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Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Feb 1930, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT _ THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1930 arnest new Student--Excuse mel After the lady had wailed about 3 --could' you tell me the way to the[lot of trivial complaints, the doctor | lecture hall? sard: "You sholud see an Optimist, George Armour--Winnipeg, Capt, J. B. Bagshaw, K.C~Re- first prize of this contest to be a|book publishers is also to be held uy | The Report of the Organization scholarship at cither McGill or To-|der the auspices of the Order, prior | Board indicates tremendous strides in route Universitics, to the National Conference, the past few months, and comment | dia not want assisted . immigration, he Public Relations Commission ré- ported u great des) of work accomp- lished with the Department if fmmi gration and Colonization, in regard to the proposal to bring a large num- ber of Mennonites into Canada, The Old Age Pensions Commission reported having conducted certain special investigations, and a copy of the brief laid before the Interprovin. cial Board Jan, 13 at Ottawa was read to' the Council, The Order is BOOST LEGISLATION New Organization Reports Great Progress -- Aim at Conduct of Large Welfare Programme The Public Relations Commission report that arrangements are nearing completion for the first National Con- ference on text-hooks, which will he held in Toronto, probably during Ap ril, Several of the Western Govern ments have already indicated that they will send official representatives and a large attendance is expected at this conference, The council endorsed the program Toronto, Veh, 4.~--Meotings of the Natiopal Council of the Na- tional Order of Carzda held here recently approved a very broad pro- gramme of endeavor for the year 1930, und heard the address of Nu-1p tional Commander, J, Turner Melville dealing with the growth of the Or- der, Mr, Melville predicted during the present year the National Order will vise to eminence among the organi zations of Canada, snd cited during his address the opinign of public men throughout Canada, who have expressed themselves on the matter, One of the principal things ap- proved Ly the National Council was the raising of a fund of $250,000 for the weliare work of the Order, $125, 000 from private subscriptions, Ap- proval also was given to the appoint- ment of a parliamentary agent to ut- tend the sessions of the House of Conmnong, and for the appointment of Agents, for cach of the provincial legislatures, This has been considers ed necessary in view of the heavy legislative programme that has ree | ceived the endorsation of the Ore | cr | Special efforts will be made to se | cure th PEAKE f legislation | through the House of Cominons, tol prohibit the granting of assistance, in, any form, to immigrants, the West. ern Commands of the Order strong- ly representing that their provinge SARGON We are sole suthorized agents lor Sargon in OSHAWA KARN'S DRUG STORE Next Fost Office, Phone 378, Vinal Clearance of Men's und Boys' Overconts DOMINION CLOTHING CO, 08 KING 8ST. W, hone 2141 We Deliver and also is seeking to have abolish- It TIME TABLES } a .-- Machinery Repairing NOTHING TOO LARGE NOTHING TOO SMALL Adanac Machine Shop 101 King St. W, Phone 1214 Diamonds ! Bassett's Ou Oshawa's Mam Corner shengoring a. movement to elipinate the five years residence requirement, ed the provision that 4 person who has resided in one of the provinces that has not adopted" the pensions scheme shall be penalized to the ex- tent of $1.00 a month for the num- et uf years during the pust 20 years that they have resided in that prov. ince, 1t was reposted that a num- for the revision of the text-books sys tem in order to have 4 uniform sys- tern of text-books throughout Can. ada, coupled with a uniform Normal School System, and the privilege for interchanging of teachers certificates between ong provineg In connection with the educational conference, a conference of and another, texts The Prisoners Aid Commission re- ports progress with plans for a re- form of the penitentiary systems, to