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Oshawa Daily Times, 3 Feb 1930, p. 6

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PAGE SIX N \' THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1930 OSHAWA JRS. DEFEND ONE GOAL LEAD TONIGHT FOR GROUP TITLE "Toronto Maple Leafs Score 6-0 Shutout Over Chicago Black Hawks Chi-Hawks Hold Leafs in . Check for First Period, But Toronto Team Fin- 'Toronto, Feb. 3.--For 28 min- utes on Saturday night the Maple Leafs gave another demonstration of how to have an advantage on the play, and at the same time to remain scoreless. Against the Chi- cago Hawks the locals had the bet- ter of the exchanges, despite the fact that the visitors kept dropping forward and defence shifts over the boards with startling frequency, but they couldn't beat Gardner due to a combination of smart work by the Hawks' custodian and poor fin- ish to attacks and bad marksman- ship by the Leafs' attackers, It be- gan to look as if the Leafs would outpoint the visitors most of the way, and then lose by a knockout fn the closing round, but finally they found themselves, Supporters of the locals for some time past, in discussing the failure of the Leafs to score, expressed the opinion that they were making plays up to the goal where they lost their chances but advanced the suggestion that once they com- monced to click on the attack they would get goals and get them in bunches. 'Such proved to be the case. After nearly half the game had passed with neither goalie be- ing beaten. Charlie Conacher coast- ed in on Gardner, from a pass by Primeau. and the Hawks' custodian uever had a chance. Nearly five niinntes later Bailey and Cotton scored another goal, and at the start of the third period the Leafs were leading by 2 to 0. They did- n't add any more fof the first half of the final session, but all of a sudden they broke loose and noteh- ed. four counters in five minutes, 'the game ending with the Leafs scoring a 6-0 shut-out. Eight Share in Scoring Altogether the Leafs picked up 13 scoring points, with five players getting two each. Conacher had two goals, both on assists by Pri- meau; Cotton and Bailey worked in on two scoring plays, each gett- ing a goal and an assist, while Art Duncan had a hand in the last two counters. Day gave Jackson the pass for the busher's counter, while Pettinger beat Gardner for a goal. The Leafs encountered their scor- ing success by changing their me- thods. Instead of blazing the puck at the goal, hoping to drive both the goalieg and rubber into the mesh, they took their time, and with the exception of Conacher's , first counter. all the tallies were seciired by the successful marks- men through tipping and flinping in passes when standing on Gard- ner's doorstep. The Hawks' nets NEW MARTH | THEATRE 2 REE WAGON MASTER With Edith Roberts ATTRACTIONS Garry Cooper 'Walter Huston . Richard Arlen Mary Brian ADDED 181 12--"Overture' minder didn't have much of a chance on any of the counters that beat him as the Leafs worked close in, his defence being fairly open all the way. NOTICE Prices for Game Tonight Are 25¢, 35c¢, 50¢c, 75¢ Large placards have been - posted around the city, advertising tonight's Junior game, and on these posters the prices have been advertised as Rush Seats, 35¢; Reserved Seats, 50c, 75c and $1.00. This is a mistake. The prices for tonight's game will be the same as for all previous Junior games. Rush Seats, 25¢; Reserved Seats, 35c, 50c and 75¢. A number of people have already bought their tickets, These tickets are 'now less in value, but the difference will be paid if the ticket is presented, where it was purchased. HOCKEY RECORDS INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE o L. T.F A. Cleveland 27 83 49 Buffalo 27 61 40 London .. 27 80 63 Detroit .. 27 73 61 Windsor . 28 5 85 58 Hamilton 26 5 638 78 Niagara F. 26 4 47 70 Toronto 28 5 22 1 51. 130 Total goals .......-. 