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Oshawa Daily Times, 10 Feb 1930, p. 8

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Abe Fon MARIN re i ee ae AGE BiG 4 ' . Bh msi vids [SRT To brane a ratsd ay & Mtl rn al bmn bon hing, yr TO PROSECUTE THOSE NAMED IN REPORT ON AB. No Atrests, However, Have Cyrus S. Eaton Heads An- Been Ordered by Department Ottawa, Feb. 10---Prosecution of all perzons named in Gordon Wal- was dron's report on the A.B.C. ordered oa Friday by Hon. Luclen Cannon, golicitor-generai, , but so far no arrests have been directed. Col. Cortlandt Starnes, commis. sioner of Royal Canadian stated that he haa ructions as to Action on the Solictor-General's decision, it. is believed, will awuun return of Hon. Ernest Lapointe, Minister of Justice. Mr. Lapointe is absent on a visit to Quebec and is ovrected back Monday. Mr. Cannon signed the prosecu- tion order and directed It to the Department of Justide. 'After having the evidence," said the Solicitor-General, "I have reached the conclusion that prose entions should be commenced ag- ainst those named in the port."' all "Children can be taught that the conquest of knowledge and the establishment of world peace ar finer ends than pulling down and 'tearing vp for the pu- pose of hoi -H. G Wells, PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S We 8, -- Deliver 10 Simcoe St. SARGON We are scle authorized agents ! Sargon in OSHAWA KARN'S DRUG STORE Next Post Office, Phone 378. Final Clearance of Men's and Boys' Overcoats DOMINION CLOTHING 68 KING ST. W. Elhone 2141 We Deliver CO. Machinery Repairing NOTHING TOO LARGE NOTHING TOO SMALL Adanac Machine Shop 161 King St, W, Phone 1214 Diamonds ! Bassett's On Oshawa' Mam Corner COAL COAL "hone 193 W. J. SARGANT Yard---89 Bloor "treet KB. Orders 'romptly Delivered a. § We have several desirable Liouses for rent. CUTLER & PRESTON ar- | 1 t | il FORMER CANADIAN CONTROLS RUBBER COHPANY IN US. other Large Financial Deal Cleveland, Feb, 10--Cyrus 8. Ea- ton, former Nova Scotian and Ohio's newest wizard of finance, has dipped his hands into another of the country's groatest industries and with his associates in Otis and Company, took control of the Good- year Tire and Rubber Company. Less than a month ago he announe- ed a $350,000,000 steel merger, forming the third - largest steel group in the United States, Now, Wall Street is asking. "What is Eaton's next move?" Re- ports said an important merger in the rubber Industry was under cone sideration, but they were uncon- firmed. WILLIAM FOX SUED fessor Davis BERNARD SHAW AND HIS PUBLIC Lecture by Prof. Davis at Extension Class It is seldom that a character of world-wide renown, such as Ber- nard Shaw is known to be, has his personality and works analytically displayed in so Interesting a man- ner as was accomplished by Pro- ence, under the auspices of the I'ni- versity Extension Class last even- ing,' In one of the parlors of Sim- turer made Irishman, Ow referred to and "Back before a select audi- ticipate in if, whose to named of these. coe Street United Church. The lec- it apparent whether one finds oneself in accord with" the view<point of Bernard Shaw or not he still stands as a challenger to the thoughtful world of these modern times, cannot afford to ignore the great presentation of the humanities in all his writings rerves to commend him to the at- i tention, of readers in every civil- {ized country of the lecturer in dealing with "Man and Superman" Methuselah" among the greater of hig works. and gave extracts from the first: The evening thus provided by Professor Davis pro- mises to be long remembered hy those who were permitted to par- world. The lecture neXt Thursday even- ing will be given by Professor A. BW. Young of Trinity College, Tor- onto, on Vietor Hugo. that ADVENTURING MEN LEARN INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT TRIBESMEN and one Not only do the Fuzzy-Wuzzys of northeastern Africa regard the coveting of their wives by mneigh- bors ag a sin but they also object to the mere act of their wives