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Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Feb 1930, p. 12

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© pend 7 F elt Bros. 1 The PACE TWFLVE THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1930 MONTREAL CITY COUNCIL APPROVES TERMINAL PLANS Favorable Vote Ends Stormy Debate on the Question Montreal, ¥eb, 14.--The .plans ler the Canadian National Rall- ways Terminals, held up for months by the City Council, were finally approved by the aldermen at yesterday's meeting by a vote of 21 to 9. The deciding vote was reached after one of the stormiest and longest debates in the history of the Council, five hours being taken up with the question. The opposition came from Mayor Houde, Alderman ray and several others and protests were founded on the building of elevated lines Instead of underground. The Council. when it reached this item on the order paper, re- ceived the following motion whieh was the subject of the debate: $50,000,000 Authorized "Whereas the Act passed at the last session of the Dominion Par- liament, allows the Canadian Na- tional Railways Company to spend a sum not exceeding $50,000,000 for the improvement of its term- jnus in the City of Montreal; "Whereas the first part of the| Railways, the plans ed of representatives of the rail- way companies, the Harbor Board, | the Tramways Commission, the] Tramways Company and the City of Montreal, as well as of the Civic Improvement League and the Me- tropelitan Planning Board of the City of Montreal, composed of a large number of civil engineers, | and these various bodies have come to the unanimous conclusion that | such plans were the only feasible | ones under the circumstances and | have approved of the same; | "Whereas the amount which the | above Act authorizes the Canadian | National Railways Company to ex- | is insufficient to permit of | the construction of undergrouna | tracks," as suggested in certain quarters. { "Whereas the Canadian National Railways Company has already | spent millions of dollars in antiei- | pation of the improvement of its | terminus in Montreal, in accord- ance with the plans prepared by its | cnginecrs; | "Whereas the members of this Council are, in principle, opposed to elevated tracks in the city and | would be highly pleased if level | _Croe3ings were done away with in the said city and underground tracks established, not only by the Canadian National Railways Com- pany, but by all other raflway com- panies operating in Montreal; "Whereas, furthermore, Council cannot either impose its | will. or burden the citizens and] ratepayers of the country with an expenditure of hundreds of mil- Hons; this Machinery Repairing NOTHING TOO LARGE NOTHING TOO SMALL Adanac Machine Shop 161 King St. W, Phone 1214 Diamonds ! Bassett's On Othawa's Mam Corner TCOAL COAL W. J. SARGANT Yard --8% Bloor 'treet EK. ti ders Promptly Deliverco For Sale:--In' North end of City, close to Separate School, lovely 6-room brick home, lire rcoms, hardwo floors, 3-plece bath, Lot air furnace, wired for electric stove, built in cupboards, etc., garage, substantial payment will tale this real homie. DISNEY REALTY EXCHANGE tf' Phone 1450 REPAIRING WATCEES OUR SPECIALTY It your watch is not giving satisfaction we can repay and make it tell the correct time > D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Ofticial Watch Inspector for Cahadian National and Osh. © awa Wailroads 10 King St. W. Phone 189 Leading J Jeweler Le 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Ha | 1.00 nm | Bownianville Oshawa B 1 | 10.00 p.m al | 10,00 am. "Whereas the leading associa- tions of this country, such as the Chambre de Commerce, the Board of Trade, the Canadian Manufac- turers' Association, the Trades and Labor Council, and several others have adopted resolutions protest- ing against the delay in approving the plans submitted by the Cana- dian National Railways Company and asking thata decision be reach- ed without delay in this connec- tion; Tae 'Board To Decide "Whereas. the. act passed at the last session of the Dominion Par- | liamient leaves the Board of Rall- way. Com s to d 'whe- they the plans