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Oshawa Daily Times, 8 Feb 1930, p. 10

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PAGE TEI THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 193C PARITY FIGURES ARE ANNOUNCED AT CONFERENCE Tol. Stimson Lave Down Plan for British and : U.S. Navies. London, Feb. 8.~Last evening Col imson, head of the Unmted States delegation, handed to the newspaper- wmen a statement outlining the scope "of a naval agreement which thé Am- erican delegation hopes to see achie- ved. The statement was understood to have been issued with Premier MacDonald's knowledge, and was as follows. The following suggestions wre nade: . + "First, with Britain, immediate par- ity in every class of ship in the navy. The gross. tonnage of these two fleets is substantially 1,200,000 tons a- piéce, "Negotiations between President tloover and Prime Minister MacDon dd last Summer practically reduced the discussion of parity between them to the comparatively insignificant dit- ference in their respective cruiser class tonnage of 24,000 tons. oh "We propose to settle this differ- ence as follows: Under our sugges- tien, the actual tonnage difference between the two cruiser fleets will y 12,000. ; ger eral crs js eight-inch guns Great Britain have 15 and the United States rrmed wit will 18, an advantage to the latter of 30,000] tons. a Se "Of the smaller cruisers armed with six-inch guns, Great Britain will have an advantage of 42,000 tons. But be- PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe St. 8. -- We Deliver | 1 SARGON We are sole authorized agents tor Sargon in OSHAWA RARN'S DRUG STORE Next Post Office, Phone 378. Final Clearance of Men's and Boys' Overcoats DOMINION CLOTHING CO. 68 KING ST. W ft hone 2141 We Deliver -- Machinery Repairing NOTHING TOO LARGE NOTHING TOO SMALL Adanac Machine Shop 161 King St. W. Phone 1214 Diamonds ! Bassett's fowith] yond this, in order to insuresexast equality of opportunity, the United States makes the suggestion that each country will have the option of duplicating exactly the cruiser fleet of the other. "Thus Great Britain would have the option by reducing its number of small cruisers to increase its large cruisers from 15 to 18, so as to give it a total tonnage of 327,000 tons, the exact amount of tonnage which the United States now asks, "On the other hand, the United States would have the option, by re- ducing its large cruisers from 18 to 15, to increase the number of its small cruisers so as to give it a to- tal cruiser tonnage of 339,000 tons, the exact amount of tonmage which the British now ask. ' "In battleships, we suggest by the rediction in numbers on both sides to equalize our two fleets in 1931 in- stead of 1942. At present the Brit- ish = battleship fleet contains two more vessels than ours. "In destroyers and aircraft carriers we suggest equality of tonnage, and in submarines' the lowest tonnage possible. "Onr suggestion to the Japanese delegation would produce an 'overall' relation satisfactory to us and, we hope, to them. In conformity with our relations in the past, it is not ba- j sed, upon the same ratio. in every class of ships." SOLINA SUSTAINS | LOSS IN DEATH OF | JAS. MeKESSOCK Solina, Jan. 28--Miss Vera Short- | ridge and Mr. Ray Shortridge visit- | ed recently -the home. of Bert Ben- { thams, Burkton. The Toronto Globe comments upon | the life of the late Mr. R. J.. Mc- | Kessock as follows: "The death of | Mr. Robert James McKessock has | removed from the teaching profes- | sion a valued member and from the community around Solina a staunch and highly respected friend. Greater . | | IF WANTING INSURANCE of any kind Ileal Estate or - other timn frame houses a LJ serve | J. H.R. LUKE dete ede elo TIME TABLES RS Ah A Bh EE a a a a C. P. R. TIME TABLE Effective Sept. 29, 1929, (Standart Time) Going West Daily (Except Sunday). | 5.45 a.m, | 6.28 a.m. Deilv | } ¥ rod 8.40 aw, Dany (Except Suma.v) 4.35 p.m. Daily. 7.34 pan Daily (Except Sunday). N East 10.05 a.m. Daily 2.04 p.ru. Daily (Except Sunday), £03. pom. Dailv (Except Sunday), 11,10 pau. Daslv (Except Saturday). 14.05 a.m, Daily CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effective 2, 1929 me) Paily excert § 1, Daily except Sundav, Daly except Sunday. ti Daily Lo Daily, except Saturday. 