_PAGE TEN CA A RR THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1930 SABA LLL LAALALLALLL AA a SAAS s SALA LAMALALS SL AS iad VETTIITITTITTYIYY SEIS DEPP 04 04 24 EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS TVETVITTTVIVTVTITITITYIIYYTYTE 2d odddbiididd ver TTT ITITYY Vaccination Discontinued " Brockville. ~Instructions have been received in Kemptville from Dr. Ma- loney, district health officer, to dis- continue the enforcement of vaccina- tion in the municipality. Greenhouse Damaged Peterboro,--The Resim of W. J. Tompkins, 114 Pottinger Street, well known Lindsay gardener, was partly gatted by fire late Friday. The estimate loss is about $200. New Snow Plow Kingston.--The city's new. snow plow has been assembled and is rea- dy for operation Now if the city is hit with another big snow storm the works department will have two plows for service. Injured by Frost Cobourg.--On Monday night Wil- liam Lawless, of Grafton, was brought to bourg General Hospital ssuffer- ing from severe frost bites in both legs. His condition is none too good, as he was exposed td the cold TTY e Little, of Frankford, was found Cllrs by Judge O'Connor of gross negli- gence causing actual bodily, harm, and finer $100 or two months in gaol The fine was paid. Local Office Closed {ingston.--The local office of Sol- loway-Mills was closed Saturday. The manager, W. A, Neill, stated that bu- siness had been discontinued tempor- arily, but had nothing further to add to the statement. Laymen's Banquet Cobourg. -- On Thursday evening last Trimty + Laymen's Association held a most enjoyable banquet, the supper being' supplied by Trinity Yonng People's Society, who put on a most appetizing meal, Has Unique Record Peterboro.--Dan Duggan, Warden of the County of Renirew for 1930, has had the unique distinction of ne- ver having sat in the Township Coun- cil of his municipality in any other capacity saye that of Reeve. for some time. -- A Fined for Negligence | Cobourg.--In the county judge's] criminal court on Monday Ueorge May Appoint Engineer Peterburo.--Following the count) council meeting Saturday, the cot mittee on Appointments to Office The DENTIFRICE for tender teeth AY the founda. tion of health for your kiddies by teaching them earlyto keep teeth clean and mouth sound through the regular id ment of superintendent met to the a new county road and engineer, Old Resident Died Pembroke. -- Following an illness of several months' duration James Stew- art McLean, one of the early resi- dents of Chalk River, died at that village Wednesday in his' ninety- eighth year, ° Two Ribs Fractured Brockville. -- James Howitson, 34 Jessie street, is confined to his home suffering considerable pain from frac- tures of two ribs sustained on: Tues- day evening when he fell in crossing St. Paul street .bridge. Dr. E, Moles is attending him. + Cutter Upset--Arm Broken Cobourg. The fifteen-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Archer, of Haldimand township, was brought to Cobourg General Hospital last week suffering from a broken arm, sus- tained when a cutter in which she was driving upset. Need Another Jailer Peterboro.--The urgent necessity of appointing an asssitant turnkey and matron to the Peterboro county gaol because of the increased num- ber of prisoners now confined there was pointed out to the council Fri- day afternoon by Sheriff F, J. A. Hall. Farm Memorial Pcterboro.