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Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Feb 1930, p. 8

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TEFEN. # |e Good as PAGE, EIGHT THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES,; MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1930 'W. LAMBERT'S RINK WINS McADIE TROPHY AT LOCAL BONSPIEL | Maple Leafs s Fade in Last Period and Bruins Score Four to Win 5-3 Champion Tur he Tile Just as It Looked as { Toronto, Feb. 17.--For seme 9 minutes on Saturday night the dual parts that mado up one of +the largest crowds that have 'witnessed a professional hoekey game in Toronto this season were of the opinion that they were pA be spoetators at an event that hds in staged only four times this in, twice in Chicago, once in Boston and once in New York, a Yictory' over the world's champion Boston Bruins by another club in the National League, but, the remaining 11 minutes of the fix- ture saw these surmises shattered beyond repair when tho Bruine frame through with four goals in about nine minutes to turn a 'scemingly 8-to-1.defeaf into a § ito-8 victory. Instead of. being an 'oustanding feature of the season the game turned out to be only another victory for the Bruins who have been shattering nearly every possible record in the way of victorious hockey. Not only did an apparent victory slip away from the Leafs, but the iwo points that they missed mad their task of getitng into tpi offs much harder, as they feft the jce four points behind the third- place Ottawa Senators, and wita Doth teams having played the same number of games. The game, which avas anticipated 'as perhaps the feature of the local season, and 80 attracted a larger crowd than almost any other home engage- ment of the Leafs this season, did mot provide the excitement antici- pated. There was none of the heavy bruising play that some expected, ! and while both teams showed some 'smart hockey on the attack the | actual scoring did not come from brilliant plays. Almost every tom that was scored the puck into the | opposing team's goal zone were in- i variably wrecked by the failure of a team-mate to take up a pass, a brilliant save by one or other of the goalies. some smart defensive work, or a poor bit of finish by the attacker when close "in. Locals Outshot Bruins One reason why the Leafs lost was that they were unable to make full use of their openings. Alto- gether they had 42 shots on goal, and were successful on only three, although they had at least half a dozen other chances to increase their total. The Bruins, on The other hand, made the most of | their opportunities; They had but 20 shots on goal and counted five times. In the third period only ning shots were directed at Chabot, hut failed to stop a couple of shots Today and Tuesday HELL'S HEROES with An All Star Cast | Come and sec Peter BD. | XKynes great story made into a picture that will give you a real kick Comedy "DON'T GET EXCITED" Colored Novelty Song of the Island Chapter The Ace of Scotland Yard | i ! - ' den i \apitoa Alerfain nin A Beautiful Love Story With Side Splitting Comedy Marion Davies in 'Marianne' All Talking and Singing Added Attractions "MICKEY MOUSE" Voice of Hollywood Sixth Annual Minstrel Show TWO HOURS OF LAUGHTER Snowball Blackhead Rastus Johnsing Our Famous End Men St. George's Parish Hall Feb. 26-27-28 Admission 35c that seemed easier to handle than some that he had turned aside ear- lier in the game, he was not sole. ly responsible" for the 'Bruins' scoring outbreak in. the third period. The attackers were allowed to amble down. without much in- terference by the remajnder of the Leafs, and with the exception 0. t's last goal the counters came from three-man attacks, the local custodian not being able to get set for a shot from any one direction. It was a sore disappointment to the locals and their supporters 4 to see a game that appeared to be in the bag slip away in the last half of the final period. Up until then the Leafs had drawn out into a 8 to. 1 lead and ag the half way mark of the third period approach- ed the almost unanimous opinion was that the Bruins were taking their fifth defeat in 34 games. They had scored the opening goal had come back show/a strong desire to work in roons were clit The locals played pleased, (Belleville Queen Bees of the in the in the finals Ww series will be Oshaw: The The the 2: Set changed, dates of 1s was expected, tonight, with the The