543 543 O.H.A. SENIOR STANDING W.1. TPF 3 1 116 UV. of Ty wae 3 2 114 Queen's ...,.. 1 4 013 NATIONAL LEAGUE International Section . G. W. L. T. F. A, Montreal 29 16 10 3 97 75 Canadiens 28 13 11 4 84 76 Ottawa .. 29 12 18 4 88 85 Toronto -- 27 11 11 2 75 81 Americans 30 8 20 2 68110 United States Section G. W, L. T.F 30 856 4 1117 29 15 11 3104 80 15 12 3 82 76 30 11 16 3 R6 97 28 5b 21 2:75118 7 811 il Nationals A. 87 92 Boston .... Rangers Chicago Detroit ... Pittsburg Total goals Is trikes, Spares, and Blows TE As Loeal Alleys CENTRAL ALLEYS | The following is the standing of Sea Fleas -2 U. of T.- 1 Toronto, IFeb, © 3.--Nationals swept into first place in the O.H. A. senior race on Saturday night, when they outplayed the University of Toronto sextet and defeat: them 2 to 1. Nationals gathered in their first counter in the initia; period, and kept the lead during the entire engage:icnt, making it two to zero in the third stanza. The Blues gct thelr the third period. The U. of T. equal of their icc men were red-sweatereq to the net, punch seemed to desert them, Time and again, particularly in the third period, the Jack Porter squad had | tine chances to score, but most inaceurate sniping kept them from knotting the count, The game was full of action from the start, although both teams were a little weak on the combined efforts. "lay was clean. but that did not prevent Harry Batstone, the referce, from hand- ing out ten penalties, five in the first period, three in the second and two in the third, Nationals were the worst cffencers with six rests in the penalty box. CHALLENGE CUP Montreal, Feb. 5.--Ski jumpers who boast championship titles and two of whom have worn the Canadian col- ors at Olympic competitions will jump for the Lucerne-in-Quebec Challenge Cup at the Montreal Ski Club hill today.One-legged jumping, a specta- cular stunt which has been seen but: one in Canada, will be an exhibition feature in addition to the competi- tive prograni, The one-legged jumps will be made by A. Finsberg, famous Norwegian skiier who is a new ar- rival in Canada, A record-breaking crowd of winter sports enthusiasts is expected to witness the events, Entarnts for the Lucerne-in-Quebec trophy are, Gerald Dupuis, of the Cliffside Ski Club, Ottawa, a member of the Olympic ski team and Dom- inion champion in.1929; Leonard Le- han of Montreal, captain of the Oly- mpic team in 1928 and former Dom- inion champion; W. Poitras, this year's champion of the Ottawa Ski Club; Rolf Sivertsen, holder of the championship of the Montreal Ski Club this year, and former Dominion champion; Bunny Nelson, Montreal Ski Club champion in 1929 and hold- er of the city championship this year; Alex Foster, former champion of the Province of Quebec; H. Dingle, open champion, 1929; Ted Hogan, winner of several open events. Th» Lucerne-in-Quebec Challenge Trophy will be competed for annual- ly with fuutre meets to be staged on a championship hill soon to be con- sturcted at Lucerne-in- Quebec, in the Laurentian. moyntain region, l1)ne goal n | the | op- | ponents in all work until they got | and then their scoring | SKI JUMP TODAY the Standards Dept. Bowling League. They are getting noisier than ever, Points Pins 10 4409 4509 4297 4465 3795 3413 Hub- | Westerners | Set therners Northetners | Tooter | Toolers Planters | High | bell, 271. High Average Score, R. Clary, . . . Individual Score: S. 216. If you want to sec a real tussie, you want to go up to the Central Al- leys and sec the Banks battle for supremacy on Saturday afternoons. | *. ss The Ten Lofty W. Branch L.Gledhill F. Kunkle J. Lewars C. Read C. Mason | A. Donahue J. Scott | E. McGill Huxtable Oshawa Dairy League The following is the standing of the Milkmen's Bowling League, and the names of the two members who hold the honors for High Three to- total and High Single score, Gates Points Ashton 35 Hart Garner Henderson Westington Bent High High Single Rl The Duco Boys 