rcing looked upon by otherg, ' A great deal of the tribal war- fare of these brave original fnhab- tants of the Ned Sea Hills iz caused by disputes over women, according to Ernest B. Schoedsack and Merian C. Cooper, who spent The his plays as | An effort to make : photographs of Fuzzy home life for | GIVES UP LEADERSHIP | 4 . ' wot filming location scenes tor | Brook, William Powell, Noal [tongue to abandon their tribal gor. "The Four Feathers." Beery, Theodor von Eiltz, George |ernment and follow in the path of p C 0 Fuzzy | Faweett, E. J. Ratcliffe, Noble|the new age. rad scenes | Johnson and others, { The chieftains aoccepted, automa. of this thrilling adventure story, | "The Four Yeathers ofens at | tically putting an end to friction adapted from A. E. W. Mason's the Regent Theatre for a three | which has existed for years between famous novel, the directors never |day run today, {the Indians and representatives of ' § -- . | the Federal government and permit aight more than a glimpse of| {ting the authorities to establish thelr wives and families. ,| TRIBAL CHIEF hools for instruction in Spanish some smal and modern wayg of living. . | This was followed by the abolition his own personal use by Schoed- Mexico City, Feb. 10.--Francisee | of the whip as punishment for law sack brought grinning but firm re-| May, chief ot ali tie Indian tribes! infractions, it having been gustomary fusals on the part of the black | in the territory of Quintana Roo,|in the past to administer 25 lashes warriors, f has renounced his leadership of Gen- { for minor infractions and up to 100 "The women keep themselves | eral Jose Suirob, governor and mili- | for more serious offenses. completely covered, egpeclally When | tary commandant of the territory,| May, who speaks no Spanish, left strangers are about," Schoedsack | thus giving over to the keeping of | Quintana Roo for the first time a sald, | modern civilization one of the most! rcw months ago and was brought to Included among the noted film | primitive peoples in Mexico. { Mexico City in an airplane to be ro. players who poriray Important May announced his withdrawal at| ceived by President Portes Gil. Ho roles in "The Four Feathers' are|a meeting of chieftains, urging the | returned home deeply impressed by over a year In that part of the | Richard Arlen, Fay Wray, Clive Indians in their native Mayan| the wonders of civilization, ELLA CINDERS--The Sea Scout FOR $1,600,000 | Two Actions Entered | | Against President of Film | { Corporation | L New York, + Feb, 10,--William | , Fox, president of {he Fox Wim Cor- | | poration, was revealed on Friday {as the defendant in two damage {suits for breach of contract in | which the plaintiffs ask a total of $1,600,000. Both actions ara in | the Supreme Court, | Mr. Fox is the sole defendant in one suit in which the Sentry Safety Control Corporation of Philadel- phia claims $1,300,000. He is named jointly with hls associate, } John Vandt, in the second suit, {which has been brought hy Joseph | E. Cohen, head of the Philadelphia perm 1 ~~] AA00IW rery gf s$. Pre OF Copyright, 1680, ay by Mersieliua Newspaper Barvics TTT IIL LL LL LAL By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb We Have CONTROL OF ALL TH . FOOD ON THE SHIP WHICH 1S HALF THE BATTLE! THE NEXT THING IS TO a Nou can TELLING TOMMY corporation. | tb be eed i TIME TABLES Bn a EA I I Be aol a od C. P. R. TIME TAELE Effective Sept. 29. 1929, (Standard Time) Geing West Daily (Except Sunday). Daily Dauy (Excest Sune.y) Dail Daily (Except Sunday). Going East 10,05 a.m. Daily 2.04 p.m. Daily (Except Sunday). B.03 p.m Daily (Excemt Sunday), 11.10 po Daily (Except Saturdav), 12.05 a.m, Daily CANADIAN NATIGNAL RAILWAYS otf x, Wn | 5.45 am. 6.28 a. 8.40 a.m. 4.55 pou 7.34 p.m. 1.17 pu, Daily excery Sundav. 2 poi, Daily, except, Sundav, 7 p.m. Daily except Sunday, 9.42 poms Daily 11.3 pm. Daily, except Saturday. 