--~A delegation of Peter« borough citizens waited upon the County Council recently to lay be- fore them the need for united effort if this county is to secure an experi- mental or demonstration farm as a memorial to David Fife. Drunk Fined Kingston. -- James McGarry was taken into custody Friday by Con- Am DENTPRice is especially good in caring for the kiddies' teeth use of Gibbs Dentifrice. Its virtue is never-failing. Its surging, cleansing foam sweeps away film and mucin, purges deepest recesses of the mouth. Economical because it can't spill-- can't squeeze out and it lasts longer than more exe pensive pastes and powders. Simply rub the brush over the solid cake. Eash member of the family should have a handy, individual container. At all druggists'. Two sizes, 15¢ and 25¢. Gibbs Cold Cream Shaving Bowl is long-lasting, its cold cream soothes and heals. Use Gibbs Cold Cream Soap, it's grateful to tender skins. Distributors: Geo. Borgfeldt & Co., Limited, Toronto Also Gibbs Dental Cream -- for those who prefer a paste. BODY HARD HARD SLAB SOFT SLAB WOOD ° Cut to Stove Length And Guaranteed No. 1 and Dry Also General Hard DIXON COAL CO. Tele. 262 Five Direct Lines Motors wood | of that vicinity. | Marine, stable Chandler on a charge of being intoxicated. He pleaded guilty when | arraigned before Magistrate Farrell in the police court on Friday morn- ing, and was fined $50 and costs with the option of one month in jail, Elected Chairman Kingston.--At the first meeting for this year of the Advisory Committee of the Board of Education held on Thursday evening Trustee A. J. Mei- klejohn was re-elected to occupy the chair for another year with Trustee T. G. Bishop as vice-chairman, while Trustee F. J. Hoag was re-clected chairman of the publicity sub-com- mittee, Rice Lake "Building Activities Cobourg.--From present prospects { there will be considerable building in the vicinity of Rice Lake this sum- mer. One American summer resi dent is contemplating spending in the neighborhood of $90,000 on the farms he purchased last fall. There will be a number of new summer homes put up along the shores of the lake also. Fined on Assault Charge Cobousg.--In the county judge's criminal court on Saturday Elwood Weatherup, of Bewdley, was fined $25 and costs for assaulting Bruce Brooks The pair had a row over a girl, and Weatherup struck | Brooks, inflicting a nasty wound in his chin and throat. At first a charge | of assault occasioning actual bodily harm was laid, but this was reduced to common assault, Youth Sentenced Pembroke. -- On charges arising from six petty burglaries in Pem- broke some ten days ago, Clifford I.acelle, Harry Demers and Bert Ky- lic appeared in police coyst before Magistrate MacGregor Monday mor- ning. The three local youths all entered pleas of guilty and, as they had pre- vious records for theft, sentences of one year determinate and one year indeterminate in a reformatory were meted out in each case. ASHES MAY REVEAL MURDER IN KENT = COUNTY MYSTERY | Police Work on Theory That Body Was Burned by Slayer Wallacehurg, Feb. 1,--Bits of ashes carefully coliected from around a tree stump were sent to Toronto last night in the belief that, under analysis, they may prove to be all that is left of Joe Kameon, missing since Dec. 22, Francis Vandevelde, like Kam- eon, a Hollander, and now held un- der a nominal charge of vagrancy in connection with Kameon's dis- appearance, stood nearby hand- cuffed yesterday while Kent Coun- ty and provincial police carefully raked through earth in the farm orchard. In that orchard, Kameon disappeared, Vandevelde was seen building a fire, police have been told. Should the ashes reveal traces of a human body, prosecutors will have obtained the corpus 'delectl necessary to convie- tion on a charge of murder. No arrest other than that of Vande- velde ig at present intended. He was remanded for one week in a court appelirance yesterday. Under questioning yesterday Vandevelde told police thathe had purchased the farm from Kameon for $1,500 and that Kameon had departed for 'Detroit en route to Holland for a visit, but investiga- tors discovered in a trunk in the farm home Kameon's passport to Tolland, a good suit of %lothes and other possessions, indicating that he had not intended to make a trip. the day after Cut Portuguese Navy Lisbon. -- Commander Magalhaes 