5. Daily, , Daly Westbound . Daly nh Daly . Duwily ni Daily; 1 Daily, Daily. L Paily. Sugday cnly. Daily, except Sunday. except Sunday, except Sunday, except Sunday, On Oshawa' Mam Corner B COAL COAL W. J. SARGANT Y ard---89 Bloor "freet K. Orders Prowptly Delivered p---- a : We have several desirable houses for vent, CUTLER & PRESTON lea) Estate Insurance Felephone 573223 Night calls 510-156 G4 King St. West 1 For Sale:--In North end of City, close 2 to Separate School, lovely 6-room " ' hom rooms, 3 Sn args hot jir_furnace, wired for 3 tove, nc etc., plectrie Substantial payment 'will take this real home. NEY REALTY EXCHANGE Phone 1530 WATCHES OUR SPECIALTY If your wateh is not giving | satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct time % D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Osh. % awa 'Railroads elt Bros. Che Leading Jeweler vp. Daily; excent Susdav. Whitby, Oshawa. Bowmanville BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE (Effective on and after Sept. 29, 1929) 2 West Leave Leave Arrive Arrive Hospita: 10.50 a.m 1245 pm 7.25 s.m. 10.35 a.m, 12.30 p.m. 4.2 p.m, $20 pm 35 p.r $5.30 per 6.30 p.m, Do, 10, . 7.10 a. 10.20 apn, 12.10 pan 2.00 pan. .00 p.m. beg at G6 .E bE FP - er gash BS isle ER > 45 pm HEH FSopuN ow 8 Fl Shiai Pm ana S&S PemopRRRyY Eppsap FERBERED RUSE TOE BHT ~Bom & Ppa Bg ii : 8 fp 2 $r LL EGEate 5k k3 CeBbuE i (37 a FYpprO abs F SEBESEREB bY NA fe PPPPYP » REIRRERECEE Buge: £5 ba ve 3 uBBh vy JEP Po Soe Nn Senor Hl £45 JURY & LO 'S * OPTICAL PARIQ "J. W. Wornll, Oph, D. . Eyesight Specialist Phone 8215 Established «886 than all is the loss suffered by the children whom he taught, and to whom he was cver the wise coun- sellor and ide in the affairs of their young lives. Practically all Mr. McKessock's teaching 'life 'was spent in the little school at Solina where he was the whole staff. On the twenty-fitth anniversary of his cn: gagement, which was suitably cele- brated the parents of his little charges urged that he remain, 3s they put it for another quarter of a century, and this he was quite pre- pared to do, but illyess and death ended this arrangement. Mr. McKessock was the 'Canadian embodiment of the Scots dominie, whose fame has spread to every clime He farmed a bit of land near the school and this kept his pupils keey- ly interested in agriculture as a life- work. He read widely and thought deeply along many lines, and he bpd his 'own methods of teaching. de wotld not force 'his younger pupils to study arithmetic, leaving that for later: years, but. it is on record. that none of his boys or girls failed iu that subject at their entrance cxamn- inations; and he did not want any children under 7 years old. Mr, Mec- Kessock could have had many more mportant posts, from the point of a successful career, than the little school at Solina, but he decided to do his work in this less public man- ner, and at the close of his useful life he is mourned as a good citizen, a faithful friend and a well-beloved teacher." Congratulations to Mr. Ernest Hockaday who came out first in the Judging classes at Bowmanville Short course, held there the month of Ja- nuary. | Mr. Samwell Bush was in Toronto one day this week. i Mrs, Emmit Stark, Gowanda, New York, was a week end visitor with Mrs. Harvey Hardy, Sunday School at Eldad was well attended although a sense of sadness was cast over the critical condition of Mr, McKessock. Miss: Norma Yellowlees "recited the Ten Commandments in a pleasant manner, and Miss Lena Taylor and Mr, Harold Shuttleworth sang a duet in splendid voice, Rev. Mr, Bick conducted the ypreachnig service which was interesting and profitable to all present, ' ' The deepest sympathy of the com- munity goes out to the bereaved fan- ily of Mr, McKessock, who passed away in Bowmanville Hospital on Sunday night, Mr. Norval Wotten was a visitor meeting by the); in. Torontg on Wednesday. Mr, John Baker attended an educa- tional meeting in Port Hope on Thursday. . ahd Mrs, Howsam Port Pgrry on Thursday. ,/ Black has gone out to Osh- her nephew, Mr. Mac. were in héld their February meeting at El-|T dad Church on