which a great deal of public sup- port has been ol ered, The Council approved of the submission of a mem orandum to the Royal Commission on Public Welfare on this question, The Council comment favorably on the suggestion of Mayor Ralph Webb of Winnipeg, that the Order should sponsor a movement to have a map of the Dominion of Canada placed in every home in the country, Colonel Webb in a speech Steimored at a ban- quet of the Order in Regina recent- ly declared a great sumber of the! people in Canada knew little or no-| thing about their country, particulas- | lv geographically, favorably on the large number of members that are pledged from the Western Provinces, The election of members of National Council for 1930 resulted in the following being elected ; Controller W, to. Major Gen, H. B, Ketchen--~Win~ nipeg, : J. Turner Meville~Toronto, YS, Major Montreal, Alexander J, Morris=Toronto, W. A. Dawe="Toruto A. H, Russell, Hon, J, L. Dillion, K.C~Quebec, John Lewis 1 Vrederick Hambly="T'oronto, John W. Wild-«London, { the LD, Robbins="Toron- Hargreaves, M.C~ K.C~Halifax, homas--Regina, John 1. Bolt people who intentionally run foul of the law know something about it and its snachinery, but in motor offenses, raids on clubs and private houses a great are brought into court who haven't] the about, the woman who said: awful lawsuit she wa 'T think she rather she told me they bad a grand jury" A, Leonard Weatheriey--Toronto, Colonel Ralph Webb--Winnipeg. Nilson said recently: Judge criminals "Of course, most { and this age of many people slightest idea of what it's all Hundreds of them are bike "Do you think Lthel minded that mixed up in?" replied the other njoyed it--1 know "Why, my dear, Old Hand--Fraid I can't; I'm student myself) In Chicago there is an old sup I stition that it is unlucky to he shot | | while walking under a ladder, | She~1 suppose you're just zrazy to kiss me? It issuggested that there should be | y dog ering from . yr . a home for toy dogs suffering fro | coming Gti cight o'clock nerves, What is really wanted is a home for nerves suffering from toy dog 35 10 how these Hills are going to Le Nobody ever has to take a tonic to create an appetite for flattery, | a What you have is trouble, -- Louisville Courier-Journal, ir: three"; to sce, The answer | f trimony ? Daughter: Not quite. aid." don't pay this onc. I She said she had "turned " twenty- I've noticed that many girls do; I If you turn twenty-three it is easy is just "thirty-two," | Yather: Isn't it about ti You're sight: Pd have 10 bei her: Isn't it about time He--Yow're right; I'd have "| were entertaining the prospect of ma- He's Husband: "I'm quite in the dark Wife:"Well, you will be if It's the gas bill" her of pensioners were receiving one. ly $800 a month, because they had resided 12 years in Quebee, The Que- bee Command of the Order, reports that it is fighting to adopt the A for' that province, A nation wide survey for the se-| curing of maternal pensions was ap- proved, it being reported that assist- ance was given in this regard by the Department of Labor The Order authorized proceeding | with a contest open to all young peo | ple in Canadas on the civic responsi- bilities of Canadian Citizenship, and the coundil approved the plan for the RR TY TT W.A. HARE OPTOMETRINT 8 Bond Street East Hundreds of people wear with utmost comfort Hare's Vanltiess Lenses | For Your Drug Needs ELLA CINDERS--A Wet Proposition | ---- Fer-- Reg. U. 8. Pat. OR; Copyrig by Metropelitsn Newspeper Se i ---- an -- bt, 1930 rvice By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb 10 Slwcoo St, 5, «~~ We Deliver | EE Ld 18 SIMOOE 87. SOUTH _"hy Tm a ., Doi rbd, | a a a a aa a hah a ad C, P, R, TIME TABLY Effective Sept, 29, 1029, (Standart Tine) Going West ! mn, Dally . ally, om, Dany (Except Sunéuy) in, Daily, a Dail cept Sunday). (Except Sunday), ng East a, Dally 2.04 po, Dally (Except bunday), 03 pom, Dally (Except Dunday). 11,40 pan, Daily (Bacept Baturde) ). 