23 23 2 2 L. Hioderson--353 D. Layton -- 367 * strony. standing. Points 20 18 18 16 13 14 Won Lost Hustlers Foe Wanderers Whoopees Runners .... Driftwood Creepers Maroons [1 10 10 Mae Storks, of the Daily Times League, was high for the week with a nice game of 251 C. M, Hitchcock lead the way for the Stronger Sex with a high score of 365. * ¥ % Walt Branch pulled down the Men's High Monthly Prize with his score of 76. . * Oshawa Railway League The Linemen are beginning to get a line on the. Office Boys and they are within one point of the league leaders, Here is the League stand- ing. Office Linemen Shedmen Trainmen Business Men's The Canada Bread were the win- ners of the first section but they have missed their stride in the sec- ond section and they lost one game The G.M.C. won four points and so did the Motor Sales Men. POTATOES- Ontario Or New Bruaswick | Pastry Flour Bread Flour FIVE CROWNS FIVE ROSES QUAKER MOTHER'S HOGG & LYTLE Ltd. * PHONE 203 | The Paint Slingers are still olin] Here is the present leaguc| PORT SNAPSHOT duces a thriller, * ® ville, in Belleville and they * * the Y.M.C.A, tonight? and juvenile leagues. in order to allow those early, » - Motors, a hockey game, of the General department in ed the challer If you think that this is again. Among those Bond, Curly Lane,"Doc" tie and Eddy Drinkle, nd they Rowden, sweaters this year, each of the departments and a girl's hockey along those More will be one hour of skating. game, there will be lines, all for one admission, ing's cntertainment. -* A real ever * day afternoon, game. This last summer, lacing in softball and cver since venge. On Saturday Room and came 5 to 4. Herb. Elford and By Guo. Caursxry, Sports Editor Group Championship at Stake Tonight The Oshawa Juniors, by virtue of their 3 to 2 victory on Friday night, are slight favorites to win the group title, but they will have to play "all out" tonight to keep the Bowmanville Juniors at bay. Jack Gunn's Tribe are determined to win the group championship by de- feating the local Kids right on their own ice and they will take some stopping. The hdckey fans of Oshawa have always supported the Juniors and there should be a record, crowd on hand tonight, remember the series of two years ago, and even the one last year? Junior hockey playoff between Bowmanville and Oshawa always pro- Don't miss the game tonight! % Oshawa Seniors in Belleville Tonight The Oshawa Senior "B" team go into action tonight down in Belle- A defeat for Belleville will practically put them out of the run- ning so they will be fighting till the final bell, team will put them up with the leaders, are out to win again, Hockey Meeting Tonight Have you got your representatives chosen for the Oshawa City and Industrial Athletic Association's hockey meeting which is being held in The schedules will be drawn up and only those teams who are represented will be included. hockey, have your represcatatives at this meeting. The meeting has been called tor 7.30 p.m, sharp, 10 wish to go Gala Night Wednesday There will be big doings on Wednesday night at the local It might be called a General Motors night. issued a general challenge to play any other The Parts and Service Dept. accept- will play at the ing to be players who will be Kelly all who are wearing or have wore Oshawa hockey And there are plenty of other hockey players a lively fun than a circus. The hockey aid admission being the Revenge 1s Sweet There was a tidy battle down at the The employees of the Alger Press engaged in a hockey the Comp, the Press Room have promised re- afternoon they battled it out with the Comp. from behind to win the game his teammates app ing with smiling faces but the members of the Ce H. S. were not as cheery as usual Do you A #" A win for the Oshawa The locals won their first game Here's hoping. * * If you want to play Intermediate, junior, game, {0 to the hockey get away Arena The Standards Department Arena