PAGE TEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1930 GEODETIC SURVEY CORRECTS ERROR IN HUDSON BAY + LONGITUDE Coast of Northern Sea Was 12 Miles Out on Exist- ing Maps Ottawa, Feb. 6.---The- location ot the 60th parallel of latitude, which is the boundary between Manitoba and 'the Northwest Territory, where it intersects the west cost of Hudson Bay, was determined by the Geodetic Survey of Canada dur- ing the past summer. As shown by existing maps the coast of Hudson Bay at this point was found to be in error in longtitude by some 12 miles. This was one of the an- nouncements made by" C. H. Ney, D.S.L., in presenting his report to- day of the Geodetic Surveys com- mittee at the annual convention of Dominion 'Land Surveyors in ses- sion here. The increasingly important part the aeroplanes are playing in the work of the survey was another PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe St. 8. -- We Deliver SARGON We are sole authorized agents for Sargon in OSHAWA RARN'S DRUG STORE Next Post Office, Phone 378. + Final Clearance of Men's and Boys' Overcoats DOMINION CLOTHING CO, 68 KING STW. Ehone 2141 We Deliver Machinery Repairing NOTHING TOO LARGE NOTHING TOO SMALL Adanac Machine Shop 161 King St. W. Phone 1214 Diamonds ! Bassett's | plete report feature of the report, * The aero- lane is now being used in' choos- ing the best general routes along which to lay down the schemes of geodetic primary triangulation nec essary for the co-ordination of oth- er 'detailed surveys required either for engineering projects or for the control of the topographic mapping programs now being carried on. Experiment has also shown that points can be selected for the sta- tions of this primary triangulation much more rapidly and at much less cost, in certain types of coun- try, by the use of aeroplanes than by reconnaissance from the ground, The experience of the season of 1929 proved the value of the aero- plane as a means of transportation for the@® geodetic survey parties. Some of the areas in which opera- tions were carried on, while dot- ted with many lakes, were difficult of access except by long canoe routes. These latter operations were carried on by making use of planes engaged on photographic surveying, at times when the con- dition of the atmosphere was not suitable for that work, and the planes would otherwise have been idle. In this way little additional expense was incurred. "During the past summer," Mr. Ney said, "observations for latitude and longlitude were made by the Geodetic Survey at Island Lake. This work was necessary in the de- termination of the Ontario-Manito- ba boundary, between that point and the twelfth base line. A fly- ing boat was used for the transpor- tation of the heavy astronomical equipment - between Norway House on Lake Winnipeg anc the eastern end of Island Lake. The trip, which would have required two or three weeks, if made by the canoe route, took only a few hours," For the use of the Hydrographic Survey in charting the approach to the harbor at Churchill and for the control of general mapping in thau area, the Geodetic Survey also es- tablished precise astronomical sta- tions at intervals of about 30 miles along the coast from Cape Church- ill to the 60th parallel of latitude. Mr. Ney also made a very com=- of 'the triangulation carried on by the Geodetic Survey during the season of 1929, includ- ing the campletion of the program of primary triangulation in the Maritime Provinces, the establish- ment of a network of a triangula- todos rl ied : TIME TABLES i PER CRPRIPPPRRERPRR RENE EEL | 2 On Oshawa's Mam Corner ~ COAL COAL Phone 193 W. J. SARGANT Y ard--59 Bloor "treet MH. C. P. R, TIME TABLE Effective Sept, 29, 1929, (Standard Time) Going West 45 a.m, Daily (Except Suggday), 28 a.m. Daily. a.m. Dauy (Except Sunda.v) oon Daily. paw. Daily (Except Sunday). Gomg East 5 a.m. Daily .m. Daily (Except Sunday). 