinction in hi ome . modern languages, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. White has: 'exhibited in the re yhil- | we heartily serenaded on Satur- osophy and literature unus sual capac- | 3a ye 'ning, at the home of her ity. | mothe 'In Quebec the prize was carried | . The monthly mecting of the W. off by Messrs. E. Veilleux an is. C.T.U. was held at the home o Bilodean, both from Laval U L zzie Reeve on Yueuday, Jan. ies Mr. Veilletix is 11 there was a good attendance sity, Quebec. Mr, Veillew: showing much interest in the work. {It was decided to arrange an en tertainment to raise funds to pro | vide prizes for the medal contest | whi is to be conducted in the y School under direction of 1 M. J. Katerson. Mr. and Mrs, Milton Slemon Lloyd and Gordon, Haydon, visit ed at the home of Mrs, C. Johns Mr. and Mrs, Slemon witnesse the Johns--White wedding at the parsonage Qn Thursday evening of last week, Bruce Ferguson's fine team and sleigh, provide a splendid convey 'nee for a number of Hampton stu dents atiendin~ Bowmanville Hig School these days. \ -- . Fn Mrs. H. Cole visited her aunt A\ 1 ini Mrs. J. Pye, Enniskillen recently -- d 2 Howard Stevens, Enniskillen, visited his mother, Mrs. Esthe: Stevens recently, Clifford Allin received injurie- to the face and head when the belt of a sawing machine brokeé while cutting wood on Friday. Ho was taken to-the hospital for medical HUGH WALPOLE, treatment. Noted English novelist, who says Mrs. W. E. Stevens and Mrs. that censorship of any kind is | Brooks visited Toronto the latter ridiculous for mature people. part of the weel., midnight. ported wounded, methe Room WILTON RUGS Very fine quality Wilton Rug in living room design. Barrymore guaranteed, in Persian de- sign and colorings. Size 6-9 x 9-0, $45 Reg.. $33. Special ...........i.core chrisases A very useful size Rug for those who like te WILTON RUGS see a nice margin around the borders. Heavy, deep pile that will give real service in living room designs. Size 4-6 x 7-6, Reg. $25.00. Special ............... $21 5 AXMINSTER RUGS AND NOW! The Livin WALNUT END TABLE Half round style walnut end tables with nicely turned legs and solid walnut tops. Reg. $8.95. Special Melt 11. 91 5 3 Piece Chesterfield Suite Jandsome 3 piece Chesterfield Suite, uphblstered in fine quality mohair. Comprising Chesterfield and two chairs, one of the ¢hairs is a large Bunny style with Buftoned back, The " spring-filled "cushions are reversed with Frieze, a splendid quality suite at a very low price. Reg. $189.50. Special-- ~-- 9 PIECE DINING ROOM SUITE looki bl derate price. Reg. $15.25. eae price $12 75 A well constructed suite in Birch finished in shaded: Walnut. Com- Er t n'Blue Leather at a'su antia uction. eg: pecia. These heavy, 'deep pil . SMOKER STAND pecial -- wh un i rr WE + hi Hg Selid walnut Smoker Stand like above cut ; - ) Pasian designs, They make ideal living toom | with equipment for holding matches, cigars { Sl 50 : Sh # and glass ash tray. $5 50 a / v 5 * x of Size. 4-6 x 7-6, Reg. $18.50, Special $15.95 Special .....ouiinamnianed ' Fans a = , o x Reg. $6.95. Size 6-9 x 9-0. Reg. $34. 95, Special $29.95 P any ° CHESTERFIELD TABLE Well constructed and very nicely finished Chesterfield Table in birch walnut--a good 63 KING ST. E. Ho Lille; Ontar'o. | <u... [le declan the Lreeding | . Op eo Libiting a | foxes, is one of the most profitable 8 [oa Chandan fox rantdes of the licestork indastry. | aul {hovity has Gozevibed as the best | if good stock fs raised and given: pelt of its kind that he has ever) proper attention, a EE et a sre AE Ea mo

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