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Oshawa Daily Times, 8 Feb 1930, p. 11

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HE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1930 PAGE ELEVEN THE Sei" where D SECTION meets . 9 4 W\ eller "9999950 ONANT 1s, RISTE ig "and general pract.ce an. recs 1% Simcoe St South. | a. Phone 4. G. D. Conant. B.A, LL.B; A, F. Annis, BA, LL. B. \ F 8S." A Rr. Solicitor, Notary Public, Convev- ancer Money to loan. ird floor new Alger Building. Opposite Post Uffice. Phone cE SINCLAIR. KC. BANK of Ci erce Bu'lding. TOSEPH 3. MANGAN. BA --BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notasy Public, Con- veyancer. Money to loan. Office 14'4 King St. East. Oshawa. Phone 45 Residence phone 837. cr GRIERSON, CREIGHTON AND Fraser, Barristers, Conveyancers, Notaries Public, ete. Office over Standard Dank.' Eutrance Simcoe St. Phone 18. J. F. Grierson, K.C.. T. K. Creighton, B.A, N. OC. Fraser, B.A. [OUIS § HVMAN, BARRISTER Solicitor, Notary. over Dewland's tore. Money to loan. 16 Simcoe street north Phone 67 Residence 586F. GREER AND HHUMPHYEYS, BAR risters." Solicitors, eic. 24% Sir.coe St. N.. Phone 3160. Mcney to loan Engineering and Surveying DONEVAN AND SMITH. ONTAR 10 Land Survevors and Civil Enkin. cers, sub.divisions. town planning. municipal engineers. 365 or 411 King St. E il 2532) or 2544. . Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST East. Ambulance Residence 542 Sim. coe street north. Phone 210J and 210W, ji DISNEY- A E 87 Celina street, Oshawa. Corner Bruce street. Ambulance. Phone 1082, DAVIS Al SON, CE 19 King St. west, Oshawa, The old: est Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 Re nutable Fire Companies. WHEN A ! consult' R. N. Johrs, 80 Simcoe north, Your Insurance -vants at- tended to and your nterests pro- tected. Transportation CARTAGE AND STORAGE. COLE- man's, 85 Bond West. Specialists in furniture moving, storage ware- house and moving van equipment Phone 82 4 ALEX C. HALL, B.A., BARRIF ter, ete. Conveyancing and general practice. 22% King St. East, Phone 5237. (te) HARRIS & HARRIS, BARRIS. ters, Solicitors, ete. 41 Alger, Bldg. Oshawa and Port Perry Phones 759 Oshawa, Port Perry 2¢ and 71 r 3, Jan, 2-1 mo) A." J. PARKHILL, BARRISTER, etc. Money to loan. Alger Bldg, op- posite Post Office, Phone 1614. Medica! DR. McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR geon, Accoucher. Office and resi- dence, King St. E:;st, cornar Victoria St. Oshawa, Phone 94 DR. HAROLD 'W. TRICK. PH 'SI cian, Surgeon. Obstctrician, Special references to maternity work ard di seases of wenen. Two years': post graduate sxperience. Cflice and resi dence 167 Simcoe St. N.. {cor. Brock phone 302 DR. GRANT RZRRY, PHYSICTAM Surgeon, Obscetrician. diseases of infants end children. Office and residence, 97 Bond East Phone 1155 DR, B. J HAZLEWOOD, PHYSI- clan and Surgeon, special attention given to X-ray work' ana Electro- theopy. Office, Disney Plock Phone 2050. Office open 9 am. to 12 a.m. Residence 161 King East Phone 2416. DR DAVID ARCHER M.D. CM L. R CP and -S Edinburzh Physician, Surgeon and Obstetrician Office 142 Simcoe St- N° Phorie 3020 residence 161 King St 'E. Phone 3153 ARCHER BROWN. MD. L R C. P & S. Edinburgh Physician Surgeon, = Obstetpician, "special at- tention to maternity work and dis- eases of children. Office and resi dence. 