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Oshawa Daily Times, 7 Feb 1930, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1930 Ww ' OSHAWA SENIORS A! D QUEEN BEES. MEET AT ARENA TONIGHT. I shavia Public School Lady Teachers Organize Girls Basketball League League Is Being Formed to Teach the Game to Older Public School Girls, Col- legiate Teams of Future Years Should Benefit -- Much Enthusiasm Being Shown At a meeting held last Friday a group of lady teachers repmesent- ing the various public schodls, de- cided to organize a basketball league for the older girls of the city schools. The need for some or- ganized activity for girls as well as boys, has been recognized for sometime, and if present indica- tions mean anything the league is already assured of great success. During the past week over 200 girls turned out, ready to do their bit for their school. Through the kindness of Mr. A. E. O'Niel, the two fine gymnasiums of the Colle- giate Institute have been placed at the disposal "of the league] on Tuesday and Thursday everings. In addition the Y.M.C.A., gymnasium has been secured on Wednesday and Thurs- day afternoons, The interest and skill shown by the players in the practises has been remarkable. A number of the girls are experi-| enced players, while all are ex- tremely eager to pick up every point. The Home and School Ciubs are co-operating generously, The | teachers in attendance at the meet- ing last Friday were: Miss Stonar, Miss Forsyth, Miss Kelly, Miss Johnstone, Miss Hancock, Miss Bar- rie and Mr. Nichol. The first three weeks were allotted for practise, the league to commence the week of Feb. 25. The following hours | were allotted to the various schools: Tuesdays--At the Collegiate, T | to 8. Girls gymnasium, Mary St. Boys gymnasium, N. Simcce. Wednesday--At the YYM.C.A,, 4 to 6. Ritson Road, Albert Street. Thursdays--At the Y.M.C.A, 4 to 6. S. Simcoe, Cedardale, at Col- Jegiate, 7 to 8. Girls gymnasium, King Street, Boys gymnasium, Cen- | tre Street. | It was found necessary to limit | the hours and the number of play- ers from each school, but it is hoped hy making a start this year, it would provide material for a larger league next year. The rude- ments of the game will also have been acquired even before the girls enter Collegiate and within a short time tle Collegiate team will no doubt be composed entirely of public school graduate players. Further news of the league will appear in the weekly column de- voted to public School activities. THEATRICAL REVIVAL PROMISED London, Feb. 7-- (By The Can- adian Press)--Several interesting theatrical revivals are promised here in the coming season. It is now ten years ago since Arnold Bennett and Edward Knobloch made a theatrical sensation with "Milestones," a play of family life jn which the characters appear at Ihree different periods--1860, 1885 and 1912. Only recently the play was put upon the british radio with considerable success. "The Sign ol the Cross," a famous work in which the late Wilson Barrett, made one of hig many fortuncs-- and this fortune, we believe, he, did not subsequently lose--is also likely to be seen in the West-end again. "The Constant Nymph" is likely to come up again, if only » suitable nymph is forthcoming. W. H. CLARK President of the reral Motors | utes before Joe Ray, Chicago dist- Rugby Club, who is devoting a great deal of time and energy towards "making the-Second An- nual "Blue Devil" Dance, bigger and better than ever. The dance is being held on Friday, Feb, 21. MANY UPSETS IN BADMINTON TOURNEY | Feb, 7 There were several upsets in the men's singles event of the Province of Ontario badminton championships which commenced here yeste . Undoubtedly the greatest was the defeat in straight games of the veteran T. B. of Oakville, finalist for two vears in this tournament, Raverly Mit- chell of Ottawa. Kingston, ast by Carnera Wins Fight |: In 2nd Round Newark, N.J., Feb. Carnera, the ambling * Alp Italy, experimented for a rouna iast night with Cowboy Billy Owens for the entertainment of a crowd of 8,000 that jammed the armory here, and then proceeded to roll over the Cherokee Indian from Guthrie, Okla., with all the venom that marked thc sudden finishes of Big Boy Peterson and Elzear Rioux, For a round natured, gigantic gondola man Venice, actually boxed with the shaking 