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Oshawa Daily Times, 29 Jan 1930, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, er To Consider Appeal Dn motion of Reeve Jackson, of Whitby, the clerk was instructed to notify Mr. G. D. Cenant, of Qshawa, to meet the Roads and Bridges Com- mittee on Thursday for a confgrence in connection with the Whitevale bridge, when the question of a fur- ther appeal against a recent judg- ment will be discussed. The: judg- PAGE FIVE own cnjoyable days as a member of the county council, and, in re- ferring to the debt of the county, pointed to this as a mark of the progress which it had made in | many directions, He also referred, in eulogistic terms, to the -contri- bution whieh the county had made to the forces of Canada in the Great War, For The Hands Elizabeth Arden has created an important group of Veue- tian Toilet Preparations as The W hitby Daily Times 'Advertising, subscriptivns and news will br received at the Voitby Brancu Office, at Gaz (> and Chronicle.~2elephone SS---After Business Hours - : hone 850, REPRESENT ATIVE--JAVIES H, ORMISTON J ames Read, Mara Township Elected Warden of County Defeats John Ross, Reeve of East Whitby, by Four Vetes----County Council Appointed Committees at Whitby Yesterday ---- James Read, reeve of the township of Mara, and a prominent farmer in that township, was clected Warden of Ontario county for 1930 by his col- leagues of the County. Council on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Read was clected by a majority of four votes over the only other candidate, John Ross, rceve of the- township of East Whitby. 'Lhe warden was clected on the first ballot, the vote being Read 14 and Ross 10. As soon as: the re- sult of the voting was announced, Warden Read was gowned and es- corted to the big chair at the front of the Council Chamber by his op- ponent, Reeve Ross: "This is indeed a great surprise and a great honor to me" said Warden-elect Rcad as he rose to address the Council. He thanked those who had voted for him, also those who had not seen their way clear to support him. He felt that an WHY SUFFER FROM YOUR LIVER? Why be handicapped with unsightly blotches on thé face, eyes with yellow tinge and that tired "and languid feels ing? This indicates a torpid liver Headache, Dizzigess and Biliousness surely follow. You must stimulate your lazy liver, start the bile flowing honor had been done more to the good old township of Mara than to himself.. ". trust that the year we have just entcred upon will be one of the, best for the council and coun- ty of Ontario," he continued, noting that the council was made up of old and new members. He asked the old members to help those sitting at the Board for the first tite, and invited the co-operation of his colleagues and county officials as he sought faith- fully to discharge his duties. Following the Warden's address, Rev. J. M. Crisall, rector of Al Saint's Anglican Church, Whitby, conducted devotional exercises, in- voking the divine blessing on the Councli's deliberations. A committee of A. W. Jackson, Whitby, Gordon McLean, Uxbridge, John Ross, East Whitby, Luther Middleton, , Pickering, John McCrea, of Till, Reach, was named to strike standing committees for the year, Reports Clerk 111 At the opening of the session, W. J. H. Richardson, acting clerk, ex- pressed regret that A. E. Christian, county clerk and solicitor, was ser- iously ill, having been taken to Osh- awa General morning. Mr, the sympathy of Council would go out to both Mr, and Mrs, Christian, also that it was the carnest hope of all that the esteemed county clerk and solicitor would soon be restored to health and strength again, Mr. Richardson sought the co-operation of all in the discharge of his duties which were new to him. Standing Committees The standing committees for the year are as follows, the first named in each case being