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Oshawa Daily Times, 3 Feb 1930, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1930 MINES WERE BUSY "IN NOVA STATA DURING PAST YEAR Hon. G. S. Harrington, Min- ister of Mines, Reviews Progress in 1929 Halifax, N.S, Feb. 3.--In a re- view of the mining industry in Nova Sgotia during the year ending Sep- tember 30, 1929, Col. the Hon. G. S. Harrington, Minister of Public Works and Mines, said: "The total output of the coal mines of the Province for the fiscal year ended September 30th, 1929, was 339,492 long tons (of 224C 1bs.). The amount shipped to points on the St. Lawrence River was 2,527,080 HARDWOOD i LAID Electric Sanded and Finish 23 Albert Strect W. J. TRICK €O., LTD. Phone 230, 231 | ed Complete i long tons, while tle amount used in Nova Scotia was 1,925,619 long tons in addition to that used at the Col lieries and by the employees of the Coal Companies. The latter amounts were 458,176 long tons and 111678 long tons respectively. New Bruns. wick, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland © purchased 688,572, 106,227 and 213,031 long tons respec tively during the same period. "The outlook for employment in the industrial districts of the Pro vince is more promising than it was this time last year. The coal which was banked during last winter has been cleared and it is understood that there will be considerable coal banked this year after the close of the navigation season. Another en- couraging feature is that the fuel re- quirements of the Nova Scotia Steel industry this winter are expected to be in excess of those last year. "Gypsum was mined in Nova Scotia as early .as 1829, but it is in re. cent years that the industry has had its most remarkable expansion. The past year's output of 1,021,000 tons is more than three times that of all the rest of Canada, Gypsum deposits containing an excellent grade »f ma- terial are widespread in the central and eastern parts of the Province and are extensively worked in u number of localities. The chief pro- ducing centre is in the vicinity of Windsor. Hants County, though there is an jncreasingly large output from a number of quarries scattered over HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID BY EXPERT MECHANICS Old floors finished like new. Storm windows, combination doors. General contractors. B. W. HAYNES, Residence 180 r 2 161 King St. W. Phone 481 SARGON We are sole authorized agents for Sargon in OSHAWA KARN'S DRUG STORE Next Post Office, Phone 378. Final Clearance of Men's and Boys' Overcoats DOMINION CLOTHING 68 KING ST. WwW. hone 2141 We Deliver Co. Machinery Repairing NOTHING TOO LARGE NOTHING TOO SMALL Adanac Machine Shop 161 King St. W, Phone 1214 Diamonds ! Bassett's On Oshawa's Mam Corner COAL COAL Phone 193 W. J. SARGANT Yard--ay Bloor "treet K. Orders Uromptly Delivered W.A. HARE } OPTOMETRIST | 8 Bond Street East Hundreds of people wear with utmost comfort Hare's Faultless Lenses PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe St. 8. ~-- We Deliver rh 18 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH BA '% TIME TABLES 3 1% | Pe tl J C. P. R, TIME TABLE H 29, 1929, ime) m. Daily CBxceot Sunday). Datlv a. Dany (Except 3 Dail Ve ' . Daily (Except Going East . Daily aily (Except Sundar). 8.03 p.m. Daily (Exceut Sunday), 15.10 p.m, Daily (Except Saturday). 