should be approved or rejected, and the only thing the Council can do is to approve or de: cline to approve of the carrying out of the project bf the Canadian National Railways Company, the said board to deckde, in case such project should be rejected, whe- ther the same is to be carried out or not; "Whereas the expenditure of $50,000,000, which the proposed improvement involves is calculated to remedy, to a large extent, the present unemployment crisis, by provkling work not only for those who would be employed on the proposed works, but also for those employed in the plants where the ' equipment required for the exe- cution of said works would be manufactured; : "Moved by Alderman Trepanier, | seconded by Alderman DesRoches, that, for the reasons above set forth, the report of the Executive Committee, now before the Coun- {eil be adopted and that the proper | be again requested to] project of the Canadian National [require the railway companies to | whereof are |electrify, within the shortest pos-} now before the Council, has been (sible delay, all their lines within | submitted to a committee compos- |the city limits, and that means be | authorities to be close any of the affected by the not to taken streets plans." Our idea of zero i t of hand tricks own Telegram. by radio.-- is sleig Youngs PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe St. 8. -- We Deliver a a a ae TIME TABLES .} 3 PO an ar wa a or SE 3 C. P. R. TIME TABLE Effective Sept. 29, 1929, (Standard Time) Going West 5.45 a.m, Daily (Exceut Sunday). 1. Daily. i Laany (Excent mi. Daily. ww. Daily (Except Going East 10.65 a.m. Daily .04 p.m, Daily (Except Sunday). 8.03 Daily (Except Su 2 Sunawy) 3 3 6.2 & 4.35 ¢ 7.34 p. Sundays Effective Sept. 2, 1929 (Standard Time) Eastbound ily. except Sunday. nday only. Daily excert Sundav. . Daily, except Sundav, 1 Day excent Sunday. Daily . Daily, except Saturday Whitby, Oshawa. Bowmanville BUS LINE WEEK DAY SULHEDULE (Cifective on and after Sept. 29, 1320) t Leave Asrive 5.15 wm. 2.43 10.5 a.m 1245 p.m ho SaaS ELSE £ Somes 1155 p.m. East Arrive Oshswe Bowmanville 6Cem JAsm 7.50 ara, 8.2 min Leave Hespita) Sane Son » a> 11,00 am, LO pone. +35 p.m. KIS &LBYE gooppos 3233ER3E & v b 50 om. 9.05 p.m. , 10.10 p.m Lpm NILpm 11pm lime marked * are through Lith Hospital SUNDAY AMD HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Going West forive Whithy 7.45 a.m 12.15 p.m, 2.3 van. £% po. 5X pan 8.X p.m. 10.45 o.m. East Arrive Arrive Oshaws Bowmanville WV am Arrive ,. Hospita, IUILR KR ] 12.25 poms (eave Leave J % a0, 2.00 p.m, 2.15 pan. 415 pm 6.15 p.m, La 130 a.m 145 pan, 3.45 pan 5.45 p.m 7.45 pm 1.00 p.m 'wave 12.30 p.m. LU pw. . line markey Whitby Hosprtay Speciai Busses For AD Uccasions Reasonable Rates ano Careful Urivers 4 Proprietor Bowmanville Phone ¢17 » Us esawe Wailing Ros 18 Prince St Phone 2283 JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLOKY J. W. Worrall, Oph. D. Eyesight Specialist Phone 8215 éntertainment Hospita 4.35 pm | 6.45 p.m The hotographs here show James Sicurella (left) young Ital. fan boy, who died in a Hamilton hospital after a 42-day fight against injuries received from a bullet wound in his skull on New Xears' Eve, last, and Charles Sic- urella (right), father of the dead boy, who is now being held upon a charge of shooting him with in. tent to do grievous bodily harm. Crown officials intimate that this charge may be raised to a more FISH BUSINESS 10 USENEWMETHORS OF REFRIGERATION Canada's Cold Winter Cli- mate Insures Supply of Fresh Fish Toronto, Ont, Feb, 12--(By C.P.) --Wholesaling and retailing of fish in Toronto are undergoing a steady evolution as new methods of refrig- serious one. eration are developed, says a state- ment of the Biological Board spand inventions that have character- of Canada. Intense cold prevailing in some of the lake districts of Canada is also an effective natural refriger ant and a helpful factor in the mark- eting of Canadian fish, "There is zn increasing apprecia- tion, of the importance for this pro- duct of using the most perfect type of refrigeration, and new methods and new equipment are constantly being introduced, us these: become available through 'the