3.0% wine Dally ---------- CANADIAN NATIGNAL RAILWAYS Effective Sept, 27, 1929 (Standard Time) Eastboun 8.2% am, Dally, excent Sunday, 8.54 ani, Sunday oaly, 10.00 a.m, Daily, 7 mn, Dally escent Fundav, « Dally, except £4 Ww Diily except Sunday. ww Daily 1.3 pony Dally, except Saturday 12.07 a.m, Dally, 13.3% von, Daily, HS ------------ COAL COAL Phone vy W. J, SARGANT Yard--89 Lloor "treet K, Orders Uromptly Delivered v -- reer ve -- We have several desirable houses for vent, CUTLER & PRESTON Iteal Kstate lnsnrance Telephone 07 3wid Night calls B10==1360 f U4 King St, West | Sa s---- Tor Salei~In North end of City, close to Separate School, lovely 6.room brick home, large vooms, hard flours, 3.plece bath, hot alr furnace, wired for electric stove, bullt in cupboards, ete. ara~e, substantial payment will take : irk real home, DISNEY REALTY EXCHANGE Phone 14530 Westbound LOR ¢ m, iaily, 37 pam Daily, 19 p,m, Sunday only, 727 pom, Daily, excent Sundar, 8.42 van, Dally, except Sunday, Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE (Effective on and alter Sept, 29, 10M) Going Wes! Arrive ville Wh Hospita 415 am, 10.50 a.m * 0.45 am, "1.50 124 om 1 L 2. 1: i % » = L 4 a nt Loh oy 22 45 pan 64 pm 2E8EE #2 | THOMPSON'S | reLLING TOMM : 0PO55UMS ARE FOUND ALMOST THROUGH: OUT THE AMERICAS, TOMMY, THEY ARE ABOUT THE SIZE OF A CAT AND THE MARSUPIAL FAMILY, THAT 15, HAVING A POUCH IN WHICH THE YOUNG ARE CARRIED A AFTER BIRTH, BELONG TO CUNNING AND IT5 SKILL IH 7 BJ: 0PosSUM 15 FAMOUS FOR 115 FEIGNING DEATH YIHEN THREATENED WITH HARM AND THE EXPRESSION "PLAYING "POSSUM 10 INDICATE DECEIT, HAS BECOME PROVERBIAL ERIANS OPOSSUM HAS Me THE SKIN INSTEAD OF A TRUE POUCH,50 CRAB EATING OPOSSUM / RELY A TOLD I THAT AT AMERY EARLY AGE THE YOUNG ARE SHIFTED T0 THE BACK OF THE MOTHER, TCH GUIANA, THE YAPOCK OPOSSUM 15 NATIVE T0 BRAZIL WHILE THE (RAD- EATING OPOSSUM 15 FOUND THROUGHOUT TROPICAL AMERICA. 1715 MATIVE 10 DU res Syndicate 1990, King ¥ o Lirest Brits) = rights reserved ¥HAT DO YOU KNOY ABOUT WELL, THEY ARE FEATURING PATCH POCKETS AS USUAL THIS YEAR! G UP FATHER HED GOING TO | WMAGOIE WANTS TO BOLD A HOLSE VETTHIAY HIN BTOH 14 MR HOOSENLOT HME BUILT H1% HOME lle ADK HIN AAT en ------ or ee 2 ER HERE COMES HE THINKS \ "MM GLAD V\ RAN | 1 INTO YOU: TRL. ME DOME TIN WE ARE GOIN To | BLILD A HOLSE | Vl GomNG To | god ro coup | YOURE WEARE NTO BUILD | _ 4 Hn REALLY 7? | HA HA BLD HAHA | - it By Geo. McManus Teer pre Goon. BESS! BaBEE 5 PesfrocppTye 4 pH} 7 [1] 14 1] J 1 Eszp i, i; 3 mS gra ga cman--ECmupd EN § 11.00 am, L00 p.m, SmTERER 43 pom, 6.30 pum, FCoorpases F33PEEER ra ® 1 oun 10.10 p.m, 11,00 pom, wm UN em, Line marked ¥ are through bi Hospital, SUNDAY ary HOLIDAY SCHEDULER ng Leave A whe o toave Arrive £ DIAMONDS DURNS JEWELRY _ STORE King & P'riuce Sts, REPAIRING WATCHES OUR SPECIALTY If your watch is not giving « gutiafaction 'we can repair and mako it tell the correct time D. J. BROWN THE dw iL ; 'ate ector for Shelal Nattonal and Osh awa Rallroads St, W. Phone 180 10 Ki Felt Bros. | 11.30 a.m, The Leading Joule Whit: 245 0.0m 45 om 12315 pom, 4% um, ft ' 9.00 wm, "em 12.35 pu FH F LAS pan $43 pai ESmosniive F : Focooss iPocrrre Fi = = H -- DOLLY DIMPLES AND BOBBY BOUNCE SAW TWO FORMS TOWARDS HER IN WHEN DOLLY OPENED HER BYE®, SH 2 BRING SWEPT THE WAVES - AND THERE WAS BoBBY AND COMEY AND THEY SEEMED AS DROWNED A® Two KITTENS ak Ap Ee re a -- 3 ar | ~ S222 s Fe uso pan 11d lime markey hii . Reasonable Rates L, A UGART bgt fA 10 Prince § tuaswe Thons un -< §2 JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLORS J. W. Worrall, Oph. D. Eyosight Specialist "lwue 8210 ' 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH : [| TILLIE THE TOILER--Strictly Business CALLED TO "THEM =~ ( Dolly PULLED THEM UP oN DRY LAND AND KISSED THEM AND ay a (AND THEY OPENED THER WITH JOY TO FIND DEAR WLITTLL Dolly BESIDE THEM -- EYE A en = ra ------ JONES, | DIDN'T YoU KNOW, MISS THINK THAT Tones AND WHIPPLE HAD SUCH A LOVELY LAD AG YoU AS A DARTMER. OH, THANK You , Mr, CRAMER = MISS JONES, THE UR-TO-DATE WAY OF DOING BUSINESS \S TT DISCUSS (IT AT LUNCH ~ . WOULD YOU ACCEPT SUCH WHY MOT, BUBINESS a ae a i ii By Russ Westover 00D GRIEF, I'S THREE O'CLOCK. . | OKAY - LL TELL You MY PROPOSITION MORROW IN Youre: OFFIC USS NSRnER CONTINUED] nhs SS Sb A AAAS SSH hc hE TARAS th A

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