220-pcunder, chosen as his third opponent in America and the medium for his debut before the New Jérsey faithful He furnighed a most interesting picture, galloping about the ring with great speed, shoving forth ponderous left jabs, erossing- lab- oriously with his right. and even wrestling and blocked scientifically in elinches that seemed greatly ap- preciated by the redman. Apparently sa »d that the dis- play had gone far enouzh with the closing gong for the first round Primo galloped out of his corner for the second and threw both hands in piston fashion into Owen's head. . Immediately the Coyhoy"s knees bgean to buckle, wotbled, clutched desperatel then landed full on his shoulders ag a ponderpus right smote him full on the chin. Referee Gene Ro- man, of Paterson, the sole official tolled a majestic ten over the writhing Redman, and the battie was over. The rouhd lasted 25 seconds, good of Primo, the dark-skinned he Senior O. H. A. | | | | | a junior team. Having won the dis- Primo | ia from | Dudle | resulted in a win for the Oshawa E. Fabre Wins Snowshoe Race Forum, Montreal, Feb. 7--Edouard Fabre, 42-year-old veteran snowshoe racer, tramped to victory last night in the Quebec-Montreal race, finish- ing the last mile on the snow-cov- ered track in the Forum a few min- ance runner, flashed to the tape a in the 15-mile indoor track race, also staged in the Forum in conjunction with the finish of the outdoor event. Ray's time was 1 hour 41 minutes and 50 seconds. Arthw Newton of South Africa was just over a lap behind the winner, and Johnny Salo, New York policeman was third. With Stone And Broom AMONG OSHAWA CURLERS rwlorieefosfeciorlodforiocforiecforiosfoaiesfonfocfonfocfenfecfotonts The Cobourg District Tankard games, played Waverly Curling Club, victor 2 v TR ot, Cc tego Junior at the Cobourg, Club, The district consists of five Clubs, Campbellford. Belleville, Colborne, Cobourg and Oshawa. The draw was made at 10.30 a. Campbellford and Bellevile de- faulted by not appearing. In the draw Oshawa was matched against Colborne, Cobourg drawing a hye. In a closely contested game the Oshawa boys were defeated by two points. In the afternoon game Oshawa defeated the Cobourz Club by eight shots, This victory necessitating a | third game betwecn Colborne and | Cobourg resulted in favor of Ce- boprs by thirteen points. Each team having won and lost a game, the Oshawa Club was declared the winner by two points as they had the highest score for | the day. Cobourg and Colborne fol- lowed closely. This is the first year that the Oshawa Curling Club has formed trict games, it is to be hoped that they will be successful in the fin- | { to be played at the Toronto Granite Club in the near future. The boys enjoyed very much the nd hospitality of the Cobour: lub and also appreciate the fav- ourable manner in which the um- pire, Mr. Frank M. Field, handled he games, The personnel eam is as follows: Ives, H. A, Lemon, Y. Out of the several Oshawa rinks who were entered in the different Cup competitions in the Peterboro bonspiel. J. A. Thompson's rink was the only one to "get in the money". The other rinks were all eliminated at different stages, from the competitions, but in the P'eterboro Cup games, J. A. Thomp- son's rink reached the finals but lost the Cup to Dr. J. Harvie's rink, of Orillia, by seven shots, The score | was 14 to 7. The Oshawa rink get the prizes for runners-up. The following are the winners of the three Trophies which were up for competition, Peterboro, Feb, 7.-- Three of the | competitions in the Peterboro' bon- spiel have been captured by visit- ing rinks--W. Bryson of Lindsay winning the Morrow, P, Spence. of Lakeview the Matthews-Blackwell, and Dr. Harvie of Orillia the Peter- boro' Cup. The "kid" rink skipped by 17-year-old Charles Kay reach- ed the finals in the Matthews- Blackwell, only to lose the last end by one shot to Percy Suence. The youngsters were one up going home, but Spence counted two Th the final end and was ahead for the first time In the game. The scores. of the Oshawa E. Armour, H. skip D. L. 1 MORROW TROPHY Semi-Finals Stouffville 8. Armstrong 11 Peterboro' .12 R. P. Best . Finals Lindsay W. Bryson . Peterboro' 1. D. Moore 12 «11 ed by it. the questionnaire morality or {5 decreased self-control in the matter of sex behavior on the part of the before naire