185 Simcoe st. North. Phone 3107. : DR. C. W. CARRE, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, Obstetrician. Office and residence, 512 Simcoe street north. Phone 2415. DR. J. ARCHER BROWN, PHYSI- cian, Surgeon and Obstetrician, office an] residence, 4185 Simcoe Street, North phone 3107, DR. J. G. FERGUSON, PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Specialist in kidney and bladder dideases, Brock ani Mary streets, Whitby. Phone 179 'Whitby. (Jan, 20-1 mo) Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist CARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL sand ard cinders Local and. long distan hauling Phone 3048 "anid 2692F, Smith and Cox, 387 King St. W. . OSHAWA'S | OLDEST lishe'! furniture movers. Park Road car ace. Local and long distance Frank Cowle, Prop 65 Park 'Ki 'South. Phone 216. Jan, 17-1 mo) Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU PERMANEN wave. Special $5 and $7.50 Finger wave and shampoo $1 Facial 75¢ Hair cuttiig 25¢c. Phone 2968 or 8 Simcoe, North, ESTAB of this nature. For the conv: Lo come personal snd collect for same. "Times" Classified ~~ | All Classified Advertising ' Coming Events, Etc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling a large number of small accounts of customers who find it inconvenient to The Times office, a telephone call will bring a messenger who will receive the advertisement Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT . / 'Ads Bring Results For Rent WANTED YOUNG LADY. 10 ADY, TO share apartment, mostly furnished, hon 1064 . 32 FOR gh FURNISH ED A PART. ment for t housekeeping, ed, conveniences, near Motors, 105 Col- e St. East, ¥ 33c) 0 rooms, turnished or unfurnished. All modern conveniences, Use of washer, Phone 3195J. (38¢c) WARM ROOMS TO J or without board, 68 Gibbs St. (32¢) FOR. RENT -- COMFORTABLE bedroom, . also two furnished housekeeping rooms. Use of electric washer. Convenient to Motors, Ap- ply 261 Jarvis St., corner of Alice, Phone 1531M, (83a) STX ROOMED "HOUSE TO RENT. 279 Freuch street. All conveni. encos. Possession immediately, Ap- ply 238 Division St. Phone ith 0) APA rooms.' Centrally located. All con+ veniences, Phone 2503M, (83a) FOR RENT--NEW FIVE ROOM- ed brick house, All conveniences, furnace, hardwood throughout. Possession immediately. Apply 79 McGregor St, (83¢c) ~ Help--Wanted Male | Rates for Classified Ads. Mintmom charge 30c. Bach subsequent consecu- tive insertion 1c per word, Three consscutive inser- tions for th price of two first ' inaertions (three cents a word). Minimam charge for three insertions, 60 cers, Box number 10c additional Professional or Buainens Cards, $2.50 per month for 20 worGg or lese; 19 cents a word per.ionth for each additional word, 4 CLASSIFIED ADS LITTLE; AC COMPLISH MUCH TELUFHONE 856 Ask for Classified Ad Department Real Estate for Sale | WILL SACRIFICE Bi TY: $1,650 on 8 room well built home, 5 minutes 'walk from 4: corners. Owner in town this week. Apply 254 Albert St. Phone 814W. (290) SIX ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE-- Chesnut trim, hardwood floors, down- stairs, all conveniences, good garage, cement drive. Will take good light car as part _payment. 47 McLaughlin Blvd. ; . (32¢) EXPERT MARCELLING BY Betty Ward at Betty Lou Perman: ent Wave Shoppe. Marcel an sham poo $1. Phone 2968. WATSONS BARBER AND Beauty shop. 9 Celina St. We spe: cialize ladies' hair cutting, mar: celling, By oti facials Marcel 5) cents. For aphomtments phone 2063. (jan. 14-1 md! MARCEL AND CURL, 50c. MRS Everette Bell, Apartment 9 Edward Apartments, Quebec Street. For ap- pointments phone 1090). lan 7-lmo. MADAME MARIE, LATE OF Paris, France and 'T. Eaton, Te ronto, high class beauty culture at moderate prices, Disney Building Flat No. 1, above Dr. Tuck's, Phone 1376. (Feb. 4-Mar. 4) Building Supplies "EMENT BLOCKS FOR SAF To 'insure prompt delivery, place orders in advance of delivery date W. Borrowdale, phone 1618. ( Music ARTHUR LYNDE, VOCAL TEACH- er (Hambourg Conservatory, To- ronto) pupils prepared for all exams. Oshawa Tussday, 63 Wil liam street west, upriairs, Phone 2754F. (129tf) FRANK CONVERSE SMITH, ONE of Toronto's leading violin teachers, is in Oshawh on Thursday afternoons i D . E. Phone 739M Studio 86 Eigin St Ean a0 Wo» HERBERT ©. TRENEER, OR- ganist and choir master of King Street United Church will accept pupils in plano, organ and veeal music. For particulars apply 69 Willlam street east. Phone 2896. (Feb. 3-1 mo) DR. F. T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Loveli"s Drug Store each Saturday, from 1 till 4 p.m., for consultation and treatment of diseases of car, nose and throat only. Appointments mav be mad» ut drug 'store. Phone 97. . Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat DR. E. F. RICHARDSON, OFFICE over Mitchell's Drug Store. Hours 10 to 12 am.' 2 to 5. Evenings by appointment, Office 2640). Residence 432] t . Dental PRS. J. PHILLIPS, OVER BAS: seit's. Special attention to X-ray work. Gas 'raction Nurse in a= tendance. Phone 959. House 1312. OR H M COOKE 9 SIMCQE ST north, over' Mitchell's Drug 'Store| Gas for exiraction. - Phone 5& DR LE or ox. i, Vi id oxvgen gas for extra. tron Office aval. Bank Eide Phone $3 reside! 178M RLF BROCK DENTIST, 16 Bimcce St. N.- over ~Dewland's. Phone 1957. Res 202W Zdve wings by aprointmznt, eh nn DR Ww. H GIFFORD OFFICE Regent Theatre Bldg, Phone 1780 Residence 609. UTE DR. LANGMAF VES Dentists, 37 hig St. Bs Special. at- tention to gas extraction and X-rav work. Nurse in. amttendance. Phones 1743 and 864. bo Architects ~~ - . C. STENHOU - HENERM itectural Secon oor A Dar Burling Fehane 19% Res. puone 909). © = THOMSON ANL. JOHNSON, a3 sociate architects Sinicoc er Felt Bros. Public Stenographer TARIE NM HILTON 73 SIMCOE street north. Phone 1600 . Special rates for malting iste ular For Sale or Exchange FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE farm, 125 acres con good house in Oshawa. A- EBL 48, Times, (1b) phone LEONARD RICHER, DIRECTOR of \music, + Oshawa Collegiate and Pyblic Schools. 'Studio--47 Gibb St. ifhone 1984]. (Feb. 5-1 mo.) \ Radio Service GATS RADIO SERVICE, AC- ons fus for sale, repairs on elec: tris ane battery sets, tubes and batsaries tested, batteries re- charged rental supplled $1. Phone 3350), Charles Wales, 146 Elgin East, (Feb. 6-1 mo) RADIO REPAIRS, ALL WORK guaranteed, prices moderate, sct test- ing; batteries recharged, 50c. Phone 382r11. Geo. Burroughs certified radio-trician, (Jan, 7-1 mo.) Painting and Decorating R. GUTSOLE, FIRST CLASS PA erhanger, painting and graining ices right, work guaranteed. Pine Ave, or Whiw. ' (7211) FOR: SALE -- ELEVEN ACRES good clay land, cight roomed brick house, barn 30x40, stoue basement cement. floors, fronting paved high- way, adjoining the town of Lindsay. Apply Franklin Gibbs, Lindsay. (31-33-39) FOR SALE--§$550 CASH, NO BAL- ance, three rooms, new place, elec- tric and garage, lot 30x100, See this. Phone 1412M. (33:) FRAME COTTAGE $2200, WILL accept car, 7 room brick $5.000, $500 cash and lot. 6 'room brick veneer, north, exchange on acreage with buildings. 6 room brick, Osh- awa Bivd.,, exchange for acreage with buildings. List your property free here, Apply Murdoch, 18% King West. Phone 3390. (33¢c) FOR RENT---4 ROOM' APART- ment, modern, $35, near Gencral offices. 6 room brick veneer, new- ly decorated $35.. 5 room modern bunralow $30. 