12.05 a.m. Daily CANADIAN NATICNAL RAILWAYS Effective Sept. 27, 1929 (Standard Time) Sunday Sune.y 8 Suncay ily, except 1 Cape Dreton Island, The Atlantic Gypsum Products, Limited, have re- cently opened large quarries in In. verness County, apd installed a big plant to handle large tonnages, In spite of the large production very little gypsum---less than 2 per cent of the output--is calcined in the Province, nearly all of it being ship ped to the United States and Mon- treal. The figures for the last five years show the rapid increase in its production: Tons sesavensranennendss 471,174 «or 607,116 851,953 eee 972,211 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 "Salt mining is the third most im- portant and youngest mining industry in Nova Scotia. "Many deposits of salt are indicat- ed in the Province by salt-springs' and sinks, or have been found by boreholes. At the present time not even a rough idea of how much salt exists can be formulated, but the evidence points to an undoubtedly vagt amount. A fine deposit of high grade rock salt has béen exploited during the last eleven years at Mala. gash, Cumberland County. It has proved to be 400 ft. wide and the length and depth are not known. "The engineers estimate {hat so far about 60,000,000 tous of salt, pure enough to sell directly after mining and crushing has been developed, with an additional 800,000,000 tons of a slightly lower grade. Three years ago the mine was provided with a branch line of railway and a large wharf so that it could prop- erly expand its production by both rail and water. The first unit of un evaporating plant was installed last winter for making the finest grades ELLA CINDERS--Beyond Her Depth of salt from the lower grade salt. The production for the year was 8, 528 tons, for 1927 was 14,637 tons, for 1928 was 20,000 tons, while that for 1929 was 30,625 tons so that the future of the industry seems assured. "An interesting feature of the Mal- agash Salt beds is the presence of potassium salts, which may ultimate ly be found in sufficient quantity to make their recovery profitable. "The demand for diatomite is of increasing importance, "Canada produced only 433 tous of diatomite in 1928 which was export- ed to the United States for final treatment. The production from Nova Scotia for the past year was 422 tons, "Intensive prodpecting for copper, zine and lead has been conducted in the Province during the past three years. The most promising develop ment fg on the zine-copperlead com- plex ore at Stirling, Richmond coun- ty. "In Nova Scotia the mineral schee- lite is the ore of tungsten, The In- dian Path Mining Company con- tinued exploration consisting of trenches on the surface and sinking of a shaft which ie now 75 feet deep. The datter work is about 1000 feet east of the work performed in 1927, Both gold and scheelite are found on the property. "The Nova Scotia Tin Mining Syn. dicate continued to investigate a de- posit of tin ore at New Ross during the past summer, The property was examined by an English Mining en- gineer and it is understood that his report was very favorable, The same syndicate has been granted the areas at Gold River and work of an explor- atory character is being carried out at that site. "The establishment in Pictou coun- ty of a substantial industry in con- nection with the valuable oil shale deposits appears frmuinent as a re sult of work undertaken by the Tur- banite Products Limited. During re- cent years several experiments have been directed at the establisiiment of such an industry near New Glas- gow. These have culminated in the erection of the first unit of a dis tillation plant. Jt is expected that the plant will be ready for operation next spring. A "Gold mining has had a distinct revival in Nova Scotia during the last few years, and operations are reported on a dozen or more old mines. Production, however, is still limited to a few thousand ounces an- nually, There is a marked tendency toward the consolidation of areas with u view to more economical and systematic development, Gold min- ing hus been carried on to a greater jor less extent since the year 1860, The records of the Mines Department show that 