. THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY. 13, 1930 a oe | Would not be Without | (JU Sai oe Wnt IIE] DAY FOR , DEAD sons born to the former Constance TORONTO TWIN, HEIR TO her (Rate BARONETC Z At Any Cost Mr. A. O! Norton, the millionaire |' ufacturer, of Boston, who re.' terlocked with the thus far unsolv Fenty died. ' great sen was a " Zatoy Tablets, He suffered from headaches from child. aood and when he found Zutoo Tablets! ity these headaches in a few minutes wud left no bad effect, he began recom- aending them to his family and friends. {n an unsolicited letter, Mr, Ni says n closing : Y family use them when ever needed with equally good results, I have fre. quently given them to friends who were suffering from Headache and they never 'ailed to give quick relief. 1always carry Lutoo Tablets in my grip on the road md WOULD NOT BE WITHOUT CHEM AT ANY COST." t5 cents per box---at all dealers, vide air communication with Church- ill on Hudson's Bay. He stated it was hoped to have complete trans- Canada "air services in operation be- fore the end of the year. Hon. Mr, Montagu agreed with Commander Burncy that that $2- 500,000 devoted to givil aviation out of a total defense appropriation of $600,000,000 was most meagre. The nation must face the { French NAVAL CONFERENCE Continued from Page 1) One of the premier"s first move fed Franco-Italian navy parity con troversies. was to call on United States Sec retary of State Stimson at the Um ited States headquarters, where i was understood there' was a con sultation regarding France's pro yosed figures. Later Secretar; timson saw Robert L. Cragie of the British foreigh office and thi afternoon, the United States secre tary of state, Premier Tardieu and Prime Minister MacDonald plan. »d to meet at the house of com: ions, Causing Concern There was frankly a certain am- ount of concern over what the figures will bring orth | It seemed inevitable that er would be conflict between Premie: Tardieu and Italy's young forefg: minister, Grindo Grandi, who speaks for Premier Mussolini, Tar dieu end Grandi must settle Italy's demands for absolute naval parity with France, a demand which France thus far has adamantly re fused to concede, Baby Max, son of Mrs. Rudolph Muspratt, South Dr., Toronto., and heir to the baronetey of Sir Max Muspratt, died today in the Hos pital for Sick Children, where he had been ill from a blood disease. Max's twin brother, Rudolph, pre- deceased him on Saturday, Jan. 25. Rudolph was the elder of the twin | Lioya Davies, shortly after the death of her husband, Rudolph Muspratt. The name of Muspratt is one whic his much honored in 'Liverpool, and in the realms of big business in England. The pho- tograph here shows Max, RIGHT, and Rudolph, LEFT. necessity ol The Associated Press as in- formed today on the higfiest ah thority that no progress had been made in bringing France and Italy close together in solving this par- ity question. The hope was ex- pressed that a compromise would be achieved ultimately, but what some. method of subsidizing civil a- viation, he said. But he stressed it would not be done at the expense of educational and social services, so long as the labor governnient was in power, though Commander Burney had described the expenditure on these accounts as wastetul, HON. J.L. RALSTON TELLS - | EMPIRE SOCIETY OF PLAN FOR RECEPTION OF R-100 Col. Ralston spoke after command- 2 x Ion} Ly -- - | Great Mooring Mast at cr Burney, airship expert, and Montreal is Ready for Ar. F. Monta: cussed tue Cos S Y ! government towards development of pring imperial air communications. LOOKING FORWARD TO fire the imagination of the Canadian yocople as the arrival of the giant| TRIP WITH INTEREST air vessel, to which the Dominion| ; | est interest, said Col. Ralston. He London, Feb. 13.