a weck games will not O nesday night. LATE WM. McADIE as previ The late Wm. McAdie, donor of | [the McAdie Trophy, a trophy pre- | sented to the Oshawa Curling Chub for annual competition. The games | were completed on Saturday after-| noon, and the winner of the trophy | was A. Lambert's rink, who defeat- | ed W. A. Coad's rink in the finan. | 1] | | unced in the » sl the the The Oshawa tonight n play Juniors they meet will have siasm e local Kids eat deal of en has | ition of the 1 n the 1929-30 ed The members of the winning rink icht's ele: wil are: A. Muir, T. Fishleigh, W. : Lambert and A. Lambert, skip. ¥ John's and on/the locals' goal and the Leafs eared strong enough to continue plying the pressure. Then, came the big break of the game. Sea Fleas - 3 U.of T.-2| Toronto," Feb. 17.--When the Sea Flea skippers want a little more |. pep in their put-putters they mix | spice in the driving force and that's just what Red Foster cid with his Nationals Saturday night against Varsity in the Senior O.H.A. flict, the extra power being provid- it sudden i The pl 1 McAddie: trophy, | and consol lation was campleted Oshawa ( Curling rink on Sa {In th game be {and W. A, in the viclor of 16 cone | ed in the person of Kenny Kane, | who wiggled his way through for | j two scores which gave the Middies a 3 to 2 victory and insured their position at the top of the standing. The Fleas were forced to come | from behind, trailing by a single score after the first period, but as | {soon as Kane got accustomed to | | his new playmates We did the neces- | i sary, scoring on a solo"in the sec ond session to. even the count, while he game Weiner Lough the pass for the winning counter in the fin-| al frame, Maroons Defeat - Pittsburg 3-1 Montreal, Feb, 17.--The Mont- real Maroons and the Pittsburg Pir- : game n, and resulted as :, Hare 11 Frark Michael 2 i F. Michael 17 This left F. E: ael rinks in th off on Saturday night ir F, Michaél winr Yo constit oliow W. H..Ross 7. ~Hy, Surcliffe, 1 bey Hix final al, wk of 1/ | winn ing n [Eris Masson PORT SNAPSHOTQ Oshawa Seniors Eliminate' Belleville Tho Oshawa Seniors made a very good impression with the' 2,300 or so fams who saw the game on Friday ngiht, inated from the grotip race by a score of four to, one. good hockey and.the spectators went spectators cxcepted). playoffs to dec for the Ontario Playoff Games HOTS first game will be played in Kingston return game be played on Thursday and Saturday Oshawa Juniors in Oakville Tonight to extend the mselves to win tonight's game. I be awaited with Peterboro ind L ind; No Industrial Hockey OTA The Belleville 'Ma- home well Seniors now' meet the The winner B vitle. The ide the group winners, Senior * Queen Bees games have been at the local 'Arena a week Wed- bulletin, * * HA. * the Juniors, of Ontario plays Oakville, ir rast first game Oakville in local hockey oA een g the Osh much 1 rs and the result Here Tonight $ Jur rdered , to. iors have been « 10.R.F.U. Has Meeting Toronto, Feb, 17.-~Most harmon- fous was the annual meeting of the Ontario Football Union here on Saturday when delegates from all over the Province thoroughly dis- cussed contentious points and seem- ed to be in amicable agreement. ohn DeGruchy, football's grand old man, was re-elected as President, this being the fifteenth season that he has been so honored. The Un- fon affairs are in good hands. The Interscholastic Union situa- tion was thoroughly gone into, and it was eventnally decided that an O.R.F.U, committee, composed of 3 members, will meet representatives of the schools here at Easter when the Ontario Education Association will be in session. It was pointed out that all school clubs favor the shortening of the season so that championship games will not be de cided on frozen fields. Some of the delegates believe that the best pu. pore would be served if teachers took over control of the series, but all were unanimous that there should be no severance of relations with the parent body. Argos Seek Franchise Argonauts caused a surprise when they applied for a senior | franchise, but this matter was left | fo the executive, it being felt that | nine teams would for man unwieldy | It Tonight * the Blu2 Dey 0. | Trea | Bo | bury, | Ross F. E , skip. *The players in ti | side the AMeAddic w Niners, Silver che and, for 'the run I dan a very Spprontiate hanner DY, °F, 12. Ka oie foes. ates played a true-to-form game | the presentidtion of he arizc here Saturday night the