8.03 p.m. Daily (Except Sunday). 11.10 p.m, Daily (Except Saturdav). 12,05 a.m. Daily, CANADIAN NATIGNAL RAILWAYS Effective Sept. 27, 1929 (Standa 5.45 2 £40 4.35 7.34 10, 04 foo Mw Og 8a oom. Daily, except Sunday. p.m. Daily, p.m. Sunday only. p.m, Daily, fis Sunday, . except Sundav. Or'ders Uromptly Delivered We have several desirable houses for rent. CUTLER & PRESTON Lieal Estate lusurance Telephone 572-=223 Night calls 5101360 04 King St, West For Sale:~--In North end of City, close to Separate School, lovely 6-room brick home, large rooms, hardwood floors, 3-piece bath, hot air furnace, wired for electric stove, built in cupboards, etc., garage, substantial payment will take this real home. DISNEY REALTY EXCHANGE Phone 1450 Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE SCHEDULE after Sept. 29, 1929) West Arrive Hospitas WEEK DAY {Effective on and Going 10.50 a.m 1245 p.m. 4.35 p.m. 6.45 p.m. et BERED 10.55 p.m. Fomumuna Bask: 131 i 11.00 a.m, 1.00 p.m. 4.35 p.m, 6.50 p.m. h-J BEEREEEEE wo 11,00 p.m, 11. Time marked SUNDAY "AMD HOLIDA' Y SCHEDULE Going West . [) Bain, Slits #rrive 'DIAMONDS BURNS JEWELRY STORE King & Prince Sts, REPAIRING WATCEES OUR SPECIALTY If your watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct 'time D. J. BROWN * 9.00 a.m. "11.30 a.m. _ 11.00 pam. 1015 lime warkey Whitby Husprial Speci: oanswe Waiting Ros 10 Prince SL~ Phone 22 THE JEWELER ] Ofticial Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Osh- awa Railroads . 10 King St. W. Phone 189 Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweler fstablished S86 JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLORS i. W. Worrall, Oph. I Eyesight Specialist Phone B215 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH *+ tion in the Chicoutimi district near Lake St. John, for the' use of Chic- outimi Harbor Commission in' con- nection with the development of Chicoutimi Harbor, the primary triangulation executed east of the Rouyn District, to control mapping, geological and other surveys in that area and similar work in the mining. areas of northern Ontario. In Saskatchewan the program of primary triangulation ' begun in previous years was continued which when complete will constitute a large loop through the cities of Medicine Hat, Calgary, Edmonton, Saskatoon, and .Regina, Recon- naissance for triangulation was al- so carried on in Prince Albert Na- tional Park and in the area be- tween Prince Albert and Rotten- stone Lake. In British Columbia work was begun on a met which will "eventually extend from Van- couver to Prince George, following the Fraser River, In levelling good progress was and secondary control, chiefly' in Quebec, Ontario and British Col- umbia, and 19 fundamental bench marks were constructed, mostly in Manitoba and Saskatchewun. . During the past year the Geode- tic Survey hag made good progress in the necessary adjustment of field observations and has prepared two reports covering the greater part of the, maritime provinces, and a third covering southwestern Ontario, west of Belleville. These three reports are now in process of being printed and when available will render this information, indis- made in the extension of precise | DIMPLE Actually See ThemVanish imples ended so quick by-Seoths- > Q § en tomorrow moralsg. pensable for the most accurate con- trol of Syiavie survey operations, easily avgllable to the engineer- ing profesijon and the general pub- lie. Further reports covering. other parts of the country aré