4 room cottage $16. Apply Murdoch, 181; King west. Phone 3390. (33¢) Articles For Sale MIXED HARD AND 30F1 WOOU slabs, $3.50 per load Algo bone dry body wood. Waterous Meek Limited: Phone 1288. "_(Apr. 20ti FOR SALE--HNEBINTZNAN .CO Ltd., pianos, new and used pisnus Also radios, latest models; terws uring. Apply C. Trull. Phone 16664, (1110) FOR SALE--STRICTLY NEW laid eggs in any quantity delivered anywhere in city. Poone 896, (Jan. 20-1 mo) FOR SALE~FIFTEEN JEWEL Wrist watches, complete with latest style metal bracelets, $7.50. Genuine diamond rings, $8.75. Small deposits secures any article. Dell's Jewelry, 26%: Simcoe South. Upstairs. an, 23-1 Mo.) FOR BALE--KITCHEN CABINET, stove, beds, other household et- fects. Must sell. Apply 60 Elgin st West. {31lc) FOR SALE--BABY CARRIAGE IN good condition, Axminster rug, 10%4x 9 feet, nearly new, half price. 91 Mc- Laughlin Blvd, (32b) WE WANT CYLINDER PRESS man and feeder----- new printing house offers $38.00 and $30.00 _re- spectively for 48-hour week in To- yonto. Apply. Secretary Toronto Typohtetae, 204 Richmond street est. (32-38) AMBITIOUS INEXPERIENCED men allowed fifty cents hour, learn- ing best paying trades. Engineering, Electricity, Garage work, Chauffeur ing, Bricklaying, Barbering; Hair- dressing. Literature free. Write or call Dominion Trade Schools, East- ern Headquarters, 163 King St. W, Toronto. (33-39-45-51-57-63-69-75) ees TT TIER SII i Help Wanted--Female GIRL WANTED FOR LIGHT housework for family of 3 adults Phone 289 r 24. (322) BAPERIENCED COOK, MUST have reference, Apply Box 42: Times. (32¢) WANTED --7 EXPERIENCED nurse maid. Apply Mrs. Beaton, 65 Connaught St. (33h) WANTED --YOUNG GIRL FOR light housework. Apply 98 Louisa Street. (38a) EE ae Aviation BIG BALE SKATES, SECOND hand skates and boots complete $1.60 a pair, "12 Richmond St. Kast, Open evenings, (32b) "OR cabinet. Wil] sell cheap. Apply 252 Arthur Street. (32¢) FOR SALE -- DINING ROOM suite, solid walnut, Apply 92 Hillcroft S ( MUST SELL, LEAVING CITY, four roomed cottage, cement col. lar, driveway. $400 cash. $280 to pay at 5 per cent. Also Orthophonic for sale. Close to 70 records, $335. 87 Alexander Blvd. (33a) Work Wanted RE-UPHOLSTERING CHESTER. fields made to oder. We save vou money. Estimates free. G. A. Con- stable. 74 Mechanic street. Phone 1595). (Sah BATTERIES CHARGED, CALLED for and delivered. 75 cents. ren- tal supplied $'. Ratteries repaired. Stan Blideon. 20. Mi'l St. Phone 1285W. (Jan, 13-1 mo) BATTERIES CHARGED, CALLED for and delivered, 75e¢, rental 26e¢. 204 Oshawa Blvd, Phone 3112W. (Feb. 6-1 mo) oO Nursing PRACTICAL NURSE DISEN- gaged after Feb. first. Maternity invalid or general nursing. Doctor's references. For information phone 742M. (lan, 16-1 mo) St. FOR SALK--A % IRON BED, with springs ana mattress, Phone 1694W, (33a) For Rent AVIATION--ANYONE ~~ REQUIR- ing information regarding aviation, Apply 46 Kenneth Avenue, after 5 p.m : env (32h) Position Wanted COMPETENT GIRL WANTS housework, experienced, references. Phone 722W. (32b) Plastering TINTING, PLASTERING, PATCH ing, cement work, work done promptly, prices reasonable, 78 Bond street west, (31¢) FOUR AND FIVE ROOX¥ ED MOD ern suites including electric refrig eration, stove, Issndry, conven) ences, etc.; continuous t water supplied. Apply Supt. phone 267) or The Trusts and Gaaraatee Co ltd, me tor owner, Tokonts. Ser 4 (370 APARTMENT.--MODERN, HOME \ke uites, Some furnished, laun- dry, conveniences, ¢!