final score | skips A. being 3 to 1 in favor of the former, The only surprise' given the 8,000 spectators, the smallest crowd to watch a National League hockey i} { game here this year, vas the show- ing of the tailendeis of the Ameri- can the Cal tion against the leaders of | throughout the adian section. The fact that | honor of Lolding Lambert and -W, | responded 'ir' a pleasing | accepting them for their 1 Laubert handed the McAd | phy to Archie Muir, a beg {curling this Jean and Ris lead, wh played a markably storie | series, givang him the the cup for thas ood 4 the Pirates were able to hold the | year. Maroons to a two-goal margin wity but 11 men in uniform speaks well | {for the brand of hockey displayed | this contest, held every | bY the depleted team, ' Senators and Americans Tie New York, Feb, 17.--The Ottawa | Win ners and, vater il! Senators and New York Americans | runncrs up, | fought a drawn ghattle through 70 minutes of one or the best games of New York's 'National League season last night, ending it with two goals each. The game was fast and exciting from start to finish, although it was not always well played. A few breaks and a goal that: would have won for Ottawa but was disallowed, were added to the speedy and frequently rougu game. The play did not begin to slow up until the overtime period when both teams were tired; HOCKEY RESULTS The scores of hockey played during the weck-end Were as follows; National League Boston .. Maple Leafs ..3 Montreal Pittsburg sBoston Detroit sOttawa ..... Americans s-xCanadiens .2 Chicago ... x--Overtime, p O.H.A. Senlor "A" Nationals ,...8 Varsity ... O.H.A. senior YB" zHamilton ...1 Kitchener z--Round tied 2-2. zPort Colborne 2 Preston ....2 we ron Colborne wins round sensd a PR) 4 1 "2 ses I | REE cen op | 'se O.H.A, Junior Niagara Falls 7 Port Dalhousie 2 zLindsay ... 1 Peterboro St, J, 1 z--Round tied [-2 International League Hamilton ,...0 viene 0 sewed Detroit Buffalo Cleveland .../4 Windsor Canadian League Kitchener .4 Cueclph N.O.H.A. Senior z8. Porcupine ¢ Lake Shore ...2 z----Porcupine wins round 20-2, N.O.H.A. Junior Iroquois Falls 6 Monteith Canadian American League Brovidence .. 2° Springfield'. ie New Haven 5 assim «1 .4 Philadelphia American. Association sDuluth St. Pall'. .i Kansas City ..1 Tulsa 0 Bill; "Was the tramcar crowded?" Nill: "Crowded? 'Why, there were even men sianding." games db On Saturday afternoon the us silver spoon competition was held. Saturday | ternoon, silver spoon is présented | | to each player on the rink that | | the largest number o | happer d that Mr, Arth | rink won this prize also, The prizes in the consolation | petition 'were meck scarfs for bottles for val | Ok The following are the awa rinks and the membets of rinks," who are entered in the | ronto Bonspiel, which b morning. J. W. Perry's rink meets Emslie; of St. Thomas. The awa 'rink is composed of R. Gay 'Flintoff, E, Moore and J. W. skip. N U tl t F. R. Michael's rink clashes with W. Coulter's rink, of Toronto Vic- torias. The Os hawa rink is forme d| Seventeen-year-old Stella Walsh, a of P, Canning, W. Karn, E. Parsons, | New York Central Railroad employee and F. Michael. | and wepresenting the New York Cen- | tral Athletic Association of -Cleve The Oshawa rink of J. Cooper, C, |land, Ohio, in the Millrose A.A. Bailes, C. E. Hare and W. A, Coad, |annual international indoor games skip, play F, C, | held at Madison Square Garden, New | coe York, Saturday night, Feb. 8, defeat- ed the best Canadian women run- ners and broke two women's indoor track records, making the first heat | in 50 yard run in six seconds flat, The former record was 6 1-5 seconds. She can the nad in 6 1-10 seconds,' Wilson, London. L. O. Clifford is skip of the Osh: awa rink that meets: Dr. Whillans, of Toronto High Park. The mem- bers of the Oshawa rink. are James, F, Gerrard, A. Germond and LE. ©. Clifford. i beating the former women's record held by Helen M. Filkey by 1-10 of a second. Miss Walsh also competed |in the Meadowbrook A.C. indoor meet held at Philadelphia and won the 45-yard sprint for girls, with | Dallas Creamer of Toronto, second. | Miss Walsh i native of Poland and her real e is Walcie Wie. She has been invited to the Canadian indoor championship meet in Tor- | onto, Feb. 26, but she has not yet given a definite answer, ' 1} Morenz Scores Both! When Hawks Lose | To Canadiens 2-1, Chicago, Feb. 17.