chairman: County Roads--Ross, - Middleton, and Till, Finance and Assesment--McLean, Chapman, Dobson, Clayton and Jack- son. the Hospital on Tuesday | Richardson felt that | with Carter's Little Liver Pills, They also act as a mild laxative, purely vegetable, free from calomel and poisonous drugs, small, easy to swallow, and not habit forming. hey are not a purgative that cramps or pains, unpleasant after effect follows ing, on the contrary a good tenic. All Druggists 25¢ aad 75¢ red pkgs. | County Property--Dobson, Dever- pr --- | ell, Morrison, McRae and Mackie. Legislation and Memorials--Morris, Todd, McLean, Somerville and Moore. Agriculture--Christie, Stewart, Mil- ler, Lavis and Morrison. Reforestation -- Umphrey, McRae, Morris and Hood, Mileage and Perdiem -- Mackie, Clayton, Deverell, Dobson and Um- phrey. Roads and Bridges--Jackson, Mc- Lean, Umphrey, Morris and Somer- ville, Davies and Hood. Printing--71odd, Christie, Mocre and Stewart. McRae, Vy EL Now Eat BAR A Deli_hilul Davies, Breakfast Food | Annual Meeting The Annual Meeting of the CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY of the County of Ontario will be held in the new shelter, THURS DAY EVENING, JAN. 30TH AT 8 O'CLOCK. Election of officers and other important business Every person intcrestgd in the work of the Society is cordially | invited to be present. MRS. T. H. EVERSON, Secy. H. P, SCHELL, Ptes; Education--Chapman, Miller, Lavis, |; | tence was commuted, hold. The appointment was comme ied | breach between {the cabinet came a part of her gclentific treatment for the hands, Venetian Hand Cream. A smooth lotion, fragrant and healing, prevents redness and roughness, soothes chapping and dryness. $1. Venetian Milk of Almonds. A rich nourishing prepara- tion made from fresh al- monds, creamy, quickly ab- sorbed. areal skin food for the hands. $2.50. Other' Venetian Toilet Pre- parations for the hands are described in "The Quest of the Beautiful," Elizabeth Arden's book on the correct care of the skin, Ask for a copy at the tollet goods counter, Jury & Lovell THE REXALL STORES King E, Simcoe S. Phone 28 Phone 68 ment in question declared the bridge, which was built. last year, to be a county structure, but leaving it to the county judge to apportion the cost between the county and the Town- ship of Pickering. To the various committees referred numerous communications, were | | read by the acting county clerk. | | Symphony Orchestra "To Present Concert At Whitby Hospital| A real musical treat is voles | provided for the patiamts of the Ontario Hospital, Whitby, to- morrow night when the Harmony Smyphony Oechestra will present a concert in the hospital theatre. No admission*is being charged and the concert should prove a pleasing event, The orchestra is directed by Arthur E, Semple, Mus, Bar,, L.R.- AM, SPANISH PREMIER "RESIGNS OFF PEDLAR PEOPLE WERE HOSTS AT Primo de Rivera Is Succeed: ed by His Arch Enemy | - | Madrid, Jan. 29.--Premicr Primo | (Continued from Page 3) de Rivera, dictator since 1923, re-| Frank L. Mason, secretary-treas signed last night and General Dam- | urer of the Pedlar People, Limit aso Berenguer, fong his arch enemy, | ed, acted as toastsmaster, and pre was charged by King Alfonso to form | sided over a program of interest a new ministry, | ing addresses. Tho various speak The downfall of the brilliant mili- | ors, in expressing tary officer and politician 'who had | hospitality of the company, controlled Spain with an iron hand | took the opportunity of for more than sx years had appear-| their appreciation of the ed imminent all day, but it was not| pusiness methods which until after a cabinet session in evening that the premier drove the royal palace and presented the resignations oi himself and cabinet. { Licutenant-General Don Miguel | Primo de Rivera y Orbancja, Marquis | tarfo w de Estella, to give and title, distinguished himself in the