Thursday, Feb. 13. Roll call "Quotations on Friendship". Everybody "welcome. Miss Marjory Collacutt, Bowman ville, spent. the week end with Miss Lena Taylor, Mrs, Hallawell and Mr, a McKes- R. I. McKessock. R. Westlake in the chair, Hymn 334 | was sung, followed by praver by Rev. |e Mr. Bick. were read and approved. Mr. Alan Balson then took the chair and called on Mr, Sam Dewell for a reading, entitled, "Give Your Best," mental solo, Miss "he Devotional Topic was well taken by Miss Lena Taylor on First Cor- inthrans 10:31, followed by a duet by Miss Taylor and Mr. Shuttleworth, 'opic on "Friendship" was well given by Miss Dearborn, with League Benediction. held on Monday, Feb. 3. last meeting were read and approved ; community, and it is their wish that was given. sock, Owen Sound, visited with Mrs. | last year, $3.64. $11.90. Eldad league opened with Mr. W.| ance on hand this year $2.50. the 'elen Boker, Mr. C. E. Shortridg Mr, A, Pe McKessock, Mrs, W. ' ntl, Miss taleen Balson, Miss Ruby Dewell, Miss Rilda Hockaday. I'hen the board elected their officers: President, Mr. E. R. Taylor; Secre- tary, Mr. A. P. McKcssock; Trea-- surer, Mr, C, E. Shortridge; Libra- rian, Miss R. Hockaday. The following new rules were set for those using the books. Parties are allowed 3 books and these may be kept a month, after this there will be a fine of 5¢ levied. The 1 Library board has found that there Minutes of | are a lot of hooks out around the Minutes of last meeting e Instru- Mae Westlake. Meeting closed Solina Public Library mecting was nd the following financial report) those who have these books would Balance in hand from | r<=n t%em as soon as possible, Proceeds of waa Total receipts $61.70, Bal-' Usher (to 'cool dignified lady): Theni groom?" following Library board was|The Lady: "Indeed, no! I'm the lected: Mr, Elgin Taylor, Miss | bride's mother.""--Chicago Tribune. ELLA CINDERS---Strategy a La Carte THIS SHIP 1S IN THE y HANDS OF MUTY LED BY O.WATTERS NEE Wee BARRICADED OURSELVES IN THE GALLEY BECAUSE ALL THE FOOD (S 9 0 By Bill Conselman and Charlié Plumb TELLING TOMMY -- OF THE MOST iON WORLD ITH ELECTRICAL HE LIGHTING SYSTEMS ARE 1 HO Ful i On roy ATING, {0 1 NORTH AMERICA TOMMY, YET IN A TRIP FROM NORTH TO SOUTH No: ALD ALSO SEE MANY PRIMITIVE HOMES, Eh | MES IN THE COOLING AND JH EASTERN ALASKA ARE FOUND THE CRUDE HOMES OF THE E JUILT OF DRIFTHOOD, WHALE RIBS, SKIMOS > TITTY | STONES AND TURF AND BANKED STATES POOR MOUNTAIN PEOPLE AHD NEGROES ARE FOUND 1! L0G CABINS. THEY ARE BUILT OF L0GS, HEWED BY HAND AND THE SPACES BETWEEN THE LOGS ARE FILLED WITH MUD Je ne Feuer #,14mte bo BRINGING UP FATHER {| WELI-YLL LET EM GO AHEAD AN BUILD THE HOULSE TLL MAKE MAGGIE HAPPEN AN "THANK HEAVEN | TLL KEEP PEACE AN QUIET IY ~ THE FAMILY | | |: © 1930, Int'l Feature Service, Inc., G \ J + TOLD HOUL SE MR-JIGGS YOULL || CONT FAIL NEED a LOT Hl OF RLGS IN) MAGGIE NOT TO POT A PICTURE OF THE IN THE | TO HAVE | Ls PUTIN i OUR COOLIN 1 PLANT redt Britain rights reserved WITH SHOW. HDIANS CAN STILL BE FOUND LIVING IN TENTS DURING THE SUMMER, . Great Britain rights reser ed HUH! THAT DOESHT MEAN HE HAS MONEY ~ IT MEANS THAT HE HAD MONEY. MAMA'S COUSIN | § MUST HAVE 1075 { OF MONEY CAUSE HE JUST BUILT A NEY HOME, F Lo = a] By Geo. McManus (LET ME S[HOW Aout TELL YOU || YOUR LIGHTS ABOLTYT DECOR ~ ATING . OF COURSE | DOLLY DIMPLES AND BOBBY BOUNCE LTE CAVE EMPTY- FCUND S30 HE Dolly's , 'Dolly WOKE HIS WIFE, THE OGRESS~ HAS ESCAPED, HE SAID ~ IT WON'T BE LONG NOW-~ [ : Ry 'I WILL. PUT ON MY SEVEN-LEAGUE BOOTS AND CATCH HER! HE SAID~ {SO OFF THE OGRE STARTED --. I HOPE, Boeay, Dolly AND COMEY SEE HM IN TIME : gg TILLIE THE TOILER--A Bad Risk Time OH, 1 HAD SUCH 'A LOVELY WITH DR. PHILLIPS - HE SAID | WAS PERFECT "ANTH V INE MADE MY MIND UP AND YoU HAVE TO AdREE Bv Russ Westover ME ONCE FoR A CHANGE MMIELL, | HAENT OECIDED OM TAKING THE INSURANCE YET -- r OW, ALL L RIGHT, \'LL & {ii lt 0 zp D COME RACK LL SOR RY, MR. VWHIPRLE, \ CAN'T RECOMMEND 'You FOR "THE INSURANCE = FOLLOW My SUGGESTIONS ATER ~ AN WELL TRY IT Sai | I HAVEN'T MADE MY MIND UP YET, TILLIE = LL DECIDE IN THE NEAR FUTUR WELL, (S IT OKAY I XM --> acOxT FTHAT LU . .

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