'orreia, Portuguese Minister of ordered a committee of na- val officers today to draw a minimum replacement" program for obsolete ships, Because of the condition of the Treasury, the construction plan fof cruisers and destroyers has been abandoned. A number of antiquated coast guard vessels stationed in the colonies will be scrapped. The photograph here shows, LEFT to RIGHT: U.S. Secretary of State Stimson, British Foreign Minister Arhtur Henderson, and U.S. Am- bassador to England, Charles Dawes, beipg greeted at Padding- ton railroad station by British wel- coming committee, headed by Hen- AMERICAN DELEGATES ARIVE AT LONDON derson, upon their arrival in Lon- don to take part in the naval lim- ftationns parley. PRODUCE PRICES ON THE MARKETS FARMERS' MARKET The following are quotations, retail, in ef. fect on the St. Lawrence market, Toronto; Produce-- Eggs, extras, per dozen Do,, hrsts, per dozen 060 Do., pullet extras .. 'a 05 Butter, diary, pbr pound. 37 U4 Do., creamery. per pound ..., 0 5% Fruits and Vegetables-- Artichokes, 6 qt. .... 0 #8 422,308; out, Do, 6 qt. Beets, bus Do} 6 qt 0 Brussels s Sanden naa 0.35 Onions, f A . anv 00K | t 0 Carrots, bus .. . 'e 14 0 J 1 35 * 0.10 Cauliffower 0H Endive, dozen . Spinacl;, peck savas sariss Mushrooms, per pound ........ Leaf lettuce, three for ... Head lettuce, two tor ... Parsley, per bunch ... , ed , bag bers, each . . per dozen .. Green beans Green peppers, Cranberries, Salisly, two lurnips, bus Apples, bus. weeks, 6-qt Green 6 at four for ., basket peas, 6 qt. Fomatoes, IH Pineapples, each Rhubarb, "bunch PROVISION PRICES Toronto wholesale dealers are buying pre following pr to the trade Smoked w Haus, medium, 28 to 35 cooked loins, 2c, smoked rolls, 2% breakfast bacon, % to ks pea-mealed, 36 to 40c; do,, smoked, A Cured meats--Long clear bacon s., He; 7 to s., 22¢; 9 2le. Heavyweigh t roils, 40¢; rolls, 25¢, 0 te to 110 ths lightweig TORONTO HAY AND STRAW Wholesale dealers in hay and straw quoting to shippers the following prices fur carloads delivered on track, Toronto; No. 2 timothy, baled, ton ,.. No, 3 timothy, baled, ton ,.. Wheat straw, baled, ton Oat straw, baled, ton ...... No. 1 timothy, loose, is quoted at $20 pe ton, delivered, TORONTO PRODUCE QUOTATIONS (Buying) Toronto wholesale dealers are buynig pre duce at the following prices: Ungraded, cases returned, fresh fresh firsts, 44 to 45; pullet extras, creamery, solids, , 35 to 35%e Spee dal, 3 d ex sec 40 to 42, ls to 39 to 41c; No ws 17 to 48; 5 to 3c; Egg tras, . i, paralinpd and government Al vi 20)4¢. | Poultry-- Alive Sl, MF. Spring chickens, 32 Do., 5 to 6 tbs, k 1] Po., 4 to § Do., under { Hens over R ww 4 to 5 Ibs, Do., 3% to 4 Ibs, Do,, under 3% hs. .. Young ducks, over 5 ths, . Young turkeys, dressed 2% to 3c. Young geese, alive, dressed, market (Selling) Toronto wholesale dealers are offering pro duce to retail dealers at the following prices Eggs--Fresh extras, in cartons, 57 to 58: fresh extras, loose, 55 ta 56e; firsts, loose, 53 to 54c; seconds, 46 to 47c; pullet extras, 49c, Storage eggs--Seconds, 46 to 47c. Butter--No, 1 creamery prints, 40 to dlc; No. 2 creamery, prints, » to 40c Cheese~New, large, twins, 22%e; triplets, 22 Old, large, 29; twins, 29%ic cuts, 3c; old stiltons, Me, Poultry Chickens, 5 over 6 a price. i triplets and Do., 3 to 314 ths. Do., 3 ths, Hens, over 5 Do, 4 to § he . Do., under 314 ths, Broilers Ducks .. Turkeys Geese TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dealers on the Toronto Buard of Tarde are making the following quotations for car lots: Manitob awheat--No. 1 north- ern, $1.29; No, 2, do, $1.26 1.2; No, 3, $1.22 3.4; No, 5, $1,10; No. 6, 9c; feed, 83c; (ec. if. Goderich and Bay ports), No, 2 Manitoba oats--~No, 1 feed, Sic; 3c. American corn--No, 2 yellow, %¢; No. 3 yellow, 9%c; No, 4 yellow, 9c, Millieed, delivered Montreal freights, bags included--Bran, per ton, $35.25; shorts, per ton, $37.25; middlings, $44.25, Ontario grain--Wheat, $1.20; oats, 50 to 52¢; barley, 63c; rye, 9c; buckwheat, 80 to EAST BUFFALO Live STOCK Fast Buffalo, Feb. 1.