--Howie Mor- 5 f enz, flashy merchant of speed and G. Miller, B. Carlyle, | defend led Canadler ns of Montre end Dy Har, orn, 0 3 ov he Chi will 'be J. Sibley's rink, from Monnt | IBGE Haws in an erin, Na- Forest. C. M. Mundy, McConnell, and form another meets D, W, A. McDonald, B. F, E. Ellis, skip, Oshawa rink that Griflithy, of Winnipeg. L. R. Luke is skip p of an Oshawa riftk that mects C, Snow oi Toronto Lakeview. E. Davidson, R. W. Dixon, W. Lambert are the other three members of the Oshawa rink. C. Paco; oe | 15, 000 'spectators at the stadium last night. BULLDOGS LOSE To . Morenz scored his first goal in { ! CLEVELAND, 41 ithe third 'period, only to see Johnny (ottselig of the Hawksitig the score Cleveland, Web. 17.+-The Bull- {with but" dne minute and 20 sec- dogs of Windgor, as game in battle |onds of the period Teft.'Ifi the over- as thelr name implies, went down | time period, he rifled in his second fighting before the Clovelund In-| unassisted goal after one of the dians, Saturday night by 4 to 1. prettiest exhibitions of stickhandl- They bulldogged themselves wildly | ing ever seen in Chicago. at the local defence line, waving The victory enabled Canadiens to sticks and plunging fiercely against | eain two pointd in the Canadian Cleveland's rugged pi Phy but | division and spoiled the Black whenever they were oe for a shot, | Hawks' hanes of gaining a tie for the puek was not there, or if it |second nl~a~ in tha American group 'goalie, wus in front of it, was, Alfie Moore, the Indians' great ! vith the idle New York Rangers, Townty-two penalties were called Ld tional Heckey League game before | {in the game, which was rough throughout. Phil Edwards Loses by One Yard to Blake Boston, Teb. 17.--iddie Blake, we aring Boston amateur athletic |eolore, provided one of tlie biggest upsets of the current indoor track season here Saturday night by. beat. [ing Phil Edwards, New York Unl- vergity's great colored flier, by a Lan in the 600 yard run. Edwards, running for the Olym- {ple Club of HamiMon, Ont,, got off to a poor start in the geven-man race, . His long strides carried him past everybody but Blake, who fought him off with a desperate fury on the back stretch... Fred Veit of New York was just a few inches behind Edwards at the tape, | Blake's time was I minute 14 2-5 seconds, "Is it true that a clock can gold days without winding ?" *Yoy. Then how long will it go if it is yound ? | funiors, | Univer O.H. A. Bulletin | ' Feb. series. It was hinted, however, that another club may seek admittance clso known that Oshawa har- senior aspirations. Argos, even fi admitted, will continue to operate a team in the Interprovin- | fal Union. Crests were given to the follow- ing teams: Oshawa intermediates, Malvern Graduates," St. Catharines Runnymede Hizh Schol, of Toronto 8c hoola, Petorborn Colleriate In ern Collezi~te Ine titute | Earlscourt Playgrounds is bors Penetan stitute, and the J as The election of officers 1 follows President, Vice-President, ntn* De- Jen- si- rd | Ferzu- | and Toronto; M. Ash- Qparpie | F."H wWilt- John ichy; rl ney, Tor dent, C. Vice-Pr : mon, Kitchener: surer, Harold Baile ecutive Committea--F, bd + Jack Newton, M~eKinnon, Othawa: ern. Hamilton Delta C.I1.: + Cawkell, Toronto, and W. Edwards, St. Thomas. ohert Aretary pnin | did resultea | |'F 3/0 Manchester City Defeated at Home in English Cup Tie Games Glasgow Rangers Win Their Game First Division Birmingham . 1 Liverpool Jolton Wander. 4 Leeds United .. Grimsby Town , 2 Man. United Jurnley Leicester City ,. cond Division Jarnsley Bury Bradford--Chelsea not played. Bristol City--Bradford City played, Cardiff City Charlton played. Notts County Preston N. Reading Aston Villa Eliminates Blackburn Rovers--Both Bradford Teams Eliminat- ed--Celtic Out of Run- . ning % -- London, Feb, 17.--England and Scotland saw further progress made in cup ties Saturday. In England the fifth round of the English football association competition was staged, while in Scotland they were playing the third round. English results produced one sur-| prise, the defeat of Manchester City | m Manchester by Hull City by two | han goals to one. Newcastle United pti tne home beat Brighton and (Ho ve, | easily. Aston Villa eliminated burn Rovers by the goodly 1 four go to one. Doth teams went out of competition, field Wednesday beating Huddersfield Town the other, nal pulled off a good win Oxieert South 1 brough by two goals to 5, nos ri a West Ham United heat the How | ae = I re lone A wall .n ' prt, fos Li Londoners Millwall, "1 Allog oa 2 In Scotland, fron Mothe ground in the f Series by eliminated Hib | burgh team out Aberde Lag } 2 ) Gl; is the rec de 3 . + Blackpool ...... 