new discoveries ized. this field in recent years," the statement asserts, "As a result the Toronto public is favored in having fish retailed to it in an attractive up- to-date fashion, which is in certain respects superior to what can be found elsewhere in the world. "The Canadian public has never properly appreciated the advantages it possessés by virtue of its good geographic position. Our Lady of the Snows, in spite of the attractiveness and popularity of winter sports, at times regrets the impression convey ed that hers 1s an icebound country. However, the intense cold that pre- vails in certain districts at this sca- son of the year, and to an exception- al degree this year, is an important factor in assuring the very finest quality of fish. Through the ice of the estuaries of northern New Bruns- wick the highly priced smelt, of which* Canada furnishes about three quarters of the world's supply, 1s taken from the icy-cold waters in wonderfully firm condition and freezes with great rapidity in the bit- tingly cold air; eo that nature fur- nished a very perfect refrigeration, which man in other regions and sca- | sons finds the greatest difficulty in equalling, "Similarly on our western lakes, that have a substantial coating ot ice for a very considerable, period, fishermen brave sub zero weather to procure quantities of whitefish, which, in the opinion of many, gives us a dish that is unequalled in attractive- ness and fod value. This fish should be considered distinctly our own, ness and food value. This fish should since Canada by virtue of possessing the greatest series of lakes in the world has a virtual monopoly of the supply, and at the same time can capture it under conditions that pro- vide very perfect and effective natur- al refrigeration." Most of the troubles of this world come to men who own more than one pair of pants,--Brandon Sun. ELLA CINDERS--A Plan of Battle { | 1 | | { By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb FHL ~ yp 0 | IR 1S FOR. THE CAPTAIN AND OFFICERS WHO IRONS! WELL Syd A FILE, HACK-SAW AND \ REVOLVER, TQ ™aM 1 N Ue \ We | { | TELLING TOMMY PG CHIEVOUS OLOGY HAVE THE OBSERVANCE OF FEBRUM BECOME ONE OF THE MOST AUSTERE SAINTS I THE CHRISTIAN CALENDAR AND THE MOST MiS- LITTLE GOD IN PAGAN MYTH- ALL TANGLED UP IN RY 1424 SON Si VALENTINES DAY 15 THOUGHT TO HAVE REPLACED THE FEAST OF LUPERCALIA OF PAGAT ROME. DURING THE CELEBRATION OF THIS FEAST TT WAS THE CUSTOM THAT 0 PAY. COURT FOR THE NEXT 12 MONTHS TO THE MAIDEN WHOSE NAME HE DREW. LATER THE CHURCH SUBSTITUTED THE NAMES OF SAINTS INSTEAD OF THOS THE LOVERS SAINT. AUTHOUGH HE GAY ™ SELECTED AS NAMES OF YOUNG NOMEN BE PLACED INA SACRED URN AHD DRAY/H OUT BY CHANCE BY ROMAH YOUTHS, EACH YOUTH WAS BOUND HIS MAME 10 THE DAY, CUPID 15 11S PRESIDING GEMIUS, King Poatures Syndicate, (aa Gres Brizam rights reseried Et OF WOMEN. ST. VALENTINE WAS IF CUPID IS TODAY, WHY DID HE MAKE 50 MAMY FELLOWSHA HUSBAND FROM SEND VALENTINES CAUSE SHE COULDNT PICK OUT A HAT OR 0S ONE SAMPLE! BRINGING UP FATHER ri HH || 1 IT SUMTD ME I'M | © BOTH | | { | | | | WELL: IF (MAGGIE INDIGTD ON) BUILDIN THE HOUSE HERSELF GLAD NOTTO ERWYTH IT: / / | © 1930 Intl Feature Service, Ine. Great Britain rights reserved FOR YOUL- DR J FROM "YOUR WIFE - ME TO LOOK AT THE PLANS OF THE HOULSE? JRE SIR, NO-JLDT PAY THE B\WLS~ fi \ i | DOLLY DIMPLES AND BOBBY BOUNCE = 7, "PLEASE, SAID THE STRANGE LITTLE | CREATURE =" THAT 1S MY FUR, CAN I HAVE ITP? THE BAD OGRE fook IT AWAY FROM ME " PAT YOUR 3 PAN IN AND KEEP STILL. WHILE X \ TILLIE THE TOILER--Locked Out S06 Dolly PUT THE FUR. BACK ON] THE POOR LITTLE ANIMAL<~ Rib S BEWF Dd en You Look ! Bons A + --By Grace G. Drayton ey "OM, THANK You, Dolby, BoBBY AND COME PR YNOowW, I. CAN AND THERE IT WAS, A CUTE, SCAMPERED LITTLE BABY LEC™*=D O BACK To My MAM THE LEOPARD SAID- AND \T GaAYLY AwAY- | | i | { | { By Russ Westovey ALMOST "TWO OC AND POOR. MAC OH, My GOSH! IE Gor TO RUN- ITS ? 1950, King Features Syndicata, Inc, Great Britain vights reserved. LOCK \S ! GOOD GRIEF! MAC'S GONE AND INE LOST My PURSE AND "THE TEA ROOM? WELL, DID You FIND A WOMAN'S PURSE ON ONE OF THE TABLES? Yes,

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