was taken for what it purport ed to be, a scientific PORT SNAPSHOT Tonight's the night of the big here from Kingston themselves of a place in the playoffs by tonight. cd that it Slowly By Gro. Camesila, Sports Editor Oshawa Juniors Still Uncertain There is still some uncertainty iors will meet next in the Ontario Junior hockey playoffs, definitely will be A crowd of The Field Narrows Down but surely O.H.A. hockey honors, different groups are tario playoffs have district will watch with intere locality, w hich are and Bowmanville playoffs fc The something for the ol of the now they ments of will be ture girls gradt "what it's prove much stronger Intermedia to hope tl the near The Empire: 1< Lacrosse, British Empire at the next summer. to send a have Fonsideres plar ngland a ent of the from Ex presid Robinson, strongly the wi plete games made to get the best English to con ions and t ments wil old with almo et, soccer, Ia Public me uture in favor Country. or the Basketball In the Public Schools ady tea really der girl are go the snap 1atc all tc hat there lowing A c( team, pres lacro he Se en he 1 not be Tl abou wil Sheiks Senior chers Schools ing to play p basketball stars from Jasket! will be enc to bring Paging the G. M. c. Senior Lacrosse Team 1s considerec ut ont ident of the of plans. a Visits st every | lacrosse, 3 ile the tario ang anadian governors of the g Big Game Tonight game, The Rah Rah boys will be Oshawa Seniors can practically assure winning from the Queen Bees thousand fully expected * . and the tw is * nearly as to which team the Oshaw: I is expect- known by tomorrow, * * * * number of teams still in the running for Every day the winners of some districts the On- fans of this .city and teams from this Oshawa Juniors, it enter the the grows less and less. being announced started, The t the running Oshaw and in hockey ss of the the also mig heen prog still in the namely The title : | a Seniors, * " Schools have started Basketball League ago the girls basketball on outdoor courts but The girls will be taught the rudi- players, Without a_doubt there | maybe there wipe ome fu- when the will know should mn the Public forming ols of the Oshaw hile Public to a rthw in the of a of th Sch Several years used play inside. by experienced med Tl 1 int ne th certain, they years i the er ng Collegiat future ch Ce "ublic 1 e, > teams ol Oshawa ladies we and the In the 11 Ch: 25, the hip of Ontario, d basketball nship to O ® wior It is not too much players developed in champi hawa again, the a ch mr this morning's Mail and rt, will be represented r the first time in Hamilton gland has promised Word and was received A. E. Lyon, ured Bobby tl A, RB in lacrosse was En arran mes, that Canad Mr. other business ith. Su 1g with the Canadian champ- but definite arranges cd from the the Robinson expects to com- long pretaining to the tions have been En in { ited Sta ge 1 pete ment, C r word is receiv mpleted until 1 vin to Olympic athletics, proportions ed including crick- Washingtc the ax morally. "There the report 'that any the is little m, and of the student UNIVERSITY AUTHOR- | ITIES STRICTLY | sex. CENSURED 1). Feb, 7 tion of University Professors throu | a. special investigating has severally ties of censured University for disciplining two members of the faculty who approved tion of a dex questionnaire the students of that institution, The findings of the committee de: nied the charges of President Strat-| action ton D. Brooks curators of the University list of questions was shocking to the students and tended to make or no evidence," committee questionnaire was shocked or insult There is no evidence led to students. publicity, | at Watford or HOCKEY RESULTS Hockey games yesterday result- ed as follows: -- National League Toronto Maple Leafs Tie Canadiens 3-3 Maple Leafs .. 8 Canadiens Rangers 1. Detroit Chicago ++» 8 Montreal ..... International League 9 'Blora vv.uis LJ 8 Guelph aly eipinte : Elora wins round, 11-4, #Camp Borden 3 Stayner ,,. ~--Camp Borden wins group. 