é¢ dryer, etc., elec stoves, elec relrvigération, hot w.ter year roind, i h ne 1560 or 2347TW. (8tr) TO LET--HEATED ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING~CENT- ral location. Simcoe St. S. (31¢) T0 RENT--TWO FURNISHED rooms, newly decorated. ground floor, wrivate entrance. No child- ren. Apply 102 Agnes Streot, (31e) HOUSE TO RENT--NORTH OSH- dwa_ with one or five acres of land, Hemstitching NINE GENTS PER YARD, PLEAT- ed Skirts, one dollar, alterations. etc. All kinds of beautiful fanay work on sale. Mrs. Dell, 56% Sim- South. Phone 1656. ve d Jan, 17-1 mo) sr - Agents Wanted good class Sastamers for Oshawa district Sales equipment supplied. Exclu: AG, TUKNER, PAINTER AND Papernanger. Only first class. work guaranteed: 20 ears experience Prices reasonable je 2460 : y Jan, 17-1 wo) PAINTER, PAPBRHANGER AND decorator. Estimates given on work. Phone 1367). P. J. 'Brady. (Jan. 29-1 mo) Home Cooked Meats ENGLISH HOME MADE PORK ples, steak and kidney ples hot or cold brawn, ~akes and pastries, etc., etc. Frank Drakes, 21 Maple street. Phone 2372F. (7718) ~ Tailoring PAUL VERLAND, BEST AND most artistic clothes maker in Osh awa for juch, Who Ag Prices fair ana reas ' PM south. Phone A68aW. move Stace: (Jan. 30-1. mo) TO Auctioneer PHONE. 716)., 'W. 1. SU auctioneer, 346 Sir S80 We " vor ieces of fupmityr and other articles at our wards 41 Koes 8e WC Oshima Oitacier | ave itory, largest and finest . *Profitable. agency. for right man, Pelham Nursery Co., Toronto, 4 , (Feb, 14) $4 A DAY PAID CHRIS man or woman for distribut roli- glous literature. Particulars write stating age and church connection, Mr, Conrad, Tower Bldg., Toronto. (27-30-833-76-39-42-45-48) ~" Wanted To Buy HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR FAT hens. Telephone 81 Whitby and reverse charges, dis (Jan, 30-1 mo) FARM WANTED, NERAL farming, dairy farm. at have you for sale. Owner only, Box 133, Windsor, Ont. (27-33) For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENF--70 ACRE farm, free of encumbrance, near Tor- ronto, on Provincial' highway, would consider a good house in j ment. 160 Elgin Street go omed ho se, '4 Lag] newly decorated." clectme: fixture 1 u SW. CLARK, AUCTIONEER. 520 Sinicoe 'Street 'South, phone 253M. (Jan. 17-1" Mo) gerage with © concrete blinds, * large Ontario floor, nice garden. "NOW SALES AGENT |2 340 | eapuble , of handling chicken coup and six roomed house, outside city limits on highway, Ap- ply S. A. Gates, 22 Simcoe North, . (32b) TO LET--TWO COMFORTABLE rooms, furnished for light housekeep- ing, central, Apply 135 Albert St. ion Vn 32¢ TWO OR THREE UNFURNISHED or furnished housekeeping rooms. 374 Jarvis Street. y Y 6 R ALO rent $30. Phone Holden 371W. a (32h) TO RENT--NICELY FURNISHED bedroom, suit two gentlemen. Board it desired, Phone 1928J. (32¢) FOR RENT--SBERVIOCE STATION on highway, just outside city lim- its, Phones 1910J. (32¢) GARAG 8 GLID- den Ave.,.or phone M0G8F. (82¢) FOR RENT--NEW SIX ROOMED house, all conveniences. 82 Rox- borough Ave. Phono Sissi ' e) HOUSE TO RENT--BRICK, SIX rooms, modern. all conveniences. Apply Bradley Bros. Office 1, 29%; Simcoe St. South. (81) FOR RENT--LARGE FRONT bedroom, furnished, suitable for two gentlemen. Shower bath. Phong 24106, 512 Simcoe St. Nonk r 1 5 C TO LET---ONE UNFURNISHED flat, four or five vooms, sink, all conveniences, Elgin, near Simcos north, 'Bhone 82 Sor 468 Simcoe Stal: Ai ga (320) 3 RR USE NO. 116 nis St. Oshawa. Immediate pos: session. Apply to Conant & Annis, Barristers Oshawa, °° = (W-8 if) TO ly St: Phone 1365M. 5 £0..