in process of preparation, 'Similar work of adjustment has been and is being done with the precise level nets of the Geodetic Survey which now extends from coast to.coast, and the results thereof are being made available to the public in a series of reports of which pix, covering the country from the Atlantic to Manitoba are now available and others are being prepared. The Geodetic Survey of Canada is also doing its share in the development of the science of geodesy, which is of werld inter- est, Problems recently undertraken and solyed include a method for including in one adjustment the observations of both triangulation and traverse, and a new method for facilitating the accurate calcu- lation of Geodetic latitudes and longtitudes over very long lines, much simpler than those hereto- fore in use. London, Feb. 7--The Conversa- tions in whicn Roman Catholic au- thorities and dignitaries of the Church of England were supposed to have participated at Malines in 1924 were brought before the Church of England Assembly meet- ing Tuesday by the Rev. C. D. Douglas, Referring to a purported revela- tion in the Sunday Times that the Malines conversations had resulted in a Roman Catholic proposal that the Archbishop of Canterbury. with a new rank of Cardinal Patriarch should take precedence over ali Reported Offer to Canterbury Of Rank as Cardinal Patriarch Cardinal Bishops, Cardin 1 Priests and Deacons in case of a reconcliia- tion between the two churches, Douglas said; "There was a supreme insult to His Crace the Archbishop of Can- terbury when we were told the Roman Catholics were willing to accept him as a suffragan at Rome and make him a Cardinal, "All this is because attention is not paid to the rising demand of clergy and laity in England for proper constitution and govern. ment of the church from top 'o bottom, TILLIE THE TOILER--The Penalty of Perfection f danas Now Tu ce THE LOYAL MEN TOGETHER! AND THERE cescscas ocd By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb [raasememm-- HOW LONG HAVE | PEOPLE USE UMBRELLAS, DADDY © TIQUITY X= = DAILY wba AS A SHADE FROM THE SUN,UMBRELLAS ARE OF GREAT AN- , TOMMY, TUF en THE SCUL PTURES Of OVER TRE HEADS OF WE USE OF THE PASSED INTO G NCIENT EGYPT AND ASSYRIA SHOW SLAVES BEARING UMBRELLAS THEIR K ING. HQ. A DISTINCTIO I ENGLAND AS A EARLY IN THE 17% CENTURY. 1T WAS HOT UNTIL THE MIDDLE OF THE. 182 CENTURY 1 AS LAD THAT UMBRE MEN IN ENGLAND AS A PROTECTION FROM RAIN, 1930, King Features Syndicate J lf LISTEN TO LUXURIOUS SUN-SHADE BEGAN TO BE. USED BY Ine, Great Brita reserved rights TELL ABOUT UMBRELLAS ? fo oF Y{HY DIDN'T YOU il COME IN AND NA DADDY f i T [] 8 STUFF - pIV)- BRINGING UP FATHER Nr) Gl J CE IF MAGGIE THINKS I'v GOIN TO BLILD A HOLDE | AD BK AD TH . \ MISTAKEN TLL 0 CODT A | FORTONE 1S DHED rs hatin, \ ITS DIMPLY |) ¢ - a {EAT RIDICLOLOLS - Hy I | 1 LISTEN! I'M HERE TO TELL WOU THAT 1 WOULDN'T LWE IN A HOLSE LIKE THIS - rg ar ---- NO ONE 1D TO "YOU ASKING YOU By Geo. McManus THIS 1S JOST THE GARAGE DOLLY DIMPLES AND BOBBY BOUNCE "WOOF" AND WAKE L Hope COMFY WON'T SAY IAT THE CRACK OF DAWN, RUSHED To THE CAVE AND WOKE Up BOBBY AND CoMFy --By Grace G. Draytor Dol.Ly HURRY, SAID $HE-"WE MUST GET AWAY QUICKLY" They UNF. STENED TE OGRES. CAMEL FROM A PALM TREE AND WERE SOON FAR AWAY THE OGRE: WOKE. LIP AND HE WOULD EAT DOLLY, AFTER ALL, AS HE WAS 'HUNGRY Gd in HT. 2.7 ELLA CINDERS--The Call To Arms | CAME =O SEE DR. PHILLIPS IN REGARD To INSURANCE Li b¥ at ¥ STEP RIGHT 0) ' mM IN, BLFASE re on, King Feature "NE SEEN . [ROW TAS O a Seti bio, Great Bean TIYEX NEED OF EXAMINING YOU - You ARE PERFECT SPEC | MEN You \ By Russ Westover TUST My > WHY Do | HAVE TO BE A PERFRCY RE ALIGPEC 1 Man' 8