2 Milton O.H.A. Junior 5 Brantford 1. Ablon he sondon 0.H.A. BULLETIN Additional playoff games been arranged as follows: Senior B Series Wednesday, Feb, 12 -- Hamilton at Kitchener. Friday, Feb, Hamilton, This is the playoff between the | teams finishing first and third in the regular schedule, Port Col- borne will play Stratford or Pres- ton In the other semi-final games. GROUP PLAYOFFS Intermediate ft aries Friday, I'eb, Dunnville at Simcoe, Monday, Dunnville. Mac McCarhty of referee both games, teams are tied on the round at the end of 60 minutes in the second overtime, with 30 minutes as the limit, will be played. Friday, Feb, Jordan Weller. Monday, to ph m pe have | bei 14-----Kitchener at! pi : H Feb. 10--8imcoe at F or w Toronto wi; and if the w th it It v. Port Feb. 10--Port Weller COBOURG RINK WINS BORDEN TROPHY Goals for Toronto--Can Toronto, Feb, 7.-- Connor, the fought the the final of the Burden trophy, when finish that many up on Col. history re peated for the second year|cals to a 3-a ard finalists won the secondary com- Detroit Wi Wins on Goal F rom F ace-off I' the face-off in front of the net gave the tory over the here last night and sent the Olym- ge puck, play. | Conner Scores All Three adiens Tie Game Up With Only a Minute te Go Toronto, Feb. 7. ontinuing work of wrecking the N.H.L, last end to| off chances of the Toronto Muple ) Morris | Leafs which they began last Tug win the round and Barden Tro-|day night, those hurtiing Habitants, y by one shot for Cobourg. Thusithe Montreal! Canadiens, held the Il tie at the Arena G dens last night before a crowd t filled all available space in the v ing. TThe Montrea the final mi after getting in each ofthe as an unfor I cafs. but it must be | the Smythmen brought it extent | Judge Larry O'-] hero of many a hard- curling game, was again in limelight yesterday afternoon in thes pl scored a five on the i succession when the beaten tank- tition, the beaten club yesterday ing the winners a year ago. fers tied the 1t¢ the thir two fairly two 1 of ( ad ves 10 some from | ed numerou to their score, 1 defensive | adicns a » 1 Detroit, Feb, 7.--A goal Detroit Olympics a 2 to 1 vie-| Detroit Olympics | F | © | cs into undisputed possession of | cond place in the International ockey League stangings. The face-off was ordered after! arrell, Cataract goaler, had fallen 1 the puck, McLeod, facing off ith Bellefeuflle, was first to the but in the clash of sticks hich followed the rebound from 1° goaler's club Filmore smashed in with an assist from Connors. wag scored after 12 minutes' There was no further scoring. lies, ualiz diens also ly timc third period Frenc hi and tl four at Jordan. Both games Grimsby. Saturday, Paris, Monday, Elora. will be played at | Feb, Elora at | Feb, 10--Paris at St FIRST ROUND Intermediate' Series Monday, Feb, 10--Watford Bleftheim at Goderich. Wednesday, Feb, 12- Blen'ieim GROUP PLAYOFFS Junior Series If Trenton defeats . Belleville juniors at Trenton tonight th» draw for the group playoff will be as follows: Monday, Trenton, Wednesday, at Kingston, Monday, Feb. 10---Oakville Orangeville or Brampton, | Wednesday, Feb, 12--Orange- ville or Brampton a: Oakville, FIRST ROUND Junior Series Saturday, Feb. 8--Runnymede U.T.S. (Arena Gardens, 3 p.m.). SECOND ROUND Junfor Series or Goderich M C Feb, 10--Kingston at Li Fe 12--Trenton bh. at | fc IB G T Y. evidence is in agreement on nt that the sex matters and | blems brought up by the| e are familiar or known high school graduate before the University of Missouri." ! The circulation of the question- | naire was approved by Professor | | Harmon O. Degraff, who was dismis- | committee, | sed from the University, and by the authori-| Professor Max F. Meyer, who was of Missouri | suspended, The investigation of the committee - was undertaken at the request of President Brooks. Many members of the faculty and students in the courses of DeGraff and Meyer. The committee asserted that the against the two professors was under the circumstances "a clear | x: of the principles of free | teaching and research and security them | of teure in the university." "The the p sex. pi qu enterin The Associ: f fe circeula among the of the board that the said, the HAWKS DEFEAT MAROONS | | receiving | lil, Feb, 7.