(38): LA Ww. by day or week, Phono 3344W. yo L33¢ Apply Dr. Rundle, 107] Room and Board ROOM Ot BOARD FOR GENTLE- men, bright room, every conveni- ence. Close to G.M.C. office, Phone 3179W, (32¢) Furniture Repairing FURNITURE RE UPHOLSTERED and repaired. No job too small or too large. George A. Lemee. Phone 1436M, (Jan, 7-1 mo) Contracting CONTRACTING -- CONCRETE plastering, electric or alterations. Phone 139 for estimates (13) Watch Repairing F. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchiaker, repair shop at 44% King Street. West. Your pat- ronaee is solicited Books ROBERTSHAW'S CIRCULATING {ibrary., You will enjoy reading the latest Fiction at minimum cost Phone 1472, 87 Simcoe St jon (T-F-2 | ACTUAL PARITY BEING APPROACHED London, Feb, 8.--~(By the Canadian Press)--The official return of Fleets of the seven principal naval powers of the world is issued by the First Lord of the Admiralty at a highly opportune time. The Return affords a basis for understanding of the strengths of the fleets which the five leading powers are now discussing in the naval conference. The Return shows Great Britain has 20 capital ships, including four battle-cruisers, while the United States has 18. Japan, with a ratio of three to five, has 10 capital ships, or slightly under her ratio. The Re- turn shows no capital ships are un der construction anywhere in the world exc-pt a vesse' for Russia and a 10,000 "battleship" for ' Germany. "The following lengths of lite are as- tle-cruisers, aircraft-carriers, and cruisers, 20 years; destroyers, 16 years; stbmarines, 12 years; other vessels, 20 years. | « HET i The total for each power must be considered ing to : ters as the sike of ships, a tal; for esample, are 24 ships of the fC" class, small lightly armed ves« sels of pre-War or early' War' de- ) F'signs, bailt: chiefly dor - North Sea 'sumed tor vessels :---Battleships, bat-|38¢7 ats paper Not to" mention the bride's wns, age, and 'other factors of: war- Tat ~Passing Show. worthiness. In the British cruiser to+| : work, and sometinies described. as "glorified destroyers." These have no contemporaries of similar design in other navies, On the other hanu, Ja~ pan has 23 cruisers of post-War de- signs, completed in the years 1920- 49, and ali of 33 knots designed speed, a rate of which only two® British cruisers, the Enterprise and Emecr- ald, are shown in the Return to be capable. The list of battleships of the Pow- ers is similar to that of last year, construction in that class having been suspended as a result of the Wash- ington 'Ireaty, except in the case of Germany, which is allowed to replace old battiesnips by pew, so long as they conform to sthcial limits, The ship now being buwit is the Ersatz- Preussen, of 10,000 tons, with Diesel engines of 54,00 horsepower and a designed speed of 20 knots. Her arm- amet will consist of six 11 mech guns, cight 5.9 inch guns, four three mich anti-aiicrait guas, and four torpedo tubes. ' No new cruisers have been begun ior the British Navy since the last Return was issued, but the United tates has begun 10, all of 10,000 tons; Frapce, one of 10000 tons, to be named the Dupleix; and Italy six, of which four are 10,000 tons, carry- ing eight 8 inch-guns, and two of 5,- WW tons, carrying eight 6 inch guns. No cruisers have been Jaid down for Japan. The United States cruiser to- tal in completed ships shows a big reduction owing to the passing of the list of certain classes of the old arm- oured and protected cruisers, com pleted between 1894 and 1906. For some years, the total was 36 ships; the removal of these obsolete ves- sels has brought it down to 14, of which 10 are post-War vessels of the Omaha class, of 7,050 tons, armed with 12 6 inch guns, The weakness of tH8 Royal Navy in torpedo craft has becn acceatuated during the past