campaigns against Moroccan native which, for sone years, had been Sain | ing the national treasury, exhausting | the man-power and threatening to bring about a collapse of the nation. | His success followed the defeat and disgrace of the man wio now ceeds him as head of the govern- | ment. General Berenguer was high | | commissioner in Morocco in 1921 : and 11922, 'He resigned in July, 1922 lin following June the senate, of whi {he was a member, voted 10 impe eh him on the groun wl that he | sponsible for a severe defeat in M 1 occo. He was convicted, noved | best I have ever taken," writes [from the active list, and Satter to | A. Bancks, Box 85, Thamesy ille, six months impriconment. The sen-|*1 used to be bo thered an however. | eith my kidneys, Resignation Was Expected | taken Dodd's Kidney ; In 1926, King Alionso showed his | ight. They are certainly confidence in General Berenguer beat and I'wecommend them to appointing him chief of his he Dodd's Kidney Pills are purely simply a kidney reme They a | directly on the kidney them and putting them in conditio to do their full work of straining the impurigics out of the blood, | Kidney Pills have been in-use ir Canada for more than thirty years They strate their worgh in the mo st serious forms of kidney discase uch as rheumatism, ache, blad- der and urinal troubles Obtained from all druagists, or The Dodds Medicine Co, Ltd, Toronto, Ont. \ ---- firm, Toast to County him his full ihe | 11, of Oshawa, who recalled Have Lver Taken Kidaey Fil's Mrs. A. Bancks Is Very Satisfied With the Results Received By Taking Dodd's Kidney Pills Thamesville, Ont., Jan. 29. (Special Was I "1 have used Dodd's Kidney Pill for Bladder Trouble and they are th and Pills, 1 am all." die. | it the time as indicating the sovereign and for the mutual dis- generals had on at Primo de Rivera, | like between the tw | never been conceal Although the actual resignation of suddenly, it had | been presaged by the events of the | past few months. Primo de Rivera himself had indicated on several oc- casions that he expected to relin- quish control of the government in 1930. (4) dem back FESTIVE EVENT thanks for the dlso voleing splendid charac- terized all its dealings, and of the to | high quality of the product of the | Says Cnrtario Lady Of Dodd's Dodd's The response was made by the new warden, James Read, of Mara township, who was warmly cen- gratulated on his election, and made a neat speech in reply, by D, J. Kean, county road superintend- ent and by ex-Warden Adam Dob- son, The latter's speech was par- ticularly interesting, dealing, in « reminiscent vein, with his boyhood days in the town of Oshawa fifty years ago. Toast to Ontario The toast to the province of On- tario was proposed, briefly, by George J. 8. Morrison, of the Ped- lar People, Limited, and respond- ed to by W, E. N. Sinclair, K.C., M.P.P., for South Ontario, and W. J. Blanchard, M.P.P., for North Ontario, both of whom spoke in an interesting manner on the advance- ment and progress of the province, and of the work of the county council, Toast to Dominion W. Chester Smith, city éngineer of Oshawa, proposed the toast to the Dominion of Canada, ang Dr. T. E. Kaiser, M.P,. for Ontario, responded with an eloquent and thoughtful address, Appropriate songs by all the company were interspersed be tween the speeches, ably led by Duncan Cowan, and at the close the hearty thanks of the guests to their hosts of the Prdlar People, | Limited, were eoxprer.ed with en- thusiasm, Frank IL. Mason, Dr, T. E. W. E. N, Sinclair, M. Blanchard, M.P.P., Warden Jamos Read, Reeve John Moss, of East Whitby, A, W. Jack- son, reeve of Whitby Town, Ex- Warden Adam, Dobson, of Canning ton, Mayor T. B. Mitchell, Oshawa, and D, J. Kean, county road sup- erintendent. were: Kaiser, M.P,, Pl WW. J. The toast to the County of On- 2g proposed by Mayor Mit i 'They Are The Best 1 R., Explains Process