--A greaf r promised all the resources of the mast (1s ready and waiting at the Canadian department of defense near PERL] for the arrival of the giant R-100] ney's disposal so that the best pos- next spring; Col. the Hon, J. L. Ral-| sible showing would be made on the ston, Canadian' jninister of natienal| trip. rival 'of Airship in thei 2 the British government, had dis- Nothing would so stimulate and was looking forward with the great- St. "Hubert airport, | would be placed at Commander Bur- defense, said during a discussion of The Canadian minister also outlin- BELIEVE GENERAL 13 SOVIET VICTIM White Russians Send Message to Premier Tardieu Paris, Feb. 13.--White Russians in France today formally ealled tc "remier Tardieu's attention disappearance of General been seen since he left nearly a month ago to walk to the nearby Russian officers' club, Today his friends and Russians addressed a letter to the French government head, the general staff of the Russian Army during the late war, in which General Koutiepoff "victim of Bolshevist terrorism." March, it is predicted will be much the same as usual--as if March ever in Paris the Alexan- der Pauk Koutiepoff, who has not his home fellow- signea by General De Goulevitch, chief of was called a line it would follow did not appear clear, One prominent delegate ex- pressed the firm conviction that some solution would be found but he admitted no concrete proposals had been made. | Mediterranean Pact | France wants a bigger navy than Italy and the: latter wants the vight to have parity if she sees fit to build her fleet up to that ex- tent. There has been talk of try- |ing to reach a solution through some sort of Mediterranean pact, | but authoritative Italian circles de- {clare that such a pact would not alter the parity claim although It aly would be willing to discuss it. In conference circles there has been no attempt to minimize the important effect a Franco-Italian disagreement would have on the outcome of the naval conferenc: and it is understood that both the United States and Great Britain are devoting much energy quietly Ito efforts to bring about a solu. tion. Japan Favors Holiday | London, Feb. 13.--The Japanese | delegation in a statement given out | this afternoon declared that Japan was ready to accept a holiday in bat- tleship construction until 1936, to re fl I py I» FLAVOR YOUR own sense of taste quickly tells you that AYLMER Soups do excel in Flavor. This is due to the finer natural flavor of Canadian-grown Vege- tables. § AYLMER Soups are healthful, convenient, inexpensive. A Canadian production from the field to the can, AYLMER Soups bring you finer flavor at "less cost. mperial communications before the| ed the steps taken to open Ca tars Royal Empire Society' last night. great northland by air, and to pro- could be described as "usual."--Bor- | duce tonnage of battleships to" 25,000 der Cities Star, | tons and to reduce the maximum cal- - REAL VALUES in higher quality foods can, we believe, be best ascertained by daily shopping at Arnolds Markets. These Special Items for In 1-lb Car. tons or 3-1b. Pails Blade Roast SMEALED FINE CREAMERY Rump Roast - Round Shoulder Round Roast - { was traced in part to the apprecia- | splendid results in further develop- ibre of guns to 14 inches, Japan is convinced, the statement | said, that because of the geographi- | eal location of her country the sub- [marine is necessary as a means of defense, At the same time Japan will co-operate with the other powers in | strictly regulating the employment oi | | submarines against merchant maria. | | | | STANDARD MINING EXCHANGE Toronto, Feb, 13.