year, The total o. destroyers has declnied from 140 to 134, while that of the United States remains at 309, of which 61 are shown in the body of the Return as "listed for disposal;" that of Japan has increased from 101 to 106; and t of France from 54 to 58; the other Powers remaining about the same. There is a net gain of one in the British total of submarines, but it ig still less than half that of the Unifed States and 11 below that of Japan. A particularly large sul KINGSTON LOSES TWO. HISTORIC * BUILDINGS Macaulay Residence, 145 Years Old, and 138-Year- Old Tavern Demolished to Make Way for Modern Gasoline Stations (Written for The Canadian Press by G. H. Williamson) Kingston, Ont., Feb, 8--During 1929 Kingston, the first capital of Upper Canada in 1792 and capital of the United provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, 184]-1844, lost two of its oldest buildings, which were razed to make way for gasoline stations, They were situ- ated within a block of each other on the city's portion of the Tor- onto-Montreal highway close to where old Fort Frontenac was built in 1673. The o.dest of the landmarks was an old frame building at the cor- ner of Ontario and Princess streets, originally constructed on Carleton Island in the Upper St. Lawrence River. On this {sland Gen. Sir Richard Haldimand, then governor of Canada, had established a ship- yard and naval and military sta- tion early in the American Revolu- tionary War period, Robert Ma- cauly settled there and supplied the British commissariat and gar- rison with provisions. After the war, Carleton Island was ceded By the British to the Amartean Republic, and Mr. Ma- cauly transferred his business to Kingston where he became one of the original landowners. He had erected on Carleton Island in 1780 or thereabouts, a dwelling house, which structure he rafted over to Kingston--a distance of 25 miles ~and rebuilt at the corner of Princess and Ontario streets where he carried on business and resided for years. This is the relic of those war days which has now disappear- ed after standing for 145 years The other old Kingston build- ing which has disappeared in the two-storey etone building on the southwest corner of Queen and On- tario streets. On its front wall was a stone giving the date of the building's erection in 1792, the same year in which Sir John Sim- coe held the first Upper Canada Executive Council meeting in King- ston, This stone is being preserved, This old structure was a famous resort of the sailors and marines of the British naval yard at Poin! Frederick who spent their money freely, mostly for liquors. The old British dockyard, estab. lished at the time of the war of 1812-1814 between United States and Canada, is now the site of the Royal College of Canada. The old stone tavern saw Kingston estab lished as village, town, and city, and then had to give place to a station to supply gasoline to pro- pel motor cars that rush along the highway over which lumbering stage coaches passed more that a century ago. Few of us know from experience what it's lkie to go over Niagara in a barrel, but those who have gone over a detour in a rumble seat have a rough idea--Judge. "My wife used to play the pian a lot, but since the children came she doesn't have time." "Children are a comfort, they ?"--The Pathfinder. aren't If you see the world beating a well-worn track to anybody's door way back in the woods these days, it's a cinch it isn't mouse traps the fellow is making better than any- body else.