on Wednesday night. a farce of a game, you can think = | seen in action are Jack DeGray, Alex Gray, Rene Lor- mn assured, Besides this Nothing more After the games and the small sum tussle is need be said games, there skating are of two bits. game, * * Motor City Stadium on Satur- Room handed the Press Room a close score of the at work this morn- Room, including | by cared mp. Daily Times League The Mighty Invincibles met. their nearest rivals, the Inky Drinks, and took three points from them even without the services of their Captain, C. Grisewood. The following is the present league standing and the av- erages of the members of the league for 42 games. Pts. 37 31 30 25 22 Lost 14 17 21 21 Won Invincibles 2 Rinky Dinks Diamonds Supremes Dumb Doras 23 QO. BJs. 25 25 > Bowlers' Blue Book The Upper Ten C. Mason 2 L. Magill W. Branch 2. Dunstall . Rorabeck . Dale ¢. Ward . Partridge Tucker r. Campbell The Hopefuls F. Kitchen C. Grisewood M. Storks 1. McKay B. Stevens E. Stansfield M. Potter .... W. Ricalton A. Colbourne C. Hopper E. Sutton B. White 1 Duty. ss. L. McKnight vr wv ® MOTOR CITY ALLEYS Canadian Order of Chasen Friends Bowling ue The Chosen Friends Bowling Lea- gue bad a very successful night last Friday, Jan. 31 This is the second night in their second schedule and still going strong. The boys and girls were sure going after them pins, After the bowling the mem- bers were invited to the home of Miss M. Cunliffe, Division Street where a good time was had by all. If you want to see a good bowling league play come each Friday night. to the Motor City Bowling Alleys and watch the Chosen Friends, Fol- lowing is the team standings: PW P Pins ts. 5 1 7 4721 4582 4373 4291 4267 4129 157 133 146 141 135 117 109 6 i) i ) or 3 6 1 6 1 Ok RT The Jollicker's held a lively session last week and although it is not a very large league, it is one of the liveliest in the city, The high "man" for the night was D. McMillan with the scores of 136-213 for. the total of 349, The following are the scores of the rest of the pin spillers: Player 1st 2nd A: Wallis 146 94 E. Anderson 91 91 R. Service Ww, Anderson 112 M. Crid, 144 D. McMillan 213 141 Total 240 182 282 225 349 322 | The following are the high ten in the Ladics Roll off lor tae month of January. Bunty Goold Vi Norris Eileen Pipher Annie Reece Erline Bentley Mrs, Turner . Isa McDonald Cora Leach Jean McDonald Vio Bechard - - . Mixed Major League Well folks the Mixed Major Lea- guers sure make "Whoopee" last week, with women screeching and the men with gruff voices hollering their heads off. The fair "damsels had a right to screeci as they showed the men how it should be done and the men did not: like the idea of them doing it--so will be out to re 705 687 o8y 015 585 587 598 557 604 537 | | week \ | expec ted, | outplayed the verse the decision next week. . LJ » Parts and Service League | In the Parts League last week there were three coats' of whitewash laid on and lain thick. The Vikings gave the Buicks a terrible trimming with each of their men bowling over the 600 mark. The Caddies and the Chevs also skunked their opponents as itswere, - Bob Dryden stepped. out and was high man with the nice score of 707, it included a single of 310. There was the usual noise mak- ing 'by all teams if they won or lost, Next week the losers will all be out to redeem themselves and give the others a taste of defeat, * uw »* Well what do you think of "Bun- ty" Goold stepping out and bowling 705 last week? The competition am- ongst the ladies is getting more ex- citing cach week and before long they will be up amongst the men. Keep up the good work "Bunty" and |; show the men it can be done, * * = Miss Cora Leach took the prize for the high ladies' score for the month, "lw The following is the standing of the Ladies' Major League: W. L_ Pts. Wepeos Black Cats a Reg. Fellers .... Cara Nomes ... Rinky Dinks ... Whirlwinds Aces Lucky Strikes Death