at | capitalizes her | { 1 el Mrs. | Ont. | Longstaff s awful lot doors of but since I have | produced a new all 000,000 @ hard 10] | and | tourists v, act | bile, trai tre ngthening | } 5 Li, | Bow for fame | the [ the GANADA'S SCENERY BECOMES CAPITAL | Alan N. Longstafl, of C. N. | an »- How Canada | scenery was revealed by Alan N. Longstaff, press represen tative of the Canadian National Rail in an address to the members St, George Snowshoe Club at luncheon ting on Sat- | Montreal, | Montreal Luncheon | | | ways, of the weekly urday. The title Export of me s8 was "The } Mr. | | of the addre Scenery," and in it showed how the great out- the Dominion have really | industry worth §300- | year, During the past year | estimated that upwards visite Canada by cand doin for the purpos acation, and spent money the mineral production of ti inion, The thousand of miles of forest, stream and lake, once | th ought valueless exce pt for their | ents, he pan OY have now be- | play ground of the hunter, | said it was | 13,000,000 | automo se of | al to | ay cqu | Those seated at the head table |} Thursday i $40. #34.50 | $30. 00 i. Friday - Fashion Craft Overcoats HALF PRICE | Overcoats go at $20. i Saturday (1 A ". $17.25 yi $15. 00 | an. ot -------- | 38 only. 10 Overconts at $10. "each | Come Thursday morning for these. Kone blues and a few tweeds. Si | aluraday morning Size $10.00 popular double breasted model. famous O.K.O. cloth. "Fashion Craft Suits at a big reduction Fine imported worsteds. Sizes 35 to 42 in the Regular $34.50, Day Clearance RRR LEER This is the 3. $19 += Men's Leather Coats And Windbreakers all on sale at 20 off " Stanfield's Red Label Shirts and Drawers The best heavy underwear made. per cent A Bargain In Combination Underwear for small men or large boys. Stanfield and Hatchway. Reg. $2.50 and $3 a suit. Size 34 only at, Fer Suit 95c¢ Men's Neckwear Clearance Balance of our 75¢ and $1.00 Regular $2.50 a garment. 31; | On sale, per garment . | Or $3.75 Suit Christmas lines to clear at, 95 vga 2 for $1.00 tion Underwear Sizes 36 to 42. Regular $2.50 $3.00 per suit. 3 Dey $1. Special, per suit ....... Stanfield s Fine Combina- Men's Silk and Wool So For a 3-day special. Holeproof and other good makes, 75¢c pair. Pair and 95 $2.50 and £3.00 Forsyth Arrow fal and Shirts, Sp $1.95 DEC Men's Work pair, 2™" 25¢ fisher wan. and all lovers of th utdoors, it the price one worth it vouder 15 I often Clara | Doorjamb.' |on it.--London Sunday Pictorials A new novel is to be en titled, "The fey We'd ik left ROC od Jo doubt the plot hinges {up to be a' woman driver and do ze to see a Girl Scout gre wl one Sometimes I wish I enjoyed class- ical music, because I hear so much turn a. day.--Liic. of it.--Tom Sims, in Life. $7.00 Lines of the well-known | STRIDER make. Black or Brown Wide, Medium or Narrow Toes 'Heavy or Single MEN'S OXFORDS Black Brown or Reduced from $10.00. Men's Astoria Shoes $7.65 : A limited quantity in black or brown calf leathe: only. on the famous. Royce and La Salle lasts. . Made All sizes in the lot. BOYS' OXFORDS o $2.95 Black or Brown Reg. $8.95 Oxfords wh. $7.50 & $8.00 65 $1.15 50 pairs from our regular $1.35 to. $1.85 lines. All sizes from 5 up to 1014, CE SS TY ; : J Ei A , tl bt i -------------- MEN'S WORK F $3.65 Leather or Panco soles. Women' $ Shoes $4. 65 An Opportunity to buy high grade shoes at low prices These are all regular $6.00 to $8.00 shoes. Styles to .choose' from. SLIPPERS . 4 Women's jersey or cotton Jersey Galoshes in the Stor Satins Patents and Colored Kid $2.65 pr. Almost straps, ties and pumps at this price. 100 pair of Regular up to $5.00 shoes. ES, AA, Ss Et A il i ---- | WOMEN'S SHOES $3.69 A score of ©. { styles in straps pumps, ties. Patents Satins Kids Medium, cub- and high heels. eA a -- a ------ ee -------------------------------- i ----

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