--Hogs--Receipts, 500: holdovers, 1,300; active;" weights above 140 nounds, strong to 10c higher; bulk 140 to 230 pounds, $10.90; mostly $11: 240 to 270 pounds, $10.65 to $10.90; pigs, $10.25 to $10.50; few $10, Cattle--~Receints, 50; fed steers and yearl- ings closing 25c or, more lower; good yearl- ings.$13.25 to $13.75; steers, $12.50 to $13.25; medinm and short feds. $11 to°$13; commap steers and heifers, $9.50 to $11: fat cows, $8.25 to $9.25; cutter grades, $4. 2% to $4.50. ~«Calyesre receipts, 75; vealers closing fair. ly steady with last week's early Advance erased; pood to choles, $17.50. tn $18, Sheep Receipts, lambs, 50° lower for week: gond to oy, B00; $12.60 to $13; week's , $13.75: medium and' strong weights, | McGill Officials CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, Feb Open commitments-- March butter, 223; Nov, butter, 15; Feb. butter, 291; April eggs, 9; Feb. eggs, 28; Nov. eggs, 4 Two market receipts--Dutter today, 19,272; last year, 18,111, Eggs today, 23,924; ant . 15,437, : ot market--Butter, extras, 35 1.2 a 5 1.2¢; tone easy to A, ir Ba firsts, 35 to 35 1.2¢c; tone easy New York spot market--~Butter, extras, 3 1-2c; tone firm, Eggs, firsts, 3c; tone firm. Movement at four markets "Butter, net out last year net out, 226,256, Eggs, net 12,261; last year, net out, 15524, PLAN EXTENSIONS FOR UNIVERSITY Building Program for Institution al, Feb. 3.--McGill students ver the elaborate build- m that university officials ounced, including an Royal Victoria Col- modate 65 more women a three-storey building for irtments of geo logy, mining met Nurgy, dormatories for the students a combined gymnasium students' union, and a stadium hold 50,000, Announce | time. The enlargement of the Royal Vic- toria College has been promised for some time, especially as the college already operates two annexes. There is available a building fund of ap- proximately $350,000 for the extension and. an architect has been asked to draw plans for the extensions, Department Cramped The departments of geology, min- ing and metallurgy have probably been cramped more thanfany others for lack of space, graduates in geo- logy having to leave the university in order to sccure post-graduate train ing. Plans are being considered for a new building for these three de- partments and, if found practicable, an additional floor will be added to this structure to accommodate the Faculty Club, Dormitory space for the male stu- dents have been considered for some The building committee of the Board of Governors is strongly of the opinion that these dormitories should be erected in small units, Should a beginning bé made in the spring of 1931 there would be avail- able from the James Douglas Dormi- tory Fund more than $450,000, The committee favors as a site for the first units the east and west sides of University street between Milton st and Pine avenue. ig Stadium The athletic board of the university has recommended that a stadium be designed for an ultimate seating cap- | f \ i ogress, 2 The Smart Dressing Table and Elizabeth Arden Millions of women everywhere -- in America, France, England, Germany, Italy, Spain--have found Elizabeth Arden's Venetian Toilet Preparations essential for cor- rect home care of the skin. FOR NOURISHING Venetian Muscle Oil. A penetrating oi. rich in the elements which restore sunken tissues or flabby muscles. $1, $2.50, $4. Venetian Orange Skin Food. Keeps the skin full and firm, rounds out wrinkles, lines and hollows, Indispen- sable for a thin face, $1, $1.75, $2.75, $4.25. Ardena Velva Cream. A dell- cato cream for sensitive skins, Recommended for a full face, as it smooths and softens the skin without fattening. $1, $2, $3, $6. YOR CLEANSING Venetian Cleansing Cream. Melts into the pores, rids them of dust and impuri- ties, leaves the skin soft and receptive, $1. $2, $3, $6. FOR TONING Venetian Ardena Skin Tonic. Tones, firms and whitens the skin. To be used with Cleansing Cream, 85¢, $2, $3.75, $0 Venetian Special Astringent, For relaxed cheeks and neck. Lifts and strenghtcng tissues, tightens the 1. 