--A desperate itreal Maroons rally in the final wl last night was just shy, and Canadians group leaders in the National Hockey League bowed to the Chicago Black Hawks 3-2. It was their third straight beating by the Hawks, all of them by one goal. that} Chic sexual im-| M. ago, pe the Apparently the question- inquiry. Peterboro' Lindsay J.W. Cruickshank hd J. Griffiths . Brooks R. L. Adams x H. Burke J. C. Strickland W. Bryson, sk 111. D, Moore sk 10 MATTHEWS-BLACKWELL Third Round Lindsay W. Aldous .. Millbrook R. H. Edmunds 10 Peterboro' Ira Moore ...4 Peterboro' C., Kay .... Keene J. J. Moore 8 Lakefield P. Spence "33 Peterboro' Peterboro' J. J. Howden 19 R. F. Downey 9 Semi-Finals Peterboro' J. J. Howden 12 Millbrook ,12 R, H. Edmunds 6 Finals Peterboro' G. Robertson R. Clark 2 .9 | Lakefield P. Spence .. Peterboro' CG. Kay ...., 0 ° 1 Lakefield C. Waldron G. Gibson B. Q. Dench W. Widdess P. Spence sk 15 Chas. Kay, sk 14 | PETERBORO' CUP shawa TO-NIGHT - 8.15 p.m. IEEE PRICES Rush 35c- Reserved 50c, 75¢, $1 Tickets on Sale at Mike's Place | |W. Oritte-- QS hAWA. J. McFadden R. Gay R. Swinton J. Thompson A. B. Thompson R. Flintoff skip skip . Dr, Harvie, 14 J.A, Thompson 7 "1f you ever have occasion to write down the attributes that make men successful, do not fail to include staying power." --Bruce Barton, "Cynics might say that the Church has shown more aptitude for journalism than Fleet Street has for religion."--Major Astor. Bl "Much that is branded as heart- lessness is really diffidence." -- Bruce Barton. wins "Man js the noblest work of God, but nodody ever said so but man himself,""--Lord Dewar. HON, VINCENT MASSEY | Norman ish capital, George Washington Ste- phens, former head of the Saar governing commission in 1923-26, may be accredited to the White Canading minister to Washington. who is likely to be tho next Can- adian high commissioner in Lon- don, in succession to the late Hon. Feb. 10---1.7.8. or Run- West Toronto (Arena Monday, nymede at Gardens). Thursday, to U.T.B. or It U.T.8, a Feb. 1 West Runnymede, defeats Runnymede the second game with West Toronto will be played at University of Toronto Arena. If Runnymede wins the game will be played at Arena Gardens, Acton junjors are playing a postponed game at Oakville tonight with a local referee in charge, Clarence Wood of Stayner will referee the Collingwood at Parry Sound junior game tonight, while Cooke of Orillia jo be in charge of the rcturn gaffe at Collingwood Tuesday, Feb, 1 Tonight's Referee Changes Referec appointments changed Toron- | pc ur pla af G N hi of lo for tonight are as follows: | Legg, London, chener, Carthy, Smith, saunders, lows: | LONDON WINS FIRST aged to remain level with the pers for the first period, the game | developed into a one-sided argument fie he had been warned several times for ter j re sbbed th Intermediate Series Blenheim at Watford --W. H.| JAN KILE WINS SKI HONORS | Walkerton at Milverton " (at | ratford)--George Karges, | { Ott: Kit- | the | leaps of | of the | York, | jumpi Ski ( with a » Feb, i HE anc iy fo 1an's Sh 1 the a eliticn re a 1 Dunnville at Simcoe---Maec Mec- : Toronto, Junior Series Belleville at Trenton-- Kingston. * Newmarket at Willowdale--A ollenhauer, Toronto, Guelph at Owen Durham, Collingwood at Parry Sound-- larence Wood, Stayner, Lindsay at Fenelon Falls--Lewis eBarr, Peterboro', Games Saturday, Feb. 8 Games and referees appointed | or Saturday, Feb. 8, are as fol- Norsern cant ng con lub h porn pol Joe score Sound--Bob Intermediate Series | Elora at Paris--Earl Balkwill, rantford. Junior Series U.T.S. v. Runnymede (at Arena ardens, 3 p.m.)--Bob Armstrong, oronto. | PLAY-OFF GAME 5-0 | Brantford, Feb. 7.--London Nip- rs swamped the Brantford Lyons) ider 2a 5 to 0 score last might in| the first game of the OHA: gr up | ayoffs. Although the Brantford team oe Nip-| 7 DR. TEHYI HSIEH Member of Williamstown insti tute of politics and Canadian Chautauqua circuit, and one of si Chinese life members of the Shrin- ers on American continent, who will bring greetings from Chinese Shriners at forthcoming conven- tion in Toronto in June. He Has travelled 20,000 miles in Canada. He states that the majority of China's cabinet ministers are Shy¥i- ners, ter that time. ENARO LOSES ON FOUL TO STEIN OF GERMANY Berlin, Feb. 7.--Frankic Genaro, ew York flyweight, was disquali- d on a ic'§ in the eighth round of 10 | bout with Harry Stein Germany here last night, The ref- w punches. A Adults Cash 35¢ SEASON TICKETS $2.50 BAND NEW Prices SKATING FOR at the ENA Children Cash 25¢ SEASON TICKETS $2.00 Every Tuesday Thurs- dav and Saturday Nights P. C. Larkin, who died in the Brit- | House to replace Mr. Massey.

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