-- Leesburg Commercial. W.A. HARE OPTOMETRIST 8 Bond Street East Hundreds of people wear with ntmost comfort Hare's Fanltless Lenses -- EP P------ | HARDWOOD FLOORS b LAID . Electric Sanded and Pinish- ed Complete W. J. TRICR CO., LTD. 25 Albert Street Phon | Tailor-made Suits... $25.00 | Scotland Woollen Mills | | 8S. ROTISH, Manager TE TER . Oshawa Burial Co. successor to Disney-Cott AMBULANCE 87 Celina St. Phone 1082 LUMBE F. L. BEECROFT Whitby Lumber and Wood Yard P'hone Oshawa 324 'Whitby 12 oe TRE Expert Watch Repairig BURNS JEWELRY STORE King & [('rince Sts. ine programme is being executed by France, Very little information is given in the Return concerning the particu- lars of new ships. In the flotilla lead- er class, however, it is shown that H.M.S. = Keith, laid down in -1929, will be smaller and more armed than the Codrington of the previous year, This displacement is reduced from 1,520 to 1,330 tons, the horsepower from 39,000 to 34,00, and the armament from five to three 4.7 inch guns. This move has an interest connection with a possible agree- ment at the London Conference to reduce the size of ships, Similarly, in the list of submarines, it is shown that of tite six authorized in the Brit- tish programme for beginning in 1930 (work on which is at present. sus- pended), two will be large vessels of 1,760 tong and four :small ones of 040 tons. Some very large submar- ines, are being built by the United States, Japan and France, but ac- cording to the revised particulars in this 'Return, the French submarine- cruiser Surcrouf will not be as heavy as was formerly indicated. Her dis- placement of 2,880 tons is not much more than the 2760 ton§ of the United States V.5 and V 6, which carry two 6 inch guns each and six torpedo tubes. he Naval forces of the Soviet lightly | g EYESIGHT SPECIALIST lusively in muscle Radios Repaired All Makes The Ontario Motor Scles ~IMITED 90 Simcoe St. 8. Phone 900 MONEY * LOANED ¢ Cars Refinanced All Dealings Confidential MOTOR LOANS AND DIS COUNTS LTD. Pelt Block Room 6 Phone 2790 extreme. Union continue to appear in the Re- turn, though there seems to be much doubt concerning some of them, and it would evidently have been more (useful to have inserted details of the | post-War fleet of Spain, in . which there has been a distinct revival dur- ing recent years. THEY "FIXED" IT f Motorist: I wish I knew what was wrong with my car. Friend: Why not take it to a gar- e : Motorist: I've just brought it from one~Answers. "The wedding reception beggared description," says a report in a local "Literary people 'varely commit crimes," says u writer. He evidently doesn't read many modern novels,-- Passing Show (Londo), Is there any basis of fact in the common exp! get that good old-fashioned Pine anymore" ? IA There is no basis of fact. True we do not see, these days, in ordinary buildings, the clear pine which was put into them fifty and sixty years ago, for the simple 'reason that those old buildings, in using that class of wood, were wasteful in the There is plenty of that "old-fashioned Pine" these days, but it is Seuging large amount of wealth to the being used in Industry, rather than in Datlaing, where inferior woods will do. Our forefathers had such an abundance of good lumber right at hand with no exterior market to use it up, that th naturally picked the best for their wo whether, under economically suited that work or not. Question for Tomomow -- . Where do the boards without any from---the knots in come the heart of a log? Oshawa COMPANY LIMITED 25 Ritson Road North "You can't a - untry standards, present day outside or ber Telephone 2821--2820

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