2.25, $4 =) Elizabeth Arden's Venetian Toilet Preparations are on sale at Jury 8 Lovell THE REXALL STORES King E, Phone 28 Simcoe 8S. Phone 6¢ studying the possibilities a stadium built of this size. Should a stadium be bulit it will likely be on the side of the present Molson Stadium and it is hoped to include in this part of the building of having program a combined gymnasium a students' ween the new stadium and Pine ay enue. The possibility of a ska rink in this section is also conside union which will lie acity of 50,000 and an architect is Father and Son are Highly Satisfied Alberta Man Now Recommends Dodd's Kidney Pills "Last winter I caught a bad cold and it settled on my kidneys," writes Mr. John H. Hilgren, Box'71, Kingman, Al "1 took two boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills and they sure did me good. My father is also a friend of your pills. He uses them once in a while when he has a sore back and they always help him, Last winter he had a very sore back and was in bed a whole week. We got him Dodd's Kidney Pills. The second day of taking them he was able to get up, and before they weré finished He can do a lot of heavy work and never feels a sore back. There- he was all right again. fore we thank Dodd's Kidney too, suffer, why not give them a tri At All Dealers, una from The Dodds Medicine Co. Ltd. 5 ta. DODD'S "KIDNEY - NE LE] ANE? D Pills." If you, AACA CHE . POER Toronto 2, Ont. ni ANA crossbar design yellow and rose Comes 36 in. wide. 65c. Special, yard RAG MATS Good, clean quality Rag Mats in useful 42 x 22 size. They | come in hit and miss design Special, 59c. Stair Carpet, design. Reg. $3. 23. Special, yard ...... give good service, 49c pair. Special, top, $11.25 to $12.25; fat ewes, $6 to $7. ideal runners in hit and miss DUPLEX SHADES Green and 'white Shades of good quality. They are classed as seconds because of slight imperfections. Reg. $1.65. Special TOWELS Useful size Hand Towels for kitchen use. Fawn ground with red or blue stripes. PRE fi secrinsscsverirssrssiore Puke Furniture Co. 63 King St. East | with border at each end. Reg. .49c WILTON STAIR CARPET Here is a real buy in Wilton 27 in. Makes 36-in. Silk Marquisette Very smart Rayon Silk Marquisette with fancy in blue, colors, Reg. . Scotch Chenille 50 in. 'wide, Scotch Chenille for drapes and portiere curtains in shades of gold and blue. Re- duced to half price. up. Special, per yard Reg. $3.50 $1.75 CER RUGS E> $10.95. = - $1.95 Duplex Will $129 Regular 39¢ Wilton Rugs Fine quality Wilton Rugs : Oriental designs, copied from Persian Chinese and Egyptian Rugs in a large assortment of patterns and colorings. Size 4-6 x 7-6. Reg. $25. Special $21.95 Size 6-9 x 7-6. Reg. $45. Special $36 50 Size 6-9 x 9-0. Reg. $55. Special $45.00 Size 9 x 10-6. Reg. $69. Special $57.50 Size 9 x 12. Reg. $79. Special $66.50 rich, in { TAPESTRY RUGS Hard wearing Tapestry Rugs make good bedroom rugs. in bright, oriental colorings Size 4 ft. x 6 ft. 6 in. Reg. Special, $5 ; 95 WINDOW SHADES Good quality oil opaque Win- dow Shades in plain white or green. Some have slight im- perfections that are hardly noticeable is the reason of the low price. Mounted on good serviceable rollers. $1 Reg. $1.29. Special, ea. Each CURTAIN NET A quantity of length of Cur- tain Net turned out at stock- taking and marked half price. From 1 to 6 yds. each. SILK NETS All short lengths of silk nets have also been put out and marked half price. You can save money on these, Phones 78-79