--The dividend payers and gold stocks brightenell appreciably in this morning's trad- ing o nthe Standazd Mining Ex- change, although trading was of | light propostions. Mining Corpora- | tion proved the bright sport of the | session, replacing Vipond and Kirk- | land Lake which held the spotlight earlier in the .week, Mining Corp. For More Healthful Tomato Vegetable Green Pea Celery Asparagus Ox-Tail Consomme Chicken with Rice 1x advanced 40 to 3.56 on steady buy- err Finer Canadian #lavor ing. The sudden flurry in the issue tion of its varied stock holdings in the last few days. Hudson Bay for one has advanc- ay Marke 8 --t rket Prices p---- me m-- 1 id | Stock jl | Amer. {| Am,-Fr, | Anaconda Can dian Press ed over $2 in the past two weeks, with another gain of 85 points to- day to $14.45, Mining Cory 'holds . 150,000 shares of Hudson Bay, In Biggar and Crawford, addition 'its properties are yielding ; ---- - CHICAGO GRAIN 13 Wheat ments. The 'annual report is ex- pected to'show the 'company in a much improved financial position over 1928. Nickel dropped a small fraction to 38.90, while Noranda advanced 20 cents to 43.00, Lake Shore re- covered part of its recent loss to Chicago, Feb. scored | after 'an irregular start, Absence of selling pressure was an outstanding feature, together with comment that whatever the outcome of farm board FINEST Cottage Brand fup 10 to 4.00, Amulet up 4, Teck Back Bacon Sliced 1b. 42c | | Hughes unchanged at 6.50. emergency measures might be the immediate. effect should be bullish. Opening at 5-8 off to 1-4 up, Chi- cago wheat futures deliveries sagged a little more, and then rose all a- round to well above Tuesday's finish. | sell at 23.00, up 76 points. Hollin- ger sold up 15 to 5.90, Base Metals Kirkland Lake was under profit- taking and sold five points lower at y by C Toronto and New York Stock Quotations Supplied by material gains in price early today | ged, Boiled Ham Sliced Ib, 49 86 at one e'cloek., Vipond was up 1 to 98 op light demand. Towa- gamac jumped 11 to 1.36, a few Carnation Brand | 2 1s-85¢ | 2 ws. §3¢ 0500-0 Macaroni Loaf Sliced ib. 29 : points under. its year's high. Wright-Hargreaves responded to a favorable annual report by advane- ing 4 to 1.95. The report shows ore reserves to have increased 300 MONAR cn 24 1b. Beg si.19 5 '71b.Bag.... 35¢ '5 ROSES 24 Ib. Bag .. $1.23 TOMATOES Guaties, vd Pine 25¢ Miiiionaire Sardines 2 vin: 27¢ Rolled Outs, Bulk 4 v= 19e Fresh Atlantic Codfish . ... Ib. 1c | Every Choice Hallowi 'Choice B.C. Salmon, .",... 1b. 1 Beckwith Figs Sunreme Smoked Fillets. .. .Ib. 22¢ Atlantic Herring or Mackerel. 1b 12¢ Owvsters Superior Northern Quality jar 35¢ », Kipppers cdiphane wrappenr 4 Fish 22¢ | 'CAL. CARROTS, 2 Bunches . SPANISH ONIONS, 5 Ibs. .............23¢ ORANGES; choice ......doz 29c POTATOES, Meck ..vivviicimiiinniinnnnd3e LEMONS, dozen .......csecriessnnisinnsmnidle SRAPEFRUIT ......o........ «3 for 29¢ TAPES dozen................ «iis... 290 [] RI Aylmer Fancy tee see Calay Soa Loin Roast | Mealed Cottage Lamb' ib. 27¢ | 1b. 2c | | Day Va lues ! : plans of reorganization, : Arnold's Baking Bassett's Licorice Allsorts .... lb, Vitone Chocolate, Malt and Milk, Sockeye Salmon (halves) ....tin Arnold's Pure Bulk Cocoa .... Ib. Choice Seedless Raisins, bulk, 2 Ibs. 25¢ Maraschino Cherries, 3-0z. bottle 14¢ Country Club Chocolates, 3-1b. Ivory Soap Flakes ~ . . ee oe. pkg. 9¢ Palm Olive Soap ..... ) @R Arnold's All Canadian Markets [I TB per cent in the last year while net profits at $471,935, a sound im- Hal | provement over 1928. ' Creditors to Meet Toronto---Creditors of the de- funct brokerage house of Stoble- Porlong and Company, will. meet March 3, to hear the company's af- fairs, and it is believed to discuss owder .. 16-0z. 23¢ Dates "av se '2-1bs. 25¢ vena simu snnness jor 38c 29¢ 'en Past 40 Should Read This! * i It is-claimed that 7 out of 10° men near bject to Bladder c! may mean i .annoyance, First signs of tion ' may come in early life, but they are usually more noticeable after 40-pamns in back, head. aches, nervousness, a feeling of weight in groins, itching, burning, painful urination, too frequent calls and getting-up nights, While serious, #f neglected--it is ordinar- ily a simple matter to relieve these troubles by the pleasant home use of Dr, South. worth's URATABS, which have been vic. torious in thousands of cages, alter other treatments had failed. No matter how serious' or of how long standing your condition ma , you can quickly prove the value of URATARBS with. out risk of cost--for any good druggist will supply Jou oh an absolute. guarantee of satisfaction or money "back. If "URATADBS" bring. you quick and certain comfort, : you will greatly pleased, If they do not fully Satisfy, their use will cost you nothing, Try URATABS today! 