969,249 ounces of gold have béen recovered to date, . "Much reference has been made in the last two years to the arsenical content of some of the good districts, This mineral carries gold valued which cannot be recovered by amal. gamation." A man who was missing things from his premises every morning gave his servant, Pat, a sovereign and told him to go to town and buy a good yard dog. { Pat came home that night drag- Iging a mangy looking cur after him, "What kind of dog 1s thta?" roar. ed his master, "Begorra," replied Pat, "he's the nearest to a yard dog I cvould get, He's two feet, eleven inches." By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb . | Samm PLACE (S WELCOME WHEN OM, Mo% Just war unmie © PUT ON MY SEA CORSET! A TIGHT HAPPENS TO BE INSIDE A IT TELLING TOMMY 1 WE! HOW LONG HAVE PEOPLE | VIORM GLOVES, if DADDY © Dni L TOMMY , TOMMY 1S SUPPOSED TH HISTORIC HELLERS £ GLOV MODERY GLOVES IT 2 4 {AT £5. HE ANCE QUEEN ELIZABETH OF ENGLAND AND HER GLOVE ye NT PERSIANS WORE GLOVES AND THE GREEKS PRIATED THE CUSTOM FROM T GLOVES HAVE BEEN FOUND BURIED WITH MUMMIES IN EGYPT DATING FROM THE 2127 DYNASTY. APPRO" THEM, CF ENGLAM WAS ALMOST UNIVE AMONG THE GERMANS AND SCAHDINAVIANS IN CENTURIES. IN THE LADIES DEGAM TO WEAR x Veatur REAL THE EIGHTH AMD NINTH 13% CENTURY ENGLISH GLOVES AS ORNAMENTS. ne , Great Brits " ji 00 YOU KNOW i HOY LON J BRINGING UP FATHER Sunday oulv. aily, . Daily except Sundav. Daily, except Susdav, vy except Sunday, Daily. Daily, except Saturday Daily, Daily. Westbound n. Daily. Daily. Daily, except Sunday v. Sunday, Daily. Sunday. n Daily, . Sunday only. Is except We have several desirable houses for rent. CUTLER & PRESTON Ileal Estate tnsurance Telephone 572-223 Night calls 510-1560 04 King 5t. West For Sale:--In North td of Citys closy Separate lovely 6:room ry Ae rooms, hardwood floors, 3-piece bath, hot air furnace, wired for electric stove, built in ds, etc., garage, substantial payment will take this real home. DISNEY REALTY EXCHANGE Phone 1550 'DIAMONDS BURNS JEWELRY STORE King & Prince Sts. REPAIRING WATCHES OUR SPECIALTY If your watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct time D. J. BROWN tical wath Je eor ¢ | Official spector for | Canadian National and Osh. : Cawa roads Established (880 - 11.00 a.m, v. except v. except Sunday. Whitby, Oshawa. Bowmanville BU NE WEEK Sunday. S Li DAY SCHEDULE (Effective on and after Sept. 29, 1929) Going West Arrive Heosplita) 10.50 8. 283s eS S Peat ii = BARN 8 oon * BE3 £5 = 8 Le SS he 1.00 p.m, BRED €35 p.m. 6.50 p.m. BELASRGBEEN B PPP PPPPPS - Bed 11.00 pom, 11. lime marke: Whitby Hospital SUNDAY asi H 2 ii Eozenbs 3Povrprres HH HH 3 EB § ONE A DIME Any | -- TO STAY THIS WELL THANK COODNESS | 4 'VE GOT ALL CLR BILLS f PAID} DONT OWE ANY 'M COW WAN VERY GOOD MRS} ACLS LL HAVE EVERY THING READY TO SHOW YOU IN A WEEK | BE JUST bh LOVELY: | Hl coco pay | {I [THAT WiLL 14 | [ who wL 2 i | \ / di | THE OLD bY ROMEO THAT | JUST LEFT? | ae \r [ THATS MR |DIGGEN BUILD THE ARCHITECT VM HAVING HIM DRAW UP SOME CLANS I'VE DECIDED TO BLILD A THAT WE WANT § i Re OUT OF HER CAVE = (EARLY oNE MORNING, Dolly Ci B 1, Dig Peatuns Bynlieta, Las, Great Brite Aighte revered. - AND SHE RAN DOWN'TO THE Ki DE SHORE SHE SAT DOWN ON A BIG Rock WISHING FOR. BoBBY AND Compy HID HER EYES " ALL OF A SUDDEN A TERRIBLE | STORM CAME UP AND DoLLy IN FEAR 2.3 et -- 585522 14 RERERS Sa BREESE i FRR SF f j - > 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH TILLIE THE TOILER--A "TIMELY" ARRIVAL i By Russ Westover | WANT TO SEE MY NAME 18 AMOS CRAMER - OF THIS FIRM Wm MR, TONES FELLOW OUTSIDE BY THE CRAMER. HE WANTS = a. THERE'S A GOOD L00KING \ NAME OF To Se Yeu HAVE COME HERE TO SHOW! YoU HOW TO MAKE

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