2 Athletic--Hull City t .3 Wol. Wanderers 0 Swansea Town . 0 Stoke City . -- Millwall not playe Oldham h Albion rest not played. Scottish League First Division Athl Athi ford She and Arse lle one tenhousemui t | Eamilton Sr. B wer Edo-| Team Ties Round With Greershirts Hamilton, Feb. 17.--Superb d | fensive play by the Kitchener-Wat- erloo Panthers held Hamilton Tig- ers tightly in the return game o {the loeal senior O.H.A. group semi Is here laturday night, ana Tigers finished the game wit! la 1 to 0 decision in their favor, gtill deadlocked and ay a third game here Mon- » which will enter the ith Port Colborne for Glasgow ye 1 atte r's ature match of She Is to tw H Hamilton ors of Kilma 4 in the last round n heating King's Park nil English Cup Ties Newcastle Unit. | Huddersfield Tn | Aston Villa ... West Ham Unit, Manchester City underland cals, cc on cup 4 dy i well, goals t the Hove City... Bright, & Bradi ord 3 ) 4 1 > ) OLYMPICS DROP RS IN RUGGED TESY King's Park iy Detroit Olyn Aberdeen shut-out over Hearts Sianiie 3 1b] r3 In 2 and tuck Airdrieoni: Ley Lea®ue matcn St. Mirren .....73 The Tigers wers Leith Athletic ne wall defence that Montrose as although Rangers 5'they led almost on even term League Scottish Cup Tie Thistle ns Ham. Ac Partick Hiberni: Dundee Celtic .... alkirk A hinn Motherwel their scoring, | and Hamilton penton | { having tied on the round in their | home- -and-home series, will play a | | sudden death game to a finish at | Hamilton tonight, with Eafl Balk- | { will of Brantford as referee. ! The winners of the Kitchener- { Hamilton sudden-death game will | | play Port Celborne at Niagara | { Falls, Wednesday, Feb. 19, with the return fixture at Hamilton or Kitchener, Saturday, Feb, 22. The | winning team in this series will | then pt Woodstock or Chatham, | Monday, b., 24, and Wednesday, 26. Lindsay and Péterboro St. Kitchener John's ! played a tie on the round in their | {Rome-and-home series for junior group honars. To break the tie, | the two teatns will play a sudden- | death game at Oshawa tonight, with Bill Green of Belleville as referee. |B winner then meets Kingston, Wednesday, 19, Feb. 21. , Customs and Brokers will play a sudden-death game dt Paris or Ac- ton, Wednesday, Feb. 19, Customs and Brokers are Toronto city cham- pions. This game wad originally scheduled for tonight, but owing te Paris and Acton playing a tie on the round it had to be postponed, Games Tonight The revised list of games and ref- erces for tonight is as follows. Senior "B" Series Kitchener at Hamilton--Earl Balkwill, Brantford. Chatham at Woodstock--W.H Legg, London. Intermediate Series Paris vs. Acton (at Galt)--~--Ernie Parkes, Toronto. Simeoe at Jordan (at Grimsby) ~~Guy Smith, Hamilton, Bradford at Coldwater--Normau Cooke, Orillia. Watford at Jacobl, Toronto. Junior Series Peterboro St. John's vs. Lindsay (at Oshawa)---Bfll Green, Belle- ville. Oshawa at Oakville--A, Mollen~ hauer, Toronto. Niagara Falls vs. Port Dalhousie (at. Niagara Falls)--George Pen- nie, Niagara Falls. Games Tuesday, Feb, 18 Games and referees scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 18, follvws: Senfor "A" Series Queen's at Nationals (Arena Gar- dens)--M. J. Rodden, Toronto, Junior Series Kitchener at Windsor-Walker- ville Tech. Alumni--Earl Balkwill, Brantford. Parry Sound at Newmarket--Er- nile Parkes, Toronto. Earl Balkwill of Brantford will referee the senior game between Port Colborne and the winner of tonight's game between Hamilton and Kitchener, at Niagara Falls, Wednesday, Feb. 19, and at Hamil ton or Kitchener, Saturday, Feb. | 0 "vs Feb. and Friday, SEATTLE LENGTHENS STREAK Seattle, Feb. 17.--The Seattle Eskimos played a scoreless over time tie with the Vancouver Lions here Friday night to continue their undefeated record in their last 8 starts in the Pacific Coast Hockey League. Walkerton--Hv¢ H. { a ol omshic O.H.A. JUNIOR HOCRKE Tonigh JOHN'S PETERBOROUGH ST. Vs. LINDSAY Arena Rush Seats--North End--25¢ General 2 dmission 50c Gam: Called at 8.15 Sharp Life--like good golf --is made up of many little things, each one of which helps the score. "¥ Better digestion -- steadier nerves -- clearer brain; are all factors that count 'and are gained from the use of Wrigley's. After every meal

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