54¢ 15¢ 25¢ 19¢ years of suff SRT NG Crosby Corn.. 2's, seve +. 99¢ seh seses o's 3 for 23¢ * Corn, oats and provisions were casy, with corn starting unchanged to 1-2 ae initial figures, : TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE Toronto, Feb, 13.--~Favorable trade news from some of the basic indus- trics and continued strength in wheat prices yesterday railed to improve the tone of trading on the Toronto Stock Exchange' in the first three hours of today's session. The trend was stag- nant, price ranges very narrow and mostly in. lower direction. B.A. Oil opened soft and was car- ried downward on fairly heavy liq- uidation by holders who are switeh- ing to the new debenture issue which will' retur them a higher yield than the common stock yet will enable them 'to re-convert into common shates at a favorable price within three years, Noon prices on the old stock were 42 1-4, off 1 3-4, and on the split 'shares; 21 off 7-8. Interna- tional: Petroleum and Imperial held unchanged on very ' light «trading, while MeColliadvanced 1-2 to 26. De Forest failed to respond ap+ preciably to the over-night announs cement of earnings last year of $2 a share. Midday: ptices were «at 12 1:2 up 132, at which level the: stock yields over 6 'per cent. on its. new dividend basis 'of 80 cents per 'share. The stock is suffering from the gen- eral depression in radio industry brought on by the dull outlook for continued high production this year, which with the motor. industry, must 'pass through a period of marked re- adjustmerit. Brazilian. Traction sold down free- ly to 37. off 3-8 with no apparent strength developing at thislevel, Bell down, 'and afterward keeping near to | Telephone continued its climb, up i]| Can. Pac. | Chyrsler Alger Building, Ushaw, | Col. A ' D 1-2 to 159. C.P.R, ew. was off 1-4 to} Boron ail 55 1-2. Cockshutt Plow held unchan- | Gn. Fds, .. Massey Harris sagged 1-4 to Gen. Mot. 38 1-2, Both' companies have large Hud. Mot. sums tied up in inventories and bills | Int. Com, receivable, which for the time at least | Int. Tele. are regarded by speculators as "fro- | Ins. Man. NEW YORK High 144 Pr 98 T. | Balt & Ohio. 118 217 49 4! Cs. Gs. N.Y. 115 Gra, ,. 20 62 o4 14 on Low 41 | Lse. Wis. 76 Mex. Sbrd. Mt. Ward { Phil, : Pet. | Ph. Sr. NJ. Radio Simmons . { Sin, Oil .. St. Oil N.J. Utd. Air. U.S. Steel { Woolworth Yel. Truck | War, Bros. { Bnedix 40038 391%, | Am, Intl' 43 42 { Money rate 4 per cent. Close 20 60% 59% 20 591g 401, 421% zen" assets, Noranda advanced a small fraction to 43, Nickel off 1-8 | to 38 5-8. Canada Gypsum was in accumulation but did not make much | headway advancing 1-4 to 25 ]-2. English interests are reported as buy- ing into the 'company in an effort to secure stock control an thesmarket. TORONTO High Low 42 31 Stock Br. A. Oil 4! Braz, : .. Can. 1st Cockshutt Cty. Dry. Dis, Sgrm, Dm, Btrs, Gypsum Int, Util Int. NkI, Int, Pet. Ind. Alech. imp. Oil Lob, "A" 14 Ms. Hr. 38 Mc. Frt. 26 Mt. Pwr, 139 Pg. Hr, 99 Shaw. 86 S. Station 47 standard 116 1 100 168 EN ISLS td Ex r -B- R Re - -- ~1eDCI LS C3 = 1S POLI ITD Abana Ajax... Amulet MEN'S SUITS $1250 SIZES 34-44 5 600 775 520 580 Big Mis. Ch. Res. De. Mns., Falcon, Holl. Thursday - Friday - Saturday Hy, Gold 98 He. Oil 985 Hd. Bay 1466 Kt. Fir, 4% Lk. Sh. 2245 Nrnda. 43256 Sh, Gr. 204 Sd. Bs. 415 Tk. Hg. 645 Ventures Wr, Hr. .KINLOCH'S PHONE 130 6 KING ST. E. Wainwell