13.07 a.m. Daily, 18.25 vam Dany, 5 : except Sunday, .20 a.m. Daily, 3 ant, Daily nm. Daily oan. Daily, except OS escent Su Sundar. Sunday, Whitby. Oshawa. Bowmanville BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE (Effective on snd after Sept, 29, Gor est 1929) Arrive Hospita 10.50 a.m 12.45 pm ---- &5 a . B BE: Pepe? £3; aft i ne SEBBE = = F v 3 F 4.35 pum 6.4} p.m CUraknisS QWETELEEBE Pesspcopp ona ten Tepe 23378 3pag 2BLsps Nei} 2gaz poi Pe Sd dhe 4 O00 Ne An tan BasiksB Pome N 10.55 p.m 8 ® 8 lca Estate Insurance Telephone 572221 Night calls G10-- 15060 G4 King St. West 1.00pm |! | WhitLy Hospital Arrive 1.2 a.m 8% am 1.20 a.m $5 a.m Nor un-=3 Baisuc88 SPCR UPI Pease been) BE333F gREARZ ~ ~ ie SEEKRS [3 nm o.m oul ol ° Di BEES ouRBE PYPPETHPPES 383333688 o om m 9.40 p.m 10.45 p.m 12.00 busses nh SUNDAY AMD HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Going West =f a [Pict Su Sain - 8 : a [4 ® 2 lime marked For Sale:~In North end of City, close to Separate School, lovely 6-room brick home, large rooms, hardwood floors, 3.piecs bath, het air furnace, wired for electric stove, built in cupboards, etc., garage, substantial payment will take this real home, DISNEY REALTY EXCHANGE Phone 1450 REPAIRING WATCHES OUR SPECIALTY If your watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct tine D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Osh. « awa Railroads 10 King St. W. Phone 180 Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweler | Established N8G 55g ; z EDWARD GIBBON THE ENGLISH HISTORIAN WROTE ONE OF THE GREATEST HISTORIES | Wel EVER WRITTEN, TOMMY. IT 4 1§ YAS THE HISTORY OF THE DECLINE AND @ FALL OF THE ROMAN FMPIRE © HRITING SETTLING GIBBONS HOME AT LAUSANNE, SW/TZERIAND {30v/ARD GIBBON WAS BORN AT PUTHEY IN 1737. RE BEGAN HIS HISTORY AFTER IN A HOUSE IH LOM 00H ABOUT 1772, THE LATTER PART OF THE WORK IAS COMPOSED Pare "MUSE IM ROME YOU 00 AS THE ROMANS 00 AND THEY WERE HOT VRITING HISTORY} Sora 1 HONDER WHY GIBBON DIDN'T 40 70 ROME 10 WRITE HIS HISTORY, BETTY © igh WP IN A FINE HOUSE AY LAUSAMHE 4 SWITZERLAND THE WHOLE HORK: REQUIRED ABOUT 15 YEARS, HE SAYS 111 HIS AUTOBIOGRAPHY, IT Y1AS OH THE DAY OR RATHER MIGHT, OF JUNE 27,1787, BE TWEEN THE HOURS OF 11 AHD 12, THAT 1 WROTE THE LAST LINES OF THE LAST PAGE It MY SUMMER HOUSE IM THE GARDEN. GIBBON DIED IN 1794. © 1999, King Voaturrs Greet Britair erves) Syndewate, |r ht BRINGING UP FATHER | | 1 JUYT BOLGHT DOME PROPERTY 1 WITHOUT SEEING IT FROM MR: NEWRICH HES A SOOIAL LEADER: HE ©AD IT WAS IN THE MOST / feo EXCLUSIVE PART OF TOWN | WANT Yo) TO GO AND LOOK AT IT: Wy . ti JE ( SURE! Za) x © { Py HE EVIDENTLY DIONT TELL HER ABOUT THE | | ROADS NOTHIN TO REMIND HIM OF A ROAD | ( E's RIGHT: IT) CERTAINLY 1D | EXCLUSIVE - : PZ SEE --smad, | ES CROW TF TY fn CG | © 1030, Int") Feature Service, Inc.. Great Rritain rights reserved. 2 ~/0 po - DOLLY DIMPLES AND BOBBY BOUNCE -- Dolly, BoeBy AND COMEY GoT SAFELY AWAY FROM THE ISLAND, BUT THE CGRE PUT ON His MAGIC BOOTS AND |ONE STRIDE, HE WENT SEVEN "HOW CAN OUR. RETS ESCAPE A RUNNER. P IN ; LEAGUES] SUCH --By Grace G. Drayton 1 3 } King Featwab Spndicata, 100, Crest Britain sights ressrned THEY HAD DISMOUNTED FROM THE CAMEL AND WERE RESTING ==:-"* ---WHEN COMFY SPIED THE OGRE VGIVE ME THE MAGIC WAND-' HE SAID - "Quickly! QuIcKLyY IN THE DISTANCE ~ Eo aniS SEE SS = w JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLORY J. W. Worrall, Oph. D. Eyesight Specinlist Phone 8215 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH TILLIE THE TOILER--Following the Doctor's Orders By Russ Westover a OH, HELLO, MR. CrAMER MR. WHIPPLE HASN'T DEC TO TAKE OUT (INSURANCE >You BAY HE DIDN'T PARS WHAT'S THE MATTER \MI\T Low BLOOD PRESSURE 7 PERELL HIM Ta DOCTOR'S EXAMINATION YET WHAT - WHY DED YET. THE H WMT TARE EXERCISE 7 [2 7), © i 1 --, @ 1920, Xing Peatures Byndicate, Tne, Great Britain rights reserv HERE'S A LIST OF PROSPECTIVE] CLIENTS, MR, WHIRRLE ~ | WANT YOU TO dO AND SEE 3 PERSONALLY el 1 ARE You CRAZY TILLIE?Z "THOSE ' CON BE TAKEN WE SOTH NEED EXERCISE MISS ELLOS - LET'S Go To ' A PLACE WHERE "WE CAN HAVE LUNCH AND oV NEED THE EXERCISE AND BESIDES WE'LL BE a ug \N Ee

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