Takes 'Welt Known Bowler The Bowlers of Oshawa, especially those who frequent the Motor, City Alleys, lost a good friend last week when death called William Hendrie. "Bill" as he was known among the bowlers, was very #vell known and respected by all. The late Mr, Hen- dric was an Al bowler himself, hav- ing won many cups, medals, etc. at Lawn Bowling. He played the alley game with Ed, Goodman's wn bowlers, He will be especially miss- ed by the "Sweepstakers" as he used to score their games for them, prac- tically "every nightt The Bowling Fraternity of Oshawa extend their - ot eva oann © CurCPornnn LSE --td CF SET SY C. Anderson R. Reeves 109 262 sympathy to his wife and family in their sad; hereav ement, HOCKEY RESULTS The scores of hockey games play- ed during the week-end follows: NATIONAL LEAGUE Maple Leafs , 6 Chicago Ottawa .. 4 Canadiens ,.- Montreal ..... Americans Pittsburg .... 3 Detroit -_ sBoston .... 3 Rangers sChicago ... Detroit ...... O.H.A, SKNIOR Mp, Nationals .., 2 Varsity .. O.H.A. INTERMEDIATE ev 6 Kingston .. - 2 Varsity ... . 2 Wellesley O.H.A. JUNIOR Trenton ..... 11 Napanee ..... Kitchener ..., 5 Stratford . Guelph ,... 2 Fergus . Simcoe ELDRED Tavistock 3 +»= 9 Port Dover ... INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Cleveland 4 Hamilton 1 CANADIAN-AMERICAN LEAGUE Boston ..-.... 5 New Haven 4 Springfield .... 3 Philadelphia sProvidence .. 4. Philadelphia sNew Haven .. 3 Springfield 1 20 teol oofoifosiooosiododfostedfostaetes desfeeleelelerleoiede del i With Stone ¥ And Broom % AMONG OSHAWA CURLERS poeple feeleiein od a The Oshawa Curlers Spoon Competition on and C, E. Hare's rink were ful in taking home the His rink was composed of T. Col- vin, W. Patte, G. Henley and C. E. Hare, skip, « Saturd suec . for the up thi curling is The season scheduled games will be finished and gome smart . veral terboro 1eir bon There will be rinks go to Pe to take part in t piel, . = of the local 'spiel which One of the features curling season, is the is open to local me for the McAdie Trophy. The win- ner of this trophy for this season will likely latter part of the mbers weck. Senutors Defeat Canadiens 4-1 Ottawa, Feb. 3.--Playinz back to the splendid form they showed against the Montreal Maroons 2a weck ago and flashing again the aggressive spirit of their early season games Ottawa Senators Montreal Canadiens of a thrilling League gam? through two periods National Hockey here Saturday night and defeated the Habitants four coals to ono, Beaten 1-0 in the first period and out-shone then too, the Senators came back in the sccond, score and went on to tally times in the their third place position in th»? league standing, still three points ahead of the Toronto Leafs, thrae |O.H.A. Bulletin] Additional group playoffs have been arranged as follows: Junior Series Feb. 4--Port Dover at Simcoe. Feb, 7---8imcoe at Port Dover Feb. 5--Owen Sound at Guelph or Fergus. . Feb. 7---Guelph or Owen Sound. Feb. 5--Willowdale at Newmar- ket, : Feb, dale, The return game in an inter mediate group playoff, Coldwater at Bracebridge, will be played Fri- day, Feb, 7, instead of Wednes- day, Feb. 5. Norman Cooke of Orillia will referee the Orillia-at-Parry Sound replay of a tie game tonight, Bob Armstrong of Torontp will handle the Camp Borden v. Stayner af Collingwood {intermediate replay. Reg. Reid of Stratford will referee the Port Colborne-at-Strat- ford senior B game Wednesday. Feb. 5. George Pennic of Niagara Falis is unable to handle.the Hamilton- at-Niagara Falls return junior game Wednesday, Feb. 5, and Doe Burrows of Dunnville has been ap- Fergus at 7---Newmarkct at Willow- | pointea referee, eee os games ana Tonight's G The revised list of | referees for tonight follows: ad another | silverware. | | Woodstock) Senior B Series Oshawa at Belleville-- Carthy, Toronto, Preston at Port Colborne-- George Pennie, Niagara Falls, Woodstock at London East Tee Hillman, Mae Me- (at Kit- | chener. {ence Oshawa | tomorrow | chener, only, | | | | | | | tied the | third and hold secure | | Collingwood) Intermediate Series Bracebridge at Coldwater--Clar- Simpson, Midland. Guelph O.A.C. at Hespeler Preston )--George Karger, (at Kit- Dunnville at Simcoe--Ernie Wortley, Toronto. Milton at Aé¢ton---Johnny Jones, Guelph, Watford at Forest (at Watford) ~~Charlie Slater, London. Walkerton at Durham--H, H. be decided during the | Jacobi, Torontg,» Dowmanville Hope-- Ernie Collett, 3urlington Mitchell, Goderich Oliver, Galt, Milverton at jeibert, Kitchener, Camp Borden at Bob at Port Toronto. at Grimsby--John Hamilton. at Clinton--A. R. Wellesley-- Nels Stayner (at - Armstrong, Toronto, Creemore at Alllston--Lou Vair Barrie. Junior Series Varsity at Parkdale { Gardens, 8.30 p.m.)--Harry | stone, Kingston. Kitchener at Stratford--Eari Balkwill, Brantford. Bowmanville #at Oshawa--Nor- man Albert, Toronto. Niagara Falls at Hamilton--Guy Smith, Hamilton. Orillia at Parry found---Norman Cooke, Orillia, Gananoque at Queen's--Frank Bellringer, Kingston, (Arena Bat- Upper Canada at St. Michael's-- Mollenhauer, Toronto, Exeter v. Mitchell (at Seaforth) --Reg. Reld, Str-tiord. Milton at Oakville--Bert Hedges, Toronto. Bolton at Brampton--D,. Brush, Milton. Guelph at Fergus--Jack Hemp- bill, Waterloo, Games ""uesday, Feb, 4 Games and ref 28 for Tues das, Feb, 4 are as follows: Senior B Series Chatham at Riverside (at Wind- sor)--Milt Jewell, Lcndon, Intermediate Series Bradford at Vareity (U. of I. Arena, 10 p.m.)--Ernie Parkes, Toronto. Elora at Hespeler or Guelph A.C.--Tee¢ Hillman, Kitchener. A Po 2% Junior Ser. :s Toronto at Victorias (Arena Gardens, 8.30)--Jack Hemphill, Kitchener, Belleville at Trenton--A, lenhaucr, Toronto, Port Dover at Wortley, Toronto. Fenelon Falls ut Bobcaygeon Mac McCarthy. Toronto, Referees kindly confirm pointments, West Mol- Simcoe-- Ernie ape | AMC. ACTIVITIES of the The regular meeting clu was held last Wednesday night 7.30 pm, On account of the num- ber of members out it was found ne- cessary to give everyone their perm anent places on the stage. Wednes- day night, Feb. 5th, will be the last chance of anybody to participate in the show. The date of the f n- tation of the show is Feb. 26, All members are requested to | hand early so that the practices wil not be held up any later than i solutely necessary. During the week preceding presentation of the show it is the in- tentn of the directors to hold threes practices on Feb. 19, 20 and 21st, fol. lowed by the dress rehearsal on M day, Feb. 24, 1930. Members are quested to keep these nights re- pen No Changes in League Leaders London, Feb, 3.--No changes took place at the top of the aver- ages in English League football as a result of Saturday's games. Pace- setters are: First Division, The Wednesday; Second Division, Old- ham Athletics; Third Division, Southern Section. Brentford, and Northern Section, Port Vale, 'Manchester City missed a chanca to get into a tle for first place when they were beaten by Derby County, The Wednesday them- sclves drew in their local derby with Sheffield United. ond Division, Oldham Athletic ani Blackpool, runners-up, were both beaten. Brentford were able to go further ahead because Plymouth Argyle, who now have three games in hand, could not play Swindon Town. Port Vale produced one of their great games, overplaying Carlisle United. EVERY BELL TELEPHONE distance system. proved. next town, Last year we added about 14,000 miles of talking channels, to our long Associated apparatus--switchboard, cable, amplifying equipment -- has also been vastly extended and im- And lower rates on calls to points 75 to 800 miles distant are now in effect. Long Distance now gives you quicker and better communication--with the or across the continent. And it costs less than ever before. IS A LONG DISTANCE STATION In the Sec- §

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